The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (1964–1968): Season 2, Episode 10 - The Cherry Blossom Affair - full transcript

Solo and Kuryakin investigate a Thrush operation in Japan.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
I've confirmed Dr. Grayson's arrival
at the New York Airport.

He should be entering the terminal
any moment.

Fine. Just keep in mind that the film
he's carrying is of the utmost importance.

Yes, sir.

WOMAN [OVER PA]: Announcing
the arrival of Flight 26 from Paris.

Flight 26 from Paris
now arriving at the gate.


Would you have a match, please?

Here. Let me try.


Dr. Grayson.



Hey, wait. Come back with my film.

Hey, wait.

Our film lab ran off
this 16 mm film print...

...from the negative
Mr. Solo recovered from Dr. Grayson.





SOLO: Well, it would seem that Thrush
has found some way to activate volcanoes.

Dr. Grayson, I presume.

Yes, Mr. Kuryakin. Dr. Grayson
was one of the world's foremost geologists.

Evidently, Thrush Eastern
got a stranglehold on him.

He managed to inform
U.N.C.L.E. headquarters in Japan...

...that he had a vital discovery
he wanted to tum over to them.

And something happened. Either Thrush
got to him or he panicked or something.

Why should Thrush
be interested in volcanoes?

Intelligence informs us
that Thrush Eastern...

...has called a high-level meeting
of Thrush scientists.

Obviously for a demonstration
of their volcanic activator.

- Volcanic activator?
SOLO: Uh-huh.

So we have Thrush scientists
from many countries...

...all of them with one thing in common.
They have volcanoes within their holders.

Now, if Thrush
activates those volcanoes...

...they'll have a powerful hold
over those countries.

- Right?
- It's charming.

Precisely why we have to find
their volcanic device.

Which leads us to Japan.

Our film laboratory has made a print...

...from the negative Mr. Yukio recovered
from Dr. Grayson.

Gentlemen, our volcanic activator.




Lights, please.

I do not wish to spoil
anyone's entertainment...

...but forgive me,
I have already seen this particular film.

No doubt our film
is now in the hands of U.N.C.L.E.

We suspect Thrush Eastern
is headquartered in the Kiru area...

...but we don't know exactly where.

Any leads?

Well, we do know that one of their fronts
is the Ogaki Academy for Judo and Karate.

Evidently a training center
for Thrush Eastern.

You'll begin there, Mr. Solo.

What do you have in mind
for me, sir?

Ah, yes. Yes, um...

Young woman
Mr. Solo met at the airport.

Miss Cricket Okasada.
Japanese, age 26.

Graduate of the Sorbonne in France.

Occupation, dubbing expert
for Samson Films in Kiru.


Mm-hm. That's the process
where a person from one country...

...says lines on film for a person
from another country--

If there's anything I can explain,
don't hesitate to call.

Oh, I'm glad of that.

WAVERLY: Our security people
have cleared Miss Okasada.

But her complicity with Dr. Grayson's death
would give me pause for doubt.

In any case,
you will have to hurry, Mr. Kuryakin.

We learned she leaves
for Japan tonight.

I wish I didn't have to make this report
of the unfortunate incident...

...but they're so squeamish about security,
you understand.

We are honored that Thrush Central...

...feels our little project
worthy of your attention.

My dear Harada...

...Thrush Central
would like nothing better...

...than to have Thrush Eastern...

...assert, shall we say, a more vigorous role
in our grand design.

And perhaps the demonstration
of this volcanic device... a first step.

Isn't it the Japanese who say...

...the longest journey must begin
with the first step?

The Chinese.


Yes. Confucius. I remember now.

Heh. It's a wonder I don't forget
my own name in this heat.

Uh, don't you people
believe in air conditioning?

My apologies.

A slight malfunction.
It is being attended to.


Aren't you, uh, staying
to see the rest of the film?

I shall wait until
it comes on television.


ILLYA: Miss Okasada
is just coming into focus.

She just went into
the Takata Novelty Store.

Ah-ha, apparently, the Ogaki Academy
is closed to the public.

I wonder why.

Now, you go ahead.
I'll check with you later.


Yes, it's true.

We stock these,
but we ship them all over the world.

Look at the inscription on the bottom.

“To Dr. Grayson from H.“

Now, it I could just find that H.,
whoever he is...

...I'm sure I could find my film.

I wish I could help you...

...but we don't even have facilities here
for engraving.

What's going on here?

The sign outside
said you do beautiful engraving.



How cute. Heh.

I'll, uh, take a dozen of these
for my parents in Jersey City.

Excuse me, I am not quite finished
with this young lady.

CRICKET: You mean I am not
quite finished with you.

I don't know what game
you are playing here...

