The Lucy Show (1962–1968): Season 3, Episode 8 - Lucy Makes a Pinch - full transcript

Meter maid Lucy and handsome Detective Baker masquerade as a Lovers Lane couple to catch a crook. After scaring off the criminal on their first night, Lucy talks Viv into masquerading as Green Scarf Louie the next evening, not exp...

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Officer Carmichael reporting.

Traffic department,
badge number 8715,

district nine, 21st
precinct, division seven,

vehicle number 12, unit
11-A, women's auxiliary.

Can't you just say hi
like everybody else?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Oh, Captain, w-wait till
you see my batch of tickets.

I gave seven tickets to
drivers for overtime parking,

two jaywalkers, one fellow for
being parked in a loading zone

and one fellow for being
loaded in a parking zone.

My, you've been a busy
little bee, haven't you?

Yes, sir, and I'm
not finished yet.

I just came back to get
some more chalk from you.

The chalk is in the stockroom.

Oh, yes, sir.

And Officer Carmichael...

Yes, sir.

We don't salute around here.

Oh, well, I guess
it's an old habit.

I used to be a WAC.

Used to be?

Captain Bradford.

Yes, Baker?

I've been studying these reports

- on the Lovers' Lane holdups.
- Yeah?

I think this Green Scarf Bandit

has been just hanging around
up there waiting for easy pickings.

So why don't we
set a trap for him.

Oh, a stakeout, huh?

Yeah. I'll take one of the
girls from the department.

We'll pretend we're sweethearts.

Hey, that's a good idea,
Baker, but our policewomen...

They don't look like the type
you'd find at Lovers' Lane.

Well, if we find the
right girl, I'm ready to go.

You know, this-this
Lovers' Lane stakeout

calls for the kind of a chick
who looks a little bit kooky.

Officer Carmichael.

Yes, sir.

I think we hit the jackpot.

You come here.

Yes, sir.

You've been a real
eager beaver around here.

Now, how would you like
to do some real police work?

Oh, yes.

What? When? Where?

We're setting a
trap to catch a crook.

We call him Green Scarf Louie,

because he always
covers his face with one.


With one what?

A green scarf.


Detective Baker wants
you to go to Lovers' Lane

with him tonight and act
like you're sweethearts.

- Sweethearts?
- Uh-huh.

Well, I don't, I-I
don't know, sir.

I-I have an appointment
to play bridge tonight.

I'm sorry, Detective Baker.

Oh, I'm not Baker.

- I'm Baker.
- Oh, how do you do?

You see, every Monday...

I just remembered, I don't
even know how to play bridge.

I-I may be able to go, sir.

Well, make up your
mind, Officer Carmichael.

The answer is yes. I'll go.

As long as it's in
the line of duty, sir.


I'll pick you up
at 8:00 tonight.

Officer Carmichael.

Uh, yes, sir?

I want you to understand

that this is very
confidential police business.

Oh, yes, sir, yes, sir.

Now, you're not to
discuss this with anyone.

Not anyone.

Where do you live?

I'm sorry, sir,

I'm not permitted to
discuss that with anyone.

Oh, you can discuss it with him.


Oh, I live at, uh,
132 Post Road.


What's your telephone number?

- My phone number?
- Mm-hmm.


Don't you know your
own phone number?

It's been so long since
anyone's asked for it.

Uh, I know it's
three long rings...

Uh, Viv, I-I think you'd
better go upstairs.


Well, I just don't want you
here when he comes, that's all.

Oh, you can't stand
the competition, huh?

Oh, come on now, Viv.

All right, I'll go,
but before I do,

I'm going to ask you for the
very last time... who is he?

I can't tell you.

Oh, come on now, can't you
just give me one little hint?

All right. I met
him today at work,

and no more questions.

- He's a policeman?
- No.

Uh, no, I-I don't
know what he is.

Now, you said you
met him at work.

Uh, well, uh, yeah, I-I
gave him a traffic ticket, and,

and while I was taking
his name and address,

he asked for my
name and address,

and well, that's the
way Niagara falls.

There he is.

Go on upstairs.

- Okay.
- Go on now.

- All right, Vivian.
- Oh, now, Lucy...

- No eavesdropping.
- Oh, come on now.

I just want to see
what he looks like.

You get upstairs.

If I just saw what he looked
like, then I would go upstairs.

Go on, hurry up.

Come in. Now go on.

Well, hello.


Is Officer Carmichael in?


Well, well, it's you.

