The Mole (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[tense music playing]

[Alex] Those of you who didn't look
at the dossiers yesterday

have been offered the chance
to bid for an exemption.

Whoever wrote down the highest amount
will be safe from elimination

if he or she can correctly identify
a player who looked.

But the money that was bet
will be deducted from the prize pot,

which currently stands at $28,500.

In this game, the longer that you're here,
you get to know people.

I'm thinking $2,500 to $5,000.

I don't really know who's willing
to put more on the line.

The highest bid tonight was for…


- What?!
- [Avori] What?!

[Dom] Yo…

Holy shit!

That's nearly, like,
everything we've earned.

[Pranav] $25,000?

I cannot believe that someone
in their right mind bid that high

just to get a single exemption.

[Alex] The bid of $25,000…

Was made by…


Joi, 25 bands?!

[Dom] Is this a typo?

Did you mean 2,500?

I'm just in shock right now.

Like, you literally almost
couldn't have gone higher.

It's just not even logical.

It's not fun. It's not understandable.

There's no justification in this world
to do something so outlandish.

Joi, you have anything you wanna say?

I just wanted to secure
another day in the game.

[Alex] Okay. Remember, Joi.

You chose one person who
you suspected looked at the dossiers.

Yo, I pray to God you wrote my name down.

[chuckles] And you're wrong about this.

[Jacob] I'm hoping Joi is wrong.

I'm hoping, "Oh no, that was
the highest bid, but it was wrong."

"So the next bid is $5,000."

[Alex] Joi.

Who do you think looked?

Please say my name.


Oh shit.

- Do you all think Greg looked?
- Yep.


[William] If anybody was to read
the dossiers, it would be Greg.

He's not a team player.
He's not here for the right reasons.

He plays for himself.

Now my heart's sinking.

I gotta know if Greg did it.

Joi, if Greg did indeed look
at the dossiers,

you win an exemption,

and $25,000 will be taken
from the prize pot.

If Greg didn't look at the dossiers,

you will not win an exemption,

and no money will be taken
from the prize pot.

Should we look at the tape?

Oh, please.

[suspenseful music playing]

I don't think I'm gonna look
at any of them.

And that's my decision.



At the same time,

if I look in here

the information in here
will help me on a quiz

and move me ahead in the game.

No, bruh.


[Greg] So…

I have to. I have to. I'm gonna look.

- [Dom] Come on, bro!
- [William] Greg!

He did.

[Alex] Joi.

You've earned yourself an exemption.

Thank you.

$25,000 has now been removed
from the prize pot.

[Dom] I'm here to bring
this money back to my mom

and to change her life.

So for all that to just
be thrown away like that,

who would do this?

It sounds like you guys
have a lot to talk about.

So I will see you later for dinner.

We have $3,000.

[Joi] 3,500.

[tense music playing]

We'll win it back, guys.

[Dom] You spent $25,000!

And you think you're gonna say,
"I'm gonna win it back"?

What is the game play
you're playing right now?

Because it's not
the same one we're playing.

No, I mean, I'm here to win money
just as bad as you guys want it.

- [Avori] That's not true.
- Like I said…

Every single mission
you've been in has failed.

If that's your game play, like, stop.

At this point, you've contributed
nothing to the pot.

Every single mission I've failed?

Yes, every single mission
you have done has failed.

If Joi is the Mole,

well played.

If Joi is not the Mole,

I have lost all respect.

I still would like to know
the answer to the question,

what is your game play?
What is your plan moving forward?

What is the game play?

Because at this point,
it's us against you.

I don't have to give you
my game play, Avori.

We'll make the money back.
We'll make it back.

And I'm sure a lot of people think
that I'm suspicious, I'm the Mole,

which is fine by me
as long as I get to the end.

At the end of the day,
The Mole is a game.

And I'm here to win it.

[Greg] This was a gutsy move by Joi,

and I can't help but love
the drama that's going on.

Nobody's looking at me.

Everybody's busy
looking shocked and appalled.

[Alex] Hey, Greg.

After giving the players time
to process what has happened,

it is now time to gather
for tonight's elimination.

How are you guys doing?

- [Sandy] Hello.
- Been better.

Okay, guys. We can't avoid it any longer.

