The Nest (2020–…): Season 1, Episode 2 - Episode #1.2 - full transcript

Tensions reach breaking point between Kaya, Dan and Emily. When Kaya loses control, Dan questions what he really knows about the girl he has invited into his home.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I saw you in the hospital.

If you need another lassie to carry
a baby for you, that can be me.

Are you joking? Using an 18-year-
old fresh out of a children's home?

Jesus, Emily, come on!

This is something I want to do.

Darling, this lassie
has keyed in to you,

and you're not thinking straight.

That's us drawing a line.

I take this and you get to prove
to Emily that I'm no good.

What's your name?

Kian. Kian Dodds.

I said no, Emily. Well, I'm doing
it. No, you're not. I'm doing it.

Emily, you're not listening!
With or without you!

I could phone the papers
on that guy any day.

On you go, then. Let's see
what happens when you do.

This programme contains
some strong language.

I've ordered, but...
get whatever you want.

I'm OK.

I've had, like, everything
on that side and most of that side,

as well. It's all good.

Er, can you get him a coffee?

No, thanks.

I'll come back.

You're still raging, man.

I cannae believe
you're still raging!

Stay. Stay.

First, I couldnae stop boaking.
Now I cannae stop eating.

And what have you been
doing with yourself?

What do you think
I've been doing with myself?

Healing this family.

Well, get a rug!

Can you just...? Can you not
tidy up after her?

Oh, Dan! She's a teenager.

Where is she, anyway?

What have you told them?

We need to know!

You're still in shite
for all this, aren't you?

It's my job. I just
want to know what they know.

You so badly wanted
for this to fail.

But nae luck.

This is the best thing
that's ever happened to me.

Kaya's loving it,
living the high life.

New money, new clothes.

Well, what's she told them?

Well, surely we owe them
a duty of care, the couple.

You're joking? We owe them nothing.
Daddy Warbucks is on his own.

Two bacon rolls and two coffees.

Hiya, Rosie. Hello.

Thanks, Dan.

What about the lassie?

All good in the 'hood.

No sign of a birth certificate?

What can I tell you? She's been in
care. I don't know the half of it.

Aye, but it might just suggest
she's got a criminal history

and she's got somebody
to scrub her clean.

Are you mad? She doesnae have
those kinds of connections.

She's a teenage idiot.

Look, we flew into this with
unseemly haste, I'll gie you that,

but babies get made
in more unusual circumstances.


she's three month gone.
Cannae unring a bell.

200 luxury flats, social housing,
retail, leisure,

building a city within a city.

No' bad for a couple
of local boys, eh?

Look, I know you've got
reservations, but this is it, man.

This is the big one.

You ready for tomorrow?

Tomorrow? What?

The public consultation!

I'm messing with you!
Of course I am. Bastard!

EMILY: Kaya!

Kale, lentils, lean beef.

We need to build you up again now
that you're not being sick any more.

Do you know what? I'm actually
knackered. I might just go to bed.


Coming in?



You're amazing, man.
You don't give a damn.


What can I get you? Two Jack
and cokes and one just coke.

How come you're not drinking?

I had a massive one last night.
I cannae smell it or I'll boak.

Och, I'll get them.
No, no, it's cool.





Oh, my God!


Manky bitch. Sorry.


We should swap numbers.

Except next time, you're not paying
and I'm not boaking.

That's my wee boy.
Cyrus, he's called.

Havnae been out since he was born.
Can you tell?



I've actually got one
on the go, an' all.

You do not! Mm-hm!
Is that why you're no' drinking?

I cannae believe I've met
another mum! That's meant to be.

You know what? I didnae
expect it this young.

But it's brilliant. Don't let anyone
tell you otherwise.

And I'm still going to college,
I'm working part time at McDonald's.

It's mad, but...

So, do you know what you're having?

Naw, naw.

It's...not actually mine.

How do you mean?

I'm...carrying it for this
pure minted couple who can't have

any of their own, so...

It's not my genes. It's, like,
nothing to do with me.



It's a piece of piss.
Six more months and done.

That's me set up for life.

Y'know, fuck McDonald's.
You should do it!


I couldnae do that.

Gie my baby away?

Right. I better go.

What, are you...not coming back in?

Nah. I'm up early in the morning.
Thanks for all the drinks, though.

ECHOING: Can I get another?

And another. And another.




Are you pished?

I need some bread.

Emily made you a whole fucking meal
you didnae touch!

How much have you had to drink?

Look at me when I'm speaking to you!

How much have you drunk?

You don't give a fuck, do you?

Don't you touch me!
Don't you ever dare touch me!

You don't know nothing
about me or my life.

