The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968): Season 4, Episode 7 - The THRUSH Roulette Affair - full transcript

Barnaby Partridge, an ambitious Thrush operative, runs a casino in the Carribean, where he brainwashes prominent visitors. Solo recruits a businessman who's still in love with a woman in Partridge's employ. Kuryakin, meanwhile, is captured while infiltrating the casino. The Russian agent is programmed to kill Solo.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Oh, come, eight, 11, 17, 21.



Oh, no.

Again. I'm out of chips.

I'll take another thousand.

- No need for that, old darling.
- Barnaby.

All play in the private casino
stops at midnight.

You are a wicked boy.
I want to try to win back what I lost.

Ha, ha. Sorry, countess. House rules.

Great idea you've got here, Partridge.

Makes you feel like
you are really gambling.

But why are there guards at the door?

Afraid we'll run off
without paying our debts?


Unlike yourself, countess,
ll am not a gambler.

What I win, I make certain I keep.

Well, I lost again, so I'm giving.
What am I down for?

The agreed upon stakes, Kramer.
Your life.


I mean, how much
do I make the check out for?

This is one time
you don't cover your losses with a check.

That's impossible.
ll can take a joke to a certain point.

I thought you were joking when you
said we were gambling for our lives.

Each of you has
some vital information which I want.

Each of you accepted my invitation
to play in the private casino.

And each of you agreed upon the stakes.

You all lost. Now it's collection time.

And the price is your lives.

Your lives...

...or the information.

Colonel Acevedo, it's almost 3:00.

Your appointment
with Mr. Waverly is at 3:15.


Well, since you insisted upon coming
all the way up here...

...allow me to show you
the principal landmarks of the city.

Over there is the United Nations building,
the Lincoln Center...

...and in the lower left-hand corner,
you can see U.N.C.L.E. headquarters.





Dr. Siguru in Tokyo,
Judge Spencer in Cleveland...

...Hoffman in Chicago
and now Colonel Acevedo.

Four suicides among
government and civilian VIPs.

That's no mere coincidence, gentlemen.

Yes, I've read the intelligence report, sir.

At the same time
there has been an alarming rise...

...amongst the quality and quantity
of top-secret information...

...passing into the hands of Thrush.

Is there any evidence of a tie-in?

Research has discovered
a single common denominator...

...shared by the suicides.

The past year, each of them
has been an invited guest... the same island gambling casino,
Club Thanatopsis.

Why don't we find someone
who's been there and question them?

Precisely why I'd hoped
to meet with Colonel Acevedo.

He'd only just returned
from a weekend there.

Mr. Kuryakin,
I want you to go to the Club Thanatopsis.

Check out any possible link
with Thrush...

...and anything else you can learn.

Your assignment, Mr. Solo... to ferret out any VIPs
that have received invitations to the club...

...and persuade them to cooperate
with us here at UN.C.L.E.

If we can get hold
of someone on the inside...

...someone they don't suspect...

...we can possibly learn
what's behind the club's operations.

I'll leave right away, sir.

Excellent, Mr. Kuryakin.

Your plane for the Caribbean
will leave within an hour.



Your being here has caused quite a stir
at Central, Mr. Ambassador.

However, I'm sure you have no desire
to remain here any longer than necessary.

So if you'll just give me
the location of the conference...

...I'll have you whisked home
in royal style.

Would you do the same
for the delegates?

Well, there's no need to worry
your head about that, old darling.

You've just sampled what Dr. leato has
in store for you if you don't cooperate.

And I assure you,
the preliminary tests are fun and games...

...compared to the full examination.

You'll get nothing from me.


I've tasted your methods before.

You're wasting your time if you think
you can torture the information out of me.

I was a silent guest
of the Nazi experts for three years.

My dear Mr. Ambassador,
nothing so crude.

You might as well kill me.

I won't tell you a thing.

I'm well aware
you're not afraid of a normal death.

