The L Word (2004–2009): Season 5, Episode 2 - Look Out, Here They Come! - full transcript

Tina's obvious, lingering affection for Bette affects her dating prospects. Jenny lands Shane a last-minute job of styling hair for the wedding of Jenny's boss's, Mr. Halsey's, daughter which results in a hilarious series of erotic encounters as Shane scores with both of the bridesmaids, and the mother of the bride as well. Meanwhile, Tasha returns and reveals to Alice that she's being being investigated by the U.S. Army for "homosexual conduct". Meanwhile, Kit and Max spot a young girl, named Adele, who's obsessed with Jenny's work and hook her up with her dream job of being Jenny's new personal assistant. In prison, Helena is rescued by her cell mate, Dusty, from a severe beating from the other inmates which seems to draw them more closer together. Elsewhere, Phyllis tells Joyce that she's having doubts about where they stand on their romance, while Bette and Jodi's romance grows stronger.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
More lesbian sex, I want more lesbian.

You're the one that told me
lesbians are always sleeping with their friends.

So let's see it!

See them hook up!

For example.

Page 31, scene 43.

I think we're missing an opportunity here.
I think

Bev and this make-up artist
should totally hook up.

- That would never happen.
- Think about it.

I mean, just because
it didn't happen in real life,

it doesn't mean
it can't happen in the movies.

This is Hollywood.
We can do whatever the hell we want.

You think to be forgetting

that Bev and Nina are together.

She cheats with the plumber.

I like the idea
of Bev as the serial cheater.

It undermines the significance
of her affair with the plumber.

Now, this might be crazy,
but what about Nina and Shaun?


Nobody's ever wants
to see Nina having sex.

- No one will ever go to the film!
- It's not about what people want to see!

It's about the fact
that Nina is too loyal to cheat.

It goes against her nature.

I like the idea of Bev's the cheater.

I don't see her with Shaun.
What about Bev and Ellen?

- Now, that's hot. I like it.
- That would never happen.

They're too much alike.

Okay, but they're not
having a relationship, Tina.

- They're just fucking.
- Well, I don't buy it.

Well, nobody cares what you buy, okay?

Yeah, I know
he's financing your movie, honey.

I would love to. I know.

I would be more than happy
to work on the film.

Alright, let's see how Tina goes

{6}and I'll give her a call,
or you ask her.

- "Gatecrasher" by Ping Pong Bitches -

- Hi, I'm Shane.
- Oh, of course!

- We've been expecting you. Come on in.
- Thank you.

- Thanks for coming on such short notice.
- Sure.

{6}Madison's stylist had to flight back east
for some family emergency.

Oh, I'm glad Jenny called me.

{6}Well, my husband's really spending
a fortune on her movie.

You uh...

{6}- have a very nice place.
- I'm glad you like it.

{6}I do.

This way.

Oh, that color is so nice.

How many times do I have
to tell you stop touching your face?

Set up straight.
Shane's here to do your hair.


{6}- this is Madison, the bride.
- Congratulations. Hi.

Hi, Shane.

{6}And that's Abigail, her sister
and maid of honor.

{6}- Hi.
- And Gina, one of the bridesmaids.

- How are you doing?
- Hi.

{6}The photographer's gonna be here
in two and a half hours. That's enough time?

{6}- No, no, I'll be fine.
- Oh, great.

{6}'Cause I'm gonna need you to do me
when you're finished with them.

{6}No problem.

Who would like to go first?

- "Long As You Love Me"
by Shirley Brown -

- Thanks.
- Hey, do you think Tina's on a date?

- It kinda looks like.
- Yeah.

We took her to
these preschool interviews last week.

She was so impressive.

It amazes me how smart she is.

She's really starting to show
some artistic talents,

- which makes Bette really happy.
- Is Bette an artist?

Oh, no, no. But she's the dean
of CU School of the Arts.

And before that
she was the director of the CAC,

and before that, she was a gallery owner.

So, art is really important to her.

Well, that's an understatement.

It's her life.
When we were looking for donors,

she insisted that he'd be an artist,
and not just any artist.

He had to have made
the Whitney Biennial Art.

It's very typical of Bette.

She sounds neurotic.

Anyway. Not in a bad way.

