The Man in the High Castle (2015–…): Season 4, Episode 2 - Every Door Out... - full transcript

John Smith gets key intelligence from his officers at the Die Nebenwelt complex, while back at home he struggles with his family's changing dynamics; Bell Mallory and the BCR join forces with Wyatt Price's rebels.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Good evening, Elijah, ma'am.

Hey, hey.

- How you doing?
- Good to see you, man.

What is this man
doing to the piano?

They make the records
in the Neutral Zone

and we smuggle them in.

Du Bois. H-How did you get that?

That's not all we smuggle in.

- Whoa... I...
- Why, this here's the biggest collection in the JPS.

Karl Marx,
Marcus Garvey, Ida B. Wells.

I-I thought these were
all burned by the Kempeitai.

Oh, they burn them all right,
but we print them again.

- I want to read them all.
- Careful, now.

You get caught out on the street
with one of those... Whew!

I'm not afraid.

Hey. How y'all doing?


That's a beautiful sound.

Now, I see a lot of familiar
faces in this room.


teachers, artists.

And new faces, too.

I bring good news.

Two days ago,
the first shipment of arms

arrived from our allies
in China.

We gonna take this movement
to the next stage.


Now, I'm not gonna lie.

There will be sacrifices.

But for us,
that price is nothing new.

Most everyone in this room

has someone got put on a train
in the Reich,

ain't never came back.

For my wife,

and my daughter,

the train stopped at a camp

in Saginaw, Michigan.

Onslow, North Carolina.

Sorry for your loss, brother.

Shiloh, Pennsylvania.

James and Martha Arnold.

James and Martha.

- Sorry for your loss, ma'am.
- Thank you.

Robert Shepherd.

Owensboro, Kentucky.

Mason City, Iowa.

John and Mary Swan.

Monroe, Louisiana.

Jed Fabers.

Charles and Nancy Johnson.

Greenville, Mississippi.

Zionsville, Indiana.

John and Alva Watson.

Moulton, Alabama.

Daddy and Mama.

How about right here
in San Francisco, California?

William Pullum.

Y'all know
what I'm talking about.

Shot in the back by the
Kempeitai nine blocks from here.

- And that was just last week.
- Last week...

Last week?

This same chain of violence
runs through our whole history

in this country,
from slavery to this very day.

You've served your people
as doctors,

teachers and artists.

But tonight?

Tonight I'm looking for men
and women to be soldiers.

Who's ready to be a soldier?

I am.

I am.

- I am.
- I am.

I am.

- Mm-hmm.
- Yes, sir.

- I am.
- I am.

- Yes.
- Thank you.

Thank all of you.

We've made great progress

since your last visit,

The knowledge
they are gaining surpasses

our wildest expectations.

Uh, sir, please, please.

We've sent a series of teams

of Weltkommando agents through
the portal, as you instructed,

and we have been able
to mine that world

for scientific innovations,
its military secrets.

We are draining the alt-world

of all technological
and cultural intelligence.

And not just from America.

We now have teams
in Europe and Asia, too.

And they don't even know
we're there.

However, they are improving
their nuclear capabilities.

They're advancing.

The Americans and the Russians.

Do they know about our world?

Beyond a few academic papers,

they have no sense
of the Multiverse,

no grasp of portal technology.

Oh, whoever wrote those papers
seemed to have

a pretty advanced understanding
of quantum mechanics.

We are taking care of it.

This way, Reichsmarschall.

I have something
to show you, hmm?

- Has Abendsen been cooperating?
- Oh, yes.

We have him working around
the clock, analyzing the films.

Identifying multiple worlds.

What are we looking at?

The Map...

of the Multiverse.

This, this is our world.

And this is the alternate world
we have reached.

So like our own, no?

Except the Axis lost the war.

Which is why it's critical
we understand it.

But soon,
we'll reach other worlds,

and more beyond that.

Harvesting the intelligence
of world after world,

defeating everyone
across the Multiverse.

Every door out is a door in.

Step up the sabotage program.

I don't want any surprises
coming through this portal.

Sir, your wife, your son

and yourself are alive
in a small town called

Bailey's Crossroads, Virginia,
outside Washington, D.C.

My daughters?

In this alternate world, your
son is your only child, sir.


You're certain?

So, uh, so what about
my son's health?

He shows no symptoms.

