The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (2020–…): Season 4, Episode 5 - The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch - full transcript

As the team begins drilling in search of a metal object buried in the Mesa, they also perform a new experiment at the Triangle that causes startling UFOs to appear on Skinwalker Ranch.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I've arranged for a crane

to lift a lot of these big rocks
at the bottom of the mesa.

This 1.6 gigahertz signal

seems to be coming from right
there, where that big crane is.

We're going to probe that space

down at the triangle.

Kaleb will be
releasing projectiles.

Holy cow.

There's something
following the helicopter.

What the heck is flying

around in my state?

There is
a ranch in Northern Utah.

It is considered the epicenter

of the strangest and most
disturbing phenomena on Earth:

animal mutilations,

bizarre UFO sightings

and unusual energies that
have proven harmful to humans.

For 20 years, the
federal government

tried to find
answers and failed.

Now a new team of
dedicated scientists,

researchers and
experts has taken over.

They are determined to
solve the mystery and reveal...

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

You guys cleared out a spot.


Made it out?

Yeah, we made it.

Over the past four years,

it's been extremely challenging
for our team to determine

what is actually causing
all the bizarre phenomena

that happens on
Skinwalker Ranch.

So, looks a little different

from the last time
you were here.

But now,
we've invited Aaron Blunt

and his team from
Straight Shot Drillers

back to the ranch to begin
a new drilling operation

at a very specific
location on the mesa

where we hope to
finally get some answers.

Do you think you'll
be able to get the drill

actually up in here,
in an area right there

- where he's been cleared out?
- Yep.

We can get her up in here.

You guys have done a good job.

Boy, that thing
sounds like it's hitting something.


It's right in this spot

where, last year,
we drilled up against

a massive 400-foot-long
dome-shaped object.

We're coming up about
11 inches every ten feet.

So, it sounds like you're
describing kind of a V.

It could even be...
maybe a dome.

What is that?

The drill didn't penetrate it,

but we did obtain
metallic fragments

that could be from its surface.

There's no telling how much

of this metallic crap
there is still in that hillside.

analysis revealed to us

that those fragments
were made up of materials

that are similar to what's
used on the exterior

of the space shuttle for
protection from extreme heat

during reentry into
the Earth's atmosphere.

- I know you did another survey.
- We did quite a few more.

- That's actually got some data, right?
- Absolutely.

I would love to see that.

So then, three weeks ago,

we continued new
ground-penetrating radar scans

over the mesa at
that exact location.


- Look at that.
- Look at that.

And that operation
detected a second, possibly metallic

vertical anomaly behind
the dome-shaped object

that's almost as
tall as the mesa.

I can't tell you what that is,
but it is highly anomalous.

I mean, we've got,

radar data now

indicating that there might be

another vertical object in
there that's a hundred feet high.

- Wow.
- The data suggests that it was,

about 20 feet wide this way,

so hopefully we'll... we
can get in there and hit it.

So, last year,

we hit that hard object
about the bottom of that mesa,

and we've... you were
never able to get that drill bit

to push up through it.

So, this year, the
hope is, by coming up

a little bit higher,
get in at that point.

Start in up above it this time?

Maybe we'll have a better chance

of pushing through
whatever that is.


Since we couldn't
penetrate the underside

of the dome-shaped object
when we drilled last year,

this time, we want to
drill into it from above.

Hopefully, we can not
only get better evidence

of what that is
but also figure out

whatever the vertical
anomaly behind it is, too.

So, we're talking about

300 feet in,

and about 2.5
degrees off of north.

Now, I don't know how
precisely you can direct that thing.

Is that a reasonable target?

Yeah, it-it seems reasonable.

- Okay.
- I think that's everything.

We just need to
start getting set up.

- That works for me.
- Okay.

All right, let's get going.

Thanks, guys.

Let's use this table to stage.

- Yep.
- Erik, you want to set up on that side

- with the monitors and everything?
- Okay.

