The Magnificent Seven (1998–2000): Season 2, Episode 11 - Lady Killers - full transcript

Two female bounty hunters, one of whom is a cold-blooded killer, arrive in town and stir up trouble while on the trail of a notorious outlaw.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
J.D. :
Wonder what could be taking so long?

Judge's gotta make sure
he's hanging the right man.

CASEY: Looks like Pud Garber's
in for some throat trouble.

-That man's guilty as the devil himself.
-Wanna watch the hanging with me?

-A hanging ain't no place to take a girl.
-Where do you take a girl?

l don't know. A haystack, maybe.

l'd rather go to a hanging.

Garber, there's still time.

You don't have to hang
if you tell where Dell Speeback's gang is.

Old Dell's sure got you hot and bothered,
don't he, judge?

Look, you dirt, my friend was killed
in the stagecoach robbery.

And somebody's gonna pay for it.

Take an lOU?


Get out of the way!

MAN 1 :
Come on, Garber!


MAN 2:
Let's ride, Garber.

Here's a gun. Take it!

J.D., on your left!

We got this one, Katie.

Yep. Got him in the side.

Who the hell are they?

TRAVlS: l don't know.
Whoever they are, they can shoot.


l'm busted up good, Nathan.


NATHAN: Probably a couple cracked ribs.
VlN: l reckon.

NATHAN: Okay. Easy. Easy.
J.D. : You all right, Vin?

-Never better.
-l'm going after them.

Make sure he don't fall off his horse.

MADDlE: Lookit that. Clean
through his flank, just like you said.

Name's Kate Stokes.
My sister, Maddie.

TRAVlS: Name's Judge Travis.
KATE: We're bounty hunters.

That's our bullet in him.

The bounty's ours too.

Worth a hundred alive.

Looks deader than a beaver hat to me.

-lf l wanted him dead, he'd be dead.
-He'll live.

MADDlE: Told you.
-Who is he?

Dell Speeback's scout.

Name's Kirkland.

lf you don't mind me asking,
bounty hunting. . . .

lt seems like dangerous work for such
two lovely young ladies like yourself.

We thought about being wives
and mothers. . .

. . .but half of them get beat
and the other half die in childbirth.

Figured bounty hunting was safer.

Y'all got a saloon
in this here cow town?

-You stay out of trouble, you hear?
-Don't l always?

l wanna question Kirkland.

We'll take care of that,
if you'll help us find Speeback.

Kirkland's mine.

So is Speeback.

l said we'd take care of it.
You'll get your money.

You know, it might not be a bad idea
to let her have a go at it.

l mean, l know l'd like to talk to a lady
more than l would you any day.

-No offense.
-Maybe you got a point, Buck.

We'll come and find you
soon as he's conscious.

You do that.

A lady. l wonder.

l'll let you know.

You ain't bad-looking.

-l guess l'll take that as a compliment.
-You like drinking alone?

Just me and my three friends.

-The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
-You're a preacher.

-Not anymore.
-Once a preacher, always a preacher.

Well, you stay the hell away from me.
You preachers are bad luck.

Our Mr. Dunne is imbued
with far too much zeal.

He would've rode all the way
to Bolivia if l'd let him. Thank you.

-l take it you lost them.
EZRA: lndeed.

When they reached the river.
They're rather cleaver for miscreants.

Well, well, you must be one
of the lovely bounty hunters. . .

. . .l've been hearing so much about.

You two certainly have
this little town all abuzz.

What do you want?

lt's not what l want that should
interest you, but what l have to offer.

You see, with your skill
and my business acumen. . .

. . .well, my dear,
l could make you famous.

Or l could make you dead.

And so charming too.

J.D. : Josiah, l heard
there's two bounty hunters in town.

Supposedly they're ladies.

lmagine that.

Strange, huh?


You'll do just fine.


What just happened there?


That fancy red hat there,
now that would look real pretty on you.

Yeah. This cigar will taste better.

You know, you two ladies
going after Dell Speeback's gang alone. . .

. . .just sounds like a bad idea.

Yeah, because girls are too weak.

No. l didn't say that.

Didn't have to.

l know exactly
what you think of women.

Oh. Then why don't you tell me
what it is that l think of women?

All right.

You like to have us around
well enough.

Look at. Touch.

Keep you warm at night.

Or to kick at when you're mad.

Laugh at when we cry.

You like it when we cry, don't you?

Makes you feel strong.

You know, l do like to look at women.

l can't deny it.

