The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch (2020–…): Season 4, Episode 10 - The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch - full transcript

When an indigenous sound ritual is performed on Skinwalker Ranch, the team is amazed by the phenomena that are revealed.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
It's hitting
something really hard.

What could be hard enough
to be pushing back on that?

So is it drilling, then?

It's doing
about three inches an hour.

We go to bust through that crust
to get it stabilized.

We'll be
flying a weather balloon

with low-frequency radar.

We're seeing

all these strange
things in the data.

There's a phenomena

that the instruments are passing
through. Nobody's ever measured

any anomaly like
that on the planet.

I mean, what the
hell is up there?

There is
a ranch in Northern Utah.

It is considered the epicenter

of the strangest and most
disturbing phenomena on Earth:

animal mutilations,

bizarre UFO sightings

and unusual energies that
have proven harmful to humans.

For 20 years, the
federal government

tried to find
answers and failed.

Now a new team of
dedicated scientists,

researchers and
experts has taken over.

They are determined to
solve the mystery and reveal...

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

Got problems?

Yeah. Plenty
of problems up here.


- What's going on?
- Well,

we got down to 24 foot

and we hit something hard,
really started chattering.

And then around 25 feet,

it locked up and the
engine went dead.

Of the several hot
spots on Skinwalker Ranch

where our team

may be close to
getting some answers

about all the mysterious
phenomena that happens here,

the mesa has literally been
the hardest to figure out.

So you think the engine's blown?

I believe so.

The engine's gone?

I think it just hit
something hard and...

couldn't keep up with it.

For almost a month now,

our manual drill
operator, Joe Loeb,

has been working like
crazy on top of the mesa

trying to reach a 120-foot-tall,
possibly metallic anomaly

that we detected with
ground-penetrating radar

earlier this year.

Look at that.

Look at that.

This is highly anomalous.

And it's sitting right in front

of another 400-foot-long,
possibly metallic anomaly

that we not only think
is shaped like a dome

but has proven to be
totally impenetrable

during two previous
drilling operations.

It's hitting
something really hard.

8,000 pounds of push
and it wasn't budging.

The only thing we
have determined

about that particular object

is that the metallic fragments
that came out of the spoils

were scientifically
proven to be composed

of similar materials
that NASA uses

to cover the surface
of our own spacecraft.

Down below, we hit
something really hard,

and the whole thing
started shaking.

And then one loud
pop and that was it.

Like a backfire on the exhaust.

Will the engine start
or is it seized up?

It is seized up.

That's as far as it
gets on the pull start.


- But what caused it?
- What would do that?

And it's a brand-new motor.

- Brand-new motor.
- Yeah.

You know, it really
makes me wonder, I mean,

you drilled through 25
feet of rock and sandstone

and all kinds of stuff.

What are we hitting
that stopped us?

Could we be at the top of
whatever we're looking for?

- Could be.
- I say we pull the...

bit out and look
at the bottom of it.


what are we hitting here?

Why can't this
drill bit penetrate?

What could account
for this drill head

having been stopped dead

near the anomaly
in the GPR data?

There it is.

How's it look?

The bit looks fine.

- Everything still turns in there.
- Yeah.

- Everything's still turning.
- Teeth look like they're good, too.

There's no broken teeth on it.

This one's smooth.


I don't know.

We're so close.
I mean, it just...

It's driving me crazy that we're

- so close to this thing and yet...
- Yeah.

- I feel robbed.
- We might as well be far, far away.

I think we need bigger
equipment or something.

I think we've just run out

of time this year to
be able to get this.

This is gonna be something
that we're gonna have

to put on pause, and,

come back with another
game plan. I mean,

we're not giving
up on this spot.

It's just... It's beat
us for the time being.

It's beyond frustrating

that we haven't
been able to figure out

what these anomalies are,

why they're so resistant to
heavy-duty drilling machines

and why they may contain
materials related to spacecraft.

Well, Joe, you've done amazing
work with what you've had,

so we appreciate your diligence.

We need to come
up with a much bolder plan

to get inside that mesa.