He seems normal, sir.

He plays sports.

Popular, good in school.


So what can you tell me
about my family here?

Uh, am I, uh,
am I a military man?

Well, a-actually, you...

you are a businessman, sir.


- What kind of business?
- Insurance, sir.

- An executive?
- You're in sales.

In D.C.?

All around.


You-you travel, Reichsmarschall.

I'm a traveling salesman.


Road not taken leads to...

Traveling salesman.

You were awarded this-this
salesman of the year

in the tri-state area, sir.

It would appear
I'm moving up in the world.


If all of
the leaders of the Third Reich

had been sadistic monsters
and maniacs,

then these events would have
no more moral significance

than an earthquake.

But this trial has shown
that under a national crisis,

ordinary, even able
and extraordinary men

can delude themselves
into the commission of crimes

so vast and heinous that
they beggar the imagination.

Let it now be noted
that here in our decision,


justice, truth

and the value
of a single human being.


Judgment at Nuremberg, huh?

That's that, uh,
Spencer Tracy picture?

Yeah. Yeah, I saw the, uh,

the matinee at the Majestic
for the second time.

- Yeah? Huh.
- Mm.

Wouldn't have made you
to be a... war movie type gal.

Well, it's not
a war movie, exactly,

it's, um,
more about good and evil.

You know? Human nature.

The more I know about human
nature, the more I like horses.

Yeah, you and me both.

Does make you wonder, though,
how millions of ordinary people

could do such evil things.

I don't know.

They say we're not like them,

but maybe people
aren't all that different.

You know?
What if we're just... lucky?

What if?

All right, come on, y'all.

There is a time to talk,
and there's a time to dance.

Oh! Look who's turned up, John.

It's Juliana and Russ.

How about we get a pitcher?

No, I'm paying.

I sold a big policy, I'm in
the mood to celebrate. Come on.

- Let's find... oh... a table. Come on.
- I don't need

- any more insurance, John.
- Oh, I'm off the clock.

- All right.
- Hey.

Russ Gilmore, huh?

Well, I got to know him
down at the stables.

Turns out, we both have
a thing for Arabians.

No. No, no, it's, uh,
it's not like that.

- He's a good guy.
- Yeah, I'm sure he is.

- I'm not looking.
- This world's a tough place

to make a go of it on your own.

It's good to find someone
you can trust, like I did.

You really think you know him?

What do you mean?

I mean, I-I don't know.

Does a person
ever really know anyone?

Uh, well, I'm not stupid.

He is a good-looking man.

And he's gone a lot,

but we have a secret.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

We never lie to each other.

Ever. No matter how hard it is
to hear the truth.

It's our bond.

And he's mine. I trust him.

All right, ladies.

Ooh, I love this song.

Russ, let's dance.

Oh, uh...

No point resisting,
my friend, trust me.

Come on, just one dance.


guess that leaves us.

What do you say, Miss Crain?

Um... Yeah, all right.

And so...

Not a fan of country music?

Tell you the truth, neither am I.

When you're a New York City boy
in Virginia,

you got to get used to it.

Yeah? How is it that
you wound up here?

Bailey's Crossroads?

Yeah, this place, all of it,
a salesman, I don't know.

- What is it you wanted?
- Um...

Well, I guess
when I was younger,

I wanted to be like my dad,
like most boys.

Um, he was a... he was a banker,

Wall Street.

- Well, you're a smart guy.
- Well...

looks can be deceiving.

You could've been a banker,

that's what I meant.

Oh, it didn't end up so well.

The Depression.

And then with me, uh,
well, the war happened,

and life kind of got in the way.


As it does.

Don't-don't get me wrong, huh?

I count myself lucky,
for all of it.

So, uh...

tell me, Juliana,

how'd you end up here?

You were there,
don't you remember?

- Before that.
- Mm.

I'm sure Helen's told you.
Been through it with her.

She told me that you, uh...
you don't remember

anything about
what happened to you.

That true?

I remember.

So you know where he is then,

the man who shot you.

Yes, I do.

Why don't you tell someone?

If only to stop him
from doing it to anyone else.

Tell who?

Well, the sheriff, or Helen.


I'll help you.

Thanks for the dance, John.

I think
I'm gonna call it a night.

Hey, Russ, you mind giving me
a ride home, please?

- Uh... Sure.
- Already?

