The Legend of Hanuman (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 7 - Son Of The Demon - full transcript

Hanuman faces Ravan's elite Kinkara warriors. Prince Akshaykumar struggles to make his father proud.

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For untold generations,

the gods have considered themselves
superior to the rakshasas.

When the rakshas forces marched
across the three realms,

the gods forged an alliance
with the humans.

The mortals sent an army larger than any
that had walked upon the Earth before.

The demon Lord sent
just ten of his best warriors.

The kinkara.

An army of ten rakshasas
against an army of 50,000.

An unfair fight.

For the humans.

Warriors win battles.

Unlike the mortals and the gods,
the kinkara never waiver,

never know fear, never retreat.

Unrelenting, unstoppable.

They are the greatest of rakshasas.

Only death will free them from
their sacred oath to their master.

And pity those who foolishly stand
in their way.

They must surely see this from the palace.
Perhaps another tree or two would...

Hanuman, enough! Go back to Lord Ram!
There's still time to save yourself!

Don't worry, Princess Sita.

The fun has only just begun.

Save us, Master! Save us!

Why are you here? Did I not order you
to attend to Princess Sita?

My Lord, it is the Princess
who is the source of this!

A creature has broken into Ashok Vana
and has set it ablaze!

Look, sire! Look!
See what it has done!

If anything happens to Sita...

Unharmed, my Lord. I swear it!
The creature is her servant. A monkey!

What did you say? A monkey?

A monkey did all of this?
Do you take me for a fool?

No, sire. Never.

The vaanar is powerful, dangerous.
It has come to steal her.

Summon the kinkara.

How many battalions?

All of them.
Unleash them all on this vaanar.

But not one hair on the head
of Princess Sita must be harmed.

Do you understand?

It's time for you to leave, Princess.
Find somewhere safe.

Be careful, Hanuman.


Who are you?

I am Hanuman of the vaanars,

minister of King Sugreev
and messenger of Prince Ram of Ayodhya.

Messenger? What message
do you have for our king?

Just that the destruction of all
he holds dear is at hand.

You think you can destroy our king?

Me? No, not me.

But another who comes soon.
He will be Ravan's doom.

What you see tonight is just the start
of the doom that is coming.

You are either arrogant
or a fool.

You threaten the conqueror
of all three realms

in his own kingdom.

On my command!

As commanded!

Destroy this monkey!

Insolent beast!
You think you can defeat us?

Hanuman, you've pulled
on the tiger's tail.

Be careful you're not devoured
when it's angered.

We must find shelter
from the chaos, Princess.

Trijata, please go to him!

Warn him again to leave now!
Ravan will not rest until he is destroyed.

I'm not leaving you all alone.

All right. Then I will go myself.

Don't stop!
Get back in the battle.

The vaanar has decimated our forces.
He is too strong.

It is folly to continue.
We will all be killed.

Go then. But I will not stop.
My duty comes before my life.

It's time to sound the retreat!

My King! My King!
I have a report from the battle.

The retreat? It is the first time
I have heard it come from the kinkara.

It has never been sounded
until today.

The kinkara were slaughtered.

A few survivors have fled.

Survivors? You mean cowards.

Be sure to execute them all.

It shall be as you command, sire.

You, servant.

Get my armour and my weapons.

As you command, my...

I will deal with this vaanar, Father.

I am ready.

No, Akshay.

I will fight this intruder.

You will have many chances
for glory ahead of you.

A king should be the first
to defend his kingdom,

not the last.

Don't snatch this opportunity
from me, Father!

I must face him. How can I earn
the respect of our people otherwise?

So they can look at me and say,

"There goes the true son of
Mahabali Ravan, his son, Akshay!"

That day will be here soon, my son.
But Sita cannot be taken from me.

I will not let that happen.

I know what she means to you.
I finally understand you.


You are the conqueror
of the three realms, Father.

An arrogant woman
will not be your undoing.

Then go with my blessing.

Destroy this intruder.
I await your triumphant return.

Akshay! Akshay!