It just might hold some of
the keys to understanding

all of the phenomena that
happens at Skinwalker Ranch.

Joe, I'll help you
get this taken apart.

There you go.

Let's get out of here.

Man, welcome back. Welcome back.

Burdette. Good to see you, man.

Later that night,
high-speed camera expert

Burdette Anderson
came back to the ranch

in order to help us with an
experiment in the east field.

It's another location that may
be just as critical as the mesa

to solving this mystery.

Over the past three years,

we've seen numerous aerial
anomalies in the east field

near an ancient megalithic
spiral of boulders...

as well as a petroglyph
depicting stars and a serpent

that Indigenous tribal experts

have said are meant to
represent interdimensional portals.

Snakes represents
two different worlds.

So it's a guardian
to the portals.

I know it
sounds pretty incredible...

but in 2021, we detected

a column-shaped anomaly in
that area using photogrammetry.

And then, while conducting
a lidar scan this year,

we identified something
about 300 feet in the air

that matched up with the top of
the column-shaped phenomenon.

We're getting a
significant anomaly

in the air right now.


And right in that spot is
where an invisible force

inexplicably pushed
the helicopter around.

These are

huge anomalies,

and the scale of it

is very surprising.

It's like there's wrinkles
in space and time.


And just last week,

Jeremiah Pate, the CEO

of a high-tech company
named Lunasonde,

conducted a radar scan

and found potential evidence

that the portal theory
could actually be true.

Well, you know,
this may be the...

first time we've
actually got evidence

of there being something

above the triangle, the object,
whether it's a portal or s...

Whatever else. I don't
know, but it's something.

So, Burdette,

this is the area where
we saw that anomaly

in the-the photogrammetry
data that we showed you.

- Right.
- So,

what we're gonna do is we're
gonna play some acoustic sounds

and look,

you know, with the high-speed,
if we see anything odd.

- Okay.
- You know,

if we produce a frequency,

one line of thinking has it

that we may activate
something here in response

to the emission of
that sound frequency.

So we're gonna... we're gonna
sweep the frequency range

a little bit and see if
something changes

up over our heads.

We believe
that it's very possible

that different frequencies can
open portals to other places.

Last year,

Navajo Ranger Jon
Dover explained to us that,

in ancient times,

his and other
Indigenous cultures

believed that certain
sound frequencies

could actually open up

gateways to other dimensions.

We've actually had
stories involving UAPs

that have entered into mesas...

and just gone
right into the rock.

There's a lot of mythos that,

you know, certain
acoustic resonances

are allegedly opening
portals to heaven

or to other places and so on.

It's in all the religions.

So I don't know if there's
any truth to it or not,

but it sure is a
lot of lore about it.

And so we're gonna project

some frequencies to see
what is happening there.

We're also gonna
launch some rockets

just to probe the area.

While we're doing that, of
course we will want to run

the high-speed
cameras on that as well.


What I like about
this experiment

is that we're kind of combining

several different
kinds of physics.

We're taking the
acoustic or the audio,

and we're looking also
with light at high speed.

We're also looking at the RF
spectrum all at the same time.

You know, who knows how
these things are gonna correlate?

Well, we're about to find out.


- Let's get to work.
- Right.

So, for tonight's
experiment in the east field,

Erik is going to broadcast a
range of acoustic frequencies

using a device known
as a tone generator.

He will also be continuously
scanning for RF radiation

with his spectrum analyzer.

Meanwhile, Burdette will
use his high-speed cameras,

which record 2,000
images per second,

to look for anything strange

and more evidence that
this unbelievable legend

could be true.

We're set up right
in the middle of the...

photogrammetry anomaly, right?

Dead center. Yeah.

So what we'll do first is

do the sound and the rocket

and run the high-speed
for a-a couple of intervals.

- Does that make sense?
- Okay. Yeah.

- Works for me.
- Okay.

Thomas, do you want to... You
and Kaleb will go launch the rocket.

- Y'all go ahead.
- Let's do it.

Want to hold it there for a
sec, we'll put the igniter in?