Okay, well,
we'll see you all later.

Okay. See you.

Something happen to make you
want to leave so quick?

No. I'm just...

I'm not very good
at those things.

So, uh,

don't think you ever told me
where you're from.

San Francisco.

Got a family?

I did.

They were killed in a car
accident when I was a teenager.

That must have been rough.

Yeah, but this, um...
This town's given me

the closest thing I've had
to a home since then, so...

Some of us were...

kind of surprised
you decided to stay,

considering, uh...

I guess I just...

I don't know, felt like maybe
I landed here for a reason.

Well, maybe you did.

Breaking news from Washington,

right here on WKQN Richmond.

Nobel Prize winner Leo Zakarian,

lead scientist of
the American nuclear program,

has died unexpectedly.

Dr. Zakarian, only 50 years old,

succumbed to a heart attack.

President Johnson
called it a loss

that will be felt for years

in our nuclear program.

And now back to our regularly
scheduled programming.

It's no coincidence.


The death of the head
of the nuclear program.

The failed launches.

What do you mean?

They're here.

Trying to sabotage
the American defense program.


You're a funny girl.

You have no idea.

The Black Communist Rebellion's

is self-defense
and self-determination

for blackpeople.

I've got a network of fighters
waiting to be activated.

We just need arms
to get back in the fight.

We don't do business
with white people.

Before I was in the JPS,
I was in the Reich.

Before that, Jim Crow Alabama.

Everything changed for you
in '45, but not so much for us.

We survive by trusting no one
outside our community.

For all we
know, he could be a mole

- for the Reich.
- Hold on.

I can vouch for him, okay?

He's the one
who spread the film everywhere.

That film ain't nothing
but white nonsense, Lem.

Have you seen it? Huh?

It changes people's minds.

It gets recruits.

We're at war, brother. We ain't
got time for Abendsen's cult.

I don't think you want to win.

Oh, really?

Yeah. I think you want to die
for a cause.

I think you want to be martyrs.

What makes you think
you know so much about us?

'cause if you wanted to win,

you'd be working with me.

You give as good as you get,

I'm Irish.

We know a thing or two
about raising hell.

You lost Denver.

You're the loser come asking.

You're at war with one
superpower. You get your way,

you'll be at war with another.

So if I were you,

I'd want as many allies
as I could get.

Come on.

Man, fuck that smuggler fool.

He ain't nothing
but a two-bit hustler.

I mean, we could use his network

to get access
to some textbooks, penicillin...

Equiano was clear on this.

"The only hope for the survival
of black people

is self-reliance."

I've got a use for him.

Yukiko, I can't find
my cotton inspection...

Here you are.


You read my mind.

Ah. Easy.

Easy, gentlemen.

You've got a treasure
in your hands.

Robert Childan,

the antique dealer,
has ingratiated himself

with some of the most powerful
people in Japanese society.

They're going nuts over American

knickknacks and art coming out
of the Reich since Year Zero.

Childan is holding an auction
of this junk

in a couple of days
and General Masuda

is coming from Tokyo for it.

- The Butcher of Manchuria?
- Mm-hmm.

- Fucking hell.
- Mm-hmm.

He's coming to slaughter us,

just like he did the Chinese.

Testing grenades
and flamethrowers

on civilians,
vivisection without anesthetic,

biological experiments.

Yeah. I'd say
you're a real threat to the JPS

if they're sending Masuda.

Masuda, Kido,

and two defense ministers,
Shimura and Nagasaki,

also from Tokyo, will be there.

These are our targets.

The auction's happening here,
in the Presidio.

We'll secure the perimeter,

cut their radio command,

their communication lines,

kill the guards.

Your team...

Your team will take out
the targets inside.

What about civilians?

There are no civilians.

They all know, they all benefit.
No one's innocent.

I see.

Why hit them so publicly?

This is the only time we know
these men will be together.

If we take out Masuda andKido,

it puts fear in the hearts
of all Japanese.

- What's the exit plan?
- With no phones or radios,

it will take the Kempeitai
at least

five minutes to get to the scene
once shooting starts.

Your team has 90 seconds
to take out the targets.

Exit the building, 30 seconds.

We'll have vehicles waiting,
get in, drive off, 60 seconds.

Two minutes to spare.

And what's keeping you

from leaving us inside to die?

