The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2010–…): Season 7, Episode 10 - Hostile Hacienda - full transcript

The women pack for their trip to Mexico; Eden tells Lisa Vanderpump what Lisa Rinna said about Kim's sobriety; while Lisa Rinna goes to New York to see her daughter walk at Fashion Week, she is the topic of conversation among the women in Mexico.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- Previously on "The Real
Housewives of Beverly Hills"...

- What's up with your show
at TV Land?

- Please tell me you're excited.
- I am very excited.

We start filming in August.

- I have to be honest.
I have not put alcohol

in a smoothie,
but I have thrown a Xanax in.

- Ooh!
- Oh!

- I would do that.

- I was a complete
functioning alcoholic.

Having a sister who overdosed.

- How can I help you?
- You're the only person

I think that Kim
would even let in

'cause you come from a place
of being a sober woman.

- Shall we?
- Yes, we shall.

- Oh, my God! Kyle!
- Hello, darling.

- Hi!
- Hi!

- No, but you're talking
about my sister and me.

It feels gossipy.

- You should ask
your friends then.

- Did they ask you?
- Yeah.

- Who asked you?
- Who?

- Lisa Renner asked me
how I feel.

- We started off
on the right foot.

But my other foot will kick
you in the ass

if you come after my girl Kyle.

[upbeat music]

The crown is heavy, darlings,

so just leave it
where it belongs.

♪ ♪

- I may be two people,
but I'm not two-faced.

♪ ♪

- My advice to you:
don't hustle the hustler.

♪ ♪

- I speak no evil,
but I see and hear everything.

♪ ♪

- When you've
traveled the world,

you can speak
in any accent you want.

♪ ♪

- I'm an expert on luxury,
and I can always spot a fake.

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I really look scary.
- I gotta get going soon.

- I'm coming there, one second.
- So I'm almost ready.

- I just have to make myself
look somewhat presentable.

Honey, uh, what time
was your flight?

- I gotta leave here
in 15 minutes.

- It's more fun when we fly
together, but whatever.

- I can't hear you. Come here.

- Okay, okay, okay. [mutters]

- I gotta leave.
What are you doing?

- Trying to get ready.
- For what?

- I have to go to work.
I'm going to the store.

- I'm excited I got the agency
opening up in Punta Mita.

- That is really exciting,

- I gotta go see the office.

I gotta go take care of
a little bit of paperwork.

- Well, Lisa and Ken are coming.
- So that's one room.

- Erika's coming.
- So that's two rooms.

- I think you and Ken
are the only husbands.

- Then what PK?
- No, Dorit and PK!

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

One of the perks
of having your husband

own real estate companies
all over the world

is getting to visit
beautiful places.

This time,
it's Punta Mita, Mexico,

where we are going
for the grand opening

of the agency's tenth office.

Oh, my gosh!
Look at this office.

- Amazing, huh?

- We should throw a party here

for, like, a grand opening
or something like that.

- Sure, we're gonna do that...
- We love a party.

So it's the perfect excuse
to invite all my friends down,

go to Mexico for a few days.

Lisa Rinna and Eileen are
actually coming the next day

because Lisa Rinna's with...
Her daughter's modeling

at the Tommy Hilfiger show
in New York.

So she's gonna come from there.
- That's cool.

- And then Eileen's gonna
be shooting.

- They'll get whatever rooms
are remaining.

- Any time I travel,

it's hard for me
to leave my kids,

my dogs, my store,
now my scripted show,

and, of course,
my love bean, mi amor.

First it was like,
"Oh, I'm feeling guilty

to leave my kids,"
now I'm guilty

to leave the show and the store.

- You always have guilt.
- I always have guilt!

- [laughs]

♪ ♪

- What are you doing?

Are you under my skirt?

You know I'm going away.

Oh, you know I don't want to.

I don't wanna leave you!
No, I don't!

You're gonna be a good boy.

Hey. Okay, so I'm going away
just for two days.

- I'm not really happy when...
- I go with them.

- When you go with them.
- I know.

[birds honking]

- I think I should
take these shoes.

[doorbell rings]

That's Eden. You know Eden.

Remember she came here?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Will you bring her up?
- Sure.

- Ms. Lisa?
- Yes?

Hi! How are you?
You look pretty.

Oh. Oh, Rocio?

- Yeah, Ms. Lisa?
You want any tea?

- I want some tea now up there.
That's be great.

- Yeah, okay, sure.
- He's cheeky, isn't he?

Hi, baby.

- [whispers]
It's all fun stuff, mainly.

I mean, there's lots
of real stuff here as well,

which should be
in the safe, but...

- Right?
- You know.

- She's got the dresses
lined up and the bags

and the shoes
and the jewels, and I just...

I-I want to play dress-up!

Thank you for having me
before you leave

and just to come talk and...

- I don't know why
you wanted to see me.

Eden contacted me
and said she's got something

very important
that she wants to tell me.

What is she gonna say?

That kind of...
makes my hair stand on end.

Um, okay, then.
Well, let's go outside.

So I just, uh...

- I love that you get
to wear your shoes

and I get to take mine off.

- So do sit.

Would you like any orange juice?
- Oh, I would love some.

Thank you. - Rocio's gonna

bring us tea as well.
Would you like any fruit?

Going for lunch,
but I can always do

with a little bit of fruit.

Did you have fun
the other night?

- For the most part.

I feel, you know,
there were moments...

- What do you mean,
for the most part?

- After I had a little chat with
you and I sort of let that go...

- You understand why I'm very
defensive of Kyle, you know?

