The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (2010–…): Season 5, Episode 22 - Reunion Part Three - full transcript

In part three of the dramatic Beverly Hills reunion, Lisa is in the hot seat as Yolanda, Brandi and Kyle all discuss the problems they've had with her while, at the same time, hope for some resolution. The husbands join the fray and Ken tells a teary Brandi that he may never be able to accept her back into his life. Or can he?

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Tonight, the reunion concludes.

Brandi, how do you feel about
your F-bomb crown being taken?


Thank you, I'll put a crown
on my 20-year-old hairdo.

Kim, you were higher
than a kite.

"I'm a really good friend
to you, Kim.

I'm a really good friend to you,
and Kyle's a sháá sister."

Why is it in your interest to
try and ruin the relationship?

What happened on Halloween?

I'll tell the story,
and you won't like it.

- Her dog bit my daughter.
- You're horrible!

My daughter
almost lost her hand!

Your daughter had a bite
on her fáááing finger.

You want to have
an honest conversation?

Do you want to do it now?

"Be very careful,
or I will fááá you up.

(Eileen) She's been apologizing.

She was appalled
at her own behavior.

I'm human, and I'm not perfect.

[laughs] She's gonna cry now.

I'm washing my hands
of this whole thing.

This is bat-sháá crazy.

Hey, everybody.

It is part three
of The Real Housewives

of Beverly Hills Reunion.

Well, these ladies are known
for their sophistication,

their style, and their class.

But a rich life does not always
mean an elegant tongue.

Let's see why.

- Look at your boobs!
- Oh, what can I say?

God, you have such good boobs.
Can I just touch them?

They're so good.

I love your boobs.

- Oh, thank you.
- Boobs are good.

- Look, they're fine.
- I like it, yeah.

I have everything done pink,
like, the pussy as well.

You don't even have... what?
Did you just say the p-word?

It's bright pink. Yes!
Do you want to see it?

My dog's pink,
so why shouldn't my pussy be?

I once read an article

where you said Harry's
a fan of the bush.

If I walked around, nothing,
didn't touch that thing,

Yeah, Ken would like that.

He'd be happy as a clam.

[laughter] - No pun intended.

But he wants a really hairy,
hairy, hairy bush.

If it were up to Harry,
it would be hairy.

- Cunnilingus.
- Oh, I hate that word.

- What it means, cunnilingus?
- Cunnilingus...

(woman) Eating pussy.

That sounds like Chinese to me.

Is it a vegetable?

Is it a special kind of martini?

Is it a cigarette?
I mean, what is it?

Cunnilingus, cunnilingus.

- Cunnilingus.
- Cunnilingus.



when you first met everyone,

you were pretty taken aback
with all the dirty talk.

Who do you think has
the dirtiest mouth of the group?

- You can say it.
- Brandi. Brandi does.

- More than me?
- Oh, yeah.

(Lisa R) Oh, good. You win, yay.

Rinna, you obviously have
no issues with the adult talk.

Do you think Eileen just
needs to loosen up a little bit?

No, I think Eileen
has more class than I do.

I'm actually pretty loose
with that stuff.

(Andy) Really?

I really don't have
any hang-ups, really.

Just, I just can't say it.

But... I don't know
what you're talk... whatever.

You were talking about... you said
I just said the F-word too much.

- You?
- She has a foul mouth she said.

No, I said who had a foul mouth;
I thought you did

'cause you offered to eat
her out and all these things.

Things that you said were, like,
more graphic than just cussing.

- No, okay.
- That's all.

Charlie from Albany, Oregon,
said, "How does Ms. Vanderpump

"get away with talking
about pink pussy bows,

blow jobs, and all manner
of dirty things?"

'Cause she has an accent.

Does the accent
hide the dirty mouth?

(Eileen) Yes.

I have said a hundred times,
it's not a big deal.

It's a cute... it's a cute name.

In fact, as a child I was taught
to call it that in England.

But it's not like the "see you
next Tuesday" word or something.

It's a cute word for that,
isn't it?

Kyle, you hate the word "pussy,"
don't you?

- Why? It's so sweet.
- I don't know.

It's the way I was raised.

We didn't... we wouldn't say that,
talk like that.

- We don't, yeah.
- No, that word grosses me out.

Like, I have a hard time
even imitating somebody say...

- Stop it! Gross.
- [whispers]

Nancy, from Tacoma, Washington,

the million-dollar question,

"Can we get an update

"on Lisa Rinna's situation
down there?

Did Harry get his way?"

- Oh, no, Harry never gets
his way there, sorry.

- He doesn't?
- No. He doesn't. I trim.

How did Harry feel about
you sharing intimate details

of his preferences
and love life on national TV?

He's horrified
by me anyway in life.

I mean,
imagine being married to me.

- No, he laughs at you.
- He is, though, in a way.

- Right.
- I mean, can you imagine?

I don't know, he got, you know...

No, he laughs at you.
But the F-bomb could come out.

I think he gets a kick
out of me.

Got a million-dollar renovation
from those Depends commercials.

(Lisa V) Yeah.

I come in handy
from time to time.

Yes. Brandi, we got
a lot of questions

about the hot moving guy
you hooked up with.

Sunita from Orlando, Florida,
wants to know,

"Is Brandi
like Matthew McConaughey

"from Dazed and Confused?

"No matter how much older
she gets,

the guys she hooks up with
stay the same age."

Well, not really.

I mean, the guys that hit on me
are either really young

or really, really old.

I think you and I are...
How old are you?

- I'm... I think... I'm 46.
- I'm 42.

No, I'm a lot older than you.

- You date 23-year-olds.
- I do.

- So both of those guys are 23.
- Yeah.

I'm just saying.

- I got no problem with it.
- Right?

I don't see why it's a big deal.

I don't know if I date them.

Well, I don't really date them.

- She just... right, we get it.
- Okay.

He did take me out to dinner.

- It was really cute.
- Yes.

I couldn't even
watch that one thing.

- She's over there going like...
- He's adorable.

- What do you...
- "Show me your arms."

What do you think about
doing it with younger guys?

I mean, are they good in bed?

They have a lot of energy.

I do find, though, that the guys

in their 30s and 40s know
what they're doing a lot more.

