The Mole (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[suspenseful music playing]

Can I be honest?

That's all we're asking for.

You screw up in a lot of the missions,

and you go unnoticed.

No one ever points the finger at you,
and I'm pointing the finger at you now.

Like, I have to call it out.

So I'm calling a spade a spade.
I don't trust you.

And my gut is telling me that...

you're the shithole Mole.

[tense music playing]

I am thoroughly enjoying dinner.

Joi hits Jacob with an uppercut
and KO'd him.

That is a lot of last-minute
accusational finger-pointing,

that's for sure.

It sounds like someone is definitely
trying to cover something up

or cover her own tracks,
to be honest with you.

Let's face it.

Joi has been the bottom of the barrel
for most of the missions.

I mean, she caused the most money lost.

I'll give credit where it's due.
You've brought a lot of money back.

But you've still been

the shit on the bottom of the shoe
for most missions.

The complete screwup of all of them.

[scoffs] Wow.

I wanna know, what is your game?

My game is to win.


[Avori] This game is just getting ugly.

So, I'm trying to step back
and not be a part of that.

Greg and Will bring in the most money.

Jacob brings nothing in.

I didn't lose us a lot of money either.

[Greg] Joi just came out of nowhere.

She knew what she was doing
when she sat down at this dinner.

I totally get where Joi is coming from

because nobody puts the heat on Jacob.

He hasn't really stepped up and won money

with his own two hands.

Jacob is definitely on my radar.

[Avori] As a tactic for playing the game,

it's not smart to call people out
in front of everyone,

because that tells people
what you're thinking.

So, I have to think that
Joi isn't suspicious of Jacob,

and that's why she called him out,
as backwards as that seems.

Or Joi's the Mole
and she's just trying to deflect.

You all are playing this game
as individuals,

but you are also playing it as a group.

And as a group,
you have won $20,000 in Sydney,

and your pot stands at $69,500.

You guys are winning big money.

Congratulations, guys. Good job.

[Joi] Thanks, Alex.

Now, you know what lies ahead.

[suspenseful music playing]

You will be taking a quiz
with 20 questions

about who you believe to be the Mole.

The person who knows
the least about the Mole

and gets the most number of wrong answers

will be eliminated immediately.

So, with that, are you ready for this?

Let the quiz begin.

[suspenseful music continues]

[Joi] I think maybe Will is the Mole.

So, my purpose in throwing
Jacob under the bus

is to take the scent off of Will

and to put it onto Jacob
and to confuse everybody.

This game is about deception,
lies, bold moves,

taking risks,
and that's exactly what I'm doing.

[William] I'm going into tonight's quiz
not positive who the Mole is.

Avori's doing her very best
to look as Mole-like as possible.

She could very well end up being the Mole.

Can you take off your shoes
and show us your feet?

I'm not gonna take my shoes off
in the middle of a conversation.

[William] You never know.
Like, you think you know.

It could be the person you least suspect.

[Kesi] Joi is the loudest voice
at the dinner table.

I'm calling a spade a spade.
I don't trust you.

[Kesi] She throws punches like no other.

She loves to play with how people think.

It could be a diversion tactic
for herself being the Mole.

[Avori] There's always questions
on the quiz you don't know the answer to,

so you have to take a shot in the dark.

But the most challenging part
is deciding whether I want to split votes

between Joi and Jacob.

And right now, I really feel like
Jacob is the stronger one in my mind,

but I'm not ruling out Joi either.

[Greg] I'm feeling really nervous.

I was confident
that Kesi could be the Mole.

Going into this quiz tonight,

Jacob is also on my radar.

But if I change my mind now,
I could blow it.

[Jacob] Joi's gameplay is mass confusion.

I mean, she loves to try
to confuse the other players,

and she's very good at it.

You're the shithole Mole.

[Jacob] Her potential
to be the Mole is still there.

She loves to stir the pot.

[Alex] It's that time of the night again.

Elimination time.

If your phone lights up green,

it means you are safe from elimination.

But if it lights up red,
it means you have been eliminated

and you must leave immediately.

I will enter your names
in no particular order.

Are we ready for this?

[tense music playing]


[Alex] The first name I will enter...

is Joi.