- Let's... I want to go back
to the beginning.

- Okay.

- Hi!
- Hello there.

- What a fabulous party
last night.

- Thank you.
- How do you look that good?

- I don't.
- Yes, you do.

- I have been doc...
I slept an hour and a half.

- It was really spectacular,
that property.

- That property...
- Yeah.

- I died. I'm like, whoever gets

to live there's so lucky.
- Oh, my God.

It's one of the most beautiful
properties I've ever seen.

- Ever seen!

- Do you know that
I was here yesterday.

- I heard.
- Do you know that

I dropped so much money

- Thank you.
- You're very welcome!

I love to support a boutique.

I love shopping.

Wait, that's cute.

I love everything
about shopping.

And that's cute.

I love the experience of it.

That's a jumpsuit.

- Yes, this is insane.

- That is a leopard jumpsuit!

It's like hunting.

Oh, my God.

That might have my name
on it right there.

It's cute!

Nothing more excites me
than to go shopping.

- So what happened...
What was going on last night?

Everything good last night?

- Last night was really

Kim and I had actually
a nice moment last night.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- Wow, okay, so that's progress.

- So that's progress.

- So maybe Eden
doesn't need to help.

- Well, yes.
- [laughs]

- My entire life has been based
around alcohol.

And so here I come
and I get involved

in this really unsettling,
sticky situation.

- Why do you have to be
that involved?

Obviously it's gonna
piss Kyle off

when you're doubting, you know,
her sister's sobriety.

- I think she's sober!

I... Kim... I actually...

- Well, hallelujah, okay.

Well, then, why don't you say
that to Kyle?

- I've never second guessed her
sobriety in all of this, no.


I would not do that. I... no!

- I'm kind of confused

because if Eden's
not doubting Kim's sobriety,

where are Eden's doubts
about Kim coming from then?

- I just want to know, like,
where she's getting this from.

Where is she, like...

Oh, there needs to be
all this help?

Kim was fine.
She was sober at PK's party.

- That's actually true.

It doesn't have anything to do
with you and Kim.

- Well, then, she needs to
stop talking about it.

- I know, but she sees herself
and her sister

and you and Kim and she... she can
get a chance to fix that.

- Yeah.
- So she somehow feels

like if she could fix you,
she saved herself.

- I think she can be annoying
as f... though.

- Well, so can a lot of people.
- [laughs]

- So can a lot of people, Kyle!
- I'm sorry.

- Do you know what I mean?
- I know.

I just wish Eden would stop.

Where are you getting this from?

Is this based
on what you're seeing?

Or what you're hearing?

Or what you're digging up?

Has she asked about our history?

See, us and her and her sister.

- I have to think about that
for a second.

I don't know what she knows,
to be honest,

'cause I don't talk about it
very much.

- After game night,
after Rinna and Kim's argument,

we were shopping
and Rinna said to me,

"I don't think she's sober."

- Rinna said that?

- Yes.

- I would say she's probably
mostly sober right now.

I don't...
I don't think she's completely.

- Kyle's guilt came up and
the fact that she enables her...

- This is such...
- It got intense.

- Kyle's her enabler.

And that's all Kyle can do.
God love her.

- Oh... yeah.
- I have total empathy.

I know exactly the torture.

You know, two years ago,
they weren't even speaking.

- Rinna said to me that Kim
is on the path to destruction.

Near death.

- How could she say that?

And so then you feel that

suddenly because
of your history,

that's what's going
on here, right?

Oh, my God.

Rinna has a big mouth.

- And then we get together
and Rinna, she's gone.

It's as if she throws me in
to Kyle and Kim

and all they see from me...

- Is that you're interfering.

Instead of her standing behind
you and said,

"Look, I've told Eden this

because she's got this history
with her sister."

- And you put me
in this situation.

You can't expect me to sit back
and do nothing.

- Really, I'm sort of...
- [shushing]

And I don't want to get
my hands dirty.

So maybe it's actually a similar
experience to the one I had.

Rinna's spouting out
all kinds of words of wisdom.

I wouldn't be surprised
if she turned 'round

and said I told you to say that.

- I would love for you...
All the connect...

I'm not gonna certainly
be part of it or force it.

But I know she's coming
from a good place.

- You know and I...
- You keep coming from

this good place, it's gonna be
a really bad place we end up in.

- I know.
- Are you okay with me

telling Kyle everything
that we...

- Oh, I'm... yes.

I'm 100% okay with the truth.

And I'll tell you the truth
with the things I've said

'cause I have nothing to hide.

- You actually make me
feel better about

having a relationship with you

because I'm not looking at you
like you've just come from it,

like, right out
the starting gate.

And I am gonna defend you now

because I think she's got
the wrong impression here.

You should come to Mexico.
- Beautiful.

[laughs] Just what I need.

She's like, "Keep here away!"

- Coming up...

- We're in Mexico!
- I want a margarita.

I want chips. I want guacamole.

Yo quiero burrito.

I want a burrito!

[upbeat music]

- Hi, welcome.
- How are you?

- How you doin'?
- Party of four?

- Honey, why don't you
let me carry one?

- They both want me.
What do you want me to do?

This is how I get my muscles.

- I'll have a bloody Mary.
- Nice cold maybe... Chardonnay.

- Honey, can't do that.
Drop that.

- Jagger's very good if you just
kinda let him be.

He's the most careful

you've ever met
in your entire life.

- Be very careful, Jaggs.

- Right or wrong, mister?

- [giggles]
- Yeah!

