The Mallorca Files (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - The Beautiful Game - full transcript

While protecting a famous Real Mallorca footballer from death threats, Max and Miranda uncover dodgy deals and illicit love affairs in the world of top-flight football.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
The summer drought may
be over, but this pre-season friendly

for Real Mallorca remains
on a knife edge.

Vamonos, chavales!



Pasalo, pasalo!



You're on duty.

I'm blending in.

Yeah, well, I'm getting wet.

Someone in this stadium wants
Real Mallorca's best player dead



Useless! Come on,
they're all useless.

No, not all of them!

I'm two metres from Rico Alonso.

If anything happens, I'm right here.

Are his mum and agent OK?

Yep. Still in the VIP seats.

Rico! Rico!
Rico! Rico! Rico!

That boy could win the league
for us single-handed.

Like Maradona in Napoli.

Yeah, instead, he's deserting you
for Germany.

The real home of football!

If that boy leaves this club,

I'll throttle him.

You'll have to join the queue.

Oh, no!

What a pity.

Max! Seriously?
Oh, come on, Miranda.

15,000 potential assassins
and Ines sends two officers?

She isn't taking these
threats seriously.

Well, maybe you should check
inside the grandstand?



OK, guys,

so we start with a four four two.

And later move
to a four two three

one. Max?

Did they score?

Penalty. What?

Jaume, please.



What the hell is he doing?!

He's letting Rico say goodbye.


Rico! Rico!

Rico! Rico! Rico! Rico!

Rico! Rico!

Our gift from God!

Rico! He will score,
don't you worry.


Vamos. Vamos.

Rico! Rico! Rico! Rico!

Erm, he's saying adios?


Don't leave us, Rico! Please!

I'm going to take a shower.
OK, Mama.

♪ When the moonlight
shines down on the sea

♪ And you think that
you got a shot at me

♪ Better set me free

♪ You got to set me free

♪ I surrender

♪ Surrender. ♪

A cada cerdo le llega su San Martin.

Every pig has its San Martin Day?

It's a day of reckoning.

As will we all,
including young Rico.

Well, let's try and delay that
for him, shall we? Any prints?


However, into the darkness,
a chink of light.

There was no sign of a break-in.

We'll check with his mother,
who has a door key.

Well? Inside job.


The biggest mystery is why would
anyone choose Germany over Mallorca?

What kind of tinpot outfit is this?

Ah, Mr Flack. So good
to see Rico's agent.


You gave us your word
you'd protect him.

And I allocated significant

Right, so how come someone
just walked into his house?

We're looking into it.

This deal is worth 40 million euros,

Chief Inspector.


Rico needs a clear head.

And dead pigs in fridges
do not clear heads.

Mr Flack, it would really
help our investigation

if you can confirm something.

Is the club buying Rico FC Dortmund?


Trust me. This could be critical.

It's Munich.



If that gets out, I'll know why.

Now find that bloody stalker.

Munich. Urgh!

They're our biggest rivals.
It's a disaster.

To work, Winter.

Why does Rico want to
move anyway? Yes. Yes.

Why can't he just stay loyal
to his home team? Yes.

He seems like a lovely man.

Used to be a professional footballer.
His nickname was the Slicer.


Because he loved
cutting people's legs away.

Know why he stopped playing? No.

Two years for GBH.

So what was his cut of this deal?

Funny. Hm.

Um, 10%, maybe 20?

8 million euros?

No wonder he's nervous.

It's not quite what I was expecting.

Thought footballers were loaded?
Rico's on 70,000 a year right now.

In Munich, he'll probably
get that a week.

Rico's father was out the door before
I even said the word "pregnant".

I was 16.

But I knew it would always be
just me and Rico.

Jaume Borrell? Yeah.

Was he his coach back then, too?

He used to run the youth academy.

He's always been like a father
to Rico.

Marta, we believe the intruder
has a key to your house.


Is there anyone close to you
who could be behind these threats?

Maybe someone jealous of Rico
and his success?


Rico's best friend since nursery.

And you think he might
scare Rico like this?

Carlos is terrified of
Rico leaving Palma.

The boy does nothing
with his life except...

.. drink and take drugs -
all he has is Rico.

Rico insisted on giving
Carlos a key.

He pays half the rent now, so...

Me and Rico used to play
in the old car park

every day after school.

Nou Camp, we called it.

