The Mysterious Benedict Society (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - A Bit of Light Chop - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
RHONDA: This was supposed
to be a joyous occasion.

Okay, we're back.

RHONDA: Mr. Benedict and
Number Two are missing.

BENEDICT: No one is safe
with my brother as some guru.

I know that you'll be elated.

REYNIE: He made us a set of
clues to lead us to where he is.

- "Take the shortcut."
- REYNIE: It's a ship.

It's very rare to have
tickets left for pickup.

REYNIE: They told us we're
capable of doing anything.

KATE: We had to take
matters into our own hands.

We'll be careful.

REYNIE: We're the
Mysterious Benedict Society,

so let's go after them.

(classical music)

STICKY: Eighty-one thousand,
nine hundred sixty tons

of steel and elegance.

How much does elegance weigh,
George? What percentage of tonnage?

Our first chance to be
on a flagship vessel

and we'll probably be
enjoying it from the brig.

Boat jail. Let's avoid.

Yeah. We need to
lie low, blend in.

We're stowaways.

There's nothing more
despise than stowaways.

Come on. Ever heard of pirates?

Pirates are just
doing their job.

The best way to avoid boat jail
is not to stand on the deck,

talking about the
morality of pirates.

We need to find the next clue.

It'll tell us where to
go when we get to Lisbon.

We need to find our room.

Mr. Benedict thought we'd be in that
stateroom with Rhonda and Milligan,

so the clue has to be there.

And the room will be vacant,
right? Because it was reserved.

(alarm whistles)

day and welcome aboard.

This is Captain Noland.

Please report to your
designated evacuation areas

for our mandatory muster drill.

Fear is best bested
when bested as one.

No way. I don't like drills.
Let's just go for the clue.

Agree. In emergency,
women and children first.

Question, advantage?
We'll be fine.

Captain said it's mandatory. We
want to be the only ones not there?

Also, do you have any idea
how quickly 81,960 ton sinks?

Elegance doesn't float either.

CAPTAIN NOLAND: We nonetheless
stand ready to face them.

Beware, rogue waves
are very real.

White squalls are fast-acting
and unpredictable foe, mines.

Well, there are no
current belligerence.

These relics of man's
folly still bout the seas,

ready to sting us
from a darker past.

Piracy is, of course,
still a great scourge.

You may consider yourself
perfectly safe for mutiny

on this harmonious craft.

That's sad.

I've always wanted to
live through a mutiny.

There are a lot of pirates
in these parts or mines?

Excuse me, sir.

I'm Executive Officer Zhao but
my nom d'océan is Cannonball.

Cool nickname. How
did you get it?

I have neither the time nor
inclination to relay that anecdote.

Because I think nicknames can
be an important part of a...

My charge is your safety.

Please be prepared
to move along.

- This guy is gonna be an issue.
- Yeah.

We need to get out of his
sight and into that stateroom.

Which is where?

First, we have to figure out a profile.
Who we're meant to be, if questioned.

- Child ghosts.
- Maybe a school group.

Wish we had matching tracksuits
like the cricket squad over there.

Must be headed to
the Dunsborough Cup.

Their warm-ups, say
"water polo", actually.

Oh, yeah. Big-time crew.

- Continue.
- How do we find the clue?

The ticket agent was handing out
room keys from the wall behind her.

One of those keys still hanging
was supposed to be ours.

I couldn't make
out their numbers,

but if each row was a deck
and each row have 39 hooks,

these are the room numbers for
staterooms still unassigned

at the time we
tried to check in.

Just 16 rooms, not bad.

you for your attention.

That completes the muster as
we travel at a steady 62 knots.

Split up and move
it. I'm hungry.

both the fastest

and most luxurious
ship on the seven seas.

Precisely on time.

And prepare to dock in Lisbon
in a spectacular 48 hours.

This has been the
captain. Good day.


Permission to speak freely.

Always, Cannonball. You
and I are beyond formality.

No, thank you, Captain. I
strongly request formality.

Granted. What's on your mind?

Based on my life jacket count,

there are four extra passengers
onboard the Shortcut.

