The Secret Garden (1975–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - The Door in the Wall - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
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In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Episode 3

Please stop shouting at Gil Ra Im.

You were just pushing her too,
but you shouldn't do that.

To me, this person is
Kim Tae Hee and Jeon Do Hyun.

Because I'm a huge fan of Gil Ra Im,
you see.

If it's not getting in the way,
I'd like to treat you all to a meal.

Well, it's not like you're asking us to buy,

but you're treating us.
Of course we should go.

Let's go.

Let's go!

- Please enjoy.
- Thank you.

What's going on?

We did put in a special effort, though
I'm not sure it will suit your tastes.

- Thank you.
- Ah, it's wonderful.

Then while you eat...

I'm going to borrow this person briefly.

Gil Ra Im, please eat with me.

My office is on the ninth floor. Let's go.

What are you doing? Just a second.

- Bravo!
- Woo!

What fantastic taste.

What's so great about such a nothing?

That must be annoying since you're
the real nothing, right?


I didn't know what you liked so
I asked your friend in the lounge.

She said for starters, you liked
massive quantities.


I'm just pulling out your seat
so you can sit comfortably.

Never mind.

Do that for some other woman.

You're that age, and no one has ever
pulled out a chair for you?

If you're not going to pray,
we can blow out these candles, right?

Candles at dinner are basics.

My basics are 3 bottles of beer and
some fruit.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- What?


Ah... that I'm the President & CEO here?

Wow... I told you earlier

that you shouldn't be yelling at me.

Honestly, you were surprised, right?

You thought I was a bum, but it turns out
I was more impressive than you thought.

I suddenly seem different, don't I?

My face seems better looking and
I look taller, right?

"Ah, that training jacket really
was expensive."

You feel apologetic, don't you?

What is this?

If you admit it so easily,
then as a gentleman, I feel embarrassed.

Didn't you say I'm pretty when I'm angry?

I'm not going to get angry anymore.

So don't ever do this sort of thing again.

Don't come to the action school either.

It's not a place for a person like you
to go to when you're bored.

I'm sorry, but could you move
to the empty table...

I'm part of the same team.
Please just give me a small bowl of rice.

Don't give it to her.

It's okay, please give it to me.

Don't concern yourself over here.
Please go about what you were doing.

What the hell are you doing?

I don't understand this situation.

Help me understand.

This is what's comfortable for me.

What was uncomfortable earlier?

Candles? Wine? My pulling out your chair?

All three.

This is everything I have.

20,000 Won for the hospital cost,

20,000 Won for the meal.

I know it's way more expensive than that,

but since I haven't had a bite,
let's just call it fair.

Now, there's no more reason
to see each other again, right?

You're taking this too far!

All I wanted was only for you to stop
saying that damn "I'm sorry".

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

What are you sorry about?!

Is "I'm sorry" one of your lines?!

Where is that written?!

Oh my, really, I just wanted you to come down
in a fantastic way...

Oh my, if you have to say you're sorry
again, I'll just... Hurry back up!

I'm sorry.

Stop being sorry!

What's wrong with "I'm sorry"?

I can say "I'm sorry" a hundred times.

Being grateful for the opportunity
to be sorry,

I can say it all day.

That's how I make a living.

But now, thanks to you,

it looks like I'm going to hear about
what good backing I have.

So that "I'm sorry" I would have
said 100 times,

how many more times will I have
to say it now?

Does the world seem like a fairy tale
to you?

Do you think there are flowers, candles
and wine on all the tables in the world?

I'm saying what I need

isn't an immature department store
president's misguided acts of benevolence.

This is my final warning.

Don't ever show up in front of me again.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

We appreciated lunch.

Gil Ra Im, you've got some good backing.

- We really enjoyed lunch.
- Ah yes, it was good.

Ah, Ra Im!

Why are you back already?
The scene's not even set up yet.

Actually, for this scene, why don't we
just go with Chae Rin?

And get a proper close-up.

- No, Director, I...
- Why should I do this? Are you crazy?

- I can't go up to high places.
- Why can't you?

She seems to have no problem with it.

Ra Im, you can rest over there
or watch the monitor next to me.