One day, Jaume Borrell
came to watch.

He invited me to Real Mallorca
for training. I said I'd go,

but only if Rico could come, too.

How old were you?

Ten. I was ten.

So, erm, do you still play?


Tore my knee ligaments
when I was 14.

Haven't kicked a ball since.

So, erm, just a supporter now,
then, yeah?

Couldn't care less about the game,
to be honest.

I only watch Rico cos he's
my friend. That's it.

So you must care about him
leaving Real Mallorca?

Nah, it doesn't bother me.
I'm going with him.

Are Rico's mum and agent
OK with that?

What have they said?

Let me guess.

That I'm going to inject him
with heroin, right?

Force him to enjoy himself.

Me corrupt Rico?
That's hilarious. Why?

Because Lee Flack
is the one screwing him over!

What makes you say that?


Look, Rico and I are brothers, OK?

No-one's ever going to separate us.

I just wish he would stay with us
one more year.


He is not ready.

I don't want him to waste two
seasons sitting on the bench.


Rico! Come over.

Do you think Carlos could be
behind this? No.

Carlos did not.

I mean, he's loco.

But he's not a psychopath.

He did not do this.

He says he's coming with you
to your next club.

I want him to, but...

.. my mum and Lee.

I'm going to tell him.

That's a tough conversation.

He's always been there,
looking out for me, backing me up.

I play a bit.


Had that classic teenage dilemma.

Professional footballer
or policeman.

You serious? Yeah, yeah.

Well, I'll let you be the judge.

All right.

Yeah, the wrong shoes, so, erm...

Yeah. Can I go back now?

Yeah. Sure, sure.


Oh, right.

Because the British are so much
better at football than Germans.

Didn't England go further than
Germany in the last Women's World Cup?

OK, then. Penalty shoot-out.
Me and you.

Ha! Sure. When?

Hey, get off the pitch! Come on!


Come on!

Come on! Come on, come on, come on!

Where's the scoreboard
controlled from?

An office up there.

Get off the pitch!
Come on, get off the pitch!

Vamos! Vamos, rapido!

Entra, entra, entra, entra,
entra! Donde ha sido? Venga!

Get, get, get, get, get. No se,
no se, no se. Y Rico donde esta?

We'll check CCTV.

You support Dortmund
because of their kit?

I, erm...

I made an aesthetic choice.

Hey, I'm not one of those fake fans,

You think Papa is extreme?

He once showed me
a Real Mallorca fans' forum.

Hm! Hm.

Mm. Mm.

See you later, yeah? Mm-hm.

Hey, your street art.

Make it a masterpiece.


So... Hm?

The scoreboard computer was accessed
with a password and, yeah, no CCTV.

How many fans have a key
to Rico's house

and the password
to the club's computer system?

And know their way
around the stadium?

What was the name of that fan forum?

You have to tell Carlos
he's not coming to Germany.


Hey, loser!

Hey, guapo! Hey!

Ah, your mum - she looks more
beautiful each time I see her.

How's that possible, huh?

I'll leave you to it.

Oh, Marta, Marta, Marta,
join us, huh?

This smack is not going
to inject itself, huh?

What's all this?

I told you, I can't leave the house.

Well, I'm not spending
the evening here.

This is the forum
we were talking about.

A one-stop shop for obsessive fans.

Hey... guys.

Rico's my total hero.

Anyone got a random
real-life connection?

"I once sold him an ice cream"?

"My cousin used to cut
his mother's hair. "

Ah. "My ex put a new kitchen
in Rico's house. "

Maybe Marta lent him a key.

They work at the club.
A name, we need a name.

Abril Cabrera.

Let's find out where she lives.


Look at this.


Sorry, would you take
our picture, please?

Yeah. Thank you.

Thank you.

Right, OK, Marta. Sure. Thanks.

Rico and Carlos slipped out
through a back gate.

Great. Marta said there's
only three bars

that they go to.

Maybe Rico's having
that difficult conversation.

Must be here somewhere.

Drop me here.

Meet me at the bottom. All right.

Palma police.

And? Nope, nothing. Go!


German beer, huh?




I don't want you to come.


To Germany.

It's best for both of us.

What is this?

Nothing? No.


What? This is them speaking.

No, I... I want this.
And I think you need it.

No, I don't need it. What...?

I'm sorry.

I think we need to
live our own lives.