I didn't recognize you.

Oh, you didn't?

Somehow, when you're
out of your police uniform,

you look a lot, uh... bigger.


Uh, taller.

- It-it must be those high heels.
- Yeah.

You see, down at
the police station,

I just kind of think of
you as one of the boys.


Well, Detective Baker,

I hope I handle this
assignment correctly.


What is it, Viv?

I want a drink of water.

Now, Vivian, there's
water upstairs.

I want a drink of cold water.

All right, come on down.

Every time I have company.

Oh, my brother's little
girl is just like that, too.

You want to bet?

Oh, hello.

Why, I didn't know
you had company.

Mr. Baker, this is my
friend Mrs. Bagley.

How do you do?

Well, how do you do?

Oh, how do you do?

Lucy's told me all about you.

She has?

I told her that I met you when
I gave you a parking ticket.

Oh, yes, that's
right. Yes, that's right.

We met when she arrested me.

Oh, well, lots of
romances start with a pinch.


Uh, I hope you have a nice time
tonight, wherever you're going.

We'll probably
just go for a drive.

You certainly picked
a lovely evening for it.


Spring is in the air and
the moon is in the sky.

And the water's in the kitchen.

- Excuse me.
- Certainly.

We'll excuse you, Vivian.

Well, you, uh, you
told her about me, huh?

No, no, of course I didn't.

Captain Bradford said not
to discuss it with anyone.

- Now, that's very good.
- Thank you.

Now shall we get
going and do our duty?


Oh, but, uh, first, I
have something for you.

Real diamonds?

Real diamonds.

And platinum mink?



For Green Scarf Louie.


Well, you sure set a nice trap.

These are beautiful.

Don't get too fond of them.

They're police property

and you've got to be
very careful of them.

- Yes, sir.
- All right, let's go.

Well, uh, I just want
to powder my nose.

I'll be right out.

Fine. I'll wait for
you in the car.


Relax, Mrs. Carmichael.


Just don't be so nervous.

Pretend you're on a date.

Pretend I'm on a date?

I guess I'm just a
little out of practice.

I mean, I've never
dated a policeman before.

Neither have I.

Hey, now, now, take it easy.

Will you take it easy, please?

Now keep it down.

You don't want to scare him off.


Just act natural.

Snuggle up to me.


Snuggle up to me.


We're supposed
to be sweethearts.

Snuggle up to me.

There, that's better.

We just have to
sit here and wait.


That's good.

All right.

Uh, down at headquarters I
heard you, uh, you got a medal.

- That's right.
- What was it for?

Service beyond the line of duty.

On an assignment like this?


No, I handcuffed
a burglar to myself

while he had a gun on me.

Couldn't he have killed you?

Before he could react,

I tossed the key to the
handcuff out the window.

Oh, Bill, you shouldn't
take such chances.

How far could he get with a
detective handcuffed to him?

Oh, I see.

What's the big idea?

What's the matter with you?

That was nothing personal.

I just thought I saw
Green Scarf Louie.


Now, Officer Carmichael,

let's get this straight
once and for all.

If I kiss you, if I hug you,

it is only because I don't
want us to look suspicious.

- All right.
- It's all in a day's work.

Okay, okay.

Come on, come on.


That's good.

Get comfortable. That's fine.


Say, doesn't your
wife object to you

going on assignments like this?

I'm not married.


They only send bachelors
out on assignments like this.

Oh, yeah.

Uh-oh. Excuse me just a moment.

What you gonna do?

Got to call headquarters.

Uh, calling headquarters.
Calling headquarters.

Uh, this is Baker on the
Paradise Grove stakeout.

This is headquarters.

Captain Bradford speaking.

Go ahead, Baker.

Uh, Chief, I'm leaving
my switch open,

so, uh, keep a monitor
listening in at all times.

If you happen to hear me
make contact with the suspect,

throw a roadblock
on Paradise Grove.

Check. Over and out.

Uh, roger.

Well, all we can do
now is wait and hope.

There we go.

Well, if Green Scarf
Louie works on schedule,

he should be sticking
us up any minute.

- Any minute?
- Any minute.

What was that?! What was that?!

What is that?!

- Lucy!
- What?!

Lucy, Lucy, you stepped
on the siren button!

Oh! I'm sorry.

Hello. Hello, Chief.

Chief, this is Baker.

Please ignore that.

It was just an accident.

I heard it.

Oh, that wrecks it!

