The Magnificent Seven (1998–2000): Season 2, Episode 4 - Vendetta - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Draw poker?

-How do you do that?
-Over the years. . .

. . .l've acquired
a certain tactile sensitivity.

A feel for stacking the deck.


Deal those cards so fast,
how do we know you didn't cheat?

You don't.

This hand's got as much chance as a
one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.

He folds.

Give me a beer, please.

Hey, Hank?

Hank Conley?

Buck Wilmington. l remember you.


You still that loudmouth,
whore-mongering good-for-nothing?

You still as ornery as a mule with a
rattler up his backside? l think you are.

What are you doing here?

Got some business
with my son-in-law.

What do you want?

l heard you were here.

Been riding for days to find you.

Chris Larabee, l need your help.

J.D. :
Hey, fellas!

You are not gonna believe
what's rolling down the street.

Look at this. Take a look, Ezra.

Look at that.

l don't think they're
from around these parts.

What are those things
hanging off their hats?

Those are called weepers.

Proper attire
for a period of mourning.

What a sewer.

They're after me.
They're looking to avenge what l did.

l found the fella
who shot your wife and kid.

He murdered Sarah and Adam.

And l shot him with this gun.

All right, boys,
split up and find the old man.

l already killed that man.

l don't know who you killed,
but this fella was behind it.

He may have not done it
with his own hands. . .

-. . .but he was behind it.
-Who did you kill?

David Nichols. He had his ranch
across the valley from Chris Larabee's.

David Nichols?

l remember him.
He didn't strike me as no killer.

He was from a bad family.

And the apple doesn't fall far
from the tree, Chris Larabee.

And that Nichols fella
was from a bunch of cold-blooded killers.

Looks like the circus is in town.

Ain't no circus, that's the Nichols family.

And they're after me on account
of l killed one of their kin.

And they've been chasing me
from town to town.

Wait, the Nichols brothers?
The Nichols brothers from Kansas City?

You heard of them?

Well, who hasn't?

Oh, boys, boys, Big Jack Nichols
was the most infamous racketeer. . .

. . .west of the Mississippi.

He expired in prison
about 1 0 years ago. . .

. . .but he left behind a brood
of notorious cutthroats. . .

. . .and reprobates who now have
the distinction. . .

. . .of running their criminal enterprise
in a very businesslike manner.

You brought these people here?

l couldn't lose them.

-They just kept coming.
-You should've come to me.

-l would've taken care of him.
-l killed him.

He came right up to me.

And before he said,
''How do you do,'' l shot him.

You should've come to me.

l don't need no permission from Chris
Larabee to kill my daughter's murderer.

lf what you say is true,
then you live with it.

They're heading this way.

We can hide him in the church.

Follow me.

We can slip out the back.

Excuse us, sirs,
but could we ask you a question?

You just did.

l was just joking.

Get off him.

There's no need for that now.

l'm sorry to trouble you, son.

But have you seen
an old ruddy-faced man around here?

He's about 6 feet tall, clean shaven.

Wears a doe-colored plainsman.

-l ain't seen nobody like that.
-You sure?

You heard him.

l am sorry to trouble you, sirs.

You've all heard me
describe the old man.

l will pay a reward of $ 1 00 in gold
to anyone who can tell me where he is.

John, let us go find the church.
l need a priest.

You all right, kid?

J.D. : Yeah, l'm fine.
Just dusting the floors.

And l thought my mother was bad.

Chris, he's your father-in-law.

You can't just walk away.
You owe him that much.

l don't owe
that son of a bitch nothing.

She was your wife.

Sarah was his daughter.

Now, Chris, he has suffered too.

l ain't gonna protect him.

-And l ain't gonna watch him die.
-l understand.

You wanted vengeance,
and he beat you to it.

But he is family.

lf you're so concerned,
you protect him. Hyah!

Hey, boy, l'll pay you two bits,
you help me with these trunks.

l ain't a boy.

Well, well, well.

What's a lovely young lady such
as yourself doing in this dusty old town?

l live here.

Whereabouts are you from?

Kansas City.

Really? That's a big city.

l suppose it is.

ls there a problem here?

No, J.D., we were just talking.

l'll give you 2 bits if you help me
move my trunks inside.

