The Lying Game (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 19 - Weekend of Living Dangerously - full transcript

Emma wants to find out what really happened on the reservation but Ethan is avoiding her and Sutton is looking to send her packing for good. Curious about his father's possible link to ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
A few months ago, I discovered
I had a twin sister.

And then she she asked me
to take her place,

keep the secret, find our real mother

and try to stay alive.

Put yourself in my shoes.

How long could you keep up
the lying game?

I want to now what's going on
with you and Rebecca.

Nothing is going on.

I'd like to see this one.

Guess who's gonna be joining
the band at Coachella 2012?

I think you look good
in just about anything.

It always bugged the crap out of me.

I was there the night
that Derek got killed.

You saw who did it?

He's the district attorney.

Alec Rybak.

Clearly, somebody's playing me.

Why didn't you tell
me that you were at

the scene of the crime that night?

You have to believe me.

Sutton means nothing to me.

Thayer and I slept together.

Case is dismissed.

I heard how weird

Ethan was to you at the courthouse,

and I think I know why.

Ethan and I slept together.

It was just so matter-of-fact,

you know, the way that she
said it. Breezy almost.

Like she forgot to
tell me she borrowed

my sweater or something.

"Oh, by the way,
I slept with your boyfriend."

But, Emma, consider the source.

She's probably making
the whole thing up.

You were there.

When Ethan blew me off
at the courthouse,

when I looked into his eyes,

he was not the person
that I fell in love with.

And you called him?

Yes, four times. No returns.
I'm done.

You know what?
Just stop the car.

Mads, we're almost at school.

I know. Just pull over, okay?

Okay, get out.

What are we doing?

Changing places.

You shouldn't be driving.

Why, because I'm so
clearly intoxicated?

No, but you're having boy troubles,

which is still a crippling
form of impairment.

What? What are we...?
Where are you going?

Where do you think?


No, Mads, we have school.

Screw school.
This is more important.

Personally, I think
Sutton's full of crap,

but either way, that Ethan
Whitehorse is gonna man up,

look you in the eye and tell you
the truth. Now.

No one's home.

Oh, yes, he is.
His jeep's right there.

You need to knock louder like this.

Hey! All right, already!

Shouldn't you be in school?

I want to talk to Ethan.

Now's not the best time, Sutton.

What is that supposed to mean?

Is he here?

You should go.

No! Not until I can talk to him!
He can't avoid me!

Stop, stop!

All right, listen.
Listen to me.

I tried reasoning
with you as a friend.

This is the badge talking.

Go to school, or I'll haul
you in for trespassing.

It's that simple.

Wait, Sutton, wait.

If you want me to give him
a message, I will.

You can just tell him I came
looking for some answers...

and I got 'em.

♪ Watch out for this girl ♪

♪ She's got a gun
for a tongue. ♪

(tool ratcheting)

Shouldn't you be at work, buddy?

I got the day off.
Shouldn't you be in school, buddy?

Mmm, I thought about it.

Then I realized I didn't feel
like being

the only former murder suspect

at the pep rally this morning, so...

All right, I get that.

I got to ask you, though.

What's going on between you
and Sutton?

Why'd you have me send
her away like that?

Let's just say I didn't feel
like seeing her.

Then you're an idiot.

Oh, really?

Yeah, she cares a lot about you.

She stood by your side
when everyone else

had already written you off.

You got a girl like
that in your corner,

you don't just walk away, man.

Believe me, I know.

Trust me, Dan, there's a lot
you don't know.

It's bad enough he did what he did.

I just can't believe
that he isn't man enough

to look me in the eyes and admit it.

Well, at least you tried
to confront him.

Now that just leaves Sutton.

What do you mean?

Well, if it were me,

I'd slap the lips off
of her smug little face.

Ah, that's not really my style.

(bell ringing)

Well, if it isn't the
elusive Madeline Rybak,

ladies and gentlemen.

You know, I called you last night

and the night before.

I know, Ryan.

I'm sorry I haven't called you back.

I've just got a lot
going on right now.

No worries.
I get it.