You forget to kill a couple
guards and we're smoked.

And you get to keep the weapons
as well.

We honor our deals.

How about...

we stay on the outside and you
go in the building for the VIPs?

You want the guns?

Come on. It doesn't make sense.

Why not hit the targets

We were planning to,
but we're boxed out.

Blacks can't get
inside the auction.

Too much heat
since Tagomi's murder.

Yeah. Yeah.

I guess I'll be on the outside
with the home team.

No, I want you
with the armaments.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- You don't mind, do you,

if Lem goes with your guys
to get our truckload of weapons?

'Cause no matter
what happens to us,

our people get munitions.


All right.

So what's the angle?

So, you, uh...

you do know
I already have a caterer.

Well, we'd be willing
to undercut them by...




we are doing a Western theme
for our Americana auction,

and barbecue would be pafekuto.

But, um...

serving staff needs
to speak Japanese,

so... I'm sorry.

I would be honored
to work for you, Mr. Childan.

All right.

License? Papers?

Everything is in order, sir.

We'll do a real fine job
for you, Mr. Childan.

Now, we're gonna need
to discuss this menu in detail.

I'll want to sample every dish.

Oh, yeah. We, um,
have 'em all right here, sir.



Right now?

You need to go. Leave, leave.

- Uh, Yukiko, I need my tie.
- Hai.

- Take your food with you.
- What about the coleslaw? The mac and cheese is...

And the chicken,
it falls off the bone.

Leave the premises immediately.

- But do we have the job, sir?
- Yes.

Yes. Just come back later.

Get out. Go.

- Thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.

You won't be disappointed, sir.

- I really need you to leave.
- Okay.

Yes. Thank you! Thank you.


Oh. I can't believe
this is happening.


tell me what to do,
how to behave.


you know exactly what to do.

I do?

Don't look her in the eyes

unless she speaks to you




Your Imperial Majesty...

Uh, uh...

Your Imperial Highness, welcome.

I am not worthy
of your presence.

The crown princess
requests you show her

the Remington
you will auction at the gala.

Of course, Admiral Inokuchi.
It would be my honor.

Will Ministers Shimura

and Nagasaki
be attending the gala?

Uh, yes, Admiral. They arrive
from Tokyo tonight, I believe.

Shimura and Nagasaki
are confirmed.

It will be good to have
our allies with us soon.


It would be my profound honor
to gift you this painting,

Your Imperial Highness.

Very kind, but unnecessary.

My assistant will attend
the auction later.

He will then bid for it.

What does this image
mean to you...

Mr. Childan?

We were a wild
and untamed place...

before you came, Your Highness.

In our culture,
horses are sacred intermediaries

between our world

and the world of the Kami.

The divine spirits.

You are a cultured man...

Mr. Childan.

Carried his books
for me last period...

This is a reminder

that the Hitler Youth
leadership meeting

has been moved
from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. tomorrow.

And don't forget to get

all your vaccines this fall.

A healthy body is the key
to a bright future.

The Reich is counting on you.

In Shakespeare's
Merchant of Venice,

the principal antagonist

is a merciless
Jewish moneylender

whose name is Shylock.

This man demands
a pound of flesh,

actual human flesh...

in exchange for a loan.

With Shylock,
Shakespeare dramatizes


evil, deceptive and greedy.

Yes, Tracy?

I notice Shylock says,

"If prick me, do I not bleed?"

Yes, and?

Is the writer saying
Jews are human?

I never thought of it that way.

We shouldn't be studying this.

Thank you for...
that correction, Tracy.

I believe you're right.

I will take this up

at our next faculty meeting
and we will sort this out.

Yes, we will.

Let's move on to mathematics.

I still don't get it.

Both sides have to equal zero.

How'd you get that?

Didn't you study
the quadratic equation

in your school in Chicago?

I had to miss a lot of class.

Should we start from the top?

I missed you.

I wasn't in Chicago.

Were you outside of the Reich?

I'd just assumed, 'cause...

you didn't know
about the armbands.


It's so weird that our teachers
are scared of us.

Are kids actually ratting
on their parents?

Some, yeah.

Most of us just kind of...

pretend to go along
with it, though.

I don't like it.

Me, neither.

This is where I was.

What is this music?

The singer sounds...


Is he...?

- He's not...?
- I got it in the Neutral Zone.

