The Secret Circle (2011–2012): Season 1, Episode 16 - Lucky - full transcript

Cassie catches Blackwell sneaking around the abandoned house. After confiding in Adam, he tells her he knows Blackwell was looking for a device to drain witches' powers and clearly back to his old ways. Faye shows up at Lee's house to invite him to the school fundraiser, but is taken aback when Eva greets her at the door claiming to be Lee's girlfriend. Meanwhile, Melissa encourages Diana to date a normal guy and points her in the direction of a new, handsome guy in town. Dawn runs into Blackwell at the school but the reunion isn't quite what she expected.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on the "Secret Circle"...
My name's John Blackwell.
I'm your father.
What the hell are you doing here?
Once you activated the medallion,
I knew that you were in trouble.
And you aren't sure if you can trust me.
I'm sure that I don't.
16 years ago the truce was a trap.
The circle was split over who to believe.
I saw your dad at the boatyard just before the fire started.
My dad wasn't there that day.
One of the men in the council, Eben,
he was talking about the ritual they used to kill your father.
Eben spelled me.
When regular people do that kind of thing,
they're called witches.
I can assure that he is no witch.
Then he's working with one like you work with Jake.
I don't know. But until I find out,
I'm staying right here in Chance Harbor.
Faye, we need to talk.
Doors are for knocking.
I'll make you a deal. I'll start knocking
when you start acting like the Principal's daughter at school.
But I am the Principal's daughter, mother.
No need for me to act.
I mean it, Faye.
I need tonight's casino fundraiser to go smoothly.
No drama.
You should bring a date
so you have someone to fixate on other than me.
I'll be just fine, thank you.
Obviously Mr. Meade isn't doing it for you.
Ooh, what about Cassie's dad?
Did you say Cassie's dad?
Haven't you heard? He's back from the dead.
♪ La da da da da
♪ da da da da da
♪ da da da da da da
== sync, corrected by elderman ==
I don't know how you like your coffee.
I don't know if you like coffee at all.
It's perfect. Thanks.
Black. I figured the darker the better.
I was thinking maybe I should stay here
till your grandmother gets back.
I'm not sure that's such a good idea,
seeing as how you're a complete stranger
that people seem to be terrified of.
No offense.
None taken.
I hate that I'm a stranger to you.
I want to change that.
I know you have questions, Cassie,
and I'd like to answer them.
Did you love my mother?
More than anyone in the world.
Then why didn't she talk about you...ever?
'Cause I hurt her.
She probably figured it was best for you both to forget me,
what I'd become.
What had you become?
Someone that she was fearful of.
And rightfully so.
Dark magic changed me.
No, that's an excuse.
Ok, I have dark magic up to my eyeballs thanks to you,
and I haven't changed. Not yet,
but it's not something you can control.
Maybe you can't, but I can.
That wasn't a mistake. I meant to do that.
It doesn't matter.
Dark magic, it's not a parlor trick.
The more you use it, the more it takes hold of you.
I use it to help people.
I use it to protect the circle.
I thought I could do the same thing.
But the darkness made me vengeful and destructive.
I lost the very people I was trying to protect.
Once dark magic takes a hold of you,
it's impossible to get free.
You don't know me very well.
You watch over her, don't you?
Where has he been for the last 16 years?
I don't know exactly.
He just said it would be safer for me and my mom
if people thought he was dead.
That sounds like the excuse of a man
who's hiding a whole other family somewhere.
Faye. Oh, God.
Imagine if there was another Cassie running around.
Then you could each have one.
If Blackwell's such a huge force of dark magic,
why didn't he do anything to stop the witch hunters?
His power was stripped like all our parents.
None of us could have stopped Eben.
He magically recovered after being impaled by a tree.
Seeing as you're the one who's still making deals with the hunters,
tell us, how did Eben get that power?
I don't know. I would have asked,
but he was too busy trying to kill me.
Will you two just arm wrestle or something?