But if you'd like to make it up to me,

why don't we blow off
afternoon classes...?

I really can't. I'm right in
the middle of something.

Right. Hey, Mads.

Would you excuse us for just a moment?


Okay, I'm confused.

Is this because I didn't tell
you about Sutton coming on to me

at the Black and White Ball?


Then what?

I can't tell you.

Look, Ryan, if you could
just be a little...


I don't know, Mads.

This is getting kind of old.

Do you want to be with me or not?

Because right now, I'm starting

to miss those days where you'd
just make fun of me to my face.

At least then I knew where I stood.

I guess I'm just a little
worried about somebody going

to the police with that picture.

I mean, it's pretty incriminating.

I don't think that's gonna happen.

If they were gonna go to the cops,
they would have done that by now.

It's somebody just playing with me.

Some fun.

So what do we do now?

Nothing. Just go on
with our lives as normal,

wait for them to make the next move.

And then what?

Then we make sure it's their last.


You're really not scared, are you?

I'm just grateful to have you
by my side on this one.

I guess that's why I like my odds.

I'm gonna be late to the office.

Hey, what are you doing there?

Hey, what, what are you doing
home at 3:00 in the afternoon?

Let me just...

I had a few things canceled.

I thought I would come home

and spend some time
with my beautiful wife.

I'm actually kind of a busy.

I wish you had
called or-or some...

Honey, what are you doing with these?

These are the files
for Justin's mother's case.

They were in my office closet.

Locked in your closet.

This is my work!
You don't have any right...

I have every right.
I want to know

what happened in the hospital, Ted.

Honey, we've been over this.

Is this about me and Rebecca again?

No, it's about us.

No, it's not about us.
This is my issue.

This happened to me, okay?!

It affected both of us back then,

and it is affecting us now.

Well, I'm sorry.
I refuse to keep reliving this.

Emma, I was starting to think
you didn't get my message.

No, I got it.
And actually, I have something

I want to say to you, too.

What did you want?

Oh, here. That's for you.

What is it?

Cash. It's not much,
but it's more

than what you came here with.

And I figure it's enough

to get you where you need to go next.

So, what?
This is your way of saying...

Well, let's face it,

since you and Ethan are
finally done, you're kind of

running out of reasons to stay.

Right. Fine.

Well, before I go, I just want

to get to the bottom of something.

Great! I love it!

Clearing the air. Sit down.

I want to know what happened

between you and Ethan at that ranch.

Are you sure, Emma?

'Cause I would be

more than happy to give you
the lurid details.

You know, the blow-by-blow.

I'm not asking for details.

Fine, broad strokes then.

Well, let's just say Ethan...

kissed me.

And then he kissed me,

and then he kissed me,
and then he kissed me...


Violence, Emma?


Just goes to show that
they can take the girl out

of the foster system,
but you can't take

the foster system out of the girl.

Know what?
You can have Ethan.

But as far as me leaving,

you can forget it,

because, Sutton,
you may be done with me,

but I am nowhere done
with this family!

Really? And what is
that supposed to mean?

It means I'm gonna come clean
to Ted and Kristin

about everything.

And you thought I was running
out of reasons to stay.

(door slams shut)


Sutton, what are you doing here?

Well, I just, I wanted
to talk to you about...

Are you okay?

I'm-I'm fine.

I'm just...
I'm just exhausted.

I don't know why I thought
I could exercise today.

That doesn't explain
why you're crying.

I'm, sweetie, I'm not.

I, I'm your daughter.

If something is wrong...

I just want to help.


you know how I told Laurel

she couldn't go to Coachella
with her band?

I've changed my mind.

And, and I want you to go with her.


Why the sudden change of heart?

Well, I just think

it's a good opportunity for Laurel.

Why, why do I feel like there's
something else going on here?

It's not...

Mom, please talk to me.

Look, I heard you arguing with Dad

about Rebecca.

Honey, I don't, I just don't
want to discuss it anymore.

It's between your father and me.

Oh, my God.

You think Dad and Rebecca...?

I promise you, whatever it is,

everything's going to be okay.

(door opens, closes)

So do you think it's true?