All right. We're loaded.

You're ready, Burdette?

High-speed's ready.

We're recording right now in...

2,000 frames per second.

- All right, Erik, you want to try the sound?
- All right.

Stand by for sound.

We're hot in five,

four, three,

two, one!


Look at that. Right up
through the anomaly.

That rocket went
perfectly through the anomaly,

- didn't it? -KALEB: Yeah.
- It did.

It went straight up.


Can you take a look at
this and tell me if it's a...

bug or a bird or...

What you think?

- Where?
- I can't...

Right here, watch this.

There's something
screaming across there

right after the rocket.

Well, how far is... Dude,

that's going a long way.

Look at this thing.

That field
of view across there is

across the whole mesa,
so that's about a half a mile.

And it's at 2,000 frames
a second, so he just went

- a half a mile in...
- 1.12 seconds, I believe.

So it literally went from about
halfway here in the mesa,

to above the, these trees
over here in a second.


A bird doesn't fly that fast.

That bird would have a jet pack.

That ain't
a bird. Holy crap!

Right after we fired a
rocket in the east field

and Erik began broadcasting
a tonal frequency,

Burdette Anderson's
high-speed camera recorded

the fastest-moving UAP

we've ever documented
on Skinwalker Ranch.

When did this happen in
relation to the launch itself?

It would've been about...

six seconds after the launch.

And it lasted for a period
of a little over one second.

That means it went from
there to there like that.


Guys, that's 3,600
miles per hour.

What in the heck is this?

We just captured something
moving at 3,600 miles per hour

right there, six seconds
after we launched a rocket.

Something goes
over this close to us

at 3,600 miles per hour, you
would think you would hear

the atmospheric movement.

You would think you'd
see a wake behind it.

You didn't see a wake?

- No.
- And guess what that would have to be

in order for that to happen?

It would have
to be frictionless.

- Yeah.
- The characteristics of this UAP

were just like the
so-called Tic Tac

that was recorded in
2004 by the U.S. Navy.

It had no visible
exhaust or wake, either.

And it also seemed
to be surrounded

by some kind of force field,

and it disappeared
in the blink of an eye.

Where else have we
talked about something

being frictionless
in the last few days?

The drill bit going
into the mesa

drilled against something hard

and it didn't heat up
or damage the drill bit,

suggests that it was
something frictionless.

It would have to create
some kind of field around itself

- to be able to do that.
- Something. It'd have to...

Something we don't know
how to do is all I can say.

That's a lot like the object
that we saw with the cow.

- Yes.
- That thought had come to mind

as we were talking, that...

brief instant that we saw
something above the cow.

And you know I estimated
because we didn't know

where it was, that if it was right there...

At the tree line, then
it was going something

like 1,700 miles per hour.

- Yeah, I remember that.
- But-but it could've been

twice as far and
it would've been

right at 3,600 miles per hour.

- Yeah.
- So we don't really know

what it was or where it was.

What in the world?

We've had a lot of
phenomena that move

very quickly through the air.

Specifically, we
got a potential UFO

over our cow from
a few years ago

that passed away under
mysterious circumstances.

The cow is right here.

I can't help but also
notice that there's

something happening here.

And you were at
2,000 frames a second.


Well, guys, we
may have just seen...

something show up as a response

to the rocket

- and the sound.
- Yep.

I can't help wondering

which of the two, if either,

is the stimulus. And so...

what I'd like to try is a purely

sound experiment.

Okay. So I need about...

I got about eight minutes,
probably of download time left

and then see what I
can do to reset for light.

So we got about ten minutes?

- Yes, sir.
- All right.


- Okay.
- Are you comfortable with that?

- Yeah.
- For our experiment,

Erik is going to be broadcasting

a range of individual tones

at various frequencies.

Frequencies are measured
in units known as hertz.

Higher-numbered frequencies
have a higher pitch...

while lower-numbered frequencies

have a lower pitch.

We have no idea which frequency

might trigger a
phenomenon to occur.

