The Masked Singer (2019–…): Season 8, Episode 11 - Two Hour Epic Final: Part 2 - full transcript

Both finalists sing their hearts out one last time, with only one taking home the trophy.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
( music playing )

♪ Who

- Wow! That's amazing!
- ♪ Are you?

♪ Who are you?

♪ Who, who, who, who

♪ Who are you?

♪ Who

♪ I really wanna know

♪ Oh, I really wanna know

♪ Come on, tell me,
who are you? ♪

♪ You, you, are you?

Welcome, everyone,

to "The Masked Singer"
season finale.

We're ready! Yeah!

It is the night
we've been building to
over a season.

- Yeah!
- That's right.

Queen after queen
have been crowned
and knocked out.

But we are down
to our final two,

- the Harp and the Lambs.
- Ken: Yes!

- The females are taking over.
- That's how we do, Nick.

That's how we do.

Nick: Now how do you guys
feel about tonight?

It's some real competition.

This is the stiffest

this is the toughest
finale ever.

I know we say that every season,

but it's only
'cause we keep leveling up

- on this series.
- Absolutely.

Yeah, it's hard
because it is three
with the Lambs.

- Three against one.
- Three against one.

But, Harp, she holds her own.

- Yeah.
- Ken: Yeah, absolutely.

That's right, that's right.

Well, we will see.

They'll start with an anthem

that means something
personally to them.

Then they'll put their own
unique twist on a pop classic.

At the end of the night,
both competitors will
finally be unmasked.

- Robin: Yeah! Whoo!
- Nicole: That's right!

But only one will go home
with the coveted Golden Mask
trophy right there.

- Oh, my God.
- ( vocalizing )

In just a moment,
our first finalist

takes the stage
with her personal song.

But before that, let's see
how she became the Harp.

- Yeah.
- Ken: Yes!

Becoming the Harp
has been unlike anything

I've ever experienced
as an artist.

When I step into this costume,
I'm transformed.

I feel regal, elegant,
and totally weightless.

Which is ironic,

because this thing
is no joke to cart around.

But really, it's freeing.

Being under the mask
has allowed me

to separate myself
from the former jobs,

my name, what people
expect from me,

and prove myself
with just my voice.

Do you guys think
that she is an actress?

I think she's a triple threat.

No matter what happens tonight,
I'll always be the Harp.

♪ There ain't a reason
you and me should be alone ♪

♪ Tonight, yeah, baby,
tonight, yeah, baby ♪

♪ I got a reason that you
should take me home tonight ♪

♪ I need a man
that thinks it's right
when it's all wrong ♪

♪ Tonight, yeah, baby,
tonight, yeah, baby ♪

♪ Right on the limit
is where we know
we both belong tonight ♪

♪ It's hot to feel the rush

♪ To brush the dangerous

♪ I'm gonna rock with you,
to the edge with you ♪

♪ Where we can both
fall far in love ♪

♪ I'm on the edge of glory

♪ And I'm hanging
on a moment of truth ♪

♪ I'm on the edge of glory

♪ And I'm hanging on
a moment with you ♪

♪ I'm on the edge, the edge,
the edge, the edge ♪

♪ The edge, the edge,
the edge ♪

♪ I'm on the edge of glory

♪ And I'm hanging on
a moment with you ♪

♪ I'm on the edge with you

Oh, my God,
I want to know who she is!

♪ It's hot to feel the rush

♪ To brush the dangerous

♪ I'm gonna rock right to,
to the edge with you ♪

♪ Where we can both
fall deep in love ♪

♪ I'm on the edge of glory

- Whoa!
- ♪ And I'm hanging on
a moment of truth ♪

♪ I'm on the edge of glory

♪ And I'm hanging on
a moment with you ♪

♪ I'm on the edge, the edge,
the edge, the edge ♪

♪ The edge, the edge, the edge

♪ I'm on the edge of glory

♪ And I'm hanging
on a moment with you ♪

♪ I'm on the edge with you

- Whoa!
- ( cheering )

Hands down the best.

Nicole: What?

- Oh, my God.
- Whoo!

