The Queen of Flow (2018–2021): Season 2, Episode 63 - Episode #2.63 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -





Yes, I heard you want Irma
to make the music for your movie.

-We're working on it.

-But there's nothing on paper.

Well, you can take a listen
to Sandee, then, she's an artist.

Yeah? Send me her demo.

Demo? She's right there
in the studio for you to listen to.

-All right, let's go.
-She's a badass.

-Wait and see.

Get ready, girlie.

I don't know what to think anymore

I just look at the calendar

I dream of seeing you again

You took with you when you left

A little piece, half of myself

You never thought
How it would hurt

We were one

And we would laugh every day

And now it's simple, you are gone

I want somebody
Who can take care of me

Somebody to put up with me
When I get mad

Somebody real I can love

Somebody that tells me everything

Secrets, cravings

Somebody to be the reason I smile

To keep going

Well, Sandee,
excellent as always, congratulations.

-Thanks, Juancho.
-Shall we talk?

Let's go to the office.

Relax, you did great. You were amazing.

But, Vane, do you think
it's good enough to get picked?

I really want to take that from Irma.

Well, I mean...

I don't want to sound jealous or anything,

but you've seen how badly
she's been treating me lately.

Well, Irma is going through a rough patch,
but that doesn't mean she's a bad person.

Oh, I don't know, Vane, I find her
conceited, cunning, annoying.

Besides, she cheated on Erik
with a man she barely knew.

And most of all, she's a drunk
that's causing scenes...

Enough! Relax, I got it,
you don't like Irma.

No, I mean, that's not the point.

The point is, she thinks
she's a superstar,

she thinks she's up there,
but I'm here to knock her down.

And if she keeps it up,
she'll make it real easy for me.

Why are we here?

To draw up and sign the contract
for you to get Sandee on board, yes?

-Sure thing! No, kidding, Juancho.

I'd love to, bro, but I told you,
that's not only up to me.

Well, I don't know what you need
to discuss with your partners, but look,

keep in mind Irma started here, yeah?

I know her, I know what I'm talking about.

She's good. She's great.

But Sandee is an artist,
she's a woman of essence,

and that's what your movie needs.

With music, with essence,
everything else will stand out.

Irma is more about spectacle
and effects, think about it.

-All right?
-We'll be in touch.

-Think about it, I'll walk you out.
-Nice seeing you.

Right on, man.

Seriously, the moment I heard that girl...

I heard her voice, it was like...

-Nice seeing you, bro, talk later.
-Take care.

-Sure thing.


You taught me that undermining others
wasn't the right way to win,

but that's what you just did, ironic.

How come? I didn't say anything
about Irma that wasn't true.

What? It's true, I didn't lie about her.

No, but Irma not being in Surround anymore
doesn't mean she's not a good artist.

I didn't say that.

Well, you discovered her, right?

You've got a good eye, good ear.

And, well, for me, Sandee
is superior to Irma, so, what?

I think they're at the same level,
they're equally good.

Well, music is subjective,
like all art, right?

I think she's superior, period.

Maybe you're looking at Irma
in a different light again?

No, I'm looking at her professionally,
objectively, like a professional.

Uh-huh, okay.

So, objectively,
I'm telling you to focus, okay?

Don't let anything distract you.
Focus on the business, partner.

All right?

How are you, baby?

You're 15 minutes late, Irma.

Fifteen minutes?
We just talked, eh? Good morning.

How are you? How are you feeling?

-No, great, perfect.

-I've got a bit of a cold.

Just starting to feel it, but it's fine.
I've got it under control.

What's that you're drinking?

It's for my energy, defenses,

-it gives me power.
-Oh, energy drink, you know?

Come here, I've got mints. Take one, okay?

All right.

-Take one, two, three? Oh, girl...
-Take a few.

And I don't know,
take your shades off, comb your hair...

That's it.

Okay, no, you know what?

Put the shades back on.
They match your outfit.

You're driving me insane.

Chill, that's it.

-Don't take them off, I like them.
-You can eat these.

Let's go. Thank you.

Stop telling lies

You still love me

I can see it in your face
You're thinking about somebody else

I will...

I'm sorry, I choked.

I'm so sorry...

Can we start from the top, please?

-Can you hand me my energy drink?
-Yeah, sure.

-Drink it fast.
-Thank you.

Start from there.

-From here?

All right, Zaf,
start before the chorus, then.