So Erik is gonna
play a number of them,

and we'll just have
to see if any cause

something strange to happen.

All right, Travis, we are about

ready to start.

Have at it.

Ready for frequency one.

Okay, now.



That's like
tinnitus right there.

- I'm going to 380!
- Okay.

I feel like I'm hearing
a, harmonic of that.

So are you getting two tones?


That's interesting.

This is 385.

Did you hear that?

It was resonating
like a crystal glass

when you, like, when you
turned it off, it was still going.

I can hear an
echoing back in here.

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah.

So what's half of that?

Let's try 192.

Dude, I could feel that one.

Did you feel that, Kaleb?

- Yeah.
- That's the one!

192 was the biggest one so far.

- I could feel that in my feet.
- Wow.

Whoa! Did y'all see that?

Right above us, right now!

Something just jumped...

something came
right across the sky!


You see it moving?

Tiny, tiny brightness, yeah

That was amazing.

Just after Erik played the tone

at a sound frequency
of 192 hertz,

another UAP appeared
and then vanished.

Let's keep, let's keep an eye.

Jon Dover told us that

the Indigenous people
of this region used

sound frequencies to
open portals centuries ago.

And also that they
claimed to see UAPs

flying in and out of the mesas.

Could we have just
experienced this?

Whatever that lower one was,

when it hit the ground,
it was like, like that.

You could feel it in your feet.

So that was pretty neat, but

- when-when you turned it off...
- We could hear it.

The valley was still ringing.

That's interesting.

That's neat.

Now that we have
the specific frequencies

that create special
effects on the environment,

I'm excited to see
what kind of experiments

we can do to stimulate
the phenomenon.

And maybe even, as some put it,

to open portals of
one kind or another.

Really makes me interested
in coming out here to do

specifically focused
sound experiments.

Yeah, specifically for
sound, that's exactly right.

Don't worry about anything
else, we just focus on that.

I'll tell you what we need to do,

we need to do some
historical research on,

- Ute and Navajo ceremonies.
- I am all for that.

To try and reproduce
those acoustics, right?


Guys, this has been a heck
of a successful experiment.

We did capture something
during the experiments

moving at 3,600 miles per hour,

which, you know, that's not
something you see every day.

And, I really can't
wait to get back and look

at that footage in more detail

of the phenomenon and
look through the rest of it, there

- may be something in there we haven't seen yet.
- Yeah.


man, we really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot for
coming out, man.

This is
absolutely awesome, guys.

- This is good stuff, man.
- This was fun.

Haven't had this
much fun in a long time.

Yeah, what you did for
us tonight was amazing.

- We really appreciate it.
- Absolutely.

- It was awesome. It's fun stuff.
- So let's help you get broke down.

We're gonna gather up our
rockets and our equipment.

- And let's get moving, all right.
- All right. Get tied up and

- we'll get us out of here.
- All right.

- Hey, Jim, how you doing, man?
- Hey, how you doing, buddy?

- Haven't see you in forever.
- Long time no see.

Yeah, man, good to see you.

A couple of nights

after our sound
frequency experiment

near the mesa in the east field,

Ranch Manager Jim Morse
and Navajo Ranger Jon Dover

brought out a group of drummers

from an Indigenous
musical organization

known as Blazing Bear...

- John Ballard.
- Nice to meet you, man.

To help us repeat
the investigation,

but by a much more
traditional and mystical method.

John, thanks so
much for coming in.

I'm anxious for
you to share with us

a little bit about Blazing Bear.

We're just a group of brothers

that come from Oklahoma.

So, like, these guys are
all Comanches and Kiowas,

and Cheyennes,
Shawnees, Navajos.

We all represent
different tribes.

We all just like to form
together as brothers.

These guys are very traditional.

They have old songs
that have been sung

for hundreds of
years, so we want

to see, what's gonna happen.

I'm really interested in

putting us right out there
in front of that petroglyph,

if that turns out
to be a good spot.

It's a very special spot
for us here on the ranch.

That location is one that has

very special sound properties.

I think you guys
will love that spot.

So let's get moving.