(Andy) Yes.

Jake, however, was very...

I think 'cause he was hot
his whole life,

he had to be good at it.

He knew what he was doing.

- The moving guy?
- Yeah.

Did you...
Was that more than a one-time...

Yeah, we still talk.
He's in Chico.

He's at college.

- He's in college?
- Yeah.

Oh, my God. I love it.

Chico State.

(Andy) Awesome. Okay, ladies.

We counted.

Who do you think
dropped the F-bomb

the most out of everybody?

- I did. I did for sure.
- I think Lisa Rinna did.

For sure. Hands down.

- It was Rinna.
- Hands down.

- Oh, my God.
- Congratulations.

(Lisa R)
I got a lecture from my husband.

- Oh, really?
- Oh, I did for sure.

He said, "Do you think maybe
you could use the F-word less?"

A couple times I've heard that.

That's my note is just, "You've
got to use the F-word less."

And it seems like
maybe you said no.


Brandi, how do you feel
about your F-bomb crown

being taken by Lisa?

I mean,

Thank you. I'll put a crown
on my 20-year-old hairdo.


Okay, I hate to bring the room
down right now,

but, Lisa, you and Kim never
completely solved your issues,


Have you two spoken
since the finale party?

No... Oh, yeah.

Oh, yes, we have, actually.

After the finale,
I get a message.

You know what this is?

I know exactly what it is, yeah.

This is a text message from you?


So I get a message that says,

"Be very careful,
or I will fááá you up.

"You be nice to your sister.

"You believe her
and stop telling lies

"in that order.


Then the next day,

I get, "You need to get wise.

"Brandi's not telling the truth.
She is lying.

"I should've said that to you
in that moment,

"but I didn't want
another Amsterdam to happen,

and it would have."

Then she sends another one.

"Your behavior and the way
you treat people is not okay.

"You are nasty, and you need
to be stopped now."

So I really got frightened.

(Andy) What made you send them?

I just don't think
I was done with everything,

and because I have an issue
with people shushing me

and telling me
not to have my feelings

and to shut up, I had to say...

That she then wants
to fááá people up.

You're not just frustrated
that you're sitting here

at this reunion
and you keep getting shushed.

- You have a real thing...
- It's a real issue for me.

It's a real thing with you.

- Yeah, it really is.
- Yeah.

My dad, you know,

he shut me down a lot
in my life.

[laughs] She's gonna cry now.

You know what, Kim?
Just leave me alone.

You're gonna cry now
because people see that

you want to hurt me and that
you keep telling everybody...

It's just the truth.

You wanted to be there for me
and you wanted to help me.

But the truth is,
you have a problem...

So you felt like... hold on.

- I would like her to finish.
- And want to hurt people.

So you felt like your back
was against the wall?

She tells me to shush
and to not talk,

and that's what I grew up with.

I'm sorry.

- Drop it now!
- Your behavior's not okay.

Why don't you have
a piece of bread?

Maybe you'll calm down a little.

Why don't you want
to talk to me about...

I'll come over to you
when I want to talk.

Right now I don't. I want to
talk to my sister alone, please.

And it just... I fáááing lost it,
and that's the truth.

There's something wrong
with her.

There's a couple times
here today

I thought you were going
to get up, seriously.

That's dangerous.

If you guys
want to be scared of me,

- you can, I...
- You're scary.

I think because of...

The provocation
brought out something in her

that she had never
really seen before in herself.

I bet if we look her up,
she's got a record of,

- like, abuse or, like...
- Oh, stop. Stop it.

- A record of what's it called?
- Stop it.

- Like, when you hurt somebody?
- Oh, stop it.

- Like, batter. Yeah.
- Stop it.

She's been apologizing
for this whole thing forever.

She was appalled
at her own behavior.

Did Harry know
you were going to send it?

No, I was by myself
for six hours...

(Lisa V)
Did you talk to anybody?

And I just said it
out of my own anger. I did.

I flipped,
and I said I was sorry,

and I'm human,

and I'm not perfect,
and I fáááing flipped,

and I'm sorry.

There's just something
not right there, Lisa.

- Kim, I...
- I just said,

"I want to talk to my sister.
Please go away."

I was so upset.
I wanted to talk to my sister...

Kim, I was so provoked by you,
I hadn't finished.

I swept it under the carpet
in Amsterdam, and it was so...

We left Amsterdam, like,

No, we never
were huggy-duggy-do-do.

I'm wondering
why you're laughing at her tears

- when you were crying...
- Because I don't believe them.

- Five minutes ago.
- I don't believe them.

But how would you have felt
if she didn't believe your tears

- five minutes ago to Kyle?
- I don't care. I don't care.

Why wouldn't you believe me?

Because I think you're
doing this to seek attention...

- No, stop, stop.
- Because you are...

Oh, that's just repulsive.

Embarrassed that
you sent these messages.

- I am embarrassed.
- I think she is embarrassed.

- Because...
- I am totally embarrassed.

You're so quick to point out...

As we were saying,
you guys are fáááed up,

and you're fáááed up,
and you're fáááed up.

Well, you're just as fáááed up,
so why are you pointing fingers?

But at least
she takes accountability.

(Lisa R)
Brandi, I'm not perfect!

So this is what
you've been deflecting from.

- I can't take this.
- This is just...

Everyone's fáááed up, great.

- This is just all bullsháá.
- Yeah, yeah.

- You know...
- This is just bullsháá.

(Lisa R)
I can only take so much.

I've been shut down,

and I just...
It triggered it in me.

I have something in me.
It triggered it, really.

It's really sad to me,
this whole thing.

Are you really crying?
Is this real?

- I am really crying.
- She is really crying.

- Stop it, Kim.
- Stop it?

- I don't know if this is real.
- Stop it.

- No, but you're taking...
- She sent these messages.

- And she said she was sorry.
- Yeah.

- Stop it. She's crazy.
- Get over yourself.

Stop. It's over. She's crazy.

(Eileen) All right?

(Lisa R)
I'm sorry if I hurt you.

Okay, I accept your apology.

- You accept her apology.
- I do, I do.

I really didn't mean, like,
it's just, honestly,

- it felt like...
- It's okay. It's okay.

I just, you know...