- Wow.
- Wow!

- That's how it's done!
- That's how it's done!

Wow. And we are on
the edge of our seats.

What a way to kick off
the finale.

Girl, you put every award show
to shame just then.

- Wow.
- Because that was by far,
in all eight seasons,

the best performance
I've ever seen
in a finale show ever.

- Really? Really?
- Outstanding.

Sis, that's how
it's done right there.

- Jenny: Yes.
- You got what it takes
no matter what

to go all the way.

So congratulations to you
after that performance.

- Ken: Yeah.
- Nick: So well said.

Now are you guys picking up
on who the Harp might be?

I know exactly who this is

because I've been saying it
from "Jump Street."

I'm saying someone
who has won Oscars,

performed in stadiums,
someone who has performed
for presidents.

Someone like,
oh, I don't know,
Jennifer Hudson?

Can I get an amen?
That's right.

In the beginning of the season,

talking about being on
the biggest show of all time,

Jennifer Hudson
was on "American Idol,"

but in the journey,
she was also known for comedy.

I know Jennifer Hudson's
not known for comedy,

but she kinda crushed it
in a little movie called,

oh, I don't know,
"Sex and the City."

Kind of amazing. Right?

She was hilarious
and even made Miranda laugh.

She's a tough critic.

After tonight's emotional,
emotional performance,

I'm going back
to Jennifer Hudson.

That's one for Ken right there.

That's like
the third time he hasn't
been booed this season.

- So you guys--
you guys are real nice.
- How dare you?

You know, from some of
the first clues that we saw,

I've been stuck
on the comedic tip.

Early on, I thought, well,
maybe it's a triple threat.

Somebody like
Queen Latifah, right?

But that's not Latifah's voice.

Then we saw an Oprah clue,

and I remembered
that this person

also famously does
an Oprah impression.

You've worked with her.

Triple threat.
Comedy, music, and acting.

I think this
is Yvette Nicole Brown.

Oh, my goodness.
That's a great guess.

- That's who I'm going with.
- I love it.

And he never guesses
his costars correctly,
so you're probably right.

- Very true.
- That's the lucky charm.

My money's on Robin so far.

- I love that.
- Okay, so, look here.

We saw the purple mashed

That made me think
of Fantasia, okay?

Because she was
in the movie musical
of "A Color Purple,"

and we saw
the number one trophy.

But her voice is, like--
Fantasia's is higher.

I'm getting there, Jenny.

But then,
with her powerhouse voice
and that tone,

I suddenly went back
to what I felt in my gut

from the beginning, you guys.

She told us she auditioned
for a big show

and didn't make it because
she didn't fit the mold.

I think that show
was "American Idol."

But the show
that she did get,

the show that was
a cultural phenomenon,
was "Glee."

She's played Effie
in "Dreamgirls."

She's also been
in "The Wiz: Live."

I think this is the amazingly
talented Amber Riley!

- Ken: Wow.
- Jenny: Oh!

All right, Jenny,
what you got?

Okay, so, there was a TV remote,
and I thought, okay,

"First Wives Club" reboot.

Jill Scott
has a voice like this.

- Jill Scott, great singer.
- And then I was thinking

when I saw the first place
trophy clue,

this could be Jordin Sparks,
who won "American Idol."

- Ken: Mm, nice.
- Nick: They like that one.

Whoever you are, you pulled
at all of our heartstrings
this entire season.

We truly cannot wait
to see who you are.

- Robin: Yeah.
- Nick: Indeed.

Y'all keep it going for the Harp
and that amazing performance.

Harp has been pulling at

the panel's heartstrings
all season.

But are any
of these guesses right?

We'll find out tonight.

I thought that
was her most confident,

- flawless performance
the whole season.
- Oh, she peaked, right?

- She peaked.
- Yeah. She peaked at
the finals, yeah.

The biggest question is,
how in the heck are the Lambs

gonna compete
with that performance?

What do they have to do
to try to win over her?

I mean, there's three of them.
They're their own powerhouse.

♪ Who is that?

♪ Who is that?