Damn it! Sutton.

I mean, my dad and Rebecca.

How messed up is that?

I don't know.

It's pretty messed up.

I guess I've always just taken

certain things for granted.

Some of which I know
you have pointed out.

But if there was always
one thing I could count on...

Yeah, well, I didn't really
see it coming, either.

I mean, they've always
seemed so in love.

I know.

So... what do we do now?

I don't know.

Wait. "We"?

Do I want to hear this?

Maybe not.


Look, Ryan,

I still can't tell
you all the details,

but you wanted to
know what's going on.

I've been really worried

that someone very close to me

may have been involved
in something bad,

and now I'm scared

that I'm about to find
out that they were.

I just hate that you don't think
you can trust me, Mads.

It is killing me that I
can't share this with you.

It's like I'm

pushing you away, and I can't help it.

It's okay.

So this...
this person--

if they actually did something bad,

don't you think the truth's
going to come out eventually?



Well, then, if it were me,
I think I'd rather know now.

Find out the truth, whatever it is,

and then deal with it.

What are you doing here?

You really have to ask?

We have nothing to talk about.

Are you kidding me?

Everything is falling apart,

and the one person

that I tell everything to
is avoiding me.


What do you want from me?

I want to hear you say it.

I want you to look me in the eye

and tell me what happened.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I know you slept with Sutton!

Slept with Sutt...?

I did not sleep with your sister!


Then why are you acting this way?

Avoiding me at the courthouse,

dodging my phone calls.

Why do you think?

Because of what you did.

The way that you told me that.

I told you what?

That you slept with Thayer!


I didn't tell you I slept with Thayer

because I didn't sleep with Thayer.

And the fact that you
even think that...


Son of a...


I don't know how
I didn't know it was her.

The guards wouldn't let us
get close enough

to each other.

I never, ever want
to feel that way again.

I'm so sorry for doubting you.

Me, too.

It's just that, when you guys were up

at your dad's ranch, I just let

my imagination get the best of me.

And I know... I know that
nothing could have happened.

Nothing did happen, right?


Of course not.

You promise I know
everything there is to know?

I promise.


I just think unless we all
start working together

we'll never get
to the bottom of this.

No argument here.
Where's Mads?

I texted her that we
were meeting here,

but I wouldn't count on her.


Look who patched things up.

Sutton, how long
did you think it would be

before we figured out what you did?

Actually, I'm kind of surprised
it took you guys this long.

You got some real issues, you know?

Oh, what are you going to do,
slap me again?

Next time, it won't just be a slap.

THAYER: Hey, nobody is
going to slap anybody.

Can we all just sit?


Thank you.

All right, so it looks
like my dad's guilt

or innocence comes down
to whether Rebecca

was telling the truth
about where he was

the night of Derek's murder.

So what do we know

about Rebecca?

I don't know.

But there's just something about her.

She showed up at the birthday party,

and all the adults
were acting strangely.

Alec, Kristin, Ted.

She has gotten close
to my dad really quick.

EMMA: Yeah, she hadn't
been here two weeks,

and Phyllis and Char were gone,

and she moved into their home.

I was talking to Kristin

yesterday at the club, and...



She... said she never
really trusted Rebecca.

THAYER: Okay, so I guess
we start by doing

some digging on Rebecca.
EMMA: You're going to have

to do it without me
for a couple of days.

Where are you going to be?

Well, in a half hour,

we are leaving
for Coachella with Laurel.

I'm going, too.

Oh, of course you are.
EMMA: You do realize that you're

going to have to stay
in the cabin for a couple days?

As opposed to driving 300 miles
to the desert

to hang out with a bunch
of sweaty, gross hipsters?

Yeah, I'm good.

Okay. Well, I guess
it's just the two of us.


Sorry I'm late.

He may be our father, Thayer,

but if he's done anything wrong,
we need to know about it.

You busy?

Hey, Theresa.

You didn't expect
to see me today, huh?

Well, since my brother's case

was dropped, I figured...

That we'd wait another seven years

until we hang out again?

I mean,

if you want, I-I can leave.