- Jagger is a very clever
little boy

that is having very difficult
time expressing himself.

- [babbles]
- You want to read your menu?

Yes? Yes?

Jagger, what would you like
for lunch?

Firstly... - [cooing]

- Jagger, you can't have
ice cream for lunch.

Jagger has been going
to speech therapy

for about six months.

As long as he's
in speech therapy,

I think we're gonna discover
what some of his issues are.

He's got a new word,
a new sound.

- Got some drinks.
- Thank you.

- It's gonna be amazing
when he talks.

Do you think he'll have
an English accent

or an American accent?

- Definitely gonna have
an American accent.

The speech therapist
which he sees now

thinks that he might have
something called apraxia.

It's like the brain doesn't fire
the signal

to the mouth quick enough.

But I feel like
we're making progress.

Ready? Let's show Daddy.

I.. - I...

- Love...
- Love...

- You!
- Ah!

- He just always wants
to point to Phoenix.

I have traveled
without my children,

but it's never fun
and it's never easy.

And certainly the older
Jagger has gotten,

the shorter the trips
have become.

If you have to be away from them

for 24 hours or longer, it's...

it's like daggers in your heart.

- Jagger, I...
- I!

- Love.
- Love.

- You!
- Why do you have to steal

all my things that I teach him?
- 'Cause I like it.

- [laughs]
- I...

- I.

- Love.
- You.

- You!
- [laughing]

♪ ♪

- Hi.
- Hi!

- How's everything going?
- Oh, well!

- Oh, busy, huh?
- New York.

And then I have to fly
to Mexico.

- That means you going
straight to Mexico?

- I'm going straight to Mexico.
- Oh!

- How 'bout Delilah
booking that fashion show?

- Yes, it's exciting.
- Isn't it unbelievable?

- Is unbelievable.
I'm so proud of her.

- I know. She knows how to work
it too, doesn't she?

She's, like, getting that...
- More and more.

- She's getting it down
more and more, right.

Delilah's never walked
in a fashion show.

- It's the first time.
Is she excited?

- She's so excited.

The next four days are
so exciting.

Harry and Amelia and I are
flying into New York

to go and see Delilah walk
in her very first fashion show

for Tommy Hilfiger!

- But she's so confident.
- She's so confident.

And she's gonna be really fine.

I just want her
to practice in heels.

You know, like,
walk up and down the driveway.

- Oh, don't worry.
I'll be with Amelia.

- What else? Um...

I don't know, I can't think!
My mind is cah-joogled.

I got too many things.

And then I will be flying
to Mexico

to join the girls.

That's my life.

It's really cool.

I got so much swimming
in my mind right now.

- Oh, tonight you will be
here for dinner?

I wanna make you
the new recipe you gave me.

- We're taking the redeye.
- Okay.

- So we're here.
- I'll try.

- Does it have meat in it,

- Chicken.
- Oh, nobody wants meat.

- I can do it
without the chicken.

- Can you? Maybe do one
with chicken, one without.

- Okay, I can make some for a
meal, yeah, without the chicken.

- Can you do that?
That would be great.

♪ ♪

- I worked hard to make sure
they were,

you know, underweight.
- Well, you did good.

- It's a challenge for me.
- I'm sure it is.

- That's the precious hatbox.
- That is my hatbox.

- They made it!
You get extra points...

- Ah!
- For pumps and a hatbox.

- Thank you.
- You're looking pretty cool,

trendy today, Erika.
- So I can, you know...

- Yeah.
- Move, move.

- So I can move.
- I can get out of here.

It's a little bit daunting
to think about

going away with the ladies
for the very first time.

I'm so pleased my husband's
with me.

- Good morning, I'm John.
- Nice to meet you, John.

- Hello there!
You look beautiful.

- Are Harry and Vinnie coming?

- Harry and Vinnie?
I don't think so.

- Sexiest Man Alive's not going?

- He's not.
- How do you know?

- The Sexiest Man Alive
is already there in Mexico.

I cannot wait to arrive
and be in the arms

of the Sexiest Man Alive.

My husband.

[mariachi music]

♪ ♪

- We're in Mexico!

- I want a margarita.
- Phew, it's hot, baby.


- Rather sit by the pool
with a glass of rosé,

to be honest.
- If you have rosé,

then Lisa will say,
"Why are you copying me?"

- Apparently, that's how I talk.

- Are you the only one
that drinks rosé in the world?

- Yeah, kind of.
- She's the only one who can

drink rosé or wear pink.

- With my shirt and my taste
for wine...

- You're on dodgy ground.
- [laughs]

Uh-oh, I wore pink lipstick.
I wore pink lipstick.

I'm in trouble!
- You are in trouble.

- I'm gonna wear pink
whenever I want.

- Oh, I like the pink shoes.
Pink's my color.

Don't you start hijacking that.

You know that belongs to me,


- No one owns the color pink.

It's impossible to do so.

And why would you?
I mean, it's not that great.

Is the shopping good
in Punta Mita?

- I mean, there's, like,
you know, very...

- [indistinct]
- I want a burrito!

- You're from Beverly Hills,
my dear.

- Yeah.
- You don't need to

go to Punta Mita
to find good shopping.

- I want a margarita.
I want chips.

I want guacamole.
Yo quiero burrito.

I want a burrito!

♪ ♪

- Okay, everybody.

- Hello.
- Oh, wow!

- Look at the ocean!
- How lovely!

- Lovely.
- Yay! I'm home!

- Alejandro, who was an agent
at the agency,

this is his uncle's home.

- Yeah!
- Honey, I'm home!

