The Lying Game (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 6 - Bad Boys Break Hearts - full transcript

The Mercer family become suspious of Laurels new boyfriend, Justin. Ethan dumps Sutton to be with Emma.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on
The Lying Game...

Mads, I'm home.

- You have to stay in here.
- Why?

This visitor you're
concerned about?

She calls herself Sutton Mercer.
And she's gonna be making

a lot of crazy claims.

- I never laid a hand on Mads...
- I know. I know you're not stupid.


...the new homecoming queen,
Miss Sutton Mercer.

You're the best thing that's
happened to me since I got here.

I'm not gonna let you go.

Derek, I've got another
job for you.

I thought we were done.

You're going to like this one.

- What if you stayed?
- Why should I?

Our birth mother Annie Hobbs.

I think this is her
with Ted and Alec.

Do not let this girl anywhere
near Ms. Hobbs, understood?

Oh, now that was
an amazing night.

The decorations,
the dresses, the dancing.

Me, Justin.
You, Ethan.

Yeah, it was fun.


That's it?

We're rocking sparkly
headgear here.

I mean, how many chances
will both Mercer sisters get

to be Cinderella

on the same night?
Okay, you're right.

But, you know,
just remember that

in the Cinderella story,
when the clock struck midnight

it all turned to crap.

Well, that's cheerful.

Don't tell me you're having
second thoughts about Ethan,

because to everybody
who saw that kiss tonight,

you guys are officially
a couple.

Believe me, I know.

Hey, do you ever think about

who Mom and Dad dated
in high school?

Besides each other.

Uh, no. Gross. Why?

Well, I found this.

Oh, my God, it's Dad and Alec
with... some random girl.

Yeah, I was wondering
if you knew who that was.

No. Check out those totally
bitchin' fingerless gloves.

Why are we talking
about this person?

Probably Ethan saying
good night,

so I'll leave you two alone.

Oh, by the way, you missed
midnight by ten minutes.

Guess we escaped the pumpkin.


Ah, I'm so glad you called.

So, you're not
going to believe this...

Wow, I guess congratulations
are in order, Your Highness.

Oh, you heard.

Please, your coronation was all
over the class Web site

the second you won.

I mean, it was your name
they announced.

I was just kind of like
your stand-in.

So congratulations... you.

Look, they expected
you to run.

And anytime I...

I didn't want to.

It's like I had
this big neon sign

with an arrow above my head
saying "not Sutton."

Kissing Ethan, that was just
part of being me, too?

I don't know.

It just happened really fast

Look, that's not important
right now.

I have something
much more important.

Really? Much more important
than kissing my boyfriend?

Annie Hobbs

was from Scottsdale,
and Ted and Alec knew her.

Wow, that is her.

Your dad ripped it out
of the photo album.

It's like he didn't want
me to see it or something.

Look, I know you're
making progress in L.A.,

but I think that there
are answers n Phoenix.

Just come home, Sutton.

And while you're at
it, take your life back.

Babe, did you use
all the shampoo?


Oh my God, is that...?

It's not what it looks like.


I'm crashing with him
for a few days.

Don't tell anyone about this,

and don't think I'm done talking
to you about that kiss.

♪ Lying Game 1x06 ♪
Bad Boys Break Hearts
Original Air Date on September 19, 2011

♪ Uh ♪

♪ Uh, uh-uh ♪

♪ Uh, uh-uh, uh ♪

♪ Watch out for this girl ♪

♪ She's got a gun
for a tongue. ♪

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

Hey, sleepy head,
wake up.

You were asleep when I got home
last night,

so I covered you up.

- What'd you do to Eduardo last night?
- Whoa, easy.

I didn't do anything
to Eduardo.

We just had
a nice long talk.

- About what?
- Lots of things.

He's a sharp guy.
I can see why you like him.

The good news is,
he explained everything.

You had a crush on him,

he didn't really feel
the same way.

Long story short,
nothing physical happened.

And you had to hear
that from him?

'Cause that is exactly
what I've been saying.

I know. And I'm sorry.
I should have trusted you.

