The Queen of Flow (2018–2021): Season 1, Episode 71 - Episode #1.71 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

This is a work of fiction.

All characters, stories, and events in it
are products of the author's imagination.

Any resemblance to real persons, events
or businesses is purely coincidental.

Now I enjoy food more.

Would it be the cravings?

Because you know
I'm going to eat two desserts.


Listen, there's something
very important I want to tell you

about the boost
I want to give to Surround.

OK, tell me.

I'm thinking about...

telling Yeimy to be part of Surround.

She's the best composer we know,

or at least that I know.

And is that a reason to bring her?

Look, I know
it's uncomfortable for you.


if you want to change things...

What do you mean by change?
Leaving the studio?

No, whatever decision you make
will be fine, OK?

Are you asking me to leave?

No, I'm not asking you to leave.

Look, what I meant is that on my side,
there's no problem at all.

Well, I don't have a problem either.

If you two can work professionally,
I can too.

And I also want Surround to bloom.

In the end, we share the same goals

because we're both working
for our baby, right?

That's right.


I hope you made me come
for something important.

Of course, I don't like
to waste people's time.

Lucio was shot down
just as we were about to arrest him.

That is excellent news, Detective.

Finally, my wife's killer paid
for his crime.

Not really.

Because even though he can't talk...

his cell phone can do it for him.

And you too.




What kind of relationship
did you have with Mr. Lucio?

Detective, I already told you, I...

I didn't have any kind of relationship
with him.

He was one of my Uncle Manín's hitmen,
that's it.

What's your connection with him
and your wife's death?

Tell us all the important information
for the case, Mr. Cruz.

Tell us all you know.

You might be able to get some kind
of leniency if you tell us the truth.

Detective, I'll tell you the truth.
I'm going to tell you all I know.

That's not my voice!

We both know it is.

Detective, that's not me, for God's sake.
I don't understand.

You answered the call we made
from Lucio's phone.

And your number was the only contact
that was stored in that phone.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know what you're talking about.
I want to help, but this is absurd.

If you want, my phone is here.

Dial Lucio's number to see if it matches.

It doesn't match,
and do you know why?

Because I've never spoken
to that dirty rat.

That rat killed my wife
to get even with me.

Couldn't you have another phone
to be in contact with that criminal?

Detective, I really appreciate
everything you have done.

You got my wife's killer,
and I really appreciate it.

My family and I will be in peace.
Thank you so much.

I didn't say you can leave.

I know my rights perfectly well.

If you want to talk to me,
call my lawyer.

Before dying, Lucio said
you asked him to kill your wife.

You don't understand.

That disgusting rat
is capable of saying anything.

He's not here anymore.

Whatever he said doesn't count.

I know you set up your wife to be killed.

What's your problem with me?

Do you hate me?

Is it because I'm a public figure?

Because I'm famous?

Do you want to close a big case
or what?

The only thing that matters to me
is to catch the guilty person.

You already did.

Release the news
and close the investigation.

You'll surely be congratulated
and get your 15 minutes of fame.

Take advantage of it.


Hi, son.

I love the way that sounds.

Did you talk to Charly?

It's OK.

Did he mistreat you?

Tell me the truth.

Nothing that he does
affects me anymore, OK?

How are you?


I woke up this morning and for a moment,
I thought this was all a dream.

Thank God it wasn't true.

Did you come to see me?

I thought we were going to talk later.

No, I came to talk to Juancho.

Are you going to work here?

No, he hasn't said anything.

I know you will. Juancho will make you
an offer, and you'll say yes.

You will say yes.

I know you will.

Because if you work here,
you will have all this.

We'll talk later.

-Hi, Cata.
-What's up?

We're going to the studio.

-Go, I'll catch up with you.

OK, I'll see you there.
See you later.

You're shameless.

Catalina, I'm going to do
what I promised you.

But here, I have the chance
to work with my son.

That's the only thing I want.

I don't care.
You said something else yesterday.

Yes, and I'm going to do it.

I won't have anything
to do with Juancho.

There won't be anything
between Juancho and me, I swear.

-I'll make it clear to him.
-No, I don't want you here.

Leave and make plans
with your son somewhere else.

Or can't you?

Should we talk now?

-Yes, let's go.
-Yes, go, I'll be there.

Juancho is going to bring her here.
I don't know what to do.

I'm exhausted.

Sometimes, I don't even know
what I'm fighting for.

For your baby's rights.

Surround is as much yours
as it is Juancho's.