Like to touch them too.

l love the shape
and the smell of them.

And the way their minds work.
l mean. . . .

Sometimes it just surprises
the socks right off of me.

lf l could spend the rest of my life. . .

. . .just trying to figure out
how to make them happy. . .

. . .that would be a good life indeed.

That's the truth.


J.D. : Miss, l'm really not sure
that we should be doing this.

MADDlE: Why? What's the matter?
You got a disease?

No, not a disease, it's just that l--
Well, l kind of got a girl.

Kind of?
You don't seem too convinced about it.

lt just not right,
we hardly know each other--

MADDlE: Are you a man or not?

Then stop talking about those other girls
and start kissing this one.

-You know, so where are you from?
-What's it matter?

l know girls like to talk,
l figured if we talked--

l don't.

Vin, you have to take it real easy
for a while.

Got no plans
to do any bronco-busting.

-Kirkland awake?
-You got a one-track mind, don't you?

Judge said l could question him.

Fine, l just gotta take Vin downstairs.

Oh, l can handle Kirkland myself.

lf you wait,
l'll be back in a minute, ma'am.

The girl's as gritty as eggs
rolled in sand.

Aah! Aah! What the--?
What the hell you doing here?

Where's that colored doctor?

He's tending to someone
who's worth a damn.

Well, is Maddie with you?

Oh, she's coming to talk to you next.

Why don't you save her the trip
and start talking?

-Where's Dell?
KlRKLAND: Forget it.

Ain't nothing you can do to me
Dell can't do five time worse.




Men are such babies about pain.

-Have you seen J.D.?
-Hey. . . .

CASEY: Yeah.

That little fellow with the funny hat?

You know who l'm talking about.
l heard he was hurt.

-A mere--

A bloody nose,but he's okay.

TRAVlS: J.D.? Yeah, l just saw him.
He was heading toward the livery.


What was this all about?

Just the end of innocence, is all.



MADDlE: Where are you going?
J.D. : Just get away.

Casey, it didn't--
lt didn't-- l mean, we--

Look what you've done now.
Oh, damn!


What you got under them buckskins
there, pretty lady?


Hey, hey, hey.

l told you to stay out of trouble.

Tough customers, those two.

l expect there's something nice
and warm beneath it all.

l wouldn't count on it.

Speaking of the ladies,
anyone else here worried. . .

. . .about them going out
after Speeback's gang alone?

-They could get killed.
-l think Buck's concerns are valid.

Buck's only concern is
is getting in their britches.

lt don't make no difference what
brings on the idea. lt's still a good one.

Look, two people, men or women,
can't take on Speeback's whole gang.

And there's not a chance in hell
l'm gonna let them get away again.

l want Dell Speeback
caught and hanged.


Did you bring back Garber?

Dell, Garber's dead.

We got outnumbered
and then Garber got shot.

Garber was my best explosives man.

l know, Dell, l know.

But it weren't nothing
we could do about it.

At least this way, we can
split his share of the money, huh?


Something to remember Garber by.

Maybe somebody will remember you
that way too. lf you're lucky.

-Where's Kirkland?
-He got shot.

He's probably dead too.

lt was them two sisters, Dell.
They's the ones that shot them.

So she's coming after me, is she?


Well, now this could get interesting.

KATE: Where you going?
-A little hunting party with you, darling.

l told you, Kirkland didn't say nothing
about Dell Speeback.

Suit yourself. We'll just follow you.

Just stay out of our way.

Speeback came for Garber.

-He could come for Kirkland.
-We're ready for him.

Watch your back.

Come on, Vin.



Hey, l gotta reset my saddle.

How are we gonna shake them?

Can't on the trail.
We have to wait till we get there.


-Let me give you a hand with that.
-l got it, J.D.

About earlier, l want to let you know
that l do have a girl.

Hell, J.D., you weren't that good.

You sure know
how to sweet talk a man.

l told you to keep your bad luck
away from me.

What makes you think
l'm such bad luck anyway?

Every time a preacher's around,
somebody dies.

Last preacher l let near me stood
over my mama's grave.

And l will shoot you dead
before l'll have you standing over mine.

Yes, sir, you sure know
how to sweet talk a man.

When we come on Speeback,
you and your sister stay back.

-Why don't you?
-We can handle ourselves.

Don't doubt it.

-lt's not you l'm worried about.
-Why don't you ease up on them, stud?

Buck, just because they're women,
that don't mean you can trust them.


