The Looney Tunes Show (2011–2014): Season 1, Episode 20 - Working Duck - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[intense music]

beep beep beep


Ah! Good heavens!

I almost forgot to turn
on my sound machine.

[birds squawking]

[Daffy snoring]

[theme music]

[instrumental music]

clink clink

The bank wost over $10 million.

The security guard,
he wost his job.

I guess instead of catching Z's

he should have been
catching thieves.

Ha ha ha.

'This is
Elmer J. Fudd weporting.'


$10 million?

Usually I'm the only one
who pays for it

whenever Daffy gets fired.


[door opens]


Fired for sleeping on the job.

What's next? You can't breathe
on the job, either?

What do they think I am,
a robot?

Do I look like a robot?
Am I made of metal?

Do I make robot noises
and blink my robot lights?

Do I eat nuts and bolts
for breakfast? No.

I eat a breakfast burrito
every day.

Name one robot that eats
a breakfast burrito every day.

You can't!
And do you know why you can't?

Because robots don't have souls.

Now, can someone please tell me

what I was talking about?

I don't know,
I stopped listening after

robots eat breakfast burritos.

chomp chomp

You know what,
this is good news.

Without a job,
I can do whatever I want

whenever I want to do it.

After all, this is
my house, my rules.

Uh, Daff,
this is my house and my rule is

if you're gonna live here, you
have to pull your own weight.

What does that mean?

You know, help out around here.

Do some chores,
pay for a few things.

- I do chores.
- No, you don't.

- Well, I-I pay for things.
- Like what?

I bought leather socks
the other day... red leather.

Daffy, you got to get
another job.

Relax. A guy like me?

I'll have a new job tomorrow.



gulp gulp gulp

[instrumental music]

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm?

How's the job search coming?

Uh, I'm still working
on my resume.

Uh, let me just close this.

I mean, it's under this.

click click click

I-it's right here.

Here's my resume. Nope.

Okay, here's my resume.

Oh, sorry. That was
definitely not my resume.

click click

Here is my resume.

"Daffy Shelton Duck.

'"Education: None.'

'"References, none.'

'"Skills, none.'

Work experience,
let's not go there?"

Are you a complete nitwit?

No, I'm a dunderhead.

At least, according to this
internet IQ test.

Daffy, for the past three months

I've been pulling
your weight because

I thought you were
looking for a job.

Why would I look for a job
if you're pulling my weight?

So what you're saying is,
I'm enabling you?

You're not enabling me.

You're simply shielding me
from the consequences

of my own
self-destructive behavior.

I think you're right.
And I'm not gonna do it anymore.

Daffy, for your own good,
I'm kicking you out.


Well, guess what?

You can't kick me out

because I am leaving.


Great.I'll go get my


(man on TV)
'Even if they get back
the five yards'

'you're still looking
at a 50-yard field goal.'


I'm going.

I'm really going.

[indistinct chatter on TV]

I packed my suitcase
and I'm going.

That's my suitcase.

Well, then I'll just
take my stuff.

- That's my stuff.
- I don't need your stuff.

I don't need you.

I can make it
on my own just fine.

So, I'm going.

I'll see you around.

See you on the flip side.

I am going. Right now!

I'm... gone.




Duh! I don't need no roommate
telling me to pull my weight!

I don't need no job!
I don't need none of that jive!

I'm Daffy Duck!
You hear that, world?

I take care of myself!

knock knock knock

Please take care of me.




- What are you doing?
- Pulling my own weight.

I got you a job,
it requires no experience

no references,
or skills of any kind.

You start tomorrow
at Enormocorp.

Enormocorp? The fifth largest
conglomerate in the world?

Do you really think I have
what it takes to be a CEO?

No. You'll be
pushing a muffin cart.

Do you really think I have what
it takes to push a muffin cart?

'Look out, Enormocorp'

'today I have a muffin cart'

but some day I just might have
the corner office.


Ooh! May I interest you
in a muffin?

- 'No.'
- Come on.

I have a delicious banana nut
with just a hint of cinnamon.