Anyway, she really wants Angie
to be an artist.

Don't you think that's something
she should let Angelica decide for herself?

Oh, yeah, absolutely.
She wouldn't, never... I mean,

we would

never force her to be anything
that she didn't wanna be.

You're the one that said
that marriage's for losers.

- So, why are you doing it?
- To make daddy happy!

And we'll go just better.

Shane, she cheated with a married man,

besides he was cooing his wife.

- Now, she's bitter!
- Fuck off, Maddie.

I don't know why anyone
would get married. I mean,

look at our parents, they're miserable.

Are you married, Shane?


Do you have a boyfriend?


Do you have a girlfriend?

- Not anymore.
- Then, you like girls.

Yes, I do.

Does that mean you'll never get married?

Gay people aren't allowed to get married,

Yeah, I know, but they can still pretend.

Well, I don't think it's for me,
but I admire people who do it.

Despites why they're doing it.

You are so good, Shane.

I wish you could do my hair everyday.

- I bet you do.
- Shut up, Maddie.

Okay, I'm next now.
Do me.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I think it's just a matter of uh...

- "When Tomorrow Comes"
by The Emotions -

exposing her to all sorts of

expressions, art,

you know, music, all of that.

You know, when the time comes,
she can

make an educated decision
about what she wants to do. Hi.

- Sorry.
- It's okay. Hi.

Denise, this is uh,
this is Bette.

The famous Bette...

- Oh, famous? Did I miss something?
- No, we were just uh...

Tina's just told me a lot about you.

All good stuff.

We were talking about Angelica, actually.

She's really beautiful.

You've met her?

Oh no. Tina showed me a picture.

Well, we're just having lunch over there.

If you feel like you wanna join us.

- No, well, I think we'll stay.
- You know what? Go ahead.

That's okay.
I have to get back to the office anyway.

- Are you sure?
- Absolutely.

- That was lovely to meet you.
- Yeah, nice to meet you too.

I'll be right over. Okay?

Maybe we can do this another time.

I think you have some things
to figure out.

Share time, ladies.

You know there's stalls in there, right?

They're locked.

- "All Day Preaching" by The Soul Children -

It's weird.

Well, I guess that's what you get
for hanging at The Planet, right?


- After you.
- No, after you.

Thanks, buddy.

Thank you.

So, how did it go with Denise?

- It was great.
- Really?

Yeah. I think we're

gonna get together again.

That's great, T.

So, what does she do?

Why do you ask that?

- That's a hideous question.
- I'm just curious.

She's a mortgage broker.

Wow, that's so... um...

You know what? It doesn't matter what she does,
because she's cute,

- she's smart... right?
- That's right.

You know,
remember what we talked about.

So is Tasha back for good?

Yeah, what happened?

Oh, nothing happened.
I mean, I think they just,

I think there's a million reasons
why they can get delayed.

You can ask her about it tonight, though.

The four of you are going on a double date?

I just pissed next to the cutest boy alive.

Really? Who?

- I don't know. I don't see him.
- I just got a text from Shane.

She says your boss's house is really huge.

Not as big as my boss's ego.

Shane's doing hair
for his daughter's wedding.

Wedding? I forgot to pick up my dress.
I have to pick up my dress.

- I'm sorry. Have fun!
- Really?

You know how Shane's doing?

I think she just want
to get pass through the Paige stuff.

You guys really think
that Paige burnt WAX down?

I don't think it could be more obvious.

She must have been really angry.

Well, she's lucky that

that Shane doesn't wanna prosecute.

I'm just worried about Shane,
because I feel like everything's escalating.


- Well...
- Yeah.

We used to say

that every time Shane
walked into a room,

some girl left crying.

But now...

No one's really ever committed arson
over Shane before.

It's like, what's next?

You are so good!

I don't know what you're doing to me.

But do that.

Don't stop.

I wish
my sister could get married everyday.


Well, I didn't expect
to see you back so soon, Williams.

Although I can't say I'm sorry.

I might be lonely right here
after you're all shipped out.

Or maybe you need to sign yourself off
for active duty, Beech.

Just going fat
sitting up here on this desk.

You know, some of these guys
who stick around here

make sure all local...,


what's the deal, Williams?