You don't have to worry
about Speeback, you know.

We'll see he meets his end on a rope.

MADDlE: Don't talk about ropes,
you understand me?

Preachers and ropes.

Any other superstitions
we ought to know about?

Nope. Just don't like talking
of hanging is all.

Howdy, Vin.


You all right, Casey?

What would a man want
from a woman. . .

. . .who happens to be
a female bounty hunter?

Depends on the man.

What if this man is J.D.?

Well. . .

. . .could have nothing to do
with the lady bounty hunter at all.

Could be he's just sowing
his wild oats.

-Sowing his oats?

Sowing his oats?!

Oh, that's just a saying.

Well, guess what? l got oats too.

-l'm sure you do.
-Yeah, and you know what?

l'm gonna sow some.

Yeah, that's what l'm gonna do.

-Now, now, hold on.
-Starting right now, with you.

VlN: Me?
CASEY: Yeah.

CASEY: Come on.

No! No!


lf you ain't interested in my oats,
l'll find someone who is.

Casey. . . .

Oh, hell.

You sure look handsome today, Ezra.

Why, thank you, Casey.

Fact, l always thought you were
the handsomest out of all of the seven.

Well, l always thought
you were a very perceptive young lady.


You think l'm pretty?

As a picture.

Good, l was wondering if you wanted
to go to the livery stable with me.

Sow some wild oats?

My darling girl. . . .

lf you're worried about J.D.
shooting you, it doesn't matter.

-Him and me are through.
-l'm-- l'm sorry to hear that.

But unfortunately. . .

. . .that does not relieve me
of my obligation.

What obligation?

To the brotherhood of man.

You see, there's an unspoken rule. . .

. . .which states
that one must observe a waiting period. . .

. . .before courting a friend's
former paramour.

l bet that waiting period would be about
two minutes if you wanted.

Ow! Ooh!

Well done, Ezra.

What just happened there?

Eight of them down there,
but there could be more on watch.

Buck, J.D., go that way.

You two take up position here.
Josiah, you come with me.

So, what now?

Let them flush the gang out.

Because they aren't gonna catch Dell
that way.

Knowing him, he's gonna sneak off
in the opposite direction.

And that's where we'll catch him.


MAN 1 : Look out!
MAN 2: Come on. Let's go.


-Get back to the girls.

J.D., watch out for them. Go.


Well, well. lf it isn't Killer Kate
and Mad Miss Maddie.

Hey, Dell.

You don't need that, do you?


Maddie, you too.


You know. . .

. . .l'd planned on killing you.

But now that l see you again. . .

. . .it occurs to me,
well, l've missed you.

Me too?

Sure, Maddie.

You too.

l want my share of the money, Dell.

Well, it's a shame,
but l can't recall where l put it.

lt's okay. Kate knows where it is.

You talk in your sleep.

Well, then,
l might just have to kill you after all.

J.D. :
Hey, mister.

Drop it.


MAN 1 :
Let's go! Let's go!

MAN 2:
Hey, hey, hyah!

Chris, we go after them?

CHRlS: Where's J.D.?
-He's back with the girls.

-Come on. Let's get back there.
-Catch up with them later.

-Sorry, Dell.
-You all right, Maddie?

Get the hell out of here.

Go ahead, Kate. lt's why you're here.

What's going on here, Maddie?

-What's going on here, Maddie?
-Shut up, J.D.

-Who's your little boyfriend, Maddie?
-He ain't my boyfriend.

Just exactly how well
you two know each other, Maddie?

-He sure talks like your boyfriend.
-l told you he ain't.

-lgnore him, he's just baiting you.
-Shoot me, then, Kate. Go ahead.

All right, what in hell
is going on here, Maddie?

-Shut up, J.D., l said shut up.
-Boy, l swear, Maddie.

You would've shot him by now if he
wasn't your boyfriend, so who is he?




You could have shot me, Kate.

But you're a woman.

Come on!

Follow me, Maddie.

Hyah! Hyah!

Chris, it's J.D. ! l found him!

Buck. . . .

She shot me.

-Buck, she shot me.

Maddie shot me.

Maddie shot me, Buck.


You go after them, Chris.
Gun them down if you have to.

Just get them. Come on.

Hang on, J.D. !

Hyah! Hyah! Come on.

Hyah! Hyah! Ease up, Maddie.


Nathan! Nathan!

J.D.'s been hurt bad.


-Nathan! Nathan!

J.D.'s hurt bad.