It is time for all of you
to take the quiz,

except for Joi, who has won an exemption.

Anybody else wish they bid higher
for an exemption tonight?

[Sandy] Joi, she's playing for herself.
She's looking out for herself.

That's the game she's playing. I mean,

good for her because it's working.

[Pranav] You know, $5,000,

I think I probably low-balled it
compared to some of the other people.

But at the same time,



I'm at a loss for words.

As always, you will answer 20 questions

about who you think is the Mole.

The person who gets
the most incorrect answers

will be eliminated immediately.

Let the quiz begin.

Good luck.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Greg] I was completely shocked
by tonight's dinner.

So I have to suspect Joi.

She's on my list.

She might be at the very top.

I'm extremely prepared for this quiz.

I had time to study up on the dossiers.

[Sandy] In the mission, I think
the Mole was in the water team,

having watched them
kind of throw this mission away.

But I'm not narrowing it down
to one person.

[Dom] I was just so in my head.

Everything that I thought I knew,
I no longer knew.

Avori was my suspect.

But Joi's move was so bold
that she could possibly be the Mole.

I don't know. There's a lot
of emotions going on right now.

[William] Greg didn't hesitate
to throw $10,000 away

while not having done
anything to add money.

Absolutely Mole behavior.

[Avori] Although Joi is exempt
for this elimination,

she could still be the Mole.

She doesn't do anything.
She hasn't put any money in the pot.

And all she does is sabotage
and take money out of the pot.

It is that time of the evening again.

As you know,

when I send through the results,

the screens on the phones
in front of you will light up.

If it is green, it means you are safe.

If it is red,

it means your time in the game is over.

Let's do this.

Here we go.

I'm going to enter your names
in no particular order.

The first player will be Jacob.

[phone chimes]

[tense music playing]

[Alex] The next one is Avori.

[phone chimes]

Heck yeah.

I'm now going to enter…


[phone chimes]

[sighs deeply]

Are you okay?

- [Dom] Yeah.
- Let's take it slow, okay?

It's gonna be
a really hard one for everyone.

[Pranav] The one person that
probably cared the most about the pot…

Went out of the game today.

And the one person
that gave it all away was exempt.

That's poetic in the worst way possible.

[Sandy] Dom was genuine from the start.

He played a very honest game
in my opinion,

and it's sad to see him in that position.

[Dom] My main goal coming into this
was I just wanted my mom to

be proud of the man she…

That she raised and be proud
of the game I played, you know?

Dom, there's no way she won't
be proud of the game you played.

Thank you. Appreciate that.

He worked his ass off on all the missions.

Yeah, he did.

[Kesi] Dom is an incredible person.

And for me, he was
one of those people that

I think made me a better competitor
because of his personality.

It was hard to see that leave.

[Alex] Think you did anything wrong?

I did change who I voted for this week
based off of what happened.

A lot of information was brought to me.

Um, and maybe that was it.

Maybe I should've stuck
with what I've been doing,

stuck with my vote
from the past two weeks.

And maybe it would've
ended up differently.

[Avori] I really feel somewhat responsible
for Dom going home.

In the last mission,

I dropped the oxygen tank
on purpose and I'd do it again.

It's a game, and you gotta do
what you gotta do.

Onward, onward from here.

Losing you is gonna leave
a really big hole.

[Dom] Yeah, I'm gonna miss everybody.

I'll miss you. [Chuckles]

I'll miss you too, Dom.

Brought a lot of light to the group.


- [Dom] Thank you.
- Good luck out there.

- [Dom] Take care of those guys.
- [Alex] Bye-bye.

[William] Dom didn't deserve to go home.

He deserved to be here for a long time.

And as we've learned time and time again,

that's not how this game works.

[Alex] From the reef to the outback
in the mining town of Ravenswood,

where our remaining players
will be hoping to literally strike gold

in their next mission.

[Greg exhales]

- What are we doing?
- I have no idea.

I really hope 25,000 doesn't come back
to bite us in the ass again.

[Pranav] The pot is really low.
It's pretty embarrassing for everyone.

Right now, it's pretty obvious.
The Mole's winning the game.

[Greg] I hope that we just get to do
a mission as soon as possible

because we don't even have enough
money for a flight home at this point.

- Not even one person.
- No.