Which is why I've, uh,
come to a decision.

What's that?

From now on, your love life

is just that-- your love life.

I'm going to stay out of it.

I'm thinking
there's got to be

a catch here.
- No catch.

I spent years trying
to control Thayer,

and that didn't really
work out.

I don't want to make
the same mistake twice.

And I'm just supposed
to believe this?


I'm putting a lot of trust
in you, Mads.

You could do the same for me.

So I was four years old,
and I kept pestering my parents

to get me this kids miniature
golfing set, right?

Never too early to introduce
a kid to the game.

Not necessarily.

I had the thing
for five minutes

before my mom got
caught in my backswing

while she was loading
the dishwasher.

Emergency room.

16 stitches.

Yeah, that's not
the worst part.

She had to address a realtors'
conference the next day

with this fat, fat lip.

I'm so sorry, Justin.

Didn't you say your-your
father was a realtor?

Yeah, actually they're
a husband and wife team.

Back in Portland they even
had those bus bench ads

with their picture together.

Totally embarrassing.

Well, we all know how parents
can be like that sometimes.

Mom, can I talk to you over here

for just a second?

One thing you'll come to notice
about my daughter, Justin--

she lacks subtlety.

I'll try and remember
that, sir.

Why are you giving my
boyfriend the third degree?

What? I'm just asking
about his parents.

No, you were grilling
him about his parents.

Okay. Laurel, look, your dad
and I are very fond of Justin.

I just...

I find it
a little strange--

he's been in our house for
breakfast three days in a row,

he's gone golfing
with your dad

and we've never met his parents.
Never had a...

Okay, well, they
just moved to town.

- You heard how busy they are.
- Have you met them?

Not yet, but maybe
I can fix that.

Hey, Justin, um, what are
you and your parents

doing tomorrow night?

Tomorrow? Uh... I'll have
to check with them,

but I'm pretty
sure we're free.

Then my family would love

to have your family
over for a barbecue.

That sounds great.

My parents have been looking
forward to meeting you guys.

And we look forward
to meeting them.

So you're a swimmer.

Who are you and what the hell
are you doing in my pool?!

It's okay, I'm your pool man.

Just checking your
pH levels and stuff.

Which, by the way,
are looking awesome.

You are not our pool man.

Our pool man is old,
has a mustache, his name...

Okay, so I don't know his name,
but he's definitely not you.

What can I say? You got me.

Should have gone
with the mustache.

You go to Arroyo, right?

Darrell something?


Your name's Darrell Derek?

No, just Derek.

Well, Derek, you've got 20
seconds until I call the cops.

Whoa, wait.

Just hear me out.

I know it was wrong

to barge in on you
like this.

I figured for a guy like me
to get the attention

of someone like you,

I had to do
something... extreme.

I see.

And why is my... attention
so important to you?

Do you really have to ask?
You're Char Chamberlin.

You're not really gonna
call the cops, are you?

Why shouldn't I?

Well, for one, it's going
to make it a lot weirder

when I ask you out.

You sounded so serious
on the phone.

You okay?

Ethan, I-I can't.

We have to stop this.

Stop? We just started.

I know, and-and last night
was so amazing,

but, I mean,
what's the plan?

Best case scenario,
I keep pretending

to be Sutton, and we
do whatever this is.

And sooner or later,
Sutton's going to come back.

And then what
happens to me?

We'll figure it out.

Ethan, even if
that were possible,

you're forgetting
the biggest issue here.


my sister...

is your girlfriend.

Yeah, I get it.

And you know what,

there's a lot of reasons
why we shouldn't do this.

But there is one thing
you're forgetting.


♪ ♪

What are we supposed
to do about that?

So you're really going on
a date with this Derek guy?

I know it sounds crazy,

but maybe it's some kind
of sign from the universe.

I mean, of all the swimming
pools in all the world.

The guy looked up your address

and went swimming
in your pool.

No, see, that's
your interpretation.

Speaking of bad boys,
how's everything

with Eduardo after the
whole photo incident?

