The Queen of Flow (2018–2021): Season 2, Episode 21 - Episode #2.21 - full transcript

Manín orders Caronte to threaten Garrido, accountant of Surround, so that he can get his bosses to sign false paper and mess up the company.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -





Such punctuality.

-Wow. So elegant.
-Good evening.

-How are you?
-All good?

-What's up?
-Hey, champ.

I'm glad to see you're getting
Yeimy Montoya out of your head.

Yeah, man. So? All good?

-Let me introduce you to these guys.

They're in charge
of the documentary.

They'll be your shadow.
They'll be with you all the time.

So, get used to it,
especially in your private life.

Are you gonna report me
to the police? Tell Mr. Édgar?

Don't give me ideas.

What are you gonna do, dumbass?

You're as involved in this as I am.

Hey, man, isn't that a bit too much?

-I don't know, like...
-Not at all.

The idea is to get exclusive images
not even your social media has, okay?

-They'll be like family.

Let people know your secrets,
your fears, your pain.

Let them see you're a real guy, okay?

And that your life wasn't
and won't be easy.

Come, let's do an intro. Okay.

All right, man.

Hey, this is your time, okay?
Enjoy this. Try to have a good time.

Hey, you know Manín
could make all of this go away.

Well, don't think about that tonight.

I won't stop thinking about it
until he's locked up in a gringo jail.

Don't forget about that.

All right, wait here. I'll be back.

Hey, so, what's up, dude? All good, man?

Hey, come here. Wait. One second, man.

Hey, I know I can't undo
all the shit I did. I know that.

We finally agree on something, man.

But I can apologize.

I can apologize as many times as it takes.

Leave the past behind, man. It's over.

I wish the old Charly had realized

what losing a friend like you is like.
I mean that.

The "old" Charly?

What do you mean?

You're still doing
the same shit you always do.

Against Yeimy and Juancho.

Hey, I've got nothing to do
with the gossip going around.

Right, you never have anything
to do with anything.

Hey, and you've forgiven Yeimy, huh?

Did you forget she deceived us both?

That she messed with me
knowing I was with Gema?

You're an asshole, dude.

Did Yeimy put a gun to your head?
Forced you to sleep with her?

You went after everything
that moved, man.

You know Yeimy did more
than just sleep with me.

You know it more than anyone.

Oh, dude.

Yeimy had unfinished business with you.

As did I.

Or did you forget about
the songs you stole from us?

I apologized for that, man.
What do you want? Tell me.

Nothing, man.

I forgot about that a long time ago.

And you know what?

I write songs every day, man.
Good luck.

Hey, man. Come here.

Charly, champ.

-Come here, man.

-Let's have a pre-concert chat...

So, what? All good? Yeah? What's up?

Before the concert,
what are your expectations?

How are you feeling? Okay?

-All right.
-Ready? Five, four, recording.

Hey, hello to all my pals and princesses.

We're at a very special event.
Come with me.

-All right. Cut.
-All good?

-You go ahead, yes.
-I'm going.

Go ahead. All good.

It's four of us, okay?

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

-Hey, tell me...
-You know what? You go, it's fine.

-Get me a whiskey, please.
-I'll get you one here.

-Okay, then.
-All right, man.

-Hey, drink? Yeah?
-Yeah, delicious.

One whiskey, pal.

-A mojito, please.

One mojito, then.


You always talk about what Yeimy did
to you as if it still hurts.

So? Do you still have feelings for her?
Why haven't you been able to let go?

Is it me or are you asking me
if I'm in love with Yeimy?

Well, I want you to be honest with me.

You want me to be honest?

I'm with Manín to protect
my family, Erik, and Yeimy.

And all Yeimy does
is treat me like crap.

So, what do you think
I could feel for her? Tell me.

I don't know. You tell me.


It's what I feel for all women
who are jealous and possessive.

Are you like that?


Are we gonna have fun,
or what?

All right, then.

Hey, man.

Hey, you know what?

Keep it all, pal.

Thank you so much.

This is awesome, ain't it?

Can you get me a drink
while I go to the bathroom?

Sure, sexy. I'll find our seats.

Stand on the left side, please.

You aren't helping with the sound.

Hey, did you ditch the kid
to come to a concert?

And if he has an asthma attack?
So irresponsible.