...but every cent I have in this world
is tied up in that negative.

It's the first film I've ever produced.
It is irreplaceable.

My apologies.
The new generation of women...

...without respect
for our gracious personal traditions.

- Humility, reticence--
- I may not be terribly Oriental--

My assistant will try to help you, miss.

Take care of her, Victor.

- Run.
- Why?







Happy New Year.




Pardon me, sir.



So as you see...

...two-knuckles thrust
is thrown from kumite--

Perhaps one of the new recruits...

...would be kind enough
to allow me to demonstrate.

Ah, yes, you'll do nicely.


No, no, not you.
The man behind you.

No, no, no. That's all right.

No, no, no, really.
I catch cold easily, you see.



Ah, Mr. Solo, you wouldn't
strike the man with glasses, would you?




Excuse me.

Stop him, stop him. U.N.C.L.E. agent.


Oh, pardon me, miss.
I'm, uh, looking for the exit.




Superb, my dear Harada. Superb.

I confess they are
a weakness of mine. Ha-ha.

I will never cease to be amazed
by the Orient.

On the one hand, you can create
a dazzling spectacle such as this.

On the other hand, you can't solve
a simple problem of air conditioning.

An unexpected complication,
I am told.


Well, not to change the subject,
my dear Harada...

...but in writing my security report
for Thrush Central...

...I have discovered
there are a few gaps.

For instance?

For instance,
one of your men was found skewered... the bottom of the pit
in your novelty store.

We have something special in mind
for him.

I hope he will be of more use to you dead
than he was alive.


Please don't misunderstand me, Harada.

I have no wish to run the show,
as the English say...

...but in view
of the alarming security problem...

...don't you think we ought to move up
the date of the demonstration?

Of course, it is only a suggestion.

Something the matter?

It appears that the air conditioner
was made in your country.

- Really?
- And the distributor, an obstinate man...

...a man named Pasha
refuses to make the trip from Tokyo.

If you please...

...allow me to attend to the matter

You are most kind.

Now, if we can return
to the annoying little matter of security.

- Security.

Tell Yukio as soon as he disposes
of the girl and the man from U.N.C.L.E...

...I want every available man here
for double security.

We are moving the demonstration
to within the next 24 hours.





Did it ever occur to you
that if you found me so easily--

What do you call them?
"Thrush will find me too?

Well, that's why we didn't close down
that novelty-store cover of theirs.

That was very thoughtful.



You see--


You're their only connection.

In a few minutes, this telephone
is going to ring, and when it does--

This is sheer madness.

All I want is my film, and all 01a sudden,
I'm involved in some wild plot...

...about a volcanic blow-upper...

...with people running around
shooting each other.


Why don't you just call in the army?

Well, for one thing, we don't know
where Eastern Thrush's headquarters is.





Isn't that that doctor...?
What's his name?

Now, let me understand this.

You want me to expose myself... I can lead you
to the Thrush Eastern headquarters?

More or less.

No, thank you.

Well, at least talk to them when they call.

When they call?



Could you hold it, please?


Yes, this is she.

MAN [ON PHONE]: Listen carefully
if you want to get your film back.


At 4:00 this afternoon,
come to the novelty store.


Alone. is that clear?


Now, wait a minute--



I don't know. I--

I want that film, but it is beginning
to lose something in the translation.

Tell me, Mr. Kuryakin,
are you talented in your profession?

- Yes.
- Do you know that that man in there...

...has been listening
to everything we have said?

Yes, I put him there.
He's an U.N.C.L.E. agent.

Don't worry, Miss Okasada.

I'll be right behind you.

And Mr. Solo?

No, I'm afraid Mr. Solo
won't be able to join us.

I've been unable
to get in touch with him.

I think he may be having a little trouble
at the Ogaki Academy.

No doubt you are wondering...

...what manner of plant... growing underneath your back.

Well, somehow I had the feeling
you'd tell me.

Bamboo, Mr. Solo. Bamboo.

In a few hours, Solo san.
certainly not later than this evening...

...these shoots
will begin to prick your back, and then...

Well, I always say
everyone should have a hobby.


In case you're wondering
about your friends...

...allow us to relieve your anxiety.

Miss Okasada is going
to the novelty store... doubt in the belief
that Mr. Kuryakin is behind her.

Unfortunately for her...

...we have arranged a little detour
for Mr. Kuryakin.

Police? Police.

Oh, thank heaven.
My name is Cricket Okasada.

Okasada. I work at
the Samson Film Company.

Oh, I'm terribly frightened.

Ever since I arrived in Japan
I've been followed.

Good luck.

Where you going?

I'll follow behind you in my car.
Keep you covered.

- What about if the whole thing is a trap?
- Oh, I'm sure it is.

