The Lion Guard (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 7 - Fuli's New Family - full transcript

When Fuli confesses that she's used to hunting and eating alone, the Lion Guard feels bad for her and begins including her in any and everything.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Lion Guard!
Ono's found dry ground.

We gotta round up
the buffalo

and guide them
over there fast!

Nobody does fast
better than me.


This way, everybody!
Follow me!

This way! That's it.

Beshte! Bunga!
That last one's yours!

You got it, Kion!

Come on! Let's go, buffalo!

Twende Kiboko!



Bunga, are you okay?

Something bit me.
And it was him.

We did it, Kion! The buffalo
are all safe and... sound?

Egyptian Cobra!

Whatever you do,
don't let him bite you.

He already did.

Oh, no!

Hey, Ushari?
Why did you do that?

He landed
on my head, Beshte.

He's lucky
I only bit him once!

He's got a point.
Wonder if he left a mark.

Bunga! Bunga!
You don't understand!

That snake,
his bite is venomous.

You mean it did
leave a mark?

I mean,
his bite is poison!

Poison? That's not good.

That's bad. That means...
That means I'm a goner!

The venom's
hit his system!

We need to suck
the poison out!

Okay, if you
think it'll help!

- Really?
- Maybe not.

I have a better idea.
We'll take him to Rafiki.

Ono, have Timon and Pumbaa
meet us at Rafiki's tree.


Hang in there, Bunga.
Rafiki will know what to do.

Bunga! The bird said a snake
bit ya on the bottom.

Oh! Say it ain't so!

It's so.

Timon, Pumbaa,
calm down.

I'm sure Rafiki...

Rafiki? What's he
gonna do?

Who, me?


Thanks, Rafiki!

That's great.

Uh, nothing?

Rafiki, Bunga was bitten
by a poisonous snake.

You gotta help me.

I can't have
much time left.

I think this is
the end.

Goodbye, everyone.

Hello, Circle of Life.

Bunga! Bunga!

Eh, Bunga?
Honey badgers like you,

you're immune
to snakebites.

What? "Immune"?

I thought I was a goner,

but this is
even worse.

I'm immune!

What's immune?

If you're immune
to something,

it can't hurt you.

So if I'm immune
to snakebites,

they can't hurt me?

Great! Let's go, guys!

Are you kidding me?

We were worried about you
and you were faking it?

Uh, not exactly.
I should bite you myself.

Easy, Fuli.

Bunga, we just thought
you were really hurt.

Me, too.

But he's not.
He's fine.

So let's celebrate!

Yeah! A feast
at Hakuna Matata Falls.

And everyone's invited!

Thanks, Pumbaa.
Sounds great,

but I have to meet
my family for dinner.

Me, too.

Uh, the flock gets jittery when
I don't show up for mealtime.

How 'bout you, Fuli?

Are you meeting
your cheetah family?

Nah. I'll just go hunt
by myself.

By yourself? All alone?

That's the saddest thing
I've ever heard.

Isn't that the saddest thing
you've ever heard?

You're right, Pumbaa.
It is!

Friends don't let
friends eat alone.

It's not like that.
Girl cheetahs hunt alone.

It's what we do.

Not this girl cheetah.
Not today.

You're eating with us,

and I'm not taking no
for an answer.

But I...
Ah, ah, ah.

Not another word.
I insist.

After you.


Is what Timon said true?

Do friends not let
friends eat alone?

If it is true,

we haven't been
very good friends to Fuli.

We need to be sure Fuli
knows we're here for her.

How do we do that?

From now on, if any of us
sees Fuli all alone,

we'll invite her to join us
in whatever we're doing.

Poa. Good idea, Kion.

Then Fuli will know
we're her friends.

Dinner is served.

Oh, they're slimy,
yet satisfying.


Mmm! The slime helps them
go down smooth!

Uh, thanks, but I'm not really hungry.

Of course. How rude of me.

How can you
dive into a meal

without a little dinner conversation?


So, how are things on
your end of the food chain?

Um... Good?
Good, good.

Oh, wow. You are so soft.

Do you know
how soft you are?

I, uh, don't really love
having my fur touched.

Pumbaa. Feel this fur.

You could drown
in fur like this.

Oh, oh, I wanna feel!


Cuddly! Oh.

Bunga, you try.
Uh, where'd he go?

Oh, I'm sure
he's around somewhere.

Right here! Check it out!

Open wide!


Look at me!
I'm immune! Whoo!


What ya doing, Fuli?

Saving your life.

But you heard Rafiki.

I'm immune.

I can't be hurt.

I could've stayed in that
croc's mouth all day.


Fine. Go get eaten
if you want to.

I'm out of here.

Bunga! Bubby!
Want some more bugs?

