The Rat Patrol (1966–1968): Season 1, Episode 17 - The Last Harbor Raid: Episode III - full transcript

The Rats' makeshift fleet begins it's assault.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[ Man Narrating ] The Rat Patrol
had been given their orders...

Infiltrate a key
German dock area,

supply arms to the Allied prisoners
there and set up their escape...

For it was their forced
labor keeping the

dock area open after
continued bombing raids.

Through Bertaine,
a French fisherman,

local fishing boats would be waiting
to transport the prisoners to freedom.

And once and for all, bombers
would break Rommel's supply line...

flowing through this port.

After being stopped on
approaching the harbor,

Bertaine sacrificed his life for
the Rat Patrol and their mission.

But by doing so, the contact
with the fishing fleet was lost.

New hope was soon provided
by El Gamil, a friend of Bertaine,

who informed the Rat Patrol
Bertaine's daughter, Marianne,

might be persuaded to arrange
for a meeting with the fishermen.

He also provided the
materials and the means...

so that a meeting with
Marianne could be accomplished.

Although an admitted coward,

he proved to be a 20th-century
genie from Aladdin's lamp.

While Sergeant Moffitt
and Private Hitchcock...

undertook their meeting with Bertaine's
daughter at the German officers' club,

Sergeant Troy met
with Major Indrus.

Major Indrus was the senior officer of
the Allied prisoners at the labor compound.

The escape plans were
discussed and the details laid out.

Two components, however,
were still missing from the plans:

the arms and ammunition,

and the French fishing fleet
needed to evacuate the prisoners.

Working in conjunction with
El Gamil and his children,

the Rat Patrol moved
into a warehouse area...

and, in routine fashion, procured
the arms and explosives...

needed to carry out
the initial escape plans.

In his reluctance to accompany Troy in the
German vehicles, El Gamil remained behind,

only to be caught by a German
patrol operating in the area.

In the spirit of patriotism,
he gave up his life...

and delayed the Germans
long enough for the

Rat Patrol to make
their departure effective.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Nicest eye-opener I've
had since this war started.


That's the second-nicest
thing you've said this morning.

[ Laughs ] It's almost ready.

I have already put the water on.

That is, if you don't mind water
that has been stored in a bathtub.

That's how they make
the best coffee, isn't it...

With water stored in
a bathtub? [ Laughs ]

Can I help? Oh, no, thank you.

I hope you've forgotten
what I said last night.

You said you were sorry.
I remember that very well.


Today is another day, Hitch.

What happened to
Lieutenant Wagner?

Oh, he left last night.

I'm glad.

You wouldn't have a
razor, by any chance?

I could arrange it.

[ Water Running ]

I'll get you a towel.

I haven't seen one of these
since the old-time movies.

Used to belong to my father.

When I was a little girl,

I used to take all my father's
shaving things out for him.

Every day.

And I would watch him shave.

It was then that
we had our talks.

He would tell me things, and...

Or he would teach me
something I didn't know.

Sounds like more
fun than school.

[ Laughs ] It was.

Your coffee must be ready.

You want some sugar?
No, no, thank you.

It's like home.

[ Crying ]

What'd I do?

What did I say wrong?

[ Crying Continues
] It's not you.

Hold me. Hold me, please.

I have you. I have you.

[ Narrator ] A meeting
had been arranged...

between the Rat Patrol
and the French fishermen;

the moderator, Marianne.

Her job was to
be a difficult one:

convince the fishermen she was really
on the side of her father and the Allies...

and that without their
cooperation and use of their boats,

the evacuation of the
prisoners would be impossible.




That's all right, Marianne.

Tell 'em I'm Sergeant Troy,

and this is Sergeant Moffitt,

Privates Hitchcock
and Pettigrew,

and we're sent here from
the Allied High Command.

[ Speaking French ]

Tell 'em we want to thank
'em for meeting us here tonight.

[ French ]

[ Troy ] Say that we were on your
father's boat when he was killed.

[ French ]

Say that he was an
undercover agent for the Allies,

and he was bringing us
in here on their request,

and we're here on a very,
very important mission.

[ French ]

Tell 'em this mission
is to free our prisoners...

so the Germans can't use
them anymore as labor...

to keep this harbor
clear for their shipping.

[ French ]

It was to have been
your father's job...

to get them to help us evacuate
our prisoners on their fishing boats.

[ French ]

Dawn tomorrow is zero hour.

[ French ]

We'll set explosives,

and when the men come marching
out, we'll create a disturbance.

This'll give them a chance
to get down to the beach.

My men will then
cut the wires...

and black out communication between
the prison camp and German headquarters.

[ French ]

Tell them Bertaine may be dead,

but he'd want them
to finish his job.

[ French ]

It's like punching
a feather pillow.

I can't get through to 'em.

Why don't we tell them
the truth about Marianne?

I don't think they'd
listen if Bertaine told 'em.

I've read 'em their
book. I'm all out of words.


[ French ]

What did she say?

He saved her from drowning
when neither of them could swim.

[ French ]

He looked after her...
She and Bertaine...

When Bertaine's boat was
laid up for a whole month.

Refused to take any money.

[ French ]

♪♪ [ Singing In French ]

♪♪ [ Continues ]

♪♪ [ Concertina ]

♪♪ [ Singing In French ]

♪♪ [ Continues ]

♪♪ [ All Singing In French ]

♪♪ [ Ends ]

[ Narrator ] The meetings are
over, the explosives set to blow.

The time was now,

the end of hardship and
prison only minutes away.

This was to be the last march these men
would have to make from the prison grounds.

Their steps had renewed stride, their
tired, aching bodies a new strength.

For each man knew
that every step taken,

every second that passed,

led them not to the
rubble of the docks,

not unloading of enemy
supplies, but to freedom,

where once more they would fight against
the enslavement of one man by another,

until one day this enemy for whom they had
been forced to labor these many months...

would be totally destroyed.

Tully, Hitch, you sure that stuff
is set to blow at exactly 6:14?

Who was there, Sarge, you or me?

Okay, take off.

Sure are a lot of them. Yeah.

What time you got? They should
be leaving the prison gates... now.

What time is it now?

Ten, nine, eight, seven...

Three, two, one, zero.

[ Men Shouting ]

- [ Shouting Continues ]
- Go!

[ Siren Wailing ]

Go ahead! Cover 'em! I
made a promise, Major!

Get on it, Sarge!

[ Mouths Words ]

[ Gunfire Continues ]

[ Marianne Gasps ]

Hold me.


hold me.

I have you.

I have you.

Now I lay you down
to sleep, my lovely one.

Please rest in peace.


[ Roars ]