The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (2006–2009): Season 2, Episode 10 - Suzumiya Haruhi no tameiki I - full transcript

Anticipating the upcoming Cultural Festival, Haruhi holds a meeting to help decide how the SOS Brigade can participate. During the meeting, she announces plans to screen a homemade movie. Haruhi will write, direct, and produce, while Yuki contributes money from the Literature Club. The next day, Haruhi also hires Mikuru and Itsuki as the leads, Yuki as a supporting actor, and Kyon as assistant director. Kyon will handle all the parts of production Haruhi will not want to do. By the end of the day, the Brigade has acquired a camera for filming and guns for fight scenes.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Next up is the inter-club
relay race.

On your mark!
Get set!

Here I go!



Indian sum-

Indian sum-

Darn it, I wanted to come up from behind
and pass everyone at the end,

but thanks to Yuki, we just
blew them all away.

To all times and places

To all times and places
It was a beautiful run.

To all times and places
I just hope that the track team doesn't
lose their confidence because of it.

In the nick of time

In the nick of time
This isn't funny.

Because of this, people are going to think
we're even weirder than they did before.

Though it might be kind of late
for that to matter.

I suppose that there's no need
to explain that our outfits

Unexplored area
and the four character phrases we have
on our headbands are all Haruhi's idea.

What the heck is this
supposed to mean?

So, is it okay to get
changed out of this?

And as usual, you guys
are just so weird.

You and Miss Suzumiya's
merry little band.

Cut it out. I'm trying to live
my life as quietly as I can.

Well, you did run
in that outfit.

It was hard
to run in, too.

That's not the problem.

That's sure to be in the graduation album.
I'm looking forward to it.

Cut me a break.

What? Creepy!

Did you see her? The one with
the ponytail is cute.

Our seemingly endless summer
vacation finally ended,

and even though the second term
had only just begun,

we're already in the midst
of our school's field day.

You could tell just by looking at us
that there was no way

that Haruhi was going to sit still
on a day as beautiful as today.

In any case, Haruhi seems
to love festival events.

DAY BY DAY unzari dayone dakara
Day by day, everything's just so dull

Doudou to kotowacchau
kimi ni narina yo
That's why you need to become
someone that can just reject it all

OH MY BOY kippari shinakya uso ni
Oh my boy, you need to be decisive

Tsukiatterarenai yo semai sekai de
I won't deal with any lies
in this small world

Jibun de mitsuketa MYSELF
suki ni natte touzen
I found myself on my own,
it's natural you'd fall for me

Kudaranai yarikara kette
Kick away the boring ways
of doing things,

subete wa atashi ga kimeru
I'm going to decide everything

I say, I say my heaven

SUPER DRIVER tosshin makasete
nantettate zenshin
Super driver, leave everything
to the rush

SUPER DRIVER tosshin makasete
nantettate zenshin
And just keep going forward,
no matter what

Tobikoete TAKE IT EASY, GO!
Surpass (Don't you stop me)
The idea of "impossible"

Tobikoete TAKE IT EASY, GO!
Take it easy, go!

Daishouri tte doukan
I agree, it's going to be
a huge victory

Mochiron dounatta tte kaikan
Of course, it'll feel pleasant,
no matter what happens

Hanseikai? (GET BACK TO WILD)
Sore yori saa isoide yo
A review meeting? (Get back to wild)
Forget that, now hurry up

Aremo koremo mitaiken
itsudatte muriyari
We haven't tried this or that,
we always do things how we want

Marude marude mikeiken
korekara shimashou
Everything's a new experience,
let's try them out

Aremo koremo mitaiken
itsudatte totsuzen
We haven't tried this or that,
we always do things suddenly

Marude marude mikeiken
sore ga doushita no?
Everything's a new experience,
what about it?

And so, our crazy
field day ended.

We had just started
a new month,

and already the school festival
was waiting for us.

Right now, our prefectural high school
is preparing for it.

