The Last Kingdom (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Episode #1.6 - full transcript

Uhtred and Leofric lead a raiding party to Cornwall, on a mission for wealth and independence. The party becomes mercenaries for a Cornish King and Uhtred attracts the attention of a ...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
My name is Uhtred, son of Uhtred,

born a Saxon, but raised as a Dane.

I now serve King Alfred of Wessex.

I have married a pious wife
for Alfred.

I have taken on land,

burdened with debt

and cheating workers.

And I killed
the mighty sword-Dane, Ubba.


But with Odda the Elder
wounded in battle,

his son took the credit for my kill.
The truth was ignored

I fought Ubba man on man
and I killed him.

and I was forced to my knees
before Alfred's God.

I will lead, but you owe me.

You must lay flat and kiss the cross.

Kiss my arse.

Fate is testing me, but I will survive.

- Uhtred!

Destiny is all.

Certain you want to do this, arseling?

Is there a law against it?

Dressing up as Danes? No.

Plundering Cornwalum, yes.

We're supposed to be at peace.

If I'm to reclaim Bebbanburg,
I'll need an army.

If I am ever to raise an army,
I'll need silver. We go.

I have no quarrel.

Will Odda not miss you?

I'm doing as he asks,
I'm watching you.

He's building Alfred a church at Cynuit,
have you heard?

With an altar of gold, they say.

- Who are they?
- (UHTRED) They belong to Oswald.

Their mother sends them
hoping to shame me

for killing their lying, thieving father.


I see her plan is working.

They're not the first to lose a parent.

They'll live.


Food is good, Mildrith.

Thank you.

I'm pleased you like it.

I was beginning to believe
you had lost your tongue, wife.

- I was worried.
- I doubt it.

She grieves for the thief.

- Not my business.
- He kills a man I have known all my life.

He refuses to pay wergild
to a family I have known all my life,

and the village my father helped build
now call him Uhtred the Godless.

Not forgetting I refuse to have
my son baptised a Christian.

- I'll excuse myself.
- Sit, please.

- None of this is my business.
- I'll stop.


- Tomorrow I'll be gone.
- Gone?

(UHTRED) Should anyone ask,
we're keeping Alfred's kingdom safe.

- Again.
- For how long will you be gone?

- And gone where?
- No idea how long.

- Weeks.
- Your place is here.

Oswald's wife's gone to Bishop Alewold.
The bishop will go to Alfred,

- Alfred will send men
- I won't pay.

And if men do come calling,
that's what you will tell them.

He was killed because he was a thief.
That's my law.

Leave me and I'll go directly to
the church and have our son blessed.

Then he won't be my son.

May God forgive you
for saying such a thing.

- Which God?
- What has happened to you?

What has happened to the kindness,
the love you've shown me?

I was made to crawl.

Yes, before God.
We all fall to our knees before God.

I won't forget what Alfred did in the
name of his God. I reject that God.

I will excuse myself.


Are you there still?

The man I cared for?

Are you there still,
the woman I ached to plough?

Progress has been made daily, lord.

You must come to Cynuit
and inspect the building work.

Oh, I Will, I Will.

I would like that.

It's impressive enough even now.


We have the nave here,

the transept's thus,
and then into the chancel.

With its already famous altar
of solid gold?

It will be gilding, no more, lord.

But you know how tongues wag.
With your permission,

- I'd like to place the altar here.
- Why need my permission?

It's on the exact spot
where Ubba Lothbrokson's buried.

You wish God's altar to be built
over the buried remains of a pagan?

Oh, no, lord. With your permission
we will exhume the remains

and, I don't know,
have them thrown into the river.

You'll exhume the remains

and have them buried elsewhere,
unmarked, but with respect.

It was a joke, lord. A poor joke.

We must do nothing
to endanger peace.

With respect, lord, I am not the fool
my father at times made me out to be.

Father Beocca, you wish to see me?

- A letter, lord, from Bishop Alewold.
- Private or business?

A matter of law, I was told.

Then read it.
Let Odda's active mind rest.

Can you not read the writing,

It concerns the Ealdorman Uhtred.

He has slain a farmworker

and is refusing to pay the monies
owed to the family,

the wergild.

Would you like me
to investigate further, lord?