You come near me again,
I will fucking kill you.

What's going on?

What have you done?
What have I done? What have I done?!

Look at the state of her!
Have you taken something?

Kaya, if you've taken drugs
or anything like that,

you need to tell me. She's drunk.
It's no' drugs, Emily.

Let her go!

Let her fucking go.

Kaya, be careful. Kaya, slow down.




OK. Love you. Bye-bye.

That's impressive.
I didnae know you spoke Klingon.

Cantonese. Just to my grandparents.

I know. I was just making a wee
joke. Is it Eriskay you're from?

Further north. Lewis.
Born and bred on the island.

Well, hats off to you. You've come
a long way fae there to get here.

Can I get a cheese and egg roll
and a coffee?

Get your own bloody roll!

Y'see what I have to
put up with in here?

A body was recovered
from the Clyde yesterday.

Well, it's looking like
another drugs theft,

which would be the 100th
this year. Uh-huh.

So I thought we could do
something bigger,

maybe do a profile on the guy
so he's not just a number.

It's nae news that there's
a drugs problem, sadly.

I think what people need right now
is a bit of good news.

So I tell you what you can dae.

Can you get yourself down
to the City Chambers, ten o'clock?

Public meeting.

Dan Docherty, setting out his vision
for turning the arse end of Glasgow

into the jewel on the Clyde.

Kaya McDermott?

Are you Mum and Dad?

No. It's a surrogacy.

OK. How can I help you?

We were booked in for the first
scan, the three-month, next week,

but something's gone on in the
meantime. We just need to know.

TEARFULLY: We need to check...


..what effect alcohol
might have had on the foetus.

That depends on how much
and how often.


Is there any kind of test you can do
to check if the baby's OK?

We can pay privately for an extra
ultrasound or whatever it is.

What I would say is that stress
is at least as great a risk factor.


If you wouldn't mind,
I'd like to talk to Kaya alone.

How did you get yourself into this?

There seems to be tension
with the husband.

He's a cock.
And what about the wife?

I was really sick in the beginning,

so she jacked in her work
to look after me.

But now I'm fine and she's still
hovering about me, phoning me,

like, 50 times a day.
I cannae stand it!

It's more like the jail
than the jail.

And have you changed your mind
about carrying the baby?

Well, what if I have?

What am I going to do about it?

Yes, I'd like to talk
to Safeguarding about a patient.

She's 18, and it's a surrogacy.

I'm going to be late.
I've got to go.

Who's that?

Cavan. Works at the club.

One of the bouncers.

I'm no' leaving you alone with
a lassie who just pulled a knife.

Fuck's sake!


Hang on a wee minute, pal.


All OK with you?

Can you shut that off, please?


Kaya? All OK?


That boy who lived
next door to me...


..he died.

Were you pals?

Not really, but...

He wanted to be a chef,
and stuff, so...

It's a shame.

See you Thursday.

All OK?


Can you turn that off, please?

Where the hell is he?


You don't speak to me
for three months

and then you turn up at my work.

I need you to get
her social services files.

Presumably you can get hold of
this stuff through work.

It's my fault.

I didn't do nearly enough
due diligence.

It's all about
damage limitation now.

I just need to know
what I'm dealing with.

What are you doing? Hilary!

I told you what I thought
about this. Don't make a scene.

I've got nothing to be ashamed of!

You know, people say to me,
"Oh, you're Dan Docherty's sister.

"Hasn't he done so well?"
Jesus! And I always say the same.

"Well, he hasn't changed. He loves
Celtic, he loves his family.

"He likes what he likes.
He won't change."

I didn't know you already had.

I'm not having this conversation!
Close the door.

"Due diligence", Dan?

She is a human being.
She doesn't come with a warranty.

Excuse me.

Excuse me!

It's exploitation, pure and simple,

and I'm having
nothing to do with it.

Where the hell have you been?

I'm here. It's fine.

What's the problem?!

Let's go.




What does anyone want?

More than what their parents had.

More choices, more opportunities.

A safe and secure future
for their family.

Aye, for those who can afford it.



I'm no' some chancer
up here from London.

I'm an East End boy myself.

Probably spent as much time
down the Barras as you have.

But if I've learned anything

it's that you cannae
stop progress.

You cannae be nostalgic.
You cannae hang on to the old ways

if they're not fit for purpose.

It's supply and demand,
at the end of the day.

What...motivates me... creating opportunities
for young people.

We're already the biggest employer

of under-25s
in the west of Scotland,

and this development
will create 2,000 more jobs.

What kind of "opportunities"
for young people?