We just have to take the chance.


Don't worry. Go on.

Would you be kind enough
to accompany us, please?



Mr. Solo?

You're just in time for the harvest.

- Lucky for you I saw IIIya being arrested.
SOLO: Isn't it?

With IIIya out of the picture,
you were my only other alternative.

Well, you could have gone
to the police and--

But they don't have my film.

I don't suppose you have seen it,
have you?

Well, I'll try and catch it
at my neighborhood theater.

All of a sudden, you are pretty cocky
for a man whose life I just saved.

Well, in my own boyish way,
I am trying to thank you.

That's better.

Uh, one question.

Just one question, Mr. Kuryakin.

Why do you carry two guns?

One of them is a novelty item. A toy.

Well, of course.


I believe it's the other one.

Just what is this organization,
the U.N.C.L.E.?

The U.N.C.L.E.
is a worldwide organization...

...dedicated to the preservation
of world peace.

Oh, like the Salvation Army?

In about 10 minutes,
a young girl will be in great danger.

She needs protection.

Well, how about calling the ambassador?
Or at least let me call him.

Do you wish me to appear foolish
in the ambassador's eyes?

All you have to do is to pick up the
telephone and call U.N.C.L.E. headquarters.

Ah, but who is U.N.C.L.E.?


Allow me.

Class D, top priority. Please scramble.


It's Mr. Kuryakin here, sir.

Ah, yes, Mr. Kuryakin.
I've been waiting for your report.

Well, actually, I'm having a slight problem
with the authorities.

A word or two from the ambassador
might help expedite matters.


Well, uh, all right, Mr. Kuryakin.
I'll see to that.

we don't have a great deal of time.

Everything seems to indicate
that our feathered friends...

...have moved up the demonstration
to within the next 24 hours.

Has Mr. Solo succeeded
in finding their nest?

I'm afraid Mr. Solo
has fallen on hard times, sir.

I see.

You're having a problem
with the authorities...

...and Mr. Solo
has fallen on hard times.

Where's Miss Okasada?

Don't tell me
she's fallen on hard times as well.

I'm afraid so, sir.

Well, it seems as if I'd better stay
in closer personal touch...

...with your situation there.

I'll leave for our Tokyo office right away.
Now, that'll be all, Mr. Kuryakin.

- How much? How much is one of these?
- I haven't the vaguest idea.

Oh, maybe $500.

Well, we could make them
for half the price.



I think if we step outside,
we could have a closer look.

I must say I am impressed.
Very impressed.

Just imagine.

Within 24 hours,
the world will witness a catastrophe...

...the like of which
it has never seen before.


Ah, Mr. Kutuzov. Look.



I cannot understand your passion
for the American game of baseball.

What I want to know is, in what country
are you going to activate the volcano?

Mount Kilo in Vulgaria.

- Why Vulgaria?
- Why not?

Well, I suppose the demonstration
must take place somewhere.

So long as it isn't in my country.

Still, I do think it's a little ghoulish... have the Vulgarian representative
of Thrush sitting here...

...watching the destruction
of his own country.

Unfortunately, he will
not be able to join us.

Oh? Why not?

Apparently, he regards the idea
of the volcanic activator as preposterous.

Besides, he informed us
that he was too busy...

...with experiments of his own.

With what experiments?

It seems he is conducting
a geological expedition on Mount Kilo.


Oh, my dear Harada.
You do have a sense of humor after all.

Incidentally, Harada.
after the demonstration...

...will you please have your men
prepare the activator...

...for transfer to Thrush Central?

- Did I hear you correctly?
- Believe me, my friend.

It was the most difficult decision
I ever had to make in my life.

You don't know how much it pained me.

Still, in view 01, shall we say.
questionable security...

...I could scarcely make
any other decision.

Just the same, I want you to know
I was most generous in my praise of you.

Particularly in regard to your role
in this little project.

You are most kind.

Most kind.

So that's why IIIya was arrested.
Pretty clever, those guys.

They have their moments.

- Where are we going now?
- The novelty store.

The novelty store?

Don't you think you ought to go home to
a nice warm bath and a good night's sleep?

Go across the street and go inside.

- I'll be watching you.
- I'd like to think you are kidding.

They don't know I'm free,
which gives us the element of surprise.

Yeah, I've had a conversation
like this before.

Besides, the store is closed.

I think they'd make an exception
in your case.

Not a chance.

Think what you'd be doing for humanity.


Think of your film.




Oh, hello.


Ah, Mr. Solo.

Don't tell me you rose 0” the deathbed
just to come to our little sale.


Welcome to Kim, Mr. Solo.

- Home of Thrush Eastern?
- Exactly.