Look, if he was here, he
certainly isn't here now.

Well, I'm sorry.

Oh, boy.

All this time and effort wasted.

- I said I'm sorry, Bill.
- Yeah, I know.

So am I. I hate to fall down
on an assignment like this.

Oh, no.

Well, I'll just take you home.

Oh, well, well, we'll try it
again tomorrow night, huh, Bill?

I don't think so.

Why not?

He'll never come back up here

now he knows there's
a police stakeout.

Well, now, Bill... Bill,
that-that's where you're wrong.

If he thinks that we think
that he won't be back,

then he'll think that since
we think he won't be back,

that we won't come back.

And if he thinks
we won't come back

because we think
he won't come back,

then I think he'll come
back because, uh,

I think that's the way he
thinks. What do you think?

I think you're nuts!

I think so, too.

Oh, I'm just not going
to wear that thing.

Oh, now, Viv, you've got
to wear this green scarf

- over your face.
- Why?

That's why they call
him Green Scarf Louie.

Well, this whole
thing is ridiculous.

Oh, please, Viv. It
took me an hour to...

to talk Bill into trying
another stakeout.

Now, you've got to help.


Now, I have a feeling
that Green Scarf Louie

will come back eventually,

and if Bill thinks that
he sees him tonight,

he'll continue the
stakeouts, and he'll catch him.

- What if he catches me?
- Oh, he won't, Viv.

All you have to do
is give me a signal,

peek up from behind a
rock, and then go on home.

Well, all right.

Thank you.

What kind of a signal?

Well, can you make
a noise like a cricket?

I am not rubbing my hind
legs together for anybody.

All right.

Can you make a
noise like an owl?

Oh, I think I can do
a little thing like that.

All right.

Now, do you know how
to get to Lovers' Lane?

Do I know how to
get to Lovers' Lane?

Before Ralph and I were married,

we spent our happiest
hours up there.


Yeah, but that's before
Ralph and I met each other.

Oh, really?

Oh, gee, what a beautiful night.

I just love moonlight
and flowers

and crickets and frogs and...

Tell me, do you like to dance?

Yes. Why?

I was just thinking

about the policemen's
ball this Saturday night.

You were?


Would you like to go?

I sure would.


Here are two tickets.

You're giving me two tickets?

Yeah, I bowl on Saturday nights.


Well, I think we ought
to call off this stakeout.

Oh, now, Bill, Bill, I just know

that Green Scarf Louie
is around here someplace.

How do you know?

A woman's intuition.

Now, believe me, he's
around here someplace.

Bill. Bill.

Bill, I just saw
Green Scarf Louie

over behind that rock.

All right. Let's play it cool.

Into position.

That's right.


You're right.

It's the bandit.

What bandit?

What bandit are
you talking about?

You just stay right here.

Where you going?

Oh, Bill, you're
supposed to stay here.

He's supposed to come to me.

- Remember?
- I know, but I think I can sneak up on him

and take him from behind.

- Sneak up and take him from behind?
- Yes.

Oh, don't shoot her... uh, him.

No, I-I... I-I can't
stand the noise.

Now, look, will you please sit
down there and be quiet, Lucy?

Yes, sir.

Oh, Vivian!

For heaven's sake,
what are you doing here?

I told you to go on home.
He's out there looking for you.

Oh, put that gun down.

For heaven's sake.

I might know you'd be a big
ham and have to go overboard.

Now, go on home.

Oh, shut up, lady, and
nobody will get hurt.

- What?
- Shut up! Shut up!

Shut up! One peep,
and I'll clobber you

quicker than you can
say, "Jack Robinson."

Jack who?

I mean...

I told you not one peep!

- Uh, it's not a peep.
- It's a...

Shut up!

- Aah!
- Give me that fur.

- Hand over that bracelet.
- Yes, sir. Yes, sir.

Bill! Bill!

- What? What is it?
- Bill!

- What's the matter, Lucy?
- Bill!

- What's the matter?
- He was here.

- He was here.
- Who was here?

- The man with the green thing.
- What?!

He got...


Hello. This is Baker
calling headquarters.

Baker calling headquarters.

This is headquarters.
Go ahead, Baker.

Yeah, Chief, the
Green Scarf Bandit

just made another heist,

but I think he's still in the
vicinity of Paradise Grove.

Tell him he's got a
green scarf over his face

and he wears a wrench...

a trench coat, and
he has a black hat.

They already know that, Lucy.