I'll take questions at the end.
See, your "man of the people" chat,

it cannae disguise
what you're really up to.

Folk on zero-hour contracts
have made you a multimillionaire.

That's no' opportunity.

It's exploitation.


And what do you do? Eh?

How do you improve the lives
of the people of this city?

I'm a social worker.


Well, if you're sucking
at the public teat,

no wonder you know
nothing about business.

Jesus Christ!

The Docherty Group...

..we want to be right at
the forefront of ushering in a new

era for Glasgow. We want
to build a new East End.

What was that?! It was fine.
I pulled it back.

No, you never! It was a PR disaster.

Now I'm gonnae have to trail round
after ye with a dustpan and brush.

Son, what the hell's
up with you the day?

What you doing out here?
You're supposed to be in there!

I'm really sorry, Mr Docherty.
I don't think it's going to work.

Mrs Docherty, she doesn't
want me in the house.


I'm here!

I need to eat.

Of course. You don't
have to ask. She wasn't.

Here, look,
I can make you something.

You go and sit down. You need
to rest. I'll get you something.

Something healthy...

Emily! Stop, Emily!

Stop flapping about her!

Look, we've got six months
left to run on this thing, OK?

So what's going to
make it better for you? Eh?

What's going to stop you from
pulling any of that shite again?

No! Let her speak.

I need out.

Not out of the pregnancy,
out of the house.

It's perfect. She'll work
nine to five, nothing strenuous.

I'll take her in and back every day.

She just got drunk
while pregnant with our child

and you want to give her
a job in a bar!

He's not an alky, Emily.
She's a teenager and she's bored.

She said as much!

Look, you sold this to me that
this lassie was entrepreneurial.

Well, let's see it! Maybe she is.

What's the issue?

We're out the danger zone.
We're past 12 weeks.

She could still change her mind.

Till 25 weeks.

She could just...

..end it at any moment, and then...

..that's it, Dan. No more embryos.
No more chances.

What's going to stop her, hey?

Not you standing over her breathing
down her neck. I know, but...

..being around other young people
and working in a bar,

she's not going to
want this, is she?


Maybe not. But she's got
all the cards here, darling.

She's got all the power.

That's what we've given her
with this arrangement.

We've no choice but to trust her.


John Joe!

How you doing, pal?

This is Kaya. Friend of the family.

I want you to put her in the team.

Nothing too strenuous.

Not a problem. I'll...
have a wee look at the rota now.

You know what? Let's put her
front of house, nine to five.

Just move that lassie
into another section.

Are you raging?
I screwed up your rota?

No... Not at all.
It' problem.

I'll have a wee look at it now.
Good man.

Did I no' ask you to write up that
meeting I sent you to yesterday?

You did.

Then how come you're still
snuffling about this guy?

Because there's a connection.


Well, what am I looking at?

Dan Docherty
on Kian Dodd's Instagram,

visiting his flats.

The guy was obviously
a disaffected employee.

Nope. That's not the connection.

I called Docherty Developments
to check.

They say they've never employed him.

Er, have you booked?

Er, no. That's why we came at 12.

Well, I don't know
what you want me to tell you.

It's red, red, red, red, red.


Come on through.

Thank you.

Fuckin' hell.

Oh, my God! You're back!


Come to save me from marking!

And the diddly-dees.

And the what?
The diddly-dees!

The traditional Scottish music

My only mates
since you quit the scene.


So, what's the story?

I thought you weren't coming back
till after the baby.

I wasn't.

It's Kaya.

What's she done now?

Oh, no. It's me, actually.

I think I'm doing her head in.



I don't doubt it.



John Joe says put these in the lane.



Hi! Hi. How was it?

Couldn't get a word out of her
in the car, so I haven't got a clue.

Well... Well, was it OK?
Are you going to go back?


Of course.



Don't take me to the door.
Just let me out here.


Hey, I know who you are.

I saw you getting in Dan's car,
so you must be...

I'm Jack.
I'm Dan and Emily's nephew.

Look, I hear you had a shocker
yesterday. Gina told me.

She's my girlfriend.
She's first-year uni.

Look, I think it's cool,
what you're doing, and so does she.

But we're not going to tell anyone.

Well, people should do
whatever they want, but

I'm a feminist. I think
what you're doing is awesome.

This red section up here
is booked, which you should...

Oh. Morning, guys. You all right?, which you should...
You know that already. Yeah.

And then this section here
is, like, referencing back,

and then this blue section
is the unreserved section.

Morning, mate.

Do you understand? Yeah.
Great. Now you have a go.

OK. Erm...


Erm, control-C.

And move that up here...


Yeah. Great job.

Gina's not here today.