I just...

Oh, God.

[dramatic music]

♪♪ ♪♪

(Andy) Coming up...

You want to talk
about my sobriety?

I can't call you out on the fact
that you smoke a little pot.

You don't know
a fáááing thing about me.

You're a liar.

Welcome back
to the Real Housewives

of Beverly Hills Reunion.

The trip to Amsterdam
looked so great.

I want to talk about
the coffee shops in Holland...

Oh, my gosh,
I mean, coffee shop?

Here, you go in,
you get a sandwich...

- Right.
- You get a Coca-Cola.

You know, you ladies
danced around that space cake.

Like, I've never seen
such a debate.

I did not dance around it.
I gobbled it up.

- Who's having a space cake?
- I'm not.

- Are you having a space cake?
- I'm not.

So no one's having a space cake?

What are we doing here
in space cake town?

I think I'm getting
a contact high.

- It's because you have kids?
- Of course.

Yeah, absolutely,
I have teenagers.

And it's because you have kids

and you knew
that you were on television?

- Yeah, absolutely.
- Of course.

And also, I had heard that

you can't gauge
when it's the food and stuff.

(Eileen) That's true.

They all wanted their own,
and they wanted to gobble it.

They got it to go.

But I did end up
pinching a piece off at the end

- because I... yeah, I did.
- It was really good.

I got to say, it was delicious.

But I wanted a glass of milk
with it.

I don't remember
what it tasted like.

Did it have any effect on you?

Who took...
Didn't you take the first bite?

- A little bit...
- No, I was first.

- No, I think she did.
- But less than alcohol.

Lisa couldn't wait
to have a gobble of it.

I just felt...
It was complicated for me.

I was a little confused
as to what to do because,

you know, you're telling
your kids one thing,

and then, oh, I'm on a show now,
so it's okay.

So I was just on the fence
about it a little bit,

and then I caved.

You know, what can I say?
Peer pressure.

Yeah, you said,
"I cave to peer pressure."

- Peer pressure.
- That was very funny.

- What a good example.
- I know.

Why didn't you have any,
by the way?

Because I was, at the time,

in a lawsuit
with my ex-husband fighting,

and the last thing

I need to be doing
is having space cake on TV.

- Right.
- So it's just...

If that... if we were settled

and everything was fine with us,
I probably would have partaken.

But it's better
not to have it on film.

Right, and you thought
that there was a double standard

- going on with the other women?
- I did.

I just thought it was silly
knowing what I know.

The last time I smoked pot,
I was with you,

so let's not pretend
like we're angels.

(Lisa V) Thanks, Brandi.

I mean, your main issue
was with Kyle there.

It wasn't with Rinna or...

It was just her acting like
she was holier than thou

and, "Oh, my God,
what would happen to me?"

You went after me at the table.

We were all at the little cafe

because you thought
I was going behind your back

saying that you should have
your kids taken away,

you're a bad mom,
and you're an alcoholic.

Did you ever,
now that you've seen the show,

did you ever see me say anything
like that?

There are so many things on
the show that they do not show.

Listen, did you ever see me
say... you don't think if I...

Here's the thing,
you want to point out every...

Brandi, I never said that.

You want to point out
everybody else's issues...

Let's ask everybody...
Let me talk for one second.

- You've been talking.
- I'm telling you right now,

you came after me
because you thought that,

and you were screaming
in the streets.

"You're saying
I'm not a good mom,

"I should have my kids taken
away, I should go to rehab."

- She's never said that.
- Ask all these women here.

Have I ever said that
to anybody?

Never said that.
Never said that.

- My point is, you were...
- Never one time.

- A hypocrite because you were...
- What did I ever do?

You thought I was saying
all of these things about you,

and that's why you went
after me in Amsterdam,

made that comment and made
that whole scene in the street...

You guys want to talk
about Kim's sobriety.

You want to talk
about my sobriety.

But God forbid,
I can't call you out on the fact

that you smoke a little pot.

- But no, you said...
- Okay, but God.

That's below the belt?
Oh, my God!

- That's not what it was.
- Shut the fááá up!

- That's not what I said.
- It's the truth.

You smoke a little pot.
Who cares?

- Really? Really, Brandi?
- Yes.

Okay, everybody here
knows it's not my thing.

And guess what,
I was not trying to play...

- You...
- Miss Perfect. Let me talk.

Are such a liar.

You don't know
a fáááing thing about me.

- You are a liar.
- A liar?

And you're good at it.
You're good at it.

Oh, yeah,
I'm gonna show that side to you

and not to these people
I've known a lot longer?

By the way, I don't think
it's a big deal, okay?

- Exactly.
- It's not my thing,

even though I have
because I'm a control freak,

and I get neurotic,
and I get paranoid,

and I think I'm choking,
and I can't breathe.

It's not for me, okay?

It's just not my thing.

- I mean, it's not.
- I love it.

That doesn't mean I haven't,
but she said it...

I don't like it that much, but...

Do you have it with you
right now?

She said it to be an assáááá.

I said it because everything...

Andy, I've said the same thing...
Take a breath.

But if you're being accused
of something

and you feel you're not guilty
of it, whether you love it

or you condone it or she's
saying her husband does it...

- It's not the point.
- It's not the point.

- I get it.
- That's what I'm saying.

- Okay.
- She said it to be mean,

to put it out there,
and hit below the belt...

No, I said it
because you're a hypocrite.

Hold on. Why was I being
a hypocrite? Why?

Because you guys can talk
about drinking all day long

- or what is Kim on or...
- I wasn't talking about you.

What is she doing,
but God forbid...

- If you shut the...
- Someone tells your truth.

- Shut up for a minute...
- No, fááá you.

(Kyle) Why did you say it?

Because you're sitting there
acting like eating space cake...

I never said
you were an alcoholic

who needed to go to rehab.
You said it be a bitch.

You can never just go out
and have fun.

- No. No, excuse me!
- We're all there to have fun.

You have to say it.

You're sitting there
acting like taking a bite...

Because I don't,

and my husband said,
"don't you dare eat anything."

- You're a liar! You're a liar.
- I don't think it's a big deal.

Maybe you have a drug problem,
and you're in denial.

- [laughs]
- What? Max's best...