You obviously don't know
who you're talking to.

l guess l'll find out soon enough.

Good day, young lady.

Quit it, J.D.

This here's the one
who's trying to kill me.

That old lady?

She's a manslayer.

Looks like she's trying
to come inside this church.

Wait outside.

Stay right here.

-Where's the priest?

No priest. Just me.

A house of God should be clean.

Well, this church serves many paths,
even dusty ones.

Look at yourself.

You're not a man of God,
you're a Philistine, a handyman.

Jesus was pretty good
with a hammer.

Well, if you're all that this pesthole
of a town has to offer, l guess you'll do.

l need confession.



-Hope he's around here somewhere.
-l can smell him.

Looks like a flock of circling buzzards.

Just haven't found the body yet.

An apt description, Mr. Tanner.

They are also people of sophistication.

Perhaps if l parley with them,
l might uncover their designs.

Go parley, Ezra.

Greetings, gentlemen.

What brings you good folks
to our quaint and dusty little backwater?

We're waiting for our ma.

l see.

Might l interest you boys in a game
of cards or a drink while you wait?

Gambling's a sin.

EZRA: Then it would be our moral duty
to have a drink.

Well, enjoy your stay.

That went well.

BUCK: Vin.

Where's Chris?

He took off.

Out to his shack in the hills.

l reckon he's none too happy
that the hunt's off.

Well, he spent a long while
looking for Sarah's killer.

Reckon it'll take him
a little time to adjust.

l just don't understand
why he won't help his own kin.

Well. . .

She was.

And he thought Chris was a no-good,
hotheaded, beer-guzzling carouser.

Of course, he was right.

But there was something special
between Sarah and Chris.

l mean. . .

She changed him.

When they were together. . .

. . .l've never seen two people happier
in my life.

Old Hank, he never saw
the good in Chris.

When they got hitched, he never spoke
to either one of them again.

Not until today.

SOPHlA: Forgive me, Father,
for l am about to sin.

Are you saying
you haven't sinned yet?

Don't worry, l will.

l will sin in grand fashion.

l will break the sixth commandment.

And then l will rejoice.

Well, death is never a reason
for rejoicing.

He took my boy from me.

My precious first-born.

Revenge won't bring
your son back, ma'am.

What's your point?

l can't forgive you for something
you haven't done yet.

lt's as good as done.

JOSlAH: You know, the Navajo
believe that the spirit of the dead. . .

. . .comes back for revenge.

Pagan malarkey.

Come back as coyotes, whirlwinds.

Why don't you let the coyotes
bring your son peace?

l've heard better preaching coming out
the backside of a horse.

The Bible says,
''Forgive as you would be forgiven. ''

The Bible says, ''An eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth. ''

l won't rest until Hank Conley's dead.

Who's here?

Ma, he's out here!

Ma! Ma!

l got him! l got him!

Ma! Ma!


-l'm gonna kill you, Hank Conley!
CHRlS: Hank, grab on.

HANK: They're after me.
-You and anyone that helps you!


So help me, Almighty God.

SOPHlA: Peter, l sent you for the doctor.
PETER: Ma, he is the doctor.

l'm a healer, ma'am.

A healer?

What is wrong with this town?

Try and relax.
This might hurt a little bit.

-Oh, Ma, it hurts.
-Be a man, John.

Yep, it's broken.
We're gonna have to set it.

Can somebody get him some whiskey?

Don't worry, Johnny.

lt may hurt now, but it's nothing
compared to the suffering. . .

. . .we will inflict on the man
who did you harm.

So this is your home, Chris Larabee?

Yeah. We'll stay here tonight,
figure out. . .

-. . .what we're gonna do in the morning.
-You probably expect me to thank you.

No, l don't.

Come here, sinner.

The Lord will help us
loosen your tongue.

Gotta keep our tools clean.

My tools of righteousness.

Well-oiled and ready to go,
don't you agree?

Yeah, cleanliness is next to godliness.

God loves this gun.

God works through my hands.

God pulls the trigger.

That's why l never miss.

What's the name of the man
riding the black gelding?

Hold still.

l don't know.


Chris Larabee.

His name, Chris Larabee.

Where does Chris Larabee live?


Perhaps l can be of some assistance?

Excuse me, miss? Miss?