No. I was... I was just
surprised. That's all.

Actually, uh, I've been
meaning to call you.

Everything happened so
fast the other day,

I... I didn't get
to thank you.

If you really want to thank me...

You name it.

Well, you know, if memory serves,

you grill a pretty mean filet.

How about tonight?

What do you say?

I'd say it sounds
like you thanking me.

I'll see you tonight.

WOMAN: No, I don't have an appointment.

This is about my son, Derek Rogers.

I need to see

Officer Whitehorse.

Schaub, it's fine.

I got it.

How can I help you, ma'am?

You can start by telling me
what the hell is going on.

Is anyone still looking
for whoever killed my son?

Yes. I can assure you
we're doing everything we can

to bring Derek's killer to justice.

Then some of you have a
funny way of showing it.

I'm sorry?
District Attorney Rybak.

I've been calling
him for a week--

sometimes three, four times a day.

The man won't return my call.

Then I will call him myself.

Because of whoever did this,

my brother almost went to prison
for the rest of his life.

It's personal for me, too.

I really do want to believe you,
Officer Whitehorse.


Ah, geez. Ugh!

Okay, something tells me
this never happens

to Florence and the Machine.

No, it'll be...
it'll be fine.

Ethan is really good with cars.

He can fix it.

You can fix this.

Yeah, maybe.

Uh, Baz, you got any tools?

I do. Oh, man,
I took them out

to make room for the equipment.



So now what do we do?

Well, considering we haven't seen

a car pass by in the last ten minutes,

I'd say we start praying
for cell reception.

I got to say, Dan, I'm not sure

I appreciate your
just stopping by like this.

I have a secretary, you know?

She's good.

This is urgent.

I got a visit from
Derek Rogers' mother.

She's a little frustrated

about the lack of progress
on her son's case.

Well, I'm sure you reassured her
by way of consolation

that we're doing
everything we can, right?

Are we, Alec?
Are we what?

Well, with all due respect,
are you sure that I know

all there is to know about this case?

There's no leads I don't know about?

No new suspects?

Let me think.

Uh, no.
You're up to speed.

Why are you even asking me that?
Well, I... I don't know.

I guess I'm just a little confused.

A little unsure about a few things.

Such as what?

Well, for starters, how did you

track down my brother
at our father's house?

And then, when you
seemed so hell-bent

on locking him up and
throwing away the key,

you dropped the case--
why is that, Alec?

First of all, Danny,

I'm not sure I like your tone.

And second of all, you're
looking at the man who bent

over backwards to spring
that punk brother of yours,

so before you come down here
to my place of employment

and tell me how to do my job,
why don't you

get off your ass
and start doing yours?

Find out who really killed that kid.

Honestly, Danny,

I expect more out of you, son.

This sucks.

I can't believe
we're going to miss our show.

Well, you don't know that yet.

Okay, bad news first.

Your van is quite broken.

Yeah, that's not really news.
Well, here's the good part.

You folks could not have broken down

in a more ideal county

for van servicing and repair.

Not to brag, but I'm the best.

How is that not bragging?
ETHAN: So when do you think

you can have us back on the road?

I got to pick up a few parts

from my supplier over in Rock Ridge,

and he closed at 6:00,

so I'd say...

by tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m.

Well, that's great.
I mean, if we hurry,

we can still make it
to Indio for our set.


Okay, so we'll just have

to make the best of it and see what...

Buford Falls has to offer.

We should start looking into motels.

Let's go.

TED: You know, I was kind of surprised

when you let the girls go to
that rock concert in the desert.

Well, I love seeing them together.

It was important to Laurel, and...

it gives us a chance to talk.


What do you want to know?

You want to talk about Justin,
hospital, anything?

Did you sleep with Rebecca?



The deposition said you received
an unsettling phone call

when you scrubbed in that
afternoon-- something personal.

I know Rebecca was living
in L.A. at the time.

Why are you bringing this up again?

Because every time I
do, you shut me down.

I'm trying to protect you.


Who was that phone call from that day?

Was it me?
Were we in a fight or something?

It wasn't you.

Then what?