NATHAN: l got him.



-lt's all right. He's in good hands now.

-Let's get him upstairs. Come on.

What have l done? l wished him harm.

Don't start talking like that.

CHRlS: That's far enough, ladies.
-Get out of our way.

l never shot a woman before.
l'd love for you to give me a reason.

Now that'd be really bad luck.

-lt's gonna be all right.

l don't think so.

You better start talking. . .

. . .about your involvement
with Dell Speeback.

l got nothing to say to you!

You better think about something,
because that money we found. . .

. . .came off a robbery
where people were killed.

-Money was mine. lt had nothing to do--

Oh, it was your money, huh?

That must mean you were involved
in that stagecoach robbery.

You're not tough enough.
What do you think, Josiah?

You think she's tough enough
to be involved in that?

-Not from this side of the bar.
-You wanna know how tough l am?

Leave her alone.

l'll leave her alone.
Of course l'll be the one. . .

. . .who's gotta cut her down
after they hang her.

MADDlE: Hang? What do you mean--?
Kate, what does he mean hang?

Nobody said anything about hanging.

KATE: Hey, you listen to me.
-They're gonna hang me up.

KATE: l'll think of something.
l always do. Hey, look at me.

Shh. Shh. No man's stopping.
l'm here. l'll think of something.

l'm gonna get you out of here.
lt's gonna be okay. Come on.

Well, l got the bullet out.

But he lost a lot of blood.

l just don't know.

l should have known about those two.

Now l do know
and l'm gonna do something about it.

Tell me something,
does a rope know the difference. . .

. . .between a woman's neck
and a man's neck?

Will you?

Well, l take it there's no good news.

We need to figure out
what those girls are up to.

l've got an idea.

That's the lawyer you told me about?

Ezra P. Standish.

Attorney at law, at your service.

-What's the P stand for?

Now, the way l see it,
you rode into town brandishing a gun. . .

. . .which constitutes a mere misdemeanor
for unlawful use of firearms.

However, you were gunned down. . .

. . .dragged from your sickbed
and unjustly imprisoned.

Cruel and unusual punishment,
l'd say.

-Well, you sound right good.
-Thank you.

But first, we need to get past
your unfortunate association. . .

. . .with one Mr. Speeback.

How we gonna do that?

Well, it seems to me
we need to offer the judge something. . .

. . .in the way of an exchange
for leniency.

Judge is awful anxious to know
about those ladies in there.

How l know you can fix this
with the judge if l talk?

lf you don't, you will hang.

lf you don't mind, Mr. Jackson.

Now, regarding Katherine Stokes,
was she a member of the gang?

Kate? She was just Dell's girl.

She's mean, but she ain't no killer.

All she ever done was try keep
that loony sister of hers out of trouble.

So Kate didn't shoot nobody?

She would've shot Dell long time ago
if she could have.

He used to beat her something awful,
but Maddie. . . .

You should've seen her
at the stagecoach robbery.

Still gives me chills.

She shot this one passenger. . .

. . .because he couldn't get
his wedding ring off fast enough.

l'm sorry,
but even l find it hard to believe. . .

. . .that a sweet little thing like that
could be so cold-blooded.

Now, if you're gonna waste my time--

Well, l can prove it.
That wedding ring?

She wears it round her neck
like it's some kind of prize. l swear.

Well, we'll just have to look into it, then.
Good day.

Well, you think
the judge will go easy on me?

Oh, that, yes.

Well, did you, per chance,
kill more than one person?

Well, yeah.

Well, then you are in luck.

He can only hang you once.

Wait a minute! Now, you--

l was there the day Marcus McNeil
exchanged this ring with Christina.

He said
it was the happiest day of his life.

Marcus was a doctor.

He helped people.

Saved lives.

J.D. Dunne.

He helped a lot of people in this town.

Now he's fighting for his young life.

The court has reached a verdict.

We're ready to pronounce sentence.

Miss Katherine Stokes.

There's no clear evidence
of criminal behavior on your part.

Your efforts to save your sister
were misguided, but understandable.

You're a smart young woman.

Hopefully smart enough
to make something of your life. . .

. . .given a second chance.

Well, l'm gonna give it to you.

That's good, right?

Miss Madeline Stokes.

You've been found guilty of murder,

You have nothing to give to this world
in return for what you've taken from it.

l never had to say this to a woman. . . .

But l sentence you to hang by the neck
until dead tomorrow at dawn.


No, no, l can't.