You... are dressed for war, son.

I go to battle, Mother.

But why you?
Ravan has a million other warriors.

Why must you be the one
to go to battle?

I asked to do this.

It's time I become the son
my father wants me to be.

But this is not what you want, Akshay.
You're a scholar, not a warrior.

Lay down your weapons
and stay here with me.

A prince cannot hide
behind his mother forever.

Hanuman? Are you here?

Why are you here?
You should be protecting Princess Sita.

Wait! First, let me catch my breath.

The princess has sent me

to tell you to leave Lanka now.

You tested yourself against the kinkara.
Isn't that enough? Leave!

I should be exhausted
and yet the more I fight,

the more power surges through me.

Father, thank you
for your endless gift.

Did I just see
what I think I saw,

or have I lost it?

A god
and yet you called him father.

What are you, Hanuman?

Prince Ram's servant.

Then do your Lord this service.

Take heed of Princess Sita's warning,
Hanuman. Leave now. Leave before...

Before what exactly?

Not what, but who.

I saw Prince Akshay's chariot
leave the palace to head here.

Prince Akshay is a kind soul.
He was not made for battle.

Show him mercy.

I saw the prince.
He is not like his father.

All right.

I have done what I was aiming to do here.
Tell the Princess that I shall go.

You are not going to go anywhere,

Not until you face justice
for what you have done here today.

Trijata, hurry back to the Princess.
Do not leave her side again!

I'll go at once.

This is no place for you,
old woman.

You should be more careful.

Head to the palace.
You'll be safer there.

Come with me, my Prince.
You should not face the vaanar...

Soldier, escort Lady Trijata
back to the palace.

Please listen...

Prince Akshay,
I do not wish to fight you today.

You have been willing to fight
everyone else.

Why do I deserve such kindness?

Because the only injustice here
is the one done by your father.

You are not him,

and you are not my enemy.

I have heard many tales
about the man your father was

before he went down this dark path.

Of his greatness, his nobility,
the heights of his honour.

These things I see in you,
Prince Akshay.

In all of Lanka, you alone
are the vessel of dharm,

Do not let it be poisoned
by this crime.

What does a vaanar know of dharm?

I have been guided along its path

by one who is the very embodiment
of righteousness.

It is the same path
I know you also tread.

I was there at Ravan's court.
You did not see me, but I was there.

I saw your true face, Prince.
I also saw the love Ravan has for you.

You can still save him.
He may still listen to you.

Tell him to release Princess Sita
and live the rest of his life in peace.

Turn away and return to the palace,
good Prince. Do not aspire to be like him.

Ravan should aspire to be like you.

You surprise me, vaanar.

You are a harbinger of such destruction,
yet there is wisdom in your words.

What you say may be true
and, yet, there is a greater truth.

Greater truth?

This truth.

I am still my father's son!

Do not force me to do this, Akshay.
There's still time. Turn away!

Where is Ravan?

Why won't he go out there
and save our son?

My Queen,

he will not dishonour his son

by intervening
and robbing him of his glory.

The prince insisted.

Dishonour? Glory? He is my son.

Ravan's glory
will be the end of us all. Akshay!


I must say you're more skilled
than anyone I've ever faced.

You have marked me three times,
something no one has ever done.

No one can doubt the honour
you have brought upon yourself.

So, now stop fighting and go back.

The fight will end
until one of us perishes.

So be it.

I cannot surrender to you.
My father... Father...

There is no dishonour
in yielding a fight, Akshay.

But, my father...

Would be proud to know how bravely
and honourably his son fought.

No father could ask
for a better son.

The son of Mahabali Ravan,
Mahabali Akshay.

Mahabali Ravan.

Mahabali Akshay.


I share your pain
in this moment, brother.

As do I.

Only we know
just what we have lost today.

Akshay was the best of us.

Tell me, Father.
What would you have me do?

Akshay was my heart.

But you, Indrajit, you are my fist.

Cut him down. Slay him.
Show him no mercy.

Understand me?

I understand perfectly, Father.