By the way, the class that
Haruhi and I are in,

the fifth of the sophomore classes,
had decided to wave our hands

Regarding the school festival
Announce the results of a survey
the fifth of the sophomore classes,
had decided to wave our hands

and go with the half-assed idea of
announcing the results of a survey.

Ever since Ryoko Asakura left
at the beginning of spring,

no one's been crazy enough to try
and take leadership of the class.

We're going, Kyon.

And so today, with a level of disinterest
bordering on apathy,

I once again popped on over
to the clubroom.


The reason was because the girl
striding boldly beside me

said the following,
and for no other reason.

Announcing the results of a survey?
How dumb can you get?

What's fun about that?
I don't get it at all!

Then you should have
spoken up earlier.

You saw the troubled look
on Mr. Okabe's face,

Regarding the school festival

Regarding the school festival
while the class was acting
like we were at a wake.

While the class was acting
like we were at a wake.


I wasn't planning on taking part in
whatever the class did anyways.

And yet it would seem that
you had something to do

with our class winning
the field day.

You took part in most of the track-related
competitions and won all of them, right?

Or was that someone else?

This and that are
two different things.

This is the school festival
we're talking about!

It's the one vitally important
super event that we get in a year.

- Is that so?
- It is!

We're going to do something
really exciting!

As she said that, Haruhi's face
looked like Hannibal's

as he crossed the Alps during
the Second Punic War.

Confident and shining bright.

The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya I
Confident and shining bright.

The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya I

The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya I
This is the school festival! You need
to be more excited about it!

This is the school festival! You need
to be more excited about it!

A sophomore's school festival only
happens once a year, right?

Well, yeah. But it's no reason
to get so riled up about it.

But it is! There's no point
if you don't.

Almost all of the school festivals
I know have been like that.

Did you have a really big school
festival at your junior high?

Not at all. They weren't
exciting at all.

That's why my high school
festivals have to be.

And what would make it
exciting for you?

Please explain it in a way
that I'll understand.

All right, then.

I'll tell you in full detail
when we get to the clubroom.

Hmm, the scent of lavender.

Oh, hello.

Oh, I thought the flowers
were blooming.

- I'll bring some tea right away.
- Oh, don't trouble yourself...

You look like
a dirty old man.

Mikuru, where's Koizumi?

He's not here yet.
He does seem to be a bit late.

Mikuru, how much longer
on the tea?

I'm bringing it now!



I think I told you before.
Don't you remember?

Huh? Remember what?

When you serve tea, you need to trip
and stumble one third of the time.

You're not acting like
a klutzy maid at all!

Oh... s-sorry!

Does she think a maid needs to be klutzy
so they can be scolded or something?

Well, you're in luck, Mikuru.
You can practice on Kyon.

Try to get it so that the cup
lands upside-down on his head!

Miss Asahina, only someone like Haruhi
would laugh at a joke like that.

Please figure that out already.

Hey dummy, I'm not joking!
I'm always serious!

We're in big trouble
if that's the case.

All right, then. I'll show you,
and then you try, Mikuru.



Hey! Stop interfering!

Interfere? Who in the world
would just stand by

while someone else tried to pour
boiling water on their head?

Here you are.

You should be happy,

Taniguchi would spend
three days drinking that.

I'm sorry, homeroom
ran a bit late.

If our meeting had to be delayed
because of that, I apologize.

Meeting? What are you
talking about?

I forgot to mention it to you, though
I told everyone else during lunch.

I figured I could tell you
any old time.

Why is it that you had the time
to go to their classrooms,

but you couldn't be bothered to tell
the guy who sits right in front of you?

It doesn't matter. The problem isn't
when you found out,

- it's what we're going to do about it.
- Was that supposed to be profound?

More importantly, we need to think
about what we're going to do.

Present tense or future tense.
Choose one.

On top of that, decide if you're going to use
the singular or the plural for the subject!

We're all going to participate, of course.
This is an SOS Brigade event, after all.

By which you mean?