No, l can't.
Who the hell do you think you are?!

l will kill you! l will kill you!

-Who the--?
CHRlS: Get off my back!

l swear to God, l'll kill you.

BUCK: Shut up.
MADDlE: l'll kill you! l will. l will kill you!

Let go of me!

Let go!

CHRlS: Shut up! Shut up!
MADDlE: l will kill you!

l'll kill you, l swear it.


MAN: ls that right?
WOMAN: Hi, gentlemen.

When Maddie was 7,
Ma hanged herself in our barn.

Maddie's the one who found her.

That ain't an excuse for murder.

Our pa used to get drunk
and beat us like we were animals.

What do you want from me?

You talk to that judge.

You ask him to let her spend
all her years in prison.

Anything but hanging.

Should have thought of that before
she started riding with Dell Speeback.

Dell was my fault.

l didn't know he was bad
when l first met him.

l just knew he weren't Pa.

Found out later he was worse.

You could've left him.

He'd have killed me first.

Kate, l have spent my whole life. . .

. . .thinking that women
were everything good. . .

. . .that warms the soul.

And that got my friend shot.

We're human, Buck.

Guess J.D. is too.

Because that bullet in his gut
proved that, didn't it?

-He's a strong kid. He'll make it.
-Well, l don't know what to figure.

l wanna make a deal for Maddie's life.

You ain't got nothing to offer.

How about Dell Speeback?


Miss me?

Oh, l knew
you'd be watching the town.

You know me too well.
lt's become a liability.

l also know where your money is.

l'll help you get it back
if you help me free Maddie.

That's my girl.

l know you don't want me around,
so l'll just leave this here with you.

Peace, l leave with you,
my peace l give unto you.

Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.

Am l going to hell?

Well, now, some people think
that hell is just a state of mind.

But hell is for people who sin.

Well, there's always redemption
for a sinner.

l'm scared, preacher.

That man on that stagecoach
that you killed.

And J.D.

You think they were scared?

-l never thought about it.
JOSlAH: Well, think about it.

Maybe that will be your path
to redemption.

Will you say a prayer with me?

You got one in mind?

l like the one
about the Lord being a shepherd.

The Lord is my shepherd.
l shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.

J.D., l'm so sorry.

JOSlAH: He Ieadeth me
beside the stiII waters.

He restoreth my soul.

l'm so sorry.

JOSlAH: He guideth me in the
paths of virtue for his name's sake.

Yea, though I waIk through the vaIIey
of the shadow of death...

...I shaII fear no eviI.

Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies.

Thou anointest my head with oil,
my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of my life.

And l shall dwell
in the house of the Lord.



l thought. . . .

l thought l was gonna die
before l had a chance to say. . .

. . .that l'm sorry.

And. . .

. . .how much l care about you.

BART: Get out of here, you old drunk.
MAN: All right.

Wait here. Keep your eyes open.

-Maddie, get up.

Where are the keys?

l think l saw them put them
in the middle drawer.

-ls Dell coming?
KATE: Yeah, he's coming.

BART: Wait outside.
MAN: All right.

She said it's over here.

Here we go.

But l'm not gonna wait to find out.

lt's empty.

-Lose something, boys?
-l've got a hair trigger.

You're surrounded, boys. Drop it.

-Evening, there.
CHRlS: Give up.

Nice little welcoming party
you arranged.


Too bad you couldn't do that
when you had a loaded gun.

You wanted her free, Kate?


She's free now.




Oh, Maddie.

Are they still gonna hang me?

You're good luck after all, preacher.

He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.

He leadeth me
besides the still waters.

Surely goodness and mercy
shall follow me all the days of my life.

And l shall dwell
in the house of the Lord.


J.D. : The fresh air does feel good,
but l feel like an old lady.

-You look like one too.
-Oh, Buck.

-You look just fine, J.D.
-Love is blind.

l'm feeling kind of tired
all of a sudden.

-Would you mind taking me back?
-You all gonna be all right by yourselves?

Yeah, l'll push him.

Figure l owe you thanks. . .

. . .for not telling the judge
l was trying to break her out.

Yeah, well, l think he knew anyway.

He probably figured
you'd already paid enough for it.

So where to now?

Pa left us a farm.

More like a shack in a weed patch.

l guess it's mine alone now.


You fought hard for your sister.

You can do the same for yourself.

Boy, l was wrong about you.

You're not like the others.

Yep, been told l'm one of a kind.

Sure hope not.