They're delicious.

Are they poisonous?
Of course not!

Where's the fun in that?



Fuli's all alone.

Hey, Fuli! Fuli!

Ono! What's up?

Is there trouble?

Oh. Uh, no.

Ono, I was hunting.

Hunting? That's perfect.

I was on my way to hunt
with the other egrets.

You should join us.

Okay. Nothing like
a good hunt.

And this is nothing
like a good hunt.

What? A good hunt?

Yeah, it's great.

Ugh, what are we
doing here, Ono?

Do egrets eat elephants?

No! We eat the bugs kicked up
by the elephants' feet.

Bugs? Again?

What is with
everyone eating bugs?

- Ugh.
- What's wrong, Fuli?

Why'd you stop?

Ono, I'm covered in mud!

Oh, that's not mud.
Come on!

Ugh. Gross.



Hey! I couldn't help but
notice you're all by yourself.


So, I thought you might
want to join me for a swim.

You can meet my
whole hippo pod.

It's okay. I'm not
a real fan of water.

It's not that bad
once you get used to it.

What do you say?

Well, maybe just my paws.

That's the way! Yeah!


Fuli? Fuli?

Okay. So I'm in the water.
Just like a hippo.

Well, uh,
how do you like it?

It's great.

Maybe we can do it again.

Some other time.

Uh, okay, Fuli.

Some other time.

But I gotta tell you,
being immune?

It's un-Bunga-lievable!

Nothing hurts! Not even
bouncing a porcupine on my head.

Wow. I guess
you can do that

with thick skin
like yours.

Pfft! Kion!

Skin has nothing
to do with it.

I'm immune!

98, 99...
There she is!


Ah. Sorry, guy.


- Hi, guys.
- Hey! Sorry about the gazelle.

But if you're up
for a hunt,

you could hunt with me
and my family.

With the Royal Family?

Yeah! Thanks, Kion.

Hakuna Matata!
You in, Bunga?

Nah, I'm gonna stay here
and enjoy bein' immune.

Okay. See you later.

Bye, Bunga.
Yeah, later.

Now, back to bouncing.

Huh-uh! 99 bounces
is enough for me.

Why don't you go
play in a volcano?

Play in a volcano?

That's a great idea!

No! It's a bad idea!
I was kidding!

Okay Kiara,
you lead the hunt.

You girls ready?

I'm ready if you are, Kiara.
You're our leader.

Can we just get this
over with?

Come on, Zuri. Focus.

Ooh, Kiara's gonna be so impressed
with how I hunt those gazelles.


Just wait till she sees
what a tracky tracker

and pouncy pouncer
I can be.

Yeah, that ought to
wow her.

Ooh, Queen Nala's looking.

Act all excited
and hunterish.


Ugh. Do I seriously
have to hunt with those two?

Tiifu and Zuri? Sure.

They're my sister's
best friends.

They're like family.

Ladies, follow me.

Who does she think she is?

Hunting right beside
the future queen.

Who cares?
Hunting is so overrated.

Let the cheetah
hunt for us.

Don't cheetahs
like to hunt alone?

Why is Fuli all like,

"Look at me,

"I'm Kiara's new bestie."

I don't even like gazelle.

Hyena food.


And stop!


Excellent tracking skills,
Kiara! Really fantastic.

Thanks, Mom.

But the gazelle got away!

Of course it did.

We're still training
for Kiara's first hunt.

Come on, girls.

Bye, Fuli!

Hold up.

You mean
I don't get to eat?

What's the point of hunting
if I don't get to eat?

You got to
hang out with us.

Isn't that better than
hunting alone?

When I hunt alone
I get to eat.

Except for today, when someone
in the Guard keeps stopping me!

What's going on with you guys?

We just thought you'd be
happier with company.

Do I look happier?

Not really.

I like being alone, Kion.

I enjoy it.
And you know what?

I've never wanted to be more
alone than I do right now!



♪ Zuka Zama,
I'm immune ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
zoom, zoom, zoom ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
I'm immune ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
zoom, zoom, zoom ♪

♪ Ta-ta-ta ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
I'm immune ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
zoom, zoom, zoom ♪


Up a little.
Oh, yeah, to the right.

Your other right,
fur brain.

Oh. Scritchy, scritchy...

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's the stuff.

Janja, Janja!

You're not gonna
believe this.

What are you lookin' at?

And it's being delivered.

♪ Zuka Zama,
I'm immune ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
Zoom, zoom, zoom ♪

Good thing I'm immune,

or this would be
a really bad idea.

Oh, that's warm.


I don't understand.
That stuff is hot.

Even I know
not to do that.


What's that honey badger
thinking, huh?

Who cares?

Our dinner
is cooking itself.