I said this earlier. What else is there
besides the school festival?

In that case, that's a school-wide event,
not just a Brigade event.

If you're so hot on being featured
in the school festival,

you should have applied to be
a festival staff member.

They probably can use
all the help they can get.

There's no point
to that.

We have to do something suitable
for the SOS Brigade.

We've come this far,
after all!

We're a super prominent group that the
whole school is aware of, you know.

Get it?

It's easy for you, since all you're doing
is blathering on about your own plans,

but what about all of the suffering that
Miss Asahina and I have to endure?

Koizumi just sits there,
smiling away,

and Nagato doesn't help
with the brainstorming,

so it'd be nice if she thought about
a normal guy like me once in a while.

We have to do something that
lives up to their expectations.

Who in the world has any expectations
for the SOS Brigade?

Now there's a survey
that should be held.

What's your class doing,

Umm, my class? We're opening
a yakisoba cafe...

You're going to be
a waitress, I'll bet.

How did you know?
Everyone said I should, so...

What about yours,

Well, we've decided
to hold a play.

But we're still discussing if we'll do
a classical play or something original.

Now there's a class
with some spirit.

It seems like that'd be kind
of annoying, though.

What about you, Yuki?

- Fortune telling.
- Fortune telling?


Nagato is going to tell people's fortunes?
Are you sure you don't mean "predicting"?

How about this?

Let's combine it all and have a theater cafe
where you take fortune telling surveys.

Stop with the foolishness,
and let's get this meeting started.

There's nothing written yet,
so where should we look?

We're going to
start writing now.

Mikuru, you're the secretary, so
be sure to write everything down.


I don't know when Miss Asahina
became our secretary.

No one does, because Haruhi
probably decided that just now.

We, the SOS Brigade, are going
to hold a movie showing!

I don't know what goes on
inside of Haruhi's head.

Never mind that.
This is normal for her. But...

How is this a meeting? This is more
like you giving a policy speech.

This is normal
for us.

Whoa, close!

It looks like Miss Suzumiya had decided
what we were going to do from the start.

It doesn't look like there's
any room for negotiation.

Still, I wonder
why a movie.

She probably saw some
C-movie late last night

and it left her in a dreary mood
or something.

There's something I've
always wondered about.

I wonder about the inside
of your head.

On TV dramas, someone usually
dies in the last episode.

Doesn't that seem
really unnatural?

Why do they die with such
good timing? It's weird.

That's why I hate shows where
someone dies at the end.

I would never shoot a movie
like that!

SOS Brigade: Movie showing

That's what I mean.

What do you mean,
"That's what I mean"?

All we know is that we're showing a movie.
How are we going to pay for it?

Kyon, you need
some more smarts.

We're going to MAKE the movie and then
show it at the school festival.

And the credits will read
"Presented by the SOS Brigade"!

When did we become
the Movie Club?

What are you talking about?
We'll always be the SOS Brigade.

We haven't turned into
the Movie Club.

Okay, I understand.

We're going to shoot a movie
of our own creation,

and then show it to the school.
Is that right?

That's it!

But... why a movie?

Last night, I had some
trouble sleeping.

When I turned the TV on,
there was a weird movie on.

I thought so.

And it was such a
pathetic movie.

It was so bad that I thought about
internationally crank-calling the director.

Then I thought, "I can make
a better movie than this!"

And so I figured
we should go for it.

If you want to be a director
or a producer, that's fine.

Then we can do whatever
we want, right?

What are you
talking about?

What would you do if we said that
we didn't want to do that?

You can't make a movie
with just a director.

Don't worry, I've already
got a script mostly done.

No, that's not what
I'm talking about.

There's nothing to worry about.
Just follow my lead, same as always.

- There's absolutely no need to worry.
- I'm worried.

Leave the planning to me.
I'll take care of all of it.

Now I'm really worried.

Man, you're so annoying. I said
we're doing it, so we're doing it.

We're aiming to be voted the best event
of the school festival.

