The King's Avatar (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 11 - Episode #2.11 - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Tencent Video presents

Adapted from the bestseller The King's Avatar
by Butterfly Blue

Copyright Notice
All rights preserved by China Literature

♪ The dawn piercing horn ♪

♪ is being played by now ♪

♪ Is that a fantasy or memory ♪

♪ Eyes wide open, but I can't tell ♪

♪ which side of the road am I running on ♪

♪ Would I know ♪

♪ the memories and breaks mixed in morning light ♪

♪ They said you shouldn't march on ♪

♪ They said you have to say goodbye ♪

♪ They say you can have no tomorrow but endless night ♪

♪ Over the finishing line ♪

♪ I will start my dream again ♪

♪ Even if it's dangerous ♪

♪ I will keep marching, and get my crown back ♪

♪ Put on my armor and step to the unknown future ♪

♪ Hold on to my light ♪

♪ On the road together with you ♪

♪ becomes the power that supports me ♪

♪ The morning light that burns in my heart ♪

♪ will blossom at dawn ♪

♪ Dawn of Glory ♪

♪ On battlefield ♪

♪ I will show you my edge ♪

Episode 11
Little Cold Hands

Hottie, which dungeon you wanna go today?

Doesn't matter.

We'll go

wherever we're needed.

You already had Hottie a few days ago!

Not again.

Get lost!

You get lost!

Why would you even

invite Hottie for that crappy dungeon?

First come, first served.

Show some respect, OK?

We applied first!

First my ass!

Check out the chat!

I came first!

No, it's me!


I came first!

Calm down.

Who's been with me before

can wait for the next round.

Let those who haven't tried come first.



even Hottie said so.

You better behave.

Got time to do a dungeon?

You can't just crush in a queue.

Got the hell...



Level 70 Boss North Bridge Mage Modank has popped.

He's our top priority this week.

We need your help to take him down.



The Boss will notice us once we step on the bridge.

Do we have to go hard on him?

It's Dazzling Spring again.

= Blue Brook, Changing Spring =
It's Dazzling Spring again.

He stole our Boss last week.

= Blossom Valley, Blooming Blossom =
He stole our Boss last week.

= Herb Garden, Arisaema =

We shouldn't let him get on the bridge at the first place.

He took the lead again.

What's your opinion on this?

North Bridge Mega

will generate aggro to whoever steps on the North Bridge.

The longer you stay on the Bridge,

the more aggro you'll have.

And that guy

can stay above the bridge with his moves.

He will be in dominant position

from that height.

With the terrain of the North Bridge,

he can block others from getting onto the bridge.

Since he has already taken the lead,

it's not easy to break his advantage.

So what can we do?

I'll go first.

I'll kill Dazzling Spring.

Then you attract the Boss over,

finish him at the bridgehead.

How are you going to kill Dazzling Spring?

Just go in and kill him.

After I got in,

pin down other players of Blossom Valley.

He just went straight up there.

Even he's not dead,

his HP will be running really low.


see if you can heal him

from this distance.


= One minute later =

By the way Dazzling Spring's fighting,

we can't even locate Hottie.

Calm down.

They can't stay in the smoke all the time.

The moment they jump out,

it will be my call to heal.

He's out of your range.

Let's go in.

You haven't taken on any serious actions,

because you want to lure me

out of the range of the healing skills, right?

Not only that.

Say goodbye to your Clerics.


Check it for yourself down there.

Spell Reflection.

His HP's turning red.

It's over.

Not so fast.

It's not over yet.

Holy Commandment Light?


Nice timing.

When did this Cleric come up here?

Did she get here using

the shadows I created?

Little Cold Hands.

You gonna get cold underwater.

Got addicted to bullying the Clerics?


Knight's Provoke.

Let's all get cold underwater.

You might not want the Boss, but I do.

Piss off!

Dazzling Spring has been taken down.

Rush to the bridge!

Let's go!

Solving that Blossom Valley's maniac in such a way,

he is indeed something.