The boy is with Lina, he'll be fine...

-With Lina?

Where's the exemplary mom,
Yeimy Montoya?

-Talk later.
-How come?

Why are you leaving
without answering? So rude.

I don't want
any problems with you.

I've endured problems and humiliation
since you've been with her.

You humiliate yourself, Cata.
Look at you.

The concert hasn't started yet
and you're already drunk.

Eat some bubble gum at least.

-That's my advice, okay?

I can't have a drink and a good time now?

You can do whatever you want,
but stay away from us.

It's the best for everyone.

Besides, I'm not your dad.
Do whatever you please.

But don't involve my son, please.
I don't want bad examples around him.



Oh, great!

Wow, you're thirsty, huh?

Well, we're here for a good time, huh?
Can I have another one, please?

-Well, cheers.
-Cheers. I'll catch up.




You like it.

Come on, my people!


Make some noise, my people!

Thank you for that beautiful energy.

For the next song,
we have a special guest,

a wonderful friend, an incredible singer,
and a phenomenal composer.

I want to make something very clear,

what you do to her, you do to me, okay?

So, without further ado,

give it up for Yeimy Montoya! Come on!

Yes! Queen!

Good evening.


Hey, it's a pleasure to be here
with you to share this...

Sharing this celebration
with the amazing Do2.

So, should we do our song, DJ?

Let's hit it.

Come on.


Every wound I carry from the past

Is a new weapon that I'm preparing

I'm the candle that burns

Bird of fire, born out of pain

I'm new and filled with strength

I come from nothing to touch the stars

And I fly...

Like a phoenix that emerged from the fire

And I fly...

And today I'm made stronger
By what killed me yesterday

Hey, I didn't know she was that good.

Oh, yeah? Very good?
Good for nothing.

Don't be like that, love.
You're my only queen.

Come on, love. Don't be like that.

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh

I come renewed to keep a promise

-I pity the guy...
-What is it, love?

Are you upset? Where are you going?

...the opportunity
To get justice and make him pay

I come softly
So he doesn't hear my steps

Below the water
So they don't see what I'm carrying

My flame is eternal
No one will extinguish it

Only my justice will calm my fury

Do2, Do2

Do2, Do2

And I fly...

Like a phoenix that emerged from the fire

And I fly...

And today I'm made stronger
By what killed me yesterday

And I fly, bathed in fire

Flying through the skies like a star

Today the mermaid of fire was reborn

Strong warrior woman

I feel in my body a complete woman

I feel in my veins the blood that burns

I feel again that I have the strength

Nobody knows that I've returned

I feel in my body a complete woman

I feel in my veins the blood that burns

I feel again that I have the strength

-Nobody knows that I've returned...
-Come on now!

Tell it, Yeimy!

Nobody knows that I'm coming to the war

And I fly...

Like a phoenix that emerged from the fire

And I fly...

And today I'm made stronger
By what killed me yesterday

And I fly, bathed in fire

Flying through the skies like a star

Today the mermaid of fire was reborn

Strong warrior woman


Thank you!

I wanna say something.

Something very important.

With the performance
this woman gave us tonight,

we'll crown her
the Queen of Flow, yeah!

Thank you!

-That's it!
-Thank you!

Sing with Charly! With Charly!

Sing with Charly!

Charly can't sing!

-Yes, sing with Charly!
-Listen to that jackass. Jackass!

Thank you! I'll leave you with our stars:

-Thank you so much.

Thank you.

Congratulations, Yeimy.
What I just witnessed was incredible.

I'm glad you liked it, Orlando.

Yeah, I liked it a lot.

Too bad you didn't sing with Charly Flow.

Well, we couldn't.

These are our friends,
they invited us to their concert...

It wasn't the right time.

How about for the commercial?

Unfortunately, Orlando,
Charly isn't a part of the Surround team.

But if you want me to sing with someone,

-we can tell Axl.

If I agree to switch artists
at the last minute,

I want a winning duo,
a duo the people love.

One they acclaim, like they just did.

Well, that's out of our hands, Orlando.

Like Yeimy said, he isn't with Surround.
We don't manage his contracts.

-They're two artists...
-Listen, Juancho.

This isn't a negotiation.

Remember you're in breach
of a contract we've already signed.