If we do, then even the stupid
student council will finally

recognize the SOS Brigade
as a club.

No! We're going to MAKE
them recognize us.

First we need to get the public
on our side!

How are we going
to pay for this?

- We have funds.
- Where?

We have the money that they
gave the Literature Club.

Then that's the Literature Club's funds.
It's not for you to use.

But Yuki said it's okay.

I did.

Okay, everyone!

This is more important than
whatever your classes are doing!

I'll listen to any opposing opinions
after the school festival.

Got it? The director's orders
are absolute!

First brigade leader,
and now director?

What's she planning to become in the end?
Please don't say "god" or something.

Okay, we're done
for today!

I've got a lot to think about,
since I'm the producer!

I'll tell you
the details tomorrow.

Well, this is good.

I'm relieved that it's not something like
capturing an alien to put it in a sideshow,

or shooting down a UFO and then making
an exhibit of its internal structures.

Besides, I'm interested in seeing what kind
of movie Miss Suzumiya wants to make.

It looks like this will be quite
an interesting school festival.

Quite interesting indeed.

D-Do you need something?

Oh, nothing.

I was just wondering what costume
Haruhi is going to bring next.

Still... a movie...

A movie, huh?

To be honest, I was kind
of interested in it, too.

Though not as much
as Koizumi.

It might be better if I was looking
forward to it more, though.

After all, there probably isn't
going to be anyone that will be.

I take back what I said.

I shouldn't have looked
forward to it at all.

After school the next day, I ended up
with a frown on my face.

General Commander, General Director,
Producer, Writer: Haruhi Suzumiya

Lead actress: Mikuru Asahina
Lead actor: Itsuki Koizumi
Supporting actress: Yuki Nagato

Assistant Director, Photography, Editor,
Gofer, Assistant, Errand boy,
Quartermaster, Everything else: Kyon

So what am I
supposed to do?

Just as it's written
on there.

I'm the heroine?

Umm, if it's possible, I'd like
to have a less prominent role...

No way! We're going to have you
play a really flashy role.

You're kind of like our
Brigade's trademark, after all.

You might want to practice
your autograph.

When we have our premier showing,
I'm sure that people will want it.

Where are you planning
on holding that?

But I can't act.

It's all right. I'll be sure to
give you perfect direction.

Oh, but Yuki and Koizumi don't seem
to be very serious about this.

I told them
this took priority.

I guess I'll have to give them a mild warning
for showing up late because of their classes.

I think it's stranger that Miss Asahina
and I are here, right now.

Is it okay for you to not participate
in your class's meeting, Miss Asahina?

Yes. I'm just going to be a waitress,
so I just need to get sized for my outfit.

I wonder what the outfit
is going to be like.

I'm kind of looking
forward to it.

The slightly embarrassed smile
on Miss Asahina's face

seems to point to her being
used to cosplay now.

It's probably better that she'll be wearing
the proper outfit for the proper place

instead of wearing these pointless
costumes for the SOS Brigade.

Oh, if you want to be a waitress
that badly, Mikuru,

I'll bring some costumes
for you.

Well, never mind that.

By the way Kyon, what do you think
is necessary to make a movie?

I guess it would be an original idea
and an untiring passion to create.

A camera, of course. How can we
shoot a movie without equipment?

I don't need an abstract
answer like that.

That might be true, but I didn't want to give
such a matter-of-fact answer... oh well.

And that's why we're going
to go get a video camera.

Oh, M-M-Miss Suzumiya,
now that you mention it,

there's something I need to do,
so I need to go back to my class-


Don't worry.

You've never once said, "Don't worry"
when we didn't actually have to worry.

We're not going to use your body to
pay for what we need this time.

I just need your help,
is all.

Tell us how she's
supposed to help!

If you don't, then Miss Asahina and I
are not budging from these seats.

We're going to look
for sponsors.

It would give them a better idea of what
we're doing if we brought the star, right?

You're coming, too,
to carry the stuff.

