The Last Empress (2018–…): Season 1, Episode 47 - Episode #1.47 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

-Oh Sunny.


Do you think I'll give up?

I'll do anything to find those again!

I'll expose

everything you
and the Empress Dowager did!

No, don't do anything, Sunny.

Just live quietly by my side

as my woman until the day you die.

Are you insane? Do you wish to die?

You vermin.

Did you think I'm an idiot?

Did you think I'm an idiot
just because I said I like you?

Why did you think so?

You should've known better
if you checked my history.

I'm a scary man
who's capable of killing people.

Are you finally telling the truth?

Empress So-hyeon and Grandmother
are both my problems!

They were my grandmother and my wife!

It's nothing for you to meddle with.

You can't do anything at this point

now that the evidence is gone.

You need to give up now.

You wish.

I'm a wench who comes back harder
whenever you trample on me.

I want to try harder
now that you're acting like this.

I can always find the evidence again.

Just you wait.
I'll expose everything about you.

We're still married on paper,
and what you did is treason.

If you crawled in here on your call,

you need to play your part as an empress,
even if it's fake.

I won't let you act like this any longer.

You coward.

You don't want the truth to come out,

but you want to keep your throne.

Why won't you admit to anything?

Are you saying the Emperor is innocent
no matter what he does?

I will destroy

that arrogance of yours.

How do you feel about Na Wang-sik?

-Is it like what Mother said...
-Don't you know?

We are both victims

whose lives have been
completely ruined by you.

That's not all.

Did you like him?

Do I have to answer that question?

Don't ever meet him again.

Don't even look into his eyes.

I'll make sure I find him and kill him.

You'll die in my hands

before you kill him, Lee Hyeok.

Get out of my room.

Crown Princess A-ri is

to have a luncheon
with the Japanese princess today.

However, she makes me worried

because she is still very young.

I can only sit in peace
only after we designate

her legal representative.

We cannot decide
on such important matter this easily.

She was just installed
as a crown princess.

We should keep our eyes on her

without giving her a lot of burdens.

You're not an empress or anyone
that matters. You have no say in this.

How shameless of you to show up here?

Watch your language.

Don't be disrespectful to the Empress.

The entire palace heard about
how you two got into a fight

yesterday night.

So why are you two like this today?

Is this your way of saying a fight
of a married couple is just a quarrel?

That's... Empress Eun.

Empress Eun.

-How did you get here?
-It's not like you don't know.

I came back yesterday.

Thanks for your warm welcome.

I didn't know you would give me
such an intense celebration.

Empress Eun? Wait, are you...

You're right. I'm the wife of Lee Jeong,

the Emperor who was deposed 30 years ago.

People used to call me Empress Eun,

but you can just call me Michelle now.

No way, this was true?

That Michelle Eun,

one of the biggest jeweler in the U.S.,
is my aunt?

My niece and nephew, it has been a while.

Goodness, I can't recognize you at all.

Are you Hyeok's wife?

Nice to meet you. I'm Hyeok's aunt.

Hello, nice to meet you.

I'm sure all of you aren't
thrilled to see me.

But the Board of Imperial Inspection

that I decide on the Crown Princess's

legal representative.

And I accepted gladly
with my love for the Imperial House.

Have you forgotten?

You can't hold a special inspection
as the Imperial Family

who was thrown out
after bringing dishonor to us.

I will not accept this.

Bring dishonor?

Should we right the wrongs
about what happened 30 years ago?

I'll be more than glad to do so.

Anyhow, you have been away
from the Imperial House for too long.

You don't know the current ins and outs,

so it would be difficult
for you to play such an important role.

That's what I was trying to say.

That's why I brought someone
to help me out.

Someone who knows the Imperial House

and who contributed greatly
to our society.

Anyone can see that
he's a great candidate.

Come in.

I'm the inspector
who will assist Empress Eun

during the special inspection

with the order of
the Board of Imperial Inspection,

Na Wang-sik.


How... How can that thief
dare to walk back in here?

