The Returned (2012–…): Season 1, Episode 3 - Julie - full transcript

Life in town is becoming gradually more disturbing. Determined to come out of hiding, Camille invents a new identity, Lena is horrified by a mysterious physical affliction, and Julie finds herself paralyzed by fear as an old trauma resurfaces.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
7 years earlier

Wait, where are you going?

Home. I start at 5 a.m.

Don't be stupid. What's the point
in three hours' sleep?

Why don't you stay up all night?

I'll keep you awake

I need sleep. I've been on call
three nights this week

But the party is just getting going

And what about the fireworks?

I'll watch them from home

But you go ahead.
I won't stop you

I saw Snow White eyeing you up

I love it when you're jealous

Come on. Stay

I'll show you my superpowers

Batman doesn't have any powers

He's iust loaded and
has a lot of gadgets

Good night

Come on, Julie!

You have let me down, Catwoman

But we will meet again

There, it's over

Present day

Hello, Julie

Look how many people came.
Everyone liked Mr Costa

- Didn't the little boy come?
- No

Funerals aren't really for children

Of course

- Hello, Laure
- Father

Hello, Thomas

It's wonderful to see Ad?le
with a smile on her face

I haven't seen her this
radiant in a while

Hello, Pierre

Hello, Ad?le. I heard
about your wedding

- Congratulations
- Thank you

Hi, Lili

All right?

And how is Camille?

She stayed at home

Do you think there might be others?

Why do you ask?

L?na thinks she met one

- Where did you see him?
- The Lake Pub

What if there are more, and
Camille isn't the only one?

It's possible, but...

If it's true, she wouldn't
have to hide any more

She should still lie low

- She hates being stuck at home
- I understand...

As ifthat's going to help

What do you know about this man?

He's called Simon

I'll see what I can find out

Michel Costa was born here...

...and he died here

His passing marks the end
of an era for this town

He taught many of us as we
went through school...

...and he will be sorely
missed in our hearts

For his generosity...

...his personality...

...and his humanism...

...that touched us so deeply

Have you heard about Lucy Clarsen?


A girl who worked in that bar...

...the Lake Pub

Anyway, she was walking home...

...and she was brutally attacked
by a man in the underpass

He ate her stomach

It's happening again,
like seven years ago

Remember? The nightmares I had...

What's wrong?

Michel always showed
tremendous courage

And his final act...

...must not affect our memory of him

He lived most of his years...

...without the love of
his life, Viviane...

...who left us too soon

But, contrary to what
Michel believed...

...I'm sure they are reunited...

...and continuing a journey...

...that was interrupted too soon

The Returned

Can I have a fag?

What? You think I'll get cancer?


Don't tell your mother

Are you and Mum separated?

No, why do you say that?

You're being nice to her. It's weird

And you're sleeping
in the spare room

It's obvious

Let's iust say that we've been
taking some time off

Has it been long?

Two years

Where do you live?

In town. I have a little flat

Was it you who left?

No, not really

Things became complicated
after the accident

I was out of control and
your Mum got fed up

It can't have been easy

It was especially hard
on your sister

I know

I've lost a sister, too



- Where is the bloody wooden spoon?
- There

We're back

- All right?
- Great

I'll get changed. I have class

Come in

You're so pretty

I bet the boys like you

- Have you slept with Fr?d?ric?
- What?

- We aren't together
- Why not?

You used to like him

And he liked you

But we agreed, didn't we?

Exactly. So after the accident
you were free

After school, I'll go to the pub... look for that boy I mentioned


Let me know. Maybe
we can start a club

What's that?

Is it a scar?

Can I get changed?

It's still falling

Yeah. Two metres since yesterday

When was the last dam inspection?

Two years ago

Nothing came up at the time

Will it take long?

Hard to say

Three days, four at the most


It's a large surface area

There. The robots are in position

If there is a fissure,
they will find it

When can I leave?

In a few hours

Sooner, if you give
us your real name

You will be called back here soon

We need an address

I don't have one

Where do you plan on going?

Do you know where you will sleep?

I'll find somewhere

Remember, you can't leave town

Ifyou go missing, you're in trouble

OK, take him back to his cell

Hello, Pierre, it's Bruno.
Am I interrupting?

Not at all. How can I help?

I have a lost sheep for you

What has he done?