Can you tell me
where l might find the sheriff?

We don't have a sheriff here.

No sheriff?

Well, there's seven men hired
to protect this town.

They're the law in these parts.

l bet they have a lot of sheriffs
in Kansas City.

You should come see for yourself.

A woman like you
who'd come to Kansas City. . . . Phew!

You'd start a wildfire.

What do you mean?

You'd be the prettiest girl in town.

Well, l'm not one for fancy dresses
and hats with feathers and all.

That's what l like about you.

You're complicated.


What were you talking
to that fella again for?

We were just talking
about the big city.

And why are you wearing a dress?

lt's called a skirt, J.D.
Ladies wear them in the city.

You're not in the city, Casey.
You're not a city girl.

Why you wanna dress like that?
lt's not like you.

How would you know, J.D.?
l'm complicated.

Your mother seems
like she's a real pious woman.

That she is.

Well, l guess l can't understand why
she'd be so bent on killing somebody.

Mama loves us all,
but she loved David the most.

He was taken away from us.
We got to avenge that.


-Hey, doc.

-You set that arm real tight?

Then he won't be able
to shoot anybody.

The old man is staying
with someone named Larabee. . .

. . .and we know where he lives,
so let's ride.

-Thanks, doc.
-Oh, you can't ride until that bone's set.

lt'll have to wait. l gotta ride.

Some people never listen.

Hold your horses, boys, this building
doesn't appear to be on fire.

They know where Larabee lives.

Well, l should hope so.

l gave them explicit directions.

Where do you boys imagine
you're going?

We know where he's holed up at, Ma.

Don't you show your faces back here till
you fill him with lead, but hear me now:

What are you waiting for?

lf they follow my instructions
to the letter. . .

. . .they should reach Juarez
by week's end.

l believe we have about two hours
before my deceit will be uncovered.

Of course, when they discover
that l sent them on a wild-goose chase. . .

. . .l had their firm assurance
they would come back. . .

. . .to inflict upon me,
and l quote, ''excruciating pain. ''

Nathan, you best stay in town.
Ezra may need some doctoring.

Buck and l will go warn Chris.

Well, on your horses, boys.

-That is good.
-You go easy on that stuff.

This is the gun.

Shot him three times.

Man found silver all around your land.

Silver? What are you talking about?

You know, that David Nichols.

Well, he's a clever one.

Took his time. Never let on
what he was doing.

Once he burned you out,
couple of families got scared.

A year later, they were gone.
Yep, place is pretty well empty now.

He had it all to himself
when l found him.

Men will do anything for silver.

Turn the kindest-hearted man
into a cold-blooded killer.

-What are you doing with them knots?
-So l remember.

Remember not to forget.

But you know all about that.

Some things l don't wanna remember.

Others l don't wanna forget.

Feels pretty strange, don't it. . .

. . .to carry around all that anger
all this time?

And now you don't know
who to be mad at?

You can be mad at me,
if it'll help you out any.

l already done that.

Didn't do any good.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

l don't see any river.
l think that fancy-talking fella lied to us.

Well, maybe he knows
where Larabee is.

l know he's in heaven.

David was such a good boy.

Never had a hard word for anyone.

He was the best one.

Generous to a fault.

Always had a smile for everyone.

Sounds like quite a man.

He was a saint.


Why did he take my boy?

There is no answer, is there?

Death is a question.

l don't understand.

God protected us,
blessed us with healthy children.

Now David's murdered.

And he was the good one.

A lamb.

How do you honor a lamb?

A man of peace?

With bloodshed?

Or with forgiveness?

You need to find forgiveness, ma'am.

You're wrong, preacher.

l made a pledge to God.

l made a promise to David.

l will find forgiveness
when l've kept my word.



Over yonder. They turned around,
headed right to Chris.

l reckon somebody
straightened them out.

Come on.

That dumplings?


Sarah teach you how to do that?

She made the best chicken
and dumplings l ever ate.

Adam wanted them every night.

l did too.

But she always said Sunday's
the day for dumplings.

l never knew why.

-Just the way she was.
-Sunday dumplings.

She got that peculiarity from her mother
and l don't know why she did it either.

But l miss those dumplings.

There was always a place for you.

You gave up on me.
Didn't have time for the old man.