We're accustomed
to seeing signals

in the vicinity of 1.6 gigahertz

when we're making
changes to the landscape.

Even small
changes like drilling.

Right there is perfect
if you can get it to stay up.

We got to run cables now.

I've got a spectram
device connected to the antennas,

the Yagis that are
out in the field with us

and we'll be looking
especially, of course,

in that 1.6 gigahertz
frequency range,

and to see if there is an
increase in activity here.

You guys gonna
be okay if I go up there

and watch him
drill for a little bit?

- That's actually a good idea.
- Okay.

Perfect. I
think we're good there.

Given the fact that we've heard

so many different
stories about the mesa,

whether it be
underground caves, bases,

even spaceships flying into it.

I don't know what
we're gonna uncover,

but I hope it's
something important,

and I'm anxious to find out.

Let's get drilling.

It's going now.

Hey, guys, they've
started pushing the drill in.


Yell if they hit
something interesting.


We'll keep you posted the
minute we see anything unusual.

As excited
as we were for answers,

we knew it might
be a day or more

to reach our targets
inside the mesa.

So, while we were
overseeing the operation...

You guys want to sit here?

All righty, thank you.

Over at Homestead One...

Thank you so much for coming.

- I'm glad this worked out.
- I know.

Kandus Linde and
Tom Lewis met with Mikey Rivers

and Peter Yount,

two local Ute tribal members

who reached out to share
personal and potentially

valuable information
about Skinwalker Ranch.

Now, it's
amazing that you're here.

Why don't you give
us some background

on where you're from,
where you grew up?

I grew up in Neola, Utah.

Way by the mountains up there.

Growing up, I always
heard stories of the ranch

and this area,

this Skinwalker Ranch,
has always been cursed,

evil, whatever
you want to call it.

Was it some place that
you were scared to go?

Yeah, most definitely.


- We were told not to go.
- Yeah.

We were told not to go.

There was a lot of
phenomena that we would see.

But if you did
experience something,

you kept it to yourself because
you didn't want to get shunned

by the other tribes or
other tribal members.

The Ute people have
been handing down accounts

of strange phenomena

and mysterious, shape-shifting
creatures in the area

that are known as skinwalkers

dating back centuries.

Usually, they won't
talk about it with anyone

outside their tribe,

so whenever members
are willing to open up

to us, our team takes it
very seriously and listens

with the utmost respect.

Do you think it's changing now?

Like, the generations are
more open to talk about it?

In my opinion, I think this

investigation is
opening a lot of doors.

Those who keep quiet
are slowly coming forward.

- Yeah.
- I think, throughout

the Uintah Basin, the majority

of people out here have
experienced something strange...

- Yeah.
- They cannot define,

and it's extremely important

for brave people like yourselves

to-to come out and
just-just talk about it.

Have you ever seen anything

you couldn't describe or...?


have you guys heard of
the path of the Skinwalker,

- by any chance?
- Yes. Yes.

The ridge of the mesa
that runs the expanse of this property

has always historically been
known as Skinwalker Ridge.

And the Utes and the Navajo
had always, for generations,

referred to this
property as being

in the path of the Skinwalker,

the shapeshifting
demonic figure from a curse

that was placed on the property.

My grandmother used
to say that, um, skinwalkers

use these old pathways to get

- from one area to another.
- Okay.

And many paths would
converge back into

the Skinwalker Ranch area.

One night, we
were driving south,

and we came up to the south end,

way down there on the road,
and we seen the skinwalker.

Literally, maybe from...

from me to the-the
gate right here,

the-the fence line.

What was odd about it was

it was, like, almost... it looked
human, but almost feline.

It literally crawled
on all fours

from one end of
the road to the other.

Looked up once at us, and
it was as if it was startled

and crawled even
faster away from us.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Yeah, that would be one example.

Other experiences
include, one night,

around the year...

