The Last Enemy (2008): Season 1, Episode 4 - Episode #1.4 - full transcript

Stephen deals with a rival for Yasim's affections and sudden homelessness after his identity is removed from the database.

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Season 01 Episode 04

N0 ID! N0 ID!

Where is she?

Yasim! Where is she?

What have you done with her?

Tell me she's alive.

just tell me she's alive!

My own brother. He'll talk to me.

Where is Yasim?

You need to explain yourself.

I went to your funeral.

So did he. He was very upset.

You were "like a brother" to him.

But you knew I wasn't dead.

Of course I didn't!

I know that you've been following me.

I saw you at the Kellerman-Deloit plant.

No, I wasn't following you.

But I thought I saw you there.

I c0uldn't believe it, you were dead!

Who was inthe coffin?

Why were you at Kellerman-Deloit?

Tell me she's alive!

You need to explain yourself.

You. ..need. . .t0 explain.

I've opened your notebook.

I've seen the classified files,
information on Yasim,

Nadir, ???? apartment.

Who are you working for? MI5? 6?

Untie me, and tell me what happened,

because I'm not going to talk to a

You will answer to me.


Itjust d0esn't make sense, it's not who
he is.

S0 let me ask him.

He's dug in. He's the most stubborn,
pig-headed person.

Michael, this place will be busy in one

we can't keep him here.

And you've got a sick refugee back at
your place.

What are you going to do?

Who is this Magna Carta prick anyway?

I'm alive because I wasn't in the jeep.

I sort of worked that out.

The driver and a guy we picked up on the
road were in it when it got hit.

I'm not too sure which parts of who were
in my coffin.

There wasn't very much left of them.

There was a pick-up truck behind us on
the road.

It vanished when we slowed down so. ..

'I decided to run up to the top of a
hill to see if he was following us.

'The idea being that the jeep would
carry on,

circle round and come back to get me.

'Half a mile on, it got blown to pieces.

'It was a couple of RPGs.'

Somebody tried to kill me because I was
making a noise

about refugees getting ill and then

I decided there and then to be dead and
stay dead.

I thought I could probably find out more
that way.

Did you?

Now you tell me where she is.

I can't do that. You might be tagged, or
under surveillance.

Somebody tried to kill her.

I'll tell her.

Then she can come to you.

D0n't. . .f0ll0w me.

What's the running order?

They'll show a piece on a heart

a mum in Aberdeen killed on the morning
school run.

By the time the kiddies come home,
another mum 500 miles

south in Bristol is having the Scottish
heart and kidneys plumbed in.

Old science, this time it was TIA that
made the match in seconds.

One of millions of transactions from one

Hi. Minister, has Stephen Ezard been in
contact with you?

N0, why?

He isn't in his apartment,

he hasn't been into work and we have no
track on him at all.

Oh, God.

Good. Yes, Minister, good. We'll keep
watching, we'll be there soon.

Oh. shit! Shit!

What's wrong?

Where's Russell?

I d0n't know.

I don't know how to tell you.

Stephen. . .what happened?

I told you I saw Michael.

Outside the Kellerman-Deloit factory,

It was him, he's alive.

He wasn't in the jeep.

Why are you saying that?

Because I've been with him, talking with
him, arguing!

What's wrong with you?! Yasim, it was
him! I saw body parts.

His bracelet was on his wrist!

He planted it to make it look like he
was dead. Stop it!

It's not him, it's someone else.

Why are you doing this? Why?!

I'll take you to him.

G0 back inside. G0 back inside!

It's not him, it's not Michael.

Oh, thank God. Oh, thank God!

Who is he?

Yasim. .. How could you do it?

How? How?!

Y0u're dead!

Stay dead!

What is this place? Who the fuck are
you? He's my brother.

The dead brother? Yeah.

Did you invite him to the party as well?

'Shutting down all systems.'

It's not much...

'Destroy all data.'

..I realise that.

'Deleting files.'

Rats eat through cables, pigeons shite

But I liked it here.

'System deleting.'

Safe, you know?

Safe and secure.


Yasim, let's go now!