And if Yeimy is going to be there,
you need to keep your place

and try not to fight in front of him.

Yes, you might be right.

We'll talk later.

Fish, the proposal is
to be a team like before.

I'll be in charge of the production,
and you'll do the lyrics.

I need you to be the star composer
from Surround Vibes.

Look, Juancho, I really appreciate it,

especially all your passion
and enthusiasm, but...

But no, my friend,
this will be very complicated.

OK, I already talked to Cata.

-There's no problem.

And do you believe her?

Then, what do you want me to do?

Shouldn't I give the company a push?

Shouldn't I hire you?

Besides, there's Erik.

You can work next to him.

-Doesn't that get you excited?
-Juancho, you don't even have to say it.

You know it does.


You know what?
I can work from home.

I'll send you all the material...

-I don't have to be here...

-...all day long.
-Wait, wait, wait.

Wait, you know
things don't work like that.

I need you here
with our new artists.

We need you.

And you need a job, don't you?

What are you going to do
after Excelsior?

I'll look for another one.
I don't know.

What are you going to look for?

We need you here, Yeimy.

Besides, what did we say last time?

About bringing down Charly
and his musical empire?

Your eyes gleamed.

Look, we have to work as a team.

We'll bring Charly down together.

We need to work hand in hand.

Besides, I'm sure you'll make
Erik and Cris succeed.

-I'm sorry for interrupting.

I got a call.
That's what took me so long.

What were you talking about?

What I told you
about her working here.

Well, about her possibly working here.

Yes, yes, right, and...

Are you going to do it?

I don't know, I'm thinking about it.

What do you think? Tell us.

No, well, there's no problem.

I had already told Juancho.

You see?


-But with one condition.

We team up with Jack.


But we don't have enough
to split the earnings.

Look, Juancho, you know
it's not just about that.

We're talking about world-famous producer
Jack del Castillo.

Do you know his reputation?

Yes, it's true,
he's very well known.

Why don't you like the idea?

We should schedule
an appointment with him.

Should we call him?

-Let's call him.
-Good idea.

Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life
And we must celebrate

We have suffered a lot

And what's next is to enjoy

Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life
And we must celebrate

We have suffered a lot

And what's next is to enjoy

We see those memories
Lost in time

From those who wanted to hurt us

Now we have more moments

And we can get to know each other again

It's something nobody will take from us

Dance with me all night

Dance with me all night

Come and give me your smile

It was taken away from me long ago
But that's another life

Leave all your sorrow
Don't be filled with agony

Let's enjoy this life
Because nobody will take it away from us

You brought me a thousand surprises

You took away my sadness

We don't know what's coming next

Life is a roulette wheel

Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life
And we must celebrate

We have suffered a lot

And what's next is to enjoy

Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life
And we must celebrate

We have suffered a lot

And what's next is to enjoy

Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life
And we must celebrate

We have suffered a lot

And what's next is to enjoy

I was on a call, but I heard
a catchy beat and I couldn't resist.

It's called "The Enjoyment."

I'd like a lot of people to dance to it,
to enjoy it.

Sit down.

That's how it will be, honey.
Don't even doubt it.

You have everything an artist needs.


I must have inherited it from you.

I don't know,
composing always helped me...

overcome the biggest problems
of my life.

It happens the same way to me.

Erik, I have something to tell you...

about Charly.

But if you don't want to know,
it's fine.

No, of course I want to know, tell me.

I want to tell you because
this will be made public very soon,

and I'd rather you hear it from me first.

Charly's songs,

the ones from his best times,

"Reflection" and, well...

They're actually mine.

He stole them from me.

Charly is a rat.

I'm so lucky.

First, Manín happens to be my dad,

and now it turns out
that my biological father... an asshole, too.
-No, no, no, Erik.

This is a problem
between Charly and me.

No, I don't want to pass on my hatred
of him to you. I'm sorry.

No, this is my business, too.

Because all the things he did
stopped us from being together,

from having you with me
from the time I was a baby.

If you hadn't been... jail...
-Honey, honey, hey.

It's not worth it to agonize
about what could've been or not.

This is what we have.
It's what we were left with, Erik.

And it's wonderful.
Let's enjoy this moment.

It really makes me angry.

Everything that he's done to you
makes me angry.

And it annoys me to know that Charly... going around like nothing.
-No, look.


life is going to put everything
in its place.

Don't worry about that.

What I want now

is to focus on your career
here at Surround.

To enjoy everything,
to talk about good things.