No, it is not your place.

Odda, investigate the rights and
wrongs of the matter on my behalf.

I only hope for the sake of Uhtred's
wife, the killing was justified.

Uhtred has always been fair-minded.
I'm sure there are mitigations.

Mm. We shall see.

In the meantime, Odda,
do your best, keep the peace.

Yes, lord.

Father Beocca.

The letter.

You might do well
to examine your loyalties, Father.

My loyalties are to God and to the king,
in that order.

Lord, are you suggesting I'm wrong?

I'm suggesting nothing of the sort.

But I am watching you.

And God is watching all of us.



(UHTRED) I'll find the wealth
to pay off the debt.

We want the same thing,
the land of our birth.

Yours won't be taken from you.


- Are you no longer the ealdorman?
- I'll never be accepted as an ealdorman.

- Not here.
- Then I beg you for one last time,

change your ways, Uhtred.

If you allow God into your heart,
he will guide you.

I can never become the man
you want me to be.

- You could try.
- I would despise that man.

(LEOFRIC) Arseling!

(BABY coolNG)

I have loved you.

Don't pray for me.

Did you hump her goodbye,

I want to have left Wessex
by tonight.

(LEOFRIC) You're gonna have to ride
faster than that, arseling.

Hyam Hyam

No one is to wear these
till we have crossed into Cornwalum.

What you can do is polish them,

so that when you do wear them,
they will be seen, clearly.

And you'll be feared.

You're going to find out
what it's like to be a Dane.

Every man stand where he is.
No one move.

You! Stay where you are.

Do I know you?

Lower your hood.

I said, lower your hood.



I merely want to come with you.

To be part of your adventure.

I wanted it to be a surprise.

He cannot be here.
He cannot hold his tongue.

- I say we kill him.
- Kill me? (CHUCKLES)

You can't kill me.
I'm the rightful king, you fool.

- Not here. Leofric!
- Then I will drag him into Cornwaluml

- Not now!
- You can't.

Uhtred, you owe me a favour,
I call it in now.

If Alfred hears of Christians
raiding Cornwalum, we'll be killed.

He guarantees that outcome.

Leofric, I am a changed man.
I swear.

We kill him. He will not be missed.

We take him with us.

I owe him. He's my responsibility.

- He has my protection.
- And who will protect the rest of us?

I've never seen him so angry.

- You'll clean mail, tend to the horses.
- Anything.

You'll wipe our arses if I say so.

Of course.

And I'm gathering the moss
and dock leaves as you speak, lord.

What do you know of Cornwalum?

That it's not Wessex.

The Wessex-Cornwalum border
is this river,

-the Tamar river.
- Which is why we are camped here.

It flows north to south

and Cornwalum itself
has a coastline shaped like a leg.

- They are traders?
- Yes.

On the north coast
to the Welsh kingdoms and Ireland.

And on the south to the Franks.

- How do you know this?
- I'm an educated man, Leofric.

I simply enjoy hiding the fact.

You do it well.

- Do they have a king?
- More than one.

- Fierce fighters?
- Have no fear, Leofric,

we are Danes.

I want to be blooded, in battle.

(CHUCKLES) Don't worry, boy,

you'll be first in line.

I look forward to it.

(WOMAN) Good day, lord.

Tell your master Ealdorman Odda
is here, with Bishop Alewold.

(WOMAN) Yes, lord.

(YOUNG-ER) Quickly.


It's not the most desirable farmstead
I've seen.

Ealdorman Odda, Bishop Alewold,
a pleasant surprise.

May I offer a refreshment?

We are here in the king's business.

'Tis with your husband.

- Is he here?
- He is not.

Can he be fetched, my dear?

All cruciixes and crosses.

You are God-fearing Christians
no more.

You are Danes now.


You don't cross yourself
nor look to the heavens.


Let's make ourselves rich!

(MEN) Yeah!

My husband is protecting our kingdom.

From whom? We're at peace.

He only said
he was doing Alfred's work.

He doesn't trust the Danes.

He thinks he knows better
than the king.

Your man, Leofric,
will give you detail.

- Yes.
- (ALEWOLD) Odda.

It's not the child's fault
that she was married off to a tyrant

- and a fool.
- (ODDA) No.

Of course not.