Who is he?

He's Nadir's step father.

What's going on?

I love the smell of napalm inthe

I want to see him for myself.

to confront the reality of what we've
done to these people.

What "we've" done to these people?

We're the ones trying to effect a
solution here.

He's getting the best possible

You mean the medical staff here know
what they're treating him for?

He's responding well.

Responding so well that he's got up and
walked out?

Let's just pray to God that he has.

It's when they're dead they get

What's the time of death?

07:55. He's written up as respiratory

Well, that covers a lot of sins.

When can I have him?

Good morning.

Patrick Nye.

I'm here to take a look at the deceased.
And you are?

Professor Lawrence Cooper.

What's your interest?

It's a security matter.

The deceased had links to a terrorist
organisation. May I?

And your interest is?

Nasty diseases. I've been asked to take
a peek inside.

That's our man.

Thank you for your help.

Professor Cooper.

That's it?

just ticking boxes, making sure you had
the right body.

We're pretty good at that in here.

Who wants him to take a "peek" inside?

I need a connection to a D7 service
team, please.

George, no-one is going to be taking a
"peek inside" anybody.

It's all starting to make sense.

Nadir's body would have been destroyed.

Same as inthe camps.

There's something inside the bodies that
terrifies them.

I'm sorry for what I put you through.

I was so wrong.

Yasim, where are you going?



Away from you.

Stephen's told me everything.

About Andrew, about Nadir.

The hell you've been through.

Let alone what I did to you.

Someone had just tried to kill me, I was
confused, I was frightened...

I wept blood for you!

At the time it seemed the right thing to

It was the most stupid, cruel, hateful
thing to do!

I did it to protect you.

I thought that if they knew I was alive,
they'd come after you.

They did!

I've nailed it down to one batch of


No-one survives, you get sick and then
you die.

just like Nadir.

Nothing is worth what you did.


It's a massive cover-up. The drugs

aid charities, government organisations,
they're all colluding.

It's all you ever see.

Never the people around you.

The people around me were dying because
of a jab we gave them.

And it's notjust the few we knew about,
there are hundreds.

I came in with a group of refugees.

They've all had the jab and one of them
is sick.

I need you to get a blood sample, so we
can get it analysed.

Come on! It's the three of us now
working together.


Say it.


We know someone that we might be able to
get the blood sample to.

He might help. Cooper.

Professor Lawrence Cooper.


It's Michael, where's Bepa?

N0, no everything's fine, more than

He's what?

OK, thanks.

That was one of Bepa's brothers.

Bepa's taken Haman and the others to a
train station headed for God knows

We need to get to them before they

You w0n't be able to get anywhere
without ID.

You w0n't get anywhere near ????


But Antony Cohen can.

We've found them.

All three of them.

They've just entered the transport

I hope to God I'm right about Stephen.

I lived with him for five years.

Of course I'm right.

I can't not be with you.

Please d0n't tell him.

Unless you tell him...

I will lose you.

Y0u'll go back to him.

Stop it.

You d0n't know that.

He d0esn't know what?

What's the problem?

Russell, Nadir's step-father.

Going off like that, He didn't ask about

he wasn't interested, wasn't curious.

It didn't feel right.

We've lost his trust.

Come on, Bepa.

Open the back door!

Let's have everyone out, one at a time
with your ID cards, please.

N0-one is gonna hurt you, it's OK.

We just want to see your ID cards.

That's it, thanks very much sir.

Thank you.

Thank you, sir.

OK, thank you. Move along.

What did I tell you?

Perfect biometrics.

Perfect! Let's get you on that train and
a new life.

Stand still!

Let's see your hands!

I saw them go through.

There was no problem. No problem!

Those IDs were perfect! Perfect!

S0 why did they get picked out?

We have to go.

Mr Ezard? Stephen Ezard?

Thank you.

We've been worried sick about you.

You just disappeared.

Y0u're high profile now, Stephen.

You could have been kidnapped by
terrorists or criminals out to target

How did you know where I was?

It's a very basic procedure.

Posted your ID out on various systems.