2013, it was about July,
if I remember correctly.

We saw these fluorescent

lights coming up the highway.

I was stupid enough to park
the car and watch these lights.

About a dozen of them, in
that south field over there.

They were, like, blue,
green, and maybe purple.

Until, one of them, like,

kind of started
going towards us.

- Came toward you?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- It did feel like they were threatening us.


- We got so scared.
- Wow.

Right after that, we took off,

but we all got sick that night.

- Sick how?
- Like a, like nausea-feeling, headache.

How long did that sickness last?

I'd say... just a few hours.

So, once you were
gone from here...

Yeah, once we
got home up in Neola,


we all got better.

That's something
that I've experienced,

and others on the
ranch have experienced.

In recent years,
members of our team,

as well as people
who we've invited

to the ranch to help
in our investigations,

have suddenly had really strange
and disturbing health episodes.

My head is killing me.

- That's not all right.
- It's just throbbing.

Hold on. Hey.

- Are you okay?
- No.

Tom is experiencing stuff.

- He blacked out.
- Are you serious?

So it was even more intriguing

that Mikey had
similar experiences.

And it was really
incredible that he believed

he saw numerous orbs,
or UAPs, in the south field,

and that one of those
orbs had even stalked him.

It's very interesting
because that's a-a common

phenomenon that happens
here, um, people will feel ill

when they're on the ranch,

but once they get away,
you know, that's when

they start to feel better, so...

Now, is that 'cause of the...

Is it almost like

a-an electric, field
around here, or is...

That's a great question,
and that's-that's something

the physicists are
trying to figure out.

You know, the
strangeness is the...

Just the variability of it.

We don't know when
it's gonna happen,

where it's going
to happen, and...

Who it's gonna affect?

- Yeah.
- Who it's going to affect.

I've-I've gone through
many reservations

and talked to many Natives, and

they all, we all,
have the same thing.

When you see something
like that, you stay away

because, usually, things attach

to our spirits or
our bodies, and...

you never know,
you just never know.

Well, thank
you for your courage,

and thank you so much
for coming to the ranch...

- Thank you for having us.
- And making time for us. -KANDUS: Anytime.

Anything you need, just ask.

Sounds perfect.

How far in are you, Aaron?

60 feet.


He's 60 feet into
the mesa so far.

Well, let us know
if you see anything.

Copy that.

Later that afternoon,

the drilling process
was well underway,

but since we were still more

than a couple hundred feet
from our targets inside the mesa...

there's only one way to the top.

Dragon and Kaleb hiked over

a hundred feet up
above the drill site

with a snake camera

to see if they could
find the opening between

some of the boulders that
we discovered last year.

Let me go ahead
and lower this one in.

It was there that
Dragon and Thomas fed a camera

down nearly 30 feet
below the surface and

got footage of some
kind of metallic object.

It definitely looks like

it's reflecting
something off of there.

What is that?

We weren't able to figure out

what it was or if it was related

in some way to the
dome-shaped anomaly,

but since we recently removed

some boulders off
the face of the mesa,

we wanted to see if
we could find it again

and maybe get
a better look at it.

There looks
like a lot more debris

than there used to be.

Or it's a different
spot, and we just...

- There's more of it down there.
- Maybe. I mean, every time

Thomas and I tried to...

drop it down in there

last time, it was, like,

it almost went down a
different channel each time.

There's so many different
little openings, gosh dang it.

You're going a little bit more.

No, no, it's that
rock right there,

I get to that
point and then it...

it just stops right there.

You know what? There's a
few other openings around here.

We'll stop the recording
on this one, wrap this up,

and then we'll poke
around and see if we can

- find somewhere else to do it. Awesome.
- All right.

Ever since last year,

when Thomas and I noticed

this crazy metal object

that seemed to be out of place,

I've wanted to get back and
see if we can reidentify that

and find it and
possibly get a sample.

Where you thinking?

So, right there,
it's not gonna go very far.