She's got lectures,
cos she's first-year uni, so...

You already told me that.

You're quite impressed
with that, aye?

Well, I'm still at school, so...

Well, why are you here, then?
Oh, it's half-term.

But I'm usually working
on Thursday nights and Saturdays.

You know, she's really nice, Gina.
She told me that you two

were sparking off each other
the other day.

But, I mean, I suppose that's how
girls always become friends.

Like, they love telling you that "we
hated each other when we first met"!

Are you straight?


You don't seem it. No offence.

None taken. I'll see you later.

So, it's dinner at eight
with a bunch of journalists.

And I've been trying to spray away
the stink you left at that meeting.

Christ, you come in in a state,
you answered in a state.

You were emotional, you were
defensive. I'll sort it. Aye.

What else?

I got a call from the Courier.

No. Somebody else.

They're asking if a Kian Dodds
ever worked for us,

and if he hasn't,
how you might know him.

I don't. Who is he?

He's nobody now.
He's been fished out the Clyde.

The thing is, Dan...

..he lived next door to Kaya.

Speak, son!

Before there's nae time left
to dae anything about this.

Never met him.


There's a night out tonight.
Are you coming?


We're not going to
tell anyone who you are.

My uncle likes to
keep his life private.

Come out. You don't have to drink.
I don't. Gina doesn't.

Look, I'll call Dan.
No. Don't.

I'll do it myself. Thanks.


# I won't let you turn around

# And tell me now I'm much too proud

# All you do is
fill me up with doubt

# This time, baby, I'll be

# Bulletproof

# This time, baby, I'll be
Bulletproof... #

I have to leave because of my ears.
I'm sorry. What? I have to go.

# This time, baby, I'll be

# Bulletproof... #


Oh, I just forgot me earplugs.
Earplugs? Yeah.

I play piano and violin, so I need
to be careful with my hearing.

I'm going to Cambridge
to study music. Hopefully!

Am I shouting?

Are you thinking about studying?

Aye. Oxford won't take no
for an answer.

Shit! Really?

Fuck's sake, man!

So, what are you into?
How do you mean?

Like, I've got my music and
I swim every day. Look, smell me.

Smell me! Chlorine.

No, you're all right!
Ach, no!


..robbing the sweet bins!

Shite sweeties, at that! We all
did that! Well, I know YOU did!

Gregor, there's a woman who works
for you who seems to have got

it in for our boy over there.

Don't tell me.
That wee Chinese lassie?

Cannae tell. It was on the phone.

I told her no' to bother with it!

Anyway, shite sweeties
and the Celtic!

ALL: Cheers.

Not a problem.

Leave it with me.
Whatever it is, I'll spike it.

Take your coat off!
You're making me nervous!

Look, if this mad thing
hasn't gone tits up by this point,

then it's probably going to be OK.


God, it is really nice to be out.

How do you think SHE feels?


I don't know how she feels.
I think that's been the problem.

Every day, I've been giving it the
whole, "It's the size of an almond."

"Now it's the size
of a passion fruit."

"Now it's the size of a...lemon."

I think the more I've been trying
to bond with the baby,

the more annoying
I've become to her.

God, I've been so annoying!

But look at you now. Super-chilled!


It's just the first
three months, you know?

Anything could have happened.

But it didn't.


It didn't.

Right, let's have another. Come on.

Drink up.



Sorry, I didn't mean
to give you a fright.

You didn't.

You know, I...I...

..I think I had this...fantasy...

..that we were going to
help each other. But...

..I haven't helped you at all.

I've treated you like a...

..battery hen, and...

..I'm so sorry.

This, erm...

..this thing happened.

I lost someone.

And I think I struggle
sometimes to

believe that good things
can happen...

..things can be OK.


..the past is not the present.

How come you can't
have your own kids?

What's actually wrong?
I never asked you that.

It just doesn't happen.

I don't have

good-quality eggs.

I don't know why.

And even the ones they could

I could never carry to term, so...

"Unexplained infertility."

But, erm... are you? Are you...OK?

Well, my shites are like cement,
but apart from that, aye.


I've missed you. Christ almighty,
I saw you this morning!

Not today. I just mean, like,
while I've been...y'know...


State of you. You've probably had
one Pinot Grigio and a fizzy water.


New start?


Fist bump?



# They say time waits for no man

# And neither does this woman

# I've been trying hard
to understand... #

How was it?


Really good.

Well, Souter's happy.

Is she back?


You were right. About trust.

Everything's going to be OK.

Let's go. Come on.


Emily's away to work,
so I just need to take him out.

Then we can go.

Oh, my shift doesn't start
till 12 today, so...