Our plan tonight is to
have Blazing Bear perform

a series of ceremonial songs

in front of the mesa where

the serpent
petroglyph is located,

which is also just below

where the spiral of boulders
sets up on top of the ridge.

Meanwhile, as the sounds
waves bounce off the rock walls,

and encompass
the entire east field,

video expert David
Mason will be using

thermal imaging cameras to
look for temperature changes

or other visual anomalies

that might appear
during the ceremony.

- Hey, David, how you doing, man?
- Hey.

- Good to see you again.
- Doing good.

Now, y-you already
got them set up

- over there, it looks like.
- Yeah, I figured I'd put them

right there, as close to
the petroglyph as I could,

and then get some of the
sound coming off of the rock wall.

So, guys, this is the area
we were talking about.

The petroglyph is this
rock here that you see

the black face on it.

Our thought is, you guys do
your ceremony right over there.

We're gonna have all
of our equipment set up

back here behind you listening

to the sound coming
off of the mesa.

And, at the same time we're
gonna be watching, you know,

to see if any phenomena occur
that, you know, who knows?

We've seen UFOs, actually,

standing right
here where you are

within the last few days.

We're excited to see
what happens, as well.

All right. Well, I say we get
going. What do you guys say?

- Yep.
- Yeah, a bit more setup and we'll be ready.

Sounds good.

Within Native American culture,

there's things that are
done at a certain frequency.

And the Navajo themselves,

and other tribes,
have verbal histories

that talks about Sky People

coming to them and
imparting knowledge.

To them, the idea of portals
has always been there.

Hey, guys, we're just
gonna do our thing.

- Let's get it.
- But, you know, sing for these guys,

and, you know, see
what they can do,

see what they can come up with.

You know what I mean? So...

- let's get to it.
- Let's do it.

The acoustics
in this area are phenomenal.

And I'm really excited to see
what comes from this experiment.

I wanted to go up by
the petroglyphs and stand

and see if I could see or
feel anything happening.

While I was up
by the petroglyph, I noticed

that on the vegetation right
there below the rock, when

they'd start playing the song,
the leaves would start to move.

So I actually moved around
several different places

to see if I could
catch an air current.

And I couldn't personally
feel any air movement.

They'd stop the song and
the leaves would quit shaking.

It'll be interesting to watch
as the night progresses

to see what else happens.

Man, you can really feel
it when y'all were hitting

those big bass notes.

It's just right in time
with your heartbeat, too.

It's amazing. Yeah,
it's pretty cool.

- So, Travis?
- Yeah.

As they were playing,
I noticed these leaves

up here, these plants started to

to dance around a little bit.

- Really?
- I will tell you,

I walked all the way
around 'em, almost a 360,

while they were playing,

and the place where I felt
the reverberation the strongest

is right up here
close to this rock,

but it's really
strong right here.

Well, it could be setting
up an acoustic resonance

in there in the cavity

- in the rock or something.
- Yeah.

All right, well, I'm
gonna head back down

and check the instruments.

Wow, now that's cool.

Once the sun went down

and the atmosphere cooled off,

we were really eager to
find out what we would see

through the thermal
cameras as the team

from Blazing Bear
continued playing

their ceremonial
songs in the east field.

I-I think we're ready to go.

So, guys, if you're ready to go,

- whenever you want to start.
- Okay, let's go.

- Right there.
- Yep.

Well, when they started singing,

the temperature
literally changed.

Look at the top of the mesa!

Erik, the stone circle is where

- it's heating up on top of the mesa.
- Are you kidding me?

You should
see this, this is fascinating.

Right there, that's
where the stone circle is.

And it's heating up,
look how hot it's getting.

The stone circle is lit
up like a Christmas tree.

It's so nuts.

That is crazy!

After all the
scientific experiments

we've conducted over
the past four years,

one of the most
perplexing phenomenon

we've ever seen just
happened on Skinwalker Ranch.

As Blazing Bear performed
their ritual drum ceremony,

David Mason's thermal
camera recorded a massive

spike of heat over the spiral
of boulders on top of the mesa.

