The L Word (2004–2009): Season 2, Episode 11 - Loud & Proud - full transcript

Dana is stunned when she learns a big secret about her younger brother, Howie, when he tags along with her and Alice at the annual Gay Pride Parade of 2005. Meanwhile, Mark tries to make amends with Jenny and Shane about his videotaping of them, and Jenny eventually tells him that he can stay with them, but on the condition that they cannot be friends. Kit and Bette keep a hospital bedside vigil for their father, Melvin, after learning that he has terminal prostate cancer but worse still, is refusing treatment. Tina also brings Helena along to the Gay Pride Parade, while Shane decides to try to open up to Carmen. At the end, Jenny uncovers a long-repressed and shocking memory about her childhood after visiting a bondage club.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on "The L Word"

You look beautiful

You know what, let's start with mom and dad

Do you write them? Do you see them

Do you love them? I mean anything

What's wrong

until that you can acknowledge that my relationship of 8 years

was every bit as meaningful as your marriage to my mother

until you can see that my heart is broken

Because I've failed the woman I love

perhaps in the same way that you failed my mother

then I really had nothing else to say


I'd like to see what would happen

if we started to spend some more time together

What about Helena

We are not exclusive

You've crossed every line of trust

and don't you dare to tell me this was for the sake of art

I just finished taking down the last of the cameras

I pretty much had them all over the house

Umm, Jenny saw a tape I made of the two of you

Beg me

Speak more clearly

I can't understand you

Fuck me

Please fuck me

I'm gonna give you a minute to think about

How badly you want me to fuck you

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

the L word 211 Loud and Proud

I don't know what else to tell you

Couldn't you try to convince him

I've spoken to your father's physician in Philadelphia

He tells me your father is adamant

I think that he's very aware of that

It would be an uphill battle

with little hope of recovery

I am sorry


How is he

He has Advanced Prostate Cancer

and he's refusing any treatment

Oh my God. I'm so sorry

I m so so sorry

Look it's gonna be alright


Listen, we are gonna get through this

Where's Kit

She's in the

She's in the room

But she has to leave to go to the Planet

to get ready for tomorrow

Oh my god. Tomorrow's the parade

And she thinks he's right to refuse treatment

Well, maybe she's just trying to support his decision

That's it

He can not make a decision right now

I mean you should see him

He's not himself

He's so sick

Come on

There you go



Okay okay

Let me help with the feet

Hello Melvin

Take those home

You can put flowers on my grave

Aren't you gonna say hello to Tina, daddy

Hello, Ms. Kennard

How are you feeling

How do you think I'm feeling

Daddy, did you see how pregnant Tina is

Would you like to feel the baby

That would be highly inappropriate

Hi, it's me right here

I would make out with

Yes, and scary, can sometimes be a little sexy

They are not scary. They are stupid

That's right, and stupid, Shane

Let me ask you this question

what are you looking for

in a woman

What are you looking for




What are you doing

I just kept on having

These nightmares, so

just trying to work it all out

Well umm

Can we talk for a second


This is my home, Jenny

and I don't know it's

the first time I actually have

a room of my own

That's a huge thing for me

and I am sorry. I am

I am sorry about what you saw on that tape

But I like living with you

I love you

I think we had a great time


It's just, I don't

I just don't wanna lose it


What are you gonna do about Carmen


I think the two of you should be together

What about you?

I think

I think that it was a very important step for me

and now

I am onto other things

So, is that why you are pushing me and Carmen together


Because you are great together

Come on, I wanna show you something

I'm looking for a good time

Come on. Really

Yeah. Why are you asking as if I am not

Because I just want you to be truthful

I am


What are you looking for

Mark here answering question "what are you looking for in woman"

