The Practice (1997–2004): Season 2, Episode 9 - The Practice - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You're gonna have
to separate them.

Could take
a few hours.

Oh, here he comes.

Hey. Al Daly.
Lindsay Dole.

She's in there?

We're holding her
on suspicion of smuggling.

Hope you have
a strong stomach.

It's not exactly
a four-star hotel.

[ Jet Engine Whining ]

[ People Moaning ]

[ Man Speaking Spanish ]

They're all swallowers here.

We bring 'em straight
from the terminal.

Ms. Cortez.
My name is Lindsay Dole.
Do you speak English?

Thank you for coming.

Have they arrested you?

[ Grunts ]
[ Toilet Flushes ]

Uh-- ¿Ha sido arrestado?

Oh, no. They ask questions
and bring me here.

- Are you okay?
- Yes.

You have a fever.
Oh, no.
I'm not sick.

I disagree.
Oh, my God, your stomach.
It's like a rock.

- I'm gonna get you a doctor,
- No, please!

No doctors.
No doctors, por favor.
[ Spanish ]

Uh, four or five
of those--

[ Gasping ]

She needs to get to a hospital.
They won't let her go?

No, they won't let her go.
Not before she has
a bowel movement.

Oh. We can't let that happen,
Lindsay. If she takes--

How much cocaine
did this woman swallow?
I don't know facts.

I was just told to get you down
here to protect this woman's
constitutional rights.

Yeah, let's hear it
for civil liberties.

If she craps, we're dead.

[ Line Ringing ]

[ Cell Door Opens, Closes ]

[ Sirens Wailing ]

[ Bobby ]
All right.
Eugene, I just called him.

He's on his way.
He should be here any second.

Whatever you do, don't let them
give her any coffee.

[ Lindsay ]
I won't.
[ Groans, Sobs ]

But, Bobby, I think she needs
medical treatment.

- She needs a doctor!
- ¡No! ¡No doctores!

We're gonna need
some fast research
on probable cause and customs.

This is ridiculous.

Get this woman to a hospital!

Get this woman to a hospital
right now,

or you're all
looking at manslaughter!

You think I'm kidding?

I don't care! You don't let them
do anything invasive.

[ Lindsay ]
She's in trouble.
She's refusing treatment.

Just... ask her.
Ask Benny.

There could be a health risk.
There's a conflict of interests.

Lindsay, she's refusing
medical treatment.

Yeah, because Aikman
has her too scared.

All right.
Let them treat the symptoms,
but nothing invasive.

Pills, I.V.s, fine.
But no X-rays.
That's the client's wish.


She better do as she's told.

Who we talkin' about,
the lawyer or the mule?

- Both.
- [ Door Opens ]

Basically, our lawyer
just dropped us.

Five weeks before the trial?
One week before
the summary judgment hearing.

- Did he give you a reason why?
- He said we had no case.

Cancer cluster?

They all live near
the power lines in Medfield.

They sued the state.
No offer?

Not a penny.
It was goin' to trial.

Lawyer dropped 'em yesterday.

It sounds like a major dog,
Jimmy. I wouldn't touch it.


Maybe I'll just meet
with this lawyer.

[ Daly ]
I want a complete workup
and abdominal X-rays!

No. No X-rays. In fact,
under Montoya, you can't
even hold her without--

She met the profile.
She was evasive in response.

Evasive gets you detention,
not custody and certainly
not tests. Fourth Amendment.

- Ever hear of that?
- An X-ray hardly constitutes
invasive procedure.

- Schmerber v. California.
- Who are all these people?

Current pressure's
at 95 over 40.

Temperature's 103.4.

D-5 normal saline with 20 of
"K," and let's get a N.G. tube
in her as fast as we can.

My client has not consented to
any invasive medical treatment.

All of you people,
out of here now.

Ms. Cortez is in custody
of the Customs Service.

If she's in custody,
then read her of her rights.

- Otherwise she has
asked to be released.
- Shut up!

In case you hadn't noticed,
this is an emergency room.
Doctors work here.

And as this woman's lawyer,
I'm telling you. Do what
you can to reduce the fever,

but nothing invasive
and no X-rays.