Mr. Yukio tells me
that you are quite a student of karate.

I hope, uh, things
weren't too unpleasant for you.

No, no.
Actually, I was beginning to enjoy it.

I couldn't keep up the payments.


Hey, I'm no puppet.
I'm a real live girl, remember?

How did a nice Japanese girl like you
wind up in a place like this?

Look, you silly old man, you better--


Now, after we demonstrate
the volcanic activator...

...we have some special entertainment
in store for you, Mr. Solo.

- They're going to show my film.
- No, my dear.

This is going to be alive performance.

At least at the beginning.

No strings attached?

Why, Mr. Solo, what an amusing pun.

I hope you will be just as amused
by the samurai's performance.



Something wrong I hope?

It appears Sandy Koufax
just pitched another no-hitter.

“Pasha Air Conditioning.“

Open Channel D, please.

- Yes?
- It's Mr. Kuryakin here, sir.

Ah, yes, Mr. Kuryakin.

- Were you able to locate Miss Okasada?
- I'm afraid I didn't arrive in time.

Evidentlv, they have
Miss Okasada and Mr. Solo.

I do have a lead though.
I've discovered they're having trouble...

...with their air conditioning.

I see.

- Well, what do you suggest?
- We can't rush the building.

That would jeopardize Mr. Solo
and Miss Okasada.

I'll need reinforcements later.
Please stand by until I signal.

I'll be waiting for your signal,
Mr. Kuryakin.

Could I have some more of that tea?



...this is a moment of great significance
in Thrush history.

But before proceeding further...

...I would like to commemorate
this demonstration... my late and dear friend,
Mr. Kutuzov...

...without whose assistance,
more than assistance...

...spiritual guidance...

...this demonstration
could not be taking place.

It's hotter in here than in the volcano.

Can't you do anything about it?

It's being attended to.


It will be repaired in five minutes.

Cricket, I, uh...

I don't quite know
how this is going to tum out.

But in any case, thank you.

Oh, don't thank me.

I thought, to tell you the truth,
there might be a picture in all of this.

On second thought,
I don't think anybody would believe it.

Why do you do that?

Do what?

I mean, why do you go around with this,
you know, tough attitude... though you don't care
about anything or anybody?

I do not.

Do I?

Why don't you, uh, accept the fact
that you're a lovely, intelligent girl?

You know... are not like your average
run-of-the-mill secret agent at all.

You're really very nice.

Thank you.

And you are 99 percent right.

About what?

I am a lovely, intelligent girl.




I have a lot of calls to make.



Pasha. 01 Whatever your name is.

I was given to understand
that the West considered suicide foolhardy.

Because that's
what you have just done.

Committed suicide.


Ah, nice shot. Hmm.

You were marvelous, Mr. Solo. Hey.

Well, you see.
I have my moments too.

Get back to the control room.
I'll escort him to his friends.

Move along, Mr. U.N.C.L.E. man.

I think it's only fair to warn you,
I threw the javelin in college.

Some people thought
I was rather remarkable.

Mm-hm. How interesting, Mr. Solo.

Someday we'll have to exchange
success stories.

Now, if you will be kind enough
to return--

I think not.

You surprise me, Mr. Solo.
I gave you more credit than this.

A sword against a gun? Really.

Well, I was never
much of a percentage player.

I wonder what the percentages are
on me pitching a no-hitter.

What do you do for an encore?

You don't even seem surprised.

Well, it just so happens that, uh...

You mean you had that all the time?

You don't think
I'd give him the real gun, do you?

I wanted him to lead me to you first.

- Why did you wait so long?
- I've never seen a javelin thrown before.

You may yet.

That's right. We have one,
but there may be some more.

Well, unlike Mr. Solo,
I am a percentage player.

And so...

Open Channel D, please.

Mr. Waverly, you can get your men
to rush the building new.

You-- You mean it's all over?

You sound disappointed.

Oh, heck.
I was just getting the hang of it.



Oh. Excellent film. Excellent. Admirable.

Thank you.

Mind you,
we wouldn't want it to get around...

...that we spend our afternoons
this way, Miss Okasada.

Our image, you know?

You are all very sweet.
Just one question, Mr. Solo.

- Mm-hm.
- Did you really throw the javelin in college?

Yes, Napoleon.
Tell us about your javelin-throwing days.

Well, ahem, it's a very personal,
intimate kind of a story.

And I'll save the arresting details... be revealed to Miss Okasada
over a cocktail.

Just a moment, Mr. Solo.

I'd rather hoped that Miss Okasada
would have tea with me in my office.

- May I have the pleasure?
- I'd love to.

Uh, I'm afraid we may
have to postpone our date, Mr. Solo.

I'd like to hear your story.