To what do I own this unexpected priviledge?

I'm seeking counsel.

I've been told I'm under investigation.

Do you know the nature of the complaint?

Well, I haven't been formally notified,

but I believe I'm being investigated
for homosexual conduct.

Very sorry to hear that.

I'd like to start preparing my defense.

I haven't been detailed
to your case, Captain Williams,

and, as you can see,
I've very heavy work on my own.


I'm not trying to overboarding you.

I need some advice.

Williams, my best advice to you
is to mind your P's and Q's

and think about whether or not
you want to stay in the service.

I don't have to think about that.

- I've dedicated my life to the military.
- I'm sure you have.

But allegations like this
are almost impossible to disprove.

Mostly because they end up being true.

Once they're out,
the military doesn't want you anymore.

Which is understandable,
don't you think?

- "Stasch" by Coleman Hawkins -

There he is.

The beautiful boy
with the crystal blue eyes.


He's gay, right?

Please tell me he's gay.

- What? Something's wrong with him?
- No, he's very nice.

Yeah. He, she... he's not gay anymore.

- Anymore?
- So, he used to be gay?


- not exactly.
- Not exactly?

He used to be a lesbian.

He's a trans man.

Oh my god! I had no idea.

Hey! I see you guys later.
Bye! Love you, love you.

- Hey, it's hot, hot, hot.
- Thanks, Kit.

Hey, do you know that girl over there?

That girl?

The one who's been sitting here
for three days in the same ole clothes?

Do you see what she's reading?

Hey there!

Oh, hi, I'm sorry.
Do you want me to pay?

No, no, no, no. I just came over
to see if you wanted something else.

No, I'm good. Thanks.

I can't really afford anything else anyway.

I'm sorry. 7 dollars
for a slice of pie, I know it's a lot.

No, I didn't mean it like that.

Well, what about if you had one on me?

- I mean, the pear polenta tart...
- No, I can't...

Come on. You...
You've got to have one, alright?

Actually, you know what?
I'm starving. Thank you.

So, how's the book?

"Some of her parts"?

It's like my fifth time reading it.

Jennifer Schecter is my favorite author.

You see that young man over there?

He lives with her.

- Do you wanna meet him?
- No.

No, no, no. I couldn't...
I don't wanna bother him.

Oh yeah, come on, come on!
Come on! You're gotta, baby girl!

Come on!
Get your butt up! Come on.

Come on, come on, come on.
Come on.

Uh, Max, Max!
What's your name again?

- Adele. Adele Channing. Hi.
- Hi, I'm Max Sweeney.

And I'm Kit Porter.

It's so nice to meet you.

Now you ready to rock.

Go get married.

Good luck.


There you are.

Look what happened.

- "From Toys To Boys"
by The Emotions -

Sorry. Excuse me.
Sorry. Excuse me.

Could I have a medium triple cappucino

with two pumps of vanilla, please?

Can you also put it on my tab?

- Thank you.
- Is this the famous Jenny Schecter?

Kit, it's such a nightmare.
My fucking assistant Marissa quit on me.

And I've been writing all morning
and I have to be at the wedding in

one hour
and I don't have a wedding gift.

Can you take a minute? There is someone
really special I'd love for you to meet.

Great. Just crush the dress.

I don't...

I can't!

Kit, I have to go buy my satin shoes.


- I'd like you to meet Jenny Shecter.
- Oh my god!

- I can't believe I'm meeting you.
- You are.

It's great. You've met me. Max,

will you please, please, please
do me a huge favor?

Jenny, Adele's a huge fan of yours.

She's read your book five times.
"Some of her Parts", right?

Yeah. And, and,
and that book, "Sarah Shuster"?

- 25 times.
- That's nice.

I adapted it as a screenplay
for my women's studies class.

What do you mean, you,
you adapted it?

Oh but only, only... Only as a class exercice.
I mean, not as a publication.

And what school did you go to, Aline?

I went to the university of Central Florida.

Jenny, her name's Adele.

- I gotta go.
- What don't you come

- and sit...
- Yes! Come on, come on.

Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Would you bring her coffee over, please?

Oh, that's good!

Oh yeah, oh, right there!



What? Did I hurt you?

You suffer,

- you're sure?
- No, I'm fine.