[ Whimpering ]

Eugene's here with me now.
They had her at the airport
how long?

[ On Speakerphone ]
Three days.

The blockage is causing
infection. They've stabilized
her fever, but that's it.

Plus I've got a U.S. attorney
hovering like a bat,
pushing for X-rays.

What have they got?

They did luggage,
body cavity at the airport.
Didn't find anything. That's it.

- She's not letting
them touch her.
- Okay, it's been three days.

She's not at
the airport anymore.
Let's challenge the detention.

Keep puttin' off the X-rays
as invasive. I'm on my way.

How much do you think
she swallowed?

Could have been
60 to 70 condoms. Fun day.

Excuse me.

I'd, uh--
I'd like to speak
to an attorney.

I'm a little busy right now.

- So if you'd like
to take a seat outside--
- I have a friend--

a very close friend,
uh, who may be in need
of some legal consult.

- Well, maybe he should come in.
- Yes.

And he would, but for,
uh, certain concerns--

uh, issues of security
and, uh, the like.

Uh, you'll understand more fully
when you hear his, uh,


Sir? Uh--

- Hello?
- See, this is where
they like to hide them--

the listening devices.

- Um, I'll tell you what, Mr.--
- Feldberg.

That's his name.

See, that's-- that's, uh--
that's my friend's name.

We're actually pretty booked up
right now, so I don't think our
firm will be able to help you.

The Celtic
rarely dribbles...

at nightfall.

It's you?

You're the one who's been
writing us those crazy letters?

And the check, mind you--
the $5,000 check.

- Which we have not deposited.
- Please. Deposit it.

Mr. Donnell,
I am Samuel Feldberg,

and I would like to retain
your firm to represent me.


I'm in a lot of trouble.

[ Beeping ]

[ Woman On P.A.,
Indistinct ]

[ Footsteps Approaching ]

The ampicillin and fluids have
the fever on hold for now.

But we can't do anything until
we know what she ingested.

Doctor, we're not sure
that she's ingested anything.

Yeah, right.

How you feeling?
You okay?

Yes. Thank you.

Mr. Aikman sent you?

I'm representing you.

Oh, please, you tell him
Teresa has been good.

I know. He knows.

He has the money for me?

We'll talk about that later,
okay? You rest now.

Hi, Teresa.
How are you feelin' today?

I'd like you to release
my client.

That's a decision
for the Customs Service.

Unless they have
probable cause sufficient
to justify an arrest--

[ Whimpering ]


Are you gonna
let your client die?

You concerned for her health,
Mr. Daly?

Let her go
and she'll hit the toilet.

If she agrees
to flip her contact,
I'll get her immunity.

You represent the boss.

It seems
you have a conflict.

Many years ago,
I committed a terrible crime.

For 25 years I've been
a fugitive from justice.

I'm ready to pay
for what I did.

I'm ready to turn myself in.
Will you help me do that?

- Well, what'd you do?
- Fowler University.

They were doing research
for the government.

They were projecting
civilian casualties...

for a war that was illegal.

Well, I found out,
and I, uh,

detonated one of
their facilities.

Well, was anybody killed?
Not to my knowledge.

I mean,
the building was supposed
to be empty at the time.

But they were
talking about murder
or attempted murder.

They could've charged me
with anything they wanted to,
so I went underground.

- All these years?
- I'd be willing to stop
running, but only for a deal.

I'd have to look into it.

I should warn you.

There is risk involved.

I mean,
the damage that we did,
what we exposed--

I mean, these people
have very long memories.

I'll look into it,
Mr. Feldberg.

That's, uh--
That's all I can do.

He don't like meetings.

You tell Mr. Aikman
this meeting is unavoidable.

Lindsay, don't make me
bring back bad news.

He's gonna--

She's still refusin' treatment,


But Customs is going in this
afternoon to get a court order
to x-ray her stomach.

Can they do that?
We're gonna fight it.

- But he should have
his passport ready.
- Great.

Oh, one more thing.

Tell him his good little soldier
might die.

We're on our way
into court now.