What did I say to you at that
cafe that made you say that?

It was... it made me crazy
that you were sitting there

acting like you were something
you're not.

- She felt like...
- Why was I...

Everything I do makes you crazy.

- I did not want...
- Hardly.

To eat a space cake.
What's wrong with that?

- I'm scared of that.
- [laughs] Oh, my God.

- Is there a problem with that?
- Yeah, you're a liar.

What if Kim was there
and she took a bite of it?

Would it be a big deal?
Would we be talking about it?

- I mean...
- I just think it's...

it's okay
for everyone to pretend...

Well, Kim made that choice
not to go because obviously that

wouldn't be... you know, we're
all in a different situation.

No, of course, it wouldn't have
been comfortable.

But that's my point is,
it's very hypocritical

for us all to sit and say we'll
take a Xanax on the flight...

No, it wasn't hypocritical
though. No, it wasn't...

And we're gonna have some space
cake here and this and that...

- It wasn't...
- But we're worried about you.

Well, isn't it different

if someone's struggling
with their sobriety?

Let's just get this straight
real quick.

I am not struggling
with my sobriety,

nor have I struggled
with my sobriety.

I took a pill for a chronic pain
that I was having.

(Andy) Yes.

Did I take somebody else's pill?

Was that right? No.

But I am not struggling,

nor have I struggled
with my sobriety

- for the last three years.
- But... okay.

If any of this was real concern,
I thank you.

I don't believe that.

I am sober.

I have been sober
for three years.

I don't appreciate
all the conversations

that have been behind my back.

I do not have to defend myself,

nor will I any longer.

So I don't appreciate
these rumors

that are going on around me
and behind my back.

Brandi was having a lot
of conversations too...

Excuse me. I'm not done talking.

A lot of conversations?
I had one with Lisa Rinna.

And two with your friend

Not about anything
to do with this.

It was about my sister Kim,
both conversations.

she took a pill of Monty's,

- and that's why she was...
- That's called relapsing.

I can assure you,
if you spot it, you got it.

So, when Lisa
was trying to talk to you

about your behavior,
you turned around and you said,

"The real pressing issue,"
and you said, "Kim."

That's not true.
First of all, that's not true...

- Well, we can roll that back.
- And you weren't there.

Because she was talking
about me.

I don't have to be there.
I saw it on television.

(Lisa R)
Yeah, we have a lot
to talk about on this issue.

I think we really do.
I mean, I appreciate you...

I'm not going
to talk about my issue

that doesn't exist.

Well, Kim, I'm just gonna say
that if you had never...

- I've never seen anybody so...
- Kim, I'm just gonna say...

Kim, let me talk. Please.

I was talking first,
so let me finish...

Please, I'm gonna talk
right now.

I'm not done yet.
I was talking...

- I'm gonna talk first.
- No, I was talking first.

You showed up at my house,

- I was talking first.
- Listen! Kim.

Everybody was getting along
too well, there needed to be...

You were higher than a kite.

I already agree...
I already said I was.

- But here's the thing...
- I said I took a pain pill.

- Kim!
- I was...

- I was not okay.
- Kim, here's the thing.

You cannot show up high
as a kite and not expect us...

- But I didn't!
- To deal with it.

I'm not going to defend, defend,
defend, defend myself.

- I understand, but...
- You don't have to do that.

- You don't have to.
- You don't have to.

(Lisa R)
We aren't asking you to defend.

- Well, I'm not going to.
- I get that.

- But I just want to explain...
- You don't have to.

- You're being very clear.
- It's just like...

But why aren't you upset
with Brandi

for talking to Jennifer twice
on camera about you

and talking about Lisa
with you...

- I never said that she was...
- Yeah, you did.

- I have talked to Brandi.
- I'm not talking to you.

Get out of my face.

- You did talk to Brandi?
- I did off camera.

- You did off camera.
- Okay, fine.

(Andy) And what did you say?

She said I really wish
you hadn't talked to Jennifer.

- Mm-hmm, and we discussed that.
- And I said I'm sorry.

After that night,
I was concerned about her.

- Well, so it's the same thing.
- And you spoke to Lisa Rinna.

Everybody was.
No, but we're actually friends.

And I don't think that they
were that close at that time.

Yeah, even more of a reason
for you not to talk

to Jennifer and Lisa
because you are best friends.

Jennifer's my best friend,
and she's sober,

so obviously I'm gonna go talk...

Well, you're supposedly so close
with Kim.

I'm gonna go talk to somebody...
Excuse me.

Okay. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait.

Hold on.
I'm gonna put a pin in it.

I want to take a break.
We'll be right back.

Coming up...

You want to have
an honest conversation?

Do you want to do it now?

Let's lay it all out then.

You want to threaten me?
You want to go there?

We are back with more

of The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills Reunion.

I'm Andy Cohen.

This season, Kim and Kyle
started in a good place,

but Kim's friendship with Brandi
began to pull that apart.

With both Kyle and Brandi

to have Kim's best interests
at heart,

words escalated
to pushing and shoving,

and soon, the battle for Kim
became an all-out war.

- Ready? [camera clicks]

Brandi's grown so much
in this last year.

She's acknowledged her mistakes,

and she can say
"I'm sorry" today.

That's huge.


I told you
I wouldn't let you fold.

(Kim) We love each other.

Are you jealous 'cause we won?

It's really hard for Kyle
to see Kim excel.

Much like in their childhood,
Kim excelled at acting,

Kyle didn't.

There's just
crazy jealousy there.

I know that you need
your relationship with Brandi.

It does seem like she's adding a
lot of fuel to the fire though.

Do you want to be
her best friend?

Do you want to do everything
with her?

I'm her sister.
You will never be her sister.

And I will never be
only her friend.

I'm not asking to be her sister.

So don't ask me to step in.

She hasn't really been there
for you, and I have.

You just need to make time
for the people you love,

and I feel like,
sometimes, my sister

doesn't have any time for me.

She's been there for me
as a great friend.

Right, but who is she
to compare the two

and try to say
that I haven't been?

I don't understand why Brandi
wants to put herself

in the middle
of my sister and me.

Sometimes, you don't want to go
to your family.

They don't understand.