And according to the traditions

of the ancient
Indigenous nations here,

that formation was built
hundreds of years ago

to represent an
interdimensional portal.

Now let's watch now, that
they've stopped playing,

and see what happens.

Now look at it,
it's cooling off.

Yeah, yeah.

It heated up
while they were playing,

and now it's like it's
gradually cooling off.

That is fascinating. Why, why

suddenly at the stone
circle is this happening?

And now that it's quiet,

the screen just looks
uniform like you'd expect it to.

- Yeah.
- That's fascinating.

Hey, Travis, I want to
get your eyes on this.

All right.

So, when they're playing the drum only...

I do, in fact, get
a peak near 200,

- which is right in the range of that 192, 193...
- Yeah.

- That we were talking about.
- Right.

So, that resonance
that we've seen here before

does show up

as one of the frequencies
coming out of that drum.

Look at that!

Right as the drumming stopped,

the anomaly we were all seeing

on David Mason's thermal cameras

started to cool off.

But as Erik pointed out,

while the drummers were playing,

their sounds reached a
frequency of 192 hertz.

That's the same frequency
Erik played the other night

when we saw the UAP
from the exact same spot.

The odds of seeing an
anomaly on top of the mesa

while playing the
192 hertz frequency

at the same time
are truly incredible.

Could this be the frequency

that opens the rumored
portal in this area?

That's what we hope to find out.

I-I would like to ask them
to just play the drums softly.

Yep, yep, yep.

Could you guys play,
that song again

without the singing
and just play the drums?

We'd like to see
what that looks like.

Okay. Here we go.

So we're getting
a peak right at 192.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Look at that hotspot
forming right there.

Look at that spot right
there. Look at that spot.

Why is that one
spot getting hot?

Why would the rocks get warmer?

There's nothing to change that.

Two cold spots just popped in.

Did you hear anything over here?

Just heard something.

Hey, they told
me to let 'em know

- if I hear anything.
- Well, tell them.

Hey, Travis?

Yeah, John. Go ahead.

Um, so you told me to let
you know about anything, right?



keep hearing something up here.

It was like somebody
was, like, trying

to walk, like, real slow,
like kind of creep through.

Right here where
this big rock is,

behind it, we keep
seeing, like, a figure

or something over here that
keeps going back and forth.

- I'm going up on top...
- Yep. Yep.

In case there is
somebody up there.

Go, go, go, go, go.

All right. We're on our way.

Kaleb, you go to the
right, I'll go to the left.


You got anything on that camera?


I'm just seeing the people.

I think somebody's crouched down

in one of these crevices.

There's no
tracks, there's nothing.

- So, um, Dragon?
- Yeah?

It's not up there.

- So the... It came from, like...
- Had to.

Like, right in here.

Right there is where I
keep seeing something.

I'm not sure what it is,
but that's where it's at.


Yeah, something
keeps walking on those rocks, bro.

So what is this
right here? Look.

It's a kind of cold zone.

Yeah, we got
a cold spot right there.

Right where they're looking.

That's right by this boulder.

He's walking right to it.

So it's, like,
right over there, Dragon.

Why that spot?

That is crazy!

It's right there.

There is a cold
spot right there.

Dragon, there is a cold spot

right by where you're
shining the light.


There's nothing.

- What were you guys hearing?
- You know,

- somebody walking and just, like, rocks-rocks moving...
- Man.

- At the same time.
- Really? Yeah.

Like, from walking on 'em
and they just kind of rolling.

Like-like, trying to be quiet

- as they're walking, you know?
- Yeah.

- Just a little crunching and...
- Yep.

So it's, like,
right over there, Dragon.

You see anything, Kaleb?

No, there's
nothing up here, dude.

Yeah, there's nothing.

Erik and I were stunned
when members of Blazing Bear said

they saw some kind of
shadowy figure up on the ridge

just after we saw
thermal anomalies

by the spiral of boulders.

