The Lying Game (2011–2013): Season 1, Episode 16 - Reservation for Two - full transcript

Ethan and sutton they are runaway together because Ethan is wanted for killing Derek they go to Ethan's father house when Emma and Madz fight together because of her boyfriend Emma wasn't able to keep its self more she told Madz her secret.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
A few months ago,
I discovered I had a twin sister.

And then she asked me
to take her place.

Keep the secret,

find the real mother
and try to stay alive.

how long could you
keep up the lying game?

Previously on The Lying Game:

Just let me know
when you get tired of Mads.

You want to tell me
where you've been?

I was at the
library with Sutton.

Sutton called here
three hours ago looking for you.

If you didn't want me
going out with Ryan,

you should have just said so.

You're the last person my mom or
dad wants me dating right now.

I just don't like
sneaking around.

Dad, this is Sutton.

He just asked me
to be in his band.

You go find Derek.

-No, Sutton's right.

She needs to be the one
to confront him.

The night I went into the lake,
you tried to kill me.

Who sent you?!

Come on, let's get
out of here right now.

The other was beaten
to death last night.

Tire iron, or some other
blunt object.

You need to get out of town.

If I run, they're going
to think I did it for sure.

You don't have a choice!

I was there. I can tell
the cops what happened.

We can't make the switch.

- Get out!
- No, I'm coming with you!

Just go!


this is where you grew up?

Are you sure it's safe
to hide here?

And that man is...

My father.

Did you call my parents?

Yeah, they're coming.

Can you go and see
what's taking Larkin so long?

I'll take her into the room.

Come on.

So obviously, they're going
to question you

about the fight with
Derek and Ethan, so...

Is Ethan being accused
of Derek's murder?

- He didn't do it, Dan.
- I know.

I know he didn't.

Have a seat.

It's true. I never believe
Ethan, but this time I do.

I think he was set up, so
I got him out of town.

Where is he?

I don't know.
I don't want to know.

But you're not to contact him,
do you understand me?

You were the only one there
during the altercation

between Ethan and Derek.
So whatever you say right now

will either help him,
or put him behind bars.

So just-just tell 'em
exactly what you saw.

That's it. No more. Okay?

I'm Detective Larkin.

This is Officer Sanchez.

Your parents are on their way.

You being a minor,
you have the right

to have one of them
back here with you.

You're not a person
of interest, but you are

a potential witness
to a crime.

It's up to you.

It's fine.

Sutton, I'm going to ask
you a few questions,

but why don't you start
off by walking me through

everything that
happened last night.

Right. Everything...

that happened...

Where do I begin?

S01 E16 - Reservation for Two

We'll be interviewing
all the teachers

and any of your son's
friends at the school.

He's one of the kids

who came to my house
asking about Derek.

- Mrs. Rogers, are you sure?
- Yes!

We're friends of
Char's and Derek's.

We were just worried about him.

Okay? That's why we stopped by.

Mr. Rogers...

Alec Rybak, we met once before
when I was helping Derek.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

Yeah, thank you, Mr. Rybak.

I want you to know we're going
to do everything we can

to get to the bottom
of this, all right?

Harry, why don't you escort
Mrs. Rogers to her vehicle.

If you can think
of anything,

or there's anything you want
to talk to me about,

please give me a call.

Thank you.

So... did I hear right?

You went to her house?

- With...
- Sutton.

And Ethan, but it was only because
Char wanted us to check on Derek.

You better hope to God you've
got nothing to do with this.

After, yeah, it was
after the fight.

Why did the police officer
pull you over?

We were... we were speeding.

We were going faster
than the speed limit.

Not according to
the officer's notes.

Here it says that
Ethan was pulled over

because of a broken
left back tail light.

Right, yeah, well,
I thought...

He noticed it after
he pulled us over for speeding.


Let's go back to the fight.

Did either Ethan
or Derek use a weapon?

No... Ethan didn't.

What about Derek?

W... what are those...

those things called?

I... sorry, I'm
blanking on the...

A tire iron?


Did Derek use that
against Ethan?

Yes, that's why Ethan hit him.

How many times did he hit him?
Five, ten, more maybe?