I will independently conduct

the reinvestigation
of the Empress So-hyeon case

and the attempted murder case
of Prince Yoon.

I ask for the full cooperation
of the Imperial Family.

This makes no sense.

We can't have an inspector
who tried to kill the Emperor.

On top of that, he's a key suspect
of Prince Yoon's attack.

-My slush fund--
-The police chief already confirmed

that he is found innocent
regarding Prince Yoon's attack.


Was your name A-ri?

Don't worry about anything, A-ri.

I'll choose

a good adult
who will protect and assist you

until the day you become an adult.

Thank you, Michelle.

The candidates are three people.

The Empress, the Empress Dowager,
and the biological mother, Seo Gang-hui.

I will meet each and every one of you

and choose the best legal representative
with my heart and soul.

What's your plan?

How dare you
come back into my Imperial House?

And how brazen of you to do it
under your name, Na Wang-sik?

It's very nice to see you again,
Your Majesty.

Get this man out of here right now.

No, lock him up in jail.

Right now.

Let me go.

Who are you? Move aside.

How dare you go against my command?

Will you defy the decision of
the Board of Imperial Inspection?

You are under suspension right now.

That means you have no authority
over the imperial guards.

-Prime Minister.
-Inspector Na Wang-sik.

Please report back often on the
situation and the investigation contents

to the Inspection Board.

Don't worry about it, Prime Minister.

I will question His Majesty first
as a special inspector.

Escort him.

Shut up. Who do you think you are?

You stole someone else's money
and gave it out.

Didn't you have any thoughts
after you almost died in that river?

I thought you might change
if you have a near-death experience,

but you clearly show that

people never change.

Do you think you're a big shot now
because you became an inspector?

Don't be delusional in thinking
that you can control my destiny.

Na Wang-sik, you can never kill me.


Ms. Choe, bring some tea.

Take a seat.

You really haven't changed.
You're the same back then and now.

I'm obviously your elder.

How can you offer me the lower seat?

I thought you would return
for Mother's funeral.

I wanted to.

But my husband had an accident.

I'm sure you know that very well.

I have no idea at all.

You still have the same way
of denying things.

You were like that 30 years ago

when my husband got deposed
for suspicions of drug abuse.

That again?

What do I have to do with that case
for you to keep bullying me with that?

Did you completely forget
because it's not your business?

Do you think I didn't know
you planted that snitch

who reported my innocent husband
for abusing illegal drugs?

And you're the one who planted the drugs
all over the Emperor's Hall too.

You should watch your words.

Do you have any evidence I did that?

Fine, let's not discuss that anymore.

Nothing good can come from
digging through old history.

But you must be very happy.

Your business is going so well.
I'm so jealous of you.

I spent

all of my better days
stuck in this palace.

Then you probably don't need to be
A-ri's legal representative.

It's not a bad idea

to drop your power
and return to your Tiger Moth days.

Tiger Moth? What do you mean...

After what happened to Yoon,

I should make a sacrifice
as the eldest of the Imperial Family.


As you'll find out soon,
the Empress is A-ri's stepmother

who might divorce His Majesty soon.

And Seo Gang-hui is

an adulteress
who stabbed her best friend's back.

How can we trust a woman like her?

That's my decision.

Stop trying to spoil it

and mind your own business.

The two-faced Empress acted

like a kind mom in front of cameras.

Are you sure the reporters were
just speculating

that you are abusing Princess A-ri?

It's true that I lashed her.

But I only did it to correct her mistake.

Would you have done that
even if she was your own child?

What do you mean?

I realized how smart and clever she is
after sharing just a few words.

I'm not sure if you had to lash her
in order to give her a lesson.

I thought someone needed to tell her
what the right thing is

because she grew up thinking
money could solve all problems.

You're very cold-hearted, Empress.

Do you know what you've done to me
because of that stupid testimony?

Go tell them that you saw something wrong.

Right now!

That won't hide the truth.

You pushed her into the pond that night.

If you didn't, tell them that you didn't.

How long will you blame others
for what you did?

You should visit her memorial
and beg her for forgiveness.