But every one of us has a secret inner fear
of dying in a certain way.

You know what I mean,
Mr. Ambassador?

Some of us are afraid of drowning.

Others are terrified of heights or animals.

Whatever your secret fear is,
I'll find it out.

Unless you cooperate,
I'll be forced to program you... kill yourself
in the way you fear most.

You have my answer.

PATRIDGE: You know what will happen,
Mr. Ambassador?

For days, for weeks, you'll walk around...

...with your mind wiped clean
except the fear eating at your brain.

And then one day,
in answer to a programmed command...'ll either dial a special number
and offer the information...

...or you'll commit suicide.

On the other hand, if you cooperate...'ll leave the island tanned,

...and with nothing but fond memories.

You may even win
a few thousand at the casino.

I know what you're thinking,
but it's quite impossible.

The island is entirely under my control.

There's absolutely no one
in the neighborhood...

...who could possibly help you escape.

Have you changed your mind?

Did you think I would?


The next stop, Mr. Ambassador...

...will be the doorway
to your own private hell.

Uh, it's not that I don't trust her,
it's just that I wanna make sure...

...that my fiancée is going
where she says she's going.

You know how that is.

No, I don't.

But even it I did, I couldn't
show you the club reservation list.

It's agency rule.

Well, maybe you could
bend the rule just, uh, this once.

Hm? Maybe?

You really don't trust her.

Now, the reservation list, please.

I'm sending for it.


This gentleman has a problem.

He'd like to see
the Club Thanatopsis reservation list.

Uh, no, actually.
ll don't have any problem.

Uh, it's really not that important.

I guess, in the long run,
you can trust most women anyway.

- Oh., I have Mr. Solo.
- Yes, Mr. Solo?

awaiting your report for some time.

The travel agency is a front for Thrush.

They use it to carry VIPs
on chartered flights to the island.

Have you gotten hold
of any names yet, Mr. Solo?

No, but I have high hopes.

The girl at the travel agency
wouldn't show me the passenger list...

...for flights to the island.

I'm going to try another approach.
Over and out.


Right over there. Bring it in.

Bring that big one in.

- Hi.
- Stop! No one's allowed in there.

- All the way in.
- Isaid, you're not allowed in there.

Stop him!

Stop him!

Stop him! Stop him,
he's getting the invitations.


He's got one.

Would you let me finish?

You've got to realize
there are certain risks.

Of course you know very well
ll do not wish to be replaced.

The past year, I've given you--

You asked for information concerning
the International Security Conference.

You'll have it.

No, that's not another promise.
It's a fact.

I have Ambassador Vanderloon
under treatment at this moment.

That's right.
The International Security Conference.

You'll have the exact location
in a day or two.

Yes, I thought you'd like that bit of news.

Once the delegates are eliminated,
Thrush will have one less security problem.

I said in a day or two.

You have my word.

Dr. leato has finished
examining the others.

He's just starting the ambassador's test.

To our success, old darling.

I offered a toast, Monica.

It's bad form not to join in.

Right now you may think
I'm just one of Central's whipping boys.

Just another punch card
in their computer.

- Aren't you?
- Not by a long shot, old darling.

I may be running a clip palace
for them today...

...but tomorrow,
I'll be @ member of Central.

Have you told them yet?

When I have the exact location
of the security conference...

...they'll take the pressure off,
and then up I go.

Tomorrow, I'll be @ member of Central.

And within a year,
I guarantee, I'll be head of Central.

You may not think so now, old darling...

...but it was the luckiest day of your life
when you threw in with me.

I have to go back to the casino.

Go when I tell you to go.

You haven't been very attentive
to me lately, Monica.

Why is that, do you suppose?

Could it be that you don't approve
of my business associates?

Well, get this straight, old darling.

Like it or not,
you're in this as deeply as I am.

You go down with me or up.

Now, up is better. You know that.

So I'm sure you'll be
the first to congratulate me...

