The Messengers (2015): Season 1, Episode 11 - The Messengers - full transcript

Conflicting clues result in a disagreement; Vera gets close to uncovering the master plan.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from heaven
And changed us.
Made us angels and gave us a new destiny:
To stop the apocalypse
And the devil himself.
We must pass god's test
And prove humanity is still worth saving.
For we are the messengers.
Previously on the messengers...
The messengers are failing for one undeniable reason--
Rose is the horseman of death.
Rose has everything under control.
Anyone interfering with our plans
Is being dealt with.
We can't save him-- he's dead.
I can bring him back from the dead.
Vera: Joshua!
Joshua: These brothers, they're not just farmers.
I'm worried, if they launch this technology,
They're gonna break another seal.
Cindy: The meteorite contains every element known to man,
Plus one we've never seen before.
Simon: No matter what we try, it ends in disaster.
Oh, i think we're well on our way
To creating the most destructive weapon the world has ever known.
Vera: Alan.
(metal crunches)
This is not good.
This is definitely not good.
Hey, stop!
Hey, stop!
Tomorrow, these drones will take to the skies,
Seeding the clouds over this drought-stricken valley.
Now, the smart rain will fall,
The crops will grow,
Bringing life to this...
...To this hungry world. (clears throat)
I don't know about you, brother, but i'm looking
At some pretty hungry faces right now.
So what do you say
We get this celebration started?
This isn't gonna be easy.
We're gonna need some good cover stories.
All right, look, there are a lot of reporters and farmers here.
So we just try to blend in.
Join one of the interview pools,
Maybe take one of the tours. He's right.
Whatever it takes to get close to vincent and mark
To figure out which one's gonna be a horseman.
Are you sure it's gonna be one of these two guys? I am.
I believe the launch of smart rain is gonna be the sin
That breaks the horseman of famine seal.
We got to figure out which brother's gonna launch it,
Talk him out of it.
Waste of time, if you ask me.
Well, you have a better idea?
Yeah, i say we kill them both.
Erin: You can't be serious.
Koa: I am dead serious.
She's right. What?
Raul. Think about it-- this is the fourth horseman.
Millions of people could die if he's allowed
To break his seal-- best
To kill him now and make sure he doesn't.
We're messengers, chosen by god.
We're not supposed to kill.
Maybe we should start.
If we kill them both,
We'll be killing an innocent man along with the horseman.
Erin: They could both be innocent.
The only thing we have to go on right now are joshua's visions.
There's no hard evidence yet.
Is that really worth the risk?
Now, hear me out.
After all, we want the same thing--
(whispering): To prevent the apocalypse.
You're the one trying to help the horsemen break their seals.
Not anymore.
I admit, i did try to talk them into working with me.
I thought we could have some fun,
Start a few wars, maybe a plague here and there,
Not destroy all of mankind,
Which is exactly what they're trying to do.
And just like us, they want nothing to do with you.
Don't be so shortsighted.
If you and i work together,
I know we can stop the fourth horseman.
No way we're working with you.
How can you say that, koa?
After all i've done for you.
How is your bank statement looking?
And you, raul.
You haven't even thanked me yet.
I don't know what you're talking about.
The letter you received.
Joshua: We don't need your help.
We can stop the horseman without you.
Like you stopped the last three?
Rose and the others are still out there.
And they'll do whatever it takes
To make sure the fourth seal is broken,
Which is why you must do whatever it takes to stop them.
Because once they unite,
Their power will grow even stronger.
(cell phone rings)
It's vera.
Hey, where are you?
I don't know, okay? Some junkyard.
Listen, my phone is about to die.
I'm headed to a town called smyrna.
What did you say?
You're breaking up.
Th-there's a power plant there, okay?
(reception breaking): Joshua, listen, alan has been kidnapped,
And i think...
(phone indicates dropped call)
Damn it!
What did she say?
All i heard is
That she's headed to some place called smyrna,
And it sounded like alan had been kidnapped.