[phone chimes]

Still on.

Jacob, your name is next.

[phone chimes]

The next player
to find out their fate is Kesi.

[phone chimes]

And Greg.

[Greg] My heart is beating so loud.

I can just feel my heart
pumping in my chest.

[phone chimes]


[Kesi] Holy crap.

[William] With such fewer people,
these odds are getting very slim

and the margin for error
is getting even slimmer.

[Greg sighs]

- I played my game.
- You did.

And I think...

I think she got me.

I felt like my strategy was working, but...


I don't know if Joi's the reason that
I'm standing out here with you tonight.

[Greg] No matter how easy it is to lie,

you don't have to.

You can just be yourself.

And me making it this far
is proof of that.

- [Alex] You spoke your truth.
- [Greg] Exactly.

[Alex] And you played the game
on your own terms.

- Tell everyone I said, "Bye!"
- [Alex] Travel safe.

You will be missed.

Five of us.

How wild is it?

Final five.

[Joi] It's like playing a game of chess.

I'm strategically placing
everybody where I need them.

I'm the mastermind.

I'm here to win this bloody game.

[Alex] With the competition
entering its final stages,

the players are staying in Sydney,
the largest city in Australia

for an epic game of hide-and-seek.

- Hi, guys.
- [William] It's super cool.

- Morning, Joi.
- Howdy, y'all.

- Ugh.
- You guys look well-rested.

- [William] Good morning.
- Good morning.

- You got me coffee? You do love me.
- [William] Mm-hmm.

- I made it myself. You're gonna enjoy it.
- Taste this first, Joi.

[all laughing]

[Kesi] Y'all are ridiculous.

[Jacob] There's only four people left.

Plus the fifth person
which is the Mole, so...

the Mole's probably walking
on eggshells right now.

We're getting so close to the end,
everybody wants to win.

We're fighting a lot harder now.

- [Joi] There's Mama Alex.
- Hi, guys.

- [Joi] Hi.
- [Alex] Oh, man.

- There's so few of you.
- Yeah, it's weird.

We're getting to the pointy end
of this competition, right?

- Yeah.
- [Alex] Okay.

Well, I don't know how it's been
for you guys right here,

sleeping next to Sydney Harbour,

but this is really one of the most
beautiful cities on the planet.

- Agreed.
- [Alex] And it is huge.

Which makes your next mission
extremely challenging,

because you'll be searching
for one single player,

hidden in this city
of over five million souls.

The hidden player's attention to detail
will be critical to your success.


the first thing you're going to need to do
is pick the person among you

who is the most observant.

Who here notices the little things?

I think I'm very observant.

I don't like anybody
who volunteers for anything.

- I think Avori will do a good job.
- You don't think I will?

I want to see how Avori does.

[Jacob] I think Avori would be good
for this role because

the girl's brain and mind never shuts off,
her wheels are always turning.

I mean, I don't trust
anybody in this game,

but I think she's one of our best options.

I might have gone with
the most trustworthy person.

- What do I know?
- Who would that be?


[Jacob] Of course you'd say yourself.

[William] If they don't trust me,
it doesn't matter.

What matters is if they'll listen to me.

Do I trust Avori in this position?

I wouldn't trust Avori
to pass me the salt and pepper.

If she is the Mole,
she could sabotage the whole thing.

How about we take a vote?
You can't vote for yourself.


Who's your vote for?

- I'm gonna go for Kesi.
- [Alex] Okay.

Kesi, who's your vote for?

I'm gonna go with Will.


[Avori] I am just sitting there
really hoping that my teammates pick me,

because they know that
I pay attention to every detail.

But I say Jacob because

I don't want to give
another person two votes.



[Alex] Who's your vote for?

- My vote's Avori, so two for Avori.
- [Alex] Okay.

Avori has the most votes.

If she's the Mole, I'm gonna look like
the biggest fucking idiot.

Decision made.

You have 90 minutes
to complete the mission,

and perhaps most importantly,

there is $10,000 on offer
for your prize pot should you succeed.


[Avori] Bring it on.

Let's make some more money.

Avori, it's time for you to exit
to begin your part of the mission.