Everything's gonna be fine now.

Thank you so much.


That asshole Rack is here with his wife.

I want him to see me with you.

Please, don't leave me tonight.

Just don't leave me.

- Hello, gorgeous.
- Joyce!

- No!
- Yes!

Don't say I shouldn't have.

"Shouldn't have" is a thing
that makes me want you most.

Joyce... Yeah!
Come sit down a minute. Yeah.

What is it, Phyllis? What's on your mind?

- This is hard.
- Well, whatever it is,

just say it.

You made a lovely proposal to me
and I want you to understand

how very much it meant to me
that you would want to...

to u-haul with me?

Oh god! I'll never forget
you saying that. That was so cute.

- It was?
- It was.

Phyllis, look.

I know you just got out of
a 30-year marriage,

and if you need to take a little more time,

just take it.

I'm not going anywhere.

So you're okay with me seeing other people?


No, no no no no no. That's not what I mean.

- Please, understand.
- There's no understanding here, Phyllis.

I'm not okay with that.

- Are you already seeing somebody?
- No!

No, I mean I want to, but...

I told Camilla that I had to talk to you
before we did anything.


- My friend?!
- Joyce, she is not your friend!

She's a friend of a friend! And
you met her at that party I threw for you!

We both feel really bad about this,
but, come on,

don't take it that way. It's not like,
you know, you versus Camilla.

This is foul play.

- I'm so sorry, Joyce.
- Thank you!

Phyllis, you're being rash.

Very rash.
I'm gonna leave now

and give you some time
to think about your actions

so you don't do something
you will regret later.

- "Stasch" by Coleman Hawkins -

I went on the scholarship. So

it's the only school I know
that has

both the women's studies program
and the film program.

How come you wanted to go
to film school in Orlando,

if you don't mind me asking.

- Because she loves Disney World.
- No. I...

Well, I just...

I also was offered
a scholarship named by you.

But it's of course where I wanted to go.

my mum

had kind of a nervous breakdown
after my dad left her. So...

I just stayed to take care of her.

Is your mama okay now?

Uh, yeah, she's better. She's better.

We just... we had a tough time.
You know?

I stayed to take care of her,
but then,

she still took a lot of anger at me.

You know what?

It was reading this book

that got me through that time.
It was reading "Some of her Parts".

And this book

saved my life.

What a nice thing to say,
isn't that, Jenny?

I went out and I found

every single thing I could
about Jennifer Schecter.

I found your first short stories collection.

I read those stories
over, and over, and over.

Miss Schecter, I just,
I can't tell you... Oh!

- Jenny.
- Okay, Jenny.

- Do you know why I'm here?
- No.

In West Hollywood? I'm here
because I heard somewhere that,

that this caf? was her inspiration
for the Pluto Caf? in "Lez Girls".

I'm just, I'm so honored to meet you.

Well, it's very nice to meet you too.

Oh, hey, Jenny,
aren't late for a wedding or something?

- What time is it?
- It's ten to two.

That fucking assistant Marissa, well
she was supposed to get me the wedding gift,

- and now I don't have a gift.
- So what?

You can just give him after. I mean,
I'm sure they're registered.

I'm so sorry. This is my fault.

- Can I do anything for you?
- I mean, I'm not sure. Unless...

I don't know. Unless you wanna go
to Garie's or Williams'

to know where my name is registered

and maybe pick up the gift on my behalf

- and drop it off at the wedding?
- Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Definitively. Of course.

I have nothing else to do.

Good! Okay, good, good, good.

Come on!

You can help me pick up
a perfect pair of satin shoes,

maybe carry that for me, and
tell me more about your experience.

- Wow!
- You wanted that job, didn't you?

As if!

No, those days are gone.

Looks like nobody warned you
about dropping the soap.

- It just slipped from my hands.
- It just slipped from my hands.

You hear that, Billie?

- She's a fluff.
- Are you a fluff, pretty girl?

I'm sorry. Maybe if you could just
explain to me what that is...

Are you in for real trigger?

Get away from me
or I'm gonna call security.

Oh, she's strong too!

I want you to clique up, bloody hands.

It involves blood?!

You're such a pretty girl!

You know, what a shame
if something would happen to that face.

Let her go, Jackie.

