The Rookie: Feds (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Star Crossed - full transcript

Garza's unit is roped into a complex kidnapping case involving a forbidden relationship between rival drug gangs.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
This is our target,
Tobias Kazan.

He runs the largest fentanyl
syndicate in the South land.

And tomorrow he's throwing
a birthday party

for his daughter, Aliz.

I cut through
a mile of red tape

to acquire
the Title III warrant

for Kazan's restaurant,
which means what, Simone?

That we break in
on the Q.T.

and install surveillance equipment.

But why, oh, why, Brendon,

would a seasoned agent
such as myself

waste his precious time

listening in
on a kingpin's family shindig?

Well, it looks to me like
Tobias' family tree

and his crime tree share
a lot of same branches.

And what better place
than a family gathering

to run your mouth
and talk shop?

And we'll capture
every word spoken

thanks to the man
who literally wrote the book

on electronic surveillance,
Agent Bob Telford.

What a humbling day
this must be for you rookies

to stand in the presence
of a genius like myself.

Let's hope you can keep up.

Oh, we will do
more than that.

I'm the razzle.
B's the dazzle.

If just one mic
or camera's detected,

the whole operation is blown.

So, I'd be happy if you just
didn't screw this up.

You, "Vampire Fed,"
what's our first step?

A surreptitious entry.

Next, security.

You'll have 15 seconds
to disarm the alarm,

or this whole operation
is blown.

Civilians call these bugs.
We call them mics.

Now, you don't want the mics to
overlap and create interference,

but, at the same time,
you don't want dead zones.

Alright, in order to check off

in a surveillance op"

from your probationary
new-agent handbooks,

you need to complete this
on your own.

Start here in the dining room.

Wake me when you're ready
for an inspection.

Then we'll wire up the kitchen.

And remember, everything,
even the dust,

must be left exactly
as you found it.

You good, B?

Come on.

Alrighty, Bob.

We are ready
for your inspection.

Prepare for excellence.

We just rewrote
your handbook.


Wake him up.

Hey, Bob?

He's dead.

Season 01 Episode 03

Episode Title: "Star Crossed"
Aired on: October 11, 2022.

What the hell happened?

I don't know.
He was fine,

and then he wasn't.

We got to call
the coroner.

The op comes first.

Let's do a final sweep.

We pack up.
I'll pull the van around back.

You guys meet me there.

I know, I know.

Trust me. Bob would have
wanted it this way.

Simone, don't forget
to lock the door.

Watch his head.
Watch his head.

Rest in peace, amigo.

Bob was a legend.

His surveillance ops took down
some of the biggest criminals

of the last two decades.

I once heard a rumor

that he went 32 hours
without urinating.

Man was a machine.

Sounds like he's trying
to murder his kidneys.

Well, I spoke to Bob's wife,
and she told me

he'd been struggling
with high blood pressure

and diabetes for years.

So, most likely
he had a stroke.

You okay, boss?

Bob was a good man.

And do you know
how we honor him?

By finishing this op.

Tobias' party starts
in six hours,

and we need to be ready.

I suggest everyone
get some rest.

I'm not much
of a day sleeper.

Ah, that's a lie, Laura.
You love to sleep.

How about
I get us some breakfast?


♪ Baby, I'm good

♪ Baby, what you want?

Excuse me, sir.


Ma'am? I... My bad.

It's cool. It happens.

That was a... nice, little song
you were humming there.

I wrote it myself.

Looks and talent.

I see you.

I'm D.J.

I'm smitten.

Uh, I'm Simone.
Nice to meet you.

You here to inject some youth
into Cutty's

breakfast book club?

My daddy got a book club?

For senior citizens.

Ah! Okay.

And my mom left her notes
back at home,

so I brought them over.

I'm Ruth's daughter.

So, uh, what you about
to get into?

You know, there's a jazz fest up
at Expo Park today.

You want to come with?

I would love that.
I got to work, though.

Some other time?

Put your number in.

You don't mess around,
do you?

Not when I see something
I want.

Critics say that Alice Walker's
too hard on Black men.

I mean, it's nonsense.

She told an honest story
of one family, right?

Cutty, what do you think?

Uh, I think I read
the wrong book.

Is "How Stella Got Her Groove
Back" for next month?

I can't
believe you.

Well, hello, gorgeous ladies
and Daddy.