To sing and compose.
To get to know each other.

-Look for the light.
-To dance.


We can't allow Charly to spoil
this moment for us, too.

Don't you think?


I'll never leave you alone

I'll risk it all for you

Through the bad times,
family is everything

Jack, bro, welcome.

This is what we've put
all our money in so far.

Our offices, our studios.

Welcome, dude.

-Look, Jack.

Besides making good music,

besides taking advantage
of this infrastructure they have...

Yes, we must bring Charly down.

Finish what he has built.

That's why I'm proposing an alliance.

I know we can destroy Excelsior
with this.

Why do we have to associate
with Surround?

Excuse me?

You and I can work together
so you get what you want

without any kind of partnership.

It might be true, yes.

But in this moment, Surround

is getting the best artists
in the country.


We could be Excelsior's worst nightmare.

Besides, you have
all the contacts in the world,

and she has the lyrics, right?
The support with the artists.

The numbers,

the studio and the production.

I'm going to be able
to work with my son.

Sorry. Excuse me.

I'll go get something to drink.

I don't agree either, bro.

But it's for Yeimy
and to see her happy, do you get it?

She's going to work with her son.

Support her.

That's the only reason
that this partnership appeals to me.

I would do anything
to see her happy.

So, then, what? Is it settled?

I know you're in love with Yeimy.

Yes, and she's in love with me,
since forever.

Then, with all due respect...

what are you doing?

Because from what I know,
Catalina is your wife.

Yes, and that was a terrible mistake.

I thought Yeimy was dead,

and I never thought she would be
in my life again, do you understand?

That's why I asked her to marry me.

Right now, we're trying
to get an annulment, so...

she's expecting your baby.

Yes, and I'm going to vouch for him.

Look, why don't we talk about business,
bro? My private life...

No, I'm not interested
in your private life,

but rather in Yeimy's.

And since this affects her life, then,
I'm going to ask you something straight.

What do you have to offer Yeimy,
besides problems and more drama?

Don't you think she's suffered enough?

What happened?

I'm sore.

I'm tired.

Honey, such is life.

So many years working hard
to get so little.

No, Dad,
but you have to get that checked.

Not now, sweetheart,
there's no money.

No, what do you mean?

Health is the most important thing
in this life, Dad.


What is it?

Nothing, a down payment I got.

A down payment?

Are they going to pay you more?


Of course.

Tomorrow I'll go to Excelsior,

the label I'm working for,
to finish a video.

And then, I'll go to Surround Vibes,
where Erik works.

My boyfriend.

He's also a singer.

Do you have a boyfriend?

I didn't tell you
because you were drunk all the time,

and I was afraid
we were going to start fighting.

But now I'm OK.

That makes me so happy.

Hey, honey, and...

When you get more money...

could you lend me some?

Honey, it's to fix the car because...

I haven't used it in a long time.

What do you mean? Didn't I lend you
money to do that last time?

That was for the supermarket.

Yes, sure, for groceries
that weren't enough.

But you know what, Dad? Look.

I know that when I eventually earn
more money,

we're going to be able to buy
so many things at the supermarket.

Besides, I might be able to buy you
a new car, don't you think?

Can you imagine?

OK, thanks a lot.

Tell me you still believe in us

Tell me that it's not true

That you think about my kisses

That you don't want to forget

How do I tell my memories

To stop thinking about you

How do I ask my body

Not to touch you again

I betrayed your trust, lady

I ended your life, baby

I was a complete idiot

I took you for granted

Oh, Mom, you're the best.

You know something, Vane? I want you to do
everything that I couldn't.

And if you want to model,
I'll support you.

Even though your dad is against it.

But I'm just going to ask you
to keep this a secret between you and me.

Mom, I'd love to live with you.

-Really, princess?
-Yes, Mom.

-Oh, princess...
-Oh, Mom...

You have no idea how excited I am
to get my daughter back, my little girl.

Don't be like that.

Don't call me baby.

I won't.

You're so big.


What are you doing, honey?

I miss her so much.

I'm so angry
that she's not here with me.

But I'm even angrier
because her killer hasn't been found.


I've just come from the police station...

and I want you to know something.

They got Lucio.

-He was caught.


Dad, please.

I need to know why that guy
did that to my mom,

-Honey, take it easy.
-Yes? Please.

That won't be possible.

Yes, I know you can do it.
Please, I need to see him.

Princess, believe me,

nobody else in this world would like
to face that rat more than I do.

But Lucio is dead.