Welcome back to finale night

here on "The Masked Singer."

Our next finalists
have been a force

to reckon with all season.

Let's see how this harmonizing
trio became the Lambs.

Becoming the Lambs
has been a totally
transformative experience.

And it's kind of unbelievable

just how attached
to them we've become.

Yeah, we fully embody
these characters.

Make some noise for the Lambs.

We gave ourselves names.

I am Rose,
my sister is Lilac,

and my other sister
is Blueberry.

They're very happy
that I didn't go with Ricardo.

You can tell they have
a strong, strong bond.

And they sure act like family.

We've been on stages
almost our entire lives,

but this experience
has pushed us

both as a group
and as individuals,

and I don't think
we would've made it this far
without one another.

It will have a special place
in our hearts forever, I think.

It's part of our rebranding.

- ( laughs )
- We'll make an album
with farm animals.

- ( laughs )
- "Pet Sounds Volume Two."

There you go!
That's hysterical.

♪ I'm every woman

- ♪ It's all in me
- Whoo!

♪ I can read
your thoughts right now ♪

♪ Every word from A to Z

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

Oh, my God!
This is so good!

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ I can cast a spell

♪ All the secrets
you can't tell ♪

♪ Mix a special brew

♪ Put fire inside of you

♪ Anytime you feel
danger or fear ♪

♪ Instantly, I will appear

♪ 'Cause I'm every woman

- ♪ It's all in me
- Hey, okay!

- Okay!
- ♪ Anything you
want done, baby ♪

♪ I do it naturally

♪ I'm every woman

♪ It's all in me

♪ I can read
your thoughts right now ♪

♪ Every word from A to Z

♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

- Sing it!
- ♪ Whoa, whoa, whoa

♪ I'm every woman

- Sing!
- ♪ I'm every woman

- Yes!
- ♪ I'm every woman

♪ I'm every woman

♪ I'm every woman

Nicole: Yeah!

- Yes!
- Whoo! Whoo!



- Yay!
- What a celebration!

My goodness, talk about
the energy in here.

We gotta send out an SOS,
because we are in trouble

- because that was phenomenal!
- Yes.

We got ourselves a finale.

That was a brilliant
song choice for you, Lambs,

because you three
are the true embodiment

of woman supporting women
up there.

- Ken: Yes, yes.
- That was amazing.

Oh, thank you.

So we got to get some guesses
from our panel.

All right, what are you
thinking, Ken?

You guys'll be shocked,

but I've been all over
the place with my guesses

on the Lambs this season.

I've guessed the UK
English legends Spice Girls

- right here in the house.
- Jenny: No, Ken.

It could be,
because, you know,

international clues
the last time.

- No.
- But I'm going back
to the Kardashians,

- and I'll tell you why.
- What?

- Oh, my gosh.
- Let me finish.

- Ken!
- What?

You go big-- you go big
or you go home.

- Robin:
They did say "sisters."
- I'll tell you why.

- There's a connection
to the Kardashians.
- How?

I don't know.
Nick Cannon, who dated
Kim Kardashian.

Remember that?
Remember that, Daddy?
Yes, they'd be like--

I don't know,
what was your couple name?

I don't know what it was.

- It was amazing.
- I'ma kick you.

- Oh, hey!
- One, two, three.

- All: No, Ken!
- Sit your ass down.

Embarrassing me like that
on national television.
What's wrong with you?

Robin, make some sense
out of all this.

Well, we've definitely been
getting famous girl group vibes.

And, I mean, I was really
feeling the Chicks early on

because there was
a diamond ring in the clues,

and I believe
they had a diamond album.

But then some
of the vocal harmonies
really got to my ear.

There's another
famous singing group
that recently reunited

whose parents were members
of the Beach Boys

and of the Mamas and the Papas.

And we just saw a clue,
"Pet Sounds,"

which was the most critically
acclaimed Beach Boys album ever.

- Wow.
- I think that this
is Wilson Phillips.

- Wow.
- Great guess.

Okay, Nicole, what you got?

I was going off of--
do y'all remember

when we saw the clues
about the family, right?