It's meant for dancing.

You want to dance
with me, Henry?



Do you like it?

Yeah, but are you sure
this is a good idea?

Don't talk, Henry.

- No, Amy... No!
- I'm telling!

- Don't you dare!
- Telling my teacher!

- Amy, no!
- Look, I'm telling!

You little brat!

- It's not yours!
- Yes, it is!

Whatever, give it to me!

Give it back, you little brat!

Open the door!

I'm gonna inform on you!

Dad is gonna be so angry.

- He's gonna kill you.
- Amy, give me back the record now.

- What's going on?
- I don't know, sir.

It's gonna be your fault.

- Shut up and open the door.
- This is a crime

and you're gonna pay for it!

You're a race traitor
and I'm gonna tell Dad

- that you like black...
- Amy, open the door.

What's going on here?

Jennifer was listening
to this record.

She brought it
from the Neutral Zone.

She was close-dancing
with Henry Iver.

They were all over each other.

- We were not.
- Jennifer.

Wait in my office.

It's one of those kind
of records, Daddy.

She brought it
from the Neutral Zone.

- She listens to resistance radio every night.
- Calm down.

They told us in school today we
have to inform on bad behavior.

Even in our own families.
We have to.

Well, now you're informing me.

- Does that count?
- Yes.

So you've done your job.

The real mistake here is mine.

But you didn't do
anything wrong.

It's my record.

It's evidence in a...

in a case the Gestapo
is pursuing.

It's yours?

It is.

I thought she

brought it
from the Neutral Zone.

That is why we need
to be very careful

about making accusations, honey.

Especially against
people we love.

Have you any idea...
how dangerous this is?

It's just music.
What's the big deal?

You know the answer to that.

We cannot have this

- in our family.
- What do you mean

- by "our family"?
- You know exactly what I mean!

This is all my fault.

Shouldn't have let you
stay out there

- all that time.
- Dad.

Listen, I know, uh...

I know you
probably heard things...

when you were
in the Neutral Zone.

Huh? On the radio.

It's not true.

Whatever you heard there,

it's a lie.


The rules are different here.

You know that.

And there's things that...

that even I
can't protect you from.


Jenny, my darling. Hi.



- Hey, what's wrong?
- I want to go back to the farm.

I want to be with you.

There's a bus... I looked it up.

No, you can't do that.

Sweetheart, it's too dangerous.

Please, Mom,
I can't take it here.

What's happened, baby?

I don't belong here, Mom.

- Just, please...
- We're gonna get through this.


I want to live with you.
I-I hate it here.

I can't stay here.


Okay, you be strong

for me, okay?

I miss you, Mom.

I love you with all my heart.

I assume you have finished your
investigation, Inspector Kido.

Unfortunately, Mingus Jones died
during his interrogation.

That is disappointing.

No matter. The evidence
against him is overwhelming.

And I will continue to search
for his coconspirators.

I want this concluded, Kido.

Tomorrow, a photo
of the assassin Mingus Jones

will appear in the newspaper

next to the officers
who arrested him.

Yes, General.
We are still investigating.

I want the people
of San Francisco

and our leaders in Tokyo to know
the Kempeitai have solved

the murder of Tagomi.

End of story.

Hai, Kakka.

Eyes are on us, Kido.

We are sending Masuda.

We must exhibit iron control.

No mistakes.

Of anykind.

Colonel Kido.

General Yamori requested me
to escort you

through our preparations.



We'll stop, all right?
Happy to take a break.

This thing is heavy.

Take it apart.

He wants them to take it apart.

- No, that's...
- Excuse me.

Chief Inspector Kido-san?

Chief Inspector Kido-san, uh...


Uh, forgive me, but this is

a traditional American barbecue.

It's welded together.
It's-it's impossible

to take it apart.

Open it.

Allow me to, uh,

congratulate you
for the efficient solving

of the murder
of Minister Tagomi, sir.

Show me the inside of the house.

So, this is a reception area,

and as you can see,
we have a Western theme.

I want armed guards
in every room.

Is that really necessary?

It kind of...
dampens the ambience.


Already taken care of.

Uh, through here, uh,

everyone will be able to examine

the, uh, art and antiquities.

What is this worth?

Oh, this, it's extremely rare.

Extremely collectible.

It's a precious totem

of a culture
that we'll never see again.