Either the Queen of Flow
and Charly appear in my ad,

or I'll exercise the fulfillment clause.

Think about it.

-Later. Have a good night.
-Good night.

Thanks, Orlando.

-This man.

I swear I did nothing for him
to associate me with Charly.

I know, honey, calm down.

I know, it's just that people still do
because of Versus...

-What are we gonna do?

-I don't know.
-I don't wanna sing with Charly.

I don't want to negotiate
with that dog, honey.

God, we can't let Surround go under.

No, it won't go under. Relax.
We'll think of something.

Go get changed.
We'll go home, relax,

and with a cool head and some wine...

We'll celebrate your success, honey.

You look beautiful,
and, wow, you're a star.

Get changed.
I want to get you home now.

-I'll be back.
-Now. Seriously.


Thank you.


What are we gonna do with you?
Best mom? Best singer?

Catalina, leave me alone
or I'll forget we were once friends.

Oh, no, you forgot that a while ago.

When you stole Juancho
from me, for example.

No, I didn't steal him.
We both know what happened.

At least be brave enough to admit
you didn't care he was taken.

Are you really bringing this up
after all this time, Catalina?

Get over it.

Like you got over Charly, right?

I'm hanging up now.

I know it hurts, but it's the truth.

There's something between you two,
even if Juancho doesn't see it.

If you want to ruin my marriage,
get in line, you're not the only one.

All right?

That's why you have so many enemies.

At least I have nothing to lose,

because you took it all from me,
and I'll return the favor.

If it's the rat of flow, ugh.

You're such a coward, Charly.

Hiring Taborda to ruin Yeimy's career.

-You asshole...
-Hey, man.

You aren't going to believe me,
so just leave me alone.

Stop. Have some dignity.

Or are you gonna try to seduce Yeimy?

-Leave me alone.
-Come here, asshole.

-Let me be.
-I'm warning you.

Don't mess
with our relationship.

Watch it with your tricks
and your pot-stirring, or else.

Tell her that, man. She harasses me.
She chases after me, huh?

Tell her to get over me.

Get over you? Drop the nonsense.

Don't touch me, man.
I've never gone for Yeimy.

Yeimy came for me.

Yeimy messed with me first,
and you know what?

-She got me in bed, man.
-Shut up, asshole.

She's probably missing what I gave her.
It's likely you don't turn her on...

What's going on? Hey!

Hey, Juancho! Stop!

Hey! Juan!

Get him out! He's drunk, man!
Get out of here, man!

That woman hits harder
than you, asshole!

Don't dirty your hands with this trash!

You know what bothers you?
That you'll never be like me!

Your woman knows it, man.

-Calm down.
-Calm down.

-You got hit. Are you okay?
-I'm fine.

I have forgiven that dog a lot
since he got out of jail, honey.

-It was high time I hit him.
-Juan, what you did wasn't right.

You smashed his face.
Any other time I would've helped you,

-but this was bad timing.

I wasn't gonna let him
mop the floor with you.

-No way.
-But you can't react like that.

Why don't you think about
what's going to happen now?

It's the same.

Or do you think I'm gonna ask
that clown to sing with you? No.

And the contract?

We'll think of something, honey.

Well, we can't give up
on Surround anyway, Juan.

After what happened,
we have to bring Erik back.

If we knew where to find him.

I don't know.
We'll look everywhere.

That boy's gotta answer for that contract.

Well, he ain't a boy.
That brat, how could he do this?

What if we hear Erik this time?

-There's a song of yours I love.

It's called "Peace."
You should sing it.

Oh, you know what, guys? I...

I'm here to do something different.

I wanna sing something different,
write something I haven't written.

Well, you're making a mistake, then.

Making new versions of your songs
is a great musical exercise.

Oh, I wanna hear "Peace" too.

Do it, I'll be your backup.

Hey, don't make us beg.

-Laura, do you know the...?

Now I know what serenity's like

Leaving all this darkness behind

Now I know it's over for evil and lies

It was all a betrayal of love

That tore our hearts apart

Life began without much hope

Divine justice

This karma ends

We each deserve our destinies

Divine justice

We're on the top

What's next is flow
We'll dance this dembow

There's nothing that can stop me now

From living it up

Peace and calm

So come over to my place

I'll seduce you in the lounge
I will love you

There's nothing that can stop me now

From living it up

Peace and calm

So come over to my place

I'll seduce you in the lounge
I will love you

-Hey, that was awesome, girl.