Oh. Well, do they know
that-that he got the mink stole

and the diamond bracelet?


I-I couldn't help it!
He had a gun on me!

Officer Carmichael, those items

cost the taxpayers
a small fortune.

Do you realize you might be
kicked out of the police force?

And he means out.

Well, here I am... In
Lovers' Lane with a girl.


Oh, I don't know how I
ever let you talk me into this.

- Let's get out of here, Lucy.
- No.

If I don't capture
Green Scarf Louie,

I'm out of a job.
I told you that.

And what about the
spot you're going to be in

when you tell Mr. Mooney
that you bought a mink stole

and a diamond bracelet
on the installment plan?

After I get the bandit, I'll
return the stuff to the store.

How do you even
know he'll show up?

It's just a hunch.

It's a shot in the dark.


We may both get
shot in the dark.

Come on, Lucy.

- Let's go, huh?
- No. No.

Now, there's nothing
to worry about.

Last night, he stuck
a gun in your ribs,

and I'm the target for tonight.

Yeah, but tonight,
I'm ready for him.



What good are these
if he's got a gun?

Well... I'll show you.

Now, uh, make believe
you've got a gun,

and stick me up.

- Oh, no.
- Come on, now, Viv.

- Do what I ask you.
- I don't want to.

Come on. Do what I
ask you and stick me up.

Now, come on. I'll show you.

Stick 'em up!

Got you.

Well, what do you know?

That's really clever.

You bet it's clever.

Hey, but couldn't
the burglar shoot you?

The minute I snap the cuffs on,

I show him the key
and throw the key away.

Lucy, you're
absolutely wonderful.

Just wonderful.

Just routine police
work. That's all.

Well, let's get the key now

and get this San Quentin
charm bracelet off.


My arm's through
the steering wheel.


Look at it. It's through
the steering wheel.

You're kidding.

Oh, there it is.

How could you do a
stupid thing like that?

I don't know how I could
do a stupid thing like that,

to tell you the truth.

- Oh, for heaven's sake.
- I said, "Stick 'em up."

Oh, well, now...

Oh, Vivian.


What are we going to do now?

Why don't you take
the steering wheel off?

Hey, that's a good idea.


Oh, no! No!

Well, this is the
easiest setup I ever had.

Oh, no...

Now, hand over that bracelet.

Oh, no, no. No, you
don't want to take

- that fur and this bracelet.
- Why not?

Oh, you'll have to keep
up the payments on them.

Oh, give me it!

Oh, you... you-you... you
really should take the...

- Aah! Oh.
- Oh.

- If-if...
- Oh, oh!

It's you again!

What are you made up for?

I'm Officer Carmichael
from the police department.

Well, now, you just keep
right on working for 'em, dearie,

and I'll be a millionaire.

I'll see you tomorrow night...
Same time, same place.

Oh, uh, and don't be late.


I'll take that. You stand still.

Keep him covered.

Ah, Bill.

Bill, what are you doing here?

We had a stakeout
in another car.

- You had a stakeout with another girl?
- Yeah.


Oh, well, not exactly.

You, uh, remember
Detective Murdock.

How are you?

All right, you take
care of him, Fred.

Oh, boy.

We decided that this stakeout

was a little
dangerous for a girl.

I'm not a girl. I am
Officer Carmichael.

You're right.

You're a pretty good cop.

Thank you.

And so are you, Bill.


Oh, uh, by the way,

my bowling game
is off Saturday night

if you don't have a date
for the policemen's ball.

Oh, I'd love to go.

Uh, have you got
a friend for me?

How about me?

You keep quiet!

I've got a couple of tickets
if you'd like to go with me.

I'd love to, if you'll let
me borrow your dress.

All right, come on.
Let's get moving.

- Get him out of here.
- On your way. Go on.

- Oh, by the way, Officer Carmichael.
- Yes, Bill?

I'm going to see to it that
you get credit for this arrest.

Oh, thank you.

- Thank you. Bye, Bill.
- Good-bye, Bill.

See you Saturday night.

Oh, boy.

Did you hear that, Viv?

This will be a
feather in my cap.

Good. It'll match that
feather brain of yours.

What do you mean,
my feather brain?

You let him get away without
unlocking these handcuffs.

Bill! Bill!

Hey, Bill!

What was that? Thunder?

I didn't hear anything.

- Oh, it's going to rain.
- Bill.

It wouldn't dare rain.

- Bill!
- Bill!

Hey, Bill!

Oh, no!


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