a little love, happiness

And a little Al Green

Look, definitely a little Al Green

No, really


What are you looking for

You are not scary

and Carmen is not gonna get herself

involve with something that she can't handle


I love you

Camile, I told you not to fall in love with me

No no, this is me talking

I love you, Dana

Who is that

I don't know

It's Howie


What's he doing here

Hey Hey, is it you guys

I can hear you



Big sis


Good to see you

Oh Alice, nice outfit

I am cleaning

How'd you find me

Are you kidding

Mom and dad loved to talk about how you

give up your bright future with Tonya

for a dead end relationship with her


You seem far away

I am not. I am just thinking about Melvin

I thought that might be the case

Who knows what Bette's gonna do without him

Tina,I don't mean to sound harsh,but

that's not any of your concern anymore

Is it

Bette's still my family

Yes,I am reminded of that often enough

Can I take your plates


And can we see the dessert menu please

I will bring it right over

I want to see,other people

You mean,you wanna see Bette

Tina,it's fine

That,it's not like we are exclusive

You haven't drop that bombshell,I mean

I just,feel bad,that

you are under the impression that things are otherwise

There you go

Thank you

Did you run away

No no.Mom and dad are just

way up in my grill so

I needed some space

So you came here

Oh??yeah, thought it would be fun to suprise you guys

Calling's fun too

Oh,email's fun

What?You guys not happy to see me


It's not.It's not that at all

just that

How long are you staying,Howie

Coz it's gay pride weekend

and we are kinda "all up and out" proud thing

Oh okay,well

Maybe I will go wit you then


How do I put this

Gay pride.. Howie.. is for gay people

Yes.. yeah.. okay.. see

Come here



Not gay

Right.. right

You wanna come to the pride with me tomorrow


There's a party at the Planet afterwards

May I come in


I was just wondering

if it would be alright if I just

if I just stay here tonight and leave first thing tomorrow morning

I almost got all the stuff in my car


I just don't wanna leave

my car full of shit while I unpack at night


Someone might steal your cameras

I know that you hate me

And,while I would love to ask for your forgiveness

I probably wouldn't forgive myself


I don't know if you can relate to this


It's this,terrible thing that I

was doing

suddenly became the best

truest thing that I've ever done


I got.I got

I will go get the rest of my boxes.Sorry


You can stay tonight

Thank you

"Well I was getting to feel that way myself..

thou I've always reckoned that looking at the new moon over your left shoulder

is one of the carelessest and foolishest things a body can do

old Hank Bunker done it once..."


Hello melvin



I brought you some food

and change of clothes

Oh,thank you so much

as nice as it is

I don't know how much longer

I could've wore this dress

Well,you look beautiful in it

You look beautiful


I was so mad at you for leaving the ceremony

I thought you did it to spite me

No.. no no.I was so proud of you

You looked so confident

Would you please close that curtain

Of course

Well,I should go home

Thank you for the food and the clothes

Will I see You tomorrow

I m gonna go to the parade with Helena

Look.. I m not gonna stop seeing her

If you don't want to see me under these circumstances,I understand

One step at a time,okay


She's gone now

You don't have to hide now

What have I done

What are you talking about

I loved you

I umm,supported every endeavor you've ever undertaken

I've given you every opportunity to follow your every dream

I don't understand

why you want to punish me

I am not punishing you

I do not understand

and you are such a beautiful woman


Don't you ever think about the day

you are gonna stand in the judgement before god

What are you gonna say to him..