Smashed a glass over
the wa?ter at the d?ner


Could you pick him up from here?

- He calls h?mself S?mon Dela?tre
- All right

See you soon. And thanks

- I'll be back in half an hour
- OK

- Can you manage?
- Yes

See you

And go where?

I don't know, really. Anywhere

A place where no one
knows who she is

Camille could live normally,
without running any risks

- We could breathe
- I'm not sure

I'm off. See you later

Wait, I'll take you

If you say so

Think it over. I'm sure it
would do Camille good

It would do us good, too

Come in

We have nothing

No one saw a thing. It's
deserted at night

We could question that
woman, Julie Meyer

The woman who...

Our file says she was attacked in
the same place seven years ago

They call her \x22the Appetiser\x22

Thanks, I know the case

She may have remembered
something since then

I can question her, ifyou like

Are you sure?


Fine, then

It's OK. I'll go alone

You find out more about Lucy Clarsen

Yes, ma'am

Bye, then


Have you mentioned
Camille to anyone?

Yeah, loads of people

I started a fan club, actually

Don't worry. I'm not going
to say anything

No one would believe me

Your mother and I think it's best
for Camille ifwe move

Things are too complicated
for her here

What about me?

- It's not complicated for me?
- Come on!

You know it's harder for her

So we move, and it
will all be perfect?

I have no idea

But this isn't working. Sorry,
but that's how it is


Talking to your dad again?

What do you want?

- It has been a while
- Yeah

- Are you OK?
- I'm fine

Can I come in?

It's not a good time

- It's about the waitress...
- What do you want?

- The inquiry...
- Why didn't you come before?

You never came

Not once in seven years

Because you didn't want me to

I have nothing to say

We can get some food
at the Helping Hand

You can rest there. We have
a dorm for visitors

We can give you money, too

Who are you? Father Christmas?

I try to help people who have,
let's say, gone astray

You think I have?

I don't know

Have you?

Do you know Ad?le Werther?

Yes, a little. Everyone
here knows her story

What story?

Her fianc? died on their wedding day

Do you know what happened?

He was hit by a car

Did you know him?

I don't think... I've
seen you before

- Have you lived here for long?
- Yeah

But I had to leave

- Do you mind if I ask why?
- You can drop me here

Drop me here

Simon, wait. I can help you

I don't think so

Come to the Helping Hand
ifyou change your mind

How do I look?

- Is that L?na's?
- Yeah

Does it suit me?

Why don't I get you
one in your size?

Can I come, too?


We won't stay long

And we won't see anyone

No one followed her from the pub

She goes in and 20 minutes later...

Go back

There. We tried zooming in...

...lightening it...

...but that's the best we can do

Get an extra pair of hands
on the case. Keep it up

Yes, sir

Where is he?

- Who?
- The suspect from the diner

The investigation was over. We
had no reason to hold him

- It's procedure
- Sod the procedure

You freed our only murder suspect

I had no idea

A murder has been committed,
and you didn't think to ask?

Sir, I told him to stay in town

And I suppose he told you which
hotel he would be at!



Keep me posted

I'll call you back

Hello, Inspector

Can I help?

The bloke you picked up earlier...

Where is he?


I suggested he came here, but he
seemed to have urgent business

- What kind?
- I didn't ask

But I doubt he would have answered.
He isn't very talkative


...he did mention Ad?le

Does she know him?

Can I ask why you're
interested in him?

Ifyou see him, let me know

Otherwise, I'm an accessory?

That's right

I was thinking about you

That's the idea

You think of me and I appear

That's handy

It might not last

Why not?

Shouldn't I leave?

That's not my decision

You don't need me

- You have Thomas
- You know him?

It looks like he's good to you

Do you love him?


But I love you, too

I'm dead

You came back to tell
me to forget you?

It's not exactly working

I'm sorry

Before you go...

...I want you to meet someone

Julie, it's Miss Payet.
I know you're home


- Why were the police here, earlier?
- It's none of your business

- He's an illegal
- Who?

You adopted the boy
illegally, didn't you?

I saw a report on TV.
Don't try and deny it

You watch too much TV.
He's family

Prove it. I know you're lying.
You're breaking the law

I'm sorry. I have to report you,
for the child's sake

- And yours
- Get out!