- But the backside?
- On this side...

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

If you get the right angle,

that's always the key.

Okay, hey, we
can try it. We got it here.

Let me get this sucker up again.

Let's see if we run
into any critters.

All right, let me try
something here real quick.

Whoa, look at that pink stuff,

What in the hell is that?

- You see that, right there?
- Yeah, right there.

That doesn't look natural

or like it should be
there. Look at that.

I mean, it's just a
completely different color.

- Should I keep going?
- Yeah.

Or should I mark this first?

Mark it first and then...

Okay, so we're basically...

Right there

is where it's at.

It was a bit disappointing

that we couldn't
find a metal object,

but it's very interesting
to see this pink rock,

and Travis and Erik need
to get their eyes on it as well.

Well, I'd call this
success with finding

- the pink rock.
- Yep, I agree.

Now that we've got these
amazing images of this pink rock,

we're gonna go ahead and
send those off for analysis,

and I know Erik and Travis
will be extremely curious

to see what happens
with them, and so am I.

All right, let's roll.

What's up, Kaleb?

- Hey, David.
- Hey there.

- How you doing, man?
- Yeah.

- Good to see you.
- Good to see you, man.

Later that evening,

after we wrapped up

our drilling operation
for the day...

- Yeah, welcome to the ranch.
- Yeah, thank you.

We welcomed a colleague of mine

to the ranch named David Mason.

He's a UAP researcher
who I thought

would be perfect to help us
with a new nighttime experiment

that Erik and I have
been wanting to conduct.

We brought you out here

because we have
an anomaly that's over

a spot just-just to the
west here that we call

- the triangle.
- Yes.

Two weeks ago...

There's something in the
sky above the rocket right here.

We used a high-speed camera

to capture an image about

31 feet high above the triangle

of some kind of
blob-like phenomena that

caused a rocket to
explode right after launch.

We may be looking at the
anomaly for the first time, guys.

So, if that blob is
the cause of all the phenomena

we've encountered
at the triangle

over the past three years,

I believe David Mason
and his equipment

can help us make it reappear

and possibly figure
out what it could be.

I hope you brought some
good stuff for us to use.

I sure did.

I brought a triple spectrum

light wave transmitter.

- Yeah.
- We can, we can send data

on it and transmit it

into the atmosphere to see if
we can provoke a response.

That sounds cool.

It'd be really interesting
to see what happens

if we pump that, 1.6
gigahertz signal through it.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

Well, let's get this stuff
out and start setting up,

'cause it's gonna
be dark before long.

- Yeah.
- All right.

David Mason
has actually invented

a device he calls a triple
spectrum light wave transmitter.

It's designed to project
infrared and ultraviolet lasers,

which the naked eye can't see.

All right, that'll work.

But it also projects

a fully visible laser, too.

What we plan to do
tonight is use it to broadcast

the mysterious 1.6 gigahertz
communication signal

that we've previously
recorded on the ranch

through all three lasers
aimed straight up at the triangle

to see if that will stimulate
the blob-like anomaly

to reappear.

I'm gonna do some
rocket surgery.

At the same time,

Kaleb and I are gonna
launch rockets and mortars,

which are
high-powered fireworks,

right up through the triangle
to see if that will also help

trigger the phenomena.

We need to know
what this thing is,

so, hopefully tonight,
we'll get an answer.

You know what? Kaleb, take the Omni...

- And take it all the way off the helipad.
- Yeah.

This is the first time
that David Mason has been on

the property, and as far as
I know, this is the first time

that any equipment of the
kind that he has brought out

has ever been
used on the property,

and I'm really anxious to
see what's going to happen.

Well, I've pretty much
got everything ready to go.

- David, you about done?
- Just about.

Let's go wait
for the sun to go down.

Looks like we
got some stars out tonight.

I think we're ready to go.

All right, good.