Mildrith, it is with great reluctance

that I must serve you with this letter.

For your husband, upon his return.
He must settle the wergild

for Oswald's death
or face confiscation of his property.

Which is also my property.

If you're in need, my father's house
will always be your house.

How is Lord Odda faring?

- Well, I hope.
- Frail.

He's still very frail.

The blow would have killed
many a man.

(ALEWOLD) Take consolation, lady,

that should your land be confiscated,
it is the church that'll benefit.




No! No, no, no, please don't!

Where is it buried?
Where's the silver?

Where is it?

(UHTRED) These people have nothing.

(MAN) Please.

Five days and nothing.

There is time yet.

We're not the first Danes they've seen.
I need silver.

- We keep looking.
- What if the whole of Cornwalum

- has been sacked already?
- We keep looking.

We keep heading west.


Do they want to speak?

Five men, to match theirs.

And only I speak.


I heard.

Only the Great Uhtred speaks.

I am Brother Asser.

I bring you a gift, from my king.

From King Peredur.

King who?

King Peredur.

Of the Britons.

Never heard of him.

I assure you
my king has heard of you.

A troop of Danes raiding villages
in Cornwalum does not go unnoticed.

Why does Peredur send me
these miserable offerings?

A gesture of peace, a token.

Our king has been attacked by
a fellow Briton and neighbour, Cailyn,

whose forces have seized
the fort guarding our land.

I am sent to tell you
Peredur will pay you well

to help him recapture this fort.

Pay us well? How much?

I do not know the sum,
but I am sure he will be generous.

He has silver?

He is a king.


UP- UP, up!

Winchester it is not.

Alfred he is not.

The king greets you.

He does?

- I hear nothing.
- You are pagans.

The king is Christian, and will
only speak with you through me.

If you would come forward
and pay your respects.

Please inform the king
Danes don't bow to Christians.

This fort you want us to recapture,
it's defended by how many Britons?

And what price will you pay?

It would be much simpler

- if the king addressed me directly.
- (LEOFRIC) Easy.

They have between 40 and 50 men.

No more than 50.

We are 30 fighting men.

And we are 20.

How much in silver?

One hundred pieces of silver.

I won't bargain. I'll tell you the price.

- Four hundred pieces of silver.
- An absurd sum.

Is Peredur a king or not?

I will call for Queen Iseult.

Lord, perhaps instead,
you should take a moment and pray

-for guidance
- Iseultl

You are needed.

I am blessed with two wives,
two queens.

Iseult is a shadow queen.

You know what I require of you,
of course you do.

Who are you...

..and what will you do for the king?

I am Uhtred Ragnarson.

I'm here to fight for your king

if he pays me what I'm worth.

He is the one.

You're fortunate to have such a wife.

She is not to hump.

She's too valuable.

Four hundred (SIGHS) pieces of silver.


- (UHTRED) I'll see it.
- You'll see it once the fort is taken.

- No, I'll see it now.
- All of my wealth is hidden

within the fort.

Then your enemy has it.

Well hidden.

You have your price,
you have my terms.

I know you'll accept.

I know you can smell the silver.

Danes. Hm?

You have a nose
for blood and silver.

And women.

And so I will add to the price
my queen.

This queen. (LAUGHS)

If we win back the fort and you're
lying about the silver, I'll kill you.

Which is why I do not lie.

Call the men up. We stay here.

I'll dream about that shadow queen.

(LEOFRIC) You told her your name,

and word travels.

(ASSER) Uhtred Ragnarson.

I notice that you have some Saxons
amongst your ranks.

Some. From Mercia.

Rather fight than work in the fields.
Pay is better.

He'd like to attack
at the earliest opportunity.

He won't feed you more than a night.

How Christian of him.

He would like to be a man of God,

but as you have witnessed,
he cannot let go of his pagan ways.

The Queen Iseult.

She is a gwrach.

A Sorceress.

And what are her powers?

Peredur believes
she can see into the future.

For as long as she remains a virgin.

- What do you believe?
- I know the devil exists.

Hiding within beauty is a trick
he will use often, I'm sure.

Tell the king to have his men ready.

Peredur, any in the fort
who try to escape are yours, yes?

You will do your part, Dane,
I will do mine.

Walk on. Advance.