- It's very authentic Mexico.

It's all open, so you're
sitting in your living room,

just staring at the ocean
and the pool.

You're eating dinner,
you're staring at the ocean.

I mean, does it get
any better than this?

- Hi!
- Something to drink?

- Thank you. What is it?
A margarita!

I've been begging for this.
Hey, Mauricio!

- Hello!
- How are you guys?

- Hello, Mauricio!
- How are you?

This is amazing. My God!
- Welcome!

Was it a long journey?
- It was long, but so worth it.

- I missed you.
- How are you?

I haven't seen you in forever.
- Mm, I know!

- I haven't seen you
in three months!

- When Mauricio and I
were dating,

we would always go to Mexico

and it's one of my favorite
things to do with him.

We have really busy live...
Four kids...

So it's nice to just sort of
steal this time with him.

- When'd you get here, Mauricio?
- I got here yesterday.

So you guys are all set up.
Welcome to Punta Mita.

- So exciting.
- All right, let's go down.

Let me show you the pool.
- How gorgeous is this?

- Oh, I love it.

It's so rough and wild
and gorgeous.

- Your pool is right on top
of the ocean.

- Unbelievable.
- Kyle, let's go swimming!

- I thought you mean there.
Here, I'll do all night long.

- There, I will not.
- No, no, no.

I'm not getting out there. Here.

- Bedrooms are all amazing.

You guys have
a beautiful bedroom.

- Just remember, I took care
of you in Greece.

- Come, guys.
- [gasps]

- So there's only two king beds,
just so you know.

- Okay, wait a second, Mauricio.

We do like to have sex.
- You're gonna join them.

- We'll just jump in.

- First thing that comes to mind

is "I Love Lucy."

- No, we're happy, buddy.
Thank you. We appreciate it.

- Then again, we're on
an island in Mexico.

It's magical.
- So you do have two beds.

But you're single this weekend.

- This is awesome.
- Yay! I have my own patio.

This is 100% how you want
to live in Mexico.

Indoor/outdoor living.
It's beautiful.

- Look at this, Lisa.
- Gorgeous!

- Perfect, Mauricio.
I love that.

- Thank you, darling.
Excellent idea

to have an office here.
- Excellent, right.

- I can see you doing
a lot of work.

- [laughs]
- Another margarita!

Have we sold anything this year?

- It doesn't really matter,
does it?

- It doesn't! Who gives a sh...?

We have any property
on the market?

- Coming up...

[Jet Ski engines humming]

- Oh, sh...
- Oh, no!

- Sh...! Sh...! She okay?

[upbeat music]

- Thank you for inviting me.
This is beautiful.

- So fun.
- Yeah, this is really special.

He's really expanding.
He's doing really well.

And we're done.
- First he told me

in the beginning, "I'm gonna
have to work really hard

for five years and I'm gonna
need you to be patient."

And now it's been four and he's
like, "I need a few more years."

I'm like, "You told me..."
- Yeah, but you gotta roll.

- I know, but...
- You gotta roll.

A simple dinner becomes really

when you're really busy...
A simple phone call.

"I'm busy, I'm busy, I'm busy."
"Okay, okay, okay."

These things become precious.

And listen, I mean,
Tom's responsible

for basically 100 people
at his firm.

- He says that... he goes,
do you have any...

It's like having children
except I have...

- Exactly.
- 170 people under him too.

- I'll never forget this.
One time we were at

the Christmas party and he
leaned over to me and he goes,

"You realize I'm responsible
for every one of these people?"

- Well, I hope we get to a point
where he'll work so hard

that, you know, eventually, he
doesn't have to work this hard.

- Yeah, but what about you?
Your life is exploding too.

I mean, that's really good.

- In the beginning,
it felt so surreal.

It wasn't really, like,

I was like...
- Holy sh..., this is happening.

- And it was so exciting.
This is...

I mean, I've been in TV my whole
life since I was a little girl.

- And now it's happening...
- And now to be making it...

- Right!
- Is like whole other ballgame.

- It's full circle.
It's a full circle experience.

- I guess we should go
to our rooms.

- Yes.
- So hot.

Get out of these hot traveling
clothes, right?

- I'm sweaty.
I'm sweating, okay.

- Don't... take your margarita
with you.

- Thank you. Oh, of course.

Let me grab my backpack
and I'll hit it.

♪ ♪

- How do you feel?
- Tired.

Didn't sleep much last night.

- Why?
- 'Cause I'm nervous.

- Ohh, you're excited!

Delilah just started modeling.

You know, I never thought
this could happen this quickly.

This is not the first time
you've walked in the show

because you've done one
fashion show on Dad's shoulders.

16 years ago, it was already set

that this was gonna be
your destiny, I believe.

So anyway, not only are you
walking in Tommy's show

for the first show ever,
it's Gigi,

is opening and closing the show
and it's her line.

I mean, what are
the flipping odds of that?

- Wow, your body looks amazing,

The hard work paid off, girl.

- I'm in a show...

with Gigi.

I'm really excited to meet her,
but I just hope

there's, like,
no, like, weird vibes

'cause of that little feud.
- I...

- You said it.
You put it out in the universe.

And that sucks.
- And I'm sorry about that.

And it didn't come from me.
- Sorry is not enough.

- Just be, like, civil
to your good friend, Yolanda.

- Of course!
- Let's be honest.

It's weird that my mom
has drama.

- Yeah, like I don't even...
- More drama than I do.

- She has more drama than I do.

- Okay, five, four,
three, two, one.