Once darkness fell

over Skinwalker Ranch,

we were ready
and anxious to begin

our experiment at the triangle

with UAP investigator
David Mason.

And so, you got,
three different,

- optical bands, you got ultraviolet.
- Ultraviolet.

- Correct.
- And then this is the visible light,

- right? And then this is infrared?
- Right.

Infrared, correct.

Okay, well, that's pretty cool.

On this light wave
transmitter, we're going to be

transmitting data

in the form of, what
we have as recordings.

- The 1.6 gigahertz?
- Yeah.

Erik has provided me

his 1.6 gigahertz
signal, and then I will be

transmitting that on the
light wave transmitter,

and this light wave transmitter
covers between infrared,

visible spectrum,
and ultraviolet,

so we can take our
own data or information

and transmit it
on this transmitter,

hopefully to provoke a response.

We've got a lot of
equipment here, we got a lot

of moving parts.

Now, I know that earlier

you and Erik were
planning a lot of things

that are gonna be taking
place out at the triangle.

We've never done,
something like a mortar shell before,

- where it, where-where it's got a big percussion, right?
- No.

Nobody's done it.

I guess we'll
keep our eyes open because

who knows what kind
of reaction it'll cause,

- if anything.
- Right, sure.

For tonight's activity,

we are firing rockets

and mortars. I'm going to
be directing our cameras

from a distance
on the triangle area.

I hope this experiment

will shed a lot of light on
the strangeness that happens

in the airspace just
above the triangle.

We're gonna take
off to the south side

and just watch. Just
see what we can...

That's a great idea, Tom.

So, if you're gonna do
that, you guys, he's got

- some night vision goggles down there.
- That'd be excellent.

And so, you guys get one each,

so you can, you
know, both be looking

and keep a walkie, if you
see something let us know.

- Perfect, we will.
- That's awesome.

You guys
have a laser or something?

So, if you see something
in the sky, you could

alert us, and we'd
know where to look.

- We do.
- Yeah. I'm holding laser in pocket.

All right, well, let's
divide and conquer.

- Okay. -Okay.
- Let's do it.

While everyone
got to their positions

around the ranch to
begin the experiment...

Erik prepped his scanning
equipment in the control room

to monitor all
the ranch activity

and look for any strange
signals or frequencies

that might arise.

Okay, these are working.

Just making sure that
we're getting a signal.

So, everything
looks quiet right now.

Okay, we're
sending out the 1.6

gigahertz signal that,

Erik had-had decoded.

All right, we're ready to go.

I think, to start with,
we stay in this back

- eastern corner.
- Okay.

- You got it?
- Yep.

Ignitor one is connected.

Hey, why don't you
call them and tell them

we're gonna fire off a mortar.

everybody. Be advised,

we're gonna be shootin' the
mortar off in about one minute.

Yeah, copy you, Kaleb.
One minute till mortar.

Thomas, you copy?

We are ready to go.

So, David is currently
broadcasting that 1.6 signal

that we recorded last
year up into the triangle,

so who knows
what that'll stimulate.

Whenever you guys are
ready, we will be, watching.

I'll give you a countdown
when we're ready to go.

We're seeing
everything crystal clear.

We have power to the ignitor.

Okay, here we go, guys.

We're on a 15 second countdown.


four, three,

two, one.

All right, we've got an ignition
malfunction on the rocket.

Stand by.


The mortar
went off just as planned,

but for some strange reason,
the rocket failed to launch.

With us broadcasting
that 1.6 gigahertz signal,

and the ranch being the ranch,

it's hard to tell if
you simply have

an equipment malfunction
or if some kind of phenomena

is actually happening.

So, all we could
do was to try again.

All right, everybody,
we're gonna try

another round on this rocket.

We're gonna go in
about 15 seconds.

Copy that.

Tom, Kandus, keep your eyes out.

10-4. Will do.


four, three,

two, one.


Dang it.

That's the second
malfunction, Travis.