[Greg] This road trip has
to bring the group back together.

[Pranav] Oh, it's a proper Australian pub.

This is cool.

I mean, we were at the bottom of the ocean

and the only way to go is up.

Cheers to Dom.

- [Jacob] I'll drink to that!
- Yes!

And adding money to the pot.

[Alex] A show of support
for our former competitor.

But in this game,

what people say
isn't always what they mean.

And this next surprise will reveal
how the players really feel.

Where am I?

I'm headed to the airport
on my way home

when the driver stops the car
in this strange town.

I have no idea what's happening.

[suspenseful music playing]

[phone chimes]

Oh, man. [Chuckles in disbelief]

[Alex] Hello, Dom.

Long time no see.

In life, not everybody gets
second chances.

But in this game, sometimes you do.

Look out that window.

The players inside
are all having a drink in the hotel.

You better hope they miss you
because you're going to need their help

to get back in the game.


Knowing I could possibly
be coming back in this game,

I'm excited.

All you need to unlock the door
is one simple password.

The word is the name of an American town
that's printed on the bumper sticker

which is on the back of this cab.

To get that word, you'll need the help
of the nine remaining players.

That is, if they're willing to help you.

If you're correct,

the car doors will open,
you'll return to the game,

bringing with you
$10,000 for the prize pot.

In this car, you will find
a full mission brief

and a radio to contact
the players in the hotel.

Good luck, Dom.

Your time starts now.

[tense music playing]

Oh my God.

How...? Okay.

Let's give it a go. Let's start it up.

[Dom, over radio] Hey, yo!

- Was that Dom?
- Who is that?


[Avori] Dom!

[Dom] Can anybody hear me?

- [Greg] Yes!
- Who is that?

- [Dom] Hey, yo!
- Over the bar!

[Pranav] Yes, sir?

[Sandy] All right. Talk to us.

Hey, yo. I heard somebody in there
is having a good time without me.


- [Kesi] Aw, it's Dom!
- [Casey] Oh my God!

What the hell is going on?

Definitely a curve ball
from anything I was expecting.

[Dom] Got a chance to return to the game,
and if I do, I bring $10,000 with me.

I need y'all help with that.

I have a list of nine questions,
one for each person in the game.

And a list of ten cities and towns.

All you gotta do is answer
those questions correctly,

and I cross that place off the list.

And the one name left over
should be the password.

[Kesi] It is an easy 10K,

and all we have to do
is bring one player back.

I don't think he's a fierce competitor
or else he would still be here.

First up to the table, I need Pranav.

What's up, Dom?

[Dom] Where's your favorite

sporting team based?


Ah! Let's go, baby. Let's go.


Fly, Eagles, fly.


Next up to the docket,

I need my girl Sandy.

Sandy, where you at?

What is your favorite town

or city in the US?

So it's up to us to either bring him back
and add 10K or not at all?

[William] It's easy, right?

I mean, you'd think that.

[Dom] Hello? Sandy?

Can anybody hear me?


I thought you were gonna answer.

- [Kesi] Are you kidding me?
- I'm gonna go with no.

[Kesi gasps]

Just because he had his hit list.

And now coming back,
he has an upper hand.

Hey, it's hot in here,

and they didn't give me no food, so…

[William] We hear you, brother.

We're talking about it now.

[Greg] I think at this point,
the pot is so low.

Can we please just get the money?

[Sandy] He'll definitely
have an upper hand.

[Greg] Sandy never speaks
unless spoken to.

But now, she's the first one to say,
"We shouldn't bring Dom back."

Look, he's an amazing person,
an amazing human.

As a competitor myself,

I saw how hard he tried
in competitions, that's obvious.

[Sandy] But if he comes back,

he already has an idea
on who is not the Mole.

I agree. I kind of am like, "He's out."

And I agree with Sandy saying that
he knows who's not the Mole.


He knows who he picked
on his last quiz that sent him home,

which would give him an upper hand
compared to everybody else.


Think about it this way.

Yes, we bring back another competitor.

But we do get ten grand.

- And...
- No.

[Jacob] I don't want Dom back.

It's stupid to bring another player
back into this game.

I know it's 10K, but we can make it.

[Pranav] That's the dilemma.

There's no way we're gonna do this
without a group vote.

