The Rookie (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - The Night General - full transcript

Nolan teams up with new night detective Pablo Armstrong for a murder investigation case that results in an unexpected reunion with a former love interest.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Nolan: Okay, here we are.

Thank you for being
our designated driver.

Oh, I figured you needed
to blow off a little steam

after the week you had.

Forget about
being left back.

You just need to make peace

with being
back in long sleeves.

I have.
No, you haven't.

No, I haven't.
[ Chuckles ]

Oh, guys.


[ Cellphone beeps ]

911 Operator:
911, what's your emergency?

This if off-duty officer
Jackson West, badge 33356.

I need a unit to my home

for an on-view suspect
dealing eleven-three.

I'm gonna cut around
the back side, cut 'em off.


Get down on the ground,

keep your hands
where I can see them.

Foot pursuit!
Westbound in the alley!

Suspect's a male, white,
5'10", 200 pounds.


[ Grunts ]

[ Groaning ]

Suspect in custody.

Yo, you slinging dope
in my neighborhood?

[ Groans ]

Mr. Wilson?

Oh, hey, Jackson.

You know this guy?

Yeah, he's my landlord.

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
whoa, oh, oh ♪

♪ I'm gonna win for you ♪

♪ Like I know
you want me to do ♪

[ "Feeling Good" plays ]


♪ We got that new thing ♪

Sgt. Grey: You ever heard of
a Night General?

No, sir.

Night General Detectives.

They respond
to any major crime scene

after normal
business hours.

They work the case
until it's assigned.

They have to be a master
in everything

because they see

Sounds impressive.
It is.

And most of them got
the attitude to go with it.

[ Knock on door ]
This my tour guide?

I thought you were
assigning me a rookie.

I am a rookie, sir.
John Nolan.

Nick Armstrong.

Detective Armstrong
is our new Night Detective.

He asked for a patrol officer
to show him around,

help him get familiar
with our division.

Yeah, just did a ten spot
up in the seven-seven,

so I don't know none
of the players in
this part of town.

Hell, I don't know where
to get a decent cup of coffee.

Well, I got you covered
on the coffee.

I'll do my best
on the rest.

Fair enough.

Alright, it's roll call time.
You want to come?

First day of school,

might as well meet
the other kids.

Were you Night General
back at the seven-seven?

Last five years.

After my wife died,
I found the nights the hardest,

so I filled 'em.
Oh, I'm sorry.


Before or after
you signed up?

Part of the catalyst
to make the change.

Change is hard.
I hate it, man.

But here I am.
Life is contradictory.

[ Chuckles lightly ]
Tell me about it.

Sgt. Grey: Settle down.
Find a seat.

First up,

I'd like to congratulate
Officer Jackson West

on a fine pinch last night.

[ Cheers and applause ]

No crook is safe
from Officer West,

not even his landlord.

Letter of commendation?
Change of address form.

Your apartment is now considered
a "house of ill repute"...

[ Laughter ]
...and under asset seizure.

We need your new address
by tomorrow,

even if it's Mama's house.


This sharp-dressed man
in the doorway

is Detective Nick Armstrong.

He'll be in the field
after hours

for your detecting needs.

Yes, Officer Lopez?

Detective Armstrong,
on a scale of 1 to 10,

where 1 is "patrol friendly"

and 10 is "making us guard
a cleared crime scene

in the pouring rain

'cause you get
a power trip off of it,"

where do you stand?

Sgt. Grey: Lopez.

No, it's alright, Sarge.

I appreciate
a direct question.

A lot of cops
take off the uniform,

they put on the suit.

Suddenly, they think
they're better

than the officers
in this room.

I'm not one of them.

Patrol is where
it all happens.

It's fast, honest,
pure, raw.

85% of all crimes are solved
at the patrol level.

So, the way I see it,
I am here to help you,

not the other way around.

And if that doesn't
win you over,

I have five dozen
of the finest donuts

in the break room.

That's all I'm saying.
[ Laughter ]

[ Applause ]

Detective, you think you can
buy us with donuts?

Absolutely not.

Maybe rent you, though.

[ Light laughter ]

Okay, are we done?
Good, 'cause we're done.

Be safe out there.

let me see you a sec.