And what's really crazy is that
previous ranch investigators,

including my colleague from
the UAP Task Force, Jay Stratton,

and retired Army
Colonel John Alexander,

who both worked with
Robert Bigelow, described

these same kinds of phenomena
happening at Homestead Two

more than a decade ago.

You know, this is
pretty disturbing stuff.

How do you guys
feel about proceeding?

Because if you're
not comfortable,

- we can pull you back and we can be done.
- Yeah, so,

just kind of all night,
we've been hearing, like...

Even, like... Like, we
even kind of heard, like...


What we call those is,

shadow people.

Y-You can... you can
kind of make 'em out.

- Yeah, but you can't. Yeah.
- But-but you can't see 'em.

- Only in your peripheral vison, right?
- Yeah.

And, that's why I was
like, "All right, boys, we're...

we're done for the night."


This place can freak you
out if you're not careful.

- And it...
- Trust me, we are that... to that point.

When John Ballard
informed us that the members

of Blazing Bear were
too uncomfortable

to keep playing
their ritual songs,

we had to respect their decision

and accept that the
experiment was over.

Well, with that,
we want you to come back.

- So we better get you out of here.
- Yeah.

Jon, appreciate you coming
out and helping us tonight, too.

Most tribal members won't
even talk about Skinwalker Ranch,

let alone come out
here and perform rituals

to poke the nest.

So we were nothing
but grateful to them.

We saw incredible phenomena,

and we collected tons of data

that we need to further
analyze as soon as possible.

- All right, guys, well, I appreciate it again.
- Okay. Thanks again.

- Appreciate it, guys. -Appreciate it.
- Appreciate it, John.

I've got some footage.

What have you got for us today?

Right now, I'm looking at
some high-speed video footage.

This is at 2,000
frames per second.

And you remember we saw

a dark object.

Yeah, yeah.

The next morning,

we gathered to review it all,

as well as some of the footage

from the prior sound
experiment that we conducted

earlier that week
out in the east field.

So we were trying to sort out

the, the distance to the
object, as well as the speed.

- Okay, so let me bring that up.
- I'm excited to see this again.


So, there's the object

moving from left to right.

That thing is traveling

at a ridiculous rate of speed.

Yeah, so if you
look at this dist...

When you zoom all the way
out, I remember out there looking,

we-we kind of did

a "Well, if it flew from
this part of the mesa

"all the way over here
to this part of the mesa

in this amount of time,"

it covered about a mile in,

a thousandth of a second,
if I remember that right.

If something went screaming
through our airspace

at that rate, we'd
hear something.

You know?

Play it till it goes all
the way offscreen.

To me, it almost looks
like it turns just ever so slightly.


It's definitely strange
that we were broadcasting

tonal frequencies right before

that UAP appeared
out of nowhere.

And then it traveled
more than a half-mile

in a thousandth of a second
before vanishing again.

Could it really
corroborate the ancient lore

about UAPs traveling in and
out of mesas through portals?

It's mind-boggling to
consider it as a possibility.

I do have some of Dave
Mason's FLIR footage

from the experiment.

I thought it might
be instructive

for us to look at it together.

That would be great.

Here are some neat highlights.

This interval

that I'm about to play is re...

One that really
caught my attention.

- Watch what happens...
- So they just start playing,

- it looks like.
- Yes, they're playing now.

Watch what happens.

Yeah, so we saw this out there

when it was
happening in real time.


We done this with sound,

and we see a temperature change

when we've done it.

Now, I'm... We'd have
to do it a thousand times

to thoroughly convince myself
that it's the sound causing it.

- Right? But we certainly have...
- Yes.

Events now where it correlates.

When we have a sound, we
have a temperature change.

Now we're about to see

another event that
I found interesting.

Now look at what's
happening here.

So we've got the ridgeline.

Fairly well-defined.

And now look at this.

- There.
- Whoa,

- whoa, whoa, whoa.
- There it is.

Go back, go back, go back.

What is that?

That, that's crazy.

That's crazy.

So let's-let's back
that up a little bit.

See that?

- Wow, that's crazy.
- So those two things

coming out of the
sky there, going b...