- Why should I?
- Because she's with me.

Suit yourself.

But I'd keep my eye on her

if I were you.

He looked at me
like I had a fucking disease.

I thought you guys
already knew each other.

Well, we went to a leadership together.

But I didn't know
he was such a fucking... boy.

He hasn't even seen action.

He'd probably shit his fucking pants

if his buddy got his...
blown off next to him.

Well, you know what? The good thing is,
you know where he stands,

and now you can go get yourself a lawyer
that's not in the military. Right?

I can't afford a civilian attorney.

Let me help you, Tash.

And I don't want a civilian attorney.


Because if I hire a civilian attorney

then I'm basically just admitting that
I'm looking to get an honorable discharge.

Beech said that's almost impossible

to defend the "don't ask, don't tell" case

because the allegations are usually true.

Well, then forget Beech!
He's obviously a shitty lawyer.

You can win this.

And I don't even why the army tries
to keep gays out of the military anyway.

I'm not fighting to allow gays
to serve openly in the military.

I'm not even trying to overturn
"don't ask, don't tell".

- That's not gonna happen right now.
- Then what are you fighting for?

I'm fighting to stay in the military.

I've worked my whole life for this, Alice.

So, you've worked your whole life
to just deny who you are.

I'm sorry, Tasha. I'm really just
gonna have to adjust my

thinking on this one.

I'm on your side, though.


I am.


I sit here.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I'm so sorry. Here. Come on.

I'm so sorry that I'm late.

Yeah, we were all waiting.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to make you wait.

- Nice dress.
- Thanks, Tina.

Honey? Honey? Honey!

It looks like Madison isn't here.

I don't know.

- Have you seen Shane?
- No.

I always do
everything I'm supposed to do.

Everything my father wants.

I try so hard to please him, but...

he's never pleased.


forgetting your father for a second,

what is it that you want?

No one ever asked me that before.

- Do you love him?
- Of course I love him. He's my father.

I don't mean your father.
I mean your fianc?.

He's sweet,

and he treats me well.

- Good.
- Madison, are you in there?

- Just a second!
- Everybody's waiting, sweetheart.

Do you uh...

do you two have anything in common?


We uh...

We're both adventurers.

And we love to travel.

And uh...

we really try to... a lot.

It just sounds like you're compatible.

Does he listen to you?

He always looks me right in the eye.

Is he faithful?

I'm pretty sure.


That's more than most people can say.

You do look beautiful.

Your hair's staying put.

You're gonna be fine.

You really are.
You're gonna be okay.

Is there something better out there?

I mean, Brad's sweet, but...

He doesn't make me feel like we're gonna

rock the world together.


it sounds like you're looking for
something that uh...

you use to do on your own.

and no one could help you find it.

But at the same time,
from what you're telling me,

it sounds like you and Brad are

gonna be great together.

Don't throw that away.

It's not that easy to find.

And uh...

well, you really

remind me of somebody I used to know.

A lot.

No, no. It's, it's uh...

It's a compliment.

Well, you only got one shot.
Come on. Let's go do it.

Yo, mama!

What did they say?

What were the actual words?

I don't know.

I think she said something
about cliquing?

- Did she tell you to clique up?
- Yes!

It means just joining a gang!

She just wants you to join a gang.

What use am I going to be to a prison gang?

Really? I mean, does that mean
that Dusty

is in a gang too?

- Who's Dusty?
- Dusty's my cellmate.

The one who I said went stepped
and went up to Jackie and said,

she said: "She's with me".

Oh, girl, baby girl, that means that
if Jackie even look at you wrong,

she has to answer to Dusty.

Girl, I hope Dusty is tough enough
to take care of you.

Oh, she's strong.

She's amazingly strong.

She doesn't talk much, but um...

When I first met her, I thought
she was a homicidal maniac.

A homicidal maniac who saved your butt.


Yeah, I've been watching her.

Wow, she's got this...

that quiet intensity.

She's fascinating, actually.

She sounds like she's independant, girl.

And that's the kind of friend you want,
you know what I'm saying?

How do you know all that?

I've been places, okay?

Shit, have I...

So, sometimes they tell you

why you've been delayed,
but they don't have to tell you?

Um, yeah, pretty much.

