The Man in the High Castle (2015–…): Season 4, Episode 5 - Mauvaise Foi - full transcript

John Smith must confront the choices he has made; the Empire attempts secret peace talks with the BCR; Kido arrests a traitor, threatening to divide the Japanese against themselves; Helen is assigned a new security minder.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Here on 1030 AM,

theVoice of the Reich.

Peace has come at last
to a war-weary nation

as grateful Americans
from Broadway to Main Street

greet their German liberators.

Recently appointed
Reichsmarschall Erwin Rommel

took to the streets to greet
the adoring American republic.

Citizens everywhere
are welcoming

the return of local

running water
in their kitchens and baths,

electricity at all hours,

and ready stores
of food supplies

being brought in daily from
the Reich's plentiful bounty.

Citizen volunteers
are invited to join in...

Put on some music, will you?

- Anything but that.
- Leave it on.

We need news. Even their news.

I can't quiet Thomas.

Fresh milk and apples

picked straight
from the orchard.

It's hunger.

I can't even get him
to nurse him anymore.

We'll get through this.

That's him.

It's okay.

Are you gonna
invite me in, John?

- Hi, Mike.
- Helen.

As you were.

Take it.

Come on, don't be fools. Eat.

Go on, Helen. Go on.

Here. Warm this up.

I just came from
the handover at West Point.

Patton shook hands with Goering.

It's all settled.

The first men to sign on
will get food

and good positions in the Reich.

The holdouts will get nothing.

Or death.

We report for duty tomorrow,

at 0600.

It's up to you.

It's just a piece of cloth.

Doesn't mean we believe in it.

We do this, we bide our time...

You keep telling
yourself that, pal.

W-We can fight them. John.

They say Ike is gathering men.

- A militia...
- We all saw that bomb.

It was like a thousand suns.

What does it even take
to build something like that?

I mean, you know?

What kind of will, and a vision?

- It's a crime is what it is.
- Well, we'd have built it, too,

if we could, but we couldn't.

Could we?

No. It's over.

It's done.

It failed.

When push came to shove,
the whole thing just collapsed.

What they have, that's...
that works.

What about us, John?

What happens to my family
in the Reich?

I don't know.

It isn't much.


Take this, and go.

- Go where, John?
- Well, just as far as you can.

I remember when we would've
died for each other.

None of this is easy.


But this is what's right.

It's for us.

Reopen the portal in 48 hours.

Yes, sir.

They're here, baby.

Brother Darius,

- this is Elijah.
- Hi.

- And...
- Bell Mallory.

Moulton, Alabama.

That's right.

You got a good memory.

I remember every name,
every place.

You've made a name for yourself,
Bell Mallory.

All of you.

Well, gentlemen,
we've got collard greens.

We've got black-eyed peas, yams,

some cornbread
and sweet green tea.


You really think
this admiral's on the level?

He's a military man.

He'll be acting on orders
from the royal family.

Probably won't be easy
for him to stomach, but...

he's taking a risk, too.

Is there any chance
the peace will hold?

It's a temporary cease-fire.

I mean, do you think
they'll ever agree to our terms?

This is the first time
in America

or the JPS or the Reich

that anyone has ever negotiated

with a black man as an equal.

That's all we leave with today,

it's a victory.

I remember the first time
I opened a crate

of those Chinese
automatic rifles.

I picked one up.

It was so dark and...

oiled and heavy.

Man, it felt like...

- power.
- Hmm. Right on, brother.

And from that moment,
all I've dreamed of

is the day I can put
that damn weapon down.



Oh, I thought you weren't coming
back until Sunday morning.

- What are you doing here?
- Oh...

I was, uh, thinking
I could surprise you.

Uh, no, I figured, um,

Greensboro could wait
till Monday.

Mother always said I should
marry an ambitious man.



I know what you came back for.

- So, uh, Thomas is, um...
- It's Saturday,


He's due back

in about 45 minutes.


Which is just enough time.