Chief Williams
added another book

to your Sergeants Exam
reading list.

"Split Second Leadership:

Leading Men
In The Line Of Duty."

It's from the '60s.

How is this relevant
to 21st-century policing?

Ours is not to reason why,
Officer Bradford.

Read the book.

Yes, sir.

Sergeant Grey is
setting me up to fail.

You see that, right?
No. I really don't.

Come on,
there's no way

I'm gonna find someplace
to live in one day.

Not with that attitude.
[ Sighs ]

7 to 10 days would be
a reasonable amount of time.

It's at the sergeant's

Just like sticking me
back in long sleeves
was at his discretion.

You know, I know two guys
from the academy

who both got 80s,
and they're both
in short sleeves.

[ Car door closes ]

Why's he penalizing me?

You know,
I think I liked you better

when you were a coward.

You complained less.


Tim: If I have to suffer,
so do you.

So, you're gonna read this
out loud to me between calls.

Only way I'm gonna get it
memorized in time.

Or I could drive

and you could read it
to yourself.

Nice try.
Start reading.

[ Clears throat ]

"Chapter One.

True leadership
generates respect, not fear.

It elevates people,
rather than diminishing them."

I like this book.

You would.

Keep reading.

"The number-one mistake
new leaders make

is to think themselves
suddenly infallible.

The best leaders understand

that even
the lowliest patrol officer

has something valuable
to teach them."

Repeat that last part
back to me.

is all about repetition.

Trust me.
I'm a psych major.

I-I know this stuff.

The best leaders understand

that even
the lowliest patrol officer

has something valuable
to teach them.


Dispatch: 7-Adam-19,

family disturbance
at 217 Evergreen.

Thank God.

7-Adam-19, copy.
En route.

Okay, ETA three minutes.
Time to read some more.

"An open mind
and an open door..."

And that's why
phase three recruits

all have tan left arms.

I am not gonna lie,

the change to short sleeves
has been life-altering.

[ Laughs ]
I remember it well.

Then I quickly, uh,
moved into suits.

I mean,
it's not as hot as wool,

but it's not cool,
[ Chuckles ]

How long did it take you
to make the move?

What? Uh, detective?

Four years.

I didn't think
that was possible.

Yeah, well, I'm still
the only cop who's done it.

But I still wonder if I --
if I moved too quickly.

Well, speaking as someone
who wants to move up rapidly,

I am officially
your number-one fan.

If there's any hints
you can dispense,

I am all ears.

You hook me up
on the local 411,

and I'll dispense
a little knowledge.

[ Chuckles ]

Dispatch: All units,
incoming four-fifteen.

Shaw Memorial.

Security fighting
with unknown male.

I haven't been in a fight
in a while.

Buy that call.

Let's go get
in some trouble.

Here we go.

They're gonna kill
each other!

My boys -- they bought
these military vests

off the Internet,

and they wanna
try them out!

Bulletproof vests?
Oh, I hope so.

They won't listen to me.
Maybe you'll listen to them.

I called the cops.
Ma'am, get in the house.
Get in the house.

Put the guns down!
Put 'em down!
Both: 3, 2, 1.

Drop your weapons!

[ Gunshots ]

Oh, my God!
[ Both cough ]

Stay in the house.
J-Bag: See, I told you
they'd work.

Drop the guns, right now!
Drop your weapon now!

Jason: Relax.
We were just messing around.

J-Bag bet me
the vests wouldn't work.


Tim: You been drinking,

or are you normally
this stupid?

Get up.

I-I don't feel so good.

[ Groans ]

Shelly: Look at you!

You guys never listen
to what I'm saying.

I won the bet.
What bet? He's dying!

It doesn't matter!
It was his idea to
buy the vests!

I need an ambulance.

Gunshot wound
to the upper torso.

go back in the house!

He's bleeding.
What are you doing here?

Nurse Lisa: Excuse me,
excuse me, excuse me.

Just came in
on a 5150 hold.

He got loose.
He's high on something.

[ Grunting, punches ]
Armstrong: Whoa.

[ Grunting ]

Hey, big guy. Hey.

We don't want anybody
hurting you, okay?

[ Roars ]
Tase him,
tase him, tase him!

[ Taser crackles ]


[ Taser crackles ]


[ Both grunting ]

Come on, big guy. Come on.