Look who finally decided
to come home

after worrying me
to death all night.

Daddy, I'm not a teenager
who broke curfew.

I'm a grown woman
who stayed out fighting crime.

Okay, no matter how old
you get,

you're still my daughter,
and I still worry.

- I tell my Dina the same thing.
- Hmm.

You mind your father,
Miss Simone.

I will, Miss Ruth,

and I just met your daughter outside.

She single?


Good to know.


Your daddy did not mention
that you were into the ladies.

Because that's Simone's

That I am happy to share.

For me, it's about the vibe,
not the gender.

- Okay?
- Okay!

You ladies, uh,
continue talking.

I need to have a word
with my daughter real quick.

You best slow that roll.

Dina's single because
she's got drama for days.


And from what I've heard,
you don't want

no part of that.

No. Mnh-mnh. No. No.

- To Bob.
- To Bob

Just another reminder that
we could all go at any time.

Okay, if that's
a not-so-subtle nod

to my heart condition,

Oatmeal, fruit, egg whites.

I'm doing better.

How about you?

How about me... what?

The department therapist
sent over

your counseling
discharge paperwork.

Question is,
should I sign it?

I finished the mandated therapy.

I did everything
the Bureau asked of me

to return to full active duty
with no leash.

Matt, I did the work.

Come on, Laura.

Your fiancé cheated on you
with your best friend.

Of course
what Sam and Katie did hurt me.

And, naturally,
an emotional betrayal

triggers a... a psychological
and a physiological response,

which is what I experienced.

But it was a momentary blip
that I've since moved past.

Yeah, you know, maybe just
another month of therapy.

Surveillance is a game
of patience and preparation.

Got your change of clothes,
your food, your water,

your snacks, something to use
as your restroom.

I'm not tinkling
in that thing.

I was just a bit startled...
No big deal.

Yeah, well, the new cellphone
you just bought says otherwise.

Katie's phone call
clearly upset you.

I haven't spoken to Katie
in six months, okay?

And there she was.

Who are we talking about?
Who's Katie?

Mind your own business.

You can explain it
and analyze it all you want.

I saw what I saw.

You're ordering food already?

It's a dinner reservation
for tonight.

Ooh, somebody's got
a hot date.

With my wife.
Just needs to be special.

Look at you.

Pretending to be
a tough G-man

who does his business
in a jar,

when you really are a romantic

and you just want to have
some sexy time with your wifey.

Hey, sweet thing.

You checking to see
if my schedule freed up?

Well, has it?

Afraid not.

Well, at least I got a chance
to see your pretty face again.

Can't wait to see more.


Do I need to call HR?

I'mma have to call you back.

Okay. Did she seem like drama
to you?

Maybe a little thirsty,
but drama?

I don't know.
So, my dad was saying...

I don't want to hear
none of this story.

Thank God.


Target has arrived.

Alright, let's see how well
you studied the case file.

Identify the main players.

Okay. Uh, Tobias Kazan.

That's his wife, Cora.

They've been married 21 years,

meaning she doesn't care
where the family bank

is coming from.

That's his daughter, Aliz,

an SCLA student
with no real friends.

'Cause if she had some,
they would tell her

she has no rhythm
in those TikTok videos.

They're sweeping for bugs.

We got mics all over
this place.

The FBI uses a higher-encrypted
radio frequency

that's only available
to the U.S. government.

Those store-bought detectors
won't find them.

That is, if you
installed them correctly.

My dear friends,

so happy to have you all here today.

Together, we're celebrating
our beautiful Aliz.

As we say back home,
chronía pollá!

Chronía pollá!


Who the hell
are those guys?

The Dead Bastards.

They're the most violent
biker gang on the West Coast.

And there's their shot caller,
Rusty Filmore.

Word on the street is he has
a major hate-on for Kazan,

and it looks like he's here
to drop some bodies.

Get ready to move in.

This thing
can go sideways at any moment.

Good-looking kid.
Baby-faced to be a gangster.

That's Rusty's son Kellen.

Are you out of your mind?

What, you're having a party,
and you didn't even invite us?

It's my daughter's birthday.

Now, what the hell do you want
that couldn't wait?

I want to talk business

before it's too late
to save our deal.

Holy hell.

They're working together.


Sir, we have a problem.

Simone, we're about
to get proof that these

two criminal organizations
are in bed together.

I don't want to hear
about problems.

