The Mosquito Coast (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 3 - Talk About the Weather - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
That must be it.

Thank you.



You're expecting us. Allie.

Follow the guy.





- Good to see you.
- Good to see you.


You look good, considering.

Still sore I introduced you
to your husband?

Well, couldn't be happier.

- This is Charlie and Dina.
- Dina.


I can see your father in you.


Gracias, Fermin.

You guys must be tired.
Shall we get you to your house?

Come on. Follow me.

I know it doesn't seem like it,

but everyone here is just like you,

forced to leave everything
behind to rebuild with us.

We stood against the world's destruction,
and now find refuge at Casa Roja.

But I do need you to be aware that this
is not a hotel or a wellness retreat.

This is a working community.

So, we'll give you a few days to settle in
before we discuss work rosters.

Talk tomorrow. Have a good night.

I'm sorry if it doesn't seem to be
what I promised.


it's never easy
to arrive somewhere at night.

Tired, you're dirty and hungry.

And these people,
they don't trust strangers.

But… we won't be strangers here for long.


Morning, Silvia. Not many today.

- Great.
- Okay.


- Uh-huh.
- Yes, Silvia.

- Sí. Sí. Smart.
- Smart. Smart.

Yes. Thank you. I'll go find Charlie.


- Bonjour.
- Bonjour.

- Hola.
- Hola.

How's it going?

I hate this thing. I want it to die.

Well, not until you've gotten milk.
Otherwise, Silvia's gonna kill me.

- Have you seen your brother?
- No. Do you want me to find him?

Sure, once you've emptied the goat.



It's pretty crazy, right?

How they traveled 3,000 miles
from the US and Canada just to breed here.


It's insane.

You know they sleep together like that
to keep each other warm?

How long have you been out here?

Shit, have you been out here all night
in the jungle?

Rain forest.

Anyway, it's time to go.
It's your turn for breakfast.

You're in the shit with Silvia.




You spent the night in the jungle again.

Some of it, yeah.

Nice to see you're enjoying it.

I love it too.
Have since I was a little girl.

Much younger than you.

How far do you go?

On your travels?

He doesn't go far.
He stays safe and whatever.

Good. Good, 'cause I need you
to be careful to not stray too far off.

Specifically, to not be seen.

- You understand?
- Of course.

Just remember, stay on this side
of the big rock formation to the north,

and the lake to the west. Yeah?

That should give you enough space to roam.

After all, you're not an alux.

- A what?
- An alux.

- What's that?
- Look it up. We have a library.







Come on.

- Where've you been?
- Looking at butterflies.

- Again?
- Yeah, there was more today.


There's a breakfast roster,
and you're still on it. Go shower.

- Wait, I have to help Dad with...
- Yeah, after your chores. Look at you.

Go shower.


Did you tell him anything?

No way. Not yet.

Jesus fucking Christ!

- Hey! Language!
- It's cold.

Yeah, well, suck it up. It's good for you.




So, does this remind you of home?

Us preparing breakfast together like this?

Not really.

I miss home sometimes.

I miss my books.

But it's nice. I think Dad was right.

Well, he usually is.

- I'll tell him you said that.
- I'll deny it.

Are you okay, Dad?

What have you been doing?
I haven't seen you in, like, two days.

Yeah. Just been busy.

Now I can breathe. I belong here.

Told you this place would be something,

What it is. What it can become.

What about you kids?
You guys holding down the fort?

If you call looking at butterflies
holding down the fort.

I'm gonna need you guys
down at the dock today.

Magdalena's coming in. That means work.

But we got the books.

I stripped down the generator.
I can't find anything wrong with it.

- What's the problem?
- It's just a thousand years old,

chewing through gas.

- Morning. Mind if I join you?
- Yeah.


Dina, I hear you're making progress
with the goat.

I guess.

I still think I, sort of, stick out
like a sore thumb, though.

You shouldn't. You're one of us.