[ Both shouting ]



[ Grunts ]


I'm open to ideas.


[ Applause ]

Are you okay?

Yeah, I probably should
have...stretched before that.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

How long have you been
a cop?

Six months.
You're kidding me.

I mean, they didn't let me
touch a patient for three years.

Oh, well, I think LAPD
puts value on

"on the job" training.

I thought you were gonna be
a painter.

I mean,
things happened, so...

What did you give him,
and can I get some?

[ Chuckles ]

Detective Armstrong,
this is Grace.

Nice to meet you.

How do you know Nolan?

We went
to college together.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Nurse Lisa:
Gunshot victim coming in!

Good seeing you again,

Nice to meet you,

Nice to meet you.

This the first time
you've seen her since?


She looks good.

Come on. Yep.

Come on.


[ Door buzzes ]

[ Groans ]

Come on. Come on.


Hey, West.

What's up?

You find a place
to live yet?

Smitty, it's only been,
like, two hours.

After you book your DUI,
meet me at the west gate.



[ Man falls on floor ]


[ Gate opens ]


[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Door opens ]

Jackson. Welcome home.

That's right.

You have a chance to stay
at the best-kept secret

in the LAPD --

Shangri-La Westgate.

Low maintenance,
zero commute,

and a vacation is easy as

start your engines."

Smitty, you live in
the police station parking lot.

I even have the password
to the coffee shop WiFi.

Baller, isn't it?

"Baller" is not the first word
that comes to mind,

and not one that sounds good
coming out of your mouth. know what?

This actually is
something that might --
Lopez: Boot!

I told you to meet me
at the shop!

$400 a month,
zero security deposit.

We got a deal?

Let's go!

Let me get back to you.

[ Car door closes ]

Alright, so, what's the deal
with Dr. Grace?

What do you mean?

Mm, noticed a little
under the surface.

You didn't catch it?

No, but I was, uh,
a little preoccupied.

You know, surprise,
adrenaline, head trauma.


What --
What do you think it was?

Hey, I -- No idea.
No idea.

Dispatch: 7-Adam-15,
manually activated panic alarm.

Multiple distress activations.

7-Adam-15, responding.

Code 2 High.


Is this locked?

Let's try the side
of the house first.





[ Banging on door ]

[ Muffled shouting ]

Police! Come on out!

Show me your hands!

[ Muffled grunting ]

Nolan: I got you.
I got you.

Armstrong: It's okay.
Oh, oh, oh.

They have Jeff.

They have our son.

There's --
There's two of them.
Shh. It's okay.

-They're upstairs.
-How long ago?

Uh, 20 minutes,
half hour.

Home invasion, possible 207.
We're clearing the house now.

Stay here.
Okay. Okay.

[ Both breathing shallowly ]




Armstrong: Clear!



[ In distance ] Jeff?


I'm sorry.

No! Jeff!


I'm sorry.

So, what we got?
Uh, victim's name

is Jeff Christian,
17 years old.

Apparently gunshot wound
to the back.

Any others?

Matt and Marilyn Christian.

Both assaulted.

two masked assailants.

Males, white,
maybe Hispanic.

5'9" to 5'11",
medium build.

Uh, the primary wore
white sneakers with
a red triangle.

I already put out a BOLO

Can I tell you,
it's nice to have

a detective
here from the get-go.

Now, you want the on-call
homicide dicks to respond?

Nah, I'll take this one.
Anything special

you want them
to pay attention to?

Uh, there was a piece
of electrical tape

the doorbell camera.


75% of cops would have
missed that tape.

That's a nice spot,
Officer Nolan.

You want to work with me
on this one?

Yes, sir, I do.

Good. Come on.

Mr. and Mrs. Christian, I...

I am, uh...

I'm sorry.

All I can offer
is a promise.

I will hunt the men
who did this.

I will hunt them
to the ends of the Earth,

and I will not stop
until I find them.

If there's anything you need,
the LAPD is here for you.

Thank you.

Would you excuse us?

What do we got?
[ Grunts ]

Is that a puncture wound
on the elbow?

Yeah. Entry wound.

The bullet
entered the elbow,

probably bounced off
the humerus bone,

severed the brachial,

and then came
out of the back.