Not so much cinnamon that
it's overpowering, of course

but just enough to
let you know it's there.

(female #1)
'I said, no.'

- Chocolate chip muffin?
- 'No.'

Come on, you deserve it.

(male #1)
'I'm on the phone.'

You want one?



Ugh. This is pointless.
I'm not cut out for work.

I should just be
a stay-at-home mom.

I mean, look at these people.

This is how they want
to spend their days?

Taking orders from this guy?

When I, I say, when I took over
Enormocorp ten years ago

I vowed, I say,
I vowed to make Enormocorp

a world leader in industry.

I say, I say. I'm a big fat
rooster and I run the company.

Look at me with
my big fat finger

wound like I'm the boss of you.

'I run this..'

What, I say,
what is going on here?

I say, I say.

Ha ha ha! Hoo hoo! Ha ha..

Get in here!

Yes, you.

Who do you think you are?

The muffin man.

And what do you got here?

- Muffins.
- Son, do you..

I say,
do you know what I'm

I know what I'm thinking.

I'll tell you what I'm thinking.

I'm thinking
that's a blueberry muffin.

I love me some muffins.

Why, land sakes,
lemon poppy seed. Mmm.

My grand mammy used to make
a lemon poppy seed.

But those old poppy seeds
love to get

all stuck in your teeth
now, don't they?

Is that a jam-filled?

Oh, my stars, it is!

It is a jam-filled!

You know, as a boy

I used to suck the jam out
with a straw.

True story, that is.

But, you know,
I keep going back to the..

I say, I keep going back
to that blueberry.

Just pick one!

[all gasping]

Son, I'm gonna
tell you somethin'.

You got, I say,
you got chutzpah.

I got what?

I'm surrounded, I say,
I'm surrounded by bootlickers

and toadies,
stooges and suck-ups.

I'm talking about you,
too, Carol.

But you, I say, you, you're

you're not like
these other lackeys.

They tell me
what I want to hear.

You tell me what I need to hear.

Well, son,
what do you have to say?

Maybe you ought to lay off
the muffins for a while.

[all gasping]



[both laughing]

Come with me, muffin man.

Now, let's see about
getting you a corner office.

Hmm. That happened even faster
than I thought.

[theme music]

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

♪ Come to Speedy's pizza place
and put both your feet up ♪

♪ Bring a 100 friends with you
there's plenty of room ♪

♪ I'll bring you more pizza
than your tummy can eat up ♪

♪ Once you taste my pizza
your taste buds will go boom ♪

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

♪ I read all your comment cards
and take in your feedback ♪

♪ Of all the things you're
looking for in a pizza place ♪

♪ So step into the kitchen
where my cousin Gustavo ♪

♪ Is helping launch
my restaurant into cyberspace ♪

♪ That's right we have a website
just like you all requested ♪

♪ Now you can go online
and order from your PC ♪

♪ If you can just bear with us
our connection is spotty ♪

♪ I swear it will be worth it
to get pizza from me-e-e ♪

♪ So please be patient ♪

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

Wow. Is this thing
still loading, Gustavo?

- Si,88%.
- Oh, there it goes.

We're almost up!

Wait. Did it freeze again?

Gustavo, you got to
be kidding me, man!

You said you were
good with computers!

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

No, I said I had a computer.

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

Oh, here we go, it's up!

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

I told you I could do it.

♪ Pizzarriba ♪

You spelled it wrong!

♪ Pibbarriza ♪

What is pibba?

♪ It's Pizzarriba ♪♪

Not according to your website.

You're running from me?
You are running from me.

I'm Speedy Gonzales!
Speedy is in my name!

I'm the fastest. Ever!

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

And that's why
I don't wear clothes.


I can learn a lot from you, boy.

Sir, we're hearing that
Murphy doesn't want to sell.

Do we withdraw our offer
or attempt a hostile takeover?

Hmm. That's a tough..

I say, that's a tough question.

Withdraw our offer

or attempt a hostile takeover?


Man, what is wrong with you?
Just go with your gut.

You got a big enough one.

My gut, huh?

Ugh. Hostile takeover.