- Jenny: Yeah.
- So I was thinking originally
this was Haim.

Too young.

However, we did see
an international ticket.

It could've also been the Corrs.

The Corrs, yes.

But I am picking up whatever
Robin has been putting down.

I'm thinking this
could either be the Chicks

or Wilson Phillips.

Well, whoever you are,

you have proven
with every performance

that you deserve
to be on this stage.

We have fallen
in love with you,

and I genuinely cannot wait
to find out who you are.

- Robin: Yes.
- Nick: Indeed.

An extraordinary
performance from the Lambs.

Ken: Great job! Yes!

And we'll see you guys in a bit

for your final performance.

The panel have been counting

down the Lambs guesses

all season.

But "wool" they be right?

We'll find out tonight.

You know what so good, guys?

We get two more
performances to decide.

- That's awesome.
- Ken: Oh, thank goodness,

'cause this is basically
a dead heat.

- This was even.
- Man, performance-wise,

both of them
were through the roof.

This is gonna be tough.

♪ Who is that?

♪ Who is that?

Welcome back
to "The Masked Singer"
season finale.


Both Harp and the Lambs
performed their anthems.

Now the Lambs
have one last chance

to prove they are
the singers to beat

with the reimagination
of a pop classic.

But, first, here's a look
at their remarkable journey.

Coming into this competition,
we didn't know what to expect.

But we invited this challenge,
and we walked through fire.

♪ It's a quarter after one

♪ I'm a little drunk
and I need you now ♪

I can tell
you love music so much.

It just comes from your soul
and in your veins

and your spirit,
and I feel it every time.

Thank you so much.

It's reinvigorated a spark

that we haven't lit
in a very long time.

So beautiful!

We spent 14 years apart,
and we went our own ways.

We became mothers,
and carved out our own lives
and careers.

But there was always
a missing piece.

I never gave up
on the three of us
getting back together.

And it's unthinkable for us

not to be singing together again
for the rest of our lives.

- Oh!
- Aww.

Our unique sound
is something that we
discovered as little girls.

And it's those harmonies that
have bonded us together

and set us apart from the rest
of the competition here.

- ♪ Said I wouldn't call
- Guys, the harmonies!

Music is something
that's in our blood.

It's the air we breathe.
It's our life force.

- ♪ And I don't know how
- So knowing this
is the last time

we'll be onstage together
as the Lambs is bittersweet.

But we're gonna say goodbye
the only way we know how,

together side by side,

singing our hearts out,
and going for the win.

♪ Need you now

- Robin: Yeah!
- Family love.

That's beautiful.

♪ I gotta take a little time

♪ A little time
to think things over ♪

♪ I better read
between the lines ♪

♪ In case I need it
when I'm older ♪

- ♪ In my life
- Whoo!

♪ There's been
heartache and pain ♪

♪ And I don't know

♪ If I can face it again

♪ Can't stop now

♪ I've traveled so far

♪ To change this

♪ Lonely life

♪ I wanna know what love is


♪ I want you to show me

♪ I wanna feel what love is

♪ I know you can show me

Oh, my gosh!

♪ In my life

♪ There's been
heartache and pain ♪

- ♪ Heartache and pain
- ♪ And I don't know

♪ If I can face it again

♪ Can't stop now,
I've travelled so far ♪

♪ To change this

♪ Lonely life

♪ I wanna know what love is

♪ I want you to show me

♪ I wanna feel what love is

I'm gonna cry.

♪ I know you can show me

( vocalizing )

- Yeah!
- Whoo!

- Whoa!
- Wow!

- Oh! Gorgeous.
- Whoa!

- Wow!
- Whoo! Beautiful.

We wanna know what love is.

Keep showing your love
for the Lambs!

Wow, wow, wow.

thank you for the love
that you spread on us.

- I feel like we were
at the reunion tour.
- Totally! Right?

- Aww, thank you.
- Thank you.

You wanna know what love is?

You're gonna see it
when you guys win
"The Masked Singer."

- ( shrieks )
- Amazing performance.

- So "lamb-orous."
- ( Ken laughs )

So, Lambs,
what would it mean to win
this entire thing?


