The Killing (2007–2012): Season 1, Episode 19 - The Killing - full transcript

November 21. Leon is found hanged in the ship. Lund is taken off the case after Meyer's death and subjected to an internal investigation...

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
We have to search the canals.
It's the same perpetrator.

- Do you know where he is?
- No.

I think he was in love with Mette.
She was his first victim.

The police have put out a search
for Leon Frevert.

There might be evidence of him
on her old things.

Someone's up there with you.
Hang on. I'll be right up.

Meyer, what's going on?

He saw a suspect in the building.

The operation was successful,
he'll make it.

Thank you.

Is it true that the party flat
was left untouched for two weeks?

I'd like to know more
about the surveillance tape.

- The police have cleared me.
- There are rumours about Rie.

The only way
she got information on Stokke

was by spreading her legs
for Bremer's adviser, Phillip Dessau.

- Where were you that night?
- I told you.

- We didn't hold meetings in the flat.
- The toilet is out of order.

When the toilet was to be delivered

someone called and said
it wasn't needed after all.

There's no indication of anyone
being in the flat after the perp.

Salin is bluffing.

Rie is the only one
who sent a package that night.

Erik Salin.

My lawyer will sue you for libel
if you print your allegation.

Now they suspect Leon.

The police are searching the house.

- Leon might have been here.
- Get out.

- We have a warrant.
- Don't mess up this place.

- Look. Isn't it nice?
- This house sucks.

Keep an eye on the parks.

- Hello?
- This is Leon Frevert.

I didn't do it.
Do you understand?

You have no idea.

My brother is odd,
but he didn't kill that girl.

Help me find him.
Where are you meeting him?

It's a Russian coaster.
The suspect's name is Leon Frevert.

We're from the prosecutor's office.
You have to come with us.

I've handed in my report.
You can talk to Meyer.

That will be difficult.
Jan Meyer is dead.

Assign the command to someone else

and go
with the prosecutor's assistant.


Let me recap.

While on the phone,
you hear a shot and then another.

You find Meyer wounded
on the first floor.

You call emergency services,
give him first aid

and wait for the ambulance.

When you're done giving us
information, you're free to go.

Shall I repeat it?

No. That's correct.

Fine. That's all I need.

It was your idea to go out there.

- Did you inform your superior?
- No. There wasn't time.

How did he die?

There were complications
with his blood supply.

You left your side arm
in the glove compartment.

Why wasn't it locked?

Meyer was in the car.

- Was he alone?
- No. His wife was there.

How did Meyer know
where your pistol was?

He knew I always kept it
in the glove compartment.

So Meyer took your pistol.
And the shooter took it from him.

Did you see the shooter?


But I heard a car drive off
when I got to the first floor.

- Did Meyer see him?
- I don't know. Maybe.

But you're sure it was Frevert?

If your pistol was in the car

you don't know if Meyer took it
or the shooter did.

Frevert can tell you all about it
when you question him.

I want to leave.

I know it's hard to talk about this,
but we have to get through it.

I'm leaving. You can call me.

- Are you sticking to your statement?
- Yes, of course.

Put your coat on. We're leaving.


It looks like you were right
about suspecting Leon Frevert.

He was taking the coaster
to St. Petersburg

but changed his mind.

There must have been a lot of things
he didn't want to be confronted with.

This is the closest
we'll get to a confession.


Or rather a partial confession.

He had this receipt in his pocket.

Leon Frevert filled up his car

about 30 km from the storage hotel

at the same time as he shot
Jan Meyer, according to you.

It could be a mistake

but the surveillance camera
at the gas station verifies it.

- That can't be right.
- One last time...

...are you sticking
to your statement?

Maybe we can start moving in
next weekend.

But I'll have
to check the furnace first.

He's really upset.


You know what kids are like.
It's OK if he's reluctant.

Maybe getting a dog is a good idea.

Isn't Emil the one who wants one?

So does Anton.
It could be a birthday present.

Maybe you should lower your voice.

I let the boys play in the garage.

Come on.

Isn't it cool?

You can race it in the yard
at the new house.

Can I take the car upstairs?