What are you saying?
That we have...



The cardinal maritime
sin on my ship.

Is there any chance
of a miscalculation?

Permission to speak frankly
and without hesitation.

Oh, I know there's
no miscalculation.

You are the human embodiment
of accuracy and integrity.

That's correct.

Thank you, Captain.

My job is already in jeopardy. I
feel the walls closing in on me.

If this is discovered, your career
might survive, but not mine.

We need to find those stowaways.

I need to see them
walking the plank.

Captain, that is
no longer legal.

Nor was it ever ethical.


No rest until
they're in custody.

Make an example of them.

(theme music)


Yes, you heard me correctly.

You think I'll be elated to
hear you continue to claim

you ended The Emergency?

A global crisis you are wholly
responsible for creating?

Drop this ridiculous facade
and offer the truth now.

- No, it's not a facade.
- Oh.

I believe the instigator
of a moment of change

can come from an
unexpected direction.

You see, by instigating
The Emergency...

I also...

solved it.

What are you talking about?

You're delusional and your
demonstration is meaningless.

To the point of obfuscation.

I rather liked it.

Well, what does the
blueberry represent?

Yes. What does it
represent? This is...

I need a moment. Just a moment.

- I'm just overwhelmed.
- Are you okay?

- I'm fine.
- Just breathe.

(sighs deeply)

(breathes deeply)

You are no hero, sir.

And you are no mere associate.
You're the fabled Number Two.

I am, yes.

Brilliant thinker,
intuitive woodworker.

This changes nothing. Given
that you've kidnapped us.

Kidnapped? No.

A word like that just
fuels the cycle of anger.

Oh, it's so potent. It just
erases all subtlety and nuance.

Well, there is nothing particularly
nuanced about this situation.

Think of it as an opportunity.
Please, sit down. Have some tea.

I don't want your tea.

I understand.

(bell dings)

Would you please show our
special guests to their rooms,

so they can get settled in?

Your brother. This is a
special honor. Indeed.

- Thank you for your trust.
- Oh, we don't trust you.

- We'll earn it.
- Every day in every way.

- Right this way.
- Right this way.



I want you to get out of here,
not go into the heart of it.

No, no, no. We need the full
picture, and then we escape.



Wait. I have a bad feeling.

Regular bad or psychic bad?

Just a feeling.

(woman screams)

Is the part of you that
knew someone was in there,

the same part that took
down The Whisperer?

Same part of me that wonders, "Why
pick a lock when you can just knock?"

- What?
- Sorry, ma'am.

- STICKY: Wrong room.
- Sorry we disturbed you.

It'll be kind of fun to
share a room again, right?

Yeah. I'm not used to it anymore.
We all have singles at Boatwright.

No roommates?

Boatwright's all
about personal space.

- You know, healthy distance.
- Distance is healthy?

You choose when to connect.

So this ability you
may or may not have,

did you get it from
your biological parents?

(waves crashing)


What happened to them?

They were eaten by
polar bears and clowns.

- The sound was awful.
- You make it hard to try.

Bonding is needy.
What's with the rope?

Speed check. I don't just
believe everything I'm told.

Spent last year learning that.

- Ha!
- "Ha", what?

We're only moving at 58 knots,
not 62 like Captain Noland said.

Stop right now!

Playing over this side of
the ship is highly dangerous.

We weren't playing. Speed check.

Fifty-eight knots,
if you're wondering.

On the Shortcut, all minors
must be supervised by an adult.

Where are your parents?

- We're lost.
- Lost children?



Two lost children
on the foredeck.

I repeat, two lost
children on the foredeck.

Roberta, there's Mom and Dad.

- Welcome to the Inverness.
- This is good.

We're scheduled to arrive in Lisbon
a good 25 hours before the kids.


I checked the rest of it.

- Should I have brought more?
- It's not you.

It's him.


- Remarkable.
- Exhilarating.

- It's peculiar.
- Unnerving.


Shall we continue?

Or do you need a
moment to process?

Oh, I would love to see where
people come and go as they please,

AKA the exit.