We would be so honored.

This has been
an incredible experience.

So, yes,
it would mean so much.

We wanted to stretch
ourselves as artists,

and we have little lambs
at home,

and we wanted to make them
really proud of us.


- So sweet.
- No doubt they're proud.

You guys, keep it going
for them one more time.

What a way to close out
the competition.

- Yes!
- The Lambs.

We'll see you soon.

That arrangement
was award-winning.


♪ Who is that?

♪ Who is that?

Welcome back to the finale
of "The Masked Singer."


The Harp has been a vocal
powerhouse since day one.

Let's take a look back
at her journey to the finale.

When I started this journey,
I had no idea

just how much this competition
would mean to me.

I've spent years in an industry
that doesn't necessarily

who I am all the time.

In Hollywood,
you can be overlooked

based on a more
shallow viewpoint,

but being able to be the Harp

and step out
in just my talent alone

has been absolutely amazing.

♪ Don't make me close
one more door ♪

♪ I don't wanna hurt anymore

- ( cheering )
- ♪ Stay in my arms

Get outta here! Yeah!

That is one of the greatest
notes ever hit

on that stage
in "Masked Singer" history.

This opportunity has allowed me
to reintroduce myself

to the world
on my own terms,

and hearing the panel's
words of encouragement
week after week

has reminded me that I am
more than you know.

♪ Don't make me
close one more door ♪

Oh, my God!

You could sing the phone book

and make me cry
with a voice like that.

I want to win it
not just for myself,

but for all the other girls

who have ever felt
less than perfect.

Do not underestimate us.

We have greatness inside,
and the world needs to see it.

♪ If I don't have

♪ You

- That made me cry.
- That was beautiful.

♪ Gravity

♪ Is working against me


♪ And gravity

♪ Wants to bring me down

( no audible dialogue )

♪ Oh, I've never known

♪ What makes this man

♪ With all the love

♪ That his heart can stand

♪ We'll dream of ways

♪ To throw it all away

( vocalizing )

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Gravity, yeah

♪ Is working against me

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Gravity, yeah

♪ Has taken
better men than me ♪

♪ Well, how can that be?

♪ Keep me where the light is

( vocalizing )

♪ Keep me where the light is

Wow, wow, wow!

- ♪ Keep me where the light
- Wow, wow! I love it!

- ♪ Keep me where
- ♪ Keep me where

♪ The light is

♪ Keep me where the light is


♪ Keep me where the light

♪ Is

- ♪ Oh, oh, keep
- ♪ Keep

- ♪ Me
- ♪ Me

♪ Where

♪ The light

♪ Is

♪ Yeah, yeah

♪ Yeah, yeah

- Robin: Whoo! Whoo, whoo!
- Jenny: Oh, yeah.

- Oh, yeah.
- Whoo, whoo!

Oh! Good Lord!

- Oh!
- Nick: Wow.

- Oh!
- Jenny: I mean--

- Wow.
- I don't know what to do,
'cause that was amazing.

Wow. Wow.

I think we all got chills.

- Robin?
- Wow, I mean--

- Right?
- I thought the opener
was spectacular.

Wow, I mean,
that is hands down

one of the best things
we've ever heard on this stage.

Ever. Ever.

And we always talk about this,
being able to take something

and really truly
make it your own.

That's an incredible
John Mayer song

with a completely
different feel.

- Yeah.
- And you just took that
into the stratosphere,

to the church, over the moon.

Oh, my God.
That was-- that was pure.

That's right.
You are anointed, sis.

Because when I watched you

stand up there
in your stillness,

I was like, that is the power
of God in her right now.

- Jenny: Yeah.
- Robin: Amen.

You are truly one of the best
that has ever graced our stage.

Thank you.

Ken: Oh, man, look at her.
She's crying.

Jenny: She's crying.

And, obviously,
we can't see her face,

but I can hear that the Harp

is quite emotional right now.

I just have to ask you, Harp,

what's going through
your heart right now?

( sniffles )

These are people that I admire.

"A Beautiful World" is
one of my favorites songs...