You said you saw it.

That means you were there too.

-Then why didn't you save her?

You were her best friend
before you were her assistant.

What were you doing there?

There's something I don't know, right?

And you attacked Yoon
because you were afraid that'll come out.

Isn't that so?

That's such a farfetched argument,
Your Majesty.

You're going to depose me and kill Yoon

to turn A-ri into the Empress Regnant?

I'll make sure I find out

the hidden truth of that day.

You can't do that, Your Majesty.

I have seen a few things.

There's an anonymous witness
who saw His Majesty stabbing

the Grand Empress Dowager with a hairpin.

What is he saying?

That's nonsense. Who said such absurdity?

Are you trifling with me
by using some unverified testimony?

I was asking you to verify that.

Why are you so worked up?

I didn't kill her.
How many times do I have to tell you?

If you didn't kill her,

then was it the one
who poisoned my lunch box,

-the Empress Dowager?
-What did you say? Me?

What's your ground
in making such an argument?

His Majesty told me

that he saw you poison my food.

I never said that. She's lying.

He was drunk, but I heard him say that.

What are these brown spots?

Did you get them from the poison

when the poison bottle
slipped out of your hand?

Let me go!

What's going on? Explain yourself.

Did you poison Grandmother,

then did you stab her with the hairpin?

Is that how you two murdered Grandmother?

Is that so?

Evidence! Bring me the evidence!

You can't blame me as the culprit
over some drunk man's words.

Na Wang-sik! Oh Sunny!

I'll sue you both for defamation!

No, Mother. You didn't kill her, did you?

Let me go!


What happened to the Imperial House?

And why?

I don't need more time to think.

I will decide on the Crown Princess's
legal representative tomorrow.

You can't make such a quick decision.

Nothing will change
even if I had more time to think.

I'll quickly decide
on her legal representative

and disclose the whole truth

behind the Grand Empress Dowager's death.

Did you call Na Wang-sik back in here?

Why? To kill me?

Are you that afraid
of disclosing the truth?

Don't do anything. Don't.

Stop meddling with things
only to get in danger, and stay still.

Remember what I just said.

I'll deal with Mother.

Don't get attacked by her
like Empress So-hyeon did.

Just don't do anything, Sunny!

I apologize, Your Highness.

What in the world do you ever do?

Why do I have to see
Empress Eun here running amok?

Na Wang-sik got me.

Who is this darned idiot
that gave Na Wang-sik the tip-off?

Who is it?

Your Highness.

The distribution company is
pressuring us to pay the amount due.

That's also because of
that son of a dog, Na Wang Sik, isn't it?

There is only one way
to get the money he took away.

We'll increase the production
of the greenhouse.

Go get that old hag, Sagunja,
from Cheonggeum Island.

Yes, Your Highness.

I'm positive. It's him.

It seems like things will go smoothly
thanks to Empress Eun.

Lee Hyeok and the Empress Dowager will

both be ruined in their dirty fight.

I just need to capture A-ri's heart.

What? What's going on with your room?

Your Highness.

I came back to find my room like this.

Who did this? Who?

Who do you think
hates me and wants to attack me

in this palace?

Wait, was it Mother?

It's not the first time,
so it's all right.

I'm just sorry

that you had to see this.

Something like this happened often?

Whenever you weren't around,

she always bullied me behind the scenes.

If I don't become
your legal representative,

I will get kicked out of the palace
right away.

But that's not

something I can decide.

You have the final say.

You're the only one
who can protect me, Your Highness.

And I'm the only one
who can protect you to the end too.

I brought the landlord of
the best land in Cheonggeum Island.

Is that so?

I've been dying to see
who this persistent woman is.

Tell her to come in.

Be quiet. Stop throwing a fit
before Her Highness.

Show some respect for the Empress Dowager.


This is the palace,

and the Empress Dowager sits before you.

This old hag doesn't know any better.

Take off the mask.

You... You... It's...

Empress Dowager.


How dare you call out her name?

Do you wish to die?

You brat.