Well, I still
owe him an apology,

but at least now my dad knows

that nothing happened
between us.


Oh, Ms. Diaz,
is Eduardo here?

Eduardo doesn't
work here anymore. He quit.

Wait, what?

Why would he do that?

My son told me about
what happened.

All she had to do was be me
just for a little while--

keep a low profile, maintain
the status quo, but no.

Look, if you hate
what Emma's doing so much,

why don't you just go home?

Now? After all the
hard work we've done?

Look, we are, like,
one lucky break away

from finding
my mother.

That's the spirit.

Plus, if you left now,
I'd kind of miss you.

Speaking of which,
why were you so bothered

that Emma knows
we're staying together?

I mean, we did just...
you know.

Yeah, about that...

You know what,
don't tell me.

Too much drama,
too busy looking for your mom.

And you're okay
with that?

Oh, I didn't say that.

Hey. Hey, here it is.


What did I just say?
Lucky break.

Yep. Although our timing
may not be so great.


Because they're closed
until November.

What? November?

No. We're-We're so close.

I know. Look, we
have a phone number,

so we'll keep calling
until we reach someone.

And what if we don't?
Thayer, I have to go home.

I can't stay here till November.

And you won't have to.

Okay, don't worry.
Whatever happens,

I'll think
of something.

What makes you so sure?

Because that's
what I do.

Besides, I haven't let
you down so far, right?

You're here early.

Yeah, got here first
thing to look through

these old yearbooks
from the library.

Thought if Ted and Alec
knew Annie

that maybe they went
to school together.

- Any luck?
- Nope.

Just pages and pages of faces,
but no Annie yet.

Of course, I am only
halfway through 1984, so...

Hey, you want to see
a picture of Ted

playing the lead in Brigadoon?

Thanks, but I'm good.

Actually, I kind of
had something

I wanted to talk
to you about.


All right, I was thinking about
what you said last night,

and you're right.

Being together like this,
it's... it's not working.

No, yeah, of course not.

So I've made a decision.

I'm going to break up
with Sutton.

What are you doing here, Mads?

Well, I left you
four messages last night.

You're moving?

Yeah. Back to Chicago.

Eduardo, I talked
to my dad.

Trust me, it's too late.

Too late? No,
that's ridiculous.

Look, we'll just go back to
the way things were before,

and you'll be my
choreographer, nothing else.

- It won't work.
- Why not?

Because I can't, okay?

Mads, the other day,
when I came by your house,

it wasn't just because
I was worried about you.

It's because I had to see you.

Everything you've felt
between us,

I've felt it, too.

So I'm not just
some girl with a crush?

You need to go.



No, this is crazy.

Eduardo, what
is going on?

I can't tell you.

Just trust me, okay?

About what?

You're not making any sense.

What went on the other night
between you and my dad?

All I can say is,

it's not just about
you and me or that picture

of us together.

So what are you saying?

I'm saying it's dangerous.

Now go.

Hey, sexy.

How was practice?

Uh, it was fine.

Listen, uh, I got some
not-so-great news.

Everything okay?

Yeah, it just looks like the
Miller family might have to take

a rain check
on the barbecue tonight.

Oh, no.


Yeah. My parents got called
out of town for work.

Apparently, the bank
pulled out of

some huge deal, last second.

You got to be kidding.

No, my mom is--
she's really embarrassed,

and she said that
we'll host next time.

Just bad timing, I guess.

Yeah, I guess.

Or maybe it's perfect timing.

How do you figure?

Well, I mean,
your parents are gone,

and you're all alone
in that house.

Yeah, that does
sound pretty great.



I've got two papers due,

and I've got a huge tournament
at Seton Prep tomorrow.

And something tells me
if you came over...

Laurel? You there?


Just... disappointed,
that's all.

So I understand
everyone's been

talking about
you and Ethan at school.

Tell you the truth, things have
gotten a little out of hand.


Well, if you ever
want to talk about it...

there is something...

You were offering, right?

Of course.


So, before Ethan
and I were together,

he was with
someone else.

technically still is.