What's the problem?


we don't have eyes or ears
in the kitchen.

Why the hell not?

Because we were just about
to wire that room,

and then, you know,
Bob turned up dead.

If we don't hear
what's happening in there,

the whole op is a bust.

Sir, send me in.

Simone, if you get made
in there,

you will not
make it back out.

No one will think
I'm law enforcement.

- That's for sure.
- Be nice.

I can plant the mic.
Trust me.

Matt, don't.
It's too risky.

Okay, do it.

But, Simone, the first sign
of trouble,

I want you out of there.

Get ready to watch your girl
save the day.

Hello, handsome.

We're closed

for a private party.


That's weird because
I talked to Natalia yesterday,

and she said
that I should...

She's not here.
Come back after 5:00.

Oh, but I'm here now.

See, I just want to talk
about planning

a little retirement party...

I can't help you.
I'm sorry.

Unh-unh, don't be.

With them beautiful eyes, baby,
you never have to be sorry.

I will, uh, come back
another time.

But is it okay if I use
the bathroom real quick

before I go?

Pretty please?

Just make it fast.


I'm sorry.

I was gonna reach out
after the party.

It's a whole nother party

going on in here.

Who are you?

I made a left when I should have
made a right.

Look at this cuteness.

Okay, get out.

Okay, right, but before I go, listen.

I want to have a party here.

My daddy can't have dairy,
and the kids don't like meat.

Everybody got something.
Can y'all handle all of that?

No. Now leave.

Okay, but the only thing...
Get out.

Wait, you ain't got to put
your hands on me.

Wait. Don't touch me.


Ernestine, what the hell are you
doing in these people's kitchen?

Luther, I was trying
to talk to them

about your mama's party.

And the next thing I know,
I'm being manhandled.

Now, you being what, now?

Sir, you and your wife,
you need to leave now.

Oh, we got to go, huh?

Come on, baby.

Let's find a place
that values our business.

We don't got to take this.

You promised we'd get
the package two days ago.

Yeah, there's been a little
issue at the border,

but now everything is fixed.

Yeah, well, I got people looking
at me like I can't deliver.

I understand the position
I put you in, okay?

So, there'll be
a little extra

in your package tomorrow night,
free of charge.

Boom! Just like that,
we got them.

Now, tomorrow night,
we bust that drop,

and we put Tobias
and the Dead Bastards

out of commission
once and for all.

Two birds,
one surveillance mic.

I'll get with CIRG,

get them up to speed
for tomorrow.

Can we go home
and get some sleep now?

No, you and Simone still

have to remove all the wires and
cameras out of that restaurant

after they close,

and you'll need supervision, so...


Don't even think about it.

Carter has a hot date
tonight, so...

It's cool. I can
supervise. Are you sure?

Yeah, of course.
I'm not doing anything.



Why don't we, uh...

Uh, what the hell
are you doing here?

I texted you.
I left messages.

I didn't answer,
which would clearly indicate

that I don't have anything
to say to you.

Can we do this somewhere
less public, please?

I really hope you didn't come
all this way to apologize.

I came because I wanted you
to hear this from me

before anyone else.

Sam and I are engaged.


No, it's not okay.

You and I have been
lifelong friends.

I just... I-I hope
we can move past this.

I already have.

Great. I was worried
you were gonna be upset.

I'm glad you understand.

I'm sorry.
Understand what, exactly?

We did nothing wrong,

'cause you became
so consumed by work that...

That you just couldn't
hold space

for anything
outside of that.

So, Sam and I bonded

over being shut out
emotionally by you.

Got it.

Well, um, guess what?

I-I've moved on,
and the two of you

both obviously...
moved on

with my engagement ring.

Sam gave that to me.

But you returned it.

Okay, Katie.

Uh, I-I-I really have to
get back to work, but, um,


I hope you're both very happy.

And, uh, be sure to return
your visitor badge

at the front desk.


Hey, Daddy.

Simone, can't you just call me
old-school like normal people?

Uh, no. And why are you
all dressed up?

You know better than to get
into grown folks' business.

I haven't seen you bust out
the cravat since Widow Jenkins.

This must be juicy.

Okay, I'm hanging up now.

Daddy, wait. I called you
because I wanted to tell you

I'm working late
and not to wait up.

I won't.

See, now I know you up
to something.

So, I looked at the
reviews for this place,

and everyone raves about
the bone-marrow crostino.