- We got this, guys.
- [Jacob] Bye, honey.

Have a good day.


I'm super excited
to be going on this mission.

I don't know what's gonna happen,

but hopefully
I'm in charge of my teammates.

Avori's gone off on her merry way,

and that leaves you four.

Now, you must all find her
in the allotted time,

but to give you a chance
to work closely with one other player

and watch everything they do,

you guys are going to need to pair up.

So, choose your partner carefully
and watch everything they do.

Because you never know.
He or she could be the Mole.

Me and Kesi or me and Jacob?

Or you two?

[Joi] Even though Will
could very much be the Mole,

I must keep an open mind
on the other players.


Yeah, that works.
I've never worked with Will, so...

- I'll take the big dummy.
- I'll take the bigger dummy. [chuckles]

[Jacob] He's so competitive.

It's the perfect cover-up, perfect story.

Nobody suspects him,

so he could easily sabotage me
and our mission.

Jacob, he's still here,
which is impressive.

But as far as putting money in the pot,
I'm almost positive he is highly allergic.

I trust you, Kesi.
I trust your observation, so...

We got this.

[Joi] Kesi could very well be the Mole.

She's done bad in previous missions.

I have to keep my eye on her.

She's suspicious to me.

[Kesi] I think working with Joi
will give me an amazing opportunity

to see how she works.

Nowhere to hide,
and everything for me to see.

- We got this.
- We do.

[Alex] Okay, so the teams are
Will and Jacob, and Joi and Kesi.

A taxi is waiting out front for each team.

You'll be taken to your starting point
where you'll be contacted by Avori.

Got it?

Good day, my friends.

[intense music playing]



[Joi] We have a whole bunch
of goodies in here.

- A phone.
- A phone.

[Alex] Joi and Kesi, you will start
at one of the highest points in the city.

Use the binoculars provided to find clues
that will lead you to Avori,

and then use your key to free her.

Ooh. Wait, this is crazy.

Oh, we have a key.

- [Kesi] Get out of here.
- Yeah.

- Let's go.
- Yeah.

- [Kesi] Observation deck?
- [Joi] Yeah.

[Kesi] This is insane.

[wind blowing]

[Kesi] Holy crap.

Where would you put someone in Sydney?

Oh, my God. Hold on.

There's a key.

Ooh. Okay.

- Let me...
- Oh, okay.

[Alex] Jacob and Will, you will be taken
to a pizzeria downtown,

where you'll have
to figure out how that location

is connected to Avori's hiding place..

But remember,

both teams need to reach Avori
within the time frame

in order to win the mission
and bank the money.

And we've got our first stop.

It's off to Bill and Toni's.

- We just have a seat?
- Are we supposed to talk to her?

[William] Ma'am.

We're looking for our friend.

Her name's Avori.

- I don't know anyone by that name.
- Haven't heard or seen anything?


Do we order something? Do we sit down?

[suspenseful music playing]

[Alex] Avori.

Remove your blindfold.
The mission starts now.

[Avori] This is disgusting.

This is feral.

I'm in a birdcage.

[Alex] Avori, welcome to the birdcage,

which is hidden somewhere
in the city of Sydney.

You can't escape without the keys,
which are being held by your teammates,

and they can only find you by acting
on the information that you provide.

Everything you need is inside the cage.

There's a cell phone.

I guess I'll just call group one.

- Royal Botanic Garden.
- Finger Wharf.

[phone ringing]

- Hello.
- Hey, Avori.

- Hey!
- Where are you?

Hey, I am in a pigeon coop.

- What? [laughing]
- A pigeon coop?

- Think you're at Royal Botanic Gardens?
- What?

No, I'm in a pigeon coop.

- Okay, yeah.
- Wow.

So, right now we're at the, uh,
what's called the Chifley Tower.

- Yep.
- And we're standing at the very top.

I really have no idea where I am.
All I know is that

I have like a little flyer

about homing pigeons
in front of me and a pizza box.

It says...

"Jim Vascos, known locally
as Pigeon Jimmy,

has been flying

homing pigeons for over 40 years."

Oh my God. Wait.
They're flying in circles above me.

