The Man in the High Castle (2015–…): Season 4, Episode 7 - No Masters But Ourselves - full transcript

The BCR launches a massive assault across the JPS, and Kido finds the fate of the Empire in his hands. Childan becomes a captive of the Kempeitai. Helen resolves to support her husband by ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
You don't have to do this.

You can leave right now.

Door's wide open.

You will not be judged.

Set the timer for 25 minutes.

Enough time for you to get clear

without anyone finding
the parcel.


Some of you will be captured.

I know you know what that means.

Most we can promise is to fight
every day for your release.

That's some beautiful shoes
you just cobbled together.

Your families will be cared for.

We don't forget
what our soldiers have given

to the struggle.

We do this

because we want the life...

our people have never had

Brother Benjamin?

You sure you're ready?

Yeah, he's ready.

Let the young man speak
for himself, Leon.

I'm ready.

All right, then.

Let's tear down
the emperor's house.

America's war in Vietnam will be

quickly and easily won.

The U.S. of the Alt-World

somehow managed
to become a global superpower.

They maintain the most

fighting force
that world has ever seen.

The Vietnamese are
a primitive race.

They're fighting with rifles
and land mines.

There's no contest.

Tell me, do they still
teach ancient history

at Junkerschule, Campbell?

They teach Aryan history, sir.

Well, the Romans called Hannibal
a primitive

right up until he marched
his army all the way from Africa

on elephants and crushed them.

In war, technology and wealth
are no guarantee of victory.

What matters is the will to win.

Thomas seems
to be progressing well.

He'll get a good posting,
close to the action.

I want his status updated

When he's assigned to a company,

when he goes on leave,

We have prepared
your confession.

For your signature.

To you,
this is a list of crimes.

To me,

this is a list of acts
in the service of the Emperor.

Perhaps he will see it that way

when you arrive in Tokyo
for your court-martial.

Shall I tell you

what else I have done
to add it to your list?

If you like.

I have given two
of my sons' lives.

I am sorry.

You never spoke of them.


and Kenta were their names.

I have kept their pictures
in my uniform,

close to my heart.

I am grateful
that they were able

to give their lives
for the Empire.

If we surrender this territory,

their deaths will have been
for nothing.

I will not accept that.

You have a son.

I have twosons.

They are alive?


So you do not know what it is
to lose a child.


For you, our cause was a choice.

For me, there is no going back.

"The war is never lost
until the last man dies."

That is my confession.

Take it to the Emperor,

and he will pardon me.

Thanks for doing this, Richie.

Well, it's not much, but it's
safe and out of the way.


We jerry-rigged the wiring
into the Reich's power grid.

It's cold in here.

Chimney works.
There's a bit of kindling there.

Better draw the curtains.

Oh, the Reich hardly bothers to
patrol anything north of 116th.

They took Harlem off the map
back in '49.

- They tried.
- Canned goods,

Sterno stove kit,
pack of smokes, pint of rye.

I'll be back tomorrow
with more of what you'll need.

Thank you.

A lot of ghosts in this place.

Let's hope they don't
mind uninvited guests.

Everything's still here.

They wouldn't have had
time to gather their things.

Nowhere to go.

Jesus, look at the bloodstains.

These people put up a fight.

Here they are.

"Lucille and Warren Huggins.

"Married June 19, 1933,

at the Broadway African
Methodist Episcopal Church."

I want to think they'd be happy

that we're here...

in their home.


I'd want to think so, too.

- Ma'am?
- Hmm?

She's ten minutes early, but...
Mrs. Himmler.

Please, show her in.

Oh, what lovely flowers.

Please, let...

Nein. They have to be
handled properly.

Fraulein, a vase.

Gomphrena, false goat's beard,

These are beautiful.

Oh, fresh flowers...
bloom once, then die.

Dried flowers... are forever.

I still have my wedding bouquet.


Sealed inside
an airtight bell jar.

- Oh, that's so special.
- Mm.

A Reich wife must work
always in the service

of her husband's destiny,
or... or else.


Which is why
I invited you here today.

Please, won't you join me?

I know how you must see me,

What can I say?

Please, be honest.

It's not just me, I'm afraid.

All of Berlin,
everyone knows the truth

of your year
in the Neutral Zone.

And my husband.
I know John can seem aloof.

Or arrogant.

No, they misunderstand him.

He's quiet.

- That's all.
- Be that as it may,

I don't have to tell you
what becomes of the children

once the father
comes under suspicion.

What do I have to do
to earn my way back

into the good graces of...

- My husband.
- And you.

I want the trust of the Reich.

And the freedom that
comes with that.

I want that freedom
for my daughters, too.

Some people think I'm a cold,
brittle old woman.

I don't believe that.

The eyes speak what the mouth
doesn't dare say.

I don't mind.