Got it.

You left me burning up

You lied to me and broke my heart

Burning up, I am moving forward

Move if you don't want to get burned

Burning up...

Mr. Laverde, I'm sorry,
but we hadn't informed you

Irma's come down with a bit of a cold.

Yeah, well, it's not serious,
it'll pass, but we hadn't told you

'cause she's very committed
to the project.

No, it's fine, don't worry, really.
Well, I've seen enough.

I mean, if you want to sing again,

call my assistant for an appointment
and I'll see you again.

-I'm fine with what I saw.
-When I get better.

Yes, don't worry, really.

-Excuse me, I've got to go, bye.

-Thank you.
-No, thank you for coming.


Here, take this.



Everything to me...

-What's wrong?
-Why do you defend Irma so much?

Asking Juancho not to compare you
to her is not defending her.

But saying she's a better musician
and artist than I am is.

-You were spying on me?
-Don't act outraged.

I was just walking by
and heard you tell Juancho that.

No, come on, Sandee.

Why are you so angry about that?

Because I thought you were
defending me from Irma,

but I see it's the opposite,
because you still have feelings for her.

No, wait, I didn't say that
because I have feelings for her.

You still love her.

I'm worried about her.

Put yourself in my shoes.

How am I supposed to disregard
a person that I was with for so long?

Irma is not okay.

I don't want Juancho to attack her.

That's it.

You still love her.

I love you.

That's why I'm with you.

-You're right, I'm sorry.

-No, relax.
-I'm sorry.

I wonder what happened
with Laverde and company.


A weak presentation?

That contract was ours.


I'm sorry,

but I didn't know we had that appointment.

You didn't know?

I didn't know! Nobody told me I had to go!

Besides, I'm sick, so, what?

I can't be a normal human
that gets sick, or what?

What should I do? Take you to the ICU?

What are you sick with?

Is your health that delicate?
Take care of yourself, kid!

The tour is upon us.
You need to be perfect.

You've got to take care of yourself.

Don't cry! Don't cry, it's worse, kid.

Don't cry, relax.
Crying is an immunosuppressant. Don't cry.

Okay, go home, sweetie.

Go home, and for God's sake,
take care of yourself.

Thank you anyway, I'm sorry.

It's okay, drink five liters
of ginger or something.

-Mike, do you need anything else?
-Yes, stay on top of her!

I need you to watch her!
She needs to be healthy and up and about!

Buy her whatever is necessary
to boost her immune system.

If she doesn't get better soon,
take her in for a checkup and call me.


Play stupid games...

You don't have a cold!
You're incredibly hungover!

-Why do you say that?

Because I hang out with you,
I know how much you drink.

Don't look at me like that,
it won't work with me.

I'm sorry, but you can't talk to me...

Somebody has to say it!

If not, you'll fuck up your life
and ruin your career in the process!

-Girl, stop!
-No, I don't care!

Shut up.


This is the last time
I cover for you with Mike.

"You need to stop," you say.

From the bottom of my heart.

I'm sorry.

I know...

I know I've hurt you and your family,
and I'm very sorry, princess.

I swear things have changed,
I'm different now.

But can you really tell me
you've got no feelings for me?

Look at me, you see me here,
and what? You don't feel anything?

How come you got back
together with Yeimy Montoya?

So, the rumors are true
and what Juancho said, too?

A hundred percent, Mom.
We're finally together!

I'm convincing her to tell everyone,

but I wanted you to have the scoop.
What do you think?

Oh, no, what's wrong, Grandma?

What is it? Aren't you happy for me?

I'd like to be, it's just, every time
you're with Yeimy, bad things happen.

Things have changed, Mom.

Things are different, right, princess?

Yes, it's true. Can't you see
how happy my dad is?

Well, yes, I'd like to say
nice things and all, but no.

You know what? I think
the Yeimy thing is terrible.

You know what's terrible, Mom?
Your bad vibes.

-It's always the same thing!
-Okay, Dad.

No, it's the truth!

I'm happy, I come to tell you something,
and what do you do?

You ruin it, is that it?

It's my opinion, you know?

But go ahead, leave,
find others to lie to you.

-It's my opinion.
-Oh, no! What will we ever do?

Mrs. Ligia and her perfect relationships!

Yeah, take it out on me
instead of focusing on you!

You know what? Think whatever you want!

-No, sweetie, no.

You've got to understand Grandma.