= From Unrivaled Super Hottie =
Got errands to attend to.

Gotta go.

You guys continue.

What do you mean "gotta go"?

You're in the middle of the dungeon,

how can you just leave like that?

I'm busy putting together my own team.

Ain't got time for your little play.

Why did he suddenly bring up this?

Is he going to have a showdown?

Then what was he doing back there?

If I come again,

it won't be helping you with the Boss.

It will be stealing your Boss.

Are you sure you want me back?

How can an undercover be so cocky?

This is so annoying!

Kill them!


Samsara just came from the opposite.

Take it! Take it!

We gotta take down this spot.

Cover the Clerics.

Send them up there.

How come their lead's not Samsara's President?

Who is that Warlock?

They said he's a newly joined master of Samsara.

Great at tactics.

Don't go straight ahead!

Go around them over there!

Man, you're an Assassin.

Don't barge about like a Knight.

Be dirty.

Be low.


you're not even qualified to attack me.

Still guarding against me?

Come on,

put the gun away.

It's over.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

If it weren't that Cleric,

you would be dead by now.

That Holy Commandment Light,

wasn't it wonderful?

If she actually aimed at that timing,

then it was impressive.

Who is she?

A player in Tyranny.


Just a regular player?

Tell me about it.

Knows how to use the shadows to cover her moves.

And the ability to seize the opportunity at critical moments,

along with the observation and judgment.

She's almost a professional.

She's a talent.

I agree!

So you went undercover in Tyranny

with that crappy Knight account

for a Cleric?

There're no other options for me.

You gods aim too high.

I have to fish from the regular players.

I mean, if I want a Cleric,

I have to start from Tyranny.

After all, Tyranny has the No.1 Cleric, Zhang Xinjie.

No wonder you came in as a Knight.

MT is the best approach to test the Cleric.

You found

such a talent.

You got quite lucky.

Didn't expect you to comment on luck.

Where's that Cleric?

Probably drowned and died.

Drowned and died?

For real?

I mean,

if she's an all-round player

with no flaws at all,

then she won't be there for me to tap.

She would be scouted long ago.

What is this flaw

that buried

her talents?

According to my observation,

she has a great sense of timing.

But her operation is just so-so.

When it comes to a complex situation,

her reaction is also slow.

That's true.

If she can't keep up with the operation,

she won't be showing her strengths in a team.


Did you use me as an experiment?

Don't put it that way.

I'm just trying her out

with you.

Calm down and be civilized.

How about you?

Aren't you ready to come back?

Why are you still helping Blossom Valley with that Boss?


Still feeling guilty?

I owe it to them.

Sun Zheping retired in season five due to hand injury.

Zhang Jiale took over as the captain.

Yet failed to attain the championship once again.

We will always support you, Captain Zhang Jiale!

It's a pity.

I'm tired.

It's been a good year.

All you needed was a little bit of luck.

I want to retire.

You're not going back to Hundred Blossoms?

Well, good luck.



I'll go back to get the Boss.

Blossom Valley

probably got aced by now.

That's okay.

We can always

be revived.

This is the best part about online games

compared to the real competition.

I wish you success then.

I have achieved my goal.

I will cut the Boss some slack this time.

Then I wish you

get what you want as well.

I hope that Cleric can live up to your expectation.


not disdain your status as the master of Excellent Era.

Take on Injury Reduction.

Let's hit them again.


It's Dazzling Spring.

Dazzling Spring is back!

Blossom Valley almost got aced.

What good can he be coming back here alone?

My irresponsible retirement

had failed Hundred Blossoms once.


I'm afraid I have to abandon them again.

Cap Zhang,

go get them!

I'm sorry.

But there's this one thing I want,

even I have to

risk it all.

The championship.

I won't ask for forgiveness.

Just take this

as my final atonement.

The King's Avatar 2

You, you...

You went into Tyranny

just for a Cleric?

What are you looking at?

About getting the Cleric in,

why don't you go do it?

Why me?