Carlos. Carlos!

Now what?

Carlos! Carlos! Wait! Wait.

I come. Or you stay. Which one?

Look, you can come often, OK?

This isn't how I wanted this. Just
remember that. Just remember that!

Carlos! Carlos!


I know where Rico is.

All right. Si. Gracias.



Remember me?

No. Sorry.

Bar Paradiso?

After we beat Bilbao in the Copa?

I don't remember.

You kissed me.

And now you're leaving me?

Promise you'll stay.
Say it! Now! Police!

Stay back! Drop the knife, Abril.

I'll get her!

You OK? Yeah.

No sign?

Look, we've located her,
we identified her...

She got away. In stilettos.

Well, not exactly. She...

It was my fault.

We're watching her flat.

And we've got armed guards
round Rico's house.

She can't hurt him now.

Looks like she found a way.

Oh, my God. It's Carlos!

Some guys have all the luck.

Multiple stab wounds in the back.

The knife had a serrated edge.

It was pretty vicious.


Between one and four this morning.

Could it have been a robbery?

Maybe Abril thought
this would keep Rico in Palma.

Did Carlos say anything to you
before he left?

He said he didn't want
it to come to this.

You found her yet?

We will.

Rico said she was in heels
when she gave you the slip.

Well, yes... and no.

We're moving you to a safe house
outside Palma

until your flight to Germany.



Why did she do this?

Look, I know it's tough right now,

but one day you'll realise
what a narrow escape you've had.

Listen, I just heard back
from the lawyers.

We're good to go.

So what do you say? Shall we
get this thing signed today?

Rico! Rico!

Rico! Rico! Rico!

Hey! Rico! Stop that!


All this because of a kiss
he can't even remember.

Where did she say the kiss happened?

Am I really that forgettable?

Did you come straight here?

I sat in a doorway...

.. and cried.

I couldn't do it.

Why not?! You terrorised Rico
with death threats.

You've done enough.

Confirmation from Roberto.

Absolutely nothing on Abril to link
her to Carlos' murder.

And Rico's done a runner. What?

Drove off in Marta's car when they
were packing for the safe house.

Told her he wanted time on his own.

Half the station are out
looking for him.

And the killer's still on the loose?

I mean, there must be
something here to help us.

A glorious future.

Wiped out by a single tackle.

Look at that.

He's cut someone out
of these photos.

Someone on his team he didn't like?

20 euros says it's the boy
who ended up breaking his knee.


Maybe this is drugs related.

Someone called Gus talking to TS.

Gus Muller.

Oh, my God.

Gus Muller? The manager of Munich?

So who's TS?

The Slicer.

Why the hell aren't you out
finding Rico?

Our colleagues are combing Palma
as we speak, Mr Flack.

Carlos told us
you were screwing over Rico.


Not wanting to speak ill
of the dead...

He had these.

Turns out Munich are paying you
a bung of 2 million euros,

in return for you persuading
Rico Alonso to accept a lower wage.

And you're giving a third of this
bung to Gus Muller.

His "coffee".

Munich spends less.

You and Muller make more.

And Rico is, as Carlos said,

It's just a joke.
Me and Gus are just joking around.

Why the hell would
I screw over Rico?

He's my client.

Well, when we take a look at your laptop,
I'm sure we'll see your entire business

is run in a totally ethical
and legal way.

You can't do that. This was
Carlos' insurance policy.

We think he threatened you last
night, after he left Rico.

Let him come to Germany,
or he'll show this to Rico.

Jesus, you two have
really lost the plot.

So where were you last night?

In me bed, asleep.

The whole night? And
you can prove that?

No, of course I can't prove it.

All right.

I was asleep.

Just not in my bed.

So, Lee Flack was with you at your
house last night from 11 o'clock?

He didn't leave my bed.

Lee took over as Rico's agent
three months ago?

So? You think he's using me?

Some agents do try and get close
to top players through their family.

You have no idea.

What if I'M using Lee, huh?

What if, after everything I've done,

every minute I've given to Rico,
I want a pay-out?

What if I want my life
to look like this?

Sexist idiots.

Now, instead of harassing me,
go and find my son.

Hell hath no fury
like a tiger mum scorned.

I think I get it.

The problem is, our main suspect
now has an alibi for last night.

We need to find Rico.

Ask him about those photos.

Where did they play football
as kids?