No, she always does the same thing.

"The past never changes,
the past repeats itself." No!

Yeimy and I have changed.

We're doing what everyone
thought was impossible, right?

Well, yes, I know,
but you've got to understand

Grandma thinks otherwise.

In any case, I'm happy for you and Yeimy,

and for everything you're accomplishing.

For showing people that life
isn't the way they think it is,

and for not focusing on the negative.

You say you're happy, but I'm not sure.

What is it?

Tell me, you're not glad
I'm with Yeimy, no?

No, Dad, it's not that.

So, what is it?

Don't lie to me, I know you.
What is it, then?

Well, Dad, it's just...

I miss Pite very much.

I miss him a lot.

And not only that,

there's that awful situation
going on at Surround,

Juancho fighting with Erik all the time...

Honestly, I don't want
to work there anymore.

Honey, I don't understand
why you didn't leave with Pite.

What happened there?

Well, you know I'm scared of change.

Don't you remember what happened
when we came back from Puerto Rico?

You didn't leave because of me?

Princess, honey! What are you doing?

You have to live your life!
You have to be happy, sweetie!

Don't do that.

Yes, I didn't want to leave you.

I'll be okay. Look at me, I'm okay.

I promise I'll continue to be.
I'll behave, yeah? Promise.

Yes, but I don't want to leave you alone.

Plus, I don't even want to think
about what's gonna happen

when Manín figures out you're playing him.

That won't happen.
Change that face. It won't.

Everything will be okay.

Hey, shall we do something this afternoon?

You and me, yes?


Come here. I love you. Come, I love you!

-Come here.
-Let's go.

How come, kid? And Pite?

Talk, you asshole!

I already told you the truth!

You're wrong about Silvia Duarte!

But you can still fix this mess
you got yourselves into.

Let me go.

Turn Manín in.

Tell them this was your idea,
and I'll help you negotiate your freedom.

Get a load of this. Cry all you want, man.

No one's leaving this place.
Either you talk or you're dead.

You wanna act tough?
You're gonna be waiting a while.

Hey, princess!

-I'm here, Charly.

What's up? What are you doing?

-All good?
-What happened with Manín?

Uh, nothing. He wanted
to talk to me about a shipment.

-Go figure.

Do you think it'll be enough
for Silvia to get him?

I'm putting pressure on Silvia
to finally catch that man.

Don't say that, Charly, I'm so excited.

-It'll happen.
-I don't want to get my hopes up, but...

Can you imagine a life
without that guy in the middle?

Listen, it'll happen.
That man will rot in jail.

I swear, don't worry about that rat.

How can I not worry?

Until he's caught,
I'll never stop worrying.

Enough of that.

You know what? You look good.

Relaxed, happy.

-Look at this cutie-pie.
-Yes, adorable.

-Is it because of me, or?
-Oh, so silly.

-How come?
-I finished the song.

-Really? Show me.
-Wanna hear?

Yes, of course.

-What's it like?
-I don't know.

-Read it, you'll see...
-Hey, come here!

-So cute.
-What's his name?

-Tego, that's what the butler said.

-Tego, come here.
-Come here.

Look at him. Okay, show me.

-Read it, tell me what you think.
-Oh, but is it complete?


"It is my destiny to love you

and to have you always near.

It's my destiny that your kiss
will forever live on me."


"It's my destiny to love you,

that's how fortune had it.

It's my destiny...

that you'll drive me crazy."

Hey, you know what?

I've got a melody for this.

-I've got it. Listen.
-Let's hear it, 'cause I don't.

It's like a... What was it? Like...

Wait, wait, let's record this.

-You got it?
-Wait, don't lose it.

-You got it?
-Yes, but don't stop.

-With the lyrics now.
-Sing it all in one go.

It is my destiny...

-to love you...
-It is my destiny to love you

Say it all together...

It is my destiny to love you

-And to have you always near
-That's it.

It's my destiny...

...forever live on me

It's my destiny...

-What does it say here?
-"You'll drive me crazy."

-The song.

It's my destiny that you'll drive me crazy

Even in my dreams I'm with you

Yeah, you got it! Huh?

-I'm so happy about this!
-Get this, wait.

It is my destiny to love you

And to have you always near

It's my destiny that your kiss
Will forever live on me

It's my destiny to love you

That's how fortune had it

It's my destiny that you'll drive me crazy

Even in my dreams I'm with you

It is my destiny to love you

And to have you always near

It's my destiny that your kiss

Will forever live on me

It's my destiny to love you

That's how fortune had it

It's my destiny that you'll drive me crazy

Even in my dreams I'm with you

Huh? How about that?