Oh, unbelievable.

Look here.

What is wrong with you?

When I asked you earlier,
what did you say?

Who is Kim Joo Won?

We never exchanged names...

Are you kidding me?

Then I'll ask you again.

What's your relationship with Kim Joo Won?

Aren't you going to answer me?!
What's your relationship with him?!

But Park Chae Rin,

why do you keep talking down to me?

What is it to you what our relationship is?

Is there a reason I need to answer?


I don't think there is.

I don't think so either.

But, even though I'm not necessarily
demanding an answer...

What did you eat up on the 9th floor?

Steak? Lobster?


Total jackpot, huh?

That I'm-good-at-making-money guy is
the president of LOEL Department Store.

- President?
- Yes!

We filmed there earlier.

The Director was hassling Ra Im for
every little thing.

I'm-good-at-making-money shows up
and says,

"To me, this person is Kim Tae Hee and
Jeon Do Hyun".

He's totally stuck on Ra Im.

Because she was in the shoot,
he let the filming time go long,

and he bought the entire staff lunch.
It was no joke.

I'm back.

Oh hey, what was that about?

Did you really not know that
Kim Joo Won was the president there?

Gil Ra Im, you just hit the lottery.

Life is really one shot.

- Gil Ra Im, are you quitting stunting now?
- What do you mean "quit"?

There's nothing between that man and me.

Just buy a new one, will you?
They're not that expensive.

Go and pick one out from
I'm-good-at-making-money's store.

Sunbaenim*! (*Senior)

Hyung, look at this.
She wasn't like this yesterday.

I'll be going now.

Do you want some ramen?
Should I put on some water?

Oh, that one came out good.

Hey, we should change the lighting on
this one and go darker.

You think? You can tell by looking
but I'm naturally brightness itself.

Geez, guy.

Ah, this one came out good.

Hey, I saw Director Yoon.

Director Yoon?

Yoon Seul.

She's a CF* director now.
(*commercial film)

You didn't know?

Seul said she saw you.

You don't talk to her at all anymore?

Are we doing another shoot or not?


Hyung, well...

I am here at the LOEL department
store to get an agreement.

There is something weird hanging here.

I will take a picture and send it to you.
Make sure to take a look at it.

What is it?



Geez, really!

[Depart with Oska on a romantic getaway.]

What is this?!

Hey! Why aren't you answering my calls?!

Do you know how many times I called?!

I don't know. The person who called
would know.

Can't you show Chopin some courtesy?

You're a musician.

What is this?

What is this?!

Depart with Oska on a romantic getaway.
How can Oska not know about it?!

You should change your manager.

It's been more than 3 days since
that's been up.


3 days?

You're quite popular.

Do you know how global our department store
has gotten thanks to you, my Hallyu star Hyung?

I thought it was Itaewon*.
(*Tourists shopping district )


Hey, you think I'm going to do this?

I suppose you'll say you won't.

Yeah, you know it! I won't!

Over my dead body!

I've definitely made it known that
I'm not doing it!

Don't worry. You'll do it. Now go.


[Depart with Oska on a romantic getaway.]

Hey, what is that?

What is that now?

Ask him yourself. There he comes.


Hey, Hyung, you know what?

Are you crazy?

What the hell is this?

Yeah, I just found out.

You just found out?

So, this is the week after
the music video filming.

Let's push back the music video
schedule just one week.

So there's a conflict.

You wanna die? You have to shoot that MV!
The director is already in Thailand!

You got a director?

I guess I'm not enough of an ass yet, if
there's still a director who'll work with me.

I oughta... I told you that kind of talk...

Hit me and push it back just one week.

Huh? Hyung.



What is it now? What?

What is it? Are they saying I'm seeing

[Oska Trainee Challenge]

That's what the guy from Main Korean
asked me last time.

Do you have a kid that you're grooming?

Most big stars seem to have one
set aside.

So I answered, I'm grooming one too
and doing well.

And now he spread it around like that.

Spreading things around like that,
are you a journalist?

Let's just groom one, huh? I'd like
a kid I groom to go out on television,

and refer to me as "my president Oska"
and talk about me.

