The Mysteries of Laura (2014–2016): Season 2, Episode 16 - The Mystery of the End of Watch - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Z!@ ~ Am@n :- S2-16:The Mystery of the End of Watch


MAN: He's got a gun! MAN 2:
Officer down! Officer down!

I repeat, officer down!




Justin, this is Detective Diamond.

My mom...

she got hurt?


Were you and my mom friends?

We were.

She bragged about you constantly,

how proud she was of you.

[SOBBING] Moms have to say that.

They don't, believe me.

She meant it.

Justin, is there someone that
can come and stay with you?

I know that your dad hasn't been around.

My grandma lives at Rye Brook.

Okay, I'll... I'll call her.


I know.



You've watched it two dozen times.

At this point, I don't even
know what we're looking for.

I said again.

MAX: Black, no sugar.

Skinny, half-caf, two sugars.

Peach-berry Oolong with soy.

Holler if you need me.

You know, I'm worried about Max.

He's barely reacted to any of this and

he's usually the first
one that loses it.

Maybe he's processing it in his own way.

We all are.

- Hi.
- Jen.

Hey, is everything all right?

Can we talk?

- Hey.
- [SIGHS] Not here.

I came as soon as I could.

At first, they just said,
a detective from the Second,

and I couldn't help but
think, "What if it was you?"

I'm fine, I wasn't even there.

No, I know.

Jake, when you told me
about your health issues,

you said you didn't want
us to have any secrets.

And I meant it.

So, I should tell you, when I
heard about the shooting, it hit me.

I don't wanna lose you.

I don't wanna lose you either.

And I know it's too soon,

but this, you and me, it feels real.

I don't want it to end.

Wow! Okay!

I just became every clingy
girlfriend cliche in the book.

You have my permission
to run for the hills.

There is no running required. I get it.

So you don't think I'm completely crazy?

I didn't say that.

This feels real to me, too.

Finally, ballistics report is in.

Okay, give me something
concrete, please.

Murder weapon was a .308
caliber sniper rifle.

CSU found a spent shell casing on
a rooftop 70 yards from the podium.

Ballistics thinks there could have been

major drag resistance
on a shot that long.

In which case, the shot
would have fallen mid-air.

Fallen or shifted laterally.

Up to six inches per the estimate.

Okay, so what? Shooter didn't miss.

What if he did?

Laura is inches from her head.

If the shooter didn't
account for drag...

I was the target?

Possibly. It's okay to be scared.

I'm not scared, I'm outraged!

I'm going to destroy the
son of a bitch who did this.

- We gotta find him first.
- Well, it shouldn't take long.

In the last 18 hours, someone has
threatened to kill me exactly once.

You're dead, you hear me? Dead!

Jimmy Chun? He's already in custody.

But he's got an entire network
of criminals at his fingertips

and that bastard's gonna tell
me which one pulled the trigger.

Hey, hey, hey. Laura.

He is already in central booking.

I'm sending Billy and Meredith.

If that bullet really was
meant for you, he may try again.

He killed my sister's boyfriend.

Then my boss.

You want me to sit on my ass and hide?

I want you to be smart.

Let me go send them.


Who the hell is this?

- Jimmy Chun.
- This isn't Chun. Where is he?

Says Chun right here.

What's your name, hipster?

Your real name.

Calvin. Calvin Wu.


We released Calvin Wu hours ago.

Son of a bitch.

They swapped IDs.

Where's Jimmy Chun?

He walked right out your front door.


♪♪♪ "The Mysteries of Laura 2x16" ♪♪♪
♪♪ "The Mystery of the End of Watch" ♪♪
♪ "Original Air Date on March 2, 2016" ♪

Z!@ ~ Am@n

It wasn't my idea, all right. I swear.

I assume not. But why let some
sketchy stranger talk you into it?

He's not a stranger.

You know Jimmy Chun?

Recognized him.

Anyone from Flushing would.

So he made you an offer
one neighbor to another?

Like I had a choice?
He's a scary mo-fo.

Didn't wanna end up like his ex.

I'm assuming you don't
mean broken-hearted.


Few years back, she
dumped his ass, right?

Then came after him for alimony.

No one's seen her since.

Seem to know a lot about this guy.

Got an idea where he might be?

I don't.

And I don't want one.

Jimmy Chun is a ghost.

"Ghost" is right. Zero
real-estate holdings,

no credit cards, no cable bills.

Even his phone is
registered to a henchman.

- His phone?
- I've already tried.