Vera and alan need us.
So let's kill these brothers and get going.
Wait, smart rain doesn't launch till tomorrow afternoon.
We still have time to figure this out without shedding blood.
He's right.
Let's stick to the original plan, okay?
You and i can still go after mark.
And i'll s-see what i can get from vincent.
Peter, you and koa go help vera.
Send me away to keep me from killing them.
Your gifts may be of more use to vera than they are to us.
He's right.
We should get going.
You know what needs to be done.
The letter the devil mentioned, what was he talking about?
Did he do something for you?
No. Raul.
Erin, don't worry about it.
Don't...? You're giving me a lot to worry about here.
What's that supposed to mean?
It means...
It means that when we finally find mark plowman,
I need to know you're not gonna do anything rash.
Nothing about this is rash. Oh, really?
So if we all agree to kill the plowman brothers,
Who's gonna pull the trigger? You?
This isn't self-defense, it's an execution.
I know exactly what it is.
Oh, really?
You've done this before?
You know that scar?
The one that i told amy was from a polar bear?
Yeah. I got that five years ago.
One day, el jefe comes to me, tells me
He wants me to kill one of his lieutenants.
Said that he's undermining the cartel.
But i didn't want to do it, you know why?
Because i thought the guy was innocent.
Till he comes after me with a machete and damn near kills me.
I was lucky to kill him first.
So lesson learned.
You hesitate, you die.
Mark: Okay, that concludes the tour.
I hope it was informative...
I've got an idea.
Take good care of it, boy.
Will do.
Need a ride?
So i found it.
Smyrna, california.
Population: 66.
Weird-- there's only a couple of buildings.
Like an industrial ghost town.
The power plant looks like the only one intact.
Maybe vera's there.
What's wrong?
Nothing, i'm just...
I've been forgetting things lately.
Names, memories of my childhood.
Joshua says it could be a cost of my gift.
Makes me not want to use it so much.
Well, it might not be permanent.
Eliza said the costs will go away
Once all seven messengers are united.
Yeah, well, now that we know rose isn't a messenger,
Leaves only six of us.
For now.
Until we find the seventh.
And as soon as that happens,
We'll all be a hell of a lot stronger.
You want me to drive?
You know, just in case you forget how.
Nice try.
How far is this place?
According to the app, four-hour drive.
We'll be there in two. Buckle up.
It's a two-step process.
First, the nutrient-rich formulas are released
Into the clouds by our drones.
Then the silver iodine crystal is disbursed,
Binding with the formula to transform it into rain,
Which we call smart rain.
Th-this ten-fold increase in yield you promised,
How quickly will this happen?
Well, it won't happen overnight.
As with any weather modification system,
We encourage people to view smart rain
As more of a long-term crop enhancement system.
N-not a quick fix.
How will smart rain affect weather patterns?
If you start playing god, aren't there bound to be repercussions?
That'll be all for now.
Thank you guys very much.
No more questions for today.
Thank you guys very much. Thanks.
I'm sorry, are you okay? Yeah, i'm okay.
I-i just need to work on my blindside block.
Yeah, well, journalism can be kind of rough.
I can handle it.
Yeah. Kendell dossing.
Nice to meet you, kendell.
What publication are you with?
It's just a little blog.
We write about new agriculture.
You know, it's not time or newsweek, but, um...
An interview with you could put me on the map.
Well, i'll, uh, i'll make you a deal.
How about, um...
I'll give you an interview
If we do it over dinner.
Okay. Deal.
Vera: Well, if it isn't the horsemen
Of war and pestilence.
What are you up to?
Guess there's only one way to find out.
¶ down the road, down the road... ¶
It's not a good idea.
Why not?
The plan worked; he agreed to do the interview.
Over dinner?
You realize you're about to break bread
With the horseman of famine?
He's not a horseman yet. He's still dangerous.
I know that you're protective, maybe even a little jealous...