What they don't realize is that

I am a caring person, in here.

You have to assume the role
of a proper

- treusorgende Ehefrau to your husband.
- Faithful wife...

Well, I'm doing that.

Oh, you've done that here,

Now you must show the world.

Show the world you have come
home to National Socialism,

not in body,
but in deiner Seele...

in your soul.


Sounds like a venereal disease.

Incurable strain.

Get Billy Turner on the phone.

I'm going to make
a public appearance.

There is no holiday
like Reichsgiving, and so,

I have a very special guest
for you this morning, ladies.

A personal friend of mine
who has never

appeared on the show before,

to share her own
Reichsgiving recipes.

Die Ehefrau des ReichsmarschallHelen Smith.

You weren't gonna tell us?

My secretary runs in telling me
Helen Smith is on the TV.

This Kasespatzle recipe
is a tradition in our house.

I make it with my daughters
this time every October.

Ah... Smells delicious.

What is your secret ingredient, Helen?

Uh, bacon fat

and a stick of butter.

- Ah.
- Don't ask about the calories.

I promise, no calorie talk.

While that Spatzle is baking,
it's time for some girl talk.

Oh, good.

Now, you have been married

to Reichsmarschall
John Smith for...

20 years.

And how the time has flown.

So, what is your secret

to a happy marriage?

How do you manage

to keep the fire burning?

I can answer that in one word.

A word that we can use
on Reich TV?

I think we can use it. Yes.


That, to me, is the foundation

of a successful marriage.

Helen, think back
to your first Reichsgiving,

the first moment you first gave
thanks for National Socialism.

Um, hmm...

Oh, um, it would be
February, '46,

just after The Liberation.

John was still in the...

John was in the U.S. Army.

Um, we had been posted
to Fort Monmouth,

and we had just had our son.

Thomas was, um,
he was just a baby.

It's all right. Take a moment.

No, no, I...
I'd like to talk about it.

We hadn't eaten in days.

I thought that my baby was
going to starve...

in my arms.

A man, a Reich colonel,
he came to our door.

He brought us milk, bread,
cheese, meat.

It was all airlifted in
by the Reich in an act of mercy.

And my baby...

he finally stopped crying.

From that day forward,

thanks to that spirit of mercy,

there has never again been
hunger in the Reich.

And who else was there
that night?

Um, it...

It was...

Uh, well... well, it was
just-just us, our family.

As it should be.

John, myself and Thomas, and...

We put the past behind us.

Thanks, Helen.

We would love to have you back
on the show again, any time.

Yes, yes. I-I would like that.


Thank you.

If you don't mind, I-I got some,
uh, documents I want to sign.

Of course.

This is a list of drop spots.

Make sure your contact
identifies himself.

Letters of transit to Salinas,
meticulously prepared.

What if I get pulled over?

They might toss a few shoeboxes
from the back to harass you.

Stay cool, payload's up front.

But if they get too close,

you've got the tripwire.

No masters but ourselves.

Stay alive, brother.

And you.

Well done.
Your Friend, Margarete.

Your, uh... appearance today

certainly got a lot
of attention.

So it seems.

I had no idea.

I had Billy Turner arrange it.


You've never done anything
like that before.

I thought it was important
I show my allegiance.

To who?


You. Me.

You came to this
by yourself or...


No. Margarete was here.

Why didn't you consult with me?

I have to clear my name, John.

For the girls' sake,
if nothing else.

And only I can do that.

They all know the truth
about my year away.


I'd have thought
you would've been proud of me.

Well, you could've made it
worse, Helen.

I mean, you...

you do know
how close you came, right?

On Reich television?

That woman put me on the spot
with her question.

It all came rushing back.

I haven't even thought
about it in...

But I handled it, didn't I?

You did fine.

Do you ever think
about him, John?

About Daniel?


Easy now. Slow.

Shut the box.

What'd I teach you?

Go on, sit down.

Get out of the boat.

You're too heavy, that's all.

I'm not scared.

I'm not going to row this tub
across the bay with you in it.

So go on.

Get out.

Get that bow line
and cast me off.

Be careful, Leon.

Tell the others...
we eat whale tonight.

The Eugenics midterm
is going to be a bear.

Oh, God, how I hate Eugenics.

What if it's all bullshit?

It's science, Jennifer.

That lab report we did,

measuring the intelligence
of the races

by filling skulls with birdseed?

Think about it, Henry.

My skull is half the size
of Howie Phipps'.

So is everyone's.
His head is huge.

And he's dumb as a bag
of cement.

I don't want to think about it.

I just want to pass Eugenics

and never have to think
about Eugenics again.

I'm sorry, Henry.

You just want to get good marks,
and I'm not really helping.

Maybe you deserve a better
study partner, like Gretchen.

I mean, I guess I could ask her.

She did win
Most Aryan Girl and all.