The Guard always
used to let me be by myself.

What's gotten into them?

♪ Don't know why
my friends don't understand ♪

♪ They can't deny
that I know who I am ♪

♪ I love the hunt
and the chase ♪

♪ The thrill of the race ♪

♪ Doin' it on my own ♪

♪ Nothin' wrong
with bein' alone ♪

♪ I thought my friends
already knew ♪

♪ To myself
I must be true ♪

♪ Be true, be true ♪

♪ I go my own way ♪

♪ My call, every single day ♪

♪ No matter what they say ♪

♪ Yeah, I go my own way ♪

♪ My way, my way,
my way ♪

♪ My way, my way,
my way ♪

♪ You can try to
run from me, yeah, go ♪

♪ But catch my eye
I'm faster than you know ♪

♪ Don't need to run
with the pack ♪

♪ I got my own back ♪

♪ My life is what I make it ♪

♪ And I know where to take it ♪

♪ I thought my friends
already knew ♪

♪ To myself
I must be true ♪

♪ Be true, be true ♪

♪ I go my own way ♪

♪ My call, every single day ♪

♪ No matter what they say ♪

♪ Yeah, I go my own way ♪

♪ My way, my way,
my way ♪

♪ My way, my way,
my way ♪

♪ I thought my friends
already knew ♪

♪ Bein' myself is what I do ♪

♪ I do, I do, I do ♪

♪ I go my own way ♪

♪ My call, every single day ♪

♪ No matter what they say ♪

♪ Yeah, I go my own way ♪

♪ My way, my way,
my way ♪

♪ My way, my way, my way ♪

♪ My way, my way,
my way ♪

♪ I go my own way ♪

Hey, guys,
have you seen Fuli?

Uh, not since I accidentally
knocked her into the lake.

She was kind of
upset after that.

She didn't seem happy
hunting with my flock either.

I asked her to hunt
with my family, too.

But it didn't go so well.

Maybe we shouldn't
have tried

to stop her
from being alone.

Yeah. She said she likes it.

Guess we were being
better friends

when we just let
Fuli be Fuli.

Hey! Let's find Fuli
and tell her

from now on,
we'll leave her alone!

Poa! Great idea!

Lead the way, Ono.

♪ Zuka Zama,
I'm immune ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
zoom, zoom, zoom ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
I'm immune ♪

♪ Zuka Zama,
zoom, zoom, zoom... ♪

Hello, morsel.

Move it, Janja!
See that volcano up there?

I'm gonna go play in it!

I don't think you get it.
We're going to eat you.

You couldn't eat me if you tried.

You know why?

'Cause I'm immune!

That's right!


Bunga? In the Outlands?

Oh. This can't be good.

- You're what?
- Immune.

- What's immune?
- I hope it's not contagious!

Stuff it, fur brains!
It doesn't matter.

Let's just eat him!


Again? You always jump in just
when things are getting fun.

- "Fun"?
- Whoa!

Come on, boys!
Follow that rock!

Why do we always
have to work for our food?

Ain't no such thing
as a free meal.

I take it back.
This is even more fun.


Hey, Timon was right.
You really are soft.

- Any sign of Fuli?
- Not yet!

Fuli and Bunga are in trouble!

We have to hurry!

Do you smell
something burning?

- Ow.
- I got it.

- That lava's hot.
- And it hurts!

Calm down. It's gone now.

But... But...
This means I'm not immune!


A little bit further and
they're ours for the eatin'.

Honey badger,
with a side of cheetah.

- Till the Pride Land's end...
- Lion Guard defend!

Are we glad to see you guys!

Yeah! You won't believe it,
but I'm not immune to lava!

- Or fire!
- I believe it.

Beshte! The dead tree!

You got it, Kion.

Twende Kiboko!

Aw, there goes dinner.

Oh, they're not gone yet.
After them!


Can't catch me!

Mmm! Something
smells delicious!

That's us, fur brains!

Get off me!

Thanks, guys.

I don't know what we would
have done without you.

We're the Lion Guard.

We come through for each other.

Uh, Bunga? You can get
off me now. We're safe.

Yeah, I know.
You're just so soft.

On the outside, at least.

Hey, anyone else want to
cool off at the watering hole?

- For sure!
- I'm in!

Let's go!

But if you'd rather be alone,
Fuli, that's okay too.

Thanks, Kion.
I do like being alone,

especially when I'm hunting.

But I really like hanging out
with you guys, too.

- You do?
- Well, yeah.

It's like you're my...
my family.

That's a beautiful thing
to say, Fuli.

Uh, you all want
a hug, don't you?

All right.
This once.


- Yeah, you too.
- Hmm.

You were right, Little B!

- She is really soft.
- Told you.