How dare you talk down to me
when you don't even have

a strand of gray hair on you?

Before I knock out your teeth
to implant them in mine,

get out. Get out of here!

Make your minion leave.


You redecorated your place.

Hey, how much
did that phoenix painting cost?

Looks great.

I can't even use my real name
because of you.

I have to go by my nickname, you wench.

Ms. Kim?

-Why are you here?
-What do you mean?

You told them to drag me here.


Then you were the owner of that land?

Damn it.

"Damn it." Hey, you haven't changed.

You still have a dirty mouth.

What? Did you say I have a dirty mouth?

How dare you? I'm the Empress Dowager!

The Empress Dowager of Korea!

You used to serve me here!


I used to serve you in the past.

When you were a club rat.

Which club did you go to tonight?

Sit upright.

I mean, you just gave birth to your kid.

You never breastfed him,

but you went out clubbing
every single night.

You probably smell like breast milk.

Do guys actually hit on you?

If the Empress Dowager finds out,

you will be in huge trouble.

I didn't drink.

You didn't?

I guess you had hard liquor.

I'm turning this on. It'll catch on fire.

It'll burn. It'll catch on fire. Okay?

-Why did you turn it off?
-Did you just swear at me?

You heard me wrong.

I'm the Empress. The Empress!

Be quiet. Be quiet, will you?

Everyone will wake up and come out.

Keep your dignity around your subjects.

Goodness. I should just grind you
and turn you into dumplings.

How can you be so vulgar as a lady?

Go to sleep. Wash up and get to sleep.

Things are tough for me too.
It's suffocating in here.

It's not like I can give you
a good spanking either.

Darn it, what's with you?

She probably had a barrel of alcohol.

You framed me as a thief
and drove me out of the palace

because you were afraid
I'll tell everyone you were a club rat.

I don't remember.

Just tell me how you came to own that land

in Cheonggeum Island.

On the day I got kicked out
under false charges,

the late Grand Empress Dowager came

and handed me the land deed
of Cheonggeum Island in secret.

She knew I was unfairly thrown out.

She said there will come a day

when you will apologize to me,

so I should keep the deed well.

I guess that day is



Why would the Empress Dowager
apologize to someone like you?

You were punished as a thief
because you stole something!

Stop talking nonsense!

Just take the money and give me that land!

You hit me by accident, didn't you?

I knew you would never change.


Do you still think I work for you?

I'm much older than your mother-in-law.

Watch your mouth, okay?
That'll bring about your peril.

If you continue to talk nonsense,

I'll cut out this part right here
and fry it in dung water.

I can get at least 38,000 won
if I sell that at a bar in Apgujeong.

Watch it, okay? Bye.

Open the door!

Darn it.

That vulgar old hag!

Goodness, you are so beautiful.

I've always wanted to meet you.

The Grand Empress Dowager was

so proud of her granddaughter-in-law.

I heard you and Grandmother go way back.

I've been curious
since I heard you were the only one

living in Cheonggeum Island.

I heard the Empress Dowager

kicked out everyone who lives there

and plowed all the lands.

Exactly. She's unbelievably greedy.

She wants that island for herself.

Do you have any idea

why she is so obsessed
with Cheonggeum Island?

The ground, air, and the sunlight
of that island is

like a paradise on this earth.

But on that land,

she built up numbers of huge greenhouses

and it smells disgustingly strong
when you turn your head that way.

I don't go anywhere near that place.
It makes me throw up

and gives me a huge headache.

A nauseating smell?

Goodness, that painting.

Isn't that Cheonggeum Island?

Did the Grand Empress Dowager
give that to you?

Do you know that painting?

That's the first painting
that the Grand Empress Dowager painted

after she learned to paint

from Empress So-hyeon.
That's the painting.

Have you met Empress So-hyeon too?

She came down to Cheonggeum Island
a few times with her bodyguard.

She said she needed to
find something there.

But then she passed away.

It's such a great loss.

What do you think
she was looking for on Cheonggeum Island?

What about Yu-ra? Did you find her?