Ethan hit him once.



I mean, this is
really kind of exciting.

Plus, it's like
we're fugitives on the run.

What's that movie, uh, where
they rob a bank?

Bonnie and Clyde?


Bonnie and Clyde.

Sutton, they get shot up in a
hail of bullets at the end.


It's not quicksand.

Just pull your foot out.

Who said four-inch heels
were impractical.



Either you're here to introduce
me to your new girl,

or you're running from trouble.

I'm going to go with trouble.

This is Sutton,
a friend of mine.

- Yeah, I am in some trouble.
- But it's not his fault.

It never is.

Right, Ethan?

It looks like you could use
a little help around here.

Yeah, well,
I wasn't going to let you

sit around here on your ass.

Wash 'em down.

The girl can help.

So, where are the horse showers?

Alec, where's Sutton?

I want to see her. Is she okay?

Do we have to get her a lawyer?

No, no, she's all right.

They're just asking
her some questions.

I'd be in there right now
with her if I could,

but it's strictly
police business.

Sutton was in her bedroom last
night, studying for midterms.

- At what time?
- Well, I don't know.

She had dinner with us, then
she met Mads at the library.

But no, but then
she came home early,

because she said
Mads never showed.

Yeah, Mads was spinning
some lies of her own.

She snuck out of the
house last night

to see a band
with that Ryan guy.

She told me she was going to the
library with Sutton to study,

and I believed her until
Sutton called the house

looking for her.

Did you actually see Sutton
in her room last night?

Yeah, around 9:00.
I brought her a snack.

The police pulled them
over just before 9:00.

That's impossible.

Well, I thought
that's when I went in.

I don't, I don't know anymore.

Well, I saw her
when she got back.

And her light was on
most of the night.

Look, honey, it wouldn't be the
first time Sutton snuck out.

Guys, really, I think we're
just dealing with a case

of being in the wrong place
at the wrong time.

Sutton, honey...

You okay?

Boy, that Ethan Whitehorse,

What a stand-up guy, leaving
her alone at a time like this.

Mm. Have any idea
where he is?

I'll find him.

This is just so weird, and
Sutton getting arrested.


What is this?

You haven't said a word
since this happened.

Do you think Sutton had
something to do with it?

It wouldn't surprise me.

Come on...

I know you guys
aren't exactly chums.

What's she been to you, Mads?

She went out of her way
to bust you the other night

with that study date ruse.

Let's not forget
her lying games.

Can I help?

Have you ever been
around horses?

Of course.

It's not funny!

He bit my finger!

What, this guy?

No, come on.

Look at this, this is
Teddybear right here.

He's all Teddy, no bear.

Look, basic rule when you're
dealing with horses,

you want to keep your fingers
away from their mouth, okay?

Keep your hand flat,
fingers out, like that.

Want to try it again?

Come on.

Look, he'll be your
friend for life.



You love them, don't you?


Yeah, I do.

I guess because with them, you
always know where you stand.

All right, we're done here.

Let's go inside.


We can go out.

I'm sure there's tons of fun
stuff to do around here.

Hey! This isn't
a vacation, okay?!

I'm wanted for murder right now.

I had to leave Emma
back there, alone!

Was Derek dead
when you left the garage?

No. Derek... was alive.

Ethan, he didn't kill Derek,
he was defending himself.

Just defending himself?

You see the way she's
answering these questions?

It's almost like
she wasn't there at all.

But she readily
admits that she was.

That could only mean one thing:

that she's lying
about all of it.

Kid was nervous, Alec.

Wouldn't you be nervous, too,

if you just watched
your boyfriend

kill somebody in cold blood?

Come on,
we don't know that.

Look. See that?

Every time she answers
a question, she looks up

and to the right--
when you're accessing

a true memory, people look up
and to the left.

Lying is to the right; I don't
think she's looked left once.

I don't know,
I wasn't in the room.

But you were with her

before Larkin
got there, right?

I took her to the room,
that's all.

Mm-hmm. So, theoretically,
you would have had

enough time to... prep her

on what to say before
Larkin took over.

I mean, Dan,
come on, let's face it.