It's supposed to be autumn,
but it's not very cool at all.

It looks like the Earth
has finally gone stupid,

and it forgot to have autumn
come to Japan.

After we came down the mountain, we got
on a local train for a private train line,

and took it
three stops.

We went to a place not too far
from the area with the cherry trees

that Miss Asahina and I
walked along not too long ago.

Iwaigawa Shopping Strip

- Here we are.
- I see.

Ohmori Electronics

Ohmori Electronics
It looks like she's planning on getting
our filming equipment from here.

It looks like she's planning on getting
our filming equipment from here.

But how?

Wait here a second.
I'll go talk to him.

Hold this!

I'll probably grab
Miss Asahina and bolt

if Haruhi does anything that's even
the slightest bit suspicious.

Maybe I should warn
the nice man...

...that he shouldn't nod
at everything Haruhi says.

I wonder what
she's doing.

She's probably asking him
to lend her

the highest-end digital handycam
he has in the store for free.

She's capable of saying
something like that, after all.

What a troublemaker.

Haruhi believes that her own standards
and decisions are absolute.

And she sometimes incorrectly assumes
that other people share her opinions.

In fact, that's often
the case.

Which means she just
doesn't get it.

If you want to make
faster-than-light travel possible,

just put Haruhi
on your spaceship.

She would probably just ignore
the laws of relativity for you.

Oh, it looks like
they've finished.


And with this, we've taken our first step.
We're right on schedule.

How did you manage to get such an
expensive-looking camera for free?

Do you have some kind of blackmail
material on that old man?

No way. I just explained the situation,
and he generously donated it.

If he gave it to you, then tell me
what you said. I want one, too.

It wasn't much. I said we wanted to shoot
a film, and so he gave it to me.

No problem.

There may not be a problem now, but I
have the feeling there'll be one later.

Stop worrying
so much.

All you have to do is be my
underling and do as I say.

All right, let's go to
the next store.

I started to understand.
When she pointed at us,

Haruhi's index finger was aimed
squarely at Miss Asahina.

The cost of these items is going
to determine what Miss Asahina

is going to have
to do.

I wonder if I should
tell her.


What do you have
this time?


Here you go.

What am I supposed
to do with this?

We're going to use them for our
gunfight action scenes

Flashy gunfights are the
basis for entertainment.

If we can, I'd love to blow up
an entire building.

Do you know where we can
get some dynamite?

- Think they sell it at the general store?
- How should I know?

I'm pretty sure that they don't sell it
on the internet, though.

So what am I supposed to do
with this stuff?

Take it back to your place for now,
and bring it to the clubroom tomorrow.

It would be too bothersome
to go back to school right now.

- I'm supposed to?
- Yes, you.

It's her special
SOS Brigade smile,

the one you don't see in
the classroom very often.

Whenever Haruhi
smiles like this,

it means that my role in salvaging the
impending disaster has come back.

It feels like a reverse
"Straw Millionaire."


Sora kara ochite kitanda
It fell from the sky

Subete no negai wo nosete
With all of the wishes
that were made upon it

Hitotsu no hoshi niwa
chotto omokatta kana
Maybe it was a little too heavy
for a single star

Yappari nanika henda yo
Something just doesn't
seem right

Kokoro no kimi ga kieta
The image of you in my mind
has vanished

Tashika ni oboeteru tte
ieruno kai?
Can I say that I
remember you clearly?


Kako wa jibun no mono
The past belongs to me

Touzen daretomo torikaetakunai
Of course I don't want to trade it
with anyone else

That's because

Basudei datta watashitachi niwa
It was my birthday,
and when we saw each other

Deai ga umareta toki ni
We could see the first dream

Hajimete no yume ga mieru
That we had
when we were born

Doushiyouka tte
nayanda koto mo
Worrying about
"what do I do?"

Ima omoeba waraeru hodo
datta yo ne
Is laughable when I
think about it now

Mou wasureteta
I've already forgotten it

Kimi wo sagasou
Let's search for you