Work on your own skills. Your own skills!
Who do you think you're going to groom now?!

You can only afford to spout off
at the mouth when you're flourishing!

That's why I'm better.

Even while my skill is slipping,
they want me in China.

I'm shooting an MV in Thailand
and I'm reaching Japan!

You think that's easy?

Forget it, forget it.

What the hell can I say to a guy
who does music as a hobby?

- Oh my, oh my...
- Why are you so pessimistic?

Huh? What if we do this and...

Hey, find this one kid.

He sings at the Cheongdam-dong club.

He's about... this tall.

How much is this tall?

You want me to search for him like this?

You're asking for it, you are.

Stand up straight, attention!

Yes, my Eun Sol.

Tonight's schedule?

Probably sweet music and...
a soft comfy bed.


What does it feel like to be more beautiful
than a rose?

Tch, liar. Oppa, do you really think
I'm prettier than a rose?

My Eun Sol, did you have a difficult youth?
Why can't you believe a person's word?

It's not that I can't believe you.

Who is it?

Is someone coming?

Well, I guess so.

Sorry for interrupting, but
I have something to ask you.

I told you I'm not going on
any romantic trip.

I told you not to worry about that, because
you're going to end up doing it anyway.

It's not about that.

Do you remember that house
I told you about earlier,

the one that looked like it might show up
on National Geographic?

Gil Ra Im lives in a house like that.

You can't seem to stop mentioning
that name.

I think her educational background
isn't much,

and her choice of words is really bad.

And she occasionally uses violence.

Have you ever dated a woman like that?

I'm going nuts.

Of course! Sounds like Park Chae Rin
before her career took off, why?

Wow, you're something else.

At least, Gil Ra Im is cool.

Then did you ever do something
that got you hit by a woman

but it made you feel good?


A feeling like "I could get used to this".

A slightly hopeful and strange sense
of anticipation?

Whoa! That's why the educated guys
are worse.

What about weapons, do you like weapons?

Do you use handcuffs?

Ay, not that sort of thing.

I'm going. Just go back to what
you were doing.

I think Park Chae Rin was wearing
that gown too.


No! That guy is mistaken.
Chae Rin wore my gown.

A visitor?

You look much better in a suit...
than a training suit.

Still, that doesn't mean I don't look good
in a training suit.

But what brings you here?

I guess you're not that happy to see me.

Is our relationship such that we would be
happy to see each other?

Still, I don't think our relationship
is such that calls for a cold reception.

When you showed up at my action school
without a resume,

I didn't do that.

I see you're the type to hold onto
scores and grudges.

How could that be?

I guess that visitors are meant
to stand here.

Aren't you going to leave shortly?

It will only take a moment.
Let's sit.

The streets are littered with coffee shops,
so probably no need here for that, right?

It sounds like you just want me to get
to the point, so I'll do so.

I heard you bought my guys lunch.

I felt I should at least thank you.

Did I just buy your guys lunch?

There was no need...

I'm grateful for your kindness

but I'd appreciate it if that doesn't
happen again.

I buy one lunch and how many times
am I going to get scathed for it?

Do you stunt types all get all out of sorts
if someone does something nice for you?

Or... is that what you teach them?

Are you going to keep coming
to the action school?

There's no reason not to go.

My kids are rather rough.

I'm not all that soft myself.

Actually, I have abs too.

So let's stop trying to abuse power over
an uncomplicated trainee.

In reality, if I wanted to,

don't you think I'd have the advantage
when it comes to abusing power?

You've misunderstood something.

You're not so uncomplicated, Kim Joo Won.

I don't know if you know,

but Gil Ra Im is talented.

She's going fine along her path.

So don't get in her way.

All right.

However, I do intend to help.

As long as you don't plan to get in my way.

Oh, it's me. Where's Woo Young right now?

Hyung is in the recording studio
and I'm...

Recording studio? All right, I got it.

I don't think you doing this
is proper courtesy to Woo Young.

How could you come here?

You shouldn't come all the way out here.

I didn't come to see Woo Young oppa.

I came to Kim Joo Won.

Who? Joo Won?