Sutton, honey, that's...

Horrible. I know.

But the thing is, I think
she's cheating on him.

Wait, does Ethan know?

No. But he keeps
saying that he's gonna

break up with her, anyway,
so I don't know if

I should just stay
out of it or...

Uh, put yourself
in Ethan's shoes.

I mean, I'd probably
want to know.

Well, you can
stop cooking.

Barbecue's off.

Oh, no.

What happened?

Justin's parents

had some work thing.

And I know
what you're thinking.

I'm not thinking anything.

I'm-I'm just
disappointed like you.

What are we gonna do
with all this food?

Dad's practically
cooking a cow out there.

Well, Justin's
still coming, right?

No, he said he needs
to rest up for golf--

a sport routinely played by
80-year-olds, I might add.

Well, since he's
fending for himself,

why don't you
bring him a plate?

I'm not even sure
he wants me over there.

You and food?

Throw in a trip to
the driving range,

and you have hit
Justin's trifecta.

I guess.

But I don't even know
where he lives.

Actually, the student directory
arrived today,

and I'm sure
Justin's address is in it.

I think it would be
a lovely gesture.


Hey. You're here.

I mean, you didn't leave.

I'm sorry, can I help you?

I'm Laurel.

But you probably know that.

I'm just bringing your son
some barbecue.

My son is eight months old.

Who are you here to see?

Uh, Justin Miller.

I think you have
the wrong address.

Sorry, is this

11805 Norton Drive?

It is.

Oh, okay.

Um, must be a mistake.


Um, Justin said that his dad's
always playing pranks and stuff.

You're not messing with me,
are you?

Young lady, I think
someone's messing with you.


So I have great news
about the art gallery.

According to their Web site,
the Annie Hobbs exhibit

went up last week before
the gallery closed,

which means it's possible
that the paintings

were delivered

Okay, don't tell me.

You hacked into
the delivery company's computers

and got Annie's address.
Even better.

I went in their Dumpster
and I got

every single packing
slip in there.

If Annie's paintings were
delivered within the last week,

that means
that they probably came

from one of these addresses.

Oh, hey, maybe that's Emma.

You can tell her
the good news.

It's Ethan.

Okay. I'll give
you a minute.

Well, well,
if it isn't Ethan Whitehorse.

You know, I almost
didn't recognize you

without your rent-a-tux

and my twin sister
stuck to your face.

Emma told me you saw
the pictures from homecoming.

Hmm. You guys just tell each
other everything, don't you?

This isn't about her.

Really? That wasn't my sister
that you were

kissing the other night in front
of 600 of my closest friends?

Oh, wait, was that just another
one of her accidents?

It was no accident.

Excuse me?

Why do you even care?

I mean, how important
could I possibly be to you?

You took off for L.A.
without telling me.

You won't even be seen
in public with me.

Okay, you know what, Ethan,

I can't have this conversation
right now.

Things are very complicated.

Okay, I'm gonna make it
really easy for you.

Sutton, you and I are over.

You okay?

Of course, yeah. Why?

Your palm is sweating.

I talked to Sutton.

We don't have to
hide anymore.

You mean except for
that whole thing

where people besides you
think I'm someone else?

So Sutton really
didn't freak out?

She wasn't happy.

But she also knew
that we weren't

going anywhere as a couple.

She didn't say anything else?

Like, say,
about another guy in L.A.?

What, like a movie star
or something?

Oh, no.

Don't tell me.

She was cheating on me
with Shia LaBeouf, wasn't she?

All right,
enough about Sutton.

Tonight is
our first official date.

I can't wait.

Hey, I've been
looking for you.

And now you found me.

Well, got to get to class.

Wait, wait, wait.
Is-is-is ev...

everything okay?

I... I don't know.

You tell me.

Well, I was going to say

that my tournament at
Seton Prep got postponed,

and I thought maybe I could
swing by your house tonight,

we could watch
a movie.

Sounds great.

Or maybe we could watch one
at your house this time.

Yeah, I, um... you know what?

I got a lot of algebra
to do anyway.