Please, I'm begging you, tell me.


Um... it was Dr. Rance.

The fertility doctor?

Remember that ultrasound tech

who said she was so sure
we were pregnant?

We'd been trying for so long.

But you said we had to wait

until Dr. Rance could
call to confirm it.

You had been through so much.

We were out of money.

It felt like this was
our last chance at having a kid.


That's who the phone call was from?

Dr. Rance when he called
to say there was no baby?

That's the distraction?


It was my fault.

Honey, no.

No, no. That's exactly why
I didn't tell you.

Honey... as a surgeon,

it is my job
to put aside all distractions

when I walk into the
operating room, and I didn't.

I was young, I failed.


I had no idea.

I'm so sorry, Ted.

I should've never said those things.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay.

Everything's gonna be fine, honey.

No more secrets, I promise.

I just I can't believe I lied to Kristin
about something like that.

I mean, I guess I was
just so focused on trying

to keep my family together,
I... I got desperate.

You were just protecting her, man.

Think of it that way, okay?

She was getting too close.

No, I can't think of it
like that--

rationalizing everything away.

She deserves better than that.


What's happened to us, Alec?


We're dealing with it
the best way we can.

Trust me, I've got my own
little mini hurricane brewing.

What? What's going on?


It's nothing I can't handle.

And to tell you the truth, it's
been nice having Rebecca around.



She's, uh, been a pretty big help?

Could say that.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell
you the truth at the time.

I mean, trust me, I-I wanted
to ditch the force for college

right along with you.

I did, it's just...

I guess Alec had other plans for me.

Okay, so wait.

Some spoiled party girl
OD's on her mom's pain pills,

and Alec Rybak convinces you

that unless you sell your soul to him,

you're gonna take the blame for it.

I thought he was doing me a favor.

I guess, with the benefit
of hindsight though, right?

You wouldn't have chosen him over me?

I know I should have stood up to him.

I'm sorry.

But I was young,

and we both know how
convincing Alec can be.

Alec is a bully.

And there's definitely something about

this Rogers case that stinks.

All right.

So what are you saying there?

You want me to dig a little further,

try and bring Alec down?


Whoa, what?

I am saying that
maybe we should at least

think about bringing him down.



you excited for the big show tomorrow?


(both chuckle)

Kind of nervous, too.

It's gonna be weird playing
in front of an actual crowd.

You know, people who don't
go to our school

or play couples golf with our parents.


Are you sure the butterflies

don't have anything
to do with, say... Baz?


What are you talking about?

Oh, come on.

I see you guys together.

I'm not blind.

Okay, so?

You should see the
way he looks at you--

he doesn't even look at
his guitar like that.

Okay, yeah, maybe.

I don't know,
there's just so many reasons

not to go there, you know?

Band chemistry, for one.

Plus, it's too soon.

I mean, Justin only recently stopped

leaving those epic voice messages.


But enough about my love life.

I want to know why you are
still in here with me.

What do you mean?

Well, we're in a motel,

we're at least a hundred miles
from any parental supervision,

your boyfriend's two doors down,
probably shirtless--

do I need to go on?

It's complicated.

And there's a reason why I am
here with you and not Ethan.

And that reason would be?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

Oh, try me.

What, are you guys fighting?


Got your period?


You already did it today?


Well, then what?

I give up.

(groans softly)

I'm a virgin.

(laughs loudly)


So... What did you dig up on Rebecca?

Multiple aliases?

Dismembered ex-husbands?

Ooh! Was she
a porn star?


Look, I hate to break it to you,

but everything
she's told us checks out.

Marvin Jenns, ex-husband,
founder of Jenns Records.

Married 2002,
swanky address in Beverly Hills.

That's it?

I was able to find
a red carpet picture

of her standing next to Bono
and Kelly Clarkson.

No, that's not helpful.

Actually, there is one more thing.

Jenns is a pretty
high-profile guy,

so you would think that
if there was a divorce,

there'd be an article
or something about it.

I haven't been able to find anything.

Do you think maybe she's lying?

Well, that would
certainly cast new light

on her credibility as my dad's alibi.