Yes, that's how it ended up.

What do you mean ended up?

Let's talk about it later.

Did you look over my script
that I gave you last time?

- What did you think?
- I didn't look at it.

And I won't. I already signed a director.

I guess there was a director
who agreed to do it?

Thanks to your concern.

So I'd like it if we didn't have to
see each other again.

I'm not sure if I should tell you
such a thing but...

You've said it before and again now...

However, I'm the one to decide whether
or not we see each other again.

If you have at least looked over my script,
I would have been less angry.

What a shame.

Then, I'll see you again.

PD Park?

It's Director Yoon.

You know how you liked my bag earlier?
Do you still want it?

Do I need a reason to give you a gift,
with our relationship?

Yeah, come by and get it.

But it feels rather uncomfortable
to come empty-handed, right?

Then, on the way, do you think you can
find out which director is doing Oska's MV?


You're not surprised?

Oh! My gosh!

- You have a cute side to you.
- Yes.

I guess that's why you get called a bad guy.

Are you sure about that?

You didn't know?

Background, looks, sense of humor,
and even your personality...

Everything's so perfect, people feel...
shall I say deprived?

Ah, and I can't go and find each
and everyone to apologize. Oh dear.

But what are you doing here?

I came to see Manager Choi for work.

But then I heard your house was here.

If I didn't know, that's one thing,

but it would not be polite not to come
say hello knowing you lived here.

- Are you busy today?
- I'm not busy. I'm off.

Oh, that's great.

I have a day off too today.

I see... Then enjoy your day off.


Did I pick someone too young?

Doesn't he have any other cousins?

It's me.

You know that woman who got
stitches on her arm that night?

Can you write me a receipt?


A receipt?

Hey, you think it was just to write
you receipts

that I did med school for 6 years, went
through internship and residency for 4 years,

and basically worked my ass off for
10 years total?

Call the hospital's administration.

Just a second!

If you nitpick like that then my head
just aches.

Why do you need a receipt?

You said it's a woman you don't really know.

I don't know her so I should get
to know her.

I'm at home, so send it over
via quick delivery messenger.

Am I your assistant?

I'll be back in the hospital in 10 minutes.

If you need it, you come and get it.

He must be dating.

To me, this person is Kim Tae Hee and
Jeon Do Hyun.

I'm a huge Gil Ra Im fan, you see.

I'm sorry.

No lazybones. 100 Jumping jacks, sit-ups...

Oh my gosh!

Look at you trying to act cute.

What are you so jumpy for?
You saw a ghost?

Do you take my words as a joke?

I told you not to ever show up in front
of me again.

Why be so overly dramatic?

I didn't come to see you.
I came to collect my money.

You heard the old saying that
those with money are even stingier?

The hospital bill came to 45,000 Won.

Since you didn't eat a bite of your meal,
I won't take the money for it.

I'm quite exact with those things.
My personality is sharp as a knife.

So give me another 5000 Won.

I'll give you the other 2000 Won when
I get cash later.

Later when?

When I go home!

I'm not a guy with that much free time.

Give it to me now. Now.

Am I asking for a 2 million Won or
20 million?

Just give me the 2000 Won.

Then, let's see you try to get it.

What's with the slamming and...

Where are you running off to?
Write me an IOU first!

You didn't even shut your locker.

Huh? She must resemble her mother.







One hundred!

Next are sit-ups.

- Pair up.
- Got it!

What are you doing?

What do you think?
Can't you tell by looking?

Go away. Go.

- Ready?
- Yes!

One, two.

One, two.

How can you just start?
I don't have a partner.

What's with the discrimination?

Someone has to hold my feet too.

Treat me fairly, that's all.

Or if you don't want to deal with this,
just give me 2000 Won.

You better do it right.

If I do it right, you'll probably regret it.

Gil Ra Im, how old were you when you got
so pretty?

Last year?

Why are you getting up?

I was just joking around.

Why? Does it hurt?

I was just joking around too.

10 minutes break.

10 minutes break.

Stop right there!

I'm really not letting you off this time.

I'm really mad right now.

Do I look happy to you?