I've never needed you to defend
me because you never have.

Kim, yes, I have, 1,000%.

She defends me more than you do.

Why do you think
my intention is to hurt you

when I've only wanted
to protect you always, ever?

I just don't believe she knows

what good intentions are, maybe,

Kyle just made me feel
so uncomfortable.

- I got you, boo.
- Stop it.

I want to talk to my sister
for a second.

- Stop that.
- Whoa. Don't fáááing touch me.

- Don't you fáááing...
- Wow, really?

- Don't fáááing touch me.
- Don't you fáááing do that.

Don't fáááing touch me.

I'll be in trouble
for not defending her.

That's the best part.

In every aspect of your life,
I have been there for you.

Meanwhile, Brandi Glanville's
walking around to people

like Lisa Rinna and saying,
"Kim needs an intervention."

I'm so done with you
and your fáááing lies.

I know how much you've been
there for her, and that's zero.

You don't know anything.

I talk to her every fáááing day.
You don't even talk to her.

- Get away from me.
- Brandi!

You're fáááing not even there
for her at all.

I think that Brandi is trying
to turn my sister against me,

and it's working.

Kyle, you are being abused
by Kim.

And when you're
in an abusive relationship,

you walk away from it.

You're gonna let this person
come between us?

Fááá you.

Oh, okay, Kyle.

There's a lot to discuss.

Uh, Kyle, before the season,
you were friendly with Brandi.

What did you see in her then
that you don't see now?

I saw someone that could be fun,

and, you know, I got to see her
with her boys.

I was really trying
to make an effort.

And I, you know, I'm trying
to see the good in her,

and I did see those things.

Elizabeth from Walla Walla,

said, "Has anyone noticed
a change in Kim's behavior

since she started getting close
with Brandi?

Well, I can see a change
in Kim towards me.

Even though we've already
always had our issues,

there was a definite change

since that night,
the poker night.

And when I see them together

and the things
that Brandi's been putting

in her ear this whole time,

there's... I believe there's
absolutely no way

that hasn't had an impact.

(Andy) Brandi?

I think that
they've always had problems,

and me being around
has nothing to do

with the problems
that they have.

(Lisa V)
Yeah, but you're happy
to point them out.

You say to Kim, "I'm a really
good friend to you, Kim.

"I'm a really good friend
to you.

And Kyle's a sháá sister.
Kyle's a sháá sister."

Why is it in your interest to
try and ruin the relationship?

I don't want... their relation...
"relationship" has...

but you're exacerbating it.

Can you see
how someone would think

that you're exacerbating it?

I could see that, but knowing
everything that I know,

I know that there is way more
to the friendship.

By the way,
they all know the same thing

and a lot...
A lot of information.

And you know what she tells me
all the time?

"You need to fix things
with your sister."

I think that you guys
do need to fix things.

So why do you say that,
if she's telling me that,

and they have
the same information?

You should fix things. Why would
I call you, her sister?

We're talking about since then.

Why would I call you? No.
I'm talking about that night.

And you said, "I want nothing
to do with this."

I called you 'cause I want
you guys to be together.

This is not my responsibility.

That's not what
you were calling about, Brandi.

And like I said, I can't explain
everything because...

I was worried about Kim.

And I went over there,
and she was fine.

There are things outside
this group that have happened

that have made me feel
differently towards my sister

that I don't want
to talk about here today.

They don't have anything
to do with drinking

or pills or drugs.

They... they have just hurt me
a lot.

She has been there for you,
and I know that for a fact.

- I have been hurt...
- She's been hurt too.

By some of the things
you have done and your choices.

- Me too, Kim. Me too.
- I'm sure.

But it's put me in a very
distant and more cold place

with you, where...

Kyle's been there in a big way.

I just had to take a huge break
from you.

It had absolutely nothing
to do with Brandi Glanville.

(Kyle) How do you think I felt?

How do you think I felt
on Halloween, in November,

what happened...
How do you think I felt?

What happened on Halloween,

What happened?

Her dog bit my daughter.

- Who, Kingsley?
- Mm-hmm.

- Hey. Off!
- Hey! Kingsley!

- Off! Off! Off!
- Kingsley! Kingsley!

- Kingsley.
- Off. Off.

She decided to Instagram it

and make a public display of it.

I never said it was your dog.

- She Instagrammed what?
- I never said your dog bit...

- What did you Instagram?
- But she put on Instagram...

Let me talk and then talk...

That her daughter
had been attacked.

'Cause this is
a very touchy situation.

- And you're gonna go this way.
- I never said my sister's dog.

So that's fine. Let's do that.

- Back up.
- What did you Instagram?

- So Kim's...
- Here we go again.

- And now...
- I just want to hear...

You're gonna
surface it all again.

- Hold on, Kim, let me...
- 'Cause that's what she does.

But this is part of the puzzle,

and I never get to speak
my truth.

This is not part
of a fáááing show.

It's a huge part of the puzzle.

You're horrible!

- Kim, you...
- This is why I don't like her.

My daughter
almost lost her hand!

Your daughter had a bite
on her fáááing finger.

Yeah, that infected the bone;
why do you think

she was at Cedars-Sinai
for five days?

- She was on a drip.
- This is why I don't like you.

She was on a drip for five days.

- So what...
- This is why...

- How do you think I feel?
- I can't even look at her.

- I'm just gonna leave.
- She... I'm gonna leave.

I'm gonna tell you something,
what you did...

Kim, the Instagram
was not to hurt you.

- Making a public display...
- I never said it was your dog.

She went and told
all her friends.

I never said "my sister's dog."
I didn't say any of that.

I didn't know that people
were gonna figure out

that was your dog;
I never said that.

- What did you say in the Inst...
- Like when my daughter Whitney

called her and asked her
to take that down,

- and you didn't.
- Kim.

You had to make
a big fáááing show out of it

'cause you wanted
Instagram followers.

What about my child's hand?

- Stay strong.
- Listen, I...

(Kim) She went to the hospital.

- Can I talk, Andy?
- She couldn't even fall asleep.

She had 25 people there
and taking pictures of her.

That's right,
trying to make my child happy.

- Alexia's trying to sleep...
- She needs to own that.

She needs to own that dog bite.