Okay, guys, do you see
a bunch of pigeons flying in circles?

They're flying above me.

Flying in circles?

Yeah, look-- Use your binoculars.
Look for pigeons flying--

I saw that.
It's over here, Kesi, somewhere.

- [Kesi] Circles? Are they white?
- How many?

[Avori] Yeah, yeah.

- I see that.
- I see one.

But how many?

They're flying in circles right now.

Oh, is that it right there? Kesi, look!

Kesi, give me the binoculars.

[Kesi] Let me just
check this one more time.

Look, there's one here.

- Oh! There's two.
- No. Kesi, look!

- But that's not a circle.
- But they're pigeons.

They are flying in a circle.

It's over here. It has to be over here.
You see that guy?

I'm gonna check in with
the other group real quick.

They were literally flying in a circle
over in this open green field.

Do you see him in a red shirt?

He's letting them go
with pigeon coops over there.

[Kesi] Give me one second. Uh...

Why is it so freaking hard
to see him over here?

[Joi] I was thinking, "Are you stalling?"

"Let's go. Let's get Avori."

I believe the "Ah,"

dingy Kesi is part of her strategy,

and I think she's doing it pretty well.

I wasn't born yesterday.

I'm onto her.

I'd say this:
how about we flag two places?

And check both. How about that?

Let's try the Domain first.

Please just follow me.

[Joi] If we don't find Avori
in the allotted time,

we are going to lose $10,000.

Come on!

[phone ringing]

- [William] Hello.
- Hello.

Avori! You've got Will and Jacob.

Okay. Well, I am in a pigeon coop.

[both laughing]

Caged like an animal. Okay.
Anything else you can tell us?

[William] Can you see anything?

Um, there's a bunch of bird feed
around me and a pizza box.

- [William] Does it say Bill and Toni's?
- Yup.

So we're at Bill and Toni's.

[Avori] There's a ticket
on the top of it that just says,

"Pepperoni pizza plus chili for Jimmy."

[Jacob] Okay, on that pizza box,
is there an address on that ticket

that has all the information?

[Avori] No.

Do you have an order,
a pepperoni pizza plus chili for Jimmy?

[woman] No orders for that.

[sighs] This is ridiculous.

It's got to be something
staring us in the face.

[Jacob] Can you tell us
where you've delivered to today?


- Waiting on your next order?
- Nothing.

- Nothing?
- Nothing.

We still have absolutely nothing.

If you guys could hurry up,

that'd be great.

[Jacob] Well, the problem is
we've got nothing here.

We've got no way to get to you.

We've got no information.
We've got absolutely nothing.

I think Jacob slows down every mission,

but that's because Jacob
does not have, like, a high-speed gear.

What could we not have found

that we could possibly have asked for?

- [Jacob] Excuse me, miss.
- [woman] Yes?

Am I allowed to see
your pizza boxes there?

- Sure. Here you go.
- Thank you.

[Jacob] I feel like a complete idiot.

- There's a phone number on this box.
- Okay.

Have Avori call the number
on the pizza box,

order the exact same thing
to the exact same place Jimmy ordered it.

[Avori] Okay, cool.

God bless his soul.
Jacob has his first good idea, like, ever.

And it's because it's so simple
and just completely backwards,

you're like, "It can literally work."

There is no number on the pizza box.

I gotta call the girls.

[phone clatters]

- [Joi] Let's go.
- [Kesi] Wait.

- Let's go!
- Wait, I see him!

- You do?
- Yeah.

This way.


Is there a shed close by
where you would keep pigeons?

Um, I keep pigeons.

- You do?
- Yeah.

Can you tell us where Jimmy's shed is?

I can't tell you, but I've got
three birds left to release,

and one is going to Jimmy's shed.

You can have a look.

[Alex] Congratulations, Joi and Kesi.

You have decoded your first clue.

Homing pigeons are trained
to return to a single location,

and one of these
will fly straight to Avori.

Bitch, how you follow a bird?

[Alex] All you have to do
is follow its tracking chip

using the phone you've been supplied with.

But if you pick the wrong bird,
your mission is over.

[Kesi] This one's white.

This one has a burgundy thing
on its right leg.