It's seriously encrypted.

It's gonna take TARU at least three
days to get through the lock screen.

Lock screen's all we need.

Oh, wow. He looks brand new.

Ten days.

Calvin said that Chun's wife
disappeared a few years ago.

That means he's got a new
baby mama stashed away.

We got a name?

We don't. But I know
where this baby came from.

I would hope so. You have two.

Which hospital, smart-ass.

Each maternity ward swaddles
newborns in a different blanket.

The twins were born at Mount Sinai.


Chun junior has cars and trucks.

Queen's General.

How could you possibly know
that off the top of your head?

Just wait a few years.

You're gonna get so
many birth announcements,

you're not gonna be
able to find your fridge.

Chun said that his kid
was born ten days ago.

And it's been two days since the arrest.

Max, call Queen's General,

get the name and address of every woman

who gave birth to a baby
boy exactly 12 days ago.

Can do.


How are you?

Ugh, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Laura, they tried to kill you.

- Our Captain died in your arms

and you had to tell her son.

I'm gonna ask you again.

How are you?

I'm devastated, exhausted, numb.

This is one of the worst days of
my life and I just feel really low.

You're not alone.
We're all here with you.

I know that, I just, um...


It just would really be good
to have someone to hold on to.

Nine baby boys born

- twelve days ago.
- Ah.

And only one that does not list
the father on the birth certificate.

Kathy Contreras. Has
to be Chun's baby mama.

Okay, text me the address.

Um, uh, I can't let you go.

Did Jake put you up to this?

You're angry, I get it.
But it is too dangerous.

Billy and I are on it.

Bring him in.

- [SOFTLY] NYPD. Don't move.
- Where's Jimmy? Where is he?

NYPD! Freeze!



- Gun!

Hands behind your back.

You're under arrest for the
murder of Captain Nancy Santiani.

I got nothing to say, especially to you.

Oh, I know.

Just wanna let you know that
your girlfriend's down the hall

being processed as we speak.

- Processed for what?
- Harboring an escaped prisoner.

That's criminal facilitation.

That wasn't her fault.
She had no choice.

Doesn't matter, Jimmy. She's
going away for a very long time.

Such a shame you can't
bring a baby to prison.

What do you wanna know?

Only one thing.

Who murdered my boss?

No one I know. That wasn't me...

Okay, you know what? I gave you a shot.

I hope your kid likes government cheese.

What do you want from me?
It wasn't me who took that hit out.

But it was a hit.

Just some rumors on the street.

Someone looking for an experienced
shooter to take out a cop.

Oh, and it was just a coincidence

that the same day
that you threatened me,

someone else put a hit on my head?

That hit wasn't out on you, Diamond.

It was on your boss.

They got who they were aiming for.

Who would want to kill Santiani?

It's unlikely this
was connected to a case

she oversaw in this command.

So, a case from back in the day?

Could be.

Or something personal.

I never talked to her
about anything but the job.

She wasn't exactly an open book.

Well, now we have to open it.


BILLY: Looks like a great kid.

She adored him.

Look at all those photos.

BILLY: But none of his dad.

Jake should be grateful
you still keep up

a few snapshots of him
up around the house.

Oh, I want the kids to see their dad

and she didn't.

Sounds serious.

Ugly divorce.

- The ex? He was abusive.
- Hmm.

Sorry to keep you waiting.

We have family coming in from all over.

There's been a lot to coordinate.

I am Val. I am Nancy's mom.

- Billy Soto.
- So sorry for your loss.

- Laura Diamond.
- Ah, Detective Diamond.

Nancy rarely talked about work,

but she sure did mention you.

[LAUGHS] I'm afraid to ask.

She said you were stubborn as hell.

And she respected you for it.
One strong woman to another.

It means a lot you've come.

Of course.

While we are here, we would
really like to talk to Justin.

Well, he hasn't been out of his
room all day. Not even to eat.

[SIGHS] This way.

Oh, shoes, please? Carpet.

- Definitely a Santiani.
- Mmm-hmm.

- Sweetie?


Can we come in?


My God!

Where is he?

Where is he?

Ladder on the grass.

You think he might have snuck
off or wanted some time alone?

How'd he get the ladder up here
if he hasn't left the room all day?

Okay, did Justin have a girlfriend

or maybe some buddies of
him might have come by?

I don't think so, no. No girlfriend.

And what teenager goes
anywhere without his cell phone?

Justin didn't sneak
off, Justin was taken.

Jake Broderick, Ma'am.