when he opens the book of life and reads your sins

I will say

I am your creation

and I am proud

Now I know how hard you've worked

to distance yourself from everyone else on this planet

and I am sure that deep down you've got some great reasons why

But it's not gonna work for you anymore

It's working fine

No.. it's not

It's not because of this.Okay

Because of this right here

Do you feel this

Most people don't have this,Shane

This is rare

This kinda things just don't happen

And I feel this because I see it

And I know it

Here's some sheets

Wow,thank you

and pillows and things

You need pjs

No,I am good,yeah


I am happy that you are here

I am happy to see you too,Dane


Good night

He's gonna ruin our pride

Maybe he can hang out with you


Wha.. where are you gonna be

I sorta got asked to be on the gay and lesbians center float

Were you gonna tell me that




Be with me


Be be be with me on the float

You are a celebrity

You are,you are A "Pieszecki of the chart" pieszecki


Be on the float

Well,do you think.. would they want that


Come here with me on the float

Come on,let's be known and gay together

That sounds kinda fun


Alright.. well.. how about Howie

We will leave before he gets up

I love the way you think

I love you

I am gonna set the alarm,okay




You want one


He's not there

Did he leave

I don't know

Thank you

We should get to the parade early


Is it gonna be really big



I brought coffee and umm

those little organic scones that you guys like

I am fucking lost man

Can you just take these,please

can I talk to Jenny

You gotta ask her,not me


Can I talk to you


I wish so much that there's something I can do

No.I don't think there's anything that you can do

I think that you did it

When I moved in here

I was the type of guy who was capable of doing shit like this

But I am not that guy anymore

I know I've said it before

But you and Shane had made me a better man

Oh, fuck off Mark

It's not my job to make you a better man

And I don't give a shit if I've made you a better man

it's not a fucking woman's job to consumed and invaded and spat on

so some fucking man can evolve

It's not what I meant

What the fuck are you talking about then,Mark

You give me one reason

Why you think that I should forgive you

Because that,Jenny,I've made a big,big mistake

But from that

I've learned how difficult it is to be a woman

Oh please

Wait Jenny


Look at this

what are you doing

Is this what you want


What I want

is for you to write fuck me on your chest

write it,do it

and I want you to walk out that door

and I want you to walk down the street

and anybody that wants to fuck you

said,"Sure sure no problem."

and when they do

You have to say,'Thank you very very much.'