She used to work in the palace,
but she disappeared.

I'm asking around for her,
so give me a little more time.

I'll find her for you.

Yes, please do that for me.

Anyhow, the Empress Dowager is

trying to cover up
Empress So-hyeon's death as a suicide.


That makes no sense.
Why would Her Majesty kill herself?

But we have no evidence against it.

That's why your memory is important.

Do you remember
anything about Cheonggeum Island?

You went there often, didn't you?

I remembered.

I remembered what Her Majesty
and I found on that island.

Really? Do you remember?

Then tell me everything. Everything.



-Mr. Kang.


We have to get him to a hospital. Hurry!

Are you awake?

Who... Who are you?

Yu... Yu-ra.

Are you okay?

I thought you really died.

Did Gang-hui call you?

What are you talking about?

Seo Gang-hui poisoned you to kill you.

Why would she do that to me?
That can't be right.

I'm Oh Sunny, the Empress.

Seo Gang-hui abducted you.

She cut you off from everyone
to deceive you.

Why would I believe you?

That makes no sense.
Why would she do that?

Because she had Lee Hyeok's child.

She was pregnant
when Empress So-hyeon died.

And that child
became the Crown Princess now.

You can't trust her.

How can she do that?

She was the Empress's best friend.

I understand your confusion,
but we have no time.

She's going to take the Imperial House
by making a deal

with the Empress Dowager
by using what you told her.


Are you going to let her
do this again to you like a fool?

Wake up, please.

Cheonggeum Island.

I told her everything
about Cheonggeum Island.


Hey, go easy on this, okay?
You're driving me insane.

Push this further, okay?

Is that everything?

Get those on the truck.

Hey, get out of there. Close it.


Let's go.


I haven't seen you around here.

Who are you?

-Who are you?

-Stop right there!
-Get him!


What's all this?


Empress So-hyeon found these poppies.

Then she died because of these poppies?


When did you get here?

I'm sorry. I apologize for everything.

I didn't mean to

get angry at you.

Let's start over.

Not as the Emperor and the Empress,
but just two normal people.

I'll be good to you.

Will you forgive me?

I came to say goodbye.

This play is over.



Sunny. Don't go.

Sunny. Don't go.

Sunny! Don't go!

Don't go!


Don't go.

Don't go.

Don't go.







-Where is the Empress?
-I do not know.

Isn't she in her place?

-Where's the Empress?
-I am not sure.

Where's the Empress? Have you seen her?

I haven't, Your Majesty.

It's over.

She left me.

It's all my fault.

I shouldn't have been that angry.

She'll never come back.



I don't care if you hate me or despise me.

Just live and stay by my side.

Don't leave me,


I asked you to gather round to decide

the Crown Princess's representative.

Why are you in such a hurry?

You came back to Korea
after such a long time.

You should enjoy the spa
and go shopping with me

while discussing the ways
to prosper the Imperial House

before you come to a decision.

I don't think we're in a relationship
to enjoy the spa or go shopping together.

Why isn't the Empress here yet?

Wait, Chief Cheon...

I mean, Na Wang-sik isn't here either.

I guess they ran away together in fear.

Why do you want her here anyway?


We have no time to wait anyway.

Let's get to it right away.

It's not like the result will change.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

-You're so wise.
-I'm sorry I'm late.

I overslept.

An empress who can't keep
the smallest promises

doesn't qualify
to become anyone's legal representative.

Why did you keep
these many people waiting?

I apologize.

I had to do something important
until late in the night.

Then before we make a decision,

I'd like to hear from A-ri.

Who do you want
to become your legal representative?

Can you give us your honest opinion?

I've been thinking...

-Yes, right.

I don't want you to
become my legal representative.

What? Why not?


Ms. Seo, I don't want you to
become my legal representative either.


May I ask for the reason?

I don't want to become a monster!

Like what Mother said,
I just want to live like a child,

like all the other children out there.

Why did I become the Crown Princess

if that caused all the adults
to fight each other

all the time?

Tell her that you'll give up on
becoming her legal representative!