(LEOFRIC) Let's scare the shit
out of these bastard Britons,

see if they have the stomach for this.


We hold here.

Why would they leave a fortress
to face us?

Aethelwold. Advance.

Go on the ridge, see why
they're prepared to leave the fortress.

On my own?

You wanted to be first in line.


What do you see?

They are Danes!

Real Danes!

Stand still! Hold!

(PEREDUR) What are you waiting for?

- (UHTRED) They're Danes!
- What do you care?

You people will fight anyone for money,
even yourselves.

- You lied to me.
- Think of the silver.

The queen has seen your victory,
so fight!


He's a sword-Dane. A lord of war.

If the lord of war wants to talk,

may l suggest we listen.

Name yourself.

I'm Uhtred Ragnarson.

Who are you?

Skorpa, of The White Horse.

You are the Uhtred Ragnarson
who was at Cynuit?

- I am.
- The Saxon son of Earl Ragnar?


You will not defeat me.

You know this.

Perhaps not,
but I could kill half your men trying.



Yes, you could.

Then it would be best for us both
if you did not try.

Lord. Lord, I fear what will happen
if they are allowed to speak.

Then go to them,
listen to what they're saying.

My presence, lord, would serve only
to antagonize the Dane.

Uhtred Ragnarson!

What is happening here?

They must leave my kingdom or die!

Bastard Danes.

The queen saw victory.

I pray, lord.

What is your battle price?

(UHTRED) Silver.

That he says is hidden
in the fortress.



No, we have ripped the fortress apart.
We found nothing.

He must have something.

- Somewhere.
- (PEREDUR) Uhtred Ragnarson!

Whatever he has,

I say we split.

Half and half.

We kill his men,

we spare the king,

he takes us to his wealth.

Half and half?

I will advance, you will turn

and we will attack together.

Now, this is for the benefit
of the king.

- You bastard piece of rassragr!

I'll destroy you!

Be ready! We kill them all.

Every last one of them dies!

Tell the men we are with the Danes.

At the ready!

- You trust this Skorpa?
- We have no choice but to trust him.


Now turn!

To the death!

You bastard Danes! You'll cry
for your stinking whore mothers!




You lying, thieving, bastard Danes.

I could kill at least one more of you.

It is over.

Your wealth.

- My wealth for my life?
- Your wealth and your shadow queen.

Useless bitch.

She saw victory.

(SKORPA) Where is the silver?

If I tell you, you'll kill me,
and I would rather you remained poor.

You have my word,

as a warlord,

you will be spared.

Where is the silver?


or you will die.

It is buried.

In the hall,

beneath my throne.

I'll need a small amount myse



Do we split her too?
You have the tits, I'll have the arse.

She's mine.

You are here for the silver?

It is beneath this seat.

I have a question.

Have you been waiting for us?

For you.

Then you saw what would happen?

I knew that you would come.

That is all.

Uhtred, what do you know of a church
with a golden altar?

At Cynuit.

To celebrate the killing of Ubba,

I hear they're building a church.

Who's been telling you this?


begging to live.

Would say anything.

That's where you'll go, to Cynuit?

Well, I have ships to repair,
the coastline here has been murderous.

(LEOFRIC) How do we do this?

How do we share?

We don't share.

Oh, we can fight

and some of us will die,

including your queen.

Uhtred Ragnarson,

keep your sword in its scabbard.

Wise queen.

She stays with me.

- She stays with me!
- Do nothing!



Uhtred, no! Uhtred!

- (UHTRED) They have our treasure.
- I'll not fight these Danes for silver.

For king, yes, but not for silver.

I need to raise an army and they get
away further with every second!

I'll not allow half these men
or more to die.

(ISEULT) I can give you what you need.

There is more.




What did he whisper, Skorpa,
when he was leaving?

I will tell you
when I believe you need to know.

How was I?

As a warrior?


you are as much a warrior
as you are a king.

This isn't part of the plunder.

It's a holy cross.
It goes back to the church.

There'll be blessings.

But the rest...'s all ours.

- Home?
- Wessex. And our separate ways.

There's a bishop I must see.

(ISEULT) I've never seen a village
like this before.

We will be here forjust the day.

- Who are you?
- I'll speak with the Bishop Alewold.