You can start. Go ahead, Joi.

[Joi] I say we bring him back.

Plus, it's $10,000.

It's a lot of money.

Right now, I'm on the fence about it.

I like him a lot. [Sighs]

I say yes.

He was here to play.
He said it 100 times he's here to win.

Yeah, just no.

I vote no. Dom wouldn't bring me back.

I... I say no.

We got rid of him.
That's one more player out of the way.

- I vote no.
- Um…

Nobody wants to take a step back
by having more players here.

So I think my answer is no.

[Dom] Guys?

You're not even gonna talk to me?

I think just tell him.
Just tell him we decided no.

Sandy may seem nice and genuine and kind.

She turns out to be ice-cold.

She's on my radar.

I do think people underestimate me.

I mean, they just see
a little girl from Texas. [Chuckles]

- [Avori] Dom.
- Hello?

We all love you. We miss you.
We wish you well.

But, um,

it's the group consensus
right now that we just...

We can't give you these answers.

But you don't see me as an ally

to help you get money as in,

like, right now

with $10,000?

The way people feel right now is that
you're more of a threat than an asset.

[Dom] All right, then.

If that's how it's gonna be.

So that's it.


[Pranav] You know what, though?

If he guesses right…

- [Casey] He could still come back.
- …he could still come back.

I ain't got a lot of time to waste.
I gotta start working things out.

If other players won't tell me
their answers to these questions,

I'm gonna have to do it myself.

And guess.

Sandy's from Texas.
In Texas, they have San Antonio.

I'm gonna have to rely
on what I learned from them

in my short time in the game.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.

[sighs] Okay.
Just let me give this one last shot.

I'll just look at these last two cities.

Wherever my gut takes me, it takes me.

[tense music playing]

Mel more or Seattle.

I don't know.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

[sighs] We'll see.

Here goes nothing.

Let's go Mel more.

"That password is incorrect.
Goodbye, Dom. Sorry."

It is what it is.

Fair play.

Did what I could.

[Dom] Take care, guys.

[sighs] Home time.

I feel so bad.

[William] Sandy made a case that
it's a horrible idea to bring Dom back,

and then she says she feels bad.


You couldn't care less.

She completely showed me that

my idea of who she was, was not accurate

and she could very well be the Mole.

[Pranav] Sandy's a dark horse
in this whole game to me.

She's someone that
I didn't really suspect before,

and she's sort of creeping up
on my list of suspects.

She's done all the right actions
to subtly remove from the pot.

My eye's on her.

- [in Australian accent] G'day, mates!
- [Pranav] Alex!

[in normal voice] Here we are
in the true blue Australian experience.

And I do not see Dom in our midst.

Which means that you guys still are stuck

in the four digits
in your bank account for $3,500.

That's horrible.

Here we find ourselves

in the original Australian
mining town of Ravenswood,

a place famously rich in gold.

And with that kind of wealth all around,

you need somewhere fairly safe to keep it.

Somewhere like the bank,

a fortress that has stored valuables
for more than 100 years.

Until today.


Your mission, players,

is a bank heist.

[all] Yes! Oh, yeah!

Maybe we'll be better
at stealing money than earning money.

Always wanted to rob a bank.
Not seriously. Please don't arrest me.

[Alex] Tonight, $20,000 is on the line.

Under cover of darkness,

you will break into
one of Australia's oldest banks,

where you will attempt
to steal cash and, of course, gold.

Now, the first thing
I'm going to need you to do

is pick the two players among you

who are the best critical thinkers.

Those two players will then work together
to split the group into two teams,

a gold team and a cash team.

Each critical thinker will then work
with a team to mastermind this heist.

Who's that gonna be?

Um, I would love the opportunity
to critically think for you guys.

There's no better position
for a Mole to be in.

So I want to make sure the roles
are filled by players that I can trust.

[Greg] Yeah, Avori, for sure.

But with all due respect,

if you're gonna go Avori,
then you're gonna look Pranav.

And do you wanna put them together?

They have a very close relationship.
Would you rather separate them?

I think we need to separate them.

The thought of them working together
is terrifying because

they're so determined to help each other

and do whatever they decide is best
for themselves and not the team.

I say we put Pranav and Kesi.