Why should I?

Didn't you catch that
Empress Eun is likely to choose me?

That's not a place you can take.

You have to be in charge of
the Imperial businesses

and deal with
a huge amount of money as well.

How can someone like you do that?

If I give up,
do you think A-ri will choose you?

What if the Empress takes that position?

I can't give up. No, I won't!

Do I have to tell you

what you did to Yoon
to make her into a crown princess?

You're a criminal
who tried to kill someone!

Let me go! How dare you?

Do whatever you want.

You made me do it anyway.

If that gets exposed,
you're the one who'll suffer the most.

Aren't you a cold-hearted mother
who knocked out her own son

and who tried to frame him too?

Then should we expose everything you did
to Empress So-hyeon too?

Let's bring out what you did
at the pond on that day

to your best friend.

If the world finds out about it,

do you think you could live?
You wicked brat!

Let me go!

I will kill you!

I hate you, Grandmother.

And I hate you too, Ms. Seo.

Why do you have to fight because of me?

If that's my life as a crown princess
or an empress regnant,

I don't want to be a crown princess

or the empress regnant.

I just want to go back to my old life.


That little brat.

A-ri. You!

A-ri, stop right there!

Will you please stop?

How much longer

will you abuse and hurt that little kid?

You two need to stop using her
in your fight for power.

Do you really have no idea
what you have done to her?

How do you call yourself her grandmother?

How do you call yourself her mom?

I can't let you two
become her representative

if she hates you that much.

A-ri's legal representative will be

Empress Oh Sunny.

What are you talking about?

That's nonsense.

Why do you let that little kid
sway your decision?

She's right. That can't happen.

The Crown Princess made a mistake
because she got worked up--

No, even before she said anything,

I had already decided on the Empress.

A-ri just confirmed my decision.

I'll tell
the Board of Imperial Inspection myself.

Why did you ruin everything
in that important meeting?

What were you thinking?

You need to go back
and say you made a mistake,

and that you'll choose me.

Bring everything back to its place!

No! I'm not doing it.

I'll be a good daughter to you.

So stop doing such bad things.

Just be my mom, okay?

Do you know how I got to this place?

And you expect me
to just live as your mom?

Listen up.

I'm going to make you
into the Empress Regnant.

I am not giving up. Okay?

You're my masterpiece.

You're the masterpiece
that'll change my life!


What happened?

When did you wake up?

Only the Empress knows.

Mother doesn't know that you woke up?

I don't think she would want me
to wake up, like Seo Gang-hui.

Seo Gang-hui is the one
who did this to you, isn't she?

I have something to tell you about her.

And about the video I saw
in the Imperial Record Room.

I thought you didn't like me.

Why did you choose me?

I always liked you.

I just wanted to check

if Mother's choice was right.

You mean, Grandmother?

She gave me a call
on the day of her death.

It had been a while.

Back then,
I should have protected you to the end.

I'm sorry about that.

I still regret

putting the Empress Dowager in her place.

That's why

I don't want to do
more things that I'll regret.

She apologized about
what happened 30 years ago.

Then she brought you up.

She told you about me?

She said you're an upright person.

That you're tiny, yet very strong.

That's why I decided to check

if you are worthy to be in charge
of the future of the Imperial House.

She said that?

She never told me you were a crybaby.

-Take this.
-What's this?

It's a very precious hairpin
that Mother gave me.

Open it.

This is...

You should lie forward...

What's wrong?

It looks similar to the hairpin
that was stabbed in Grandmother's chest.

May I see that hairpin?
Do you have a picture?

I haven't seen it
after the police took it to investigate.


the Empress Dowager has the same hairpin.


She got jealous very easily,

so Mother made an exact same one for her.

The police never mentioned
whose hairpin that was.

I need to check and see

if the hairpin that stabbed Grandmother

belongs to the Empress Dowager.

You don't hear anything
in the room, do you?

You'll find a dead man in there.

Get rid of him quietly.

Sure. I'll do that.

You don't hear anything
in the room, do you?