I've pretty much flipped my lid
right now too.

Again, again! What are you some sort
of convertible? Are you a rice pot?

Why do you use such ugly language?

That's the nicest way I can put it.

Because you're some big company president.

I can say worse.

You don't like that, right?

So why do you hang around?

Why do you keep showing up?

What's your reason?

Could it be that you like me?

Do you like me?

Do I look like such a nutcase?

Or do I look like a moron?

Have you ever seen a guy like me
like a girl like you?

Do you think that makes any sense?

I think you're under a delusion,
so let me set you straight.

Just the stack of pictures of educated,
beautiful women from good families

who are lining up wanting to marry me
could make a building.

But family, education, skills, age,
you don't have anything going for you.

Or raise your hand if one of those
applies to you.

See? You don't.

Then why are you following me around?

Why are you asking me?

Then who should I ask?

Ask yourself.

You keep popping into my thoughts,
so what can I do?

Even when I don't see you, it's like you're
with me, so what am I supposed to do?

Kim Su Han Mu Turtle Crane...* (*Old
comedy bit about a super long name)

Every night, it's like that, huh?

How bad must it be for me to do this?

What the hell have you done to me?
Why me of all people?


You hang up on me whenever you want,

you get mad when I show up, you get
madder when I try to buy you lunch.

And you hit me at the drop of a hat!

You're really a strange woman.

But that's the problem right there.

You're so strange,

so I find you...

perplexing and intriguing.

So, right now...

I'm a total nutcase.

So I'm not going to come here.

I'll leave.

Come and bring me my 2000 Won directly.

I'll text you the address later.

I'm going.

I'm tired.

I can't dance anymore.

I told you to come a long time ago!

Eat some refreshments.

What happened to the kid?
Did you find him?

You mean Han Tae Sun?

His name is Han Tae Sun?

He was at the club in
Cheongdam-dong, right?

Did you meet him?

Well I did meet him yesterday but...

What? Did he want to sign a contract
immediately? Did he ask for a lot?

It's wasn't like that.

I gave him my business card and told him
Oska worked there

and that Oska wanted to meet him too.

And usually the answer I'd get is "really?".


But this kid... asked who Oska was.


He doesn't know? He doesn't know me?
Is he some North Korean?

He spoke in a Seoul accent.

Wow, this crazy kid.

What's this kid's number?

He said to stop bothering him.

He's not interested in dealing
with celebrities.

Dealing with celebrities?

He called Hallyu stars like Oska
a mere celebrity?

Yeah, are you Han Tae Sun?

What? Who am I?

I'm Oska.

So what?

Didn't you hear from your manager?

I don't know you or your music.

If you want to meet me,
send your music first.

That's the right procedure.

Hello? Hello!


Hey! This seems to be your way of
asking for money...

Do you not understand Korean?

Did I ask for money? I asked for your music,
you brickhead.

Don't try to win me over with money,
if you're not confident then get lost.

Hello? Hel...

It's been a long time since I met someone
more clueless than me.

Hey! Listen to me real good and
I'll show you who I am.

I love you

Oh, my Darling

My only love

You're the one I keep thinking about

Do you know someone named Oska?

Oska...? The singer Oska?

It is! It really is!

Please don't sell it for less than
half price.

It's really valuable.

I bought it for a lot of money.

Of course, I should sell it for a lot.


You're not going to compose anymore?

Not anymore.

Did you listen?

Honestly speaking, you're completely
amazed, right?

This song made top charts for 8 weeks.

Yes! I really liked it!

Sing again, please!

Encore! Encore!

Who are you? Where's Han Tae Sun?

Do you have to be like this?
It's embarrassing.

You're right. I shouldn't be like this.

Go get the car right now.

I'm going to kill him.

Why aren't you moving?!

Where are you going today?

Blind date!

What do you think? Isn't it cute?

Won't you get neck sweat?

Hey, guys like it when you hide
some parts like this.


Don't drink so much.

Don't even dare to come home
on someone's back!

You've received a message.

Secretary Kim, why are you sitting there?

I'm here for a blind date.

- So Mi from the PR Department...
- I asked So Mi to arrange this.