I think you're lucky. How's that?
Because we've all wished
we could have back the parent we lost.
Yeah, as long as
that parent isn't the devil on his days off.
I'm leaving.
I've got to scrounge together a date
for casino night anyway.
I don't want to pull a Diana.
Nice, Faye.
So who's helping me set up for tonight?
I'll see you later.
With or without power, your father can help us.
Eben will be back.
And John Blackwell knows more about the hunters
than any of us.
You know, Jake's probably right.
I just don't trust my father enough to ask for help.
I don't blame you.
Hmm. My break's over.
Hey, are we going to casino night together?
What, you mean like a real life,
out-in-public kind of date?
I do.
Then yes.
Morning, baby.
Don't tell me that's Jasmine tea.
From that weird hippie store you like.
How you feeling?
A little weak, I guess.
I'm sure you do.
You saved my life.
I did what any guy would do.
Lee, I OD'd. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead.
You stayed by me,
nursed me back to health.
Now it's my turn to stay by your side.
I'll never leave you again.
Eva, I know you don't like your folks,
but maybe you should call them.
They'd want to know what happened.
They gave up on me.
Everybody did.
You're my family now.
The intrepid planning committee.
Is that all for us?
Yep. Cups, flatware, swizzle sticks.
Ahh, cocktail napkins. I'll be right back.
People can just drink out of regular cups, right?
We don't need champagne glasses.
Excuse me?
Champagne flutes.
And you absolutely need them.
They're tapered specifically to hold in the bubbles.
It would be a shame for all those grapes to have given their lives
only to be doomed to a glass of flat bubbly.
Don't you think?
So you're, what, some kind of connoisseur?
Summer's spent on a vineyard.
Makes you appreciate the whole process.
Process is Diana's middle name.
We should get these to the school.
You just ran away from a guy
who looks like something you win at a raffle.
Like I'm really gonna date a normal guy.
Why not?
Because I don't want to spend an entire relationship
counting the minutes until we have the talk.
Why do you have to go straight to relationship?
Why not just see where that sexy smile of his leads?
You don't have to show him your witchy undergarments
on the first date.
Need some help carrying that?
We're good. Thanks.
You having a party?
Fundraiser, actually.
It's open to the public,
casino themed, tonight at the school.
Ah, I'm actually sailing out this afternoon.
Meeting some friends at Prince William Sound tomorrow.
I'm Grant, by the way.
I'm Melissa, this is Diana.
You don't meet a lot of Dianas these days.
No, you don't. We're rare finds.
Well, have fun.
Remember, always split eights in Blackjack.
I got your message. What's up?
I saw my father sneaking around the abandoned house,
looking for something.
I mean, really looking.
Like it was hidden.
I knew I couldn't trust hm.
Looking where?
In that post in the big room.
Anyone home?
What are you doing here?
Today is your lucky day.
You get to take me to casino night.
Of course, I'd never be caught dead in a kitten heel.
I'm really more of a stiletto.
I can explain those.
So can I.
They're Eva's.
Is this it?
Or are you building a shrine to your ex?
I think that's it.
You can't live in the past.
Especially when the present looks like me.
You're trouble.
You love it.
Um, you were saying something about casino night.
At the school.
I can't tonight, actually.
Excuse me?
I have plans that I can't get out of.
Well, I hope you and your plans have a lovely evening.
Let's do this fast.
If Jake comes back, you can just use your dark magic
to vaporize him, right?
When we first found the house,
Nick and I searched every inch of it.
We figured if the area was so powerful
it had been written about in Diana's Book of Shadows,
we probably weren't the first witches in there.
We found this.
Why would my father be looking for this?
It's a sway.
It's used to take a witch's power.
When we found out what it was for, we hid it.
You think my father was using it on other witches?
We know he stole power from the Nidaros coven.
I'll find out. Give it to me.
You really want to be alone with him
and the one weapon that can take your power?
I need to find out why he wanted this.
