The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1955–1961): Season 2, Episode 24 - Command Performance - full transcript

Buffalo Bill Cody and Ned Buntline bring a German Prince through Dodge City. They ask Earp to help fake a robbery to provide excitement for the Prince. He agrees but three outlaws unwittingly turn the incident into a real kidnapping.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Runaway stagecoach right behind me!

Clear the street!

Run for cover!

Runaway stagecoach!

Coming this way! Runaway stagecoach!

Clear the street! Runaway stagecoach!

Hey! Wyatt!

♪ Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous, and bold ♪

♪Long live his fame and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story be told ♪

The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp...

Runaway stagecoach!

Run for cover!

Stagecoach runaway!

Ho! Ho!

Wyatt, don't go!


Hey! Hey!

Ho. Everybody all right?

Yeah, yeah. That was completely magnificent.

Well, howdy, Wyatt. You didn't let us down.

Bill Cody. Yeah.

Well, I'd be.

Hey, what's the idea?


You suspect me of something, Wyatt?

Now, you don't expect me to believe

that this was a real runaway, do you?

You had these in your hand all the time.

Wyatt, I was trying to stop them.

I did my best, but they're mighty spirited animals.

Now, you listen to me.

Even though you're a good friend of mine,

and even though everybody loves Buffalo Bill,

you got no right to endanger the lives of...

Well, Marshal, we meet again.

How are you, Wyatt?

Mr. Buntline. Well, Mr. Ned Buntline.

So you're in on this, too, huh?

Yeah, I'll explain about it later.

Uh, come on down, Prince.

Come down here

and meet the finest Marshal in the entire west.

Your... your highness.

May I present my very good friend Marshal Wyatt Earp

of Dodge City, Kansas?

I'm honored, Marshal.

How do you do?

Marshal, you have just shaken hands

with his highness prince Carl Otto Maximilian Francis Wilhelm

of Schleswig-Holstein.

That's in Germany.


Thank you, Marshal, for saving my life.

I'm happy to know you, Prince,

but as far as saving your life is concerned, I...

Oh, and the Marshal is a very shy man,

shy and modest at all times.

Marshal, the United States government

will also be most grateful to you.

Yes because the Prince is traveling all through the West

as a guest of the United States government

with Mr. Cody and myself as personal guides.

Oh. Well, I'm beginning to understand now, Mr. Buntline.

I knew you would, Mr. Earp.

Marshal, I have heard that your town of Dodge City


How should I say?

Uh, uh, wild, I think.

Wild and that you are always busy shooting bad men.

Well, it's not quite as bad as that, prince,

especially since I have the Buntline Special...

Oh, that's a gun that Mr. Buntline gave me.

Now, you see how modest he is?

Now, Wyatt, what do you say we get his highness fixed up

with a hotel room,

and then you and Mr. Buntline and myself

can spend a little time talking together

while the prince rests up

for one of Dodge City's wild and woolly Saturday nights.

Good, I'd like to talk to you, too,

about several things.

Well, here we go, your highness.

Up we go.

What I should really do is charge you both

for disturbing the peace,

endangering the life and limb of the citizens

to say nothing of what...

Oh, now, now, Marshal.

You know that neither Bill nor I would do anything

to injure innocent people.

I had control of them horses every foot of the way, Wyatt.

Yeah, and didn't we send a rider well ahead

to warn everybody off the street?

Of course, we didn't figure

on you being so handy, though.

That was a real bonus, Wyatt,

you stopping that runaway like you did.

Of course, it wasn't a real runaway,

but then you didn't know that.

And that's another charge...

Endangering the life of a peace officer unnecessarily.

I could've busted my neck.

Oh, I'd... I'd just hate to see that, Wyatt.

Oh, that would've been terrible.

Of course, we would've sent you flowers,

would we, Ned?

Of course.

All right, you clowns,

I'm not going to throw you in jail this time, but so help me,

the next time you try anything else like that while you're here,

I'm not only going to throw you in jail,

but I'm going to throw the key away.

Marshal, that's what we want to talk to you about.

You see, with your help,

we want to stage a fake gun fight.

Absolutely not.

Now, now, now, we brought blank cartridges.

Nobody can get hurt,

particularly if you're there...


Now, look, Wyatt.

We promised that prince

a look at some real western wickedness.

I don't care what you promised him.

It's hard enough to keep peace here

without inventing that kind of excitement.

No, sir. The prince needs excitement that bad,

you're just going to have to take him some place else.

I'm sorry, gentlemen.

Ned is about to have an idea. I can tell.

Marshal, I have the solution,

but we will need your help.

Now, look, my job here is to...

You have no objection if we stage our little drama

outside the city limits, have you?

It depends.

Yeah... now, just listen to this.

Tomorrow I'll suggest to the prince

that he and I take a ride on our stage to Deadwood.