Thank you.

Who's next, then?

-Well, who's next?

A brochure, a card, sweetie.
Something that mentions the camp.

Why don't you look there,
in that drawer?

-It might be there.

It's the same stuff as always, Yeimy,

but I don't know what you're looking for.

Do you know anyone that talked
to him about that camp?

I don't know anything,
Erik doesn't tell me things.

I heard about the camp over the Internet.

Talk later, then.

Well, I just talked to Búho.

He knows a girl who went
to one of those camps.

Might not be the same one,
but, well, let's find out.

It's not a lot, but it's something.

There must be something
on the computer.

An email, something.
Do you have his password?


What's your email?

-That one is his.
-So this one is his.

I've never logged in
'cause it just seems wrong.

What else can we do?
We need Erik any way possible.

So, let's see...

No, let's see...

They're talking about you
on the news, Yeimy.


Let's see.

The artist received a long
ovation from the public.

She showed the skeptics that Yeimy Montoya

won't sit in the shadow
of her controversies

or her work as a producer.

The Queen of Flow,
the singer, has a bright future

to compete with renowned artists
like Pez Koi and Charly Flow.

Of course, huh?

-What about that?
-Nice, Yeimy.

They're absolutely right.
You were brilliant.

Thank you, sweetie.

The dark side of the evening
involved Juancho Mesa

and Charly Flow,
who ended up in a fist fight.

according to witnesses.

Well, let's continue.

That asshole provoked me,
but they don't say that.

Relax, boss, it takes two to fight.

But they started it, man. Come on.

Mike, I've got a great idea
for the documentary.

Call me when you can.




So come over to my place

I'll seduce you in the...

You need to see this, guys.

What is it?

...I will love you

Here's the location.

Can we see this?

Can you forward it to me?

It's okay, sweetie. It's nothing, okay?

Relax. Send me the location
and I'll be on my way.

Come on, honey, I'll drop you at Surround

and we'll organize that meeting.

-Thanks for everything.
-Thank you.

Excuse me. It's so heavy.

-Let's see.
-It's tea time, guys.

Well, if you want to.

But, actually, it's our next exercise.

So, each one will pick a fruit,
whichever one, pick one,

and the exercise is to create a song

or a melody inspired by the fruit.

I don't know what... You pick.

You can eat it, you can do whatever,
but the point is...

What's that?


-No, I...
-Pez Koi.

I haven't even posted anything.

You have my phone.
I haven't done anything.

Where are you going? What's up?

Let's go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!


Hey, buddy, are you okay?


What's up, Hurricane?

Nothing, it's fine.

What do you mean? Look at you.

I can be your friend, right?

Friends tell each other things.

Divine justice
We're on the...

Pez Koi.

And a girl, can't you see?

Don't mention this, but I'm jealous.

I'm making up stories in my head, but...


I don't see them making out or anything.

But that asshole is close to her,
he's having a good time.

And she's not moving away
or anything either, huh?

What is this? This man, jeez!

Okay, enough.

Hey, Hurricane, the thing is,
I have a big mouth sometimes.

It's cool.

If you saw everything my fans tell me.

Obviously, there's something
happening between them.

That sucks, girl.

Erik was supposed to go
to the camp to find himself.

His essence, right?
Not some broad.

Hey, no. Come here.

Come here.

Look, I'm Erik Cruz Montoya's mom,

he's one of the musicians here.

-Yes, I know you, ma'am, obviously.
-Let me talk to him, then.

I know you've got rules,
and I respect them,

but this is very urgent.

Thing is, he ain't here.
They all left.

What? I saw a video
they recorded last night.

And you weren't the only one.

A few fans came over, and...

No, they couldn't continue
with the camp here.

So? Where did they go?

I've got no idea. I just saw them
get in the vehicle, and, look...

-They sped out of here.
-Oh, no.

There's no way to find Erik, honey.

We're two days away, Juan.

The shoot is in two days,
and there's no time.

No, well, I'll talk to the accountant.

What? What for?
You're planning to pay that fine?

I mean...

What else can we do, huh?

Well, talk to Charly.


We're talking about Surround, Juan.