You both have a vested interest

in making Ethan look
innocent, don't you?

Lay off it, Alec--
you know I wouldn't do that.

Do I?

Where is he, Dan?

Where did he go?

I have no idea.

You better find him...
and find him soon,

or it's your ass, too.


you gonna tell me
what this trouble is?

I didn't do anything.

I was set up.

You know, for a kid
that never does anything,

you sure get in
a lot of trouble.

something wrong?

Where'd you get those clothes?

I found them
in the guest room.

Put them back.

I'm confused.

Those were my mom's clothes.

God, she didn't,
like, die in them...

No. She's still alive.

She left when I was 13.

How did I not know this?

'Cause you never asked.

You have got to stop
covering for that boy Sutton.

This isn't joy rides,
stolen laptops.


a classmate of
yours is dead.

It was a fight.

Ethan didn't kill him.

Char is one of
my best friends.

Do you honestly believe
that I would watch Ethan

kill her boyfriend?

Okay, enough, enough for now.

But we're not through
talking about this.

Wait. Come here.

We love you so much.

You know you can
tell us anything.

I know.

Good night.


How could he do this to her?

I mean, regardless if he's guilty or
innocent, leaving her like this...

I'll tell you one thing, if
he ever does come back to town,

he's not stepping foot
in this house again,

and he's certainly
not seeing Sutton again.

Hey, guys.
Come in.


We just wanted to check
on Sutton, make sure she's okay.

Well, that's nice of you,

but there's no socializing
for Sutton right now.

Do you guys know
anything about this?


Only what we heard at
the police station.

Police station.

How do you know she was
at the police station?

I heard my dad on the phone.

Well, did you hear him
say anything else?

- Not much.
- Is she all right?

Well, do you
know what happened tonight?

Do you have any idea
where Ethan is?

Sorry, I didn't want
to eavesdrop

on you eavesdropping,
but I've been dying

to talk to you all day.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah.


I don't know.

Did I hear
Thayer out there?

Yeah, him and Mads.

Mom and Dad
won't let me talk to them.

I have a feeling

you're gonna be on
lockdown for a while.

Well, you've got me.

I know.

Do you?

It's just that...

lately I feel like
you've kind of been,

you know, a little
more distant...

I know.

I'm sorry.

Well, you're the strongest person I know,

because if this was happening
to me right now,

I'd be... crying my eyes out.

I just can't let myself.

You can with me.

So, thank you
for taking me shopping.

I'll get out of
these clothes and...

put them back where
I found them.

Hey, Ethan.

I'm really sorry.

It's okay.

You didn't know.

No, I-I mean for being...

such a horrible girlfriend.

You know...

back in the day,
before Emma arrived.

It wasn't all bad.


Yeah. And... now it's my turn
to apologize.

I know the
shopping options

on the rez are pretty limited,

and you're probably
used to some,

- like, mega...
- Wait a minute.

What do you think, I'm some
sort of spoiled princess?

I can totally
be down to earth.

Uh-huh. Yeah.

Uh-huh. Do you remember
the school camping trip?

I wore down

and plaid and hiking boots,
like everybody else.

As I recall, you also plugged
the flatiron into the generator,

taking out power

for everybody else.



do you remember what we did
after the power went out?

You go ahead
and take the guest bedroom.

I'm gonna sleep on the couch.



What are you up to?

I got to exercise
the horses.

You okay?

I just keep going
over it in my head--

what happened to Derek.

I hit him. He fell.

But you didn't kill him.

I was there, Ethan.

He was breathing.

He was alive.

Then who did kill him?

Obviously, the same person that
told him to get into my car.

And who wrote the note.

Well, Derek, almost
told us who it was.

And they must have known that.

And they followed us up there...

and they killed him.

I may never be able to go home.

Do you realize that?

And I can't stay here.

Hey, where are you going?

What are you doing?

Let me come with you.

Sutton, look, this
isn't like a pony ride

at the county fair, okay?

Come on.

This is Teddybear.

He's my best friend.

All Teddy,
no bear, right?

Come on, help me out.

- All right.
- Well, okay.

Here, give me your foot.

- Ready?
- Yep.