Everyone around here has
come through the same difficult journey.

Silvia, from the kitchen,

she was protesting the destruction
of a howler monkey's habitat.

An American corporation wanted
to clear the land to grow avocados,

so the local Mafia shot her three times.

Over avocados?

Oh, yeah. There's big money in avocados.

Silvia lived, her husband didn't.

And Anjelica, Anjelica was trying
to prevent another multinational

from dredging sand and stone
in the Usumacinta River.

And Cristina...

She lost five family members

defending ancestral land
in the Sierra Tarahumara.

So, as you can see, very specific
injustices have brought us all here.

Is refuge permanent?

Or do they get to go back
and face their demons?

That depends on their demons.

But what keeps us safe around here
is community, solidarity.

Plus, a little bit of secrecy
and a lot of caution.

So, trust your dad.
I think he's got it covered.

By fixing soccer lights?

- You better believe it.
- Football.

And around here, people believe
it's a matter of life and death.

But I can assure you
it's so much more important than that.

See? We're all a team here.


I don't really play soccer.



- Defend.
- Okay. Okay.

- Nombre?
- Charlie.

Charlie. Adalberto.

- Adal.
- Adalber... Adal...

Call me Adal.

- Adal? Okay.
- Adal.

I see you figured out how to divert
the water to your engine.

You know how to read my elevations?

Yeah, Dad. I know how it works.

You're wasting all this copper.
Why not just fix what's already there?

Well, everyone's praying to that altar,

but Maximón isn't
gonna breathe life into that hunk of junk.

The sun will outlast us, though.
So, I'm gonna build a solar-based engine.

- What's up?
- Nothing.


Something must be up.

I was just wondering who we speak to.
You know?

About what?

About my passport.

Get to this place. Get a passport.

That was the plan.

Just need a little more time, honey.

Yeah, of course.

I know it's not happening tomorrow,
or anything, so…

So, what is the plan?

- "The plan"?
- The plan.

What's the plan?

The plan. Everybody needs a plan.

- What's the plan?
- Get back, basically.

Find a place to stay.

- What about money?
- I can find a job, Dad.

I've been working for you
for 15 years for free.


It's… gonna happen, right?

The way you said it was gonna happen.

It's gonna work out.

Yeah. I just gotta… figure out when
I can afford to lose my best employee.


Cool, then.


- Hustle. Come on. Okay?
- Okay.


Hey, Adolfo.

Buenos días.

Hey, Ridley.

How's it going, kid?

Pretty good.

So, where's the top banana?

The what?

The big cheese.

I think he's on his way.

Yeah. I bet.

This is the last of the vegetable oil.
All bought and paid for.

Are you guys planning some kinda cookout?

Who knows?

Dolfo, make yourself useful.
Help the young woman out.

Sure, yeah.

- It's okay.
- No, I got it.

No, no. It's fine. I got it.

There's magic everywhere

When you're young and in love

You source this stuff discreetly?
No paper trail, nothing like that?

Why, what do you care?

Looks like you bought a whole library.
What's it for?

I don't know what to tell you.
I guess we're a family of readers.

I've just been wondering,

does Isela know about
the antics your boy pulled back in Mexico?

Vamos, Charlie. Charlie!

Charlie, come on!

I didn't even touch him.

It's like my dad's specialty.

A thousand and one uses
for old cooking oil.

Not here. Just, come.


How often…

do you use this stuff?

So far?


I get bored sometimes.

Of course, I get that. I mean…


Not me, I don't even smoke weed.

I did stuff when I was a kid…

But I started exercising.

Running and working out.

It makes you feel better.

You should try it.

Ditch this bullshit.

It makes you feel better, I swear.


But, don't tell my dad about this though.

Dina, por favor.


Better get back to the oil.

Hey, but if…

you're still bored, we could…

- hang out.
- Yeah, sure!



When are you coming back?



Ridley cut a deal with Isela
to buy your dad's boat.

My dad's trawler?