I won't let Surround go under.

Let's see.

Wait, you think Charly
is going to save us?

That he's gonna help us, or what?

Well, it's our last hope.
Let's try it, huh?

Why don't we do this?

Come here, to Surround, and we'll talk.

Listen to me.

It's your company. You took years
to build it, so much hard work.

Yes, but, wait, please.

Don't go meet Charly.
I'm asking, I'm begging.

Juan, I'm doing it for us.
Understand me.

-Don't get upset over this. Bye.


What do you want now?

Hear me out.
I need to talk to you.

What is it this time?
What are you gonna accuse me of?

Nothing. It's urgent that we talk.

This is bigger
than our differences, Charly.

Well, you know what?

If you wanna talk to me,
it has to be in person,

because I don't get things
through the phone.

Where should we meet?
Where can you?

I'm at my apartment.


We can talk here if you want.


Send the location, I'm on my way.

All right, then.

Well, well, well.

I'm here to fix your phone, nephew.

Hey, don't play dumb.

When I call you,

you leave wherever you are.

Got it?

Hey, how did you know I was here?

You think you're smart, huh?

But I'm always one step ahead,
don't forget it, nephew.

Uncle, I couldn't see you
'cause I've got work, stuff to do.

What's the hurry?

Go, I'll catch you later.

-It's fine.
-Hey, watch your tone.

I'm here, and here I'll stay.

And you? Living large?
Did you forget what we're here for?

Yeimy Montoya.

To finish her, that's what we're here for.

Got it?

I've been told Garfio
and her dumb husband need money.

So, we need to come up
with something to screw them over,

to leave them on the street.

All right, you can count on it,
but we'll discuss it later.

-Go, seriously, after we...

What's wrong with you?

You're nervous.

Who are you meeting, or what?

Hey, you know what?

I'm meeting Yeimy Montoya.

-Who the fuck are you meeting?
-Calm down.

-What's that broad doing here?
-Relax, I don't know.

Is that why you're wearing perfume?

-Don't say that. Relax.
-I'm gonna kill her right now.

I don't know what she wants.
Let's hear her out.

What's that? What are you doing?

Don't pull that thing out, put it away.

I'll kill that broad.

Are you crazy? Calm down.
Think with a cool head, Uncle.

-Hey, wait.
-Let go.

Hey, wait, okay?

Calm down, please. Let's wait to...

You know what? Hide.
Hide and listen all you want.


Chill. Think with a cool head.

Chill? Chill your own ass.

What? Are you gonna kill her here?

Is that it? Shoot her in my living room
so we both end up in jail? Huh?


You've been planning this for years.
Don't fuck it up.

Okay, man. Hide. Come, hide.

Calm down. Come here.

Hide and listen to her.

-Hide and listen to her.
-Let go.

-Hey, it's okay.
-Let go.

-Come here, Uncle.
-Let go.

You don't want to listen?

-Let go.
-Okay, fine. Hide there.


Listen all you want. Don't come out.

And put that shit away.

Hey, princess. Come in.

Hey, hide. Hide, man!

Hey, princess.

Hey, I'm sorry I took so long,
I was putting perfume on for you.

Come in, you're at home. Come in.

Is there someone here?

Yeah, a technician is fixing my TV.

So, why are you here?

Don't tell me Juancho sent you
over what happened last night.

No, Mr. Charly, I'm not here to fight.

Can we talk? Can I sit?

Yes, sure, sit.

You're not here to fight?
What are you here for, then?


I have to shoot a commercial
and the client wants you in it.

What? You need my help?

No, I'm proposing we sing together.
It's not the first time.


This is not a proposal,
and it's not a challenge.

What you want is a favor, right?

Yes, it's a favor.

You know what's funny?

I've never heard the word
"favor" coming from you.

I need you to do me the favor
of doing this shoot with me.

Life's twists and turns, huh?

What do you mean?

What do I mean? I don't know.
What if I refuse?

This must mean a lot to you,

for you to humiliate yourself
and come here, right?

If you refuse, we'll have to pay
a huge fine for breach of contract,

because it was Erik's contract,
but he can't do it.

What? Why? What happened?

Nothing. Erik is fine.

He's at a creative retreat
and we can't reach him.

I thought maybe
you could do this for him.