Come on.

You got a haircut, I see.

- And you're going gray.
- Am I?


Somebody's hungry.

The eggs are delicious.

The toast should pop up
in just a sec.

I am going to get dressed.

Hi, Dad.

What are you doing
back home already?

Dad, what's going on?

Is, uh...


Don't mind your dad.

I just wanted to look at you.

Geez, you just saw me.

You just got so big.


So tall.



Come and, uh, sit down.

Keep me company.

You made good time.

Got here quick as we could
without getting pulled over.

So Santa's sled is in the alley,
and it is full of toys.

- Much obliged, sir.
- Oh, listen, uh...

I got this message
when I was on the road.

Someone turned up
calling herself Juliana Crain?

Yeah, didn't seem possible,

Still doesn't, but I'll-I'll
let you see for yourself.

What happened
to Himmler and Goring?

And the Nazi leaders?

The Allies, they could've
put them up against a wall

and shot them.

That's what had always been done
when wars ended.

But they decided
to do something different.

They gave them a fair trial.

- Nazis don't deserve a trial.
- Well, they were criminals.

Once they put them
on the stand, the world

could see them
for what they were.

Their crimes were enormous,

but these were small, weak men.

They, um,

they made excuses.

They claimed they didn't know,

that they were helpless
to stop it.

Tell them what happened
to Hitler.

He hid out in a bunker...

and then shot himself
in the head.

It seems impossible.

Like a dream.

If they can be beaten
in that world,

they can be beaten in this one.

Sometimes I wondered, you know,

if you'd ever made it
out of that tunnel.

I was sure you were dead,

and I couldn't let it go.

I knew the films
were what mattered most to you,

to both of us.


I threw myself into...

getting them out there.

Reich patrols.

I'd almost forgotten that sound.

We're safe here.

I'm sorry.

I understand.

It's just that nothing's
fixed in place...


You know?

Nothing's solid.

Like everything's just a...

reflection of a reflection.

Does that make sense?

I think so.

It's like being suspended...

each existence

as real as the next.

And at which point
do you choose to hold on to one?

That's him, Elijah.

Keep the motor running.


Stay by the car.

Sound the horn at trouble...

then cover me.

Follow me.

My father always wanted me

to be a blacksmith.

If you came here expecting

to gain anything
from your attack the other day,

- you will be disappointed.
- I try not

to have any expectations.

That way,
I'm never taken by surprise.

I bring you only a warning.

If you continue
these acts of terror,

Japan will bring
the full force of its military

- to bear on the BCR.
- We learned

about terror
at the hands of your Kempeitai.

You're just upset
you don't have a monopoly

on violence anymore.

I didn't come for a lecture.

You are here to listen
to our side. Am I wrong?

I am listening.

You're facing rebellions
around the world.


China, Australia.

There are millions of us
with everything to gain

and nothing to lose.

Think how hard you would fight

to protect your home islands,

This is our home.

You were brought here as slaves.

No one has endured more for
this country than our people.

We will endure anything
to be free.

What is it you want?

A free state.

Our own territory.

A self-governing republic
for black people.

Your letter offered
a cease-fire.

Temporary cease-fire.

Depending on what you can offer
in return.

I am in no position
to offer anything.

Then take a message
to the Crown Princess.

We'll need a sign of good faith.

Such as?

Stop the Kempeitai round-ups
in the ghetto.

I will see...

what can be done.

Tell me...

why didn't you become
a blacksmith?

I found out
I was afraid of horses.

To this day, I still get sick

the first two days at sea.

What'd he say?

He's a man of war who's trying
to learn to make peace.

But I think
he's someone we can...

Go, go, go!

Drive, drive!

Admiral Inokuchi.


I arrest you on the charge
of high treason.

Are you insane?

Equiano Hampton is dead.

What about Admiral Inokuchi?

He is in custody.
We will make arrangements

to send him to Tokyo
to face a naval court-martial.

I will accompany him.