Nancy took over for me as
captain when I was injured.

I am so sorry.

None of Justin's friends
have heard from him.

I just lost my daughter.

can't lose him as well.

What do you know about Nancy's ex?

Vince? Oh, just that he
was a piece of... [SIGHS]

He is a bad guy.

He could never hold down a job.

He has a violent temper.

MAN: Broderick.

We will find your
grandson. You have my word.

- Where's Vince now?
- I don't know.

Nancy had full custody.

In fact, just last month

she found him lurking around outside.

She got an injunction to make
sure he keeps his distance.

And it's about damn time, too.

Classic scenario. Ex-husband
hit with a protective order,

resents being kept from a child.

So he kills the mom and
then comes for the kid?


Crime Tech's got workable
prints from the ladder.

They're on their way to the lab.

You okay?

I hated Santiani

from the second she
walked into the precinct.

Because she did things her way?

Because she did things my way.

Jake and I will comb the
neighborhood for witnesses.

Get back to the precinct, lean on
the lab to fast-track those prints.

- Will do.
- The dad's got him.


Laura was right. Prints
on the ladder belong to...

Drum roll please?

Okay, no drum roll. Vince
Deluca, Justin's father.

Okay. How does a bum like
that afford a hit man?

Maybe he's his own hit man.

From that distance with no military
or law enforcement background?

Yeah, a hit man that well-trained
will cost a lot of money.

So, the question is, where
does the money come from?

- BOTH: A loan.
- A loan, yup.

Great minds.

Start with pay-day advance
store-fronts. They'll lend to anybody.



Santiani's ex is a real winner.

You don't know the half
of it. Check the flame out.

Divorced, pair of DWis, bankruptcy.

Most recent gig was driving a truck.

Port of New York and New Jersey.

Port is a roach motel for criminals.

Everything from stolen
goods to human trafficking.

I buy that. Vince's life spins out,

he turns to crime.

Mmm, good theory.

I wanna high five you but, I don't
wanna get too handsy in the work place.


- Found something that fast?
- No, but yes.

Vince Deluca applied for a loan

at Quick-Bucks, Flatbush, this week.


Big no on the loan.

Big yes on a current address.

NYPD. Anybody home?

LAURA: Wow, this takes, uh,
divorced dad-pad to a whole new low.

JAKE: Somebody packed up in a hurry.

Speaking of stenchy dad-pads,

has, uh, Jen gotten
a whiff of yours, yet?

Some people aren't as judgy as you.

- Whoa, whoa, dog.

Good dog. Good dog.

Good, good dog.

Maybe he didn't hear it the first time.

You got a better idea?

Hi, Cujo...

You like Mexican? Have it to go.


How long has that burrito
been in your purse?

Ah, don't worry about it.


Certainly looks like

Vince cares about Justin.

Kidnapping is an odd way to show it.

7:00 a.m., spin class.
8:30 a.m., precinct.

9:00 p.m., home.

Santiani's schedule.
Vince was stalking her.

This goes back for weeks.

Maybe this was his way of
giving the shooter a window.

JAKE: 300k. And a list of
dates next to dollar amounts.

Hit man payment plan?

Well, circumstantial at best.

We're still no closer to finding
Justin than we were eight hours ago.



Go home. Get some sleep. You
haven't slept in two days.

I can't. Not until Justin's safe.

Laura, the whole city
is searching for him.

You said it yourself,

Vince cared for his son. He wouldn't go
to all these lengths just to harm him.

I know.

Last year, when you were on leave...


Santiani booked a vacation.

Justin wanted to see a rocket
launch at Cape Canaveral.

Two days out, she cancels.


Justin's bio final was pushed up.

She said the trip could wait.

They'd get down there soon enough.


I found these in Justin's drawer.

Two tickets to Florida

for next month.

She thought she had time.

We all do.

Life is feeling so fleeting.

Believe me, I've
thought about it all day.

All year.

Go home. Kiss the boys.

Tuck them in.

Some things can't wait.


- Good morning, Mommy.
- Good morning, Mom.

Uh, good morning, alien creatures.

Aunt Lucy made us cereal.

She did? I'm impressed.

Yeah. Found a recipe online.

All right, boys, Alicia's
gonna be here in ten,

so I want those teeth brushed,
faces washed, flies zipped...

- BOTH: No.
- Uh-uh.

Not a discussion. Scoot.

Okay, I don't know who those
kids are, but I'm keeping them.


[SIGHS] Oh, yes, please.

Barely slept since the press conference.