And why would I help you
and Juancho? Hmm?

Since I got out,
you've done nothing but humiliate me.

Because I'm asking a favor
that's convenient for you.

It's a good deal for you too.

Where's Juancho?

Why isn't he here, on his knees,
asking me to save his company?

He sent you to do the dirty work?

You're impossible.

Yeah, get out.

Don't do it for me.

Do it for Erik.

He broke the contract,
and the client wants us both.

Drop that Erik story.

That's your and your company's problem.

Besides, tell it like it is.
Let's speak honestly.

If I'd asked you a favor,
would you have helped me?

No, right?

I don't owe you anything, princess.
Let's be clear about that.

Super clear.

-Get some ice.
-Yeah, tell Juancho that.

He should put some on his face.

You did well, nephew.


What is it?

Do you realize
if you don't help them,

those idiots are going down.

Nah, they'll just pay the fine
and that's it. That's all.

Put this away for me.

No, man, it's not that simple.

The guy I have in Surround told me
they don't have the money.

That's why I came.

To see how to fuck them over.

But with what I've just heard,

you did well, nephew.
That was good.


What? Are you worried about her?

Hey, no, I'm not worried about her.
I'm worried about my son.

Didn't you hear he's
in the middle of this shitfest?

He's helping me screw her over
without knowing it.

You know what?
Stay out of it.

Let them go into debt,
let them sell everything off,

let them pay, and that's that.

I decide when this ends.

Careful with that broad, okay?

This is taking me to where
I want to have them.

Bye, man.

That asshole.

He humiliated you,
and I told you so, yeah?

We had to give it a shot, Juan.

Why? We knew how it would go, honey.

What do you mean why?
Because of Surround.

I'm not willing to lose Surround
over my pride.

What part don't you get?

My having to meet with that man
is the least of our problems.

What matters is what we're gonna do.

I'm sorry, sweetie.

I'm sorry.

-I'm not angry at you.
-I know you aren't.

You're putting everything
on the line to save us...

While you were with that dog,

I was with the accountant.


We don't have enough
to pay that fine, hon.

Between production costs and taxes,

so many expenses, we can't.

Besides, Meyer is a businessman,
as you've probably noticed.

He only cares about money.

Wait. You know who else is like that?

-Who? No.
-Mike Rivera.

-Yes, honey.

We've gotta talk to Mike Rivera.

Sweetie, the guy hates us
as much as Charly does.

Not at all.

Charly hates us emotionally.
This guy is competition. He'll negotiate.

People do anything for money.
You think he'll refuse a good deal?

You think he'll help us save Surround?

It's better for him if we go under.
He'll have no competition.

Are we gonna tell him
we're doing poorly?

That we need help?
No, honey.

We'll propose a business deal
from which he'll benefit too.

I won't deny it felt good
to see Yeimy asking for help.

After everything she's done to me?

-And you said no?

Uncle Manín was hiding,

paying attention to everything I said.

And, because I'm his ally
in screwing her over,

I had to be rough with her, but it's fine.

And if your uncle hadn't been there?
Would you have helped her?

You know what? Not her, no.

But my kids, yes, definitely.

Your kids? I don't get it.

You know Erik and Vanesa work at Surround.

If Surround goes under,
they'll be affected.

And I don't want them to suffer
because that idiot Juancho

is a terrible businessman.

But Erik is a renowned artist.

His career is doing great.

And my princess?

-She's young and capable.

One door closes, a window opens.

These days, one wrong move
and your career is over.

You know what worries me? Uncle Manín.

He wants to destroy Surround
to screw Yeimy over.

And he's serious.

Did he say how?

That's what you've got to find out.

You can't do that commercial, Charly.

Your uncle is keeping an eye on you.
He'll know it's to help Yeimy.

We can't let this opportunity go to waste.

Once you find out who's in charge
of their finances, look into them.

Sure, boss.

I'll call Titano and tell him
to look into it, sir.

We'll run that company into the ground.

I'll mess with their accounting

and show them how
everything comes back to you in life.

Especially the bad things.

Once their lives are ruined,
they'll have to jump off a cliff.

-Yes, boss.
-So? Move.

We'll figure out how to lend them money
so they don't know it's dirty.

-Go on, then.
-Right away, sir.

Subtitle translation by: Ana Grasso