But she bores me.

You don't.

You're the least boring person
I've ever met.

Everything is better
when you're around.

Oh, God.


Mom's dragging us girls there
for new winter wardrobes.

Isn't that awful?

I don't
know if it's awful, but...

I think we should
get back to studying?

Hey, do you want to go

trick-or-treating with me
on Halloween?

I usually take Amy.

Only thing I know for sure is,

Mom will be wearing
her Helen Smith mask.

She's back to playing
the perfect Reich wife.

You know that cooking show
she did?

But it's all an act.

My parents are at the top
of the Nazi Party.

They're both dying inside.

My mom promised
to help me get back

to the Neutral Zone someday,
and I don't want to wait.

Jennifer, keep your voice low.

Shouldn't I walk you home?

Do you want
to go trick-or-treating with me

- on Halloween?
- I usually take Amy.

- Did we get it?
- We got some of it.

Mom will be wearing
her Helen Smith mask.

She's back to playing
the perfect Reich wife.

You know that cooking show
she did?

But it's all an act.

Only thing I know for sure is,

Mom will be wearing
her Helen Smith mask.

I don't like involving the kids.

Kids see.

Kids hear, kids talk.

You know,
mistresses are good, too.

- Smith have one?
- Nah, he's too careful.

All right, well,
we build a case file

on the whole family, till there
are no more surprises.

- Then we can move.
- Okay. Quiet.

My mom promised
to help me get back

to the Neutral Zone someday,
and I don't want to wait.

Jennifer, keep your voice...

The Reichsmarschall's daughter

wants to run off to the Zone.

Right, so we offer to help
get her across the border,

and then she accepts our offer.

- Then what?
- We take her.

We control her,

we control Smith.

I don't want to blackmail Smith,
I want to kill him.

Wind the tape back.

Where she talks
about going shopping.


Mom's dragging us girls there
for new winter wardrobes.


Helen Smith will be
out in public.

Forget the girl.

We're staying on plan.

Is it a good book, Childan?

Well, it was a 1903
first edition until...

- Oh, dear.
- Yeah.

I figured I might as well
get some use out of it.

These books were always
too precious to read before.

What's it about?

Uh, it's about a sled dog
in the Yukon.

Ah. Dog story.


Buck, the dog, he, uh...

- he starts out as a family pet.
- That's nice.

But he's forced to shed
the veneer of civilization

and return
to his primordial instincts.

I'd like to read that book.

I respect animals.

They know no shame.

They live for today.

I have something for you.

I repaired it while you slept.

Using the kintsugimethod,

lacquer mixed
with powdered gold.

Oh, Yukiko.

I know you can't
sell it anymore,

but the anemones were
too pretty to throw away.

No, it's-it's wabi-sabi,
you know.

Nothing lasts, nothing's
finished, nothing's perfect.

- A customer.
- No.

It... Just, it doesn't matter.

Don't go. Don't go.

We need the business.


Thank goodness.
Have you found him?

We are here
to take Robert Childan

to headquarters for questioning.

Mr. Childan has been missing
since the auction.

We are relying
on the police to find him.

Two bowls.

One for me and one for customer.

Childan is here. Find him.

He's not here.

You're wasting your time.

Leave him alone!
He did nothing wrong!

- Shh... I'll be all right, Yukiko.
- Childan!

Don't worry,
everything's gonna be fine.

I know who to talk to.
Don't worry.

No... I'll be back, Yukiko.

Can you imagine the movies

Raunchy Richie
used this stuff for?

I'd rather not. Thank you.

Um, I'm not sure if this kit
is gonna get us past security.

Yeah, this stuff is cheap.

It's like greasepaint.

Consider the source, you know?

Yeah. Hmm.

The wigs, I don't know.


My God, the furs are so...

Just think of the type of woman
who moves

- in Helen Smith's orbit.
- A lady of the Reich.

That's right.

A Park Avenue matron.

She looks right past security.

Well, they're nothing.
It's her world.

They don't notice the lipstick,
the wig.

They only see the gate.

Well, the right kind of woman,
she could get right up close.

For how long? I don't know.

I'd need less than a minute.

But it has to be...

I mean, it has to hold up.

You... not just to get in, but...

To get me out. I know.

All right.

Your turn.

- Huh?
- Mm-hmm.

- Me?
- You up to it?

Sure, I've been playing
a part for 20 years.

Yeah, I know you have.

Now you have to play
another one.

Let us see.

Imagine, instead of becoming...

Can you hold that front?

Becoming this Wyatt Price,

you became a different man.

Hmm, I'd rather not.

You believe what you're told.

You put in your time.

Take what you're given.

Come on.

Try not to think about
how the hell you got here.


What do you see?

My father.

He worked in a lead mine.

I could smell the dust off him
when he came home from work.

You know,
it'd be easy to be this man.