What's this fluid
in his mouth?

Pulmonary edema, but let's
let the coroner handle that.

Any sign of struggle?


Not really, but...

how does someone
get shot in the elbow?

[ Sighs ]
Reaching for a loaded gun.

But what does lunging
for a gun suggest?

He was fighting back.

but why wait so long?

Was he trying
to reason with them?

But maybe shooting the kid
wasn't the original plan,

but once he grabbed the gun --

Bang. No choice.

But why are they
in this room?

The master bedroom,
the parents' room --

that's where
all the expensive stuff is.


But here...

Wait a minute.

[ Door hinges creak ]

Cubby hole.

Prescription pills.

[ Cellphone camera clicks ]


I'm gonna have to let
the lab confirm,

but I'm saying
that's Oxycontin.

You think maybe
this was the real target?

See that piece of plastic
on that nail?

The baggie probably ripped
when they pulled it out,

and they lost
a few pills.

So that explains what
they were doing up here.

So, what do we do next?

Uh...we dig
into Jeff's past,

find out everybody
he knew.

Two of those people
either killed him
or know who did.


The suspect pool
just shrunk

from the whole world
to about 200 now.

Eliminate women, the very tall,
short, young, old --

we're talking
maybe 50 names.

We could have these guys
ID'd before dinner.


Jackson: Good move, pulling me
away from Smitty's RV.

He just dropped the rent
a hundred bucks.

Yeah, my dad always said
the only true negotiating power

is the ability
to walk away.

Smitty's Shangri-La
is where cops go to die.

That's one way
of looking at it.

And the other
is that it's freedom,

model of efficiency.

No commute, cheap rent.

You can spin it
all you want.

Doesn't change the fact

that it's another step
in the wrong direction.

Why not just move back in
with your folks

while you look for
a place?

Talk about
the wrong direction.

'Cause you haven't
told your dad about
your test score?

[ Scoffs ] No.

[ Police radio chatter ]

Alright, fine. Fine.

I'll stay at home tonight,

but only
'cause it'll get Smitty

to knock down the rent
even more.

Just like that,
we're back where we started.

Lucy: "Chapter Three.

The healthy habits
of command.

Delegation is the key

to leading men
in times of stress.

Don't ever think you can carry
the load all by yourself."

That is so true.
Don't you think?

It's hard enough to listen to it
without you editorializing.

Hey, I'm happy to stop reading
and catch up on paperwork.

You're gonna have
to re-read all of this anyway

to really memorize it.

I memorize best
when I hear it.



Nothing. I...


You might have
a learning difference.

A what?

Technically, it's classified
as a disability,

but it really just means
that you're wired

to process information

In your case, through --
through hearing

rather than reading.
I don't have
a learning disability.

A lot of people have them.

I bet Isabel helped you
in the Academy,

read through the materials
with you and stuff.

We're not talking
about this.

Dispatch: 7-Adam-19,
suspicious person.

Unknown male sitting
in a red minivan.

Possibly casing
at 1966 Keegan Street.

show us responding.

All I'm saying is...

Never mind.

[ Siren chirps ]


[ Car doors close ]


Let's talk
on the sidewalk.


[ Chuckles ]

You're still
chasing bounty?

I thought
you moved to Reno.

All my bail jumpers
come to L.A.

I got a tip one of 'em's
down the street

staying at
his aunt's place.

We got three 911 calls
about a weirdo in a minivan.

Watch your tone,

Oh, you don't get
to call her "Boot," Rex.

You're retired.

She's the police now.

Let's see
your bail bonds license

and the warrant
on your jumper.

You let her talk to you
like that?

[ Clicks tongue ]

Nico Sandoval.
Attempted murder?

Okay, you need
to call dispatch

and let us know
when you're out here.

This guy sounds dangerous.

Uh, I've been Code 5
on dangerous men

since before you were born,
little lady.

Well, in this century,
you notify local law enforcement

so when you get in the weeds,
we know who's out here.

I don't call for help.
Help calls for me.

Maybe you need to let this guy
read your book.

Rex, if you're gonna
be out here, you gotta
play by the rules.

Ah, come on, Tim.

I call this in,

someone's gonna
snatch my bounty.

I need that money.