- Oh, thank you.
- ...that I listen to
all the time.

Nicole, I've watched you

since the very beginning
of your career

and have admired you.
I've watched you all.

And it just means a lot
to be validated.

I've been through a lot
in this industry.

And sometimes
you forget who you are,

and sometimes you need
people to remind you.

- So I thank you.
- Oh.

I mean, to think
that you ever felt
less-than or not enough.

I hope after that performance,

you know that you are
more than enough.

You are loved.

That was epic,
and we all love you.

Well, Harp,
you left it all on the stage
and then some.


They're standing up
for you once again.

You've been
an amazing competitor.

- That was incredible!
- Ladies and gentlemen,

keep it going for the Harp
one more time.

- Whoo!
- Men In Black, help her out.

Okay, panel and studio audience.


It's time for the final
vote of the season.

Oh, man.

The performer
with the most votes

will be crowned
the season eight champion.

I'm stuck. I don't know.

I'm honestly stuck,
I need help, and I don't know,

'cause I love them both.
What do I do?

- May the vote be with you.
- ( Jenny groans )

The final results,
right after the break.

Jenny: Oh, my gosh!
It's so exciting!

♪ Who is that?

Welcome back to the season
finale of "The Masked Singer."

- This is it! The final!
- I don't want it to end!

Two mystery finalists
stand before us,

each has proven they are worthy
of the Golden Mask trophy,

but only one
can be crowned queen.

This is intense.

Harp and Lambs, let's get to it.

- Oh, my gosh.
- Ken: Oh, my gosh.

The winner
of the Golden Mask Trophy,

the queen or queens
of season eight is...

I can't believe
this is it, you guys.

I'm scared. I'm scared,
I'm scared, I'm scared.

- Oh, man.
- I'm crushing your hands,
I know it.

Jenny, you're hurting my hand.

( groans )

- The Harp!
- ( cheering )

♪ Don't you ever, ever feel

- Harp, congratulations!
- ♪ Like you're less than

♪ Less than perfect

- Yeah!
- Come on, Ken!

The Golden Mask Trophy is yours.

- How does it feel?
- It feels amazing!

It feels so amazing.
I'm so excited!

Thank you!

- Please make your way
to our winner's circle.
- Wow!

- Thank you.
- She earned that.

She earned it.

And keep it going
and show some love

- to the Lambs, of course.
- Robin: Yeah!

- What a great finale.
- Right?

All right, Lambs, clearly
the audience loves you.

You know
we hate to see you go,

but we can't wait
to see who you are.

But before we get to that,
we have to talk to our panel.

- What you guys got?
- Well, first of all,

I just want to say
you guys are winners,

- because your voices
brought so much joy.
- Absolutely.

- Thank you. Thank you.
- I had to say that.

Um, let's get down
to business, shall we?

You know, I've been kind of
all over the place

in the last few weeks,
but the guess

that didn't get, like,
hardly any boos this season

was Robin's-- The Chicks.

International flight clue?

They've got an album
called "Fly."

I think this,
ladies and gentlemen,

is the very talented Chicks.

- The Chicks!
I know it's The Chicks.
- Ken: Yes, yes.

- Nicole: Wow.
- Ken: Yes.

And by yes, I mean no.

All the clues
were about being from LA

and members of the biggest
family in Hollywood,

- as in the Kardashians.
- No.

- The holy trinity
of television.
- Please!

Give it up for one
of Nick's exes,

Kim, Kourtney,
and Khloe Kardashian.

Jenny: No.

Robin's the only one
that clapped on that one.

- This is a sympathy clap.
- Thank you. Thank you.

Nick: Robin, what you got?

The harmonizing,
and there was a Venice sign,

this group was from
California music royalty.

"Pet Sounds" tonight.

Members Carnie
and Wendy's father

is Brian Wilson
from the Beach Boys.

With those harmonies,
it has to be Wilson Phillips.

Nicole, what about you?

Now, I think Robin nailed it,

with that "Pet Sounds"
clue tonight.

So I believe this is
also Wilson Phillips.