It's all recorded.

-I've got it saved here.
-It's yours, princess.

No, no, you can keep the melody.

-You're working on...
-Forget about it.

Everything I do, I do for you,
because you inspire me.

And I hope that's for life.



What do you say?

What do you think?

Or not? Yes, no? No, yes?

Hey, listen. Wait.

Go get ready.

-What for?
-I've got a surprise, go.

No, Charly, I hate surprises.

No, listen, you'll like this one.

-Come on, go.

You know, you'll have to get used
to quite a few things with me.

Surprises, relaxing, enjoying.
Come on, go.

If you want me to relax,
don't surprise me.

Come on, you'll enjoy it.


Such a cute dog.

I'll stay here with Tego, right, boy?


What's up?

-Looks good.
-All right, all right, all right.

-All done, then.

Check this out, how about it?

-Did you cook that?
-Yes, sir, what's that question?

-And it's edible?
-Get a load of this!

Come on, don't be mean
to my dad, he's a great cook.

No, really.

I swear, one of the many surprises.

And now! The last thing! Here it is!

-Check this out.

-Thank you, Charly.
-How about it?


Thank you, really. These two were
what I needed to complete my recovery.

I knew that, but there's
one last surprise.

-Get out of here! Sit down.

It's for you, princess.

-For me?
-Yes, sweetie, wait.

Here! Look, sweetie!

So you can go to Japan
tomorrow and meet with Pite!

-How about that?

-Really, princess!
-Thank you, Dad!

I love you, sweetie.
I love you. How about it?

Dad, but, well, I don't want to leave you.

No, don't say that, sweetie,
I know you miss Pite very much.

Go, be happy, enjoy!

-But I don't want to leave you alone.
-Alone, sweetie?

Is this not good enough company?

-Well, yes, but...
-Nothing, sweetie, but nothing.

Go, travel with the love
of your life, with Pite.

Be happy, there's nothing better
than that in life, sweetie.

True love, pure love.
And that's what you have with Pite.

Do you know how many people
go through life without ever feeling it?


The kind that fills
your tummy with butterflies?

Go be happy, princess,
and I'll be happy. Period.

-Picture, Vane?
-I love you, Dad, thank you.

Me too.

I'll miss you a lot, sweetie, you hear?

I love you so much.

Oh, my God.

-Vane, I'll send a picture to Pite.
-Picture, Dad.

There, a picture to remember, here.

-There it is.

-Oh, you got it? Yeah?
-And the food.

-Dad, don't cry.
-I love you.

I won't cry, no way.

Cheers, princess.

Cheers. Cheers, everyone.

-I love you, kids.

I love you all.

Eat a lot, sweetie.

Princess, look, here you go.

Do you want potatoes?

Potatoes, right there.
Serve your sister some.

Cheers, princess.

This one...

This one can't stay.

That one's always with you.

Yeimy and Dad put together
a nice farewell party,

like we're a real family.

-What? We are.

you know it's always been the two of us.

It was weird, but at the same time,
it's nice knowing

that I can count on Yeimy
and my dad through all of this.

Yes, you can count on them and me.

-I'll miss you.
-You too.

Thank you for everything, bro.

Thank you for having my back
through the hardest times in my life.

And for introducing me to Pite.

You'll have to visit me in Japan.

What? I'll be there.

And if you go with Irma, all the better.

Oh, I know, I'm sorry,
I just miss her very much.

Me too.

Me too.

Hey, what's up?

All good?


No, nothing, just thinking
about Vane, about what...

Well, the gesture you made, what you said.


No, I'm a little down.


my princess is leaving
for the other side of the world.

I can't believe it.

But, anyway,

that's what us parents do, right?

Well, I don't know if all of them do.

Look, Charly, I don't know
what your process was like in jail.

I don't think you know about mine either,
but we'll discuss it some day.

You really are different.

You did change.

Besides what you did for Vane,

what you're doing for us...

to take care of us, protect us...

risking your life like that with Manín.

I trust you.

And you can't know how much
peace that brings me.

Thank you.

No, thank you.

For, well...

recognizing it.

Do you realize we've christened
every room in this house?

Oh, yeah.

Let's go upstairs, there's a bigger bed.