- [Joi] Really?
- Yeah, you see anything over there?

[Joi] Hey, Avori.

How's it coming?

We're trying to figure out
which pigeon to let go

because it's gonna guide us to you.

We have three birds to choose from.

What do the pigeons look like?

I literally have a picture
of a pigeon in front of me.

That's why I'm asking you
to describe what you see.

- You have a picture?
- What color?


The pigeon's name is Champ.

And he is a prized pigeon.

[Kesi] Describe what you see
the pigeon looks like.

[Avori] It's got a white neck.

Uh, there's a dark patch
on the back of its neck,

and the tip of its tail is black.

This is really difficult.

[man] We'll move on to the next one.

[Avori] The wing goes
from lighter to darker.

It's gray in the middle with black tips.

[Joi] Kesi, look.
I feel like this is the bird.

[Avori] And the tip of its tail is black.

It's blotchy.

It's got dark patches above the left eye.
Its legs are mostly white.

- [man] Do you wanna look at them again?
- [Joi] Yeah.

This one is...

It's a bit different than these two.

- In what way? Because of the feathers?
- [Joi] The everything.

Are you Champ, champ?

See? He wanted to go! That's him!

That's him!

- [Kesi] Joi, I don't think it's that one.
- Which one do you think?

I think it's this one.

I don't want to go off that one.

I'm not leaving. If we release that,
you're on your own.

She did not want to take no for an answer,

and that's suspicious
and it's Mole-like behavior.

We're gonna freaking miss out on $10,000.

[Kesi] I've actually never seen her
that determined before.

I felt strongly about my pigeon,
she felt strongly about hers.

But I just didn't trust Joi
in that moment.

I noticed that a lot of times...

she makes decisions
that don't fare well for the group,

and I didn't want that
to happen this time.

We'll just Rochambeau.

What? Who plays
rock-paper-scissors for $10,000?

Paper, rock, scissors, shoot.

- This one.
- Okay.

What's your decision?

[Joi] We're gonna go with this one.
I beat her.

- Let it go.
- [man] Really?

[Joi] Let it go.

[man] That's the tracker.

[Kesi] If we're following
the wrong one, it's over.

- Okay, we're here.
- Okay.

And we have to follow it there.
Let's go to the taxi.


[Kesi] God. I hope this is right, Joi.

Okay, we're on our way to get you.
I hope that we are.

So you guys are following
a pigeon to me right now?

[Joi and Kesi] Yeah.

See you, guys, if you get here.

Take a left onto...

Goulburn Street.

[Kesi] Oh, I'm so nervous.

I lifted the pizza box up,
I'm checking it again, and...

There is a number on the side.

How did I not see that before?

[phone ringing]

Hi, Bill and Toni's.

Hi, can I place an order for delivery?

[woman] Sure, what would you like?

Can I get a pepperoni pizza with chili?
And the name on that is Jimmy.

We have a lot of customers called Jimmy,

so I need more information.

[Avori] So I'm reading through
this newspaper article,

and there is a pigeon named Champ,

and he's raised by a man
named Jimmy Vascos.

Uh, Jimmy Vascos.

Yes, he's our regular.

It's Avori, calling the order in.

[woman] All right, we'll put that through
and send it to your usual address.

Thank you. Bye.

Oh my God! I can't believe that worked.

[phone ringing]

Let me guess. You just placed
an order for Jimmy.

[laughs] I did.

Okay, how'd you get the number?

It was literally on the side
of the pizza box.

Like I said.

It was definitely suspicious.

It could have been sabotage,

or it could have just been
blatant ignorance.

We're just hoping that if this pizza
you ordered goes to the right location,

we'll follow the delivery driver.

Yeah, it should go to the right location.


- Okay, bye.
- See ya.


Did I not ask her
if there's a phone number on that?

I don't wanna hear it.
That was your choice to be in there.

Why Jacob would select Avori,

uh, is interesting considering
we all know Avori's track record

with wanting to mess things up
and look suspicious.

It's exactly what I told you.

Hopefully this was the longest part,

and when we get there,
we just open the lock.

[woman] Pizza for Jimmy Vascos is ready.

Usual address.

Thank you.