I'm not jealous. Fine.
But i was lucky enough to get the interview;
I'm not going to question him about where to do it.
All right, well, i should still go with you. Raul...
I can hear his thoughts.
It's fine.
I've got this.
¶ ¶
(computers beeping)
What's happening?
Madam secretary, we're cutting another sample.
This one's glowing brighter than the others.
Simon: As you're aware,
The highest concentration
Of the genesis element
Is at the core.
Let's just hope the next extraction attempt
Goes better than the last one.
Why is it turning blue?
I have no idea.
Where's my body?
(door opens)
So glad you could join us.
Rose told me about your gifts.
Yours is particularly interesting.
The way you died
In the trunk of the car?
And then again, right here?
Our guard spotted your body
On patrol outside.
He didn't recognize you.
But i did.
Very clever.
Oh, hurt yourself?
Where's alan?
He's still alive.
You can see him as soon as you tell me
What you know about operation genesis.
I imagine these little spirit-walks of yours
Have been very revealing.
Come on, vera.
You're a messenger.
You know how this is gonna all end;
You know the prophecy.
Yeah, well, the prophecy's about to change.
The rapture
Isn't gonna happen on our watch.
You've got balls.
Your fellow messengers
Are gonna have a hard time
Stopping the rapture with one less among their ranks.
It's glowing blue again.
Like earlier.
While you were spirit-walking, perhaps?
Simon: The genesis element hasn't changed
Its appearance at all before today.
But now, for some reason,
It's behaving quite differently.
Based on what i know about this woman and her friends,
I bet i know why.
Move it closer to me.
Now back to her.
Well, i'll be damned.
It's your lucky day.
¶ ¶
Waitress: Right this way.
Thank you.
To smart rain.
To smart rain.
Do you mind if i record this?
Um... No, no.
So it was a really nice party your company held today.
Uh, thank you. Thanks.
Yeah, smart rain's been in development for...
For seven years, so...
It's by far the biggest project we've ever done.
And the company...
It started as a-a family business, is that right?
Yeah, yeah, it did.
Um, my dad
Moved us out here from oklahoma to start the farm,
And my brother and i have been working on it
Ever since we were kids.
So your brother says you're the science guy.
Does that mean smart rain is your idea?
Yeah. Um...
But vincent's the-the businessman, you know?
He's got, uh, he's got these big plans, um...
He's taking the company public tomorrow.
Uh, timed out with the launch of smart rain.
From family farm to fortune 500.
Sometimes i...
Miss the family part of it.
You know... Enough about me.
What about you?
Do you... Do you have any, uh,
Any family?
I do.
I have a daughter.
Her name's amy. Amy?
You have any pictures?
I have plenty. Okay.
Hundreds, actually.
Oh, she's cute.
(people laughing, talking)
(doorknob rattling)
The man: Did you want to check out vincent's office?
(door opens)
Come on in. Perfect timing.
His assistant went back for more potato salad.
Leave me alone.
You know i can't do that.
Especially when i know you're onto something.
And it's in your interest
To work with me to stop this horseman.
Otherwise, i can make your future very unpleasant.
You can threaten me all you want.
I know
You can't kill me.
God won't allow it.
But what he will allow
Is payment for services rendered.
You see,
When a deal is made
That allows me to resurrect someone--
Like when your friends begged me to bring you back to life--
I get the final say
Over where your soul spends eternity.
You're lying.
Kill yourself
And try me.
Password protected.
H. 4. "n" as in nancy.
D. 6.
And the pound sign.
Or hashtag, as the kids call it now.
You think anyone's password is safe around me?
Joshua: Okay. Smart rain.
Research and development. Here we go.
Projected yields... Impressive.
But if it seems too good to be true...
It usually is.
I'm seeing all kinds of red flags.
Most of it raised by his brother, mark.
If i'm reading this right,
It says that smart rain kills any seeds
That aren't proprietary to plowman family farms.