No. He will be court-martialed
here in San Francisco.

The Royal Family
may not approve.

This is a military matter.

The Crown Princess
does not need to be involved.

She should be kept insulated,

for her own sake.

Tokyo will be pleased.

With Hampton dead,
Tagomi's killers

- have been brought to justice.
- I am still investigating

- the Tagomi murder.
- I thought I told you

to close the file.

I gave the Crown Princess
my word.

Let's not delude ourselves.

In your 15 years
as chief inspector,

you have planted evidence,

elicited false confessions,

executed suspects without trial.

You have done all this...


Out of loyalty to the cause

of a Japanese San Francisco.

And you gave your son

to that cause as well.

Captain Iijima's told me
about Toru's recent...

incident at the Bamboo Palace.

You chose your path
15 years ago, Kido.

It's too late to change now.

I look forward

to hearing your testimony
at Inokuchi's court-martial.

Leon got the news
to the Leadership Council.

They've called
an emergency meeting

of all
the Northern California cells.

Best we can do.

The Japanese authority
has confirmed that Equiano Hampton,

the leader
of the Negro terrorist group

known as the Black Communist Rebellion,

- was killed last night...
- Oh, damn it.

In a daring raid
by Kempeitai forces.

Governor General Yamori praised
the work of Kempeitai officers

in dispensing swift retribution.

Did we kill him...

- Elijah?
- Late last night in Moraga,

was conducted with zero
Kempeitai casualties...

Were we so...

Hungry for peace
that we moved too fast

- and we ruined everything?
- Nah, nah, he...

he wanted that meeting.

He felt it was a chance
worth taking.


Going house to house
rousting brothers,

taking them to camps
out by the docks.

- Just tell me how far are they.
- Fast as they're moving,

20 minutes if we're lucky.

Guns, food, ammo...

Crate it all up
and load it in the trucks.

If you can't shoot it
or eat it, fuck it.

Leon, is it true what
the radio says about Equiano?

Because I know they lie.
All the time.

- They could be lying right now.
- The Leadership Council's

holding a meeting
for all the local cells.

- We've got to get ready.
- But he's alive, right?

He's coming back
with Bell and Elijah.

He ain't coming back, Benjy.
He's dead.

Let's get this place
cleaned out.

We got to get out of here.

What about him?

- Let's get rid of him.
- Wait.

Wait, wait, wait. What does that
mean, "Let's get rid of him"?

What does that mean?
I helped you.

- You set us up.
- No. I-I...

How was I supposed to know?
I didn't set anybody up.

Yeah, maybe you did,
maybe you didn't,

but I ain't got the time
or the inclination to find out.


Take him outside. Keep it quiet.

- Use this.
- Wait a minute. Just wait.

- Let's go. Let's go!
- Can we just... Wait.

Listen to me.
Listen to me.

You... you don't have
to do this.

Okay, you don't have to do this.

What do you need?

What do you need?
Do you need money?

- I've got money.
- Shut up!

You can't buy me.

Bragging on your money.

Greedy son of a bitch getting
rich selling junk to the Japs!

No. No, no,
that-that came out wrong.

I'm sorry, I'm not...
I'm not rich.

I'm not rich at all.
I'm... I'm just a...

I'm just... I'm just-just a...

a p-person,
a person just like you.

Wha... Y...

What's y...
Your name's Benjy, right?

Isn't that right? Benjy?
Listen, Benjy, Benjy,

- you don't have to do this.
- Shut the fuck up!

Oh, God. Please. This isn't...

Get on your knees!

Oh, God, no! Please!

Please, just wait.

Wait, please, please, please.
Give me a moment. Please.


Tsuyu-ni, ki-ye-nishi.


What are you doing?

Tsuyu-ni, ki-ye-nishi.


Yume-no, mata-yume.

Give me your hand.

Aah! Shit! Shit!
What's that for?


Go. Go on. Run.

I don't want
to see your ass here again.

Thank you.

Thank you.


All right.