I wanted him in the last thinking role.

I believe he'd thrive,
and I wouldn't hesitate with that one.

[Joi] I think Kesi and Pranav
would balance each other out.

I like your selection.

Kesi's super intelligent.
Pranav, he's more logical.

I trust the both of them.

Kesi and I would be fine.
I just think we'd be better.

[Greg] Do you guys
feel chemistry as a team?

I feel fine. Like, Pranav and I
are both engineers.

Even though Pranav is
somewhat politically charged,

he's also someone
I truly like and admire as well.

I think we'll do well together.

- Kesi and Pranav, it's simple.
- [Pranav] I'm on board with that.

Okay, so your two critical thinkers,

Pranav and Kesi,

discuss how you're gonna divide
the players into the two groups.

Remember, cash and gold.

Good luck. I'll see you later.

- Okay, let's go.
- Yeah. Come on.

[Pranav] We'll be back.

[Avori] I'm not angry or frustrated.

I just know that
we would've gotten it done.

The group really messed up.

Okay. So we decided
I'll overlook the cash team.

So I have Avori, Jacob, and Sandy.

You three are gonna be on the money team.

My game plan is pretty simple.
I'm gonna surround myself with

people that I definitely feel will succeed

just to see if there's any
sort of Mole-ish behavior.

And then if my team slips up,
then I know that sabotage is at play.

That's what I'm gonna focus on.

[Kesi] For the gold team,
we have Will, Casey, Joi, Greg.

I'm keeping my eye on Joi and Greg.

These are my top two suspects.

So I wanted to make sure that

someone I could somewhat trust
would be on the ground

because I want to get the most intel.

So I chose Will.

- You guys are Team Gold.
- Woo-hoo!

All right, guys. Let's do this.

- Okay.
- [Pranav] Bag some money.

Let's do it.

[Alex] Teams, work quickly
and effectively to pull this off.

Critical thinkers,

you have access to the bank's security,

so you can guide
your teams from the inside.

[Pranav] Dang.

This is some Ocean's Eleven type-ish.

[Alex] But with great power
comes great responsibility.

Only you have the information needed
to solve the challenges that lay ahead.

Hey, Sandy. Can you hear me?

I can hear you. What's going on?

- Heyo.
- Hey, guys. I think it's Kesi.

- [Kesi] You guys can hear me okay?
- [Casey] Yeah, I can hear you.

- We are amped and ready to go.
- [Kesi] Go.

Let's go.

[Alex] The moment you open the doors
to the bank, you have 60 minutes.

[Casey] Let's go!

[Alex] Get the gold, boost the cash,

and watch your backs.

[Jacob chuckles]

Over the counter.

- Here we go!
- [Jacob] Got it?

[Pranav] All right, team.

Your mission is to steal exactly
10,000 US dollars worth of cash,

not a dollar more or a dollar less.

Do that, and it will be banked in the pot.

[Avori] Oh, this is obviously the vault.

[Alex] Cash team, this could be
the easiest mission yet.

Waltz into that unlocked vault.

[Avori] Got it.

[Alex] Grab 10,000 US dollars
and walk right out again.

[Avori] Nice.

[Alex] Easy, right?

[Jacob] Wait, no. This is not American.

There's different types of currency here.

[Alex] That is more than
$50,000 in mixed currency,

money that must be sorted…

[Jacob] Take these out on the main table.

[Alex] …and then converted
to American dollars.

[Pranav] Start piling it.

Start looking at what type
of currencies you have.

[Sandy] Oh, shit.

I don't know. I've never seen this before.

We need to separate these euros.

Work on counting that stuff out.
I'll get all of the American.

[Sandy] We got England, British pounds.

While I split this up,

Jacob, can you figure out another one
so I can relay this to Pranav?

Yeah, I've never seen foreign currency.

[chuckles] I have no idea
what any foreign currency is.

- Fives and tens so far.
- [Sandy] Okay.

- What is this?
- [Jacob] I have no idea what those are.

We will see how well this goes.

- We got a lot of Fiji.
- [Avori] Okay. What's a Fiji?

[Pranav] Oh, I see.

I have a currency conversion table.

So there's going to be
eight different currencies,

and we're going to have
to get 10,000 US dollars.