Plowman farms has secretly tested
Smart rain here,
In my home country of mali.
And look... This entire village, ruined.
Only two farms, 15 kilometers away,
Were given plowman seeds, and they are fine.
But here, crops have died.
Once fertile land is now barren.
A promise to end famine
By developing a technology that actually creates it.
I must say, i'm impressed.
The e-mail says the footage was seized by force.
It was taken from him just after he shot it.
Plowman farms is covering it up.
Paying people to stay quiet.
Those who won't have suddenly gone missing.
I fear for my safety.
But i will continue to investigate
Until the truth is revealed.
If smart rain is the sin that breaks the seal,
Then why wasn't it broken when they tested it on this village?
Only a few dozen people were affected.
Tomorrow's launch will affect thousands.
Launch wasn't supposed to happen for another
Two months, but vincent pushed up the date
To coincide with the company going public tomorrow.
Despite mark's request for a delay.
Two brothers at odds.
It's as old as cain and abel.
Oh, no.
She got to him.
Vincent plowman is the next horseman.
That's anthony on the left, and that's, uh,
Patrick on the right.
I'm still amazed that i got them
To sit still long enough to take the photo.
They are absolutely adorable.
Oh, thank you. They're good boys.
For you, sir. Thank you.
It hasn't been easy on them
Since the divorce, but, um...
Ah, kids are resilient, you know?
Yeah, they are. Yeah.
And maybe one day you can pass
The family business down to them.
Yeah. Yeah, if vincent allows it.
What do you mean?
Can i go off record?
Yeah, sure.
My dad, he, um,
He made vincent
Majority owner of plowman farms before he died.
Well, why not both of you?
Ah, he built the farm on his own.
He's used to having one decision maker.
I guess he thought that vincent was
More right for the job, so...
But, you know, i mean, it's like vincent, he's always had
This way of charming my dad.
I-i can never match that.
That must've been tough for you.
I mean, i was...
I was the good student. I was the straight as,
The valedictorian, and vincent,
He just has this charisma, so then my dad pays
All this attention to him.
It's always the same, you know?
I'd come up with the ideas
For the farm and then vincent
Takes credit for it.
Still does.
Your dad never saw through that?
No. No.
At least, he never let on that he did.
He just, uh...
He loved vincent more.
And i know that i'm-i'm not the most personable guy
In the world, but
That doesn't mean that i can't run a business.
Now, with my dad, he said that i-i lacked ambition.
That i, um, i was too meticulous and hesitant.
But... I believe in doing things the right way.
Let me guess.
Vincent loves a quick score.
So... It made things difficult.
Now, we don't often see eye to eye on certain projects.
Like smart rain?
Mark: Yeah, exactly like smart rain.
And when it destroys farms after vincent launches it,
He'll make sure i get all the blame.
I get it. Really, i do.
I think that you and i are a lot alike.
If something doesn't feel right,
I hit the brakes.
There are good risks and there are bad ones.
You know what i mean?
(cell phone dings)
And speak of the devil, it's vincent.
I guess he has some last-minute paperwork i got to sign.
I-i got to go. I'm-i'm sorry.
That's okay. I understand.
Why don't you come with me?
I'll sign the paperwork, and then, uh, and then we can go
Somewhere, finish what we started?
Yeah, that'd be great.
Okay. Okay.
Welcome to smyrna.
A lovely place to live,
Work and be kidnapped.
Do you think this is
The abandoned power plant where vera might be?
I don't see any other buildings.
All right, let's split up and look for her.
Meet you on the other side.
I can walk by myself! Get off of me!
She should be wearing a protective suit.
Relax. You worry too much.
Every time we try to transfer it from a solid
To a liquid state, the results have been catastrophic!
Yeah, but this time will be different.
And if you're wrong?
Then she'll be incinerated like the rest of your lab rats.
All right, it's showtime.
(dings) prepare to initialize.
I'm not doing this!
I don't care.