...on my election to Central.

In the meantime,
you'll do everything you can... make the club, and me,
a great success.

Won't you, old darling?


Sweetie, you've just got
to trust the system.

It hasn't failed yet.

Yeah, that may be.
But has it ever worked?


Sweetie, you ain't concentrating.

Well, I have a feeling
that I'm jinxing the system. Here.

Merci, monsieur.

Excuse me. You seem to have
some authority around here.

Authority? Me?

Well, these house limits
are a waste of time.

Could you get me into the back room?

Back room? There is no back room here.

Ambassador Vanderloon's preliminary tests
were most interesting.

He'll be a worthy challenge.

There are very few things
that frighten you, Mr. Ambassador.

But as you're about to learn, I never fail.

With anyone.


It appears we have an uninvited guest.

Attention, all security units.

An U.N.C.L.E. agent
is loose in the corridors.

It appears he's lost.

Perhaps you gentlemen can assist him.

You see, old darling, I told you
there isn't anyone here who can help you.

Except me.





If you could manage
to got only one name, Mr. Solo...

...why did it have to be
Taggart Coleman?

Well, I guess it's not my lucky day.

I was looking for a responsible person
to give us information on the club...

...not an eccentric playboy.

Well, Coleman does have
a reputation for being a loner.

But it is possible I might be able
to persuade him to work with us.

I devoutly hope so, Mr. Solo.

Here. Perhaps this will help.

Who is she?

She's an employee
of the Club Thanatopsis...

...and Coleman's ex-girlfriend.

Use her as bait.

Rumor has it
that he still hasn't gotten over her.

Oh, uh, still no word from lllya?


Well, we must get someone
inside that club without delay.

And that someone, Mr. Solo,
has got to be Taggart Coleman.

A bunch of screwballs
wanna freak out for good?

That's their bag...

...not mine.

What if they didn't commit suicide?
We think they were murdered.

That's the trouble with you do-gooders.
Tune in yourself, man.

Find out what's happening
in your brain...

...before messing around
with the other guy's.

Do you always talk like a protest poster?


Hey, you got a sense of humor,

Why do you suppose you got
the invitation to the casino, Mr. Coleman?

Why? Because I'm a very rich man.

Who owns a lot of aerospace factories
doing top-secret work.

The sort of work
that Thrush might be interested in.

- Let's say you went to the club.
- Sorry. Solo.

I've been that route.
Those joints give me a pain.


But doesn't it give you a pain that Thrush
is killing people all over the world?

You're a solid-gold humanitarian.

Oh, don't feed me the brochure stuff.

Last year, I gave
a million bucks to charities.

Everything from drying-out winos
to diapering orphans.

Can you match that?

What has she got to do with this?

Have you heard from her?

Not for two years.

I asked you a question.

She's working at the Club Thanatopsis.
And maybe for Thrush.

You've flipped.

Perhaps I have.

- You can find out for sure.
- Not me, Solo.

She walked on me
and I'm not chasing after her.

I thought you didn't care
about her any longer.

- I don't.
- Come off it, Coleman.

This girl's in trouble
whether she's in with Thrush or not.

I was gonna marry Monica.

Somebody put a bug in my ear,
said all she wanted was my money.

And I believed it.

When she found out, she took off.

I guess she proved me wrong, huh?

All I want, Solo, is to forget her.

I think you want to help her, Coleman.

Before it's too late.


A few more tests, and Dr. leato will have
pinpointed Vanderloon's deepest fear.

That is phase one.

And then what?

If he still refuses to cooperate...

...then we'll begin phase two
of our little show-and-tell program.

This, old darling, is phase two.

The phase two, Mr. Kuryakin,
is the application of the individual's fear.

You'd be amazed
what some people are afraid of.


Let me out!

Stop it! They're going to crush me!

Let me out! Please!



Stop them! They're going to crush me!

Stop them!

Central was delighted
when I informed them you were my guest.