How long will this take?
I mean, how long can her damn
bowels hold before she--

Mr. Aikman,
the sooner we get down there
the better.

You just get her out
of that hospital.

I keep tellin' you.
We need a judge
to accomplish that.

Just do it!
Excuse me?



Monitor this.
[ Elevator Bell Dings ]

[ Daly ]
Mr. Lowry, in 16 years
with the Customs Service,

how often have you encountered
internal smugglers?

Hundreds of times.
We get seven or eight swallowers
a week at Logan,

more than that
when I was working Kennedy.

And what, in particular,
do you look for--

Uh, what are the signs that
someone might be smuggling
in this way?

Irregular ticket purchases,
evasiveness in response
to questioning.

If someone's overly talkative
or appears nervous,
we'll take a second look.

And naturally, if someone
resists a luggage search
or search of their person,

that gives rise
to suspicion.

Based on your experience, what
might someone be carrying that
would raise your suspicions?

Body packing substances of
any kind, personal lubricants,

or anything that could
be used as such,

as well as
stomach medications,

and, uh, the irregular placement
of sanitary pads,
uh, can be a tip-off.

[ Daly ]
In Teresa Cortez's case,

what led you to suspect that
she might be carrying drugs?

Ms. Cortez was traveling
from Colombia.

Her passport showed several
trips there in the past year.

She appeared nervous
and evasive when asked
about these trips,

and was reluctant to allow
a search of her suitcase.

When she did allow it,
we found several tubes
of lubricating cream,

as well as two bottles
of medicine.

She became increasingly agitated
after a more extensive
personal search,

so we requested that she
allow us to x-ray her abdomen.

She refused, and at that point
she was detained.

[ Low Groaning ]

Teresa Cortez was nervous
and evasive in response
to your questions.

- Those were questions
asked in English?
- Yes, but we had a translator.

And when you asked
those questions, did you wear
a uniform, Inspector?

- A badge?
- Yes.

How about a gun?
We're required to, yes.

And were you aware that
Ms. Cortez had lived in this
country for only six months?

- No.
- And that her father had
been kidnapped and killed...

by the Colombian army?


And that she, herself,
had been held for two months...

by the Colombian police
without being charged?

- Is there a point to this?
- The point is that there
are very good reasons...

why Ms. Cortez may
have displayed nervousness
around a uniformed officer.

Her state of mind is not
relevant to these proceedings,
Mr. Young, only the officer's.

Excuse me, Your Honor.
He based his suspicion
on her state of mind.

- That makes it relevant.
- Hurry up then.


Now this-this, uh, "more
extensive personal search."
What is that?

That's a strip search
and body-cavity examination.

And in your experience,
only drug couriers become
increasingly agitated...

by having their
body cavities examined?

- I didn't say that.
- You said her agitation
was suspicious.

We look at the entirety
of the circumstances.

Oh, you mean
the so-called lubricants
you found?

That would be hand cream,
wouldn't it, Mr. Lowry?

And the stomach medicine,
that would be antacid.

- Yes.
- It's good to know...

that if I travel with dry hands,
an upset stomach
and a decent sense of privacy,

that I can expect to be
stripped naked, anally probed,
and handcuffed to a bed.

That is good to know.

- Your Honor, can we stop this?
- I stopped listening
a while ago.

Why don't we go to chambers
and have a cookie?


What do you mean, nothing?
He blew up a building.
It was 26 years ago.

It was two rooms
of an annex,
and it didn't blow up.

Think "smoke bomb."
But he jumped bail.
He's been a fugitive.

Bobby, it's not
a limitations thing.
We don't want the guy.

You mean you're just
dropping the charges?
Well, not me personally.

In the mid-'80s they
wrote off a lot of cases
nobody cared about.

Sam Feldberg was
one of the lucky ones.

Okay, but what if he's
arrested for something else?
Will the warrant still drop?

Sam Feldberg's
not even in the system.
He's a free man.

That's great,
you know?

I appreciate this.

You appreciate this?

Yeah, I do.

What about our dinner dates?
You appreciate them too?

Helen, can we not go there?

Oh. Where's "there"?
The intimacy place?

I'm just asking you to talk
about how you feel, Bobby.