My favorite.

What's going on
with that promotion

to the New Orleans
field office?

I kind of spoke too soon.

It's off the table.

Don't be mad.

I'm not.
And that's the problem.

the only feeling I have

when it comes
to you and me is...


We're not us anymore,
are we?

Not for a long time.

So, do we keep
the reservation?

I'll drive you home.

This girl is so hot, B.

So, what's wrong?
You got your problem face on.

My daddy thinks
she's trouble.

How much trouble
could she really be?

If you have to ask,
it's already too much.

Trust me on this.

What's got you twisted?

Remember, her BFF was...

Okay, gossip girls,

no more talking
until you finish the job.

Done. Now can we get back
to talking about you?

Grab the bags.
Take cover.

So, why are we here?

Don't be such a punk.
It's my birthday.

I want a drink.


I can buy you a drink
somewhere else.

- Come on. Let's get out of here.
- No. I want this.

It's tequila from Greece.

You're gonna love it.

Tobias' daughter
and Rusty's son are smashing?

Damn, this just got spicy.

What the hell?!

Oh, no.

This is FBI Special Agent
Laura Stensen.

I just witnessed
a kidnapping.

Blue panel van,
license plate K-I-9-8-0-9.

LAPD has a BOLO out
on the kidnappers' van,

but we got to assume
at this point

that they got away.

So, we're gonna focus
on the bigger picture.

Why the hell were Rusty
and Tobias' kids together?

We're looking at
a Romeo/Juliet situation.

No, these families work together.

They're not at war.

So I'm not sure that metaphor
really tracks.

Okay, but it's more of an
analogy than a metaphor, so I...

Either way, the big problem

is both their fathers
have a lot of enemies.

So, we don't know which kid
the kidnappers were after.

Maybe they were both the target.

I mean,
that's a lot of leverage.

Whatever the case, we do have
to notify the families.


I mean, our... our criminal
targets are now our victims.

Are we gonna have to blow up
our surveillance op for this?

No, at least try not to.
We'll tell them

an eyewitness saw the abduction,
which technically is not a lie.

We can use it as an opportunity
to gather more intel.

These people
may be criminals,

but we still
have to treat them with heart.

I mean, their babies
are in danger.

Yes, of course.

But let's not forget, these
are ruthless dope pushers.

Psychologically speaking,

this will
trigger extreme duress.

It's a high probability

that they'll make
a careless mistake.

Let's bring them in and see
what shakes out.

- We could get lucky.
- Absolutely.

But saving these kids
is our top priority.

Now, I have history with Kazan,
so I'll bring him in myself.

Laura, Brendon, you get Rusty.

Carter, Simone, your covers
were blown at the restaurant,

so you've got to stay
out of sight.

But start digging
into these kids' lives.

Go through their phone records,

their receipts,
their social media, everything.

If we can figure out
how the kidnappers tracked them,

we might be able to uncover
who the kidnappers are, okay?

Aliz's entire life
is online.

She likes
overpriced handbags,

mirror butt selfies,
Jell-O shots.

She's pretty basic.

I mean, a spoiled princess

who likes taking
sloppy photos at d-arties.


Gen-Z lingo
for day parties.

Yeah, she just finished
her freshman year,

and every other photo since
she pledged her sorority

is her sitting on
some drunk frat boy's lap.

She's a little ratchet.

Okay, well, Kellen only recently
joined the Dead Bastards.

And unlike his father,

he's got
no priors, not even juvie.

Well, since he was nonexistent
in her social feeds,

I called his high school
guidance counselor.

Of course you did.
Any intel?

Well, she said
he was a "C" student,

never been
to the principal's office,

a quiet kid, self-taught
Harley mechanic.

So that's methodical.

She's wild. He's mild.

opposites do attract.

Yeah, but how did
these two even meet?

I mean, their fathers'

can't be the only thing
they have in common.

Ah, wait a minute.

It doesn't make sense.

How the hell did you find out
about this before we did?

An eyewitness
saw it happen

around 3:00 a.m.
and called 911.

And they called the feds
before the family?

I don't think so.

If I find out
you're lying

and you're using my boy
as leverage...

a little paranoid, isn't it?

I wouldn't put
anything past you.

How about we focus
on getting your kid back?

Have there been any threats
against Kellen?


Of course not.
Aliz is a good kid.