Nico shows,
you give us a call.

No one's gonna
"snatch your bounty."


It's good to see you,

It's good seeing you, too,

Nolan: Detective Armstrong.

I spoke to some
of Jeff's friends.

Turns out he did a stint
in rehab three months ago.


Funny how his family
failed to mention that,

and that explains the fluid
you saw coming out of his mouth.

The only cause for that
to happen in a dead body

is a bad chest cold
or an opioid addiction.

That's good to know.

We need to get a warrant
for Jeff's rehab records,

see if he made
any friends in there.

Actually, I spoke
to an ex-girlfriend.

She told me
while Jeff was in rehab,

he connected with a man
who was, quote,

"ass cancer
in a skin suit."

Got Jeff to deal
some drugs for him

while he was
in his fancy prep school.

This skin suit
have a name?

Bruno Winch.

He lives over
in Highland Park.


Lopez: LAPD!
Probation search!

Open up!


-Bruno Winch! LAPD!






Man: Clear.

Sgt. Grey: Baseball bat.
Tough way to go.

White shoes,
red triangles.


Bruno: [ Gasps ]

[ Woman speaks indistinctly
over P.A. ]

Nolan: I don't see you
in 20 years,

now I see you twice
in one day.

I still cannot believe
you're a cop.

How long
have you been in L.A.?

Uh, less than a year.

Moved out after
Sarah and I got divorced

and Henry went off
to college.

That's right.

Yeah, Henry would be, um,
20 now.

[ Chuckles lightly ]

That's so weird.
We're so old.

Right. And yet,
you look exactly the same.

How is that
even possible?

Did Bruno make it?

He's critical,
but I think he'll live.

He's in ICU.
Any chance
for an interview?

No, we had
to induce a coma.

There's a lot of pressure
on his brain.
Couple days, maybe?

Most likely,
it's gonna be a week.

But we bagged his clothing
for you.

Excuse me.

Yeah, see,
I didn't feel anything then.

Yeah, maybe
I'm just making it up.

Now I think you're just
giving me a hard time.
Absolutely possible.

So, what are we thinking
with Bruno?

He and his partner

pull a home invasion
to get to Jeff.

Jeff probably
stole something from him --

maybe owed him drugs,

But then how does Bruno
end up beaten half to death?

Don't do that --

Making up stories is how
innocent men to go jail

and guilty men go free.

Thus endeth the tip.

Alright. End of shift.
Uh, you riding
back to the station?

Oh, no, I don't have
to clock out like you do.

I'm gonna stay here, have some
questionable hospital food,

see if a miracle happens
and Bruno wakes up.

Okay. Later.



I'm doing a huge renovation
on a house I just bought.

I could really use
an extra set of hands.

Pizza and beer on me.

[ Chuckles lightly ]


Pizza and beer?

This place is a wreck.

But it's my wreck.

[ Laughs ]

So, hey,
tell me about Grace.

Uh...we dated.

Yeah, I knew it.

She had that "bad breakup"

It was 20 years ago,
and she's wearing a ring,

probably has a kid.

I'm sure
she barely remembers me.

Yeah, yeah.
Just tell me what happened.

We met my junior year.

I my ex-wife,
Sarah, since high school,

and, uh, we hit a bad spell
and broke up.

And that's
when Grace happened.

Yeah, we'd been friends
for a few months,

and there had always
been a spark,

but it just...

went off like a bomb.

Crawled all over each other
for two weeks.

It was zero to 160
in the span of a heartbeat.

And then?

Then Sarah showed up at my dorm
eight weeks' pregnant.

Damn. Damn.

And you did
the right thing?

There was really
no other choice.

I still loved her,
and that was my kid.

So, I, uh,
dropped out of school,

packed up my things,
moved back to Foxburg.

I was married in a month,
a dad within six,

got a job in construction,
never looked back.


Well...I mean,
not never.

Now your paths
have crossed again, so...

So, nothing.

I'm seeing someone,
and she's married.

Married women
are the best.

You find yourself

a sexually frustrated,
hot little mama

whose husband
isn't doing it right --
I can't do that.

I mean, just thinking about that
stresses me out.

That's -- That's how
lives are ruined.

♪ Power ♪

♪ Unh ♪

is the right answer.