If he's here tomorrow,
I'm calling!

What's your problem?

Crazy old bat. Drop dead

















Beautiful, isn't she?

How about this?

Nice, isn't it?

I like this, too


This... I love it

- Very pretty
- Isn't it?

I'll try on the jean skirt, too


- Excuse me, can I..?
- Yes, of course


How are you?

I'm OK

Did Pierre tell you about us?


We're expecting a child

That's wonderful. Congratulations

Are you OK? You don't seem well

Yes, I'm fine

Why don't you come to meetings?

Because of J?r?me?

No, not at all

Have you separated?

Everyone knows. It's a small town

And we know how he was
with you and L?na

Thank you, Sandrine. It's very kind


I'm Alice, L?na's cousin

I thought there was
a resemblance

Right, well...

I'll get going

Call me

Yes. See you soon

- Goodbye, Alice
- Goodbye

Is that Audrey's mum?


Excuse me, is Tony here?

I don't know

- Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you
- No, it's fine

I'm his big brother

You don't look alike

It stinks in here

I don't know what's wrong

The plumber can't come until tomorrow

The sewers must be blocked

Remember that strange bloke
who came in yesterday?

Dark hair. I talked to him

Yeah. Vaguely

- Do you know him?
- No

Had you seen him before?

I don't think so

Any idea where he lives?

I don't know him

Calm down

- Can you tell me if he comes back?
- Yeah

You never said you had a brother

Don't forget me, will you?


See you

Why are you here?

She seems nice. What's her name?

Go back to the house. It's safer

I'm sick of being alone

Before, there was you and Mum.
Now I'm alone

- Are you nearly done?
- I don't know

We could go hunting together

- You still like hunting?
- Not so much

I see you've looked after
my shotgun. It's like new

Maybe we could go tomorrow?

I don't know. The bar is quite
busy at the moment

- I can help you
- No

No, you can't help

Go home. It's better that way

I can't believe you're the boss now

- Mum must have been proud
- I'm not the boss

I'm the manager

Same thing, isn't it?

I'll get going

See you

I'm going now

Lock the door, OK?

Hello, young man

Is something wrong?

Has she gone?

Come in! Are you hungry?

I'll make you something

What would you like to eat?

- Hello, L?na
- Hello

- I don't tutor any more
- I know. I gave up anyway

Coming in?

Actually, I need to talk to someone
who knows you. He's called Simon

Do you know him? He
asked me about you

Has he come to see you?


But you know who I mean?

- Where did you see him?
- The Lake Pub yesterday

- Did you talk to him?
- Yeah

I need to ask him something. Do
you know where he lives?

Who is this? I don't
think I know him

I might stay for a few days after all

That's fine


Follow me. I'll show you where
you'll be sleeping

Did you find us OK?


Here we are

Any bed you like

They don't look very comfortable,
but you'll sleep well

It looks perfect

Do you believe in God?

Not really, no

But you believe in resurrection,
don't you?

I know I do


You think it can iust
happen to anyone?

- Maybe for him...
- Perhaps you're not just anyone


Don't worry

I'm sure it will all become clear

I won't leave you on your own

I, for one, won't abandon you


There, it's over

Sorry. I don't want to disturb you

You're not

So, have you thought it over?

I don't know

Camille is settled here. I'm
not sure it's a good idea

You think?

I think it's all different
for her now

She has lost all her bearings

And so have we

You smell good

I love you, Claire


- I'm sorry. It's...
- It's OK

It's too soon

Coming out for a smoke?

- Why? Is it because ofyour dad?
- Leave me alone


I'm Alice. L?na's cousin

Is she here?


Can I have one?


Hang on. It's not lit

- You're L?na's cousin?
- Yeah

Hasn't she mentioned me?



...she has told me a lot about you

- So you were hiding your cousin?
- Hi, L?na

- You're right. This place is great
- What would you like?

Same as you

You look so similar

Do my parents know you're here?

Yes, of course

They wouldn't let you
out. You're only 15

You're 15?

- I think you should go home
- Or what?

Or I'll call and tell them

- Come on, L?na
- You stay out ofthis, OK?

You want me to go?

Want me to leave you and
the boys in peace?

- Exactly
- Hey, I want you to stay, OK?

What's your problem with her?

What's going on?

What's wrong?

- What?
- What's that?