You're gonna have to kill me instead!
I'd rather kill him.
It's fine, it's okay. My...
It's fine, it's fine!
It's your choice.
I'm good.
Don't do it, v. It's okay.
V, no. I'm good! I'm fine! V, no! V, no!
Don't do it, v!
V, don't do it!
We're ready when you are.
Simon: It's working.
Cindy: Success!
You want me to kill them for you?
No, i prefer to do it myself.
Hold it!
You shouldn't be here.
Car broke down.
You got a phone i could use?
What is this place? Turn around.
Hands on your head.
Unless you want him to do the same thing to your neck,
I'd suggest you start talking.
I know. So, this is the board room...
Who's she?
She-she's a journalist.
She-she's interviewing me.
Not anymore.
Why? What-what's going on?
You know what? Um, it's okay.
I'm gonna wait outside. Okay.
Hey, i'm-i'm sorry.
Don't worry about it.
Vincent: You and me, we've had our differences
Over the years, but, um...
Lately we both know it's gotten worse.
You mean because of smart rain.
I already told you it's not ready yet.
We got to delay the launch, changes have to be made
To make the formula safer.
Those changes will be made... Over time.
You know full well that any farm that doesn't
Use our seed is gonna lose their harvest!
Vincent: That's why the rollout is happening
In drought-stricken areas-- am i right?
Certain crops fail, we blame it on that!
We are protected!
By lies. This is why
I called the board together for this emergency meeting.
Our financial consultant
Told us repeatedly tomorrow's ipo
Depends heavily on smart rain launching on time!
We are running out of money, mark.
Any delay will raise huge red flags with our investors.
And what happens to the people whose farms are destroyed?
They-they wouldn't be destroyed if they bought our seeds.
You're not planning on changing the formula, are you, huh?
You're not. This is just another money ploy, right?
Force people to buy our seeds?
I'm just trying to do the best for this company.
Unlike you.
I made this company! No!
Dad made this company!
And he left it to me.
Smart rain is happening tomorrow.
As is the ipo.
But you're not gonna be part of it.
What? You're a distraction, mark.
At a time when we can't afford any.
Which is why the board has voted
To accept your resignation
Effective immediately.
You think i'm gonna keep quiet about this?
Smart rain is your idea.
So, you go public
With any of your issues,
I'll make sure everybody knows where to point the finger.
Vincent, i have evidence.
No, you don't. Not anymore.
Your file's being deleted as we speak.
You may have the brains.
But you don't have leadership skills.
You're weak.
Dad knew it and so do i.
A true leader
Doesn't delay.
A true leader
Takes action.
Well, i'm not signing anything.
Doesn't matter.
You're out.
Mark, what...?
What's wrong?
Why don't you ask vincent?
I don't work here anymore.
(phone chimes)
Those drones fly on my cue,
At exactly 3:00 p.M. Tomorrow,
Not a second later, understand?
Easy, plowman.
What do you want?
You want money?
This isn't about money.
It's about the lives you're about to destroy.
What are you talking about?
Smart rain.
Okay, for...
Fine. I won't launch.
I'll scrap the whole project.
Say whatever he wants and he'll let you go.
Let you go?
I'm not letting you go.
I'm eliminating you before you can do any more harm.
Alan: Ow. Definitely a broken rib.
I know this looks really bad, but...
It also really hurts.
Oh... Sorry i dragged you into all this.
I pretty much barged my way in, so...
No need to apologize.
I couldn't stand the thought of you going through this alone.
You're the only person i ever really cared for.
Or who ever really cared about me.
So, as far as i'm concerned...
There's no place i'd rather be right now.
Really? (laughs)
Maybe a few places.
Several, actually.
Cindy: Open the gate.
Give me your gun.
You're free to go.
Thank god.
We gotta get going.
Can you walk?
I'll sprint if it means getting the hell out of here.
Please, don't...
Don't do this.
I have a family.
I have a daughter.