"Can you move?
I got to get another picture.

I get another picture
of Alexia."

It was not like
the dog mauled her.

Do you really want me
to tell the whole story?

You really want me to tell
what happened?

- It wasn't really big.
- How when we got home,

what happened
and how she actually...

- It really happened?
- Kim, let her talk.

- I've never told the story.
- Kim, let her talk, all right?

I'll tell the story,
and you won't like it.


You want to have
an honest conversation?

Do you want to do it now?

I... what did I tell you?
This goes way...

I'm asking you,
do you want to do it now?

What did I tell you
in the beginning?

Let's lay it all out there.
You want to threaten me?

You want to go there?
Let's do it.

I'm telling you,
I'm not threatening.

I've had it with you,
you fáááing two-faced...

Ooh, that scary voice,
right there.

- Kim, you have abused me...
- That's the scary voice.

You have mistreated me
for years, and I'm sick of it.

You have abused me
and done this to me for years.

I'm sick of it.

- Now, you want to work it out...
- You are mean.

- I've already told you...
- You are a mean person.

- You're mean!
- No.

I've never told the real story.

- About my child?
- Yup, you won't like it.

- Oh, wow. Over a dog.
- Ugh.

That's right,
you want me to tell?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, tell it.

I would hope you're not going
to say something

to try to hurt my child
who absolutely loves you.

Oh, you really want me to tell?

The dog bit the child,
and there's an...

I don't even know
what you're talking about.

Keep going, Kyle, keep going.

Well, there's another story;
it's that your dog...

It's the real story
that I've never told.

Bit her daughter,
and she almost lost her hand.

- Oh, my God.
- So don't make me go there.

- I don't even know the story.
- You were...

- That's right.
- The dog...

Your daughter
was in the hospital.

This just keeps going.

It was deep,
and what happened was...

Which we didn't realize,
it infected her bone...

She didn't give her
her antibiotics for two days.

That's not what happened,
Kim, I actually called...

- Yes, it is.
- You don't even know that.

- That's a rumor you spread.
- I do. It's true!

Even your dog
biting my child's my fault?

- Yes, it is.
- No, my dog...

I don't even want
to get into it.

Everybody picked it up...

- It was everywhere.
- That Kingsley had bitten...

- So people picked it up...
- Right, from that picture.

It was
a very traumatic experience.

They put two and two...
But I never said...

Do you think
that she did that to hurt you?

You think that was to hurt you?

- Tell the truth.
- Really?

- Did I say it was your dog?
- You didn't have to.

So this is what you've been
fighting about?

- I wasn't protecting your dog.
- She told me she did.

Wait, no, I told everybody
in my life it was your dog.

I just saw it
all over the press.

I didn't know
I had to keep it a secret.

I just didn't say publicly

it was your dog to protect you
and protect the dog.

Honestly, I don't want
to discuss this anymore.

So it just doesn't get discussed

because you decide
it doesn't get discussed?

Because it's hurt
my whole family.

This has been very painful
for my children.

- I understand that.
- So stay out of this, okay?

Kim, do you know
that my daughter

was, for five days,
at Cedars-Sinai...

- This has been very painful.
- And then had an IV

- for three weeks?
- I see that.

- Monty's dying.
- Sorry.

And this dog is gone.

Kim, quit trying
to change the subject.

Stay out of this, please.

But do you know,
do you know that Alexia

had an IV
with a bag for three weeks?

Her daughter was very sick.

(Andy) Where is Kingsley now?

He's with a trainer.

(Andy) He's with a trainer?

Is that true? Are you being...

I'm not talking about this,
Andy. Just drop it.

Okay, so this is why
you're not speaking?

- Ridiculous.
- This dog?

That's not the only reason.

It's other stuff she does, but...

But the dog is with the trainer.

I mean...

You don't think the dog
is with the trainer?

I don't... ask Kim.

My dog is off limits
like my children... there.

Yeah, but you have
to talk about the dog

because it's the catalyst
of why you two aren't talking.

No, I don't. I don't have
to talk about anything.

Of course, so when you say... no.

- But you have to understand...
- I don't want to.

- Why you two are not talking.
- That's personal.

Certain things are personal.

Then why do a reality show?

[Brandi laughs]

Well, you want to talk about...
You said your husband's

off limits
and your kids are off limits.

- So is my dog.
- Right.

My kids and my dog
are off limits.

Well, she was actually ready
to talk about her husband.

- I mean...
- I really was.

- Bring it.
- Yeah, talk about it. Let's...

(Andy) I mean, I love Kingsley.

I love seeing him on the show.
I mean...

That's why he's off limits.

(Lisa R)
You can talk
about whatever you want.

Just like my children.

It's kind of your rules,
isn't it?

From what I'm understanding,
it's Kim...

He's like a son to me, so...

- It's Kim's rules.
- It's not.

So you equate your dog
with your children?

I do. He's like a child to me.


It's been the most painful thing
I've gone through.

Monty can't even, like...

That dog is like
his best friend.

It's very hard.

Well, but it's good...
If he's at the trainer,

then he's getting trained.

(Kim) It's off limits. Please.

Why did this all get
turned on me, though?

Where's your responsibility
in all this? Why is it...

I took responsibility.

Why is it turned on me that
my child is the one hurting,

- and then it's my fault?
- I took responsibility.

And I also said
there's more to the story

that I haven't said, and I don't
even want to go there.

So please.

Well, if it involves my child,
I would really hope you wouldn't

do something like that because
obviously you're trying to...

It involves you.

You're trying to threaten that...

- Oh, the secret.
- It involves you.

Oh, there's always this,
like, insinuating.

- It's like a secret...
- Just say it. Say...

(Lisa R)
Extra secret society
that I don't know about?

(Kyle) Why are you doing this?

This is a bad time
to even tell you.

"The Secret Society
of the Real..."

This secret, Harry's secret,
Kyle's secrets.

We have a lot of secrets
in this group.

- It's like a secret society.
- No, there's nothing

that I wouldn't tell you guys
off camera.

So you'll just imply it
on camera.

(Lisa R)
That's dangerous enough
right there, I think.

No, it's just it's nothing
I want to say on camera,

but she just
keeps pushing my buttons.