[upbeat techno music]

Yeah, like, play around with
what that pose would look like.

- Or, like, should I be, like,
happy, or, like, tomboy-y?

- How do you feel, like,
how are you gonna feel?

- I think they asked me to be,
like, tomboy.

- Be tomboy. I never think
attitude serves you wrong.

So I would give a little bit
of, like, you know...

and then go. Why not?

- Okay, that's a little
too much.

- Maybe a little too much.

My modeling experience was,
like, reject modeling.

So the fact that I'm giving
any expert advice is funny,

but in my mind,
I've always been a supermodel.

And you know,
Cindy Crawford's my friend,

so I have it, through osmosis.

Shoulders back.

Keep walking.

Oh, yeah. Uh-huh.

You've got it. Go, girl.

Whoops! - Where'd you go?

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hi!
- Hi, honey, welcome.

Nice to see you.
- Good to see you.

How are you? - Great, thanks.

Come on back. - All right.


- Nice to see you.
- You too.

- So how was it for you
when you left here last time?

- You know, I felt really good.

I felt, like, a really strong
sense of release.

Well, I mean, I had
some major ah-ha moments

when you talked about how
I go to shame for my childhood

and how that's tied in
with grieving

and being ashamed
of somehow being imperfect.

Going to therapy,
whether it's for grief

or anything else, is awesome.
It's always great

to have somebody you can talk
to that's objective,

gives you permission
to explore your feelings.

Telling me that I can be sad
and just, you know,

letting myself be wherever
I'm at with it.

- I'm gonna encourage you
to remember

that grieving is a process.

Don't forget that you're a soul
having a human experience.

- If Vinnie or anybody else
or Jesse says something,

I can just say,
"It's not yours."

But I'm also not going
to stop being sad

just because you're
uncomfortable with me being sad.

- Right. And also,
probably their love of you

wanting to fix you
and make you okay.

- Yeah, especially Jesse can't
stand it when I'm sad.

He's so funny 'cause he'll say,
"Here's Happy Mommy."

You know, "Here's my happy mom."

Everybody copes in their own way

and I'm sure it's gonna
shape him in some way.

Are we all just gonna act
like there's not a problem

with the child
in the laundry basket?

Honey, would you please...

Jesse, get up and eat
some breakfast.

You know, I can't really
force anything.

I mean, maybe, hopefully,
it'll, you know,

shape him for the better.

- Do you tolerate
being sad well?

- [sighs]

I just don't feel like going in.

I don't feel like
going into that place

Like I, you know, found myself
missing my mom.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I'll just get emotional
about that.

I'm like I don't wanna
go there right now.

- Maybe if you could work on...

Because, I mean, you've done
such great work.

If you could work on being okay

and loving yourself
no matter what,

perhaps that would let him
off the hook

of having to worry
or take on your feelings.

- That's interesting.

I think what I'm gonna do is
just let myself

experience whatever grief
I'm feeling

and if Jesse's there,
not feeling

like I have to stop it
or apologize.


So much for not having
anything to say.

It's opening up such a huge box.

The thing about it, I have
a feeling that not going there

is keeping me
from being present too.

- Yeah, I would definitely
agree with that.

- You know, I feel very strongly

about wanting to be
heard and seen

and I get very frustrated

when it's not quite seen
the way I think it should be.

So this is a work in progress.

Absolutely a work in progress

because you can't control
how other people see you.

- And you're telling yourself
how loveable you are.

- [laughing]

- That was a question.

And you laugh.

You're so loveable.
- Oh, thanks.

- Coming up...

- Rinna has said
that she doesn't believe

that your sister is truly sober.

- What?

[upbeat music]

- Okay, so are we going?
- Yeah, I'm ready.

Come on, let's go. all: Lisa!

- Wait!
- Will you come jet skiing?

- I'm not going in the sun...
- Every party has a pooper.

- And you're it.

- Okay, let me get
my sunglasses.

But I'm not going in the thing.

- Lisa Vanderpump is worried

that her lashes
are gonna blow off.

I know her.

- Oh!
- Bye, guys!

- Bye, baby!
- Come on!

- Bye, darling.
- I wanna go do something.

I don't wanna be trapped
in this house all day.

- I mean, God forbid.

- God forbid I'm trapped
in this mansion all day long.


♪ ♪

- Okay! Have fun!

- Oh, my God.
- [screeches]

She doesn't know
what she's doing!

- No me gusta!
- Esso, esso!

- Help yourself up.
- Okay.

- Ahh!
- Gracias!

- Ready?
- Ready?

[engine humming]

- Whoo!

Oh, there's a f... ing wave!

No, no, no! - Ride the wave!

[both scream]

- I'm a little cautious.
I'm not exactly a risk-taker.

But I do love to get on
a Jet Ski and have fun.

- Whoo-hoo!

- Look at her!
She's standing and everything.

[indistinct shouting]

- Oh, there's only one way
to ride a Jet Ski,

and that's wide open.

Gotta go fast.

You cannot be scared
on a Jet Ski.

No one likes that.


Bitch, open it up. Let's go.

- Can we pick up the pace
a little bit?

Kyle! Oh, we're moving?

Oh, okay. [laughs]

Come on, you slow bitches!

- This is awesome!

♪ ♪

- Oh, sh...
- Oh, no!

- Sh...! Sh...! She okay?

Are you okay? - Yeah, of course.

That's the Georgia redneck
coming right out.

Let's go fast. [laughs]

I mean, that's how I was raised!

Like, you gotta car, go fast.
You got a Jet Ski, go fast.