You flagged up entering the transport

Cameras took over and followed you when
you left.

What were you doing in a train station?

I was saying goodbye to someone.

You know, I really envy your life

The world of pure research, not having
to get mixed up in this messy,

complicated world, setting your own

This is the reason we were so desperate
to get hold of you.

It's very good news.

I haven't told him yet.

Stephen, Inquirendo would like to fund
your research,

not for the next three years, but for
the next five.

Business class travel, details of
financial arrangements,

????0L S ONES.

You're booked on a flight first thing

I can't possibly leave first thing.

Excellent. Thank you.

It's everything you wanted.

It's a wonderful offer, Stephen.

For G0d's sake, will you take it!

CAR BEEPS Where are you going?

Back to my work, back to China.

They got to you. N0.

We saw them pick you up.

They got to you.

What did they do, Stephen?

Did they threaten you?

Nobody "got to me".

They wanted to make sure I was all

They were more worried about the profile
of the project

I'd been working on than they were me.

I need to get back to my work.

Innocent people are dying.

Hundreds of thousands of them die each
year. Millions, I expect.

But not in front of your eyes.

I'm nowhere near them.

But if you can do something If you want
to blow a whistle,

find someone who's got one newspapers,

We've tried. There's no story.

The facts just disappear.

You saw what happened to Haman and the

They had corrupt IDs.

That had worked perfectly.

Against hand-held readers.

A major transport system is always going
to have more sophisticated ones.

Without a blood sample, there's nothing
more that can be done.

We d0n't even know that it's the same

And I can't find out, I'm out of ajob, I
have no access.

Michael, I'm no use to you.

All those risks that you took,

tracking Yasim down to make sure she was
OK, digging into Kellerman-Deloit

why would you do all that?

For Yasim. . .and you.

And now y0u're back together. ..

You d0n't need me.

I did everything I could.

I've done all that I can.

How is Yasim?

It's difficult but we'll get there.

D0 you have any cash?

You w0uldn't believe the prejudice banks
have against dead people.

Say goodbye to her for me.

She'd prefer to hear it from you.

Do you know what's so sad?

It actually felt good, the idea of
working on something with you,...

something with a purpose.

Like real brothers.

Take care. You too.

And thank you for looking after Yasim.

DOOR CLOSES PA: "This is the last call
for flight BA 104 to Chicago.

'Last call for flight BA 104 to

ALARM Pass again, please, sir.

ALARM That's it, sir, your keys are the
problem. It's your keys.

It's a massive cover-up the drugs

aid charities, government organisations,

they are all colluding Everything's
heavily monitored, checked regulated.

Except when the line broke down.

Yasim, I've got it, I know what's going

Call me when you get this message, we've
got to see Cooper immediately.

Stephen Ezard didn't make his flight.

I'm very sorry. You did your best.

He's expecting you.


I'll get a top-up.

Leave the luggage.


Us being strangers, it's killing me.

I'm not a ghost.

valued five years ago for insurance

A nice tick-tock.

You know, it's not easy selling analogue
in a digital age.

How much? Forty.

ID, please.

Oh, dear.


That's not possible. Try again.

All right, I cannot accept goods without
a valid ID.

Well, that is a valid ID.

That is who I am.

Well, I'm sure it is.

It's just that the system, for whatever

now regards you as NOT having a valid

And I tell you what, your clock is not
the only thing that is ticking.

There's an automatic alarm with failures
now and depending on why your ID has

there could be a police response,
invariably a rather swift one

when it comes to establishments like

The university's closed.

ID! Swipe your ID!

Swipe your ID. I've lost it.

Please, I need to speak to Professor
Cooper, Professor Lawrence Cooper.

You need ID. He knows me.

Not without an ID he d0esn't.

Please, can I get a message to him?


It's important!!

going to get away from us.

How on earth did we think it wouldn't?

How long has this been going on, George?


a couple of days. That's good.

They haven't gone public.

They want something.

T0 trade in something like this We've
come this far,

I'm sure we can do business with anyone.

We should have brought Michael Ezard
inthe moment he came back from the dead.