Oh, my gosh, the press conference.

I forgot to ask. Did the boys...

Don't worry. The second I heard a shot,
I flipped it to Adventure Time.


My remote game is on point.

God, how do I thank you?

I don't know. How about
you let me crash on

your couch and eat your food...
Oh, wait.

I'm serious. You really,
really have helped me out.

I only got through the last few days
because I knew the boys were safe.


You thinkin' about your boss?


[SOFTLY] Her son...


He was kidnapped and I'm
scared we're not gonna find him.

- You will.
- I don't know.

He had the most over-protective
mom in the world

and she couldn't protect him.

All right, listen. I've been
an aunt for about... [SIGHS]

Three days, so, basically, an expert.

A parent can only do so much.

I mean, there's no way that you
can just keep track of your kids

in every hour of the day.

Justin gave me an earful, too,

but ever since I lost him in Walmart,

I track him 24-7.

That's it.

I know how to find Justin.

Uh, can you make sure the
boys get off to school?

Of course.

[CHUCKLING] I'm crushing
this whole family thing.

- JAKE: You got a minute?
- Sure.

Just hoping something jumps
out of me from all Vince's crap.

What's up?

What the hell is that?

It's a ring.

For Laura?

What? No. For Jen. My girlfriend.


Okay. [CHUCKLES] Isn't it a
little bit too early for that?

Ever since I was shot

I'm not 100%, Billy. I never will be.


You, you never said anything...

[SIGHS] For a long time,
I kept it from Laura, even.

Which is partly why she moved on.

But I have been completely
upfront with Jen.

She knows that I might live
a long time, but I might not.


- You think I'm crazy?
- Little bit.


Look, I mean, if she makes you
happy, then, I'm happy for you.

Thanks, man. Who knows,
maybe you'll be next.

- LAURA: Meredith!

Come on, we're hacking
into Santiani's computer.

- LAURA: Should have seen it earlier.

She insisted on tracking me at the
airport and then Justin's bracelet.

She had a bead on him at all times.

Which means, she was logging
in from work at this computer.

Even so, I can't crack her password.

I've tried every personal
detail I could think of.

Kid's birthday, middle name.

- [CHUCKLES] Of course none of those work.
- Why not?

She'd never use a personal
detail in her work password.


Right in my ear.

Hey, what's with him?

He hasn't cried once.


Have personnel send over the
impossible-to-remember password

that they gave Santiani
when she started here.

Oh, and Maxie...

- You need a break or something?
- Nope.

What, you don't think the
Captain still used that password?

Any normal person would change
it 10 minutes into the job.

Good thinking.

Four, three, little G,
big P, eight, two, one.

- And we're in.

If we weren't in
mourning, I would say...


To each his own.

MEREDITH: Here we go. Kid finder.

- MEREDITH: It's working.

We got him.

Far Rockaway.

JAKE: Gas and electric. Hello.

- Emergency services, hello...
- What do you want?

We have reports of an
outage in this area.

Mind if I come check the meter?

Actually, I do.

It'd just take a minute.



Where's Justin?

- Dad?
- LAURA: Justin.

Z!@ ~ Am@n :- S2-16:The Mystery of the End of Watch

Z!@ ~ Am@n

- Stop! Get off him!
- Are you hurt?

- What are they doing to him?
- It's okay. You're safe now.

You're under arrest for kidnapping.

You don't understand.
My dad didn't kidnap me.

He was trying to save me.

Look, my dad and my
mom had their problems,

but him and me, we're good.

- So you're in this house willingly?
- Yeah.

Justin, if that's the case, then why did
you disappear out your bedroom window

instead of just walking
out the front door?

Well, I asked him what
was going on, but he said

the more I knew, the
more danger I could be in.

My dad wouldn't lie to me.

JAKE: Nice view.

Too bad it's not yours.

My old boss,

he invited us up a few times.

I knew it'd be empty for the winter. So.

[SIGHS] I thought it'd be safe.

I understand the desire to
protect your son, believe me.

But what were you so worried about?

A cop gets shot out of the blue.

You never know why.

You never know if they're
gonna come after the family.

Vince, Nancy being shot
is an unbelievable tragedy,

but to think your family is in danger,

that's a bit of a stretch.

Unless, you know something
you're not sharing with me.

I don't.

I'm telling you the truth.

Then I'm sure you'll agree to
take a polygraph to prove it.


Thanks again for the
last second string-pull.

Of course, I mean, what good
is an on-staff polygrapher

if you can't loan him to a friend?