No, here. It's small, but...

awesome, because I can hold you close.

Huh? This one is awesome
because I can hold you close.

You're an idiot.

Hey, listen, with you,
I've earned a trophy for my patience.

-Be honest, then.

What's gonna happen?

Do we go on? Do we not?

Are you gonna talk to Juancho?
Not gonna talk to Juancho?

Does this end here?

The thing with Juan will always
be painful. I'm sorry, but...

I wish I could talk to him,
to get him to listen.

Talk about what?

About turning the page.

Peacefully, with the love
we've always had for each other.

Why does it have to be like this?
This drama...

this pain... why can't I just move on?

I want to move on.

I deserve it too, right?

Okay, so that means...

-What? Nothing, come on.

No, what do you mean "come on"?

-What do you want me to say?
-Say it.

-Say it.
-Okay, enough.

Okay, let's give us a chance
and see what happens.

That's the shit!

But, Charly, hey.

-It's not gonna be easy.

It's crazy. It's weird.

But also, life brought us here
for a reason.

And I...

have a feeling of serenity,
of happiness, that...

is new.

Especially having you in front of me.

And that's an amazing gift.

A miracle.

And if it's up to me,
I don't want it to end.

Well, you know what?

It won't end, because
I'll take care of you

and I'll respect you.

I'll always be with you. Always.

Will you behave?

I swear.

-You won't fuck up my life?
-I swear.

Voicemail system.

You'll be charged starting now.

Nephew, how is it going?

I need you to call me and keep me updated.

Don't get lost.

Yeimy hooked your nephew again.

She seduced him
and is manipulating him, Manín.

And if that's the case,
all of our plans are fucked.

Good afternoon, how are you?

Did you have an appointment? I don't...

Do you think I need an appointment?

This is for you, galactic girl.

Thank you, the lady can wait here, yes?


What's up, girlie? This is for you.

Where's the kid?

-Hey, kid!
-Mr. Cruz.


All good, would you like a drink?

I'm good, man, I'm looking
for my nephew, I'm in a hurry.

No, Charly's not here.

How come? Where is he, then?

He said he was locked up, working,
that you had him by the balls.

Well, I don't know if I'd call that...


What I do know is that
you won't find him anytime soon.

So, where is he, man?

I've got family issues
to resolve with him.

That's why I came to find him personally.

Don't you know that Charly's
on a honeymoon of sorts with Yeimy?


Yeah? Where, then? I didn't know.

In a house, a place I lent him.
They've been there for two days.

He's looking after her so she'll recover.

-My nephew is so considerate, huh?

Yeah, right.

He must be head over heels,

which I think is great.

She's not with Surround now,

I want her to be one of our sharks.


-Good luck with that, man.

All right, let him go.
Can't you see the state he's in?

Don't hit him anymore.

Let's talk to the boss.

Let's talk to the boss,
I know if we're honest with him...

-Speak of the devil.

What's up, boss?

Where the fuck are you?

At the Pegasus Bar, why?

Are you living there, or what?

I'm waiting, come now.

All right, sir, don't worry, see you soon.

No, dude.

Let's talk to the boss.

Fuck off, Titano, I said "no" already.

So, what? Are we gonna have
to kill ourselves, or what?

Oh, yeah? You think I'm scared, asshole?

Can't you see?

This man...

This man is semi-unconscious.
Besides, he didn't say shit.

Let's get out and think, man.

-Hey, sweetie, how are you?

Leaving to go say goodbye to Vane.

Oh, yeah, Charly's on his way.

And you? How are things with him there?

Fine, better than I expected.

I'm glad to hear that.

You both seemed happy yesterday.

And you know what?

I felt relieved.


Yes, because the hate and resentment
between you two will finally end.

That makes my heart happy
and purifies my soul.

Well, sweetie, look...

I wanted you to be
the first to know that...

Charly and I decided to give this
a chance and tell everyone.

What do you think?

What do I think?

Well, I don't know, it's weird.

But, you know, Mom, that's life, right?

Sometimes we have to regret
what we've done wrong

in order to rebuild
what we think we could have.

You don't know... how happy
I am to hear that from you.

Yes, I know it's weird.

Weird, but, well...

It was about time, right?

It was about time Charly and I,

well, explored this with maturity
to see what happens.

That makes me immensely happy.

Love, enjoy.

Smooches and hugs.