They were sure you'd be a veritable fount
of valuable information about U.N.C.L.E.

Well, you shouldn't promise
what you can't deliver.

Oh, I shall deliver
the ambassador, Mr. Kuryakin.

And I shall deliver you.

Kuryakin is undergoing
preliminary tests now.

That's right.


Of course I'll get the information.

And the new code? Yes, of course.

And the plans
for Operation Death Watch.

I didn't know about that one.

Yes, of course Central
will have the information.

Of course, and in short order.
You can take my word for that.



Of course I won't fail.

I can foresee nothing
that could possibly stand in my way.


Okay, so now we're--

That's an anti-bugging device.
It scrambles the speech.

I'm impressed. Now what?

It's cocktail hour.

Miss Monica Hyodo, please.

You haven't forgotten
what she drinks, have you?

Tell her to meet you
by the pool in five minutes.

Make that two, please.

No sign of lllya yet.

SOLO: We're not even certain
he's on the island.

And Mr. Coleman and the girl?

They're meeting now.

Why did you come?

How'd I know you'd be here?
I haven't heard from you in twao years.


You're looking well.

I get along.

Look, Tag, if you're trying
to get back together again, I--

I came here to gamble.

And nothing else.

You remembered.

Tag, no matter what you think of me, I--
I never meant to hurt you.

Are you still racing cars?


My life hasn't changed much.

Except that it's a lot emptier.


Maybe things could be different.

Forget it.

There is nothing in it
for either of us anymore.


How long are you staying here?

As long as the action holds up.

I understand you've got
a groovy private casino in the hotel.

How about getting me in?

How do you know about that?

Word gets around.
Can you get me in tonight?

Forget the private casino.

Leave the island today, please.


- Why?
- Just do what I tell you.


Are you in trouble?

Tag, believe me, I never meant to...

We've learned, Mr. Solo, that
Ambassador Vanderloon has disappeared.

When last heard from,
he was en route to the Club Thanatopsis.

Perhaps your Mr. Coleman
can help unravel that mystery.

I don't like it, sir,
sending Coleman into the lion's den.

I'm afraid that it's a risk
we've got to take.

We? You mean me, sir.

I was the one
who blackmailed Coleman into helping us.

! share your concern, Mr. Solo.
And your responsibility.

But if it's any comfort to you, remember
the final decision was Mr. Coleman's.



Yes, Central informs us that that is
indeed the real Taggart Coleman.

And he has a triple-A credit rating.

Just make sure he plays
in the private casino tonight.

Why bother with him?

He's hardly in the same class with
the ambassador or these U.N.C.L.E. agents.

Don't play the little innocent with me,

I know all there is to know
about you and Mr. Coleman.

I believe the gossip columns called it
the great romance of the decade.

Merchant prince falls
for poor little scullery maid.

Barnaby, I swear I didn't
tell him anything. I only--

But you did try, didn't you, old girl?

Just be thankful I'm a forgiving man.

I'll overlook your clumsy attempt
to deceive me this time.

Just make sure that Mr. Coleman
plays in the private casino tonight.

Please, Barnaby.

I'll see to it
that he leaves the island tonight.

Do that for me, and I promise you I'll--

No deal, old darling.

The game goes on as usual.

With Mr. Coleman as the honored guest.



Take off your jacket.

- I feel lousy using Monica this way.
- Mm-hm.

Well, if you wanna back out,
now's the time.

I'm not copping out.

That's just my way of telling you
that if it turns out...

...that Monica isn't mixed up
in this drivel...

...I'm gonna bust you up.

Oh, thanks for the warning.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be
back of you every step of the way.

With these.

It's a complete transmitting outfit.

This is a microphone.

This is a TV camera.

I'll be listening.

And Mr. Waverly
at UN.C.L.E. headquarters...

...will be watching everything
that goes on in the private casino.

- Okay?
- Give it to me straight, Bonaparte.