Shoshanna from Honolulu, Hawaii,

"Kim says that Kyle
isn't available to her.

Was there a time
when Kyle did take your calls?"

I mean, what changed
in your relationship

with Kyle that...

I think it's just,

you know, I have
a really great relationship

with my sister Kathy.

We talk three, four times a day.

We do things together.

We go to dinner, you know.

Kyle and I used to do stuff like
that, and we don't have that.

We don't.

And I know she's busy, you know.
I'm not asking for...

It's not about being busy.

Look what happens with us.

- It's not just busy, Kim.
- Okay.

It's not like,
"Oh, I'm so busy for you."

Okay, so obviously
we don't have to talk about it.

Kim, I love you...
As my sister, I love you.

I love you as my sister.

As a person right now,
I don't like you very much.

(Kim) I agree.

[dramatic music]

♪♪ ♪♪


(Andy) Coming up...

(Lisa V) Go to the wedding.

You know, you will look back,

and when you're not
in those pictures,

and you'll think, why was I
not there for my sister?

I need to go to the bathroom.

Where's Lisa's Depends
when I need them?

I heard Hugh Grant say "pussy"
like it was no big deal.

I'm sorry, in England,
people say "pussy," don't we?

It's not that...
We call friends "pussy."

Like, we say, "You're a pussy."

But here is it so offensive?

(man) I guess so.

(Lisa V)
And when I was growing up,
I was told,

when I was four or five,
that that was my pussy.

Yes. As a child.

Well, I'm going to take my pussy
to the bathroom.

It's not a bad word.

Katherine from Baldwin Hills,
California, said,

"Wow, Kyle, you need
to find a better way

"to communicate with Kim
than flipping her a double bird

"and screaming 'fááá you.'

Maybe that's why Kim needs
friends who will listen to her."

Yeah, I didn't even realize
I had done that.

- Till you saw it?
- Yeah, I'm not proud of that.

But I was just upset,
and I really didn't even know.

Someone told me.
I was so upset in the moment.

I mean, I knew I said,
"Fááá you,"

but I didn't realize
I had given her the finger too.

It's, like, with you,
when I called you a beast.

- I was just really upset.
- I didn't know I did that.

I'm sorry.

I'm a very emotional person,
and I... what can I say?

I shouldn't have done that.

Lisa Rinna, in Amsterdam,
you told Kyle

that she is in an abusive
relationship with Kim... how so?

I think it speaks for itself.

I think we've seen it.

Your reaction to that?

I guess that's her opinion and...

(Lisa R) It's how I feel.

It's just how I feel.

And I think that you
have to know our history,

and you have to see
how I felt over the years too

with my sister and...

I was just kind of going off
of what I've seen,

- and I have seen...
- I have to say the same thing.

It just seems
particularly vicious.

And watching it, it was just...

Watching it in person
was just like, whoa.

And the things you said to me,
and then you turned on her.

It went, like, in a place
it didn't need to go.

It just,
it goes to a very dark place.

- And seeing it...
- You know, I guess because...

Seeing it looks like
it's verbally abusive.

You know what,
for years, I honestly feel,

as much as she's been
kind of there for me,

I feel like also, you've talked
very down to me a lot, and I...

I haven't done that at all, Kim.

- Yeah.
- I mean, maybe at times

where I thought
you were more fragile,

maybe I did treat you

but that has not been for a very
long time, so I didn't feel...

I just can't be treated
like that anymore.

That the way
you treat me is warranted.

Brandi, you asked Lisa Rinna
to talk to Kyle about Kim.

Kim, do you view that
as a breach of trust?

That didn't look that good.

And she said no, no, no, I know,
and, you know, so yes,

- I did call her on it.
- Yeah, she was upset.

Well, Kim, now that
you've seen that Lisa Rinna

was telling the truth
about Brandi,

does your opinion of her change?

That's not the truth.

No, but if you heard
what was said earlier,

that she said
everybody needs intervention,

- if you heard...
- No, she brought it up.

She goes, "Can we
just do an intervention?"

- And I said...
- And then she said every...

Maybe everybody
needs an intervention.

I mean, it's not like we
can do an intervention on her.

Maybe you have an intervention
with all of us, seriously.

- I didn't bring it up.
- Yeah, but do you mean

everybody needs an intervention
because we're drinking

or everybody needs to be
involved in her intervention?

She brought up an intervention,

and I was just like, who knows?

We talked about many things
before that.

- Yeah, we did, absolutely.
- To me,

you had the same concerns
that Lisa Rinna did.

I was worried about Kim
after poker night.

- Right, so I'm wondering...
- I was.

If you considered that
a betrayal

- or if that at all...
- At first...

Vindicated Kyle?

- Did that vindicate Kyle?
- When she first...

I first called her right away

and just said, "You got
to tell me what that meant."

And she said, when Lisa
brought it up, she said,

"Well, everybody
needs intervention."

Not everybody should be
on my intervention.

I still believe
you brought Kim up.

I didn't.

It seemed like what
your sister was telling you...

- Yes, it did.
- Was the truth.

Yes, it did.

And so do you feel
that you owe Kyle an apology,

or do you feel
that she is at all vindicated?

I feel like, you know,
in a way that what Kyle said,

I see where Kyle,
hearing what Lisa said,

you know, I get it.

But I feel like Brandi...

- It's kind of twisted.
- It's just been k... yeah.

I didn't go to Lisa and say,
"We need to do an intervention."

- I wasn't talking about Kim.
- Right.

It wasn't happening.
I talked to Jennifer about it.

Look, do I believe my sister had
nothing but good intentions

when she came to me and said,

"I'm worried
about what Brandi's saying"?

Yes, because I feel like
she's... another Lisa move...

You know, got in her ear.

A Lisa move? What's a Lisa move?

And I feel like,
you know, Brandi...

- What is a Lisa move?
- Explained it properly to me.

Kim, I was always coming
from a good place.

Always coming from a good place,
so if you could...

And you've said that,
and I hear you.

- I mean...
- And I've explained my side,

and you've explained yours,
and I hear it.

I think there's just been
a big misunderstanding.

(Brandi) There's a disconnect.

I think
what you saw that night...

- It was not malicious, ever.
- Was very big,

and it was confusing
for you, and I think...