To be honest, I'm the other person in
this blind date.

- Pardon?
- Let's order first.

Are you ready to order?

What's today's menu special?

Top grade tenderloin from the grill and
pine mushroom soup.

Is that your best?
Are you sure?


Then that's your best. I'll have that.


Ah Young, to be truthful,
for the past five years...

Out of all things...

Have you been stalking me
for the past five years?

What are you...

I'll excuse myself first.

Congratulations! Ah Young!


[Five years of employment]

Today is your five years employment

Congratulations on your
5 years employment!

Secretary Kim...

Huh? Isn't that Kim Joo Won?

It really is Kim Joo Won!

He's so good looking! How good looking!

Isn't this a little too much for collecting
2000 Won?

Did you... hurt your neck?

Are you trying to stop the bleeding?

I'm going to the bathroom.

I don't know what kind of alcohol you like.

But I can buy a few shots of beer.

Since there are a few things
I'm sorry about...

You don't like beer?

I think...

For the first time in my life,
I've met a girl I can't fathom.

Is she from a family that can help
my business?

Can she give my kids good genes.
Other than those questions...

How much can this bag possibly be worth?

This is the first time I've asked
these questions.

What are you talking about?

If you had even just a little consideration
for me,

you should have check yourself
before you came out.

You really thought I'm not the sort of guy

who would call you out here
just to get 2000 Won?

Couldn't you have not shown up?

Don't you have a bag in good condition?

Did you not have time?

Were you in a bad situation or...

did you not even have enough money...

to buy a bag?

Answer me.

Don't tell me that I've been excited
all day using 2000 Won as an excuse

for a woman who can't even afford a bag.

It looks like you've misunderstood.

But my motives were only this.

I'll stay here. You go in and find that kid
and tell him to come out.

Make sure he knows I'm not the kind
of person who would do this.


That kid was scary...

Huh? Gil Ra Im!

It's you.

I was hoping to meet you again.

What brings you here?

You met Joo Won?

I'm sorry but I'm kind of...

Wait a moment!

I'm sorry.

As you can see, I'm pretty strong, right?

It's not your fault.

Ah, you had used safety pins
as an emergency solution.

You have a lot of sense!

I'm very good at these things
because I have long fingers.

No, it's o...

Hey, where are you going?

You're leaving like that?

What's wrong with him?

Did you fight?

Hyung, what do we do?
They said he left.

Left? To where?

They don't know.
They said he always leaves like that.

He's not even picking up his cell.

I'm going crazy!

Find this kid.

Find this kid and bring him to me
so I can kill him. Got it?

And we...

Would you like to take a walk?

Oska! It's Oska!

I really like him! Oska!

Yes, yes. It is Oska.

Why aren't they taking pictures?

My image presence seems sparse these days.

Why not take some pictures and post them
in some forums or something?

Lighten up!

In all of Korea, he's the best at saying
the rudest things.

That guy had his manners cut off along
with his umbilical cord.

But what's your relationship with Joo Won?

I wanted to ask you the next time
I get to see you.

Everyone seems to be so curious.

We're able to see each other's
inner feelings over a bag.

That kind of relationship?

You're that close?

There's no reason for that to happen...

By chance, do you have some kind
of dirt on Joo Won?

You do!

No wonder...

Couldn't you give me that dirt?

I really need it.

Then what is your relationship with him?

Kim Joo Won didn't tell you?

That we're sort of cousins?



Joo Won always gets any articles
and stories about it removed,

so no one other than family knows.

Our family registry is a little complicated,
so no good would come of rumors about it.

But... What kind of mistake did he make?

By the way, he says your name all the time.

You hit it big, didn't you?


Kim Joo Won says my name all the time?

What are you doing here?

I'm meeting my friends from New York.

Oppa, are you... on a date?

Of course. What do you think?

Don't we look good together?

Be careful. He's a playboy.

Trying to tame this piece of work,
I'm his younger cousin, Kim Hee Won.

She's Joo Won's sister.
She's nice, unlike her brother.

Again! You two are really childish.

They say blood is thicker than water.
Just get along!

Don't you feel sorry for him?