- Did you lose your sunglasses,
more importantly?

- No, I didn't wear them!

- Smart!
- Smart girl.

[upbeat music]

- Hi!

- How fun is this?
- Hello!

- In New York City!
- This is amazing!

- I know!
- Oh!

- Come on!
- And I'm so excited for you.

- We'll talk.
- So excited for you.

I like Camille so much

and so the fact that we're both
in New York at the same time

and our daughters are
both walking in a fashion show,

of course we're gonna
get together.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

- I heard this was
the "Annie Hall" table.

- Is it?

- Yes, where they shot
the scene in "Annie Hall."

- It's one of my
favorite movies.

- Right? So I kind of feel
fabulous sitting here.

- [laughs] The iconic table.
- So nice to see you.

How is your daughter's walk?
Is it fun? How was her show?

- Oh, my God. It was fantastic.
It was beautiful.

I was a guest on a talk show
in New York City

and my friend who's a stylist
approached Mason

and asked her if she would
be interested in modeling

and she said,
"No, I'm a soccer girl."

And I said, "Well, it's
for New York Fashion Week,"

and then she said,
"Mm, let me think about it."


Mason had a hard time going
to sleep the night before...

- Right?
- 'Cause she was so nervous.

She's like, "Mom, Mom,
I'm so nervous."

I was nervous for her.
- I'm nervous for Delilah.

- Well, Tommy's show is going
to be at the Pier.

He's taken over the Pier.
It's called Tommy Pier.

It's a big deal.

- I mean, is this her first
walk, 'cause...

- Yes!
- It is?

- It's her very first walk.
- Wow.

- She's never walked in a show.

- Delilah's the perfect age.
Mason's still young.

She's only 14.
- Mason's really young.

- She will be 15 soon.
It's just around the corner.

- She's so mature for her age.

- She's had to be, almost.

You know, everything
we've gone through...

- I can imagine.

- Hi! Give me a hug. Aww!

Love you so much.

I mean, when Kelsey left,
we didn't see much of him.

- Has she sort of been
the middle man?

- Which is so unfortunate.
Yeah, between Kelsey and I

because Kelsey refuses
to speak to me.

It's been six, seven years.

Time's moved on. I've moved on.

I'm in a much happier place,
a much healthier place,

and I would like to co-parent
and him to communicate

because it only helps
our children.

It would be easy for me
to talk to him now.

- Isn't that good? So isn't that
great that you know that?

- It's freeing. It's freeing
to know if I saw him,

it'd be like,
"Hey, Kels, how are you?"

- And that's all...
And I'm learning that same...

It's so interesting I'm talking
to you about it

because I'm learning that
same thing in my life.

I can't fix anybody else,
but I don't want

to be involved in what
those girls, Kim, Eden, Kyle,

whatever, as sisters,
as whatever, are going through.

But yet, I'm going to Mexico
with these women.

- You're going to have
a great vacation.

- And celebrate the agency.
- And celebrate the agency.

- I have had not
the best experience

of helping people
and have it be positive.

Kim, why are you so angry
with me?

- I just don't think
you're sincere, Lisa.

- Why?
- Because you have never

for that whole year...

- For what? So you're hurt.
- Of coming after me.

- You're hurt.
- Yeah, I am.

- You've already gone
down that road, Lisa.

- I know. I know.

- And I think right now,
the best thing is to...

back away, step away.
- That's what I...

- I mean, I don't think
Eden should

put herself
in this situation, but...

- But I did say to Eden,

I do not want to be talking
about them.

I do not think that you should
try to fix them.

If they want help...
- You're telling Eden this?

- I'm telling Eden this.

I'm not sure you wanna fix
something that...

isn't fixable.

- And not my problem.

- For me, it's all about
my journey

of finding healing
and forgiveness.

- Yes.
- It really is, Camille.

And maybe this is part
of my journey

of having to be confronted
with these people at all times.

[upbeat guitar music]

- Listen to those birds.
- It's gorgeous.

- Tweeting, chirping.
- They're so happy.

- Now I'm in a place
of tranquility

in the Garden of Eden.
- Did you have lunch with her?

- No, she came by. She came by.
I told you. She said...

- I know, and I gave
my prediction.

Was I right? - Think you've read

the situation slightly wrongly.

- Just tell me, was it about us?

- Yes, it wa... no, listen.
- See? Thank you!

- Just listen!
- Let me just have my moment!

Let me enjoy my moment.
- Okay, have your moment.

- It was about Kim and me.
- Yes, okay, salivate.

- Why does she have to do that?
- No, because...

Kinda, we met her through Rinna,
and I don't know how...

- But Rinna did say they don't
know each other well, but.

- They certainly know each other
well enough

for Rinna to have had a talk
with Eden...

- About Kim and me.
- I told her I was gonna

report it all back to you.
- Excuse me, you're my friend.

For many years.

If she's talking to you
about me,

she has to expect that you're
gonna talk to me about it.

- No...
- And you told her.

- No... yeah, I did. I did.
- Yeah.

- And I know that.
- Just f... ing tell me!

- Rinna has said
that she doesn't believe

that your sister is truly sober.

And that she is near death.
- What?

- And that... yes, and that is
what she is telling Eden.

- Coming up...

- Eden has come to me and said...

- What were the exact words?
"On the verge of death"?

- On the verge of death?

- Rinna has said
that she doesn't believe

that your sister is truly sober.

And that she is near death.
- What?

- And that... yes, and that is
what she is telling Eden.

- I knew that it was Lisa Rinna

that was always talking about
my sister Kim in the past.