You heard.. I say,
you heard the muffin man.

Hostile takeover!

So, where you taking me
to lunch?

I think I'll let you make
the decisions from now on.

Lemon meringue or Tiramisu?

We'll take the whole cart.

Pomeranian or pekingese?

World's fastest land animal.

Renee or Annabel?

The one wearing glasses.
You look smarter.

Well, Daffy, what do you think..

I say what do you think
of Enormocorp?

I don't know. It's fine?

I'm happy, I say,
I'm happy to hear you say

because it's yours.

- What?
- I've been..

I say, I've been wanting
to hand over the company

for some time now

and there's only
one kind of man I trust

to run Enormocorp, a muffin man.

And I should know, after all

I was once a muffin man myself.


Later, gator.


whirr whirr


I say,
remember these words, son!

You can always trust
a muffin man!

[bell dings]

Good morning, Mr. Duck.

Good morning, Mr. Duck.

Good morning, Mr. Duck.

Good morning, Mr. Duck.

Hold my calls, Carol.

Hold my calls!

I've always wanted to say
"Hold my calls."

And now,
someone's holding my calls!

Who's calling me? I don't know!

I don't care! I'm CEO.

CEO of Enormocorp!


Now, what will be

my first official act

as CEO?


Ohh. That's the stuff.

[bell dings]

[keys clacking]

I'm not sure if you can help me.
I'm visiting a friend of mine.

He just started working here.

- What's his name?
- Daffy Duck.

Oh, Mr. Duck.
He's in the corner office.

Corner office?

You guys must really love
your muffins around here.

Mr. Duck is the CEO
of Enormocorp.

That makes sense.

[Daffy snoring]


I see you finally found a job

where they pay you to sleep.

They don't pay me to sleep.

What do they pay you to do?

To run the place.

Daffy, you don't even know
how to run the dishwasher.

That's because you do it for me.
We've been through this!

I don't need your help anymore!

Why is my personal growth
so threatening to you?

- Daff...
- No.

That's something
for you to discuss

with a therapist.

I'm at work right now.

I-I-I can't be doing this.

Mr. Duck.
I'm sorry to interrupt.

See? At work! Talk to me.

Sir, the markets have turned.

Should we delay the merger
or proceed as planned?

Delay the merger.

I think that's
the right decision.

Wait. Proceed as planned.

- Proceed as planned.
- Delay the merger.

- Which one?
- I don't know!

I'm not used to being the guy
who's asked to make a decision!

I'm used to standing
next to the guy

who's asked to make a decision!

That's when I can
make a decision!

I need that big, fat rooster!


Big, fat rooster!

Do I delay the merger,
or proceed as planned?

Always trust a muffin man!

- Sir, we need a decision.
- I'll be right back.

How you doing?

- Muffin man.
- Hey, Daffy.

This is very important.

Do we delay the merger
or proceed as planned?

Oh, right.
This is the guy to ask.


'Huh, let's see.'

Uh, proceed as planned.

You heard the muffin man.
Do not delay the merger.

- 'Proceed as planned.'
- You're sure.

I've never been more sure
of anything in my entire life.


Thanks for watching
my muffin cart.

No problem.

Ooh. I would have
delayed the merger.

Yep. Me, too.

Mmm. Blueberry.


[theme music]

beep beep beep



[intense music]

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

Beep beep!

[music continues]

beep beep beep


'Beep beep!'


Beep beep!










[upbeat music]

'Beep beep.'

Beep beep.

boom boom



After what is now being called
the worst business decision

in the histowy of business

Enormocorp has gone out
of business.

As a result, more than
100,000 have wost their jobs

and experts fear the world
economy could cowapse.

Disgraced CEO Daffy Duck

could not be weached
for comment.

Uff, if I'd have known
all that was gonna happen

I'd have kept enabling you.

Well, at least
I learned a big lesson.

What's that?

When I pull my own weight

I pull a lot of stuff
down with me.



Whoa! Whoa!

'Call Dr. Weisberg.'


[theme music]

Could I interest you
in a muffin?

I ate half of it.
It's not very good.