You sure about this?

Please. It's like
riding a bicycle.

A 1,200-pound bicycle
that would crush me

if it landed
on me, but...

All right, let me
saddle this guy up.

We'll take him up there,
along the ridge,

at the end of my dad's land.

It's like we're old friends,
me and Teddybear.

Ethan! Whoa! Ethan!


Ooh... ooh...

Teddy, Teddy, stop!





you're going to school today,
so you get your phone back.

But if Ethan calls you,

contacts you, texts you,
tweets you...

I don't think fugitives
from the law tweet, Dad.

Just wanted

to remind you
I'm still here.

I'll get it.

Then are we clear?

Yeah, we're clear.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I was just at
that coffee place

around the corner--
I was xeroxing

some fliers for
the show Saturday night.

Thought maybe you'd need
a ride to school?

The show.

What? You're not having
second thoughts, are you?

No, it's not that.

Come in.

You might want to see

these midterm grades-- they
were posted this morning.

I am really

taking school seriously.

Hey, Baz.
What are you doing here so early?

Hey. I just, uh, printed up some
fliers for the show on Saturday.

I've already told him I
won't be able to go now.

Why? Because of me?

Kind of. It's just,
I know we have...

bigger things on
our minds than this.

No. Laurel, you have to.

Sutton's right;
this is important.

I am going to frame this.



Sutton, do you want
to ride with Baz?

No, that's okay.

I'll, uh, drive myself.

But I'll meet you
after school?

- Okay. See you.
- See you.

- Thank you.
- Bye, hon. Yep.

This is a first.


Look at this. Midterm grades--
she got all A's?

Don't you find this
a little odd?

She aced her midterms
the morning after she watched

her boyfriend commit a murder?

Think she's telling
the truth, Ted.


I can't stay mad at you

with all that's going on.

Are you okay?

It's crazy, but...

More importantly, how is Char?

Do you have
any idea what it's like

to call one of your best friends

and tell her that
her boyfriend is dead?

And she's devastated
that she can't come to his funeral.

Yeah, it's horrible.

I mean, the whole thing
is just horrible.

You're... not involved

in this, right?

No. No.

So that wasn't why
you called my dad?

To have your own alibi?

Wait, you mean
when I was waiting for you

at the library?

Look, don't play dumb with me.

No. I...

What is this,
another lying game?

I guess
Ryan was right about you.

All right.

We can break
for lunch now.

Take 'em out
for some more riding later,

unless you're too sore.

No. No.

Couple of physical
therapy sessions,

and I should be just fine.

Hey, what's the
deal with your dad?

He's so awful to you.

He blames me
for my mom leaving.

A while back, I was running
with a pretty bad crowd.

And on a dare,
I hotwired a car,

I got caught.

They sent me to juvie.

Three months later,
when I got out, my mom was gone.

I guess that's why she left.

Ethan Whitehorse.

And what's he done this time?

He's wanted for murder, Ben.


Yeah. Have you
heard from him?

Have you seen him?

I haven't seen
either of my sons

since they left four years ago.

Not a call, not
a Christmas card,

and that's the way I like it.

'Cause I don't want
any damn trouble,

which is why I kicked them out
in the first place.

So, you go on,
search the place.

You find him,
you're welcome to him.

All right.

Sorry to have
to bother you, Ben.



What did they say?

Doesn't matter.

At the end of the week,
I want you gone.

Both of you.

- "You're The One That I Want."
- Yeah.

Yeah, 'cause that's
what I was thinking.

Then we can start off
with a traditional cover.

Then maybe sort
of end the set...


Remember Baz?

Hey, man.

We were just going over
the set list for Saturday.

Great. Can't wait to see it.


All right, later.

Practice at
En's tonight.

This show's gonna be boss.


Is that a Baz term?

Did you guys come
to school together?

He thought that with everything
that's going on with Sutton,

that I might
need a ride, so...

I wasn't even supposed
to be in the show.

Just, my parents
wanted me to do it.

What are those?


I'm totally geeking out today

and handing them
out to everyone.

For the first time ever,

I actually want
people to hear me.




What have you been
telling Mads about me?