Were there any threats made
against anyone else

in your family?

No, just from the FBI.

Did you approve of Kellen's
relationship with Aliz?

Kazan's daughter?
He's never even met her.

You're lying.

Aliz would never go out
with that gear head.

They were spotted together right
in front of your restaurant

just before the abduction.

Why would your son

meet Aliz there?

She must have lured him there.

He must have stalked her there.

You saying the Dead Bastards
are responsible?


His trashed son seduced

my little girl to get an in
into my husband's...

Look, do I think Tobias
could be responsible?

No comment.

Now, if we're finished here,
I got work to do.

I got to go find my kid.

Where's my son?

Where's my daughter?

Hey, hey!
Back off!

Come on!

This isn't over!
Not by a long shot.

Get him out of here, now.

I'm sending agents
to your house

to put trap-and-trace devices
on all your phones, okay?

So, when
the kidnapers call...

Forget it.
We don't want your help.

Don't do this.

Taking matters
into your own hands

is only gonna
get your kids killed.

Damn it.

Okay, judge just signed off
on T3 cellular

and land line wiretap warrants
for both Rusty and Tobias.

So, we'll know
if either family

gets a ransom demand
from the kidnappers.

Or if they try to conspire
to do anything illegal.

Carter and Simone,
you tail Rusty.

Laura, Brendon,
you tail Tobias.

Now, remember, these are two
desperate, violent men.

So let's stay close and act
quickly if something goes down.

- Copy that.
- On it.

Come on, Rusty, do something.

At some point, you're going
to need to get used

to the slow pace
of surveillance.

What can I say?
I'm wired for action.

Tell me you got something.

All the guys are out
searching, but nothing yet.

Did you jack up
the West Side crew?

Yeah, pulled some bits off.
They're not involved.

It's getting serious
out there.

Oh. How was dinner
with the wifey?

You never told me.

Why would I tell you?

Okay. Be like that.

I could always sing
to pass the time.

Please don't.

Dinner was... great.

Not according to
the look on your face.

We didn't...

We didn't even make it
into the restaurant.

What happened?

We're getting a divorce.

Carter, I am so sorry.

Can we not talk about it?

I don't care.

Bust some heads,
pay some bribes,

whatever you got to do
to find her, do it.

He's cracking.

Tobias never would have said

something like that
on a cellphone before.

You know, this one time,
my best friend, Davey Pepper,

stole all my Pokémon cards.

He sold them
to buy a new bike.

I was devastated.

Are you seriously trying
to tell me a story

from your childhood just to get
me to open up about Katie?

It was, like, nine months ago.

Remember what I said
about my personal business?

I-I-I do.
But I also saw you earlier,

and it looked like you might
explode out of your own skin,


Well, that's because
Katie told me it was

my fault
she cheated with my ex.

Now they're engaged.

- What?
- Yeah.

Oh, my... You destroyed her, right?

I kind of...
congratulated her.

You did what?

During my sabbatical,
I did a deep dive

into the latest scientific
literature on...

On narcissists,
toxic personalities,


Research, Laura,
that's... that's, you know,

one way to go about it.

Yeah, it's my way.

And it reminded me

that you can't change
a toxic person.

You just have to
stay positive

and cut them out
of your life.

- So, you just...
- Yeah.

Wished her well,
sent her on her way.

- It felt good.
- Laura,

you got to get out
of your own head.

You know,
you got to stop doing

what all
the research tells you to do.

And you got to be vulnerable.

You got to...
You got to feel this.

Oh, incoming
from Rusty's phone.

Yeah, who's this?

If you ever
want to see your son again,

it'll cost $2 million.

I'll text you an address
to drop the money.

Be there in two hours.

How do I know he's still alive?

Check your e-mail.

You seeing this, B.?

Yeah, it's hardcore.

You got two hours to try
and locate the kidnapers.

Any chance to trace
the ransom call?

No. They used a spoof
VOIP number.

So Rusty's got a ransom demand,
but not Tobias?

Maybe Kellen was the target
and Aliz was collateral.

Or she might
already be dead.

What are you doing?

Little computer trick
I learned

on the set of
"My Hard Drive Ate My Homework."

If I isolate the background
in the ransom video,

I can run a web search
for the photos

with the exact same background.

So it's like
facial recognition,

but with objects
and architecture?

If the room was posted online,

it could get us
a location.