To me, it looks like it's
going behind the mesa.

Back that up
and go through that again.



What is that?

I don't know how many
more times we can say

"We don't believe
what we just saw."

But while the Blazing Bear team

was performing their sound
frequency ritual last night,

the thermal camera
captured two bright orbs

flying above the petroglyph
and directly into the mesa

right at the spiral of boulders
that are meant to depict

an interdimensional portal.

It doesn't go in
front of the mesa.

You can clearly
see the line of the mesa,

and it's like there's something
going behind it there.

So what could that be?

Go back to where it...

- it-it's right at the ridgeline.
- Okay.

There's two of them.

Th-They're not the
exact same path.

But why do they stop
right there at the mesa,

at the ridgeline?

I mean, that's
really interesting.

So let's think about
what we were doing

when this happened.

There was one performance

that really set up and
indicated a resonance.

And you could see some
very well-defined peaks.

I can't help wondering whether
there might have been a...

- connection.
- Yeah.

So we've had really good
luck, if you want to call it that,

of seeing phenomena when we...

have sounds.

And, it makes me wonder,

is there a way that
we could maybe put

more energy into a spot to
see if something happens?

Where there's

potentially some kind of portal.

Like at the triangle.

- Right.
- Yeah. Like a big impulse of it or something.


Something seems
to be interacting

with stuff over the triangle

from almost the ground up to...

5,000 feet or more.

If the portal theory is true,

it will take a massive
amount of energy to prove it.

And the place
where we've detected

the highest energy spikes
on the ranch is at the triangle.

We're maybe
looking at the anomaly

for the first time, guys.

It's also where we saw
the blob just 31 feet high

that seemed to physically
destroy rockets and mortars.

So I think we need
to go back there

and poke that spot
harder than ever before.

It does seem to be energetic.

So how do we
illuminate that better

and-and understand
more of what it is?

You know, when
the rocket hit the thing

in the... in-in the
high-speed infrared camera,

it was clear once
the motor ignited,

the brightness from the
heat of the, engine

was illuminating something

in the sky above it.

And then of course
it gets to 31 feet,

and we all know what
happens there... it blows up.

- Yeah.
- But I'm thinking if it's the heat,

the infrared that's
painting it so we can see it,

- we need to hit it with a lot of heat.
- So, what,

like, get a flamethrower out
here or something like that?

Fire... I was thinking
fireworks, but a flamethrower's

probably a better idea.


I liked your flamethrower idea.

Well, and you never know
what you're gonna see.

Like, with a flamethrower,
the cool thing is

it's gonna leave smoke, too.

And, well, basically,

as many ways as
we can come up with

to dump energy into that space

and look at what the
response is, I'm for it.

- For sure.
- That sounds great.

It sounds like a plan.

Or at least a formative plan.

It sounds awesome. Let me
know how I can assist you guys

in setting this up.

- Well, thanks, guys.
- Thank you. -Thank you, Erik.

Erik, this was
awesome stuff, man.

For every
experiment that we've done

to investigate or get
answers to questions,

the main thing that's
come from them

is a dozen more questions.

We have so much
more work here to do.

We have barely
touched the surface

of what could potentially be
going on here on the ranch.

I like to think of
these stimulation exercises

as a kind of handshake.

As if to say, "Hey, we're here,

"and there is
intelligent design.

"There is intent to observe,

"mutually, perhaps,

and, if possible,
even communicate."

I believe that what
we're witnessing on Skinwalker Ranch

is evidence that we live in
a multidimensional reality.

I think we're barely
scratching the surface

when it comes to
understanding the nature

of our world

and our existence.

What that means,

what that entails,

well, that's up
to us to discover.

Yeah, check this out, guys.

What I brought with
me is a flamethrower.

something going on at 31 feet

right above the triangle.


- Look at that!
- What?

This is unusual.

Tracking the space station now.

- You guys got it locked on?
- Yeah.

What just happened?

We lost the signal.

Are you serious?

Want to review the lidar data.

- What is that?
- That's the most amazing thing

I've ever seen out here.