Is, are you being
thwarted over there

from launching that rocket?

Well, if you can say
that it didn't launch

as being thwarted, then yes.

I'd say one failure is
typical, but two in a row,

this is starting to be strange.

We'll see.

I don't know that I remember

having problems twice in a row.

All right, we're gonna
launch this rocket.

Er, make it attempt
number three.

Copy that, we'll get ready
with David's instruments.

Five, four,

three, two, one.

There we go.

And the thing went straight up.

I have eyes on it.

It's gonna
come right back to us.

Looked like a perfect
launch. Good job.

Yeah, it was a good launch.

All right, tell him we're gonna
pr... prepare another one,

- and we'll be ready to go in about five minutes.
- Okay.

Whoa! What was that
purple light over there?

Did anybody else see a
purple light over there?

Hey, I just saw a purple light

- over there in the tree.
- Purple light?

Purple light?

There it is!

E-East of our location?

Looks like there's a black light

or a purple light out there.

Kind of southwest
of us a little bit.

Still flashing.

What is that?

Is that you, Tom and Kandus?

Do you guys have a purple light?

That's negative. We do not.

After finally getting a rocket
to launch at the triangle,

following two failed attempts,

Thomas Winterton saw what

he described as a purple
light over in the south field.

That's the same place where

we recently heard stories about

orb-like UAPs from
local Ute tribal members.

Be advised, we're about
to launch another mortar.

Give us just a second
to get in position, Travis.

It made us really eager
to get another rocket

launched and mortar fired

to see if we could
make it appear again

and figure out what it was.

So, I think if you've got a
camera pointing south, Erik,

that can watch
for a flash down there.

We'll have David keep
his instrumentation

pointed towards the anomaly

and the triangle, and I'll be

looking down towards
the rocket launch.

To me, that sounds
absolutely perfect.

So, I've got eyes
on the spectrum.

I've got eyes on
the southern sky,

from the vantage
point of the east field.

I think, between us,

we should be able
to spot it if that,

if that flash happens again.

All right, Travis, we
have all of our cameras

and instrumentation
ready. It's on your go.

Five, four,

three, two,


There's the rocket. All right.

Got it again.

Be advised, we got another
purple flash to the south.

Purple flash to the
south, Thomas?

Kind of southwest
of us a little bit.

Hey, Erik, do you
have the ability to-to

focus the camera?

We got a flashing purple light

down on the south
end of the property.

I don't know what it is.

I'm not seeing any
flash here to the south.

It looks like it's
going across the canal road.

I'm wondering
what exactly that is.

I don't have eyes on
it from where we're at.

Canal road down on the south,

the one that runs along
by where the south tower is.

You see it?

No, I'm not seeing anything.

Do you want us to go try to
see if we can put eyes on it?

Possibly. Let's see if Erik
can pick it up with the cameras.

Yeah, Thomas, I'm moving

one of the O.P.
cameras over that way.

We really need to
know whether that was

human interaction
or if we were seeing

a response to the rocket launch.

I'd have to agree.

For what it's worth,
just be advised,

it's very suggestive
we are being

surveilled and
directly interfered with.

Two weeks ago...

We may be looking at the
anomaly for the first time, guys.

Right after we saw
the blob appear over the triangle...

Helicopter, helicopter!

A Black Hawk
military-style helicopter

suddenly flew over the ranch

and hovered above
for several minutes.

Why-why right
now? Why right now?

It made us really wonder
if we're being monitored

out here by the government
while we conduct our investigation.

So the immediate concern
was whether this purple light

was some other
kind of surveillance

or is it some kind
of new phenomenon.

I'm scanning that
part of the property

with OP1-SW, but I don't see it.

Dave, I'm gonna
head down and try

to come around the back side.

We need to know whether
we've got people down there or

if this is an actual
reaction to that rocket.

I'm taking the UTV

and I'm gonna roll down
through the dark forest

and try to come up
from the other direction.