I love it.
Keep going.

Simone, Carter,
you stay with Rusty.

You follow him
to that money drop.

Kidnappers just lit a fuse,

and we've got only two hours
to stop this explosion.

We're at the drop.
Eyes on Rusty.

Now what?
Now we gear up, get closer,

and see who comes to get the money.

Yes, B.


Brendon found the house
from the ransom video.


- Cover right.
- Move, move, move!

Go! Move in!

- Watch your corner.
- Cover left, cover left.

- Check the back.
- Go, go, go!

Sweep the area.

One down.

Don't you move!

- Face down.
- Clear.

Don't move!


You find him?


In here! In here!

- FBI! We're coming in!
- Hey! In here!

Put your hands up!

Yeah. Yeah.

- Where's Aliz?
- I-I don't know.

Th-They... They took her
somewhere else.

While we're waiting, shouldn't
we put a tracker in the bag?

Just, you know,
in case they get away?

- In theory, it's a good idea.
- In theory?

It would leave us exposed
without proper backup.

Procedure is to identify
the kidnappers,

initiate surveillance,

and then follow them back
to their safe house.

Right. But Brendon already
found the safe house,

so we should be
slapping cuffs on guys, right?

Let's grab them.

What do we do now?
Call for backup.

You do that.

Simone, wait.

Shots fired. Shots fired.
Send backup.


You are surrounded.

Don't even think about
getting away on foot.

I want to see guns on the ground
and hands in the air now!

I did good, right?

Here you go, buddy.

- Is Aliz okay?
- We don't know.

Can you tell us
what happened?

We got separated
right away.

Okay, they kept me blindfolded.
They wore masks.

Do you think someone found out
about your relationship

and used it as a way
to get a payday from both sides?

No, okay?
Nobody knew about me and Aliz.

We kept it secret, okay?

We didn't even go out
in public together since we met.

How did you guys meet?

At Hard Road
a few months ago.

Biker bar. Huh.

That's a strange place
for her, huh?

Yeah. I mean, she was...
She was out of place big time.

But, you know, she was...
She was really cute about it.

So I hit on her.

Once I found out who she was,
I-I backed off.

Okay? I knew my dad
would be pissed, but...

That girl is...

She's... She's stubborn.

You know, that's...
That's Aliz for you.

He just lawyered up.

That's four for four.
No one's talking.

Definitely not your
run-of-the-mill kidnappers.

This one looks like
he just got his braces off.

I know. It's odd.

None of them have ties or
records to either crime family.

It's like they're just straight out of suburbia.

More like straight out of
Southern College of Los Angeles.

I found the link
between the kidnappers.

Dwayne here is a senior.
The other two just graduated.

Aliz goes to SCLA.
That can't be a coincidence.

Well, maybe they found out
who her father was

and they thought
they could make a quick buck.

And Kellen
is just collateral

that ended up
being worth something.

but my daddy always said,

when something don't seem right,
turn on the light.

I take it
you have a theory?

No, more of a question.

How does Aliz,
a spoiled princess,

go from d-arties
to biker bars?

That's a day party.

Little Miss Aliz may not be
as innocent as she seems.

The FBI arrested several men,

averting what was
a tense standoff earlier...

You said there was no way your
families would involve the cops.

They wouldn't.

The cops got onto this
some other way.

Do you think
the others will talk?

Eventually, yeah.

But none of them know
I'm in on it, right?

No, they all think
it was my idea.


Please no.
I have to.


What's your emergency?

Um, this is Aliz Kazan.

I wa... I was kidnapped,
but I got free.

Uh, he stabbed me.

So I grabbed his g...

I grabbed his gun.
I, um...

I shot him.
I shot him.

Please help me. Please.

Hey, hold up.

Can we see the vic?

What is it?

I've seen this guy before.

She knew her kidnapper.

Miss Kazan, we're with the FBI.
I'm so glad you're safe.

It was awful.

I'm sure it was.

We ID'd your kidnapper,
the... the man you killed.

He came at me
with a knife.

His name
is Tony Eakins.

Did you know him?

No. I never met him
before in my life.

Any idea why he abducted you
or your boyfriend?

Because our dads
are rich.

And you sure you've
never seen him before?

Aliz, honey,
let me give you some advice.

The next time
you decide to lie,

scrub your socials first.

I guess it's easier
to kill somebody

if you pretend
like you don't remember them.