Guess I'll just take
a rain check.

Hey, honey.

- Hey.
- How are you?

Well, not bad.

How was school?

Anything cool happen?

No, not really.

I saw Eduardo.


He's, uh... he's moving
back to Chicago.

I'm sorry to hear that.


You know, he did say something
that was kind of weird.

He said that he
wasn't leaving

because of me

or what happened
with the picture.

He said that there was
something else, something...

Something what?

Dad, what really happened
with you and Eduardo?

I don't know
what kind of thoughts

he's putting in your head,
Mads, but...

absolutely nothing happened
between me and Eduardo, okay?

- Hey, Sutton.
- Hey.

You... you got a sec?

Yeah, sure. What's up?

Promise not to say
anything to Mom and Dad,

especially not Mom.

Of course.
What's going on?

Okay. Remember when
I went to Justin's

yesterday to
take him dinner?

He wasn't there.

That's not his house.

Oh. Well, maybe you
just had the wrong address.

No. Right address.

I even checked with
the school office.

He just doesn't
live there.

I mean, how
crazy is that?

Well, Laurel, it might not be
as crazy as it seems.

Has it ever occurred to you
that maybe

Justin's parents
just aren't around?

What do you mean?

I mean, maybe
he's on his own.

You know, he could be
sleeping in his car

or a youth shelter.

Abandoned house.

Seriously? I mean, why would he
lie about something like that?

I think you need to be
in Justin's shoes to understand.

Okay, not everybody
is as lucky as you...

and I are.

So how do you know so
much about this stuff?

I had to watch a documentary
in social studies.

About street kids?

Yeah, street kids.

Hey, why don't you just ask him
what's going on?

Any other ideas?

Okay, well...

if he's using that house
as his mailing address,

chances are he's staying
someplace nearby.

There you are, right
where I left you.

Indian food.

Oh, and I even splurged
and went to the place

without all the health code

How's progress going
on those packing slips?


You were going to check out
those addresses.


Uh, I didn't exactly,
uh, get to them.

Sutton, I've been gone
for three hours.

What were you doing?

Um, I don't know.

pictures again?

- I know. I'm sorry.
- You know, it's not just your time

you're wasting here.
No, I... I know.

I'm going to do them right now.

I mean, you stay in my
apartment, you eat my food.

I went through
a Dumpster for you.

Are you trying to
make me feel guilty?

Because it's working.

I am sorry for everything.

Whoa. Everything?
Does that mean you're sorry

we slept together, too?

You really don't want me

to answer that question.

The guy broke up with you,

What, are you spying on me now?

Wait a minute.
No, wait.

Let's just put all of our
cards out on the table.

You didn't just accidentally

walk into that Webcam
the other night.

You wanted Emma to see you.

Okay, so what if I did?
You know, unlike some guys,

I'm not gonna wait around until
you decide whether or not

I'm good enough
to tell people about.

Where are you going?

Getting out of here
for a couple days.

Just so you know, when I
get back, you better be gone.

Good. One more.


- Okay, don't get me wrong.
- Huh?

I am so happy that this is
our first official date,

but you have to know
something about me--

surprises make me
really nervous.

- It's okay.
- Okay.

I think you're
gonna like this.

Can I take this thing off?

♪ ♪

All right, go ahead.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I'm sorry, what
am I looking at?


You like it?

I love it.

It's perfect.

No one has ever done
anything like this

for me before.

Well... it was about
time someone did.

I have to tell you


I-It's something that I've
been meaning to tell you

and I... I don't
know if I should.

It's okay, Emma,
you can tell me.

Sutton is staying
with Thayer in L.A.,

and I think they're
sleeping together.


Sutton and Thayer?

I saw them on the Webcam.

I wanted to tell you earlier.

- But I...
- Well, y-you didn't.

I mean... damn it, how long
have you known about that?

- Just a couple of days.
- A couple of days?

Yeah. I didn't think that...

Wait a minute, why are you
freaking out about this?

I thought you and me were
together now.

That has nothing to do
with it, all right?