Thanks. Okay, right this way.

Hey. Nice outfit.

I like you undercover.

Oh, I will keep that in mind.

You know, you didn't have to
bring him down here yourself.

I know.

So, after work tonight,
you and me, late dinner?

- Yeah, really?
- Mmm.

With everything that's happened?

- It's important.
- Okay.

Well, then, it's a date.

- Is your name Vincent Deluca?
- Yes.

Are you the father of
Justin Santiani Deluca?


POLYGRAPHER: Did you kill your
ex-wife Nancy Santiani?

- VINCE: No.
- It's a spike.

Do you know who killed your
ex-wife Nancy Santiani? -[SIGHS] No.

And another. He's lying.

Agreed. By omission.

- Meaning?
- He's hiding something,

but this guy didn't kill the Captain.

Ex-spouses kill each
other all the time.

And this guy, he hit her.

I know he did. But he's scared.

Were you involved in the plot
to kill Nancy Santiani? -No.

JAKE: Spike number three.

Another wrong answer.

That's because he's being
asked the wrong questions.

Interruptions jeopardize the
effectiveness of the examination.

Already not so effective.

Hey, eyes here.

Do you feel responsible
for your ex-wife's death?

I asked you a question, Vince?

Do you feel responsible?



That appears to be the truth.

What happened? From the beginning.

You don't understand.

My son is in danger.

Well, then you're talking
to the right people.

From the beginning, now.

I swear on my son's life, I never
expected this to blow back on Nancy.

- I thought they'd kill me.
- Who are they?

The Nolan Brothers.

Eddie and Richie.


Richie and Eddie Nolan.

Full background and last known address.


They worked the docks,
down at the Pier 34,

where I've been pulling shifts

every now and then for
the last couple of years.

I'm guessing they do more than
punch the clock and hold cargo.

They skim off the top
of shipping containers.

Imports, exports...

- Where do you come in, Vince?
- I am just the lookout.

I've never stolen anything
in my life. Hand to God.

How'd it go south?

I fell asleep on watch.
Missed the window.

And they never got their haul.

Since it was on me, they said
I owed them the full take.


- Hell of a take.
- VINCE: Yeah.

Electronics, computers.

I told them I didn't have
50 bucks to my name.

I paid them over time, you know.

- The payment plan on your fridge.
- Exactly.

Apparently, that wasn't an option.

They just wanted me to
magically come up with it.

All of it.

And since you couldn't,
they went after Nancy. Why?

Edward Nolan. Former Army Ranger.

Dishonorably discharged. But
before that, he scored a badge.

- Marksmanship.
- He's gotta be our shooter.

But if Eddie could take
the Captain out himself,

why'd he put out word on the
street looking for a hit man?

Plausible deniability.
Deflects suspicion

from Eddie himself. It's smart.

Strange leverage to go
after your estranged ex-wife.

It wasn't exactly like that.

The Nolans had a cousin, NYPD.

Died at the line of duty.

Oh, my God. The insurance.

Son of a bitch.

What about the insurance?

Santiani's death benefits.
That's what this was about.

VINCE: They said regular
cop gets $500,000.

They figured a captain
must get twice that.

If you failed to warn Nancy, that
makes you an accessory to murder...

I had no warning. This is all on them.

Only reason I know is 'cause
they called me last night.

Said my son stood now
to inherit that money.

And that because he's a minor, they
figured that I'd be the inheritor.

If they called that fast,
they want something fast.

$25,000 as a good faith down payment.

They said I could walk into a bank
today and they'd loan it to me.

Uh, with the insurance
money coming in and all.

And if you don't?

Justin would be next.

[BLOWS] That's why you
grabbed him and ran.

Listen to me.

I know what you must think of me,

but believe it or
not, I love my ex-wife.

And I sure as hell love my son.

I will do anything to
make those bastards pay.

Well, you're about to.

Running's no longer an option.

You're gonna help us take them down.


JAKE: Alpha One is in position.

Sight lines are clear. Roll call.

Alpha Two in position.

Alpha Three in position.

Don't get comfortable.

Targets are incoming.

Repeat. Targets are incoming.

Let them land.

If the delivery beats them,
it might draw suspicion.

JAKE: I have eyes. Target
has landed. Your call.

LAURA: Reminder. We are sitting tight
until we get an admission of guilt.

The murder charge has to stick.

What if the Nolans don't own up to it?

Five minutes of me,
they'll wish they did.

Well, let's hope it
doesn't come to that.