I don't even know him.

It doesn't matter.

Just say you appreciate his talent,

and you are putting together a team.

See if he's interested.

If it's that simple,

then why won't you go?

I'm just trying to be nice.

He's a fan of Tyranny.

A hardcore supporter of Zhang Xinjie.

If I go in and tell him like,

I'm Ye Qiu.

Come with me.

He's gonna shit on me.

Down with Ye Qiu!

Down with Excellent Era!


Is this the right place for our appointment?

= Tyranny, Little Cold Hands =

There she is.

Is that her?

Little Cold Hands.

It's a girl.

She's not a man, is she?

Hi, Nostradamus.



Female look with a male voice.

Doesn't seem to be that bad.

I've been following you.

The battle at North Bridge.

That Holy Commandment Light was amazing.

It's all right.

I did get lucky on that one.

You have great skills.

I'm putting together a team.

We need a Cleric.

Would you like to join us?

Ye Qiu's team?

We got busted.

Say what you have to say then.


Ye Qiu's team.

Then maybe this team will be fun.

Unrivaled Super Hottie

is Ye Qiu, right?


What's he after with Tyranny?

He was very polite,

until Ye Qiu came into the conversation.

Nice play.


It's just a side account

for him to practice more.


With his level,

coming down to a mid-stream team,

how is that practice?


Anyway, I feel that

you are pretty good.


interested in joining us?

I wanna know your answer.

If it's really Ye Qiu,

then I'm a bit interested.

But teaming up with Ye Qiu,

equals aiming for the Pro League.

That means I have to be a professional gamer.

This is gonna be an important step in my life.

You expect me to give you a definite answer right now?

Well, take your time, then.

I'll wait for your reply.

You just gonna leave like that?

What else do you want?

You should at least introduce

= Macro: Roster, fund, tactic =
your current situation and long-term plans.

For example, personnel composition besides Ye Qiu.

How much investment will the team have?

What is your direction and the goal to your development?

Welfare, contract duration,

insurance and housing funds,

food and accommodation?

He is

taking this seriously.


Let me walk you through.

Our team is led by Ye Qiu.

At present, we're in the preparatory stage.

We will sign up for the Challenge

in the next season

to win over the ticket of the Pro League.

About the roster,

we are still trying.


well, I'm kind of the sponsor.

If you are really interested,

we can sit down

and talk about your pay.

So you are the boss.

What do you mean by "kind of"?

Are you not sure about this investment?

Is that why you gave such a vague answer?


to win the entry through Challenge,

even with a master like Ye Qiu,

there's no guarantee that you can make it to the end.

Does that mean we'll only get official contracts

after the team enters the League?

If not,

then the temporary contracts will be terminated automatically.

We'll just go back

to wherever we came from.

These are still under discussion.

In fact, the roster

is mainly taken care of by Ye Qiu.

Maybe I should get him to talk to you.

So you don't have a clue.

That's not very responsible as the boss, is that?

Leave it all to Ye Qiu.

Is he your relative or what?

Go ask him.

You go talk to him.

About what?

Team planning.


Amount of investment.

With or without contract.

What kind of contract?

Insurance and housing.

Food and compensation.


whether you and I are related.

He has thought it through.

I am Ye Qiu.

I heard you have a lot of questions.

First of all,

you're the one

who picked me,

not that silly rabbit, is it?

It was me.

And that silly rabbit,

we are not related.

But she's gonna be our boss.


she can hear

every single word we just said.

Hello, boss.

I hope after you heard my warning,

you can realize that

the Challenge can be risky.

You need to be careful with your investment.


let's get back to business.

Please introduce the current situation of this new team.

Just like our boss said,

everything is uncertain.

If we don't get enough players before the Challenge,

all the rest won't count.

Let's say we put up the team in time,

you're that confident about the Challenge?

As long as it's a game,

no one is 100% sure.

But as a self-made team,

if we can't even play well in Challenge,

then even we got into the League,

it'll just be a one-time thing.