[ Chuckles ]

Hey, you can't be faithful
to a girl,

you can't be faithful
to an oath or a badge.

I'll drink to that.

Tim: Running late?

Yeah, had to commute from
my folks' place in Simi Valley.

Half the LAPD
lives in Ventura County,

but they all seem
to make it to work on time.

Yeah, well,
my dad was getting

all up in my business
about getting extended.

Literally had to stop him
from coming down here
and lighting up Lopez.

Look, the hole you're in
has nothing to do with Lopez.

But she's gonna
pay the price

when the commander's son
goes belly-up

through training.

I told him
it's not her fault.

Yeah, so,
tell him again.

Lopez bent over backwards
for you.

She protected your ass

when any other T.O.
would've sent you packing.

You owe her your career.

I know.


Nurse Lisa: Hey.

You're the cop who wrestled
the guy in the kilt.

Yes. Actually, I'm here
checking on another patient.

Bruno Winch?
We're trying to I.D. his p--

Bruno's still in a coma.

I much.

I just thought
I'd come and check.

You could have
done that by phone.

Nurse Lisa: See ya.

I officially feel like
you're stalking me.

That is as ridiculous
as it is accurate.

We really just
didn't get a chance
to catch up yesterday.

Like, how long have
you been working here?

And, uh,
do you have any kids?

[ Exhales sharply ]

I've been here three weeks,

I'm the new head
of emergency medicine,

and I have
an 8-year-old.

8's such a great age,

I mean, obviously,
they're all great, but 8 is...

John, listen --
I don't mean to be rude.

I can't do this
with you.

it's been 20 years.

You left a note
on my door.

I mean, I never heard
from you again.

Sarah was pregnant.

You broke my heart.

I mean, I thought that
we were both in love,

and then you just

I can't believe that I am still
this angry with you.
Grace --

You know,
I'll have them call you

when your suspect
wakes up.


[ Indistinct conversations ]

Nolan: Mr. Christian?

Can I help you
with something?

Uh, Detective Armstrong
asked me to come in

so he could re-interview me

after, you know,
the initial shock's passed.

But I'm not sure it has.

I can only imagine what you're
going through right now.

Hell, if somebody hurt my Henry,
I'd be out for blood.


I'll go let Detective Armstrong
know that you're here.

What's up, buddy?

I was just talking

to Matt Christian
in the lobby.

I told him if anything
happened to my son,

I'd be out for blood,
and he just got his look.

I mean, I-I could be
misinterpreting it.

Our job as investigators
is not to speculate.

It's to think about
what we've seen,

what we've heard,
and articulate the facts.

What are those facts?

Matt paid for Jeff
to go to rehab.

Uh, that's where
Jeff met Bruno.


It's definitely possible

that Matt met Bruno there

when he was
visiting his son.

Maybe Matt recognized
Bruno's voice

during the home invasion?

Let's go talk to Matt.

Armstrong: Alright.
Thanks for coming by, Matt.

How's Marilyn today?

We didn't sleep.

She, uh --
She can't stop crying.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

I only have
a few follow-up questions,

and then we'll get you
back to her, okay?


Alright, was Jeff
on pain medication?

We found oxy in his room.

He tore his knee
last year.

Eh -- Doctor gave him
a couple of pills.

He was hooked
for a little while,

but...I got him clean.

Re-birth Malibu.
That's right.

They straightened him
right out.

Did you ever
visit him there?
Of course.

You know,
when they let me.

Did you meet a patient
named Bruno Winch?

Doesn't ring a bell.

But what's this got to do
with the home invasion?

That...wasn't about Jeff.

Well...actually, we think
he was the real target.

What are you
talking about?

Bruno Winch is one of the men
that entered your home,

bound and beat you,
and killed your son.

I have a photo of him.
Maybe you recognize him.

Uh, that's the wrong photo.

That's what he looked
like yesterday when
we found him, so...

Is he dead?

He's just in the hospital.

We're waiting for him
to wake up

so he can tell us
who did that to him.

I don't actually
have the photo with me.

Uh...let me go get it.

Uh, Matt,
why didn't you mention

that Jeff
had a drug problem?

Wasn't a problem anymore.

And I didn't want his
whole memory to be that.