For instance,

23,000 Vietnamese dollars
equals 1 US dollar.

It will get messy, right?

We found more. Hold on.

We're separating it all
because we're confusing ourselves.

Let us separate, and I'll let you know.

[Sandy] The best place
for the Mole in this mission

would probably be
to be a critical thinker.

You're controlling a lot.

You're at the very top.
You fell, everybody else does too.

Pranav is a very smart player.

He keeps his cards close to his chest.

I want to trust him,

but this is a game
where you can't trust anybody.

Let's try to finish organizing
all the money in seven minutes.

Does it seem like the team can do that?

Seven minutes to organize this money?

[Jacob] Tell him it's gonna take us
some time. You know how Pranav gets.

[intense music playing]

[Kesi] Casey, your mission is
to steal $10,000 worth of gold

from safety deposit boxes in this bank.

- Oh.
- To access the vault,

you must navigate your group
through a laser security system.

- [Greg] You wanna go first?
- I'll go first.

[Kesi] But step carefully, players.

Trigger three lasers and the mission

will be over before it begins.

[Casey] Will's gonna go through.
We've timed it, Kesi, okay?

- Okay, guys. Let's do this.
- Ready?

- Go.
- She says go.

[Kesi] Good. Stop.

- [Casey] Stop there.
- [Joi] Easy does it.

I felt like Mission: Impossible for sure.

That's straight out
of a Tom Cruise playbook.

And I'm here for it always.

Will, I think you should go to your right.

[Casey] Turn your butt around, she said.

Wait for it to come down from the top.

[Casey] Not... Not now.

- Shit!
- [Casey] You hit it.

[Joi] He hit it.

[Kesi] That's okay.
It's okay if he hits one.

[William] I hit one laser. I'll own it.

- [Greg] Go, go, go, go!
- [Joi] Yes!

[William] I'm not getting that small.
I'm a very large human.

I just went.

[William] Joi, it's coming up.

- I'll say to get ready.
- [Joi] Okay.

- [William] Now!
- [Casey] Go!

[Kesi] Nice.

Stay right there, stay right there.

[Casey] Go, go, go!

- What up?
- Hell yeah!

You guys are killing it. We got time.

[Will] I'll tell you when it starts going
from the top, Greg. Ready?

[Casey] You got this, Greg.

What's running through my mind
is gymnastics since I was 12,

then dance, then yoga, then Pilates.

This is my moment.

[Joi] Slow and easy, Greg.

First laser, chair pose.

Go, go, go. Now!

- [Casey] Yes!
- [William] Attaboy!

[Greg] Second laser, get on the ground,

chaturanga with a little bit of cobra
to see what's going on in front of me.

- [Casey] Go, Greg! Go!
- [Greg] Third laser, suck it in,

like it's bathing suit season
at the Jersey Shore.

- Nice!
- Yes!

Good work.

I love lasers.

[Joi] You got this, Casey.

- [Kesi] Right there!
- Go!

- Right, yeah.
- Nice.

[William] Come on, come on.

- [Joi] Yes!
- [William] Attagirl.

That was ten minutes. Not bad.

All right, we are in.

We have three key rings
and we have a ton of, like, lock boxes.

So, Kesi, I'm gonna look at the keys.

[Joi] Does she have any clues?

[Casey] I was gonna say, do you have
any clues for us on your end?

[Kesi] I have a logbook.

Initial, last name, key.

[Alex] With over 1,000 lock boxes
and a jumbled set of keys,

the logbook is essential
to winning this mission.

But, as with everything,
not all the entries are what they seem.

What are the last names like?

[Kesi] Culvenor, Marquez, Crawford.

I have three pages of last names.

But you have the keys,
you see what I'm saying?

You only need to check the key numbers.

But we might not have the time
to do every single match.

That's the thing.

Maybe we're missing something.

[Casey] Kesi.

[suspenseful music playing]

Is everything pretty much separated
so we can start counting?

[Pranav] The sooner, the better
with different currency

so that I can figure out
how we're gonna get the $10,000.

[Jacob] Once we get the American out,

he can tell us the conversions,
then we can pick and choose.

Want me to count that?
I got all this pretty much.

Yeah, I've got stacks of 100,
then piling them together.

Don't mess it up.

Maybe work with the conversions
and I'll get all this sorted.