Well, you didn't approve.

Of course l didn't approve.

Because even after you were married,
you were still a rogue.

Gallivanting out at town,
with your friends. . .

. . .roistered up, looking for trouble.

Trouble came, didn't it, Chris Larabee?

Trouble came. lt killed my little girl.

Where were you?
You weren't there neither.

Are we gonna spend the rest
of our lives blaming each other?

lt's not what she would've wanted.

Gotta learn to let it go.

l can't.

Maybe l loved her too much.

Maybe we both did.


There it is!

Ma will be mad if he's too dead to kill.

HANK: Glad you boys showed up
before they did.

Saved my life. l owe you one.

l'm gonna double back.
See if they got smart.

Watch your back.

Hyah, hyah, hyah.

There's too many tracks.

Keep searching till it gets dark.

The rest of you keep looking.


We'll camp here.

Hank, come first light,
you ought to move on.

We'll slow those city folks
down for you.

l got nowhere to go.

Hank, you gotta go. You killed a man.

The man deserved what he got.


-He wasn't home.
JOHN: He tricked us, Ma.

-Who tricked you?
-That fancy-talking fella.

There's seven of them, Ma.

They've been protecting Conley.
Playing us for fools.

ls that true?

Are there seven men
protecting Hank Conley?

You should take your boys
and leave town, ma'am.

You tell those men
l will not be made a fool of.

You tell those seven men l'm sending
them and Conley straight to the devil.

l'll pass that along.

And you, preacher,
you can pray for their souls.




Look at him, sleeping there.

Snug as a thumb in a baby's mouth.

Remember that time old Hank,
he caught you sneaking around. . .

. . .in the barn to see Sarah?
Came after you with a shotgun.


Yeah, at least he used rock salt
instead of buckshot.

Uh-huh. Just his way
of saying he liked you.

Shoot. That old man did everything
humanly possible. . .

. . .to keep me away from his little girl.

Oh, wasn't just you, you know that.

Nobody was good enough.

He was right. Nobody was.


l can't see her face anymore, Buck.

Can't hear Adam calling me ''Pa. ''

They're fading away.

Maybe it's time for that.

No. No, l need to remember.


Vin coming in.

They headed back to town.

Buck and l have been talking.

We reckon Mexico's the best place
for you.

-l'll ride with you.

No, Chris Larabee,
you got a home here.

Besides, l prefer to keep
my own company

Maybe l'll see you around
one of these days.

That'd be nice.

l was wrong about you, Chris.


-We're heading back to town.

-How do you do?

Would you look at them? Prancing
around like a bunch of peacocks.

J.D., you don't have
to be jealous of them.

Casey, l ain't jealous of a bunch
of city-slicker desperadoes.

Desperadoes? Bad men don't travel
with their mother.

You ain't met her.

You shouldn't talk that way
about other people's mothers.

Watch where you're going.

Now l know who you are.

You're the messenger boy.

l don't think you know
what you're talking about.

Don't be offended.
lt's the best job in town.

Yeah, well, why is that?

We don't kill the messenger.

So l guess the redoubtable Nichols clan
must be full of hot air.

They threatened me with the most
vile retribution, yet here l sit.

She told me she was gonna bring the
wrath of God, send us straight to hell.

Well, then l fully expect we'll be
inundated by frogs, locusts. . .

. . .and other unspeakable pestilence
in a matter of moments.

-Where's Hank?

He's headed to Mexico.

You know, l can't help but wonder
if that old lady isn't right.

What if her son was innocent?

You know, l felt the same way talking
to that one who broke his arm.

They all seem so sincere.

A wise man once said,
a little sincerity is a dangerous thing. . .

. . .and a great deal of it
is absolutely fatal.

J.D. :
l've got a message for everybody.

CHRlS: J.D.?
EZRA: Good Lord.

They're gonna kill us all
for helping Hank.

Get the kid a chair.

J.D. !

-J.D., l'm sorry.
-l'm okay. Can't hurt me.

EZRA: Your face would belie
that assessment, young man.

They didn't hurt me. l'm fine.

You were right. Why didn't l see that?

You're complicated, Casey.

Casey, get J.D. out of here.

Chris, l can fight. l'm fine.

All right, J.D., get Casey out of here!