He got dumped on his seon* again.
(*marriage prospect meeting)

Again?! Is that all he does?

That guy has no sense of romance.

That kind of a guy is taking about
a romantic vacation with Oska.

That's right.

Who did he go on a seon with?

Are there even any girls left?

I got my friends and asked around.

Yoon Seul. She's a CF director.


Oppa, do you know her?

I heard that she's really pretty.

[Really, I'm at the recording studio.]

[Recording Studio? You're a liar!
You were with Chun Ji Hae.]

[I said not to smile at the girls!]

- I have a question.
- I have a question.

- I said it first.
- I said it first.

- Did Gil Ra Im get home okay?
- I heard you went on a seon.

What about it? I do it all the time.

- Did you send her alone?
- Did you take her home?

How was your date this time?

Did she say anything about me?

Hee Won says she dumped you.
Is that true?

Anything at all? Even a little?

Were you really dumped?

Was she still carrying around that hobo-bag?

A plastic bag would be better.

Hey, it's not like you're going to marry
the stuntwoman, right?

You won't, if you're only playing with her
for a moment.

Don't ask anything and don't get mad
at anything.

So how was your seon date this time?

You said Hee Won told you.

I was dumped. Happy?

Talk about Gil Ra Im.

What dirt does she have on you to make you
fuss like a puppy that has to take a crap?

Dirt? On me?

Don't pretend like I'm wrong.

I know everything.

Did you... get your picture taken?

What? I'm the one who took the picture.

Stand there.


I told you I wasn't going on
that romantic getaway.

And I see your MV shoot was pushed
back a week.

You thought I'd sit around and just take it?

What are you going to do?
Looks like we have a schedule conflict.

You think Dong Gyu hyung and I are the sort
to let a schedule conflict happen?


Let's say there're things that business heads
take care of that children aren't aware of?

Your MV's not postponed.

The normal schedule is back on. You're
going to Thailand the day after tomorrow.

So make sure to pack your face cream.

You don't look so good.



Choi Dong Gyu, this guy!

You don't answer?

Answer. Answer. Answer!

The phone you have
called is turned off...

Why don't you answer?!

If you're not going to answer it,
why have one?!

Aren't I your bread and butter?!

Is this how you manage your bread
and butter?!


- Is it Choi Dong Gyu?!
- You found him?

Hold on.

Hyung, Han Tae Sun is in Jeju Island.

Jeju Island?

He tweeted a picture on his twitter

You guys, from here on out,
listen to me carefully.

Turn off your cell phones right now.


[A sunny day meaning nothing

Someone is walking into my heart

I looked forward to chance

My melancholy, precious woman

You flew here by mistake]


Yes, this is her.

What? I did?

Giveaway? What kind?

You didn't do it?

You really didn't enter my name
in a giveaway?

I didn't.

Why? Did someone falsely enter your name,
or something like that?

Is it?

A while ago someone from your
department store's PR Team called,

and told me I won a vacuum cleaner.

Third place.

Was it a mistake?

You bonehead.

If it's not you. It's not me.
Who else would it be?

It must be my boss.

He's trying to surprise you with
an event!

It's so cute!

He's not like that.


Soup... I'll get it.

I know it's for sure my boss.

Or else how would the PR team
get your number and call you?

The bag you bought last month...

Can I borrow that tomorrow?

What brings you here at this time?

It's my working day.

Everyone should be getting
off work right now.

Contact the stores on that list,

and tell them to send brochures of their new winter collection...

Brought to you by WITH S2 Written
In The Heavens Subbing Squad

Main Translators: meju, shalomtwotwo

Spot Translators: meju, fore

Timer: avi14
Editor/QC: snoopyvkd

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

Play with you? Do you even think you're
good enough for me to play with you?

I'm just a poor and neglected neighbor,

in whom Kim Joo Won is showing
some benevolent interest.

Before marrying a wealthy tycoon
and playing house,

I was just playing dolls with stars,
that's all.

Bite down on your molars.

Would you like an autograph?

On your back?

You see, I stole something.


A woman's... heart?

Are you being paid?

How many times has it been?

What are you doing?!

Get out!