He tried to escape
and the police shot him.

But that doesn't matter, honey,

what's important is
that justice was served.

Finally, your mother's death
will not go unpunished.

And that's what
we have to keep in mind.

Nothing else.


Come on, honey.

I've already sent the money to your wife,

as we agreed.

She was very happy.

And Giovanni, your family is doing well.
You'll see, everything will be perfect.

I need more.

More what?

More time?

Oh, no, Giovanni, I'm devoted to this case
night and day, trust me.


I need more money.

That's not what we agreed.

I don't give a shit!

Don't shout.

I'm tired of taking orders from you.

So do me a favor, and tell Charly

that if he wants me to keep quiet,
he's going to have to get more money

because I need triple the amount.

For my family.

Thanks a lot.

I am Yeimy Montoya.

Seventeen years ago,

I was sentenced in the USA
because of a crime I didn't commit.

It's so weird to be looking
at yourself, right?

Well, I'll upload it when you tell me.

Yes, but you know what?
I think there's something missing.

In that moment I didn't know,
for example,

or I wasn't sure,
that Erik was my son.

Yes, yes, it's true.

Yes, there are more things to add.

If you want,
we can do it right now.

Yes, let's do it, but...

Sorry, I don't want to be a control freak.
I don't want to upset you.

But I have some questions
because I need them

to be in this video.

Do you want to know
what would actually upset me?

That after all we're doing,

the people keep on believing
in that stupid Charly Flow.

That would upset me.

-Send me the questions through...
-I'll send them by text.


Honey, if you really don't feel well
about Yeimy being at the studio,

why don't you say so?

Because for Juancho, the best solution
is that I leave Surround.

And Yeimy keeps saying
that it's only a work relationship.

And do you believe them?

You can't be so naive, honey.

And what else can I do, Mom?

I can't get all crazy about it
because he'll freak out.

OK, take it easy,
because that is not good for the baby.

No, first you want me to get angry,
and then you want me to calm down.

And I don't know what to do
because I'm losing everything,

and I'm going to end up alone.

Honey, where are you going?
Wait, OK?

To Surround because now
I have to be closer to Juancho.

Dad, bye,
I'm going to Excelsior.

Wait, Irma.

Can't you see I'm in a hurry?
I'm already late.

-I'll call you later...
-Fuck, wait!

Don't tell me you're drunk again.


I drank two glasses of liquor at dawn
because my back hurt.

Where are you going?

I told you yesterday that I was going
to Excelsior, and then to Surround

because I'm going to see my boyfriend.

Your what?

Your what?

Why are you drunk?
Where did you get that liquor from?

Because there was no liquor yesterday.

Don't tell me you spent
all the money I gave you.

Look, young girl,

you're not going to come here
and judge me.

You don't know what I'm going through.
You have no idea!

Of course I know what you're feeling!

Can you see I'm feeling
exactly the same?

But I don't have to put up
with your vice.

Which vice?

Which vice?

The one that is keeping us poor!

And I'm going to work,

because somebody has to bring money
into this house, right?

Good, get out of here!

Let's see if you can keep this house
with your stupid music.

Do you think I'm dumb?

Do you think I don't know
you're on the wrong path?

I know who you're hanging out with
and what you're doing.

Erik, you were right.
I have to leave this house.

What happened?
Did you fight with him? Did he hit you?

No, Erik, he wouldn't hit me,
but I've realized the truth about him.

He won't change.
He doesn't want to change.

And when he's sober,
everything is fine,

but as soon as he drinks,
he becomes a monster.

Listen, honey,

I'll respect the decision
you end up making.

But if you want, you can come
and live with me.

I'll talk to my mom right now.

I'd be so embarrassed.

What would you be ashamed of, honey?
She adores you.

You're welcome here.

OK, then...

I'm going to go make a video,
and I'll get there later, OK?

Perfect, I love it.

You'll see,
everything will get better.


-Take it easy.



Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life
And we must celebrate

We have suffered a lot

And what's next is to enjoy

Dance with me, dance

Because there's just one life...

So, we have to clear this area out

and store the equipment
very carefully.

-OK, ma'am.
-You're going to start...

-...painting today.
-Yes, ma'am.

However, I think it'd be easier
to start from over there.

So, let's start working.

-OK, ma'am, excuse us.

-What's up?
-Excuse me.

What is it?

Are you moving forward
with the remodeling?

Yes, we're doing well.

You can't go this long without eating,
so here's something.

Don't do this, Juancho.