And make sure that you have a smile on your face

And you stupid fucking coward's gonna know

What it feels like to be a woman

Ohh,Shane,I just

I don't know

He must've heard our alarm this morning

There's no reason to be up so early

Dana Fairbanks

Hey guys

It's Dana Fairbanks

she's here


Oh,I am sorry


Can I get your name


Alice Pieszecki

Would you spell that please

P-I- I am not on that list

I am


This is my girlfriend

We are together and

Alice pieszecki of the chart,KCRW

It's okay anyway

This is my brother

And I thought they could be on the float with me

Oh,I m really sorry Dana

Only the people who's name is on this list gets to go on the floats

They can watch you from the crowd

It'd be fun for them


It's not like it's the HRC or the GLAAD float thing anyways


You heard me


Dana,if you'd like to ride on our float

We'd love to have you


I m sorry you guys

Uh huh

I will see you after


Oh,how sweet of her

People really loved her huh


Alright,keep it moving

He's straight

Come on

I am sorry

It's a bit of a mate market

Are you okay

I am okay, yeah


Come with me


Well,she won't come with me

So you have to do it


shane.She wants me to ride with her with the motorcycle lesbians

The Dykes on Bikes and you are not going

Yup,I wanna be an observer

Yeah I so wanna go



Umm.Howie??how about Howie

Yeah I will be fine

I will look after him

You okay? You okay? You good


Oh cool.Thanks


Hi I am Howie

I am Jenny

Nice to meet you

Nice to meet you

You wanna walk around

Yeah, sure

I am gonna go with the dykes on bikes.So

Alright fine.I will see you later

Yo can write that on your little clip board

See you Al



I told Dana that I love her,twice

That's good

Yeah.But she didn't say anything back

And umm,that's bad,right

Okay.why am I even talking to you about love


Look,at least I can see that she loves you

You can

Yeah.You can't

Come on


Oh my god,Shane

Hi Dana

You know I have a secret


I've never actually attended the parade before

I mean,I had parties around it

I've rented rooftops with amazing views of it

But I've never actually be in it


We are happy to have you

And how about you

Oh,this is,my seventh

Such a political being you are

Fighting for gay rights,eh

No,not really

Bette and I used to come every year

It's just an excuse to have a margarita before 3 o'clock

Did you miss that

I like being here with you

Seeing it through your eyes

She needs to get spank




Hi,have you seen Howie

He said he would meet up with me later

Was he freaking


Did he say where he's going

Maybe he went to a sports bar or something




How weird

Thank you

Maybe there was a good game on

Will I see you there


Wow,I love to punish a tease

I wish you were here,mom


I brought you something to eat

How is he


Why don't you go home

If I go home

All I am gonna think about is being here

But you can't just stay here and

I can

It's my decision

Is that my Katie


Come here Kat

I brought your pajamas


I am so sorry

All these years

such foolishness

oh, Katie??Katie

It's okay??it's okay

Is my baby here

Yeah,she's here


I love you both

I love you too,daddy

I don't think I can do this

Yeah sure you can

Come on


Maybe it's not a great idea


Let's just look at the pros and cons



Gentle with novices

This is good


So we can just tell them it's our first time

I think they might know that,Dana.But



There's 7 stations of the cross




Temporary piercing

Public humiliations

Anal penetration




Umm,spanking and

Oh,specialty arts

That's nice

Oooh,there's a free buffet till 6

chicken wings and tofu

Yeah,what do you think

I don't know

We'll,sneak peek and


Let's do it

Come on



So polite

Ohh,what do you want your servant to be

I don't know tunafish

Thank you





Uh great??yeah




Thank you




Happy pride

Oh my God,you look so huge

Oh my God,wow,hey


What are you doing here

I am celebrating gay pride I guess

I don't know

You mean,gay shame

That's what it really is


Cause most of us have more shame than pride

I think that you might be right

You wanna dance


What's the matter

Am I too old,or

Too suburban or something

No,you are perfect

You wanna kiss me

Happy pride



How are you

I am good

Good to see you

So you've made it

Yeah,it's a great party

Did you enjoy the parade

Yeah,I had a great time


Tina,this is Leigh

Leigh,this is my friend,Tina

Hi,very pregnant friend


She and umm,her ex are having a baby

Oh I am sorry

Not about the baby

about the ex

I am just going through a breakup myself,so

You know,I heard,but I wasn't sure of that

Well,the rumors are true

Valerie moved back to New York and

We just weren't ready for long distance relationships.So

Oh,you know what

Maybe it's wise

So,do you wanna dance

Oh,dance?Please do

I need to sit down



We will see you in a bit


Hey.. where are you going

We just got here

Umm,it's hot in here

I need to step out



Hurry back

Awww,got me

I am worried about Howie

He's got the keys

He knows the address

He's fine..

Yeah,but he's my little brother you know

I should spend more time with him

Holy shit


Excuse me

I am sorry

Just one second


I will be back

I will be waiting

Okay,a cosmo, Howie


It's alcholic

It's gay

What's going on

I am celebrating pride


What do you have to be proud of

Okay,excuse us for just one second

Howie,that man is gay

I know Dana

Are you,are you imitating me?

Is this,it's not funny

If it's what you are doing

No,I am not

So you just

You just decided that you are gay

You know,you are too young

You you,you just,it takes time

Dane,I've known since I was 4

And you made that much fun of me

Well,it's cause your scared

I mean

Be gay,be proud everybody

Stop stop


Could you tell mom and dad for me

Thank you


Oh fuck

I am sorry

I am just turning the keys in

You've opened up

Well,you've opened up this pandora's box

And now you are just running away


I dare you to stay here and deal with this

We are not friends


Remember when I was a little girl

and on sundays.. we go to church

and you'd wear your three piece suit

pointy toed shoes

I looked over to you

and I said

that's my dad

You were the handsomest man in the world

You are everything

everything I thought a man should be

Is that right

Oh,I am,I am sorry

I didn't know you are not sleeping

I am not dead yet

Sorry I woke you up

Where's benjamin

He's with his wife and kids

You shouldn't have let him go

If he's the man you wanna be with

then you should be with him

Whatever the cost

Like you did with mom

I did what I had to do

to ensure my happiness

sometimes it comes at a price


It does


I love you

I love you too

Don't touch me


I never had a hamster

But I had a dog

and her name was Remy

I,have a brother

But I've never met him..

Because we've never grew up together

and my mom put me in foster care when I was 9

but I still love her very much