(Lisa R)
It's very confusing
for all of us, I think.

We talked about the limo ride
from season one.

Also in that ride

there was an accusation
that Kyle stole your house.

You stole my goddamn house!

You better fáááing
take that back right now.

I'm not discussing the house.

You know what?
I'm not here to discuss a house.

I was... I told you, the only...

I'm not gonna bring up any more.
I'm sorry.

Okay, I just want to say,

it came up in the...
When you were in Palm Springs...

- It did, yeah.
- It came up.

Were you surprised
by your sister's accusations

about the house?

I thought at least
I could explain myself, finally,

and that was a small piece,

you know, we hadn't talked
about, but it was still hanging

'cause I had never been able
to explain or defend myself,

which a lot of times
I feel, you know, that...

But right now you're thinking

about what
everybody else thinks,

and you're not even going into
what really matters about us.

You're more concerned about,

again, what all these people
think and...

- No, it's my character, Kim...
- But what about us?

People thinking...
Of course I care about us too.

Isn't it more important
for us to resolve us?

Yeah, but that's why I was happy

to talk about that with you.

Clearly it's still
an issue between you.

You know what, there's a lot
of issues between us right now,

and honestly,

there's way too much that...

I don't know
how we're ever gonna fix this

if we keep throwing sháá
into this fire.

It's just too many people
jumping in,

and this is not to any of you.

I agree. I think you guys
need to go off and...

I think they should take,
like, a little break...

- I agree.
- For a few weeks.

No, but... and then maybe
sit down, work it out.

But you cannot forget
that Monty's in dire trouble.

You've got a wedding.

You cannot miss all these
life-and-death situations

'cause you will look back
and regret it.

Yeah, I know,
and honestly, like...

So you have to,
even if you put a lid on it.

- And I know people say...
- Yeah, no.

"Don't sweep it
under the carpet."

Even if you take a break...

- You compartmentalize.
- Go to the wedding.

- You compartmentalize.
- Put a smile on it because...

Monty said to me yesterday...

You will look back, and when
you're not in those pictures,

and you'll think, why was I
not there at that wedding?

Why was I not there
for my sister

when Monty, God forbid, passes?

You have to.

You have to do that.

I don't know, like I said,

there's a side of me
that's just, like, done,

and there's a side of me
that knows this has to fix.

You guys need to go
and spend some time together.

I'm washing my hands
of this whole thing.

- This is bat-sháá crazy.
- Thank you.

(Andy) There's clearly a lot.

You've got the house,
you've got the dog,

you've got Brandi.

I'm not involved in that.
This is...

No, no, I'm saying
there's a litany.

You've got
this wedding facing you.

You've got real stuff happening.

Where do the two of you
go from here?

I mean, you walked in hoping

that somehow there would be
some sort of resolution.

You began by saying,

"I'm fine
where things are right now."

What happens?

I really don't know right now.

- I really don't know.
- I'll tell you what though.

If you don't put it together

for the sake of the wedding,
many people will suffer...

I always intended to go,
but obviously...

You know, the siblings will...

If she doesn't want me
to be there,

I'm not going to be there.

Well, I'm sure she wants you
to be there.

Well, I hope the two of you
can find some peace.


[dramatic music]

(Andy) Coming up...

I don't want
to break up a family here.

That's never been my intent.

Family's forever,
and I want you guys together,

no matter what you think.

Back with our final moments
with the real housewives

of Beverly Hills.

Ladies, it has been another year
of incredible highs

and surprising lows for
the housewives of Beverly Hills.

Kyle, with everything
that's gone on,

where do you leave today?



(Andy) Sad?

Hopeful at all?

I can't talk right now.

Regardless of our issue,
I do wish you the best

and your boys.

Obviously my sister,

I've enjoyed
getting to know you better

and getting to know you.

I've enjoyed
having our friendship back

and being able to laugh.

Um, so yeah.

What about you?

I don't know.

(Andy) You don't know?

Brandi, you came into today,

I know, feeling kind of
like everybody was against you.

Do you feel any resolution?

Do you feel like you got
everything off your chest?

I think, more than anything,

I don't want to break up
a family here.

That's never been my intent.

I would love
for you guys to be happy.

I have a sister and brother.

I know exactly
what it's like to fight.

It's not okay.

Family's forever,

and I want you guys together,
no matter what you think.

I want her to be
at your wedding.

I want all of that,

so regardless of her and I
fighting or whatever,

I want your family back
together, and you know that.

And that's what
I want people to understand.

- Eileen?
- Yeah.

- Big year for you.
- Yeah.

You took a big leap.

How do you leave today?

Oh, gosh, I don't know.

- This was, you know, epic.
- Yeah.

- A lot of deep stuff.
- Yeah.

A lot of scary stuff
and real emotion,

and it's gonna take me a while
to process it.

Would you do it again?

That's a big question, Andy.

To be continued, hon.

You soap people
love a cliffhanger, don't you?

- I like that.
- Lisa Rinna?

- Andy.
- We've obviously known you.

This is the first time
kind of we've gotten

to know you for you.

Are you glad you opened up
yourself to this?

Yeah, I am.

It's interesting.

Never done anything like it.

I learned a lot.

I've learned a lot.

I only want the best
for all of them, really.


I think it's been
incredibly complicated.

Wish Yolanda well, you know,
for the upcoming months.

But I think we somehow
will all work it out, you know?

Whether we're best friends
or not.

But we don't have as much
as stake as those two do.

And whether they put a Band-Aid
on it,

as I said before, you do it
for your kids and your family.

Somehow, you have to get past
that because you will look back,

when you're 90,
and you'll regret it.

It's been an incredibly
emotional day for everyone.

I mean, this has certainly been
the most emotional reunion

- for this group.
- Really?

- Yes.
- We're great.

- Yes.
- So great.

Welcome to the club.
So much fun.

I just want to thank all of you

for opening up your lives to us

and wish you all the best.

And I think all of us hope,
you know,

that the two of you are going

to get through this stronger
than ever, and of course,

all of us are wishing
good thoughts for Yolanda.

- So thank you all so much.
- Thank you, Andy.

We'll see you again
in Beverly Hills.

[upbeat music]