Now, about an hour out of town,

two masked desperados stop us.

They rob us of our money,

they wave their guns right under our noses,

and then at the right time

you and Bill come to the rescue.

The desperados try to get away,

but after a thrilling chase, you capture them.

You retrieve our money,

you throw the culprits into jail.

Now, how does that sound?

That sounds real good. That sounds real good.

There's nothing wrong with that as far as I can see.

There's just one problem. Where are you going to get the holdup men?

You've got four or five deputies.

You pick two of them,

and we'll pay them well for their acting.

Look, Mr. Buntline,

I'm grateful to you

for this fine gun you gave me last year,

and for knowing you,

but, well...

Oh, come on now, Wyatt. Now, marshal.

You've got to be a good sport about this.

Absolutely nobody can get hurt.

All we got to do is get the time and the place...

For you, nothing.

And a bullet for you.

You get no help.

Cody, a pair of fives.

And for me.

Pair of fives is high.

I thought poker was an American game.

You see, his highness and I have spent a good deal of time together.

I'll be 20, prince.

I don't believe that you've got that other queen.

It's costing you to find out, Herr Cody,

so I'll see you and I'll bump you zwanzig.

Hm, well, can't quit now. See you.

Oh, queens.

Beth, Beth, drinks for all my friends, please.

And this is for you, Fraulein.

You bring me luck.

All right, somebody deal! Deal!

Don't be a bad sport.

Let's play the game if we're going to play.

That's a mighty valuable piece of merchandise

sitting in that chair over there.

I know what you're thinking,

and it's too risky.

Doesn't need to be.

Do you realize how much ransom money

the government would pay if we happen to...

Oh, no.

We'd have every United States marshal in the country after us,

and probably the army, too.

He's never alone anyway.

Cody and the other fella

never let him out of their sight.

Yeah and what about Earp?

He hadn't left him all night.

The Marshal's generally on duty till 4:00 in the morning.

Then he sleeps till noon.

That gives us eight hours we don't have to worry about him.

Now, the other two... they're not going to cause us much trouble.

I'll go along with you if we just lift that poke he's carrying,

but no kidnapping.

Yeah, and that goes for me, too.

You know, between him and the others,

there should be quite a bit of cash.

Well, maybe you boys are right,

but just the same,

one of us are going to keep an eye on him from now on.

Three deuces.

I have completely good luck. Eh, Marshal?

You're a good player, your highness.

You must've had a fine teacher.

Oh, yeah, and I bet Buntline get a cut of his winnings, too.

I beg your pardon. Yeah. Yeah.

He's still winning.

I wish him luck.

He's better than sitting bull.

Very funny.

Come on, let's play. Let's play.

Well, there they go.

You give him a half an hour and then start.

If you take the hill trail, you'd be at the road fork

about the same time they will.

Wyatt, how do I look?

Very dangerous.

Come on.

Are you sure just the two of them got on that stagecoach?

That's right.

Neither one of them had a gun that I could see.

There it is.

Of course what you're seeing isn't as bad now as it used to be, you know,

but I tell you there was a time when hardly a day passed

without a robbery.

All of them... oh, yes, all of them right around here in this area.

That's the truth.

For instance, now, here.


Yes, your highness, on this very road,

I venture to say

that more than a million dollars

has changed hands.


The blood of many a good man and the bad ones

mingled in this dust.

All right, boys, get ready.

Wait a minute.

I knew I should've brought my gun.

What do we do now?

We don't do anything.

These are very desperate men.

Just be calm and act natural

if you can.

One false move, you get it between the eyes.

You keep 'em covered, Jesse.

I'll get the loot.

Called him Jesse... shh, shh, shh.

Here, put your money in there.

Come on, do as they say.

Don't hesitate.

Looks like somebody had the same idea we did.

Well, it's only two of them.

Maybe we just better forget the whole thing.

No, let's stick around and see the fun.

Don't try and follow us. You'll be in trouble.

Look, Jesse. Someone's coming.

Marshal Wyatt Earp,

Buffalo Bill Cody.

Let's get out of here.

Marshal Earp! Marshal Earp!

Marshal Earp!

Marshal Earp, they go that way.

That takes care of that.

Now, now, let's wait a minute.

No point trying to Rob them now. Their money's gone.

I'm going to do what I wanted to do in the first place.

Are you two with me? Now, hold on.

Come on if you're with me. If not, turn around and ride back.

You think we convinced them?

I think so.

Sure we did. Did you hear what he said?

"They go that way."

Hey, you better give us your guns.

You're our prisoners now. Remember.


There you are, Wyatt.

He's gone, Wyatt.

You think this is another one of Buntline's tricks?

I don't think so, Wyatt.

That prince is pretty valuable property.

Still ned might've ridden off with him just to worry us.