-Every exit is an entrance
-Every exit is an entrance

- if you think about it.
- If you think about it.

- I treasure you.
- And I you.

And of course, we are
a working lemon grove.

Meyer lemons.

- Tart.
- But not too tart.

Hello. (chuckles)

JILLSON: Right this way.

Look, they're giving
color to their emotions.

So they're all feeling...

- Happy.
- Happy.

Who made you?

I'd like to think
we make each other.

Who are these people?

Some are executives from the
Institute. Only the best.

Those most open to life and profundity,
others are devotees from around the world,

hand-picked by Dr. Curtain.

JACKSON: Our community has
been thoughtfully curated.

Positivity is an
absolute requirement.

- Hello, friends.
- Hello, Sebastian.

Sebastian is from Brazil.

- Brazil.
- Brazil.

He's one of the earliest adopters
of Dr. Curtain's philosophy.

It's all true. Brazil.
Adoption. All of it.

- Isn't it great?
- Yes.


- What's happening here?
- How is he inducing...

- His happiness.
- Is it an untraceable supplement?

Unclear, but it is remarkable
and most likely dangerous.

Welcome. Consider this yours.

Feel free to avail yourself
of all the opportunities here.

Or wait for an opportunity
to present itself.

Are you talking
about the bathroom?

That's up to you.

(door closes)

Well, we can't stay here.

We have to get word to
Rhonda and Milligan.

And the children.

No doubt their worry
will soon lead to action.

I've seen enough.

Let's take the
opportunity... to escape.

(birds chirping)

Twenty-seven, twenty-eight,
twenty-nine, thirty.

I think he's got it.

Based on the distance
between these doors,

this stateroom is larger than
any others we've been to.

That would make sense since we were
all going to be staying together.

(lock rattles)

Wow, sweet room.

Okay. We should really
look for the clue.

- I'll look in the fruit basket.
- I'll check the bedroom.

Wow, a map of Oceania.

Guys, the clue. Anything?

- One of the books is inverted.
- KATE: What?

It pushes air, wow.

That can't be it.


The clue is up here.
Turn off the fan.

(both chuckle)

Oh, I'm sorry. I think
this is our room.

This is very uncomfortable.

They said the guests who booked
this suite never boarded.

We're on our honeymoon,
so they upgraded us.

Tom, why don't you quickly go
talk to that nice man, Cannonball?

- He'll clear this up.
- No. You stay. We'll go.

- Great. We're very tired.
- Wait.

Are you sure you want a
room with the ceiling fan?

A lot of people
don't like those.

Everybody likes ceiling fans.

Well, if you can't make dessert,
serve them a cheese plate.

That's considered very classy.



This ship is known for
its tower of pastries,

for its freshly cured gravlax.

- How can we have no sugar?
- It's an unforgivable oversight.

I assume you're here about the
stowaways, but you haven't found them.

I'm sorry, Captain.

I hear their
laughter, Cannonball.

I hear those hyenas
and their jokes.

You rupture just one supertanker
and it follows you forever.

Nobody mentions that the
channel map was out of date

- with a hundred-year fog.
- Um...

That sandbar was not
supposed to be there.

(sighs deeply)

Good news.

I did return two minors
to their parents.

Curious thing,

one of them claimed that the
ship's not traveling at max speed.

No, our speed is fine.
The sugar is the disaster.

Add in the stowaways and
there's a perfect storm brewing.

I cannot lose this post,
Cannonball. I'm deeply in debt.

Regrettable, but...

I was trying to protect
your feelings earlier.

The XO is often unfairly
scapegoated in these scenarios.

We both need them found.

I will escalate this
to Situation Alpha.

And list all crew.

REYNIE (sighs): We shouldn't
be out and about like this.

We're too exposed.

Like a baby gazelle undeveloped.

Exactly like that.

Guys, we handled Cannonball. No
one thinks we're the stowaways.

- Enjoy the raw bar.
- Kate's right.

We need to eat and
that couple will too.

When they come here, we sneak back
into the room and get the clue.

Until then, blend in.

This is vulgar and decadent.