Maybe we should just ask her
if she's still married.

Or better yet, we can ask him.

Do you have his number?

Other people do know
how to use Google.


(line ringing)

(phone ringing)

Jenn residence.

This is Carmella.

Yeah, hi.

Uh, is Marvin there, please?

No, I'm sorry.
He's out of the country.

May I take a message?

Well, I just had
a few questions for him.

I'm actually a friend
of his ex-wife, Rebecca.

Oh, Rebecca. Oh, my God.
How is she?

She's fine.

She's great, actually.

Uh, she sends her best.


I'm also a friend of Rebecca's.

And-- you two
were close?

Oh, yes, I was her housekeeper
for eight years.

I was so sad when she moved away
after the divorce.

Can you tell me
where she's living now?


Oh, Phoenix. Thank God.

Why are you so happy about that?

Well, she was always
talking about returning home.

And the love of her life
was always in Phoenix.

The love of her life?

Well, she never told me his name,

but, you know, she always
had a photograph of his

in a locket around her neck.

And her husband never even knew
that it opened.

Um, I'm sorry.
Who did you say was calling?

Just a friend.

This man

that you're talking about...

I-I'm sorry, I have to go.


He so needs to fire her.

Great love of her life
in Phoenix--

I wonder who that can be.

Well, it makes sense
that it would be your dad.

I think we really need
to find that locket.

Would-- could we please
stop discussing this?

You are embarrassing me.

Well, I'm sorry.

It's just kind of hard to believe.

Sutton Mercer is still
holding the V-card.

So what were you doing with
all those guys all this time?

Are you one of those
"everything but" girls?


He's four hours late.

They moved our set;
we're still not gonna make it.

What is this?

Okay, that's not my van.


Bad news, y'all.

Oh, please don't say that!

I thought I'd have you
on the road by now,

but my guy gave me a water pump
for a '96 instead of an '81.

Can't you get the right part?

Not until tomorrow.

Great. So much for
making the show.

I guess so.

Hey, there'll be other chances though.

Real sorry about that.

So, uh, you guys got yourselves

some kind of a musical combo, huh?

We were supposed to play
Coachella today.

Well, I don't know what that is,

but if you're looking for a gig,

I might know of a place.

What, a club?

Well, it's not a club exactly.

So, like, a house party?

Actually, more of a home.

Ethan's just grabbing
something from his room.

Can we just wait a second?

What, are you kidding?

Uh, Sutton and Ethan have some stuff

that they got to take care of here.

What, you love him, right?

So what are you still
doing standing here?


You forget something?

Uh, no.

There's actually been
a change of plans.

Oh, don't tell me that guy
didn't get the van fixed.

Actually, he didn't.

But it's okay, because
the band found another gig,

and I told them to go without us.

What? Why'd you do that?



you and I have
been through a lot together,

but as much as we
care about each other,

there is always something
that... keeps us apart.


And every time it happens,
we always say

that the timing is just wrong.

And here we are, alone, and...

miles away from
everything and everyone,

and I can't help but think...


The timing is right.

Oh, it's easy.

You and Mads will go over to
Rebecca's, where your father

is having dinner with her,
and confront them

for being involved--
possibly-- in Derek's murder...


...and you'll leave the
back door open for me.

(sighs) I will go upstairs,
and look for the locket.

No. No way.

It's already risky enough,
without having to worry about

someone seeing you.

Well, then, we'll do it together.

Okay. You know what, Sutton?

This really has
nothing to do with you.

It's about my dad,
and it's about Rebecca.

Well, fine.

But I can be moral support.


There is really no way

that I am going to talk
you out of this, is there?

Yeah. No chance in hell.

Oh, okay.

You sure about this?


Are you okay, Alec?

You seem... elsewhere.

(laughs) I'm sorry.

Yeah, no, I've just...

I'm just concerned
that I haven't heard from

whoever it was that sent that picture.

You know?

I thought by now
we'd have heard something.

Oh, well, it's only been a few days.

We just need to be patient.

You're right.

I know that. Makes sense.