I've got to get to class.

Okay, wait. Please?

I mean, isn't
whatever happened

in ninth grade, like,
ancient history by now?

I don't consider what happened

at the Black and White Ball
ancient history.


Black and White Ball.

So now you're going to pretend
you don't remember?

You are unbelievable,
you know that?


He didn't even make it to 18.


You did a lot for Derek.

Apparently not enough.

He did stuff for
you, too, right?

I might not sure I understand
what you're talking about.

I'm just saying...

I'm just saying, be careful what
you accuse me of, young lady.

Let me ask you
a question, Sutton.

What was Derek wearing
the night of the fight?

I don't know.

It was dark.

Well, yeah, sure,
it was hard to see,

and the lights
were out and all.

I didn't say that
the lights were out.

I mean, they were
low... I think.

You think?

I'm always suspicious of someone
with a selective memory.

Ethan didn't kill Derek.

You and Detective Larkin

need to be looking for
the car that pulled up.


I think you've got me all wrong.

I don't think Ethan did it,

It's just too bad
that he can't be here

to share
his side of the story.

You know, I'd hate to think that
he's gonna be on the run

for the rest of his life

while the real killer gets off

Tell him that next time
you talk to him.

So, Dad...'s business going?

We don't have
to have polite conversation.


All right, well,
how about any conversation?

You ever hear from Mom?


She has a life.

She left.

Right, because of me.

You and I both know
why she left,

and if she were here right now,

she'd be as disappointed
in you as I am.

Okay, excuse me,
Mr. Whitehorse...

No, Sutton!

- Just forget it.
- No! I...

I don't get it.

Don't you have to care
about someone

in order to be disappointed
in them?

Care about him?

All I ever wanted
was to care about him.

Well, then, what is
holding you back?

He's your son.

Yeah, they told me.

The cops.

You're wanted for murder.

Dad... I didn't do that.

All right?
I didn't murder the guy.



Ethan, you have to go out there
and tell him what happened.

Look, that might work
in the world you come from,

but not mine.

- Ethan, wait!
- No, no, no.

Look, you've turned
your whole life upside down

trying to find
your birth mother.

Okay, you're expecting
this happy ending.

Well, you take it
from me, Sutton,

that is not gonna happen.

Laurel sounds great.

The whole band does.

She used to be so shy
about performing, but...

she's doing it.

We have great kids.

Oh, God.

Justin's here.

I'll be civil.

Hey, Justin.

Surprised you're here,

considering you and
Laurel broke up.

I'm just here as a friend, sir.

Well, Laurel's happy now.

She moved on.


Guess I have to accept that.

Look, you don't have
to tell her I was here.

Yeah, I probably won't.

How you doing?


Have you heard anything?

No, my dad's been out mostly.

I talked to him
at the funeral.

He doesn't think Ethan did it.

He thinks he should come back

so they can catch
the real murderer.

Yeah, I wouldn't fall for it.

More than likely, he's
just trying to get you

to tell Ethan it's
safe to come back.

Can I ask you something?

Do you know
why Mads is mad at me?

Damage control used
to be so much easier

when Sutton would just...
fill me in.

I can ask her.

I know it has something to do

with Ryan
and the Black and White Ball.

Do you remember anything?

No, but I will find out.

- Hey, Mads.
- Hey.

Where's Ryan?

He's getting drinks.

So what's going on
between you and Sutton?

What did she tell you?

She thought she said or did
something to piss Ryan off

at the Black and White Ball.

What-what are you
talking about?

You know what?
It's a little loud in here.

I-I thought she said
something about that,

but I misunderstood.

All right.
I'll-I'll see ya.

Did something happen between you and
Sutton at the Black and White Ball?

Sutton came onto me.

I didn't want to tell you
because she's your best friend.

Are you sure?

Trust me,

she made herself very clear.

That's why I've stayed
away from her.

She's bad news,
and she's not your friend.


We're not friends anymore.

- So this is fun.
- Yeah.


We took a vote, and it's time.

For what?

For your initiation.

Should I be worried?

No, not if you like pancakes.

First-time band members,
it's your first gig...

you gotta do IHOP.