Taking care of you and the baby?

Yeah. Why are you doing
nice things for me?

Take it easy, because everything
that you feel, the baby feels too.

You're the one
who should think about that.

What is it? Why don't you calm down?
Why are you angry?

You're not being honest with me,
are you? What is it?


No, it's not that, I'm sorry, I...

It must be the hormones.

I'm sorry.

OK, I can't believe it.
I said it, I finally said everything.

I said everything.
There's nothing left to be said.


I definitely admire you so much.

You're a survivor
of so much injustice.

You know what?
I'm sure that when people

know about this,
they'll respect you quite a bit.

Look, Zulma,
I've told you this before.

I can't thank you enough
for what you're doing.

You've been so supportive.

Juancho told me
you've gone above and beyond.

No, no, no.

No, when there's such an injustice,

like the one you faced,

there's no limit to my support.

I think everybody should help
bring Charly Flow down.

There are still a lot of people
who support him.

Yes, but when they watch this,
I'm sure everything is going to change.

Should we upload it?


Well, I don't know how long
it will take to edit it,

-No, no, OK.

Did that asshole
ask you for more money?

And he wants it soon.


They can't see someone rich
because they want more, right?

Charly, but I think it's necessary,

at least in this moment,
so things stay the same with Mora.

Yes, but what bothers me
is that everything is money.

Well, at least think
that with Lucio dead,

Gema's case has to be closed.

That's another thing.
That detective keeps investigating.

I'm sick of him.

Charly, you need to be available
every time a police officer requires you.

That asshole just calls
to ask stupid questions.

If the case is going to get closed,
what does he need me for? To bother me?

Well, I don't know,

but if that guy
is as intense as you say,

you can't be nervous or uncooperative.

You should stick to the same version.

Keep saying that Lucio extorted you
and you didn't want to pay him any money.

Until that detective sees

that you had nothing to do
with Gema's case.

What would I do without you?

And what happened with the statement
you were going to post online?

You need to get ahead of any speculation

from the police
or anybody else.

Why are the bosses
going to close the case?

Do they really think Lucio
did it on his own?

No, no, I won't allow it.

We both know Charly Cruz
is the real guilty one.

I know,
but how are we going to prove it, boss?

I mean, that guy
is practically untouchable.

I mean, honestly,
have you seen all the fans he has?

Everybody loves him,
defends him, supports him.

I mean, really, that guy is seen
as an angel.

People believe what they watch on TV,
on the news.

But, you know what?

We can get help from the person
who's dying to bring down Charly.

You'll see.

I knew it, I knew it...

that with Lucio's death,
this case would close.

There is very convincing
evidence from ballistics.

Yes, but don't you think it's odd

to know that Lucio didn't come up
with the idea of killing Gema on a whim?

We both know
he had no reasons to do it.

That's why I came.

If you want to reopen the case,
there has to be more evidence.

If I get you the evidence,

can we stop them
from closing the case?

So the real guilty person pays?

I'll personally be in charge of that.

And if you find more evidence,
it must be strong.

I wanted to talk,

because I want you to know
that I have absolutely nothing to hide

from my fans and all the people
who have supported me

in this process
which has been so hard for me.

Which is the death of my wife Gema.

Thanks to the police

and their excellent work,

my wife's killer was caught.

I want you to know
that my family and I...

aren't happy because he died,

but we are relieved

and we hope that Gema...

may rest in peace.

All this is over.

It's over.

That's why I want to ask the press,

and all the people here,

not to speculate,

not to listen, not to believe

everything they are saying,

and that they'll keep saying
about me.

we don't choose the family we have.

And I know that
there are a lot of people

who have wanted to connect me
with my Uncle Manín's dirty businesses.

And things are not like that.

That is not true.

Lucio blackmailed me.

He told me he was going to say
these kinds of things to the press.

I was afraid and I made a mistake.

I gave him money. I paid him off.
I made a mistake.

But when I decided to stop doing this,

Lucio threatened me
with death.

That's the way it was, my people.

When my wife's incident happened...

the homicide...

I felt terrible.

I felt very guilty.

But now that everything is out
in the open, I want to ask

the press and my fans, please,
help me leave this behind.

It's the only thing I ask you
from the bottom of my heart.

Thanks a lot, no more questions.

Charly, Charly, Charly.

-This was just a statement.
-Charly, come.

-Charly Flow won't answer...
-What's up, dude?

-...any more questions.
-We need to talk, dude.