I'll do to her what she did to me
when she pretended to be Tammy Andrade.

I'll trap her, manipulate her,
make her fall in love, and then...

The only feeling I have
for Yeimy is hate, that's it.

She left Juancho for me.
She left Surround for me.

And you know what's next?

I'll leave her with no voice,
no career, no fans.

I don't know, sweetie,
this trip was a bit rushed, right?

Oh, my God, shocking,
you're criticizing what I do again.

Oh, no! Don't start, okay?
I'm leaving and you're fighting.

-Why are you fighting?
-Oh, we're not.

Honey, have your papers,
money, and passport handy.

-Everything they'll ask for.
-I have it all. Should I put it here?

Yeah, listen, I took a look and...
Japan is very far away.

If you get bored, sweetie,
it's okay, you can come back

and drag Pite back too,
because we miss him here.

It's her decision, Mom.

Come on, let's go, hurry.

-Do you want me to leave already?
-Okay, then.

Vane, take the Buddha for Pite.

-Oh, I'm not gonna...
-Take it.

-You can't leave it here.
-It weighs a lot!


Honey, don't let Charly know
you're speaking to me.

Where are you?

I'm at Vane's house,

we're finishing packing
and then we're going to the airport.

-What happened?
-Can you come get me?

-At Mike's house.
-Are you okay?

No, I received a strange video.

I'm a mess, can you come get me?

Okay, Mom, I'm on my way, bye.

Okay, Mom, that's fine.

-Yes, it fits fine.

-I have to close this.
-Hey, I won't be able to join you.

How come, son? You have to come with us.

Something came up at Surround.
I don't want any problems with Juancho.

Okay, it doesn't matter,
we talked all night anyway.

Oh, sis.

-I'll miss you a lot, take care.
-I love you.

-Bye, Grandma.
-All right, son, I love you.


He should reflect on this,
he always leaves us hanging, that Erik.

-He should reflect on this.
-Grandma, enough.

Oh, my God.

That asshole of a nephew I have
got involved with Garfio again.

And he's lying to me!

But he's screwed,
because no one can beat me!

We'll see what he does when Yeimy
gets the little gift I sent her.

How come? What are you gonna do, Manín?

You can't afford
to attract police attention.

Don't worry, I won't put her
six feet under yet.

So, what are you gonna do?
What's the gift?

Gata, are Caronte and Titano here yet?

Yes, boss, they're waiting for you.

Let's go, then.

I don't know, Caratántara,
but I'm not telling the boss.

I don't care what you think.

Oh, don't provoke me, asshole,
I'm sick of that already.

Huh? Or did the gringo scare you?

Look, Titano, if you pull
that nonsense, you better...

I better what, huh? Better what?

Titano, relax, kid,
we're both in this together.

And we have to have each other's backs.

Then, how are we gonna stop this thing
from getting out of control without...?

What's up? What thing?

-Nothing, boss.

What do you think I have you for?

To go partying and drinking
at the Pegasus Bar?

No, boss, we are working, seriously.

We had to come over to bring
pesticide for the flowers and stuff...

Well, you're here now,
and there's a lot of work to do!

Go tend to the crops, pick flowers,
instead of just messing about.

Move it!

Don't you see what the video says?

Many of the things he says
already happened to me.

Yes, Mom, but...

it doesn't make sense.

I think Charly is different now,
he's honest with you.

-We can't be this blind.
-I feel the same.

But this happened to me before.

Charly was different then.

He's changed, and you have
to accept he's done a lot for you.

I don't think this is just a plan
by him and Manín to screw you over.


Let's think this through, okay?

This could be a part of Charly's
plan to deceive Manín.

He told us he had
to keep Manín in the dark,

well, so he'd think he's his ally
when it comes to screwing you over.


Okay, so that's what you see in the video.

Charly is telling Manín,

if it's in fact Manín in the video,
what he wants to hear.

Yeah, but, then, why was I sent the video?

Maybe there's issues
between Manín and Charly?

Something's happening.

Mom, what if it wasn't Manín
who sent you the video?


-Who else could it be?

I don't know, someone else.

Someone who doesn't want
Charly and you to be together.

Everyone knows you're all chummy,
because rumors spread fast.

Silvia? Oh, that worries me more.


Because she's got some
heavy aura. Forget it.

That broad is dangerous,
she's a scorned woman with power...

That woman is a DEA agent.

Subtitle translation by: Ana Grasso