- You are being abused by Kim.

Her real issue
is she's an addict.

And I just don't want people
to not look at that.

There is addiction going on

and no one is willing
to talk about it.

- Lisa Rinna has promised me

that she's not gonna talk
about my sister Kim anymore

and that she feels so remorseful

and it's never gonna happen
again and please forgive her.

Well, I don't like
any of the things that she said

about my sister
and she knew that.

She apologized to me and I'm not
gonna do that ever again.

You know, that's basically
what she said to me.

And here we are doing this
all over again.

- And she also said...
- First of all...

- Wait, wait, wait...
Rinna says to Eden

that you are an enabler.
How do you feel about that?

- That's somebody who,
you know, doesn't step in...

That is completely opposite
of anything

I've ever done with my sister.
- I know that.

- Just because I don't announce
what goes on behind closed doors

and talk about everything
that happened in the past

and explain my sister's life
and my side of it

and what we went through,

they're making up
their own f... ing story?

Lisa Rinna's creating
her story from that,

knowing f... ing nothing
and then giving that to her?

Now I'm understanding
why Eden was so obsessed

with my sister Kim and with what
she's gone through.

She's probably thinking,
"Oh, my gosh, this is horrible.

May I can help."

- Then she says when she then
wants to talk about it

in the group, suddenly Rinna's
nowhere to be seen.

- I spoke to Rinna.
I spoke to Rinna.

She came to my store the night
after the "Great Gatsby" party.

And I said to her,
I don't understand

why Eden keeps inserting herself

and she acted like she didn't
even know why.

Has she asked about our history?
- I don't know what she knows,

to be honest because I don't
talk about it very much.

- My sister's complicated.
I know that.

Was she lovely to Lisa Rinna
on game night? No.

But that doesn't mean going
around making up sh... about her

that's not true.
That's not f... ing fair.

This last year and a half has
been really hard for my sister.

- I know that.
- And she's on

a really good path and has
a lot of exciting things

happening in her life and she
cannot come along

and f... that up and then
accuse me of contributing to it.

Lisa Rinna needs to sew
her f... ing lips shut.

- You need a lot of thread.

[laid-back music]

- We have double beds,

so we're gonna do
an "I Love Lucy" tonight.

Night, Ricky! - Night, Lucy!

- Oh, I'm sure
you'll figure it out.

Don't worry.
- Don't worry, yeah.

- I'm not that concerned
about you guys figuring out...

- We've got two babies
at home to... yeah!

- Oh, goodness gracious.
- What's on the menu?

- Yeah, what are we eating?
- Yesterday, I got here early

and I went out fishing
in the afternoon.

And I caught a big huge tuna.
- You are so lying right now.

You didn't go fishing
in that freakin' big wave.

- Swear to God.
- No, you didn't.

- Swear to... I have
a picture of it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- And we're eating that?
- [stammering]

- You know
I'm a great fisherman.

- And we're eating tuna.
It's the catch of the day.

I caught it yesterday.
- How did you learn to fish?

- My grandfather
and my grandmother.

We had a lake house and then
Tom and I had a boat

here in the Sea of Cortez...

We used to keep it
right outside Cabo.

I love to fish. - I love that.

- I caught a marlin once.
- That's a hard fight.

- That's how big...
- That's a hard fight.

- Yeah, but I didn't
really catch it.

I just stood there and watched
the guy catch it.

- PK, that doesn't count!

- No, I just stood there
and watched him...

- What does that mean?
- Do you know what I mean?

- Cheering him on!
- Not exactly...

- So doesn't count!
- No, it doesn't count.

I accept that. - Hello!

You're looking gorgeous. - Lisa!

- How are you?
- Hi, everyone.

- Let's go eat my food.
- [indistinct]

Yeah. My third shot.
- Where's my [indistinct]?

- You're gonna be on fire

- I'm on fire! [laughter]

- Lisa, can we have a nice calm
dinner, no naughtiness?

Keep your hands to yourself.

- Can you leave my cutlery
alone then?

- It's not your cutlery.
- It is.

- What happens
if we don't like tuna?

- That's a problem.
Did you catch a bull too?

Did you plant any veggies?

Are we having any salad
that you planted or...

- Nope.
- Any veggies?

- Who do you think he is,
Harry Hamlin?

Harry Hamlin makes
blueberry pie.

- Okay, there's pie number one.

- Oh, my God, PK.
- None of that sh...

- Yeah, no, neither would PK.
- Tom's like, "What?"

- [indistinct]
- My husband, literally,

we didn't have two nickels
to rub together,

and he'd be like, "We need to
get a handyman to do all this,"

and I was like...
- Why don't you get...

- We don't have the money
to do that!

So I was the handyman.

I'd be, like, on the ladder,
trying to...

He's like, "I can't do that."
He literally said to me,

"Have you ever seen
a Jewish handyman?

Doesn't even exist."

- I mean, finance, business,
law, all of that, genius.

- Right. Yeah.
- Light bulb, no.

- Erika, get up there.
- Same with my husband.

- I'm like, "What?"

I mean, I'm pretty good
with a hammer.

I could hammer a nail.

Good with a vacuum cleaner.

I don't like to mop too much.

It's too messy.

- Thank you.

- Mo, the fish is sensational.

Not only did you catch
the biggest tuna in the world,

you catch the tastiest one.

- We did a good job, right?
- Yeah.

- This probably gonna be
our last calm night.

- Really?

- Rinna and Eileen
arrive tomorrow?

- Yes.
- So... Lisa...