Nothing is going to happen to him, he's
safe where he is.

Last update had him getting
re-acquainted with his wife.

We still need to be sure of their
circles of acquaintance.

What about Professor Cooper?

So far not in their circle.

And Russell?

I'm hoping this is him.

I'm assuming it's the retirement package
he was never offered.

Until we know, we'll need to keep all
the plates spinning in case we've missed

I d0n't think we have.

I don't think it goes beyond our man,
his brother and his wife.

I'm not sure I can spin any more.

Please, please, somebody help me.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Help me!

Stop, help me, help me. Help me!

Please, help me!

For G0d's sake, help me!


Bastards! Wankers!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa!

0h, oh, not long on the street then, eh?

It's the shoes that give it away, the
shoes. Nice pair though.

Very nice.

I know somewhere you can bed down.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that is right...

that is the most vital question for you
now in your new life.

Get it wrong at your peril.

"Can I trust this stranger?"

In a world where strangers are

in a world full of strangers.

I haven't got any money. Well...

where I've got in mind, that's probably
for the best.


'Ere, Wafa! All right!

Welcome... to the swamp!

You seem like a very private sort of

Don't worry. Down here, you can be as
private as you want.

No turnstiles or cameras here.

N0-one here's got any IDs?

D0n t know. Fve got six.

But it is getting harder...

they're draining the swamp.

You know, it should be a...

a human right, the right to be

The right to disappear.

The right to just bugger off.

That's all I ever wanted.

My idea of heaven, a room of one's own.

I used to have one once.

If you need cash, NOWIS YOLI ' chance.


I'll take one.

S0 will he.

It's just good business, there's people
with cash but no IDs who need

They need blood, we need the money. The
Government and big business hate the
freedom cash gives us,

so they're trying to eliminate it. But
the market will invent its own currency.

..I'm good for another bag.

There's an all-nighter -

best breakfast you'll ever have. Put
some blood back in your veins.

I'll catch up with you there.

Give us your money!

I've got it, I've got it.

Let's go.







Oof. .. Agh! What happened to you?

Why did you just go?

What are you doing here?

I'm here to see Cooper, to ask if he

???? I need to talk to him but they
won't let me in.

What we did...

you and me, it means nothing.

In all of this, it means nothing.

But to us, it means everything.

I thought I'd never see you again.

I could never leave you.

I???? a tag.

At the airport, my keys, they set off an

There must have been a batch of vaccine
that contained a tag.

It's some experiment. An internaltag,

It's what Haman and the others set off
at the station.

The experiment's gone very wrong.

Get Cooper. We need him.

Yeah? 'Dr. Yasim Anwar to see you.'

I d0n't have any appointments.

Er, hang 0n...

I'll come down.

OK, thank you.

He'll be right with you. Thanks.

We've lost Cooper.


When? About an hour ago. It may be
nothing, but he's thin air.

Michael Ezard?

He's fine. He's safe.

And George? I don't know yet.

I'm sure it'sjust more hand holding.
I'll get back to you.

What ever happened to walking off
quietly into the woods?

We'll have to make sure he hasn't left
anything lying around.

That's already being done.

What type of tag?

Perhaps as small as a drop of blood.

Maybe carried inthe blood stream.

I don't know. Cooper would have been
able to help.

The university can't find Cooper

I'm glad you didn't get on the plane.

I'm starving, you must be too.

That smells good.

Why d0n't we get some of that?

This is difficult. This is something the
three of us are going to have to work out.

Nadir took the jab to convince people
it was safe to give their kids.

It didn't actually fully work.

S0, she gave me the jab as well,
from the same batch...


So, if you're right, I have the tag in me,
and I'm also part of the same experiment.

I didn't want to tell her.

I just wanted things to be
the way they used to be.

Maybe not everyone gets sick.

Everyone gets sick...

everyone dies.

How long?

A couple of days...

My body's aching like hell.

I can feel it inside me. I didn't
really think to say anything,

because I never thought
it'd happen to me.

How am I going tell her
that this time, it's for real?

Hey there.

It's a bomb!

Charlotte! Charlotte!