That was me and Carlos.

That's how it used to feel.

Every day,
just laughing and messing around.

Hopefully, you'll have fun
in Munich.

Or Dortmund, or wherever
you're going.

We found this in Carlos' flat.

We thought you might know
who this missing person is.

Was it the boy who injured Carlos?

I don't know.

This could really help us
with Carlos, Rico.


My match report
of the final tragic moments

of young Carlos Tosell. Hm.

No DNA scraped under
any fingernails, sadly.

Our friend was struck down before
he could put up any kind of fight.

Oh, and there was no sign
of any knee injury.

Both knees were perfectly intact.

You sure about that?

Nothing in his medical
records either.

Why would Carlos make that up?

Unless he was hiding
the real reason he stopped playing?

You know who's missing from these?


Excellent work today,
boys. Real good.


Where's Rico now? Unwinding.

Good, he needs that.

Thank you for finding him. Mm.

Mr Borrell, were you there
when Carlos injured his knee?

No. What happened?

Well, he turned up for training
on crutches one day.

Said he had fallen downstairs
and torn his ligaments.

I never saw him kick a ball again.

According to Carlos' autopsy and
medical records, there was no injury.

That's... that's not possible.

Well, can you think of any reason
he, erm, would have faked it?

No! No, Carlos loved football.

It was everything in his life.

Do you recognise these?

Of course.

Don't suppose you remember
who's missing here?

No, sorry.

Well, we noticed you aren't
in any of these photos, Mr Borrell.

Well, there is a good reason
for that.

I took the photos.

Do you still have the originals?

I don't understand.

They should be here.

OK, here's one.

Ah, yes, of course.


She never missed a game.


I'll see if it's a match.

If this is Carlos' blood,
then I really don't get it.

Yeah, Marta was worried
about Carlos affecting Rico,

but that's not a reason to kill him.

Rico! Rico! Rico, stop that!

"To Marta, the most beautiful woman
in the world.

"I can't stop thinking about you.


Carlos? He was only 14.

Tell Carlos
he's not coming to Germany.

I just wish he would stay with
us one more year. He is not ready.

This is the best day
of your life, OK?


I don't want this.


Gus Muller's left.

And he never asks twice, so you're
finished with him, and so am I.

Scrub that - I'm bloody
finished for good!

Hey! Don't you dare lay a finger
on him! Back off!

You've done nothing wrong.

I've given him my life!
The ungrateful little...

Sorry, Mum.

Marta Alonso...

.. we're arresting you
for the murder of Carlos Tosell.






Is it true, Mum?

What have you done? Tell me.

Let me come to Germany, or I'll
tell Rico what you did to me, huh?

What have you done? Tell me!

No, no, no, no, Mum.


Come down. I need you. Mum!

Please come down!

He was going to ruin everything.

No, please. Keep away from me!
Marta, don't.

I tell you, keep away from me. I
beg you, please come down from there.

Keep away from me! Please come down.

I need you, please!

No, I need you. Mum, look at me.


I... I need you.

I was lonely.

All I had was Rico and his football.

Carlos was cheeky.

He seems older than the others.

He was 14.

You were 29.

It was supposed to be a bit of fun.

I thought he could handle it.

Instead, he fell in love with you.

He was a child, Marta.

You broke his heart,
and it sent him off the rails.

Then you killed him.

I didn't want to.

I had no choice.

He insists he didn't know
what she'd done.

If he suspected,
do you think he'd have told us?

Why didn't Carlos say
anything all those years?

Cos he was trying to protect you.
He was a great friend.

The best.

So what now?

I'm taking a break.

From football?

After that, who knows?

They still wish they were you.

No te vayas, tio.

I wish I was them.

The beautiful game.

Deutschland! I didn't forget
about you, Miranda.


It's near Wales.

Ines sorted us out a pitch.

Let's go.

Pick a corner.

Don't change your mind.


Urgh! Thank God none of my
Aberystwyth lot can see me with this.


Yes! OK.

So Max Winter,

highest scorer in German history,
six times Player of the Year,

now has the chance to put his
country in the World Cup Final!

Go, Max! You can do it!

Yes! Yes!
Max! Max!


Whoa-oh-oh! Ay!

They think it's gone over!

♪ We got time on our side

♪ It's never too late

♪ If you want me now

♪ It's gonna have to wait. ♪