Of course.
Well, that's a father's job --

protect his kids.

He was
the best part of me.

I failed him.

I know you feel guilty.

Put him in rehab
to straighten him out,

watch him get connected
with bad people

who just pulled him
deeper down,

but that is not
your fault.

If you know anything

that can lead us
to Bruno's partner,

you need to tell me.

Just let us do our job.


Printer's broken.

Uh, I can e-mail you
the photo.


Uh...I really have
to get back to my wife.

O-Of course.
Of -- Of course. Come --

Uh, we'll be in touch.

Thank you.

So, what do you think?

He's out for revenge.

We get a surveillance team
on him?

If he knows who Bruno is,

it's likely he knows
who Bruno's partner is,

and he'll
go after him next.

Which is why
when I stepped out,

I had SIS put a tracker
on Matt's car.

Airship will follow.

While we hunt down
the partner.

While we hunt down
the partner.

Lopez: You doing okay?

Jackson: Fine.

I know
what's bothering you.

Seven Year Glitch.

Sorry. Seven Year what?

The most dangerous time
for a cop

happens every seven years,
like clockwork.

It's when most of us
lose the passion,

grow complacent,

I went through it myself.

Okay, well...I mean,

I've only been on
for six months.

You're not
a regular rookie.

You've been gung-ho
since you were a kid.

And now
you're glitching early.

Okay, well,
h-how do I fix my glitch?

How'd you fix yours?

I became a T.O.

Changed my routine.
Challenged myself.

I am challenging myself.

Me not being all in,
all the time,

is me changing
my routine. know, I can --

I can put all that on hold
for six more months,

embrace my inner slacker
after you're free of me.

I'm not asking you that --
I know.

But it's the right thing.

Do you want me
to read to you?

Come on.

You have to learn it.

I can do that on my own.

What are we doing back here?

I checked the computer.

Rex didn't bring in his bounty
last night,

which means he's
been out here this whole time.

So this is
a welfare check?

Oh, don't put it to him
like that.


got a broken car window,

missing driver.

Send backup
to my location.


Rex: [ Groaning ]

Tim: Rex.

Eh, that little punk
hit me with a cheap shot.

Lucy: 7-Adam-19, we need
an RA to 1966 Keegan.

Assault victim. Broken arm,
possible concussion.
Where'd he go?

His aunt's house.
He's long gone by now, though.

We need a warrant,
or backup.

Sit down.
No, go --

Go, go! Go with him.
I'm fine. Go!

Tony Craig!
That's Bruno's partner.

[ Slaps folder ]
He's all over
Bruno's cellphone.

They even texted about
the home invasion.

in Century City.

Sgt. Grey:
Matt Christian's in the wind.

I thought there was a tracker
on his car.

He ditched it at the mall.

Which mall?
Century City.

He's going after Tony.

Tim: Nico. Where is he?
I don't know.
He isn't here.

There's blood
on your front door.

That's exigent circumstances,

so I'm not leaving
till you tell me where he is.

He isn't here!

So, you're gonna call him.

we're gonna book you

for aiding and abetting
a fugitive.

Do it now.


[ Cellphone beeps ]

[ Cellphone ringing ]

Nico: [ Echoing ] Hey.
What's up?

Cops are here.
Where are you?

I'm in Florida.

Tim: Nico Sandoval!

You got five seconds
to surrender!

I'm in Florida, yo.

You guys want
some of this?

[ Chuckles ]

[ All grunting ]




[ Grunting ]

Bail me out, okay?

Lucy: You're coming, too.
Let's go.

Right now.


Tony's gate is open.







Matt got here before us.

He must have knew
we were right behind him,

took Tony someplace
to finish him off.

Yeah. But where?

Lopez: Mrs. Christian,

I know you think
you're protecting him,

but what your husband
is doing is wrong.

Look, m-ma'am,

right now, you can't see
beyond this moment.

Neither can your husband.

Making those men pay
for what they did

is all he cares about.

I, uh...

I know just...a little
about what it's like

to be obsessed with something

at the expense
of everything else.

And trust me, it will not
change the way you feel.

Look, your son is gone,

and what your husband is doing
will destroy both of you.

I know it's too late
to save Jeff,

but if you can tell us
where Matt is...

you might not
lose your husband.