Same as it is
if you say you love them

and don't even ask
about how they doing.

'Cause, see, the first thing
that little Kellen boy did

was ask about you.

I'm in shock.

I would be too,

if I killed somebody
to keep from going to jail.

Out of my way.
She's my daughter.

- Don't say another word.
- Stand back.

Your daughter is the prime
suspect in her own kidnapping

and the kidnapping
of Kellen Filmore.

And for the murder
of Tony Eakins.


You two were in my restaurant
the other day.

Watching on us
this whole time?

Is this what this
is about?

You coming after
my business?

That is all you care about...
Your business!

You're always all,
"I grew up with nothing.

And you should learn
the value of hard work."

You wanted me
to earn my own money?

Well, guess what?

I did.

Whoops. That right there
is what we call a confession.

And that means
you're under arrest.

You came at me
through my kid.

I won't forget that.

Your kid
made her own bed.

If I were you, I'd get her
a really good lawyer.

The AD says Bob's plaque's
gonna go right here.

Wish we could have taken down
Tobias in his honor.

Yeah, well,
it wasn't all a bust.

Laura was right.

Because of
the kidnapping chaos,

Tobias's crew had to reroute
the fentanyl delivery.

Yeah, our wiretaps
caught one of his guys

making a call
he shouldn't have.

DEA nabbed the shipment
coming over the border.

As far as Rusty and Tobias go,
we'll get them one day.

Listen, even though we didn't
get our intended targets,

this was still one hell
of a successful op today.

Technically, the...
The op started yesterday

or the day before.

How many days have we been up?

I don't know.
But I'm ready to lay down.

Well, all of you go home.
Get some rest.

You okay?

One day, you're an agent
in the field.

The next, you are a ghost
on a wall.


The life we lead.

You're deflecting.


At least I'm not dwelling
on my health issues, right?

Still eating healthy.
I'm managing my stress.

My heart is good.

Speaking of,
how's yours?

You know,
the whole Katie situation.

What is she, a witch?

Yeah, with a "B."

She's waiting for me.

I asked her
to come back.

Surprised you called.

Yeah, me too.

But I realized
you were right.

I am obsessive
when it comes to work.

And that doesn't always
leave space for friends

or lovers or...
anyone, really.

Laura, I am so happy

you're finally starting
to be honest with yourself.

Well, hold up,
'cause that honesty

is about to get directed
right at you.

You were a horrible friend.

The absolute worst.

And not just because
you cheated with Sam

behind my back
for over a year.

We grew up together.
Each other's ride-or-die.

And if you saw me losing
connection with my relationships,

then why the hell
didn't you ever just tell me?!

you wouldn't listen.

Oh, well, we'll never
know now, will we?

I do want to thank you

because I will never,
ever let someone like you

into my life ever again.

Oh, and do you know
what came of me being obsessive

when it comes to work?

I became a genius profiler
of human psyche.

So trust me
when I say this...

Cheaters always cheat.

Good luck with Sam.

Too much?


Did it feel awesome?

Didn't suck.

Thank you.


How you holding up?

I'm fine.

Look, you don't want
to talk to me, that's cool,

but you need
to talk to somebody.

Even amicable divorces
can be emotional chainsaws.

It's my son
I'm worried about.

How do we tell him?

Carter, I worked with kids
for 20 years,

and they understand a lot more
than we think they do.

Be honest with the boy.

Tell him the truth.

Love him.

The rest
will work itself out.

♪ No matter what goes wrong

Oh, you still up,
baby girl?

Just trying to unwind
after a long couple days.

Hey, uh...

I-I have a confession
to make.

I may have told a teeny,
tiny little lie about Dina

when I said
she was drama.

Why would you do that?

Ruth and I
took to each other.

We started dating.

That's why you were so dolled up
the other night.

And so you thought
it would be weird

if I was dating
the daughter

while you were
dating the mother.

Right. You should
have just told me that.

I know.

And I'm sorry.

But I so appreciate you finally
listening to your old man

and not dating Dina.

It means a lot.
Thank you.

Daddy. I got you.

♪ I'm so tired of heartaches
washed away with tears ♪

I got you.


♪ ...I guess

♪ So if you still expect
me to be true ♪

Is everything alright?

- ♪ I don't want your kind of love ♪
- Everything is perfect.

Captions by VITAC...
Synchronized by srjanapala