It's good, you just gotta
sample every pancake

from every foreign
destination offered.

Could I take a rain check?

There is no rain check
for your first night.

This cannot be re-created,
you know, the magic

and the mystery,
the pancakes.

You don't want to miss this.

I'll see if I can
rearrange my plans.


- Those mariachis...
- Yeah,

Why is it always the littlest
guy with the biggest guitar?

- Ding, ding, ding, ding.
- Really.

That's the big guy
with the mandolin.

I don't know.

What a great night,


I should probably go.

Why don't you stay?

The kids?


I was a little surprised
about what you told them.


I mean, part of me
thought you were making

a bigger deal
out of what we have.

What do we have?

Don't turn it around on me.

I'm asking you.

I just don't want
to label things, that's all.

I don't want to...

And I don't want to cause
any problems for anyone.

Please. No problems.

You're not...
You're not.

I-I just think it's pretty
simple, you know.

I knew you
in high school.

Turns out I really
didn't know you at all.

Now here we are.

It's a new us,

a chance to get to know
each other now.

I know one way
we could do that.

Nice try.

Sweet note, but you
could've woke me up.

I didn't have the heart to.

You looked so peaceful
sleeping there.

To be honest, the goal
is to try to get home

before the kids wake up.

You know, avoid that
"walk of shame" thing, so...


It's just a turn of phrase,
that's all.

So we're okay?

I think we're
better than okay, yeah.


So, now you know
why I'm back.

Do I?

Well, you had to wonder why I
showed up after all these years.

It's crossed my mind, yeah.

I didn't come back
to get away from my ex-husband

or for a fresh start,

not in the traditional
sense, anyway.

I-I came back for you.

Well, you got me.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Come in.

It's kinda crazy over
at my house right now,

but with all the Sutton stuff,

I think I'm flying way
under the radar, so...

I could probably stay
for awhile.


Are you mad that I went
out with the band?


Then we're good?


Then why does
it still feel weird?

I came to hear you last night.

You did?

I didn't see you.

That's 'cause you
didn't have a chance.

Your dad basically escorted me
out after your first song.

He told me that you had
moved on, and so should I.

I just want
to come clean, Laurel.

Have a fresh start...
not pile lies on top of lies.

My parents have
some very strong opinions

about their daughters'
boyfriends right now.

This is working.

I see you less, not more.

Let's not waste any more time

debating the future
when we have right now.

So are you still
seeing Rebecca?


And you're still
doing this,

all just to sort of
keep an eye on her?


Have you slept with her?


Ted, I'm a single guy.

She's a single woman.


You know, you should
smile about this.

Think of it this way:

Closer I get to her,

the safer your secret is.

Come on.

Come in.

Glad you came back.

Starting to think what I would
do if I got stuck here.

I needed some time to think.

I'm sorry,
I was out of line.

No, I had no right
to attack your dream

of finding your birth mother.

You and Emma deserve to know
where you come from.

It's just hard for me
to understand why.

I mean, you've got
two parents that love you.

And you have a family
that cares about you.

I have a father who wants
nothing to do with me...

and a mother that I'm probably
never going to see again.


You can't blame
yourself for that.

She left for her own reasons,
who knows what they are.

Your mother didn't leave
because of you,

any more than...

than my mother left
because of me.

Mads, please, we've have
to talk about this.

What's left to talk about?

After all these weeks of blowing
me off and keeping secrets,

suddenly you were nice to me
again, and I fell for it.

You said you'd be my
alibi for the concert,

and then you call my house,
all innocent, and tell my Dad

that I never even
showed up at the library.

No, I didn't.

You've gotta go.

No, Mads, please, you got.

And Ryan told me
that you came onto him

at the Black and White Ball.

So what was that about?

All this time
you were just acting

like you hated him so you could
have him for yourself?

You just can't handle that
a guy might pick me over you.

It wasn't me.

I wouldn't do that to you.

Well, if it wasn't you,
who was it?

It was Sutton!

Sutton might have done those
things to you, but I didn't!

What are you talking about?

You are Sutton.

I... I'm...

I'm not Sutton Mercer.

I am Emma Becker,
her twin sister.