Bishop Alewold is at prayer.

- He'll see me.
- He's at prayer

- and cannot be disturbed.
- Alewold. Bishop Alewold.

What is this?

Get out. Out.

We-- We're--
We're busy with our work.

So I see.

I said, get out.

- I know you.


The Godless, yes.

And my wife, through her father,
has inherited a debt to the church.

Oh, yes.

A substantial debt, I recall.

- Which I would now discharge.
- You would?

Very well,
as you see we're busy with


That's Irish work.

It looks Irish.

And its weight.

A thing of beauty and of great value.

It seemed a fitting way
of settling the debt.

If you'll accept, of course.
If not, I'll put it in the smith's fire.

I accept.
On behalf of the church, I accept.

I trust I can rely
upon your good judgment

in dismissing the matter
of my servant Oswald's wergild.

He was a thief.

- His family will swear otherwise.
- My people will swear he was.

And time will be wasted with no end.

In that case,
consider all matters resolved.

Bless you.

I've been praying daily
for your safe return.

Who's this?

She's a queen.

Queen of where? Of whom?

(UHTRED) Britons.


Uhtred, you walked by your son
without a look.

Is he baptised now?


Against my wishes.

I have done nothing
that requires forgiveness.

- What's her name?
- I am called Iseult.

I'm speaking with my husband.

You can kindly remain silent.

Mildrith, we are hungry, thirsty
and in need of rest.

(SCOFFS) I am not your servant.

Do not speak to me as if I were.
I am your wife.

You are no longer a part
of Uhtred's path.

It is true.

Out. Out!

This queen can sleep
with the animals.

You should know
that your land is safe.

I've seen Bishop Alewold.
The debt's settled, all of it.

That's what I've come to tell you,
nothing more.

And what of Oswald's wergild?

That too is settled.

His family won't receive a penny.

(MILDRITH) Then you can explain that
to the king's council.

Alfred has called you to the Witan.

It's finished.


Before I left
I said that I've loved you,

and it's true.

You'll not speak of us in this way
and in the presence of a pagan whore.

She's with me.

Will you be resting with your family
or with the animals?


You chose the company
of pigs and a goat

over your wife and son?

My wife's a good woman.

She loves her God and it's hard for her
to be with the like of me.


If the marriage is to be ended, I must
become used to life without my son.

I'm here because I choose you.

Though I won't keep you
against your will.


I will be with you, Uhtred,

from now until the very end.

That is what I see.

I want you to see my home,
my land in the north.

It is this Alfred
who directs you for that.

You must give in to fate.

Attend his Witan.

Will you sleep alongside me tonight,
under the furs?

- Sleep?
- Nothing more.

I would like that.

As the only other source of warmth
would be a goat.




Please inform your family
that I'll be travelling.

With the child.

We will leave for Lord Odda's estate.

I would like you with me,
but it is your decision.

I know how important it is to be
amongst the people who care for you.

I would not wish to leave you.

The very day I'm told
that my home is my own

is the day I decide I must leave.

Oh, Lord, grant wisdom
to your servants gathered here.

Help them to decide what is right,
what is just and what is fair.

Grant us this, oh, Lord.

(ALL) Grant us this, oh, Lord.


(MAN) Leave your sword.

(BEOCCA) urm-ed.

- Uhtred.
- Beocca.

Quickly. You're late.

You were sent for days ago.
You should have been here on time.

Since when has
my presence been so important?

- Who is she?
- She's with me.

Is she part of your plunder?

What's been said?

You will hear it all soon enough.

Now, we must go
and you must be respectful.

Now more than ever.

And as local thanes skimp
in their duty to repair the bridges,

I wish to ask of the king
to appoint an official

to survey the kingdom's roads.

The bridge on the road
out of Abingdon, for example,

is in such a state of disrepair

- Now's the time, lord.
- it is now dangerous for man or...

What reason do I have
to beg for mercy?

- Quiet now.
- Is it Cornwalum?

- Respect.
- (MAN) --remains disinterested.

We shall talk of bridges later.

- Beocca, what is this?
- (YOUNGER) Be quiet there!

Face your king.

- Come.
- There is an urgent matter

which, with the Witan's permission,
we shall deal with now.