Sh... She needs me.
You have a family, too.
I-i can see it in your eyes.
Why would you want to do this?
Shut up!
Raul, put the gun down.
Listen to me.
We can talk him out of launching smart rain.
Yeah, she's right.
I'll-i'll cancel the launch.
I'll... I'll scrap the whole project,
I promise. No, it's all lies.
We did this before.
We got through to leland schiller and then what happened?
These sins just don't happen on their own.
It's about the person that commits them.
And the only way to stop this man is by killing him.
No. No, no, please, don't.
What if it's just another test?
What about the greater good?
If killing this man saves the rest of humanity...
No, killing is never the right choice.
Do not let your past
Become your future.
If you do, i won't be a part of it.
Don't do the devil's work.
(exhales) thank you.
You have my word,
I'm not gonna... (gunshot)
What's wrong?
The fourth horseman broke his seal.
The man: Give it up!
The horseman of famine is in the house!
Although i must confess,
I was sure that smart rain
Would be the sin that broke the seal.
But i guess it's sibling rivalry for the win.
God works in mysterious ways, doesn't he?
I think you and i could work really well together.
After all, i had a few issues with my father...
Save your breath.
I'm not working with you, ever.
Rose got to you, too, didn't she?
She played the two of you against each other.
Knew that, one way or another,
She would get another horseman out of it.
Haven't you had enough, mark?
The man: Probably didn't take much coaxing
From her to get you to pull the trigger.
Did it?
A true leader takes action.
Now stay the hell out of my way.
¶ here bring your wounded heart ¶
¶ here tell your anguish ¶
¶ earth has no sorrow ¶
¶ but your love can remove ¶
¶ a watcher is at the gate ¶
Hey. You all right?
Just thinking about my father.
¶ woods long forgotten... ¶
Can't even conjure his face anymore.
Another piece of my memory gone.
How much longer before i've got nothing?
Do you have any other family?
If i do, i don't remember.
¶ your look does not bear a reproof ¶
Well, you got a brother now.
¶ your look does not bear a reproof ¶
And seriously...
Who could forget this face?
¶ here bring your wounded heart... ¶
Hey. I'm proud of you.
You did the right thing today.
Well, it doesn't matter; i'm already damned.
I know you don't want to talk about it,
But does this have anything to do
With the letter the devil mentioned?
Somehow, he managed to get all the charges against me dropped.
Look, even if he did something for you,
You don't owe him anything.
None of us do.
Please tell me how in the hell
Were they able to escape?
Obviously, they got help
From some of the other messengers,
But it doesn't matter.
Now that we've been able
To distill the genesis element,
We can proceed.
Finally, famine.
Cindy: And death herself.
Is the element secure?
Ready for transport.
So how does this work?
I'll show you.
All you need is one
Tiny drop
To unleash its power.
What are you doing?
It's the perfect weapon.
Thanks to war's efforts in weaponizing it.
All we need are those drones
From famine
And a computer virus from pestilence.
Then rest assured, the fifth seal will bring death
Like the world has never seen before.
Hey, how's alan?
Vera: He's okay.
They transferred him to houston memorial.
Broken ribs, bruised kidney... He's gonna be okay, though.
They're just gonna keep him another one or two days.
Guys, i know things seem pretty bleak right now,
But the game isn't over.
Well, we're 0 for 4.
So we're not doing so good.
The horsemen are united.
They're probably going to use the genesis element
As some sort of weapon to break the fifth seal...
And that means destruction on a much larger scale.
I know, in their hands,
This element is extremely dangerous.
But listen, when i was there
And i was distilling it,
I felt this rush of positive energy.
Just-just being near it
Healed a wound that was on my wrist.
This element, in the right hands-- our hands--
It could be a force for good, i know it.
Another vision?
Only this one was different.
Like god was trying to...
Show me a way to stop the horsemen.
Koa: How?
I saw the face of someone who can help us.
The seventh messenger.
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