[ Machinery whirring ]




What did you do with Tony?

What he deserved.

And now it's over...

or it's gonna be soon.


The cement.

Matt put Tony
in the cement.

That criminal
killed my boy.

I know,
and he's gonna pay, okay?

So, you don't
have to do this.

You can just come on down.


You don't get it.

I died in that bedroom
alongside my son.

The only thing keeping me alive
was killing them,

and now that's over.


Armstrong: Hey, Nolan!

Look, I found him,
but I can't get him up.

Help me!

We can only save one guy,

and right now,
Tony is the victim!


Matt, I know this seems
hopeless right now,

but don't make your wife
bury two bodies.

It will destroy her.

Nolan! Help me!



Come here.

[ Grunts ] Come on!

[ Grunts ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Both grunting ]

Watch yourself.


ABCs. Go.

[ Both grunting ]

-[ Coughs, gasps ]
-There we go.

[ Breathing heavily ]
We saved him.


♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

[ Grunting ]

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪


Lucy: Training for
the rematch with Nico?

we got him in the end.



What's this?

It is
"Split Second Leadership:

Leading Men
In The Line of Duty,"

the audio book.

This book's out of print.

There's no audio book.

Yeah, which is why
I recorded one for you.

Uh, listen,
I-I talked to Isabel,

and from what she said,

it's clear you're
a kinesthetic learner,

which just means that
you need to listen

while you're being active
in order to absorb things.

There's no shame in it.

Honestly, it's probably why
you excel at being a cop.

[ Exhales sharply ]

Uh...I'll see you tomorrow.




♪ Bet on myself every time
'cause I like those odds ♪

♪ I've earned this ♪

♪ I'm not afraid
of a little hard work ♪

Lucy: "Split Second Leadership"
by Curtis Philbrick,

read by the best rookie
you've ever trained.

♪ When will they learn? ♪


Hey, headed home?

You live alone, right?

Yeah. First time ever.
No roommates.

It's heaven. Why?

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Knock on door ]

Well, welcome aboard.

Women's softball's on ESPN,

and I just made
a pitcher of mojitos.

Come on in.

-[ Laughs ]
-Yeah, nice!

Jackson: Nope.

[ The Faim's "Humans" plays ]

♪ Easy comes, easy goes,
somewhere out the window ♪

Lucy: Hey.

I talked to Lopez, and she said
you needed a place to live

and a kickass roommate
to help you find some balance.

Thank God.
Thank you.

♪ You're no different than I ♪

♪ Some will change,
some too late ♪

Yeah. Come on. Come on.
Let's go.

Let's get out of here.

♪ Will you be the one to say ♪

♪ Happy ever after ♪

♪ Oh ♪
Tim: Hey.

♪ You may give it a try ♪
Rex: [ Chuckles ]

Good Lord, don't you have
someplace better to be?

It's nice to see you,


Look, I put the paperwork
through under your name.

So, you're gonna get
the bounty on Nico.

Thank you.

♪ You find how a heart aches ♪

♪ Every day has ruins ♪
Look, Rex,

I...I know you're
not the kind of guy
that asks for help,

but if you ever find yourself
out here again,

just give me a heads up.

Little professional courtesy,

Exactly. Alright.

Thanks, brother.

You take care.

♪ Human ♪

♪ Human ♪
[ Sighs ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]

♪ Love is only painful
when it lies ♪


It's been a long day,

No, I know. Of course.

And I'll only take
a moment of your time.

Look, I left you a note

because I wouldn't have been
able to go through with it

if I saw you in person.

♪ That's what makes us human ♪

And I don't regret
marrying Sarah,

and I have loved every minute
of being Henry's dad.

But what I did to you
was selfish,

and you deserve better,
and I'm sorry.

♪ Sometimes you gotta break ♪

♪ That's what makes us human ♪

♪ Every time we lose it ♪

♪ You find how a heart aches ♪

♪ Every day has ruins ♪

Thank you.

♪ But we know
what the truth is ♪

Thank you.

♪ Sometimes you gotta break
just to know you're human ♪ that
we're friends again,

it hurts when I do this.

♪ That's what makes us human ♪
[ Chuckles lightly ]

Good night, John.
Good night, Grace.

♪ Human ♪