You'll find a dead man in there.

Get rid of him quietly.

Seo Gang-hui.

Whose body is it this time?

Did you kill him
like how you tried with me?

Tell me now!


This is the Empress Dowager's hairpin.



I won't give up.

I'm taking this to the end.

Goodness, look. You're such a cheater.


If someone comes across this letter,

the truth behind my death
will be revealed.

I hope

it's Empress Oh Sunny,

whom I trust the most.


Lee Hyeok came to kill me today.

It would've been better
if I had been asleep.

It breaks my heart that I was awake
and had to see everything

that my grandson did.


Did you just try to kill me?

I hoped it wouldn't be true.

I hoped and believed
that you wouldn't do that.

What are you so afraid of

that you would go so far
and try to kill me?

I'm not afraid of anything.

Tell me the truth. What are you hiding?

The truth about Empress So-hyeon's death?

Or did you try to kill Sunny?

Tell me!

Yes! I killed Empress So-hyeon!

She betrayed me
and had a kid with another man!

She's the one who abandoned me first!

Is that your excuse?

Empress So-hyeon only loved you!

I can't believe you got suspicious of her!

Why did you turn into such a monster?

Have you gone senile?

Do you want
the Imperial House to be destroyed?

The Imperial House isn't important!

Look at yourself!

There is no reason or value
for the Imperial House to exist!

This is the Imperial House I kept going
as I got beaten up by my father.

You have no right to do that!

I will stop you from this humiliation!

I will bring you down with my own hands!

You can't do this as you wish.
So you need to give up.

Will you be happy only after
your grandson becomes a murderer?

Cancel your meeting
with the Inspection Board!

Let me go!

You didn't give me the answer I wanted.

If you're going to ruin my future,
just die here.

Do you know how I got here?

Just die here!

Fine! Kill me!

If that's what you want, kill me!

Since when were you there?

I did not see or hear anything.

Get out of here!

Lee Hyeok didn't kill her.

The Empress Dowager came by
even before the shock wore off.

What is this?


If you truly wish
to abandon your grandson,

you must kill me first.

Are you

threatening me right now?

His Majesty is
the Emperor of this country.

I would rather drink poison and die here

than to see him

get accused and punished.

-You wicked one.

You evil one!

How dare you threaten your mother-in-law
with your death?

So please stop here.

Please protect His Majesty
and the Imperial House, Mother.

Empress Dowager, it's not too late.

You and His Majesty should

admit to your crimes
and beg for forgiveness.

I'll cover you in any way I can.


I didn't do anything too bad
that requires my apology,

and above all, I can't trust you.

You are the one
who should sit and do nothing.

I'll patch it up in any way I can.


Let's take this to the end.

His Majesty turned into such a monster

and Yoon was driven out of the palace
all because of you!

You will have to pay
for everything you did.

Let's put an end to this, Mother.

My grandson and my daughter-in-law
each killed me once.

They did not get any blood on their hands,

but I was already as good as dead.

There is no reason
for this Imperial House to stand.

Not only are the Emperor
and the Empress Dowager guilty,

I am also greatly guilty

for giving them an omnipotent sword,

and I am truly ashamed.

Therefore, I will

apologize for that with my life

and punish them as well.

I will leave the evidence

of their attempted murder on my body.

I hope my death

will be used to expose
the rotten truth of the Imperial House,

and bring justice to everyone

whose lives were ruined and damaged
because of the Imperial House.

I wish to ask

Oh Sunny, the Empress,
to do this work for me.

Sunny, you shine brightly
just like your name.

I wanted to adore you
and spend more time with you.

I'm sorry that I must leave in a hurry

without saying goodbye to you.

Forgive this Grandmother
for turning my grandson

into a monster.

I leave all of my assets to the Empress.

Please use everything
for the victims of the Imperial House.

I leave the Korean Empire to you.


Did you leave this world
with so much resentment?

Did you leave in such loneliness?

I will

never forgive them.

I will destroy

this Imperial House.

I will.

Subtitle translation by Eun-sook Yoon