Well, I feel like
not talking about it here.

[ Elevator Bell Dings ]


Feels nice to be appreciated.

I didn't say they had no case.
I said it couldn't be proven
in a court of law.

Eleven people got cancer
in a two-mile radius.

I understand.
I mean, that's the hook
that got me to bite.

But I couldn't find any
scientific data to say that
the power lines caused it.

What am I gonna do,
make it up?
There's no studies at all?

There's a hundred studies.
none of them conclude...

that exposure to
radio frequency radiation
has any link to cancer.

Look, Mr. Berluti, we're not
talkin' a lowball offer here.

The state,
their attorneys...

won't even
return a toll call.

Even so, to drop your clients
so close to trial--
Yeah, I'm--

I'm not proud
about doing that.

But I spent $80,000
of my own money tryin'
to develop this case.

I chased down every expert.
I figured there had to be
something under the surface.

Eleven people got cancer.

But it all came up empty.

And as for a trial?
I took this on a contingency.

A trial could cost me
another 80 or so.

I had to eat my loss
and get out.

And for those people?
I hurt for them. I do.

Because I believe
those power lines have
something to do with it.

But if a lawyer friend
of mine came to me and said,

"Should I run with this?"

- [ Knocking ]
- [ Woman On TV ] Don't you see?
It doesn't matter anymore.

[ Man On TV ]
That's all that matters,

- Your Honor?
- [ Man On TV ] It's simple.

My feelings
for Tiffany are dead.
[ Continues, Indistinct ]

Judge Brudister?
They brought Tiffany back.
I knew she wasn't dead.

[ Woman #2 On TV ]
I'm so sorry.
Am I interrupting?

[ Man On TV ] Actually, Tiffany,
we were just talking about you.
All My Children?

They don't have titties
onAll My Children.

Come on.
These girls have got--
mmm-- titties.

Uh, Your Honor,
perhaps we should
come back later.

- No, no. No.
- [ TV Clicks Off ]

So, Mr. Daly, the government
wants to hold this woman,

uh, indefinitely,
is that it?

I'd like to see
some probable cause.

We feel if we're allowed
to, uh, take X-rays--

Which you're not.

[ Sighs ]

Your Honor, uh,
"reasonable suspicion" test,
as laid out...

in Montoya and accepted
by this court in Braks.

Brakswasn't about X-rays.

The Fourth Amendment
has been found compatible
with nonroutine searches.

You've had your
nonroutine search.

You stripped the woman.
You found nothing at all.

You want more,
you need consent.

- No X-rays.
- Thank you, Your Honor.

Uh, further detention
is also unwarranted.

I'm sorry, Mr. Young.

Despite your fine efforts
out there,

I, uh--
I'm convinced there was...

reasonable suspicion
to detain Ms. Cortez.

The whole point
of that detention is
to allow that suspicion...

to ripen into the probable cause
needed for an arrest.

She's been held
for three days.
That's not enough.

There was a fella
down in New York lasted,
uh, 24 days.

Mm-hmm, 24 days.

Can you imagine the size
of the stool when the dam
finally burst? [ Chuckles ]

Now, if you want
to get your client off,

she has to agree
to an X-ray.

That's all.

Otherwise, let nature
take its course.

It's a trick.
It's not a trick, Sam.
You're a free man.

It's some kind of a sting.
Don't you see?

They have been chasing me
for 20-some odd years.

You think they're gonna
give up just like that?
I can show you the files.

In Bismarck, they showed up
as agricultural inspectors.

In Cicero,
it was census takers.

In Tucson,
they were looking for
water-table pollutants.

[ Sighs, Chuckles ]


Why would they
just let me go?

I'm telling you, Sam.

Do you know what was in
that supposed math building...

that we blew up?

Strategic analysis.

They denied
it was even happening.

See, I'm a threat to them.

Oh, no.

There's no way they're gonna
just let me go. No way.

I am a threat...

to national security.

Her white blood cell count
is up. That means
the infection's winning.

It also means that
whatever is stuck in there
is stuck pretty tight.

Doctor, in those cases
where drugs have
been ingested,

how long before
something breaks?