- ( cheers and applause )
- ( no audible dialogue )

Nick: Well,
we've heard the panel's...

All right, well, who's right?
Let's find out.

- Nick: ...very interesting
final guesses.
- They're so cute.

Let's see if any of them
are correct.

Audience, say it with me.

( all chanting )
Take it off! Take it off!

- ♪ Who, who, who, who
- Take it off!

♪ Who are you?

Take it off!

Take it off!
Take it off! Take it off!

♪ Oh, I really wanna know

You're gonna be mad you gave up
The Chicks and I took it.

I hope not.
I know those harmonies.

♪ Who are you?

- Oh!
- Yeah!

The legendary
and multi-platinum-selling

- Wilson Phillips!
- Yes!

- Congratulations...
- Yes!

...on such an amazing journey
on this show.

- Great to finally
see you guys.
- Thank God!

Tell us about this journey,
being on "The Masked Singer"
as the Lambs.

It's a journey
that we will never forget.

- Ever.
- It's been amazing.

I have no words.
I'm speechless. This is--

Do you know how great it is
to have the mask off
and talk right now?

- Robin: Yeah!
- Ah, we love it, too!

Whoo! It was so wonderful.
What an honor.

- This thing was a trip.
- A trip indeed.

- Such a journey. And, Robin?
- It was great!

I knew it was you guys, man.

- I love it!
- You did, you did!

You guys hit that harmony
and it just hit my ear
and my heart.

You know,
those harmonies are so special
and so individual.

- Thank you so much.
- It's really beautiful.
You guys killed it.

- Killed it.
- Thank you.

Thank you, dear. Thank you.

I have to say,
every time you chose a song,

the words had meaning,
and I felt it,

and you really got to see
your journey,

not only on "The Masked Singer,"
but in life.

- And we are honored
and we love each of you.
- Thanks, you guys.

- Thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.

- So much.
- We are honored.

Well, you know what?
It has been such a pleasure

and honor
having you guys here.

We love you.
Been such an incredible journey.

- To sing one last time...
- Oh, my gosh.

once and for all,

the artists formerly known
as the Lambs.

Give it up
for Wilson Phillips!

- Yes! Yes!
- Yes!

♪ Oh, someday
somebody's gonna make you ♪

♪ Wanna turn around
and say good-bye ♪

♪ Until then, baby

♪ Are you gonna let 'em hold
you down and make you cry? ♪

♪ Don't you know,
don't you know,
things'll change ♪

♪ Things will go your way

♪ If you hold on
for one more day ♪

♪ Can you hold on

♪ For one more day?

♪ Things'll go your way

♪ Hold on for one more day

- ( crowd cheering )
- Yes!

- Yes!
- All right!

After the break,
the time has come

to unmask
our season eight winner.

You don't want to miss it.
Don't move.

♪ Who is that?

♪ Who is that?

Welcome back
to "The Masked Singer" finale!

Just moments ago,
we found out that the Harp

has joined the ranks
of past season winners...

- like T-Pain...
- Yeah!

Wayne Brady, Kandi Burruss,
Leann Rimes,

Nick Lachey, Jewel,
and Teyana Taylor.

Which famous face
will join our esteemed
hall of fame?

Before we find out,

let's have the panel
give us their final guesses.

- Who wants to start?
- I'll start.

- All right.
- You know, I've been on this
Yvette Nicole Brown tip

for a while
because she's definitely
a triple threat.

But she also had a deal
with Motown Records
many years ago,

so a lot of people don't know
how talented of a singer she is.

I think that this
is Yvette Nicole Brown.

Ken: Great guess.
Great guess.

I like it. I like it.

But I like mine
a little bit more.

The TV remote,
'cause she got her start on TV.

"American Idol."
And guess what.

There was another clue
that said first place trophy

'cause she won
"American Idol."

I think this is the beautiful,
very talented Jordin Sparks!

Not a bad guess.
Not a bad guess at all.

- Hard to argue with.
- Nick: Ken, what you got?

I honestly think in my heart
I've been right all along.

Someone who is a triple threat.