I mean, you don't know anything

for sure, until you're on that plane
half way to Irak.

She doesn't know...

- You can trust them.
- Don't.

- Oh, shit.
- What?

I thought Phyllis
already broke up with her, didn't she?

I so don't wanna know.

- They're breaking up right now.
- How do you know?

Body language.

Phyllis, listen.

You can't leave me. I'm good for you.

I'm rich, I'm smart,

I'm great in bed.

And I know you think
you wanna play the field,

but I'm telling you.

You will never find
anyone better than me.

- "Ojala" by Pink Martini -

Are you okay?

I'm good.

Do you see anybody here you like?

Are you kidding me? This has got to be
the straightest wedding on earth.

No lesbian's ever going to get laid here.

Yeah, probably.

I'd surely have a drink.
Let's go to the bar. Come on.

Are you okay? You're acting weird.

I'm fine.

- Hi, Shane.
- Hi.

Guess what.

Willy loves you.

He said the girls can't stop talking about
how you did them and I said:

"Willy, can Shane please do hair
on the movie?" And guess what he said.

- What?
- Yes.

Yeah? Good.

Tina, what did you get the bride?

I got the bride for

- expresso cups.
- That's nice.

- What about you?
- Oh god! Thank god you're here.

What did I get the bride?

You got the bride a Limited Edition

Kitchenaid Artisan Stand Mixer
in Metallic Chrome.

Nice gift.

- It's a dream appliance.
- I'd love that.

- I brought you some cake. You're hungry?
- I guess so.


I don't like that.

I'm sorry.

Let's put the gift on the table.
I'll see you later. Bye, Shane.

- Bye, Jenny.
- Come on.

- Who was that?
- I don't know.

- Jenny's driving me crazy.
- Hi, Shane.

- Hi, Gina.
- Do you wanna dance with me?

You know,
I really don't like to dance.

What, what, what?

My asshole boss is over there.

I have to talk to him.

Oh god!

- Please dance with me.
- Gina, you know...

I want Rick to see us together.

Okay, how about this?
I have to run through the bathroom.

That's cute. I'll be back
in a few minutes, okay?

Stay right there. Stay put.

I'll come and find you, okay?

- I'll be here.
- Okay! I love it!

- "J'Veux Un Mec" by Adrienne Pauly -


- Alice, don't.
- What?

What is up with you two?

This is really stupid. We should just tell them.
They're our friends.

- Tell us what?
- Tasha's being held back

because she's been investigated
for homosexual conduct.

You're freaking kidding me?!

And she has to keep a low profile,
so if you could just

lay off the PDA.

I'm sorry. You just,
you should have said something.

I'm so sorry, Tasha.
I had no idea.

No, I'm sorry.

Be right back.

What are you doing?

I told you not to tell anybody.

I know. I wasn't going to.
But I had to.

You didn't have to do shit, Alice.
You just can't keep your mouth shut.

Okay, I don't deserve that, alright?
I was trying to protect you.

- You don't get it, do you?
- Get what?!

- You were sitting a...
- Alice, it's my life. Okay?

I determine when
and if people will know.

They're not just people.
They're my friends.

- You can trust them.
- Oh, it's not them I'm worried about.

Oh, what's that supposed to mean?


I'm sorry, nothing.

I just don't understand what the big deal is
if they know.

Because, Alice,
I don't want to talk about it

and I don't wanna sit around
and listen everyone's opinions about it.

And I don't want people to feel
like they can't be themselves around me.

They don't feel that way, Tash.

But see, this is why
I didn't even wanna come out tonight.


I'm just having a hard time

understanding why you wanna be part
of an institution that hates who you are.

I'm struggling with that.

But I know how important this is to you
and I know this is everything to you.

And you're everything to me and
I'm just trying to stand here by you.

I know. You're right.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry too. I am.

I like your posters.

Isn't it sad, huh?

Dorthy Dandridge died at the age of 42.

OD'ed on anti-depressants.

She killed herself?

Well, they say it was an accident.

You know, she was taking all these
different medication for

her severely injured ankle.
Who knows?

Apparently, she was really depressed.
It's so sad.

I loved her in "Carmen Jones".

Me too.


earlier, when you said

- I was "with you"...
- Doesn't mean I want anything.