It's just, if that picture
gets into the wrong hands,

I don't have to tell you...

You know, I've spent my whole career

fighting for the good guys, and...

this is how it's gonna end?

You know, I just...

I'm all right.

Just blowing off steam.
I'll be okay.

You know...
(clears throat)

I've been thinking about this, too.

I might have a...

little solution.

I'm all ears.

You have to be willing to
think outside the box.


So, it's not exactly Coachella.

Well, maybe if you squint...

Pretty sure that would require

an impossible amount of squinting.

I hope you're not too disappointed.

I know you've been waiting
to play a show like that

a lot longer than I have.

Well, to be honest, Laurel,

Coachella wasn't
the only part of this trip

I was looking forward to.

Yeah. A chance to
spend a little time with you.

I know that sounds kind of dorky.

Kind of?

No, I've-I've had a lot
of fun with you, Baz.

Well, I guess we should get started.

Uh, not yet.

Okay, now I'm ready.

Hello, everyone!

We're Strangeworthy.

We're going to play a couple
songs for you guys today.


One, two.

(mid-tempo ballad plays)

♪ I'll be down the street
doing laundry ♪

♪ I'll be down
the street doing laundry ♪

♪ I'll be folding up
and sorting out some things ♪

♪ Just so you know if you need me ♪

♪ There's gonna be
a little space in-between ♪

♪ There's gonna be a little
space in-between ♪

♪ I'll be dancing on the wire,
chasing dreams ♪

♪ Just so you know if you need me ♪

♪ So I sing to my bird ♪

♪ To the beat of my pulse ♪

♪ You know I can't wait forever ♪

♪ On pins and needles ♪

♪ Lately, forgive me ♪

♪ I've been singing to a bird ♪

♪ In another tree ♪

♪ Oh, lately, forgive me ♪

♪ I've been singing to a bird ♪

♪ In another tree. ♪

♪ ♪

(Rebecca sighs, giggles)

Mads. Thayer.

What's up?
What are you guys doing here?

Hey. We actually had something
to talk to you about.

And it's kind of important.

Well, that's perfect timing,

because we also have something
we would like to share with you.

I... o-okay.

What is it?

It's good.

It's good news.


We're getting married.


ALEC (laughing):

Find anything yet?

Ah. No.

Just that her taste in jewelry
scares the hell out of me.

Yeah, well, this evening

is scaring the crap out of me, too.

My dad just proposed to Rebecca.


I... I'll explain later.

Did you find the locket?

No. No, I don't think it's here.

And if it is, Rebecca
has it hidden somewhere,

so let's just go.

Come on. What? No. No, no, no, no, no.

If that woman is about
to become my stepmom,

I gotta figure this out
before anything happens.


Besides, the locket has
to be here somewhere.

Well, I looked over here.

What's that?

How did I miss that?

I don't know.

(latch clicks)

Oh, my God.


Is it your dad?


It's yours.

♪ Baby, we've got ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love, love ♪

♪ Baby, we've got love ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love ♪

♪ Baby, we've got ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love, love ♪

♪ Baby, we've got love ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love ♪

♪ You put a smile on your face ♪

♪ As you sing your love songs ♪

♪ 'Cause, baby,
we got love, love, love ♪

♪ Love, love ♪

♪ Baby, we've got love ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love ♪

♪ Baby, we've got love ♪

♪ Love, love, love, love... ♪

I'm sorry.


I can't.



I haven't been honest
with you about something.

Something I should have told you.

What are you talking about?

The other day you asked me
if anything happened

on the ranch with Sutton.

You slept with her?

No. I didn't.

But we kissed.

And for a little while,
things between us

were complicated.

What does that mean?

I was on the run,

and there was all this stuff
going on with my dad.

But it's over now.

It's over?
How can you even say that?

Because it's true.


This is never going to be over.

As much as you deny it,
and as close as we get,

and as... as much as you
tell me that you love me...

...there's always going to be
a part of you that wishes

that you could be with her.

What do you want me to say?


Nothing. Actually, I am...

I am grateful to you.

For what?

For keeping me from making
the biggest mistake of my life.