She sang an amazing
John Mayer song, "Gravity,"

and no one has more gravity
than my guess.

This has to be
Jennifer Hudson.

Yes! Yes!

- Eh.
- Yes!

I need this.
I really need this.

Nicole, what about you?

- Okay.
- Come on, Nicole.

She said
she collaborated with me,

which she did on our dear friend
Todrick Hall's album.

And, you guys, I can't believe

I'm just getting it now--
the wizard hat.

Yes, she was in "The Wiz: Live"
'cause I loved her in that.

But the album that
we collaborated on was called
"Straight Outta Oz."

This is the gorgeously talented
Amber Riley.

Jenny: Wow!

Nick: Okay, our panel
has made their final guesses.

Let's see if any of them
are correct.

Oh, my God.
I'm so excited right now
to find out who you are!

Who is behind the mask
of our season eight winner?

Harp, we need to know,
who are you?

- Who are you?
- Audience, say it with me.

( all chanting )
Take it off! Take it off!

Take it off!

- ♪ Who are you?
- Jennifer Hudson!

♪ Who, who, who, who

- Take it off! Take it off!
- ♪ I really wanna know

- ♪ Oh, I really wanna know
- Come on, baby.

- Take it off! Take it off!
- I need this!

- ♪ You, you
- Oh, my God!

Actress, singer,
and multi-talented,

Amber Riley!

- Robin: Yeah!
- Jenny: Oh, my God!

- That's right, girl.
That's right, girl.
- Congratulations!

- Everyone's on their feet.
- Yes!

This has to be a surreal
and well-deserved moment.

Tell me what it's like
winning "The Masked Singer."

This has been such
an amazing experience,

just to be able to come out here
and be completely covered

- and let my talent
speak for itself...
- Yes.

...and the love
that I have for people
and wanting people to heal

and feel what it is
that I'm singing.

So I hope everybody
felt my soul

because I bared it right here
on this stage.

Nick: Your entire journey
we felt your soul, indeed.

And somebody who was
picking up on your soul,

your soul sister right there,

- Nicole Scherzinger.
- I'm not gonna lie.

I just love you.
I've always been
a fan of yours.

I've seen you perform
live in person.

It's, like, it's chills.
It's goosebumps.
It's transcending.

- Thank you.
- We love you so much.

Thank you, everybody.

Mama Harp
in the building.

Now, Amber, do you feel
more than enough?

- I do, I feel
more than enough.
- Good. You should!

Besides the trophy,
that's what I'm taking
home with me,

everything that you guys said
to me earlier today.

You made me cry.
You messed up my makeup.

So, is there anything
that you would like to say

to your adoring fans,
friends, and family
watching this moment?

I just want to say,
whatever it is that you want
in this life, you go after it.

It may be hard,
it may be a rocky journey,

but at the end of that journey,

it will totally
and completely be worth it.

- So keep going.
- Yes, girl, yes!

- Amber: Yes.
- Nick: Such beautiful words
from such a beautiful Harp.

- It has been
truly a pleasure...
- Thank you.

...and an honor
to have you here.

Let's give it up
one more time, y'all,
for Amber Riley!

Yes, girl! Hey, 'ey, 'ey!

It's been an incredible season!

Thank you to everyone at home

for joining us
on this wild ride.

We'll see you again
in the new year

for an all-new season nine
of "The Masked Singer."

But right now,

here to sing us out
one last time,

unmasked once and for all,

the artist formerly known
as the Harp,

our season eight winner,
Amber Riley!

♪ Oh, I've been so down
and under pressure ♪

- Hey, hey!
- Hey!

♪ I'm way too fine
to be this stressed, yeah ♪

♪ I'm not the girl
I was or used to be ♪

♪ Hey, see,
I might be better ♪

♪ Turn up the music

- ♪ Let's celebrate
- Yes!

♪ I got a feeling

♪ I'm gon' be okay

- ♪ Okay
- ♪ Okay

♪ All right,
it's about that time ♪

♪ I'm going out tonight

♪ Okay, all right

♪ It's about that time, yeah

♪ It's about that time

- Yes!
- Whoo!