What happens if it turns out
that Monica isn't mixed up in this?

Let's cross that bridge
when we come to it.









Mr. Ambassador.

Where will the International
Security Conference take place next month?


Do you want me
to start the picture again?


No. Please.

The location of the security conference,
Mr. Ambassador.

Hotel de la Ville, Vevey.


Excellent, leato. Excellent.

You've just guaranteed
half my membership in Central.

Do as thorough a job on Kuryakin
and I promise you it won't be forgotten.

See, my darling?
My plans are beginning to pay off.

Very soon I'll be at the top of the ladder.

And then we"ll see
just how deep your convictions are.

Oh, it's almost time for the private game.

Your precious playboy of the Western world
will be there, won't he?

He'll be there.

Who knows? He may even win.

Mr. Coleman, I'm delighted
you accepted my invitation.

Thank you.

I can't tell you just
how delighted I really am.

My dear. Good evening.

Old darling.

Tonight, gentlemen., mademoiselle...'re about to experience
the unique pleasure... which only a true gambler
can appreciate.

As you will see, tonight you're playing
only with white and black chips.

From now until midnight...'ll be gambling not for money
but for your lives.

At midnight, a tally of the chips
will tell us who lives and who dies.

White for the living,
the black for the dead.

I don't think I'll play, Mr. Partridge.

That's impossible, old darling.

You've got to play.

The house rule.

Nobody enters or leaves the casino
until after midnight.

COLEMAN: House rule or not, if she
wants out, you can't make her stay.


Enjoy your gambling, old darlings.

Good luck.

Open Channel D.

- Channel D open.
SOLO: Still no sign of lllya.

I'm going to try for Coleman
if I can get into the private casino.


You'll never hold out, Kuryakin.

Cooperate with me
and you'll avoid a greet deal of pain.

I have an abnormally high threshold.

That's what the ambassador thought too.

Until Dr. leato began his experiments.

What was the fear
that broke the ambassador?

The same as yours.

Kuryakin, I want you to recite
U.N.C.L.E.'s complete operational structure.

And I want you to do it now.

Your last chance, Kuryakin.





Another U.N.C.L.E. agent
has been added to our collection.


I'll send for more guards.

Where's your sporting blood, leato?

If Napoleon Solo came here to gamble...

...I'm sure we can invent
a game that will interest him.

Kuryakin is a highly trained agent.

He's younger and tougher
than the ambassador.

This is an altogether different process.
It will work.





llya? lllya?




The effects won't last very long.

He'll have to go through
the regular programming later.

What do you have in your hand?

A Luger 9 mm automatic pistol.

The instant you see Napoleon Solo,
what will you do?

I will effect his destruction.

And then?

I will come back to you immediately.





Excellent, leato.
As always, my compliments.




I didn't

You did.

I did?


All Code Blue units.

The two U.N.C.L.E. agents.
Track them down and kill them on sight.

How are you going to explain
Kuryakin's death to Central?

You promised them
the U.N.C.L.E. information.

He was shot trying to escape.



I found the back room myself.
Come on, I'll show you.

- What do you want?
- Coleman.

Where's the private casino?

His life's in danger.
They're going to kill him.

Not if he tells them what they want.

- Where is he?
- I can't.

You don't know
what Partridge would do to me.

If Coleman dies, you don't know
what we're gonna do to you.

SOLO: Coleman's only reason
for being here is to help you.

He's willing to risk his life
to save your precious neck.

Let's go.

Talk to him.

You know those U.N.C.L.E. agents
they are looking for?

I think I know where they are.
You know, I saw them--



Now, I know it's presum--
Presumptuous of me...

...but would you mind
keeping an eye on them?

With pleasure.

Partridge has Ambassador Vanderloon.

He's got him in the room
next door to the lab.

Hold it.












From Thrush Central
to Barnaby Partridge.

Congratulations on being elected
as a member of Central.

The board expects even greater
accomplishments in the future."