Hold this.

Come here.

Three horses came in from that direction.

Five horses road off that way.

This another one of your schemes, bill?

Did you and Buntline hire somebody to fake a kidnapping or something?

If you did, I'm warning you...

So help me, Wyatt, I didn't know anything about this.

All right, let's trail them.

Give them back their guns. You may need them.

Come on, let's go.

All right, get them off the horses.

It's a very convincing performance, young man.

Who thought of this, the marshal?

Oh, sure. Get in there.

You can't treat Mr. Buntline...

Oh, no?

Hey, this is no joke.

Oh, shut up. Get in there.

If you harm that boy... don't you touch him.

I hold you responsible for that boy.

Get him in there. I'll put the horses away, boys.

It's impossible to tell whether they came through here or not.

You ever been here before?

No, sir.

This isn't the right trail. I can tell you that.

It dead ends in about 50 feet.

All right, let's try it around the other way.

Let me hear the note now.

What did you say?

Well, here it is.

"The prince is alive and unharmed.

"If you want him to stay that way,

it'll cost you $50,000 in gold."

How's that?

So far it sounds fine.

Now we've got to figure out where they leave the money

and how we get it without being caught.

That's fairly simple.

All you've got to do is exchange a note

telling where to find the prince, for the gold.

Now, let me see. How are we going to do that?

What about that other one?

It was a mistake bringing him along in the first place.

It wasn't a mistake.

Maybe he can carry the note for us.

Yeah, maybe.

Somebody's on the trail.

You see them? No.

Well, let's nail them before they get close.

You take the side of the shack.

Come with me, mack.

You all right?

Yeah, looks like we came the right way.

Hal, Sam.

It's not bad. You lay here.

Come on.

Wait. You stay here.

I think I can beat this.

I missed mine. Did you get yours?

I don't think so,

but we got them respectful, though.

All right, marshal, you can still see the prince is alive,

and if you want to keep him like that,

come in with your hands up, all of you.

Can't get a good shot at him.

Where are the other two. Do you know?

I don't know.

I'll try to draw the fire.

Neither of them can shoot for sour apples.

You try to keep me covered.

Wait a minute, bill.

All right, for the last time I'm telling you,

come in with your hands up.

You rascals have killed my friend Wyatt Earp,

and you're going to pay for that!

There he is!

Get him! Without Earp, we ain't got no problem.

Marshal... stay back!

Untie him.

Now, bill! Now!

Hold it.

You all right, Mr. Buntline?

Sure, Wyatt. Wyatt, we thought you were shot.

We heard Cody say they'd killed you.

Buffalo bill's a pretty good showman thanks to you.

It was a trick, and it worked,

but I'm finished with tricks, and you know the kind I mean.

Yeah, I sure do, Wyatt. I sure do.

Thank you, marshal.

That's all right, prince.

Now, come on. Let's get out of here.

There's some wounded men outside.

Come on, get up!

Thanks. Let's go.

Oh, gosh, my foot's asleep.

As a crown prince of schleswig-holstein,

I hereby decorate you

with the highest award for bravery

my country can bestow...

The royal order of.

Uh, thank you, your highness.

I'm glad we were able to help.

Marshal, I... words fail me.

Well, Mr. Buntline, not for long,

I am sure.

No, the world will hear of this in my next novel,

the further adventures of Wyatt Earp.

Wyatt, you're all right. I'm going to miss you.

Thanks, bill. You're all right yourself.

You come back, but next time, no tricks.

Oh, absolutely not.

Well, we're off to Wichita,

if your highness pleases.

I do. Good-bye, marshal.

Good-bye, your highness.

Off to Wichita.

You remember Wichita, huh?

Oh, I never forget that...

You keep your decoration polished, Wyatt.

I'll do that. You drive carefully, now.

Well, boys, what do you think about the west?

You think it's wild enough?

Yeah, I think so, Wyatt.

So do I,

and I'll tell you something.

If I ever agree to another scheme like we got involved in yesterday,

you got my permission to put me in my own jail

and throw the keys away.



So long, Wyatt!

Good-bye, Wyatt! Thanks for everything.

You know, Wyatt?

I can't wait to read about your latest experiences

in ned Buntline's magazine.

Neither can I.

You can bet your bottom dollar

it won't be anything like what really happened.

No, sir, it'll be a real thriller.

♪ Well, he cleaned up the country ♪

♪ The old Wild West country ♪

♪ he made law and order prevail ♪

♪ And none can deny it ♪

♪ The legend of Wyatt ♪

♪ Forever will live on the trail ♪

♪ Oh, Wyatt Earp, Wyatt Earp ♪

♪ Brave, courageous and bold ♪

♪ Long live his fame and long live his glory ♪

♪ And long may his story be told ♪

♪ Long may his story ♪

♪ Be told ♪