[Alex] Congratulations, Will and Jacob.

You have finally unlocked your clue.

But move fast, players,
because you are running out of time.

- Please follow this guy in the red.
- [Jacob] Stay on him.

[Alex] It's critical you watch carefully.
A big city means a lot of pizza.

[Jacob] What the hell?

- Did you notice that?
- I did.

Okay, so now there's two.

[Alex] So don't take your eyes
off the prize, even for a second.

[William] What the fuck?

What are we doing?

[Jacob] What is happening here?

Just keep going. I got you.
I'll tell you where to go.

Just keep going in this circle.

- Ours is the guy in the front.
- Yeah, I got him.

Keep going in this circle.

Keep it going, keep it going.

Keep going, keep going, keep going.
Keep going. No, keep going.

Stay with-- Right here. Keep going, now.

Go straight.

[William] I know our time's running
very short at this point,

but now at least I feel like
we have a shot in hell.

[Avori] How close are you guys?

[Jacob] I have no idea where
this delivery driver is going to.

There's no way to tell.

[Avori] Okay, because we only have
about four minutes left.

It's coming up.

Do you see it?


Did we pass it?

- [Kesi] The dot's here.
- [Joi] Where?

Kesi! I'm right here!

[Joi] Huh? Avori!


[tense music builds]


- [Joi] Oh, amazing.
- Yay!

Where are you?

The guys are on the way.
You guys chose the right pigeon.

- We have to both be here to win the money?
- Yeah.

They need to let Avori out.

I don't think the boys are gonna make it.

And... the mission's over.

- No boys.
- [Kesi sighs]

- [Joi] Thank you, sir.
- They're here.

- [man] Came as fast as I can.
- I know.

So $10,000 down the drain.

Here's your pizza.

What happened?

We sat in a pizza place
waiting for a pizza order.

You said there's no number on the box.

I honestly didn't see
the number on the box.


I heard Jacob ask her.
He said, "Avori, can you place the order?"

"Is the number on the side of the box?"
She said, "There's no number on the box."

He said "on the box."
He didn't say "on the side of the box."

- Same thing.
- [Avori] He said "on."

Are we gonna say it's different?

I'm standing above it.
The box is sitting on the ground.

You ask me if there's a number on the box
and I don't see a number on it.

Got it.

I could see the number on the box.

Avori is extremely smart.

So when you want me to believe

Avori couldn't think
about picking up the pizza box

and checking all four corners,

that's not even Mole behavior.

That's purely idiotic behavior.

They were late,
and we didn't get the $10,000, so...

All that needs to be said.

Maybe I didn't see the number on the box.

Maybe I did.

Maybe I'm the Mole.

[Jacob] I mean,
the Mole was definitely successful today.

We didn't bank $10,000,
so that's always a win for the Mole.

[Alex] With the accusations flying,
it is time for another elimination.

But first, a last supper
for one of the players.


- This is so cute.
- Oh my God.

- [Joi] It's just so cute.
- There's champagne or wine.

[Joi] Tonight, I mean business.

I called Jacob out
and got into Greg's head.

Time to play some more mind games.

- Fabulous five.
- May we thrive.

Hi, friends.

- [Jacob] Hi, Alex.
- [all] Hello.

[Alex] How was your day?

- Interesting.
- Interesting? Tell me about it.

First and foremost,
I would like to apologize to Jacob

for calling him the shithole Mole.


I don't think it's Jacob, Alex.

And I truly am apologetic for what I said.

I'm gonna be honest, Alex.

Um, between Avori and Kesi,
I think I got a pretty good idea

on who the Mole is.

Especially Kesi, I'm gonna focus on you.

Like, this was our first
one-on-one mission.

You've made so many bad decisions.

- I don't trust you.
- Ooh.

You dropped the ball from the beginning.

- There's one here. There's two.
- No. Kesi, look!

- But that's not a circle.
- But they're pigeons.

There are flying in a circle.

Kesi, give me the binoculars.

We've been playing this game for a while.

It's interesting to see
who always throws shade at this table,

who's so concerned about

diverting attention
in different directions.

That's noteworthy too.