That would depend.

Even your strongest latex
wasn't designed to handle
the acids in a human stomach.

So eventually
if they're not expelled,
poisoning will occur--

most certainly
at a lethal level.

It's ugly.

Time's runnin' out, guys.

She flips whoever
she's muling for,

I'll make sure that she walks.

Look, I think at a minimum,

you should tell this woman
to get herself another lawyer.

I'm the one who hired you.
We understand that,
Mr. Aikman,

but you hired us to
represent Teresa Cortez,
and her interests--

No, Mr. Young,
I hired you to represent me--

knowing in the course of
that representation you'd be
defending some of my mules.

But I am the client.

Legally, it doesn't work
that way. We represent her
just like we do you,

and it may be
in her best legal interests
to make a deal with the police.

"Legal interests."

That's not always
the number one criterion.

Now, that sounds like
some kind of threat.

That doesn't
hold well with me.

Besides, since she's faced with
dyin' as it is, I don't think
it'll be too persuasive to her.

[ Laughs ]

Look, Mr. Young,
you can drop me as a client.

We both know that's
not gonna change anything.

She may die, for God's sakes.
Doesn't that mean
anything to you?

I'm a drug dealer.
People die in my line of work.

The goal is
for it not to be me.

Now, you got
a conflict here.
I understand.

I also understand all you
gotta do is make your clients
aware of that conflict.

So you go. You ask her.
Let her decide.

She'll do the right thing.

Let me see if I get this.

You want me
to bring in your client...

and threaten him with jail.

Helen, this guy has spent
his whole life...

thinking he's
this big fugitive
expatriate civil activist.

When I told him
he wasn't wanted,

it was as if he suddenly
became meaningless.

Like his whole life
amounted to nothing.

You want me
to arrest him?

To give his life meaning?

It's not exactly
what we do here, Bobby.

This I know, Helen.
I was just hoping--

Do you know
how many cases I have...

with real criminals?

You know how many clients
I have? Real criminals?


Here's what you do.

Tell him his ability
to elude us for so long...

is so embarrassing
to us and the F.B.I.,

public relations purposes...

we have decided to conspire
and say it never happened.

He's free so long as he
doesn't go on Oprah.

Oh, no. Have I jeopardized
our chemistry?

I'm heading back
to the hospital.

What are you gonna say?
I thought I'd give her
a crash course in legal ethics.

Maybe explain why
the model rules...

of professional responsibility
require me to let her die.

- Lindsay--
- What happens if I get on
the phone right now, Eugene?

Call up the A.C.L.U.,
suggest there's a woman
in need of counsel?

They'll ask you why,
and if you answer
you're breaking confidentiality.

Teresa still has a choice.

She can accept the offer
regardless of who Aikman
gets to represent her.

Yeah, but he's gonna make
recommending against that offer
part of the job description.

Maybe I should go with you.

No, I'm fine.

But thanks.

[ Door Opens ]

You understand why I can
no longer represent you?

I think so.

And you understand...
I really am not allowed
to counsel you,

to tell you to do
anything that...

can be bad for John Aikman.

I see.

Please, Teresa, just know
that the next lawyer may not--

If, uh--

If Mr. Aikman hires him,
that lawyer may not
look out for you...

as much as he does
for Mr. Aikman.

Do you think--
[ Sobs ]

Do you think
that I should do this,

what-- what they offer?

Uh, I'm not allowed to say.
I've already said too much.

Mr. Aikman, he--
he will pay me, yes?

He promised me.

My family needs the money.


I have to go.

Don't go yet. Um--

He hired you, Lindsay, yes?

You have cared for me.

I'm still working on it.
It isn't easy.

Is it safe for me
to go back to my apartment?

Yeah. But be careful
just the same.

They are after me,
aren't they?

It's the big sting.

I'm afraid so.

You were our last hope.
And we thought maybe--

It's just... even if
these magnetic fields
did what you say,

we can't win a lawsuit
without proving it.

Eleven of us have cancer--
Isn't that proof?

As far as
the science goes,

it could just as well
be the well water
or some toxic dump.