Adam, come on.
At least I'll be the one holding the sway.
After Callum's party,
he could barely keep his hands off me.
And now I'm getting blown off?
It doesn't make sense.
Are you losing your touch? Hardly.
Meanwhile, this one's turning away hotties
like she's allergic to them.
We're still on this?
He's leaving tonight.
Whatever. I've got to go.
And he wouldn't be leaving
if you'd even flashed him a smile.
And, you, since when does Faye Chamberlain
take no for an answer?
When did she get so insightful?
Wasn't it just last week we saved her
from a voodoo drug pusher?
Actually, she saved herself.
But it's the thought that counts.
Hey. Got your message.
Whose magic are you trying to steal?
Mine? The circle's?
No one's.
You told me no more secrets,
so what are you doing sneaking around
looking for a tool to take a witch's power?
It doesn't take away a witch's powers.
It temporarily transfers them to a mortal.
It's how Eben had enough power to subdue me
and kill all those witches at the boatyard at the fire.
I found it when I escaped.
Now, only another witch could have spelled it for him.
I only want it so I can find out who betrayed us.
It had to have been someone on the boat that day.
Someone from your mother's circle.
You know something.
If you do, you have to tell me.
Why, so you can just get revenge, hurt somebody?
No, so that I can protect you.
Eben has power again, more than he ever has.
And whoever betrayed me then
could be working for him now.
I need the sway to find him.
You can trust me.
Ok, Lee, let's see if these plans of yours
can withstand this.
Can I help you?
Where's Lee?
He just ran out.
But I know his inventory pretty well.
Are you, like, an employee?
I'm Eva, Lee's girlfriend.
What's going on?
Lee, you have a customer.
There you are.
Thought maybe you were hiding.
Was there anything in particular you were looking for?
But I've changed my mind.
Why do I get the feeling
this isn't her first time here?
She and her friends found my website.
I think she has a crush on me.
Well, I don't blame her for that.
15, 30. $30 worth.
Thank you. And good luck.
I'd like to buy some chips.
Ok. That's a lot of chips.
It's for a good cause, right?
Fix the gym, buy new books. That sort of thing.
The only thing I love more than gyms are books.
Some of my best friends are books.
What happened to Prince William Sound?
It'll still be there tomorrow.
I've been practicing that trick all day.
I'm pretty cool, huh?
Like James Bond.
Then my work here is done.
By the way, your tip about always splitting eights
doesn't fly when the dealer's showing a ten.
I'm sorry, did he just roll up
with a handful of hundreds?
He really likes books.
Uh, romance novels?
So, did you talk to him?
You were right about the sway.
It captures a witch's powers.
But my father didn't use it on anyone.
The witch hunters used it against him.
What do you mean?
Well, a witch spelled it so that Eben
could have the power he needed to capture my father.
He thinks whoever betrayed him back then
is working for the witch hunters now.
That would be someone from their circle.
Someone on the boat that day.
You don't mean my dad.
I don't know.
I saw him in Jake's memory.
He was rushing out of there so fast,
and Eben was right behind him.
He acted like he knew something was gonna happen.
Do you realize what you're accusing him of?
I'm not accusing him, but between what I saw
and what my father is telling me--
You think it's him.
Adam, you are willing to blame my father
for every bad thing that's ever happened in this town.
Yeah, including this argument.
If someone betrayed my father,
then I want to find out who it is.
Oh, it sounds like you've already decided who it is.
Why is it so hard for you to believe
that my father is here to help?
Why is it so easy for you believe
that might must be working with the witch hunters?
I didn't say that.
I don't know what happened in the past,
I don't know what your father is doing now,
but I least thought that you and I were on the same side.
We are.
No. Not right now we're not.
With the number of surprise visitors I get,
I really got to keep my room a little neater.
When I went into your memories of the boatyard fire,
I saw Ethan. Yeah.
Do you remember seeing him anywhere else that day,
before, after?
No. Why?