Isela's trawler.


I guess no one owns anything here.

Or everyone owns everything.

Either way, Isela looks after it.

We won.


I feel like I could actually be
a pretty good goalie.

I mean, if I kept practicing
and learned some stuff.


Yeah, it's good.

Go get your mother.



Mom, come on.

Dad needs you!

So, where's the fire?

There's no fire.
Dad just wanted me to come get you.

What? Now? Why?

I don't know.
He just said to come find you.



You come in here for a second?

I mean,
we could get you a laptop or something.

There'd be no Internet, but…

Oh, my God. It's beautiful.

Right? Here.

Desk's a little crude. I made it.

Satisfying action, right?

They really knew
how to build those things.

I have a whole bunch of ribbons too.
You'll never run out of ribbons or paper.

I want you to be happy here.

It was a rough start,
but there's a good life here.

I don't...
How long have you been planning this?

I don't know. A while.

I know you miss it.

It was just a thesis.

No, it was more than a thesis.
It was a book, and it still is.

Sure, maybe. A small press at best.


It's not much of a library,
but it's a start.

I don't know what to say.

Well, the way I figure it,

you got, maybe,
one more chance to answer the question.

Come on.

These people can't be worth all this.

Where'd they go?

You really don't know, do you?

You really don't know where they went.

Why did you tell me that you did?

Think you're just making an easy buck?

How easy is that looking now?


we lost 'em.

I'm sorry.

Lucrecia, still there?

Now, what just transpired...

I know I let you down.

And it's not like you didn't warn me
what might happen,

so on that front, we're good.

But it's looking
like our contract has timed-out.

Well, okay then.



They're selling the trawler.

What do you mean? Who... Who's selling it?

Isela to Ridley.

Mom, we need to leave tonight.

We're not ready.
We've got less than 200 gallons.

- And?
- And it's not enough.

But it's enough to get away, right?
I mean…

- we can just improvise the rest.
- Oh, yeah?

You know who improvises? Your dad
improvises, and look where that got us.

We have no choice.

We're not getting out of here
any other way. He won't let us.

It's now or never.

We just need him to sleep.

Oh, yeah, good luck with that.

He sleeps with one eye open
like a goddamn dolphin.

You can give him these.

Where'd you even get these?

- A guy.
- Yeah, what guy?

- Adolfo.
- The boat kid?

Jesus fucking Christ, Dina.
You don't even know him.

He thinks they're for me.
He won't tell anyone.

We can't do this.

Mom, we never asked for this.

I mean, we never even wanted it.

This is his thing, not ours.

And Charlie needs help.
Like, serious help.

He can't stay here.

None of us can.

You're right.

I'm gonna get us out of here.

You deserve to have a life.


Wait, it's gonna be better.


I told you.

Charlie. Charlie!

Hey. Did you guys see that?

We're so proud of you both.

We should do something
to thank your father.

What, like a celebration or something?


What do you think? A family thing.


Why don't you grab some drinks?
See if they have any.

Yeah, let's go. Let's do it.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- It worked.
- Yeah.

Now you can power your houses,
cool your refrigerators,

whatever you want.

So, now might be a good time
to talk about the trawler.

What about it?

We sold it.

Are you serious?

We needed the money.
Ridley's picking it up tomorrow.

You don't need it.

You're here now.


Anyways, if you need anything from it,
you should go get it tonight.

- Hey.
- Hey, Dad.

Here. Cheers.

What's all this?


Oh, yeah?

- How'd we get that?
- You got your son to thank for that.


Just asked around.

Traded with this dude named Alejandro.
He has, like, tattoos and all that stuff.

Traded for what?

Like, a week of kitchen work.

- Cheers.
- Yeah, cheers.

Come on outside.

I wanna show you something.

Come on.

Come on, guys.

Come on, Mom.

I don't get it.

Isela was gonna sell her.

So... Been together with us a long time.

So, now she's gonna stay here with us.