You're saying

the Challenge

is to test the ability and value of this team.


The one who really needs to take on the risk if we're out,

is just me.

All you have to do is to perform well.

Then the experience in Challenge

can help you to secure a bright enough future.


For me,

it is indeed a rare opportunity.

You thought about this with all the details.

It seems that you are very interested

in becoming a Pro.

Of course.

I think most of the Glory players

have this kind of a fantasy.

Now you have a chance

to make this fantasy real.

What's the name of your team?



Sounds like a tiny grocery by the side of the road.

Or a convenience store.

Or a net cafe.
= Happy Net Cafe =

You got it right.

What are you laughing at?

Shut up!

Let me do a final check.

Where we are on the team right now?

You and me included,

we have four.

And the other two are...?

A Warlock.

You probably won't be seeing him recently.

And a Battle Mage.

He's in District 10 now.

How about Mumu?

You didn't count her in.

She won't be there for the Challenge.


Su Mucheng?

If we can make it to the Pro League,

she'll be with us.

Finally, some good news.

And that Steamed Bun?

I haven't talked to him yet.

Not sure what he might think.

Steamed Bun can think?

Listen to yourself.

He's not a real bun.

He's also human being.

Maybe we should let him know now?

I'll go talk to him.


let's have a team chat group.

Gotta play dirty, okay?


boss is adding me to a group chat.


= Chasing Haze invites you to the group chat Team Happy=

= Member: Lord Grim, Chasing Haze =

= Agree =

= Windward Formation, Steamed Bun Invasion, Soft Mist
are now in =

♪ If you can't see the sky with your head up ♪

♪ Then look down and focus on where you're heading ♪

♪ We all know ♪

♪ that we don't want to bury our dreams ♪

♪ Step back for the next take-off ♪

♪ I know you've been with me ♪

♪ All channels are reconnected ♪

♪ I remember you said you would wait ♪

♪ Fine melody under my fingertips ♪

♪ Perfect performance in digital world ♪

♪ Are you ready ♪

♪ For big show ♪

♪ Brand-new melody ♪

♪ Brand-new you and me ♪

♪ Our passion will support us to the end ♪

♪ Light the fire in you ♪

♪ Shine away the weakness in dark ♪

♪ You can laugh at me ♪

♪ You can look down on me ♪

♪ They would only drive me further ♪

♪ Write down our pulses ♪

♪ Running on our Glory road ♪

♪ All those provocations ♪

♪ They will only firm my steps ♪

♪ The scenery ♪

♪ we are missing will be waiting for us at the end ♪

= On the next episode =
It is said,

Excellent Era's new player Sun Xiang,

will not attend the rest of this season's games

due to his physical conditions.

Is that true?

Excellent Era's performance is not worth the time

of the press conference.

I heard Ye Qiu put together a team.

The Challenge is coming.

You think we'll bump into each other for the first game?

Got cold feet?


If I am, I won't be standing here.

You better pray

not to bump into us for the first game.

Short Plays of The King's Avatar 2

The King's Avatar 2

Episode 11

Although you smell sketchy,

but after thorough consideration,

I decide to join you.

So, what will my contract be?

Well, as sketchy as we are,

we don't have the contract ready yet.

You can search for a similar contract from the internet.

You know, as references.

You're saying I have to get the contract ready myself?

Well, if that's what you want.

Can I take my decision back?

Are you kidding me?


But I have to make sure

you're Ye Qiu.

Sure, I can text you with Lord Grim's account.

But Ye Qiu being Lord Grim has not been confirmed yet.

Go ask your president in Tyranny, then.

Or I can give you the numbers of Lao Han and Zhang Xinjie,

you can confirm with them.

Wait, I don't remember their numbers.

Maybe I'll give you their QQ.

Or you can do face time with Su Mucheng.

Or Huang Shaotian.

So you can see how loud he can really be in person.

There's gotta be a way to convince you.

Whichever way you like.

Forget it, I'm buying.

Where you going?

Search for contract.