CASEY: Come on.
-We're gonna finish this.

Chris Larabee. l shot him, Chris.

l met the man
who killed your wife and son.


-What did you say?
-He killed Sarah and Adam.

Shot them, left them for dead.

And l killed him with this gun.

He wanted Sarah.
He wanted Sarah for himself.

HANK: He wanted Sarah.

Green-eyed monster.

But you had Sarah.

What are you talking about, Hank?

l saw him, riding towards me.

And l shot him before he could say,
''How do you do. ''

Green-eyed monster.

Yeah, l shot him three times.

Bang, bang, bang.

Green-eyed monster.

You inside, hand out the old man.

We know he's in there.
You have one minute.

We can't send him out there, Chris.

They'll kill him.

They're after me.

Hey, Hank, let's sit down.

Come on.

-No trouble.
CHRlS: All right.

No trouble at all.

That's them, the Nichols.
l'm no trouble.

Safe with me.

We need to talk.

l know your boy was innocent.

Then send Hank Conley out.

He's sick. He's not right in the head.

Doesn't know who he is
or where he is.

There's no excuse
for murdering my son.

You're right.

We'll take him back,
see he stands trial.



You'll have your justice.
No sense anybody else getting hurt.

That's not my kind of justice.

My justice is the apocalypse.

Get them!

Come on, Ma. Please, let's get inside.

Don't shoot my mom!

MARK: Hurry. Come on, Ma.
Get the hell inside.

Don't blaspheme.

Remember, O Virgin Mary,
that never was it known. . .

. . .that anyone who fled
to thy protection. . .

. . .implored help or sought
intercession, was left unaided.

lnspired with this confidence, l come
before thee sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word lncarnate,
despise not my intentions. . .

. . .but, in thy mercy,
hear and answer me. Amen.

Remember, O most blessed
Virgin Mary. . . .

Nathan, let's get on their flank now!


Before thee l come,
sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word lncarnate,
despise not my petitions. . .

. . .but, in thy mercy,
hear and answer me. Amen.

Remember, O Virgin Mary,
that never was it known. . .

. . .that anyone who fled to thy protection,
implored help or sought intercession. . .

. . .was left unaided.

lnspired with this confidence, l flee unto
thee, O Virgin of Virgins, my mother.

Before thee l come, before thee l stand,
sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word lncarnate,
despise not my petitions. . .

. . .but, in thy mercy,
hear and answer me. Amen.

Remember, O most blessed Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone. . .

. . .who fled to thy protection,
implored help or sought intercession. . .

. . .was left unaided.
lnspired with this confidence. . . .


Before thee l come,
before thee l stand. . . .

O Mother of the Word lncarnate,
despise not my intentions. . . .

Get down!


Before thee l stand,
sinful and sorrowful. . . .


l told you. lt's armored.
l think it's made out of steel.



What are you doing?

We've been most inhospitable.

l intend to offer our guests a libation.


O Mother of the Word lncarnate,
despise not my intentions. . .

. . .but, in my mercy,
hear and answer me.

lnspired with this confidence,
l flee unto thee.

Before thee l come, before thee l stand,
sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word lncarnate,
despise not my petitions. . .

. . .but, in thy mercy,
hear and answer me. Amen.

Josiah, whiskey!




--who fled to thy protection, implored
thy intercession, was left unaided.

Before thee l come, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the Word lncarnate. . . .



lnspired by this confidence. . . .

Josiah! Stay down, stay down!

Hank, get down,
you're gonna get yourself shot!


Hank. Hank, it's me, Buck.
Buck Wilmington.

You killed her.

-You wanted her.

-How do you do?
BUCK: Hank.

Get him!

-Ma, we got him! We got him!
-Before thee l stand, sinful and sorrow--

-Good throw.


l wanna see him die.


You're one of them? How could you?

A man of God be party
to such violence?

How could a mother?

The debt is paid.

He's on his way to hell.

And there's no one can help him now.

Who's gonna help them?



Has God forsaken me?

An eye for an eye leaves us. . .

. . .blind.

Forgive me.

Forgive me.

My sweet lamb.

Forgive me.

Will you?

Will you forgive me?

lt's not for me to forgive.

Remember not to forget,
Chris Larabee.


l'll never forget.