Uh, no, that goes downstairs

- in the refrigerator... Do you want to show her?
- Yeah, no problem.

Stuff for me over here, sir.

Thank you.

You should have Japanese
handling the food.

I led the
Battle of Badung Strait,

I think I can manage a party.

Protecting our citizens
against terrorism

requires different skills,

That meat goes in the cooler.

I'll show 'em.

Oh. I got it.

A message for you, sir.

What is this?

From Tokko headquarters.

Your son did not appear
for his job interview today.

Make him taste everything
before it is served.


Are you okay?

Where were you today?

I told the Tokko secretary
she was mistaken.

Your interview is scheduled
for tomorrow.

Why did you not appear
for your interview?

Forgive me. Please.

I was not well.

What does that mean?

I did not have the strength.

A weak man...

would not have earned
the Kinshi Kunsho.

You fought bravely in Manchuria.

You will wear your medal
tomorrow for the interview.

And all will be as it should be.

We have checked

every detail many times.

Rest now for tomorrow.

You know,
when the occupation started,

uh, there were mass executions.

And I was too frightened
to leave my room.

So I hid... for weeks.


There was no electricity, and...

I was so hungry that I...

ate mice.

Burned books to stay warm.

And yesterday...

the crown princess graced me
with her presence...

in my shop.

I barely recognize myself.

Crown princess graced you

with more than her presence,

She spoke personally with you,

as a man of elevated status.

May I offer you tea?

Are you sure?


You are a man of honor.

Oh, I would love tea, Yukiko.


I am pleased to offer myself in
service to your important work.

I, too, am honored.


Please call me Robert.

Oh, God.

Oh, that feels so good.

Oh, yeah.

Here we go.

You're amazing.

Shut the hell up!

Hold on now! We're almost done!

Oh, no.

No, we are not!

Don't stop, don't...

I can't wait to get out
of this tenement.

Get a place of our own.

We got to get past tomorrow

It's locked in.

I don't dig relying
on white boys.

I don't want to talk
about that right now.

I just want to dream...
for a minute...

about a place of our own.

Away from all this.


I have this... this picture
in the back of my mind:

a blue house...

with red roses.

A blue house?

Yeah. Dark blue.

We'll have a vegetable garden.

Some kids around.

Okay. Okay.

C-Can I just remind you
that we're communists?

Okay? Before you get
too carried away

with all that property talk?

I know. I know.

I know. I know. I know.

We ain't gonna have
no kids anyway.

I-I'm-I'm sorry, babe.
I'm sorry.

I-It's just...

We can't be living
in a dreamworld, babe.

That's okay.

I know I can't have kids.

Doesn't mean there can't
be kids around.

Sure enough.

Tomorrow's going off
like a charm.

We are going to shake up
the JPS, and eventually...

get a place of our own.

That is not a dreamworld.

If you say so.

I do.

"'They're dreadfully
fond of beheading people here."

"The great wonder is
there's anyone left alive.'

"She was looking
for some way of escape,

"and wondering whether she could
get away without being seen,

"when she noticed a curious
appearance in the air:

"it puzzled her
very much at first,

"but, after watching it
a minute or two,

"she made it out to be a grin,

"and she said to herself,

"'It's the Cheshire Cat;

now I shall have somebody
to talk to.'"

Okay, that'll do for tonight,

- Aw, a little more?
- It's a school night, honey.

Come on.

I'm kind of surprised
you-you wanted Alice.

I thought you'd outgrown her.

I missed you, Daddy.

I missed you, too, honey.

Go to sleep.
See you in the morning.


Were there black people here
when you were a kid?


Yes, there were black people
when I was growing up. Why?

I just wondered
what it was like.

Did you play with them?

Not really,
but, uh, I knew them.

Did you like them?

I didn't know them well.

Why are there no black people
here anymore?

Well, what did they teach you
at school?

They've gone back
to their homeland, Africa.

They're working for the Reich.

Well, there's your answer.

But why?

Why can't they live here?

Eh, they like it there.

I mean, i-it's better.

I saw black people
in the Neutral Zone.

It was a little scary.

Well, you're home and safe now

and this is where
you're gonna stay, okay?

Sleep well.

- See you in the morning.
- Okay.

Okay, lights out, Jennifer.

It's not true.

What you told her.

We'll talk about it
another time.