Oh, well, coming out?

Come on.

Let's go.

Rex, move your arse.

What about that for a name?

Rex? That's a dug's name.

How do you know it's a boy, anyway?

I don't. You'd know better than me.

What about Kathy?


That was my mum's name.

Where is she, your mum?

Ah, she's long gone.

Died when I was 13.

Who looked after you?


my sister.

She was 16 at the time, so we
kind of looked after each other.

I went a bit mental
for a couple of years,

then I got stuck into work,
you know?

Is there a wee lesson in there?

Hey, what about Neve?

What? If it's a girl.
It's Irish. Neve.

No' bad.

But no use, since
it's going to be a boy.

Right, it's Baltic out here.
Want to go get a roll?

Oh, no, I'm meeting Jack
before work.

Is that OK?

Aye. Course it is.

Sammy, will you go and finish
your breakfast, please?

OK. Mum, have you seen
my school shirt?

It's ironed and in your cupboard.
It's not.





Why are you
looking through my phone?

Why is she texting you?

We're friends. Since when? Since
she started working at Dan's bar.

I-I don't want you
involved with her.

You're such a hypocrite!

Well, why don't you carry on
letting Dan pay our school fees

while otherwise shitting
on everything else that he does?

Don't speak to your mum like that.

What's so wrong with this girl that
we've let it fuck up our family?

That's enough! You don't know
anything about her. You've judged

someone you've never even met!

You fancy her. Get lost.
What are you talking about? You do!

This isnae Nancy Drew. We're
a respected national newspaper.

You cannae just pick up the phone
and poke about willy-nilly.

It wasn't willy-nilly. I was trying
to speak to Dan Docherty.

No, you cannae.
You need to build relationships,

not just sources.
That's how it works.

Okey dokey?

Right on.

Excuse me?

Excuse me?

Excuse me, is Dan Docherty in?

If you want to get a hold
of Mr Docherty,

you'll need to make an appointment.

Does he come down here? Well, yes,
but he's not here at the moment.

But do you know where else
I might be able to find him, or...?

I'm sorry, I'm really busy.


Innis & Gunn. Pint.

I'm new to Glasgow, actually.

I'm from Lewis.

Where's that?
The arse end of nowhere.

Couldn't wait to leave.

One sec.

Er, there's a table of six up there.

Could you go and grab those glasses
for me? Yeah, no problem. Thanks.


That'll be 5.80.


Shit. Someone's nicked my bag.

Someone's nicked my bag!



Jack! Oh!

Oh, I've missed you!

What's wrong?

Can I stay?


Here's the lassie's bag.

Give us a minute, Cavan,
will you? No problem.



Don't drop Piggy.

Is Mum ever coming back
to live with us?

If she gets better, then yeah!

Do you think
she'll get better?

I don't know, darling.
That's up to her.

The mobile number you have called
is currently unavailable.

Please try again later.


If she doesn't get better, will I
stay with you or Granny and Grandpa?

Definitely, definitely with me.

All right? Mwah!

Have a good sleep. Goodnight.


Come on!

The mobile number you have called...



SOBBING: Someone's recognised me.

Look, it's OK. It's OK!

We talked about this.
It's something we've prepped for.

Just go back.

Go back.

No-one knows anything.

WOMAN: She was always
a difficult child.


Yeah. Manipulative.

What's it you call it? Er...

A hair-trigger fuse.

Yeah. I don't remember a time
I didn't struggle with her.

My mum couldn't look after me.

Obviously, she couldn't be named
during the trial, and, er,

she'll have a new identity
when...when she's released.

But for those of us still living
on Lewis, it's hard.


It's very hard.


Violent death when I was 11.

What about Neve?

You come near me again,
I will fucking kill you!


What's the issue?

What's she after, the journalist?

Ah, just some rubbish about
pay and conditions in the club.

It's nothing.

See you tomorrow.

See ya.

I need to talk to her.


Oh, hey.

Er, Emily's just downstairs.
She says I can stay.

I can't take one more minute
of my mum.

Hey, what's wrong? Are you OK?

Aye. I'm brand-new.

She killed someone.

Knifed them.

Watched them bleed.

Lassie was pregnant.

Killed her unborn child.



What am I going to do, Hilary?

She's 14 weeks. We're past
the point of no return.

No, you're not.

There's plenty of time
before it gets to that.

How long?

A good ten weeks.

What am I going to do?

It's going to be OK.

Shit. I'm so sorry.
I didn't even ask if that was OK.

Oh! I'm so pleased
you two know each other.

Right! What are we watching?

Listen to me. You have got choices
and you've got time.

It's going to be OK.