Ealdorman Uhtred,

also known in your parish
as Uhtred the Godless,

you are on this day charged
with taking a troop of the king's men

into Cornwalum,

there making war against the Britons
without your king's consent.

You are also charged with joining
forces with the Dane called Skorpa,

to murder Christian folk
in Cornwalum,

despite these folk all living in peace
with Alfred and with Wessex.

All this is proven with oaths.

And the punishment
for these crimes is death.

Who swears these oaths?

- We shall get to that.
- Show me.

- Who swears?
- (ASSER) I,

Brother Asser, swear these oaths.

- Uhtred, to your knees.
- Never.

We were patrolling your borders
and protecting your kingdom.

There is more to my story, lord,
if I may.

- Time to beg.
- Let him speak. Let's hear his story.

On my way to make this complaint
to King Alfred,

I came via Cynuit.

And such a sight
I hope never to see again.

For where the church
to commemorate Lord Odda's victory

over Ubba was to be built,

I saw devastation, destruction,

and the charred remains
of 15 monks or more.

Men have told me

that this evil was the work

of the very same Skorpa
who was in Cornwalum

and that with him, once more,
was the Ealdorman Uhtred.

- This man!
- No! No, these are lies, lord.

He lies with every breath. Hear me.
Let me speak the truth.

We are the Witan,

and we shall behave
in the way of a Witan.

The ealdorman is entitled to respond.

(UHTRED) Yes, I was at Cynuit.

I was at Cynuit once, and once only.

I was at Cynuit on the day that I,
Uhtred of Bebbanburg, killed Ubba.

I look around this hall

and into the eyes of the warriors
who know this to be true.

And that is the only occasion
I was at Cynuit.

(ALFRED) We are here...

We are here to deliver judgment

on the murder of King Peredur
and the Britons of Cornwalum.

- If I can speak of
- There's a further witness.

What if Peredur's queen was
to stand in front

and tell you that Peredur lied
and cheated us?

She's a shadow queen, a pagan.
Her words are meaningless.

Is the truth not important?

- Lord.
- Odda, we shall move on.

- There is a further witness.
- Yes, lord. Bring the prisoner.


- What is this?
- Odda wants you to die as a traitor,

- You will stand separate.
- and you will die.

If it's Valhalla you want,
I'll do my best to give it.

I said you will stand separate.


you've sworn your oath.

And you will tell the truth?

I will, lord.

God is merciful.

You are a man of Wessex

and have been loyal to the king?

I am loyal to the king, lord. Always.

Were you in Cornwalum
with the Ealdorman Uhtred?

I was.

Did you kill and plunder Peredur
and his Britons?

- I did.
- Leofric, have you now donated

your share of the plunder
to the church?

I have, lord.

And have begged forgiveness.

The Witan hears you, Leofric.

Whom did you follow into battle?

I went willingly, lord.

No. Uhtred led, you followed.

- He's the ealdorman, he is to blame.
- I share the blame, lord.

- No, he is responsible.
- Irresponsible.

He will pay with his life.

- For the last time, beg.
- No, I will not beg.

I will fall to my knees for no man,
no king and no Christian God.


He must pay, with his life.

Lord, if I may make a plea
to the king and the Witan.

- I have not yet finished.
- I beg your pardon, but if I may.

It is clear that, like me,
the arseling here is guilty.

Thank you, my friend. (GRUNTS)

It is also clear that he is too proud
and too stupid to repent,

and as a consequence will die.

He will die
for leading men to treachery.

(LEOFRIC) Because of my own guilt

and because of my respect for Uhtred
as a warrior,

I request that he dies at my sword.

You wish to become executioner,

My plea is for a fight to the death, lord.

Me against the arseling.

If God is with me, I will be the victor,

and the ealdorman is allowed to die
as a warrior should.

And if he wins this fight to the death,
what then?

He will not. It would take
God's intervention for him to beat me.

(AETHELWOLD) Let them fight, lord.

Let God decide.

Lord. Lord, it is clear
the guilt lies with Uhtred.

(MAN) This is the way.


Leofric, you have spoken well.

And your request is granted.

You will fight tomorrow.

- To the death.
- (MAN) Yes.

Swords and shields.

God shall determine the victor.

(MAN) Fight to the death.