It wasn't any toxic waste
or well water.

I'm sorry.


Well, thank you for your time,
Mr. Berluti.


Wait a minute.
[ Door Closes ]

Let me run it by the firm.

Maybe there's something
we can do.

- I'll let you know tomorrow.
- Okay. Thank you.

Thank you.

I couldn't just let them
walk out like that.

The case can't be won, Jimmy.
It's just gonna cost us
a fortune.

- Back me up, Ellenor.
- Jimmy--

Just back me up on this one.
I-I don't ask for much.

He wants her to die, Benny.
You know it as well as I do.

I don't know anything.
If she recovers,
she's a witness.

If she dies,
the cocaine can't talk.

Well, she knew the risks.
She knew the benefits.

She has a four-year-old boy
back in Colombia.

Look, it's out of
our hands now, okay?

You told her everything
you're tellin' me,
so even your hands are clean.

She won't listen to me.

She thinks Aikman
will somehow protect her.

I think she'll listen to you.
You are crazy,
you know that?

What kind of death wish
you think I got?

We gonna be able
to live with ourselves, Benny?

Technically, you don't represent
her no more, right? So--

Teresa's stomach explodes,
she dies.
You can live with that?

I won't live turning on Aikman.
This I know.

You're a drug lawyer,

You know how this stuff goes.

- Hey.
- Hey. You still here?

[ Door Closes ]

How's the condition
of the girl?


You were honest with her.
More so than you
should have been.

[ Sighs ]
I know.

Benny Small said, "Get over it.
You're a drug lawyer."
[ Laughs ]

I guess he's right.

I can't do this anymore,

The-- The bread and butter.

I don't care.
I've had it with drug cases.

- Okay.
- Really?


[ Sighs ]

How you doin'?


- What's stopping you?
- Excuse me?

With Helen.
What's stopping you?

Wh-Why, sh-she say something?

She says you seem stuck--
like you want to go forward,
but you won't.

Well, it's just that...

I like her.

That-- That may be
the problem.

I like her.


And before I go down that road,
I gotta be sure about...

everything else.

You know?

Bobby, "everything else"
is clear.

[ Sighs ] It just doesn't
make it any easier that she's
a friend of yours, Lindsay.

We both agreed.
If either of us met somebody
who could be--

You've met somebody, Bobby.

It doesn't bother you?

Well, I'll miss you.

And I'll get
a little lonely.

You and Helen
are a good match.

Besides, I feel on the verge
of meeting somebody myself.

Don't let her get away.

She's a good one.

How could you be so adult
about all this?

Because I know what we were,
and I know what we weren't.

I just wish that--

I just wish
it were harder for you.

At least a little.

I'll make do
with the memories.

Maybe we should celebrate that
we were able to keep the secret.


And it was some secret
while it lasted.

This is the last time.

[ Lindsay Moans ]

[ Vehicle Passes,
Horn Honks ]

I know it's weak.

But damages are huge.

I think it's worth
the risk.
You got a guess on the cost?

A lot of the file
is already built.

I figure experts and time,
we could try it for 30,000.

- They pay anything?
- No.

Well, what am I missing?
We can't make liability
on this.

The fact that they haven't
even tossed nuisance change,
that should tell you something.

- I think we should take it.
- Sorry, Jimmy.

- I think we should take it too.
- What? Why?

Because 11 people
in a two-mile radius got cancer.

Something's goin' on.
Just because we can't prove it
doesn't mean it didn't happen.

No, but when you decide
to take a case,

whether or not you can prove it
is a little relevant.

There's a reason no other firm
will touch it, Ellenor.

And that's exactly why
we should take it, Eugene:
because no other firm will.

I'll authorize
5,000 on discovery.
Then we'll see.

- Thank you.
- When Rebecca gets back,
she's gonna scream.

Thank you.
You won't be sorry.

Good luck, Jimmy.

[ Door Closes ]

Any change?

Bobby, I'm fine.

I meant Teresa.
Any change?

[ Lindsay ]


[ Phone Rings ]

Eugene Young.

Teresa Cortez.
Where is she?

[ Doctor ]
What happened?

One of the condoms tore.