[Jacob] We gotta know how much
we have in American first.

[Avori] I've never worked
with Jacob before, so…

I'm excited to watch him.

- How much did you count?
- Stacks of 50.

I'm just gonna recount.

Literally one dollar off
and we're screwed.

As I recount all of these stacks
of fifties that Jacob counted,

one stack has $51,

one stack has $49,

one stack has $52.

I watched him try and sabotage
the mission right in front of me.

But I didn't tell anyone because
I want to keep that close to me.

- What is this?
- Fifty. I just set it there.

[Jacob] Everybody's working hard.

I really don't think there's any
Mole-like behavior here.

Is there any more in the vault?

[Kesi] All right, Casey.
I'm gonna tell you two things, okay?

Yeah, what's up?

[Kesi] One, you have 25 minutes left.
I think we're in a good place.

We'll be fine.

Second, if I give you a key number,
can you find it quickly?

Or is that gonna take too much time?

[Casey] We've got three rings of keys.

[Greg] Maybe we can do
all hands on deck for the first box.

If we get that first box,
then we can divide and conquer.

Split the keys up with three people.
Go as fast as possible, okay?

Repeat to me again
what is in the logbook right now.

[Kesi] Crawford 34.

[Casey] Crawford 34.

So that's the box you need to go to.

I found a 42 key. Ooh.

[Greg] Thirty-four.

If this is it, we're good.

- [Greg] Got it!
- [Joi] Yes!

We got one open.

[chuckling] Yes!

Oh my God.

- [William] Attaboy.
- Good job!

I'm not rich enough
to know how to do these.

[William] It's just right here.

[Joi] What is this?

What is that?

What the heck?

[Greg] It's not gold.

Where is the gold?

[Joi] That's not right.

[William] Custom jewelry. Nice.

Oh my God.

We're close to nothing.

First lock box, junk.

Second one, junk.

Third one, nicer junk.

Fourth one, junk.

Fifth one, junk, junk, junk.

It gotta be a name that means stuff
or we'll keep finding trash.

We might as well keep trying, no?

It's just so frustrating.

We just couldn't figure out
how to move forward.

What did we miss?

[Greg] She needs to have a system.
We need to target the correct names.

[Pranav] Make it easier. Don't start
counting money really quickly.

[Sandy] Eight, nine…

Yeah, so that's it for the English.

That's it.

[Pranav] So, listen. Including
our Great Britain pounds,

we are at $6,710.

You wanna move on to another one?

[Pranav] Count another $3,290

and we would get the group $10,000.

But we have to count exactly 10,000.

10,000, not over, not under.


[Pranav] In my group, there's room
for sabotage everywhere.

There's three people handling money.

Let me know
which currency you're going to.

[Sandy] Let's do Vietnam.

[Pranav] In fact, there's me
doing all the conversions.

I'm in a position to really ruin
things for my group, so…

Mole-ish behavior is definitely possible.

What are the notes in?

[Sandy] Uh, 500,000.

Could you count out 23 notes?

[Sandy] 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23.

[Pranav] Okay, in Vietnamese money,
that is 500 US dollars.

All right, that one's done.

And, Sandy, just to be clear
because I don't wanna be wrong here,

each of those notes was for 500,000.

[Sandy] Wait. 500,000?

Yeah, what are the notes there for?

[Sandy] No. 50,000.

- Oh. 50,000.
- Yes. 50,000.

Okay, so we're gonna
have to improvise here.

I thought the notes were for 500,000.

[Sandy] Okay.

[Pranav] At this point, all I can do
is the conversions.

I just have to trust that what
Sandy's relaying to me is accurate.

Either it's an honest mistake

or Sandy's sabotaging the mission.

[Kesi] Keep going. Let's do it.

I think we should try as many as we can.

We need to be a little bit
more organized with this.

Like Henry Ford assembly line.

And we run and we gotta do volume now.

[Kesi] That's how you should do it.

Casey, you stay there
and tell them where to go, okay?

- G. Hodges, 290.
- [William] 290.

[Greg] We have a system, but I think
we need to pinpoint the names better.

Because the random is not working.

- [William] It's open!
- [Joi] Will got something.

What is that?

- [Greg] Is it a gold bar?
- What is it?