What's going on?
My father said someone from our parents' circle
gave the witch hunters the power they needed to attack.
Ethan? There is no way.
I was hoping that you might have seen something
that would explain why else he was there.
You just don't want to believe
that your boyfriend comes from a long line of traitors.
I shouldn't have come to you.
Cassie, Eben used magic
to try to kill you, your father, and me.
If Ethan was a traitor then, he could be one now.
You protecting Adam could be putting us all in jeopardy.
I don't know what really happened.
It's all based on something I may or may not have seen
from memories you can't even remember.
I mean, there has to be another explanation.
Just forget I said anything.
I need to talk to you about Cassie.
I'm about to head over to the school.
You want to drive together?
No, I'm not going.
You ok?
Dad, I need to know what exactly happened
back then between you and Blackwell.
My history with Blackwell is not your concern.
Yeah, it is. Because whatever happened back then,
it's affecting me and Cassie.
Don't let the past spoil what you two have.
I think it's way too late for that.
No, it's not.
Not for you.
Cassie's worth fighting for.
"Fight" being the key word.
I hope to see you there later.
This sucks. I'm gonna go.
I'm sorry. Lee's an idiot.
If he could see you in that dress...
Well, he did, so.
Then he's an even bigger idiot
than I thought he was two seconds ago,
and that was pretty big.
Or maybe he deserves another chance.
I'm just saying.
Please let me explain.
No, let me explain.
When you refer to someone as your "ex-girlfriend,"
that usually means it's over between you.
I know.
You told me the devil's crack destroyed her.
It did. But then she got better
and came back here.
I noticed.
And in between, you and me happened.
And I left. The end.
Look, Faye, it's complicated.
She's been in a bad situation. I have to be careful.
I think you're confusing me with one of those sad girls
who will wait for a guy to choose.
That's more like it.
Welcome home, John.
I figured you'd come looking for me sooner or later.
I'm not here for you.
That might be more convincing
if you didn't have me pinned up against this locker.
You look pretty good for a dead man.
You didn't seem surprised.
I never believed it.
Your funeral was lovely, though.
I wore red.
Same old Dawn.
Except without my power.
But with you finally home,
I know we can find a way to get it back.
I know you remember what a powerful team we made.
Things have changed.
I've changed.
Sure you have.
I need to find Ethan.
Ethan? What do you want with him?
Have you seen Ethan?
You came.
I'm sorry about earlier.
I didn't mean...
No, neither did I.
Your dad is a great guy.
And he has been trying to hard lately.
Yours has too.
Maybe he does have an explanation for everything
we've heard about him.
You should at least hear him out.
Thank you.
I'll put this down.
I'll be here.
Cassie, hi.
Hi. I just saw your father.
It must be so wonderful for you to have him home.
He's here?
Yeah. He was looking for Adam's father.
You wouldn't happen to know why, would you?
Oh. Uh, no. Sorry.
Excuse me.
7 in a row? That's impossible.
Keep your visor on.
Some of us are just born winners.
Ok, Faye, I think that's enough good luck for one night.
I'm gonna go get a drink.
I agree. No.
Yeah. Come on.
I want to keep playing. I know you do.
What are you doing here?
Stalking you, obviously.
You lied to me.
Maybe you two should have the talk.
I didn't know how to tell you.
I get it. You were lonely.
You didn't know if I'd come back.
But I did.
And I'm here now.
It's not that simple.
Of course it is.
She's a coping mechanism.
You're better than this.
It's why I love you.
At least buy some chips so it isn't so obvious.
What's that?
Your Cassie obsession.
I'm not gonna tell you to move on with your life
like people love saying to me,
but just so you know,
she's really into him.
Yeah. We'll see.
Well, I did my part.
I have 100 tickets,
no small thanks to you.
How many do I need for that stuffed monkey?
50 tickets?
I'll take two.
Matching stuffed monkeys is always the sign of a good night.
It's an old Australian saying.