- Sticky.
- Hooves.

BOTH (in foreign language):
Amicitia vera illuminat!

Sticky 119, what's up?

Guys, this is Marcus Hoover.

We're in a few clubs
together at Boatwright.

Hm! Clubs.

- So, how are you doing, Hooves?
- Great.

Just doing a quick tour of
Offshore Wind Farms with my mom's.

- Who's this crew?
- Oh, right. Sorry.

This is Kate, and
Reynie, and Constance.

We're on a scavenger
hunt, very science-based.

Collecting mineral deposits,
assessing water table levels.

That sounds awesome.
Right up your alley, 119.

- Okay, what's with the 119?
- Sticky's so smart,

they're gonna name the
next element after him.

- There are currently 118 elements and...
- We got it.

- This guy's a legend.
- No, you're a legend.

Oh, come meet my folks.
They love talking geology.

You feel too much. It
will get us killed.

You... process.

I can't let this
opportunity go to waste.

Evening, Kate Weatherall.

Played a bit of polo
myself. Loved the game.

Hm. We enjoy the game, too.

That is why we play
it... for a living.

Cool. So, who's the goalie here?


Yes. That is the
position I play.

I prevent goals from
being scored in our net.

Now that we've answered your
question satisfactorily,

We will get back to
dinner... as a team.

So, Bauer, should I use my
lead hand or my trail hand

to get out of the water
more for high corners?

Lead hand. Always and forever.

BENEDICT: This is... nice.

Oh, my. Just one moment.

- Oh, that's easy.
- You know, even like a small amount

of beetroot powder would
increase blood flow

- to your muscles and maximize the...
- Please, stop harping on my fitness.

If not now, when?

(sighs deeply) I'm sorry.

Just tell me we gotta
get out of here.

Whatever your brother brought
us here for, it's not good.

I know. I just wish I knew how.

How is he making
people this happy?

- Endorphin boosters, implanted microchips?
- Nothing is beyond him. Nothing.

He's always been obsessed
with being liked. Obsessed.

I mean, perhaps he's mastered
the art of persuasion.

Or simply, it's his charisma that
got him here, but I don't think so.

I think it's something
more... Hello.

- Hey, guys.
- Sebastian, yes?

- Indeed.
- Yes.

- Wow, you look so much like your brother.
- Oh.

- And almost as sweet.
- Well...

You must be so proud of him.

I'll tell you before I met
Dr. Curtain, I was living in São Paolo.

I was on the beach.

I had a great job, friends, money.
And yet, I was so deeply unhappy.

I couldn't figure it out.
Then I read the book.

- Watched the video.
- Oh, my.

(giggles) And now, I'm
here. It's a miracle.

Are you all right?

Nothing some sunlight
and smiles cannot fix.

- Or sports massage?
- Love your humor.

Come, walk with me.
It's so beautiful out.

- Oh, we're on our own hike. I'm sorry.
- Yes.

Understood. I'm absolutely thrilled
our paths have crossed here.

- (in Spanish) Hasta luego.
- Hasta luego.

(sighs deeply)

The brochure touted your
house-made pastries,

the jams, a compote bar.

- Was it all a lie?
- I apologize.

Global supply shortages always
impact the cruise industry first

and in this case...

It's really fascinating

because I'd always assumed
the trail hand gave more lift.

Total game changer.

Good evening, girls.

Good to see you again in
a less fraught situation,

back together with your...

- They're our brothers.
- We're their cousins.


We're a blended family.
We don't love labels.


What wonderful parents you
must have. And where are they?

They ate some bad prawns.

He's got a smokey pyramid.
It's very adorable.

Bad prawns? How awful.

- Hello, good evening.
- Hi.

Yes. They were in distress.

We should actually
go check on them.

WOMAN: Hi, good evening.

Let's hurry up.

That couple could
be here any minute.

I'd say we have at
least 45 minutes.

Shortcut bucks.

Thirty-seven mean
anything to you?

Of course. It's my
favorite number.

You know, other people on
the ship actually respect me.

Guys, Mr. Benedict made this
specifically to be solved together.