You want
to bring us up to speed?

Yeah. Her as well.

I got to be honest,
I, uh, I don't trust her.

Well, as long as I do,
you don't have to.

We're a package deal, see?

It's her, me...

and my big truckload
of fuckin' guns.

All right.

Well, we got a...

number of operations on the
board in the planning stages.

You're talking about the portal.

Yeah, we've got it
under observation.

But, uh, they've fortified it
heavily in the past year,

so us moving on it now
would require a major assault.

Yeah, I think so.

What about John Smith?

His apartment building

is a fortress,
so we're gonna need to, uh,

catch him in transit in order

to make an attempt on him.

Of course,
that's gonna mean intelligence

on his movements.

- Where were these photos of Helen taken?
- She was living

in the Neutral Zone for the
past year with her daughters.

We were gonna make
an approach on her.

- And what stopped you?
- We were waiting for your shipment

when Helen
went back to New York.

Wait a minute, what was
she doing in the Neutral Zone

- to begin with?
- I don't know.

Hardly matters now.

Well, it absolutely matters.

Look, Helen Smith
is a woman who's...

lost a child.

No one lives through
that experience unchanged.

And very few marriages, if any,
survive that unchanged, either.

So if she left
for the Neutral Zone,

she had to have been desperate.

And if there's a crack
in that marriage...

that's a way in.

That's all soap opera now.

None of that matters now.
We lost her.

She went back to her husband.

Maybe she went back by choice.

Maybe she went back
because she had no choice.

I'm sorry.
I think there's been a mistake.

How did you get access
to this floor?

There's no mistake, Helen.

My name is Martha.

I'll be your wife-companion.

- Excuse me?
- It is my duty

to discreetly accompany you

on all of your public outings.

For your personal security.

Who sent you here?

We're a service
of the Staatspolizei,

formed to...
meet the unique needs

of the First Families
of the Party.

But we can be
much more than that.

Hmm. The Reichsmarschall called
you here to keep an eye on me

while he's out of town
on business, is that it?

Or is this more than that?

Many Reich wives
come to view their...

wife-companion as a confidant.

There are so few people

a Reichsmarschall's wife
can talk to, after all.

Tell the Staatspolizei
that I don't need a companion.

I understand completely.

I can follow at a distance.

You won't even know I was there.

You couldn't
hold a tune to save your life

And what's with... singing
from the hymnal, anyway?

You know all those songs
by heart.

Just getting old, I guess.

Oh, um, lumberjack breakfast.
With bacon.

Yeah. Uh, coffee, black.

Um, dry toast.

Um... there's...

something I wanted
to talk to you about,

- now that I've got you alone.
- Okay.

Go ahead.

I talked to my recruiter

And look, I know
you're against it, 'cause...

What is it I'm against?

Me enlisting. The Marines.

The-the war. All of it.

If you're talking about going
to this war in Indochina...

In, uh, Vietnam...

- Yeah, I'm against it.
- I'm 18 now, Dad.

- I don't need your permission.
- Well, you asked me.

I don't want you to go.

- But you fought the Japs...
- I don't want to lose you again.

- Again?
- If you go...

you're gonna die.

What makes you so certain
I'm gonna die?

You came back.

You came back a hero.

Is that what this is about?

We'd each like scrambled eggs,

biscuits and gravy, please.

Our money's right here,

with extra for the tip.


we don't want trouble.

Neither do we.

Why don't you
go around the back?

I'll give you some food
to take home with you.

No, sir. We mean to eat
our Sunday breakfast

right here at the counter
like everybody else.

On the Lord's day, no less.

I'm trying to run
a respectable business.

You Negro agitators come in here
making good people angry.

- We got a right. The law says so.
- Don't get involved.

There's the laws
they make in D.C.,

and there's the way things are
in this town.

Some things don't change.

This is what happens

when you let 'em run wild.

Stand up and step
away from the counter, please.

You, too, boy.


Let's go.


I don't know.