This time, I'm staring straight

at the south, and I see
that purple flash again,

and I'm wondering if we've
got trespassers down there or

something else.

Is this a response
to our experiments?

Be advised, guys.

That flash looked
like it was occurring

several hundred yards to
the west of the south tower.

Any more signs
of that flash, Erik?

I am watching for that,

and I do not see the
flash. Anyone else see it?

We never picked it up
visually from where we're sitting.

Well, I would say it's
coming from the ground

to the west of the south tower.

Tom, Kandus, if you
guys could head out there.

We are on our way.

Tom and
Kandus, where are you guys at right now?

We're about 800
yards past the tower,

heading towards you, Tom.

All right,
imagine we'll be running

into you here in a minute.

Thomas, where are you?

So, we've just rendezvoused
with Tom and Kandus here.

They came from the east,
we came from the west.

Neither one of us has
seen anything that accounts

for that purple light.

Look at that.

We're recording this. That
is flashing, whatever that is.

You see it?

What is that?

It's been just sitting there.

It's sitting there.

All right, hey, Thomas, Erik.

With our night vision, there's

something right over
Thomas down there

in the sky blinking at
about ten degrees up.

We're not seeing it.

There it... It is still
there, it is still there.

That is right over them.

That is right over them.

It is clearly something there.

Hey, Tom, we saw something

in the NVG, and it was a
light that was flashing rapidly

and it was staying in
one spot right above you.

Did it have
a purple light on it?

You know, in the
night vision, everything's green,

so I don't know
what-what color it was.

Right after Thomas Winterton
went to the south field

to investigate a mysterious
purple light near the ground,

Kaleb and I saw a flashing
UAP appear in the sky

above that same area.

- What is that?
- It was crazy

to have two different kinds
of possible phenomena

appear simultaneously.

That's never happened before.

I'm gonna climb
up on the side of the hill

where we have a
great vantage point.

Is that you guys over
there, to the east of us?

That's me and Travis.

That is flashing,
whatever that is.

You see it? Look at that thing.

Holy crap, it looks like this
thing's following Thomas.

There's this light above Tom.

It's directly over him,

and it's almost as
if it's following him.

All I can see is
that it's a light,

it's strobing.

It's pretty disturbing
to see something

following one of my
team members out here

and we don't know what it is.

I am watching for
that, and I do not see the flash.

Anyone else see it?

It's not there now.

And with the
lights in your eyes...

I've lost it.

So, I'm up here
on the high point.

Not seeing any
signs of activity.

There's not a way
that we could launch

one more rocket, is there?

With some of us
positioned down here?

We could.

You launched the first time
and almost immediately after

the rocket hit the ground,
we saw the purple light.

I'm just curious,
if we do it again,

would we see that flash again?

All right, well, we're
not seeing anything

right here, right now, guys,

so we're gonna
wander back that way

and we're going
to launch a rocket.

After the light that
Thomas reported,

and the UAP above him

that Kaleb and I
saw had disappeared,

Thomas's idea to launch
another rocket was a good call.

It's changed a
little bit, feels like.

Maybe another poke
at the nest will give us

the perfect opportunity to get
both phenomena to reappear

and get a better
look at what they are.

All right, I'll tell you
what I'd like to do.

I want to make sure that
I've got all the cameras,

in the right position to
catch both the rocket launch

and the part of the sky where
we've seen that purple light.

We're all on the lookout
for something unusual,

and that is the
appearance of some kind

of purple, pulsating
light in the distance,

and that UAP, or
whatever that was,

that we spotted in
the sky above Thomas.

The best we can do is just
keep our cameras trained

on that part of the property
and see if it happens again.

I'm on a really high point
out here on the south.

Yeah, David's got his
instrument trained on you,

and I think he's picking you up.

I need a piece about that long.

All right.

Hey, Thomas, can you
see our position now?

All right, I can
get, I can go from here

if you want to load the mortar.