You just have to give up.

Kido Taisa,
you're a rational man.

I'm sure you can see
that I had no possible motive

to collaborate
with these terrorists.

- I know.
- You know?

- Well, then, why...
- You were their hostage, were you not?


Tell me about them.

I don't know where they are now.

They were, uh... they were
holed up in a warehouse.

We discovered the warehouse
and searched it after they left.

I'm not interested in
where they are.

I want to know who they are.

These people...

We have file cabinets
full of intelligence on the BCR.

And we still do not know
our enemy.

When these Negroes captured me,

I was, uh...

I was terrified.

I thought they were savages.

And now?


shrewder... than I thought.

Still savages. All of the...

the wildness...

that the Japanese
refined out of us...

these Negroes, they...

they never let that go.

I have come to see that
as a part

of the character
of this country.

Perhaps this territory is like

a wild horse or dog
that needs to be set free.

Or put down.

Then put it down,

Chief Inspector.

You can end it.

But only if your will
to hold this territory

is greater than theirs.

Equiano, Bell, Elijah, Benjy.

They were dishwashers.

Menial laborers.

Poets, artists.

And that room
they kept me locked in,

I could hear them talking.

Their music,
the smell of their food.

And the woman, Bell...

she talked about their history.

The Klan, the Reich,

the Japanese. To them...

you're just this week's enemy.

They've been fighting
for 400 years.

And they'll fight for 400 more.

I think that's what scares me
the most about them.

Is that a ship?

Take that!


Please come away
from the window.

Get out of here. Go home.

Admiral, we count
20 explosions across the city.

Not just San Francisco.

They've demolished
key infrastructure

up and down the coast.

San Diego, Salinas and
Long Beach have also been hit.

We have severely
underestimated our enemy.

Your "army" failed, Saito.

Now they are starving us
of fuel.

Chief Inspector.

You would dare blame the army?

Yamori was right.
Our weakness allowed

- the BCR to grow strong.
- Yamori killed the one chance we had

for cease-fire and now...
we have war.

DJ Evangeline coming to you

live from from Resistance
Radio with breaking news

from the JPS.

I speak for
the Oakland Battalion

of the Black Communist

We claim responsibility
for today's attacks

on the vital services,

Command and Control
and oil infrastructure

of the Japanese occupiers.

We seek an autonomous territory

for black people
on the West Coast.

And we will never quit.

And the Empire's oil
will not flow

until we get our homeland.

All power to the people.

All power to the
people, indeed, Sister.

There you have it,
direct from the BCR.

The situation is escalating.

We must evacuate the Crown
Princess to Tokyo at once.

I will see to it.

Before I go,

I must ask you to be truthful

with me one more time.

When I've made my report
to the Emperor,

he will ask me one question.

And the answer I give...

will depend on what you report.

I understand, Your Highness.

Can we hold this territory?

I believe that in time...

with enough firepower
and troops...

we can finish
these Negro rebels.

But the price will be paid...

with the blood and souls
of the sons of Japan.

I once felt that any price
was worth paying.

We... can prevail,
Crown Princess...

but I no longer believe
we should.

I realize...

what you've just said
goes against

your every instinct.

For that, you have
my respect, Taisa.

Rest assured...

I will bring your message
to the Emperor.

We don't forget
our fallen soldiers.

Cordelia Carter, Portland cell.

Laying down suppressive fire
for her comrades...

Check this out, everyone.

Emperor's on TV.

It's live.

To our good and loyal subjects,

after pondering the general
trends of the world,

and conditions obtaining
in our empire...

I've never seen so much
as a picture of him

on TV before.

I am effecting a settlement

of the present situation
by resorting

to an extraordinary measure.

What's he getting at?

We declared
war on America to ensure

Japan's self-preservation...

it being far from our thought...

To infringe on the sovereignty

of other nations
or to embark upon

territorial aggrandizement.

Our North American Occupation

has lasted for nearly 20 years.

Despite the best that has

been done by everyone...

- What is this?
- The gallant efforts...

Just... watch.

And naval forces...

- This is history.
- Continuing occupation

has developed not necessarily
to Japan's advantage.

Should we continue to devote
our precious resources

to occupying
the Japanese Pacific States,

it would threaten the protection

- of the Japanese homeland.
- It's happening.

This is the
reason I have ordered

the strategic withdrawal...

of our occupying forces
from the JPS.

We done did it, baby.

We did it.

It's more than we ever dreamed.

I am keenly aware
of the inmost feelings

of all of you...

my subjects.

I have resolved to redeploy

our awesome might and manpower

from our North American

to the front lines of the
escalating Asian conflict.

Let our entire nation
continue as one family,

ever firm in its faith

of the imperishableness
of our Imperial State.

"Bide your time."

Isn't that what you said?

We're gonna be
one country again.