I'm just surprised, I guess.

I would have thought

you'd have done something.

Well, what would I do?

Said something.

Done something.

We're not the law.

Come on, it's not up to us.

Just seems so wrong.

They passed a law

that gives the right to these
people to eat at the counter.

And this still happens?

So, this is the system
you want to lay down

your life to defend, huh?

This is the system
that you fought for.

And I came back a hero.
Is that what you think?

That's what I thought you were.

Is that what you want to be?

You want to be a hero?

You want to have your face
painted on a mural?

Maybe have a school
named after you?

You'd still be dead, Thomas.

- How can you be sure?
- Because I've seen it before.

I know how it ends.

And even if you don't die,

you're gonna come back,
you're not gonna be the same.

It's all bullshit, Thomas.

It's a fucking lie.

Medals, flags, anthems.

Pledges of allegiance.


I look around me,
I don't see freedom.

I don't see order.
I just see chaos.

I don't see anything
worth giving my son's life for.

Who are you?

Thomas. Tho...


It's you. You're here.


I was so worried.

Your hand.

Oh, it's all right.
The bleeding stopped.

It needs to be cleaned
and bandaged.

No, but... you're not hurt,
are you?


I came here after it happened.

I didn't know
where else to find you.

The police were here
looking for you.

They did this.


This was a Favrile anemone vase.

One of eight.


- I couldn't stop them.
- No.

L-Look, it doesn't even matter.


Be still now, Childan.


It's all right.

Kempeitai will come back.

You have to hide.

He walked home?

- Why?
- We had an argument.

I-I said some things.

I don't want him
to make a mistake.

What kind of mistake?

- He wants to join the Marines.
- "Bullshit."

That's what you called it.

- Thomas.
- It was just talk, right?

that you raised me on.

Freedom. America.

It's all just talk for you.

Well, I believe in it.


Joining the Marines is just not
an option, okay?

Your mom is gonna need you.

- Why?
- John?

A word.

Just leave it.

He's 18 years old.

You know that if you argue with
him, he's just gonna dig in.

Just leave it for another day.

I don't have another day.


listen, I know what it means

to believe in your country,

What's that?
Were we expecting someone?

It's game day, John.

Hey, pal.

You okay?

Look like someone
just punched you in the gut.

Yeah, I'm fine.

We're not gonna watch

Y.A. Tittle beat the Redskins
from the front porch.

Good to see you, Danny.

Hey, champ.


- Helen.
- Hi.

You look lovely.

Aw. Always the charmer.

What do you say, Tommy?

How you like our chances today?

Come on, buck up.

He drives all the way down here
just to see you.

You can call
him a broken-down old man

all you want, John,
but it'd be a crime

to put Gary Wood in for Y.A.

If it hadn't been
for the bad hit at Wrigley,

he'd have brought the title home
to New York.

There's such a thing as loyalty.

Right, Thomas?

if Y.A. can do it at his age,

there's still hope for us.

You sure you're all right, John?

I mean, you look like somebody
walked over your grave.

I'm sorry.

I'm gonna have to ask you

to excuse me, Daniel.

I, uh, I don't feel very well.


I should go.

No, Dan. Please, stay.

Join us for dinner.

It's all right, Helen.


You know I had no choice, right?

What do you mean, John?

It's no use.
It's no use.


You're not gonna understand.

I'm sorry.


Hey, we're brothers, right?

You got nothing
to feel sorry for.

I got you.

John. Hey.

John! It's me.

It's Danny.


You got to get us out of here.

The latch, John.

Just... just lift it.
We'll slip out up the road.

Nobody will know.

Let us out.

Just open the la... the latch.

- Just lift the latch.
- Smith.

I want you in this briefing.



Please, John.

John, it's me.

It's me, Danny.

- Don't leave us in here.
- Please, John.

- Help. We have children.
- Don't leave us like this.

Please, help us!


John, open the latch!
John! John!

- The latch, John!
- John!


We were brothers! John!