Look for me, and we'll talk
in the office, OK?

You know what?
Drink something.


Princess, is everything OK?

A picture?
Let's do it.

There we go.

That's it!
It's done.

Good morning.

This is the place
where the police declared Lucio dead,

the suspect behind the murder
of Mrs. Gema Granados,

wife of the well-known
reggaeton artist Charly Flow.

That is the official announcement
that the National Police have given.

This has been Miguel Barbosa.

Let's go to other important news.

I'm the master of lyrics in the game

When it's time to compete

I can only hear pleading

Many want to defeat me

But, how?

They have to reach me first

Watch, listen to me and learn

Your strategy doesn't surprise me at all

And if you've been told
That you have the flavor

-Bad luck, you just met the best
-Come on, honey, help me.

Look, I need to know
what's on that phone.

I can unblock it, but not here.


This kind of phone requires
a lot of energy,

and I need to go get the charger.

Really? Do it.


I think it's great
that you're going to work together.

Jack, it's an honor to work with you.


I heard part of your work,
and let me tell you,

I take my hat off to you.


Listen, I also admire you.

I do admire you.

Have they shown you my next hit?

Of course.

I'm up to date about
everything that's going on here.

And the idea is to work harder

so you two
can be a hit on the radio.

We're going to start with a battle
between you two.


Don't be scared.
It's something more theatrical.

It's something so the people
who don't know you become interested.

It's a virtual concert,

where each one is going to be able
to have his virtual niche of people.

Well, I think that that battle already
has a winner, and it's me.

We'll see about that.

That's the way I like it.
That's the attitude.

-Are you OK, Cata? Do you want something?

Should we bring you something?

No, no, thank you, I'm fine.

Well, to finish,

we're going to work
with each one of you separately.

We're going to get a new song ready,

and Yeimy is going to write the lyrics.

What do you mean?
Do you compose?

So much so, that Charly Flow's hits
were written...

by her.

Leave your message after the tone.

What happened, honey?
Did you get paid what you were told?

This asshole lied to me again.
He's not at the office.

What do you mean? Again?
Oh no, honey. Really?

Charly is such a good liar.

Hey, Paloma.

How are you?
What's up, Axl?

-How are you doing?
-Very well.

Hey, do you know where Charly is?

He's recording the video
with Irma.

They're at the nightclub.

Thank you so much, honey.

-My pleasure, bye.
-Stop smiling.

So what?

-Are you gonna let him do this to you...
-Leave your message...

-...after the tone.

It sends me to voicemail.

He doesn't answer his cell phone.

Oh, and he won't answer.

What you have to do is go find him

so he stops lying to you.

Or aren't you brave enough?

What do you think?

No, you're right.

You know what?
I can't stand his abuse anymore.

I need my money.
Let's go to the nightclub right now.

Hey, did you notice
you missed me, princess?

Watch Zulma's channel.


Just like you gave your statement,
Tammy Andrade or,

well, Yeimy Montoya did it too.


Let me see.

Give it to me.

Well, you have made
important revelations, Yeimy,

but nothing more touching
than your reunion with your son,

the one who you thought was dead.


It's the most wonderful thing that has
ever happened to me in this life.

There are no words, it's...


Yes, it's incredible.

And even more when that son is Erik Cruz,

who we all know as Pez Koi,

who is also a singer
and a composer like you.

Much more talented than me,
that has to be said.

Well, and more than his dad.

Yes, yes...

Yes, that's the strangest part
of this story.

Most of you are going to be shocked
with what you're about to hear, but...

yes, Erik Cruz is Charly Flow's son.

Of course it's shocking.

Even more because we thought
he was Charly's foster brother.

Yes, but they're actually father and son.

And this is just a part
of Charly Flow's big charade.

Why do you say that?

Listen, Zulma, when I got caught,

when they accused me of something
I didn't do because of Charly Flow,

Charly stole more than
one hundred songs from me,

including "Reflection."

"Reflection," that song which was a hit
around the world,

that song that made him become
the great Charly Flow...

is mine.

-That's a very serious accusation.

It's a very serious accusation,
but it's true.

That means Charly stole it from you.

And this would prove the theory
a lot of us have

that he's not really a composer.


And it's up to me to prove

that my son and I have real talent.

Unlike Charly Flow,
who is a liar.

-Slave to your power games
-She's a bitch.

-They make me tremble

-Now you'll suffer all the pain

I'll even make you cry

And you'll live to pay for that evil

Subtitle translation by: Laura Abreu