Aah! Aah!
Oh, my God.
Cassie, don't!
Put it down, please.
He tried to kill you.
Just let him go.
If Adam's dad wasn't the traitor,
then why did he attack you?
'Cause he blames me for what happened that day.
Blames me for stealing your mother.
He'll be ok, though.
I think you should stay away from him for now.
You were right about my dark magic.
It was pushing me to places that I didn't want to go.
If you continue to use, those will be the places
you want to go.
It's a slippery slope.
So I have to stop using all magic?
Regular magic is about connecting to the energy around you.
Dark magic is about access the energy created
by your own hate and anger.
Now, there might come a day when you can separate the two,
but not now.
What if I'm desperate?
If my life is in danger, or yours?
Whatever you're trying to prevent,
the outcome is going to be much worse.
In trying to protect me tonight,
you almost lost yourself forever.
You have a choice, Cassie.
I was just gonna come back up from Brazil,
and then I figured I'd already gone that far,
I might as well do Argentina.
And once I'd gone to the tip,
I thought it would be rude not to visit America.
Anyway, that's the long answer
to your question about how I got here.
What's the short answer?
Short answer is I don't know.
This is me.
So you're leaving tomorrow?
At the crack of dawn.
But I was thinking I'd come back.
I mean, this place isn't exactly Buenos Aires.
Maybe not.
But there is a lot more to Chance Harbor
than the guidebooks suggest.
Well, then you should come back.
Well, then I will.
Thank you for my monkey.
Are you ok?
Why bring me back?
If she's the one you want,
why bother?
I didn't plan for any of this.
Believe me when I tell you--
You should have just left me there to rot.
Don't say that.
We belong together.
How could you let her come between us?
This isn't her fault.
It just happened.
I came back from the dead for you.
You can't just dump me
for some little slut
who doesn't know the first thing about love.
It's late. Let's just talk tomorrow, ok?
I'm not done talking to you.
You have power?
It was a fun little surprise for me too.
I'm sorry.
And I will try to help undo whatever's happened to you.
But you and I are done.
You used to say we'd grow old together, Lee.
That's how it has to be.
How could you do it?
How could you give Eben the power
to destroy your own circle?
He was only supposed to take you.
And you trusted him?
I can't change the past.
No, but at least you have the decency to be haunted by it.
And I can understand you wanting to kill me,
keep your son from knowing the truth about you.
Are you going to tell them it was me?
No, those kids have been hurt enough by our mistakes.
And even though you betrayed us 16 years ago,
I know you're not working with the witch hunters now.
You have no power to give them.
And, Ethan, since I'm keeping your secret,
you will not tell anyone, not the elders,
not anyone else about Cassie
and about what you saw her do tonight.
I won't.
You must have known getting in bed
with the witch hunters was dangerous.
Were you really willing to risk all those lives
out of sheer hatred for me?
No, but Amelia was.
She wanted you dead.
She wanted you dead and for us to be together.
And you may have succeeded in keeping us apart,
but my son and your daughter are written in the stars,
just like Amelia and I were.
Amelia never told you, did she?
Told me what?
For the Blakes and the Conants,
"written in the stars" isn't just destiny,
it's a curse.
I waited for you at the casino.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what happened.
Is everything ok?
Your father...
What about him?
He and my father were fighting.
And then I got into the middle of it,
and I lost control.
Like, I completely lost control.
And I didn't want to hurt anybody, I swear.
I just got so angry.
But you're ok?
Are they? Yeah.
Well, then to hell with them.
Your dad and my dad. I'm serious.
I am sick of all the lies.
I just don't care anymore.
Not when their secrets...
start getting in the way of you and me.
What if we can't get out from underneath their past?
What if we're stuck just repeating their mistakes?
I don't believe that.
Our fate is our own.
To screw up however we want.
Don't, don't, don't.
I don't want to hurt you.
I'm not afraid of you.
I love you.
== sync, corrected by elderman ==