[William] Some platinum.

Holy crap.

[Casey] Kesi, what are some
of the other last names?

Um, last names are, like,
Douglas, Walker, King, MacLeod.

[Greg] It's very possible
the Mole has struck.

Kesi's job as a software engineer,

she's used to seeing
lists of numbers and codes.

So she should be able to figure out
which names to pinpoint.

Why is this so hard?


It's a really hard position to be in,

but honestly, there is
no method to the madness.

It's gonna be something
right in front of our absolute faces.

[tense music continues]

We should have it all counted.
Let's put it into a bag.

- Is there a bag?
- Yeah.

Let's start packing this.
We only have a few minutes.

[Sandy] Okay. Pranav.
Hold on. I'm stressing out.

[Joi] All we can do at this moment
is just try to go as fast as we can

and try every single key in the boxes.

Ooh! Wait a second.


Avori just put in the US dollars.


I don't know a conversion
from Australian dollars to American.

Or Fiji and China.

So if there's room for sabotage,
it's gonna be at the very top.

Is that all the Vietnamese money?

- Yes.
- [Avori] So that's 10,000.

[Pranav] That should be 10,000.

- We did it.
- That should be 10,000.

Or at least our best bet at 10,000.

[William] This mission
can be best described

as a trashcan fire that was then
thrown into a dumpster fire,

and then into a forest fire.

It is an absolute disaster.


[Casey] No gold.

What are we missing?

[Joi] We have nothing.

[tense music builds]


[alarm blaring]

This is so embarrassing.

Guys, take the money and leave.

- [Sandy] Nice.
- [Avori] Let's go.

[alarm blaring]

[intense music playing]

All right, we did it.

[Avori] Woo!

They don't look happy at all.

They're in no rush. That's not good.

I don't know. It feels like
we missed something.


[Alex] Like every good heist,
tonight ends with a stiff drink.

- [Casey] Team Gold.
- Team Broke.

[Greg, chuckling] Team Broke.

Team Broke.

- Hello.
- Hey.

- Good evening, players.
- [all] Hey.

- [Alex] Hi!
- Hello.

Nothing like a stiff drink
after a day of robbing banks, huh?

Tell me.

Does crime pay?

- We're hoping so.
- In cash!

- [Alex] Ah.
- Not in gold.

Okay. Let's start with gold.

If you guys had gotten ten gold nuggets,

you'd have $10,000 in the prize pot,
but we have zero gold nuggets.

What happened?

There were so many keys and so many boxes.

There had to be something in our paperwork

that would have allowed us
to know which ten it was.

I can tell you that
there were names on the list

that had associations with gold.

Oh my God.

What were the names?

[Alex] K. Midas.

King Midas.

G. Locks.


L. Dorado.

Mythical city of gold.

[Kesi sighs]

[Alex] If you would've opened those boxes,

you would have struck gold.

I'm so sorry, guys.

That never...

I just wanna say, were you thinking
outside of the box?

The second somebody
would've read out loud like,

"Oh, check L. Dorado."
I would've been like…

I'm not gonna lie. If I saw
L. Dorado, I would've read over it.

You wouldn't.


G. Locks wouldn't have
registered anything.

[Greg] No!

[Joi] Kesi, you were the critical thinker.

You're very smart.

You're a freaking software engineer. Um…

What happened?

Kesi would make a great Mole.

I do have Will at the top of my list.

But right below Will is Kesi.

[Alex] Cash team, so far
this heist has been a bust.

The success of the mission
now rests with you.

How did it go for you?

[Sandy] I think it went great.

Working with these three made it
very easy, and we powered through it.

Your mission was to get into the vault
and steal 10,000 US dollars worth of cash.

How confident are you
in your currency conversion?

Fairly confident.

They have to trust me,

and I have to trust them
with counting the money.

I mean,
the room for error is so… so small.

So, cash team.

Do you wanna find out how much
you brought out of that bank?

Yes, please.

The cash has been counted and verified.

[Avori] If the money
doesn't add up, I know why.

And that's because I watched
Jacob throwing the mission.

I can tell you in these bags is…

The equivalent of…

[Avori] If we lose this,

I have knowledge that no one else
in this entire game has.

This is a great outcome for me.

[closing theme music playing]