It's a strategy to call out people
that you aren't suspicious of

to try and throw other people off,
so that's really not working.

That's something the Mole would say.

[Avori] If you take the quiz tonight
for me, then you will go home.

I'm not the Mole.

[Alex] I don't know you guys
are gonna volunteer this,

but has anybody come to this dinner
thinking, "I'm gonna lie tonight"?

You guys know that I cannot lie at all.

Joi, the amount of times
you've lied to my face...


Maybe I tell half-truths, but I don't lie.

I don't think anyone should feel bad
lying in this game.

Raise your hand if you haven't told
a lie in the past eight missions.

Maybe I'm lying. Who knows?

That's the game, though. That's the game.

I don't believe any of these people.

I think they're all liars.

Liars, truth-tellers, whatever you are,

tonight everyone is going
to have to take a quiz

as part of the elimination process.

With that, the time has come.

Let the quiz begin.

Good luck.

[suspenseful music playing]

[William] The most recent mission failure
obviously comes down to Avori,

but there's so many possibilities
which I see that Joi could be the Mole,

and it's been in my face the whole time
and she's been playing me

when I thought I was playing her.

I think she's played a phenomenal game,

somebody so smart, so cunning, so sly.



This is really good.

[chuckles] Yeah, could be Joi.

[Avori] I have said
it's either Jacob or Joi.

You have Joi who started out
not completing any missions.

This is the river, right?

Okay, so that means we're too far down.

[Avori] Pulling out 25 grand.

The bid of $25,000 was made by Joi.


[Avori] And then slowly
has claimed herself as a team player.

And then you have Jacob
who somehow is still surviving.

The Mole knows all the answers to
the quiz because the quiz is about them.

So the fact that Jacob doesn't observe
and doesn't ask questions

makes him really suspicious.

My hunt for the Mole gets cloudier.

It just depends on the day.

Avori's one of those people that
is always trying to confuse everyone.

There is no number on the pizza box.

[Jacob] You can't trust a word
out of her mouth.

It could have been sabotage on her behalf.

It's a tough call.

[Kesi] I think the Mole is Joi.

She likes to keep us on our toes.

She often is lying.

She's often throwing out accusations.

And it's gotten her
really far in this game.

[Joi] Will could 100% be the Mole.

He masks himself as being
competitive and wanting to win.

I'm sorry, Will.

I know you want to go so badly.
I know. I'm so sorry.

[William] Dumbest thing I've heard.

[Joi] But it's all an act.

Will wants to steal
the money from the pot.

[chuckling] I love being right,
and I hope that I'm right.

Um, but we shall see.

[tense music playing]

[Alex] Let's get down to business.

The final results of the quiz
have been tallied.

As you know,
when I send through the results,

your screen will light up with a message.

If it's green, it means you're safe.

But if it's red,

it means you have been bested by the Mole,

and you must leave immediately.

First up tonight is Avori.

[phone chimes]

Next up is Kesi.

[phone chimes]

[Kesi] I feel good about who I went for,
but you never know.

If I'm wrong, it could be me tonight.


You're next.

- [phone chimes]
- Uh-oh.

Every quiz we take, I'm always nervous
I could be the one going home.

It could be my last night or...

you might have
to deal with me till the end.

We got two of you left.

Jacob and Joi.

The last two in a very, very tough round
of competition.

One of you is going home.

It's been a hell of a run.

I've come this far,

and I'm so invested in this Mole universe,

and being eliminated this late
in the game is going to be devastating.

What do you think, Joi?

[Joi] If I make it past tonight,

I know exactly what I need to do
to get myself to the end.

I'm winning this game.
No questions asked.

Next up...

is Jacob.

[phone chimes]

[tense music builds]

You are at the literal peak of the game.

Welcome to the final four!

[Kesi] Let the best woman or man win.

Kind of a dark horse in this race, huh?

[Avori] I can't.

I seem to keep sticking around.

[Kesi] We should just leave it.

- Avori!
- We're not gonna make it.

[Kesi] The Mole is here.

And there's only three other people.

- Come with me.
- Come on.

The Mole has nowhere to hide.


[Alex] This is the moment
we have been waiting for.

Who is the Mole?

[closing theme music playing]