Massive cocaine poisoning.
She's in surgery now.

But how?
Did she let you treat her?

Before she
lost consciousness, yes,

she gave us consent.

We have witnesses.
Thank God.

Well, it's a little
too soon for that.

In surgery?
She consented to it.

Did you influence her?

We're your lawyers,
Mr. Aikman.

We couldn't do anything
to hurt you, could we?

You're just gonna
have to lay low, Sam.

For how long?

It could take a while.
I don't know.

It's-It's a trick.
How could they
not be arresting me?

Sam, sit down.

Now look--

- Bobby.
- Helen.

- What's new?
- Um, we're in the middle
of a meeting here.

I know about your meeting.
Why do you think I'm here?

Mr. Feldberg,
my name's Helen Gamble.

I'm with
the district attorney's office.

Does he know his rights?

Well-- Oh, um-- Well--

You finally surface
after 26 years,
and you expect us to forget.

Do you have any idea as to
the severity of your crime,
Mr. Feldberg?

I do.

It was pervasive enough
that people actually thought
you were some kind of hero.

They took this
fugitive existence...

as noble, patriotic even.

Well, let me tell you something,
sir. Blowing up buildings is
not my idea of being a patriot.

But I do know one thing.

If people were to learn
that this case was
being stirred up again,

it could threaten
national security.

It's the only reason
I'm willing to cut any deal.

This is how
it's gonna be.

You plead guilty
to one count of arson,

one count of assault
with a deadly weapon,

I'll drop the treason charge.

Suspended sentence,
or you get nothing.

On the condition
that this stays sealed,
completely sealed.

You understand that,
Mr. Feldberg?

Speak a word of this
and you will feel
the full might of my office,

I promise you.

I understand.

I'll draft
the plea agreement.

[ Laughs ]

We took 40 condoms of cocaine
out of her stomach.

She's gonna make it.

I don't think
she'll be up for a while.

Thank you so much.

I'm not her lawyer,
but still, let's remember
doctor-patient privilege.

- Anything she says to you--
- [ Scoffs ]

Thank you.

Well, good news is
she lives. Bad news is
we got her for possession.

You've still got
some Fourth Amendment problems.

But I'm not her lawyer anymore.
I'll really miss our banter.

[ Woman On P.A. ]
Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Matthau,
report to-- [ Indistinct ]

You convinced her
to let them operate.

Why don't you say it
a little louder?
It'll be my death warrant.

She's gonna be okay.

I spoke to the doc.
He told me. It's good.

You saved her life,

I gotta go. I gotta go.
You gonna be okay?

Not if Aikman finds out.

So how does it go now?

Well, I think
they'll offer immunity
if she'll turn over Aikman.

The amount of cocaine,
they've got leverage. They could
put her away for a long time.

He'll kill her.
[ Elevator Bell Dings ]

He will kill her,
and she'll never get to testify.

He's gonna kill both of us.

Copying costs, filing fees,
stuff like that,
you'd be expected to pay.

[ Man ]

The first thing will be to get
by the summary judgment hearing,
which we should be able to do.

I'll put in a call to opposing
counsel. Do you know who's
representing the state?

Uh, a big firm--
F-Finley Hogue-something.

What, do you know 'em?

They got a good reputation.

Look, uh, we got a lot to do.
I got all the files.

Your old lawyer says
he's happy to cooperate
whenever I need him.

This is good.
[ Chuckles ]
This is good.

We're off!

Other than "thank you"?

Well, anything to,
uh, give meaning
to somebody's life.

I had to make it more full,
rounded, complete.

And funny, yes.

We, uh--
We all need complete,
round, funny lives.

Uh, listen, I don't mean
to be draggin' my heels
like an old mule.

I sense this.

That's why I hang around.

I know somewhere
in there you...

appreciate me.

I do.

Wasn't so terrible, was it?

[ Phone Rings ]

Lindsay Dole.


We don't know if there's family
or anybody else to make an I.D.
Sorry to do this.

It's okay.

[ Daly ]
It's three gunshot wounds.

That's him. John Aikman.

Would you have...

any idea who--


[ Woman ]
You stinker!