We won't be able to solve
it if we're fighting.

We should respect human death.

"Look up to the stars.

Take wing to the sun."
Signed, "Mr. Benedict."

All of the chips have
a star on one side.

And they each have two numbers.

STICKY: Look up to the stars.

Look up to the stars. Look up...

It's a grid.

If we use the south wall and the
west wall as our X and Y axis,

we can plot our points using
the number pairs on the chips.

Like plotting a course on a map.

More like pre-algebra
graphing, but sure.

What's the first coordinate?

Five, ten.

There. What's the next one?

(engine rumbles)

So much of the
time it's just fun.

And then we're arguing.

Arguing about plunge routers,

or fixed base routers,
taxonomy, or orange juice.

I'm so confused.

It makes me think, did Kate
escape to find Benedict

or was part of her
trying to escape from me?

ANNOUNCER: Just a bit of light
chop for the next few minutes.

Make sure those seat
belts are fastened.

I just thought that once we were
reunited, it would all be simple again.

- Well, it's not.
- It's hard.

It's hard.



(crickets creak)

Oh, big fence.

Your faith in me is inspiring, Number
Two, but I'm not an accomplished climber.

Just do what I do. Pretend
you're an angry howler monkey

and at the top of the fence is the
person who stole your jackfruit.

Both motivation, helpful.

- (electricity crackles)
- (grunts)

(breathes deeply)

The numbers are robust, sir.

We're blamed for target after
target. It's all happening.

Should I call S.Q. out
for the next stage?

No, S.Q.'s on a walkabout. It's
a journey of self-discovery.

We have to respect that.

All is good. We're on track.

- (door bangs open)
- Electric fence?

You can leave us, Marlon.


An electric fence.

Oh, whatever happened
to free will?

"Choose happiness.
Choose your own path."

It's a defensive fence.
We're protecting the vibe.

The vibe. Everything
about this place is a lie.

I've tried to reach you.

I've tried to acknowledge
my part in your pain,

- but all you can do is...
- Nicholas, I've moved on.

(breathes deeply)

Listen to me.

You are holding on to
an outdated view of me.

That is the source
of much unhappiness.

This sadness is a choice.

You're changing your
cadence and your frequency.

Sadness is so isolating.

Why not manifest
something more healing?

Orchestrated movements.
Sequencing my rods and my cones.

Make a choice. Choose happiness.

No, I see what you're doing.

You're using neurobehavioral techniques
to trigger chemical releases in the brain,

creating an elevation of mood.

It's brilliant, isn't it?

Brilliant? It's deplorable.

You're creating an artificial
state of happiness.

People seem to enjoy it.

It is a complete disconnection
from true emotion.

Who's actually gonna benefit
from all that except you?


It's so disappointing
to see you turn to envy.

I'm not jealous.

I'm heartbroken.

You don't have to be.

You can be happy.

Goat yogurt and berries
for breakfast tomorrow.

You'll be teeming
with flavonoids.

Perhaps that will open
you up to new ideas.



(crickets creak)

Now, what?

Which one is the sun we fly to?

We're running out of time.

Zinc sulfide.

You're not the only
scientist, George.

Cannonball, what do you know
about home equity lines of credit?

Nothing, sir, but I've
identified the stowaways.

Finally, something to celebrate.

Are they rotting in the brig?

I don't have them in custody
yet, but the hunt is on.

It's a constellation.

Sure, but which one?

"Take wing to the sun."
Is it a bird, a sunbird?

No. It's Apollo's bird.

Apollo was the god of the
sun, and his bird was Corvus.

That's the constellation
for Corvus.

That's supposed to be a bird?

The Greeks were
terrible artists.

Why would he show us Apollo's
bird? We're looking for a location.

Because the train station in
Lisbon is the Santa Apolonia,

which translates
to Saint Apollo.

I'm a ferroequinologist. A
railfan. There's a lot of us.

I bet we use that key
at the train station.

Great job, guys.

And you can make fun of me,
but we did this together.

No one's gonna make fun of you.

(ominous music)

(closing theme music)

(engine revs)