Look who we ran into.

Hi, I'm sorry.
We didn't mean to take your seats.

I'ts okay, it's okay.
We're actually gonna take off.

- Sorry.
- It's okay.

- Can you grab my purse?
- Oh, sure.

- "Toi Et Moi" by Jil Caplan -

- Are you sure?
- Yeah, I've got to take a break.

This one over here
can't wait to get between the sheets.

I told her we need
to spend more time with other people.

You know, spread the love.


I am so sorry, I had no idea.

Don't be sorry.
You didn't do anything wrong.

- Alright. It was nice to see you, guys.
- Yeah, it's good to see you too.

- Bye.
- Bye.

Honey, could you please
bring me another glass of wine?


Help me!

- "Baby Don't You Go"
by The Miracles -

Do you know that
you're the only man in my life?

Well, someone would have to be.


very glad it's me.

I've had the most amazing experience today.

This woman came up to me
and she said that my book

save her life, and I thought,

I think our movie
is gonna have an impact on people.

I know it is.

- Do you?
- I know it is.

It's so sweet.
I think I'm gonna puke.

I think it's wonderful that

a man who's spent his entire life
plundering wealth rich men

now wants to change the world
through art.

If you see Shane, tell her I left.

But I don't know your name.

- Ready to go?
- Yes.

I don't know what to do.
I already broke up with her.

Do it again, Phyllis.

Some lesbians you have to break up
with more than once.

I just wanted to say goodnight.

- We're about to go on our honeymoon.
- Oh, good. I'm glad.

- Well, enjoy yourself.
- Thank you.

- You're welcome.
- For everything.

You're very welcome.

Rack's outside with his wife.

- I want them to see us together.
- Gina,

go to the kitchen and tell them
we're out of champagne.


Meet me downstairs.
I have a surprise for you.

What is it?

You're just gonna have to come
and find out.

Are you okay?

You're having a nightmare.

God! You were having a bad dream!

You're okay?

You were defending someone, right?

Oh, baby, you were set up.
Did somebody frame you?

- Nobody framed me.
- I'm sure, whatever it was,

you didn't mean to kill anyone.

I haven't killed anybody!

You didn't?

It was tax fraud.

- Are you Shane?
- What?

Mrs. Hasley asked me to give this to you
right away.

It's this way.

Follow me.

It's incredible that he decided
to finance your movie.

Yes. William is so grateful
to be involved in the movie.

He thinks it's gonna redeem all
these horrible things he's done for money.

Well, it totally will.
I mean,

you were just so amazing
for showing...

Oh, thank you.
I like him. He's a nice guy and

you'll get to know him

you'd become my assistant.

- What?
- Would you like to be my assistant?

- Yes!
- Yes?!

Thank you so much!

You don't even know
how much I wanna be your assistant.

- Do you?
- Yes!

How much I'm gonna work
so hard for you. I will...

- You are not gonna be sorry.
- Oh my god! I'm so excited.

Yeah! Careful of the dress!



I think I'd better.

Thank you.

So, Shane...

Yes, M'am?

Don't be coy with me, Shane.

I saw the way you looked at me
when you followed me up the stairs.

- You did?
- Yes, I did.

And it made me horny.

I'm not crazy, am I, Shane?

- No, no, no, I don't think so.
- Good.

You know, Shane,
I would tell you a little secret.

There's no lot I haven't experienced.

I can

go anywhere I want,

buy anything I want,


it's starting to wear

a little bit thin.

- Mrs. Hasley...
- I want you

to take me somewhere
I've never been.

- I don't, I don't know if I could.
- Yeah,

you could.

And you will.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- What are you doing?
- Nothing.

- Did you hear that?
- Yeah, what is that?

- Mother!
- Shane!

Get away from her, you cow!
She's mine!

Yours?! Shane,
tell them about us.


Shane is a woman who can take you places
she's never been before.

- Just wait until daddy finds out!
- Daddy will not find out!

You're too low for her!

Oh my god!
You can leave me!

- Wait!
- Wait!

- "Shattered" by The Trucks -

- Sorry, sorry! Excuse me!
- Shane!

- You're crazy! Shane!
- Shane!


Run, run! Drive!!!!