You shouldn't have
even waited a second

to tell me something like that.
What are you doing?

I'm sorry, I didn't know.
I thought that if I told you,

you would break up

with Sutton, and then I wouldn't

be able to tell if you
were choosing me for me

if we ended up together.
You know what?

You're not gonna have to wonder
about it either way now.

♪ ♪


I'm sorry,
I must have misdialed.

Were you calling
for Eduardo Diaz?

Yes. Who's this?

I work in the E.R.
at Phoenix Presbyterian.

Are you a relative?

♪ ♪


Anybody here?

♪ ♪

If I'd have known
you were coming,

I would've cleaned up.

Are you sure it's not too much?

I know we're going
to the country club,

but what if Derek wants
to take me to, like...

an illegal street-racing
event after?

Then... you would
be the hottest girl

at the illegal
street race.


I know you're
blaming yourself

for whatever happened
with Ethan, but...

whatever did happen,
I'm sure he overreacted.

What did you lie
about, anyway?

Does it matter?

Point is, there was something
I should have told him

and I didn't.

Oh. So you didn't even lie;

you just withheld.

Same thing.

No, it isn't.

He should forgive you.

Trust me, Sutton, these
bad boys are lucky to have us.

Oh, crap, it's him.
Uh, I'm not ready.

- Sutton, could you do me a huge favor?
- Yeah, of course.

I left my purse
on the dresser upstairs.

Could you grab it for me?


♪ ♪

So, how did you two meet?

- Well, see, I was swimming...
- School.

We actually met at school.

- Hope this is the right one.
- Yeah. Thanks.

Okay, reservation's
at 7:00.

See you later, Sutton.

- Ready, Derek?
- Yeah.

Nice meeting you.

Well, Derek seems

like a nice boy.

So, Sutton,

what are your plans
for the evening?

Actually, Mrs. Chamberlin,

if you had a second, I was hoping I
could ask you a quick question.

Damn. You know, I left
my sunglasses in the house.

- I'll be right back?
- Sure.

Who are you to ask me
something like that?

I'm sorry, I-I... just
never noticed that picture.

If I'd have known

your sister was such
a sensitive subject...

If you'd known?
Sutton, you've been coming

to this house for 16 years--
have you ever once heard anyone

mention that name?

No. It was just
such a coincidence.

I saw this picture of her
with my dad and Alec,

and I was just wondering
what happened to her.

Then why don't you ask them
what happened?

Those bastards broke her heart,
both of them.

They're the reason Annie left
for L.A. and never came back.

Maddie, where you been?

The hospital.

Eduardo was in a crash.

Oh, my God, what happened?

I don't know.
The, um,

the cops think he fell asleep at
the wheel.

Sweetheart, I'm awfully sorry.

No, Dad, stop it.

- You did this.
- I'm sorry?

I know you tried to pay him off
or something.

This never would've happened
if it wasn't for you.

That's ridiculous, okay?

I know you're upset,

but listen
to yourself.

You honestly think I had
anything to do with this?

Actually, that sounds
about right to me.

What's wrong, Dad? I thought
you'd be happier to see me.

You could have told me,
you know.

What, th-that I'm living like a
bum in some abandoned house?

It's humiliating.

So you'd rather lie?

Justin, I care about you.

What do you want me to say?


you could start by telling me
what's going on here.

The truth, this time.

I really am from Portland.

That wasn't a lie.

Three years ago, my parents
were killed in a car crash.

Oh, my God.

And I didn't have any
family to move in with,

so Child Services assigned me
to this couple

in a little town up north.

And they were nice people,

but they had their hands full
with three other kids.

I'd always been
a good golfer.

And even before my parents died,
I knew that a scholarship

was my only way
to a good college.

But my new school,
they didn't even have a team.

So you just...
took off?

I chose Arizona because
it was far enough,

and Arroyo because it has
one of the best

high school golf programs
in the country.

I hated lying to everyone,

especially you, but...

Laurel, if
this gets out,

I'm finished.

No scholarship, no college.

I know it's a
lot to ask...