- No, it's good to go.
- Okay. Well, hold on...

- Good. All right, we're good.
- Cool.

Tom Lewis and

Kandus are in
position. I'm in position.

Just want to make
sure that Erik is ready.

Copy that. Erik, we're waiting
on you to give us the go-ahead.

All right, guys,

I'm in position,
Dave's is in position.

We are ready for launch.

All right, Erik, copy that.

We're gonna go in 15 seconds.

Five, four,


two, one.

We're watching.

Keep your eyes out.

I guess watch for
that purple thing.

Hey, guys, did you see
any of the purple stuff?

David, I'm not seeing
any flash here to the south.

I'm not seeing it, either.

- Are you picking up anything?
- No.

We were all frozen in suspense,

scouring the skies
along the south field

for any new signs of whatever

Thomas had seen, and also

the UAP that was above
him, tracking his movements.

I'm not seeing... Hey, scan
around with the night vision,

see if you see that blinking
light again like you saw before.

Hey, guys, anybody
got eyes on any flash

in the southern sky?

I have not seen anything so far.

We haven't seen
anything at the south tower.

I'm not seeing anything.

Copy that. We also
have no new features

showing up in the spectrum.

Maybe whatever
it is went to bed.

Just seems
like every time we find,

an exotic feature and start
focusing on it, it goes away.

Yeah, that seems about right.

All right.

Well, I guess if it's
not gonna show itself,

then we can all migrate
back to the helipad.

Okay, we'll make
our way back as well.

Tonight was a night like
no other here on Skinwalker Ranch.

It seems we
definitely stimulated

strange phenomena to appear,

but as if on cue,
after we launched

that last rocket
and mortar, though,

everything was suddenly
still and quiet on the ranch.

Luckily, Kaleb and I were
able to record the UAP

that we saw above
Thomas with our night vision,

so once we
organize all that data,

we can review it as a team
and see if we can figure out

just what we encountered
in the south field.

Thomas, while you
were cranking out,

trying to catch up to them, um,

there was a blinking
light hovering over y'all,

and I caught it on the NVG
and recorded it with my phone.

- It was just sitting there.
- Above us?

Above you. It was
just sitting there.

David, thanks a lot for coming
out and bringing all the stuff.

Yeah, absolutely.

There's something going on here.

The phenomenon, we
don't really know what it is,

we just know we can
see the effects it has

on our instrumentation,
and it could be something

that's an-an atmospheric

it could be something
from the ground level.

It just takes more
data gathering

and corroborative
data to figure out

what's going on here
at Skinwalker Ranch.

Well, we've got
a lot of data to compile.

We've got all this recorded

we got to go back
and look through.

All right, well, I say we
break everything down,

- Let's call it a night. All right.
- Let's do.

The description
that I've received

of this bright, purple,
shimmering object or effect

over the southern
portion of the ranch

is distinct from things
that have been reported

during previous exercises.

Could this be some
kind of UAP phenomena

that we've witnessed during
some of our other exercises?

Now, that would be interesting.

We've got so many spots

to focus our
attention on right now:

the triangle, the east field,

the mesa, and
now the south field.

They may all hold keys
to getting some answers,

so we'll process and
review all this data,

and, of course,
continue drilling,

to get to the bottom of
what's really happening here

at Skinwalker Ranch.

- I
- continue to be shocked

by the UFO and UAP activity
that attends these experiments.

The fact that Dr. Taylor's
advanced rocketry

continues to stimulate
the phenomena...

To poke the hornets'
nest, if you will...

Is something that
none of us expected.

The drill has encountered

a hard object that
it cannot penetrate.

Wow. There's something in there.

What is that?

It looks like a deer.

I wonder
what the heck killed it.

The coyotes didn't
kill this animal.

That's the
pink rock inside the mesa.

This material

is elemental selenium.

Selenium is used to create

- cloaking devices.
- Wow.