I don't want to word it like
you were telling me, but

Eden had a... actually, Eden had
a conversation with you.

- What'd she say to you?
- It's not about what Eden said.

It's about what Eden is saying
someone has told her, right?

- What Eden repeated.

- That's what
we're talking about.

- Do you think
Eden's intentions are good

or Eden's intentions
just annoying?

- At this point,
it's annoying, to be honest,

but she said
that Lisa Rinna said

that Kim is
on the brink of death.

That Kim is not sober.
- She said...

- On the verge of death?

- Eden has come to me and said...

And this is why I feel
the burden.

- What were the exact words?
"On the verge of death"?

- On the verge of death?

I thought your sister
was doing good.

- And she believes
Kyle's an enabler.

- I definitely think
Lisa Rinna could have said

these things to Eden
mostly because

I can picture her
sort of saying those things.

- Are we sure?
- Well, I can tell you this.

Eden had very, very, very strong
things to say about Kim.

- She's not nice.
I don't think Kim knows

or feels or cares
about what anyone else thinks.

- And I thought, "How do you
have these thoughts

after having one experience?"

- Eden... those words actually
came out of Eden's mouth

that Lisa Rinna said
Kim Richards is close to death

and Kyle Richards Umansky...
- Not to me, to her.

- Is an enabler.
- That's what's been said.

- I hate to hear this.
I like Lisa Rinna.

You know, it's possible that
Lisa said those things to Eden.

I just don't have the facts.

Why would Lisa Rinna start
a problem like that

when she knows it's gonna
get back to her?

She knows it's gonna get...
- Maybe she's not that smart.

- She's also not shy about
her feelings about Kim.

- Yeah, but having
a difference with Kim

and saying someone's
near death...

You know what I'm saying?
- We've all seen Rinna's

mad moments,
so maybe it was one of those.

- She does not like my sister.
- I was at Eden's house.

We had smoothies,
Lisa Rinna, Eden, and I,

and we had a great time.
We had a lot of laughs.

And we sort of bonded
over Xanax and smoothies.

- Well, so Lisa Rinna says,

"I like to pop a Xanax
in my smoothie."

- I have to be honest.
I have not put alcohol

in a smoothie,
but I have thrown a Xanax in.

- That's a joke, right?
- Literally went into her purse.

Took out a Ziploc bag
of all these pills.

[all exclaiming and laughing]

- I bet you I can name
a bunch of those.

- You weren't lying, my darling.

And Eden was saying, "You know,
yeah, she takes things

to chill out for her anxiety."

- Eden is?
I thought she's sober.

- Eden? I thought she's...
- Really?

- She's very honest about it.
I mean...

- Why is she so worried
about my sister then?

Probably 'cause Rinna's
filled her head with sh...

- I would be
led to believe that.

- What are you gonna do?
Are you gonna ask her?

She's coming here tomorrow.
- I don't even know.

- Possibly give her
the benefit of the doubt.

- I honestly don't believe
that Eden made that up.

- I don't either.
- I don't. I don't.

I don't like that fact this has
gone around to everybody.

But the truth is, I don't blame
Eden for saying what she heard.

The real culprit here
is Lisa Rinna.

- Wow.
- Call my Pollyanna

I'm hearing this
for the first time.

I certainly don't want it
to be true.

You don't know anything
for sure.

- Oh, I think we know it
for sure.

- It becomes this whole
ugly situation.

- Morning. How are you?
- Morning.

- Good morning.
- Honestly...

I do want to have fun.
I want to celebrate the agency.

And be with my friends
and laugh.

Anyone know what time
Eileen and Rinna get here?

- Forgot about them.

- But it's really
weighing on me.

- I don't like my bathing suits
that I... choices.

- Why?

- Do you wanna borrow
one of mine?

- I don't know how I'm supposed
to look at Lisa Rinna

and pretend because
I don't do well with that.

- Thank you for coming.
- Hey, Dorit.

Don't you love my friends?

- I mean, if I'm gonna be
ignoring her

and not even speaking to her
because I don't want to lose it,

that's not very nice either.

- Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!

Hi! Well, hello, everybody!

[tense music]

Hello, everyone.

- I apologize for not
greeting you better,

but we're really having
a perfect moment right now.

- I'm sorry I'm not standing up.

- Later this season

on "The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills"...

- They love a sombrero!
- Whoo!

- [screams]

- Ahh, don't look down!
- Oh, my God.

[all cheering]

- Gorgeous.
- Wow.

- I need a big bludgeon.

- [screaming]

- I is trader.
- You did not say that.

- Why not?

- You are one sick mother... er.

- Ask him if he has
an Instagram.

- Did you or did you not

say that my sister
is close to death?

- Oh, God, what did I do?

- If I can smell your breath,
you're too close.

This sh... is ugly. - This...

I can't deal with this.

- To get sober, to say sober,
it's tough.

- A sober person
doesn't act like that.

- It's all gonna explode.

- Well, do you think
that her personality...

Do you think that it's induced?

- I was really open and honest

with someone that I thought
I could trust.

- You can't really trust
anybody, Lisa.

- Do you trust your husband?

- Don't just say "Do you trust
your husband?" Come on.

- You're not deliberately cold.
You're inherently cold.

- You don't know what
I deal with every night.

- I don't like bullsh..., Dorit,
and that's what I think you are.

- Then why don't you just
f... ing say it?

- I just did.

- I am a compassionate,
loving human being.

- Shut the f... up.

- I've given you so much
of my time, my energy,

my f... ing heart, you bitch.

- To learn more
about the housewives,