Go, deliveryman.

Roger that.


Is that what I hope it is?

Not here. Let's take a walk.

Damn it. I lost my sightline.

- Same.
- LAURA: Hang tight.

I've still got eyes.

VINCE: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey...

Come on, it's all
good. I got the full 25.

Lift up your shirt.

Lift up your damn shirt, Vince,

unless you're wearing a wire,
in which case, better to run.

- We're blown.
- I'm ready to move in.

LAURA: Hang tight.

A wise woman we all worked for once

told me to hope for the
best but plan for the worst.

Which inspired me to put the
mic where the sun don't shine.

Dozen more of these and we'll be square.

Come on, Vince. You know what to do.

You didn't have to do this.

I would have been good for it.

Hey, you should be thanking
us for plugging that bitch.

Now, she's your sugar mama.

LAURA: There it is. Move in!

NYPD! Freeze!

Freeze! Freeze! Don't move.


LAURA: They're rabbiting!
All units, move in.


Flying blind here.

Jake, cut left.

Billy, straight ahead.
Meredith, two rights.

- He's doubling back.
- MEREDITH: And so am I.


She said freeze.

LAURA: Jake, forklift on your right.

You want me to climb up it.

Now, fast.

What now?

What goes up must come down.


There's a ladder right next to you,

but dive-bombing works too.


It's all over.

Vince really helped catch those men?


He loves Justin.

So, Vince told me that
you'll now have custody?

Nancy specified that in her will.

It makes sense with Vince's history.

But maybe you'll let him stop
by for a visit, now and then?

Look, Justin has
already lost one parent.

I'm not gonna keep him from the other.

- Worst kind of get-together.
- Worst part of the job.

Everything all right with Justin?

It will be.

MAX: Hey, 30 seconds.

Hey, hey, hey, Max. What's going on?

You've been strangely
stoic through all of this.

Someone has to keep it together.

- I'm Mr. Positive, right?
- No.

No one has to hold it together.

Not even Mr. Positive.


WOMAN: [VIA RADIO] Central to 359...


Central to Captain Nancy Santiani.

We thank you, Captain, for your
leadership, your compassion,

your generosity of spirit in serving
the people of New York and this country.

Central to the 359.

Central to Captain Nancy Santiani.

Central to Captain Nancy Santiani.

Captain Nancy Santiani is end of watch.


Wish me luck.



What's up?

I'm about to violate every
rule of bro code under the sun.

But there's something I gotta tell you.



Rough day?


It's okay. It's okay.

[VOICE BREAKING] No, it's not.


It's gonna be.

Jake is proposing to Jen tonight.

What the hell?

Didn't he just start dating
that chick like a month ago?

So where does he get off proposing?

- I don't get it.
- I do.

He nearly died last year and now

our boss dies. It's just...

Life is feeling so


And it just makes you wanna just...

Seize the moment

by the balls.

[VOICE BREAKING] And I pushed him away.


Okay, I guess I get it.

He's going all in.

It's actually kinda romantic.

Oh, screw that!

The guy spent four
years as my boyfriend,

two years as my fiance,

10 freaking years as my husband!

We have history.

You can't just kick that
to the curb for a woman

who wasn't even a blip on
the radar last New Year's.

Right, but you said it yourself.

- You pushed him away.
- [SOBBING] I made a mistake!

Then fix it.



Seize the moment by the balls.

Stop him.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Do you have a... Oh.


Oh, my God. Laura.

Is something wrong? The boys?

They're fine.

Do you have a sec?

Laura, you're scaring me.

[CHUCKLING] What... What is it?

Everything's okay.

everything is not okay.

What is it?


Don't do this.



He apologizes, by the way.

But he's known me
longer, so he could see...

[SHUDDERING] What I couldn't see myself.

Which is?

[SOFTLY] I'm still in love with you.

Now you tell me?

I'm sorry, I know, I know.

I know, I...

I've put you through hell, I know.

You know what, I'm not sorry because
you put me through hell and back.

But you know what? I can't...
I can't go through that again.

I can't just stand on the sideline

and watch you start a
whole new life without me.

'Cause that would be hell.

[CHUCKLES] No offense,
but your timing sucks.

You know why I brought Jen here.

What do you want me to do?

I want you to take that
ring out of your pocket

and kindly throw it out the window.

I want you to send Jen packing

and then I want you to come home.

And get into bed with
me and never ever leave.


[SHUDDERING] Say something.

JEN: Guys.

What's up? Can I help?

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