Justin, I'm-I'm not going
to tell anybody.

Why not?

Because I believe in you.


why would I want to turn in
the best boyfriend in the world?

I just wish you had come
to me first.

I could have told you
talking to Phyllis

about Annie
is a bad idea.

She was very upset
when she called me.

Trust me, I wouldn't have
brought it up

if I'd known she'd flip out
on me like that.

What's the deal there?

You guys went to high school
with Annie, right?

Yeah, she was a couple of years
younger than your father and me,

and very sweet,
kind of troubled.

Had this wild streak about her.

Phyllis said she had moved
to L.A.

Did you and Dad ever,

like, run into her

when he was doing
his residency there?

No. I mean, if she was there,
we didn't know it.

Then again, we were
never really that close.

Thanks for getting dinner.

I had no idea these fancy clubs
don't take personal checks.

Well, it's still early.

Maybe I'll let you
buy me dessert.

Oh, I gotta take this.

Just be a sec.


So I'm at your country club.

This place is sweet.

Great, I'm glad you like it.

I'll put you on the wait list
for a club membership.

What's going on with Char?

Well, I was at her place

and I overheard Sutton
talking with Phyllis.


Well, Sutton
was asking questions

about someone named Annie,

and then your name came up
and some other dude, and...

- Ted.
- Yeah.

I don't think Phyllis
likes you guys very much.

Then what happened?

Phyllis kind of freaked out
on Sutton,

and said everything was all your
fault-- meaning you and Ted.

I wish I had more.

Trust me, that's plenty.


Hey, Char.

Everything okay?

What the hell were you thinking

breaking up with Sutton
like that?

You were so lucky to have her,
and now you're going

to throw it all away
because of some little omission?

Come here.

A) Keep your voice down,

'cause you're going
to get me in trouble.

And B) Do you have any idea
what you're talking about?

Not exactly.

I didn't think so.

Why don't we just keep this
thing between me and Emma?

Who's Emma?

It's... no,
that's not what I meant.

You're cheating on Sutton?


Oh, my God.

What's the matter?

- Derek?
- Yeah, right here.

We've got to get to
the hospital, now.

Char, listen to me
for a second, okay?


If I were you, I'd save
the explanations for Sutton.

I'm sure she'll love to hear
all about Emma,

whoever that is.

Hey. How is he?

I don't know.

He's out of surgery, but no
one's telling me anything.

Sutton, I have something to
tell you, but it's kind of bad,

so maybe now's not the time.

Char, after everything
that's happened,

what could possibly
make things worse?

It's about Ethan.

Char, you have to let me explain
what happened earlier, okay?

You got the wrong idea
about this.

Well, if I'm so wrong,
then why are you here?

Sutton, Ethan's been
cheating on you

with someone named Emma.

He let it slip out
at the club.

So tell us, Ethan, who's Emma?

I think that's a pretty good
question, right, Sutton?



Hey, I got your message.
Everything all right?

Not really.

I think we might have
a little problem.

Yeah, I think we may
have more than one.

Sutton's been asking questions
about Annie.

I'm just starting to think

there's no way out of this
thing. Maybe we should just...

No, Ted.
No, there's always a way.

Here's what
we've got to do...

This is the next one.

It's a psychiatric hospital?

Well, this ought to be fun.

Excuse me.

Visiting hours end at 6:00.

Please come back tomorrow.

I know, I'm sorry.

I'm just looking for someone.

Uh, I think she works here.

Her name is Annie Hobbs.

Is she here?

I'm sorry,
what did you say your name was?

I didn't.

But... I'm Sutton Mercer.

I'm Dr. Hughes.


Well, Sutton,
I-I'd really like to help,

but unfortunately, we don't have
an employee by that name.


Well, maybe
she's a patient here?

I'm afraid not.

Are you sure?

Maybe I just have
the name wrong.

Anybody with the name of Hobbs,
or-or Annie?

Again, I'm sorry.

I-I'd really like to help.


Thanks for your time.


♪ ♪


No! No!

== sync, corrected by elderman ==