Of course you can.
It's yours.

When you're going to move

you can be nervous because you
don't know what's going to happen.

But it's fun to try something new.

There's something in the basement.

What do you mean?

Nanna's passport.

With blood on it.

Don't tell Mum and Dad.

What makes you say things like that?


If it's because
you're afraid of moving

then it's better to tell the truth
than to stand there and lie.

I'm not lying.

What else did he say?

Nothing. He kept on saying
he had seen it there.

I've been there hundreds of times,
and I haven't seen it.

- Where did he say it was?
- In the basement.

Why would it be there?

I'll call Rudi and Leif.
They're at the house.

There's nothing there, Vagn.

Then why did he say so?

He can say what he wants,
but not something like that.

The police never found her passport.

I'd appreciate it
if you don't talk to Anton about it.

But we will.

We'll take him over there tomorrow
and take a look.

And if it's there, I want to know.

It isn't,
and tomorrow is his birthday.

We'll be on the air for 90 minutes.
Each candidate gets three minutes.

- I assume I'll be last.
- No, the candidates will draw lots.

- The biggest party should go last.
- Drawing lots is the fair thing to do.

Then I should have been told.
We'll use our usual procedure.

Maybe we should forget drawing lots.
We've never done so before.

- What if Hartmann goes first?
- No. We had an agreement.

Let's draw lots.
I'm feeling lucky.

And when we're done here,
there won't be much to play for.

- Shall I take a seat?
- Yes, please do.

- I have to talk to him right now.
- It's for you. It's Hartmann.

- Why was Dessau fired?
- Aren't you on TV soon?

I suppose he messed up. Why?

You said something about receipts.

- What's going on?
- Explain it to me, damn it.

Rie sent something the same night
the police got the tape.

- Where did she send it?
- I don't know.

- Find out.
- What's going on?

Did Rie know the plumber
was coming Saturday morning?

None of us knew until Salin told us.

Could she have gotten
a letter from them?

Yes, if she was in the flat.

They sent the letter there.

- Is there something I can do?
- Troels, it's time now.

This is the final debate.

The impression people get today

is the one they take
into the voting booth.

If the murder case is mentioned,
stick to what we agreed on.

Stress that you'll do whatever
you can to help the investigation.

You stand for candour and clarity.
Bremer has skeletons in the closet.

Are you listening?

Troels, this is important.

I think I know what Bremer's up to.

- We can't wait any longer.
- OK. I'll be right out.

I know what you did.

I know all about it.

And unfortunately,
Bremer probably knows, too.

The party flat,

the surveillance tape, Dessau.

It's not what you think.

We're going on the air.

Troels. Troels, wait.

There's no foundation in that.

You know as well as I do
that we can't avoid raising taxes.

- There's a cap on taxes.
- Exactly, that's the problem.

Thank you.
Now it's the lord mayor.

Thank you.
It's an important subject.

But the voters want answers
regarding another case.

The murder of Nanna Birk Larsen.

We're only talking politics tonight.

First and foremost,
politics is about ethics and morals.

- The voters have a right to know.
- Briefly then.

I've been accused
of withholding information.

I have even be reported to the police.

It's all been done
at the request of Hartmann.

But Troels Hartmann has deliberately
withheld information

and thereby impeded
the progress of the investigation.

How can it be that his party flat
was left untouched for two weeks?

How could a surveillance tape
suddenly disappear and then turn up?

The police gave me their word
that his accusations are unfounded.

They're either misinformed
or don't have the proof I have.

Let's not go through this again.

If that's the case,
then give your proof to the police.

If they want to question me again,
I'm more than willing.

I will go to the police.
But it's in everyone's interest...

Excuse me! Excuse me!

I've been cleared...

- It's not in everyone's interest.
- Just before we went on the air...

It's been like this
in all the 12 years

you've been in power in this town.

- I'll have to interrupt you here.
- I have information that...

I'd like to say
that since the lord mayor

is so busy slinging mud
it proves that he is struggling

and doesn't want to talk politics.

The system is in a rut. Instead
of taking part in the debate

Bremer vents his arrogant attitude
towards the voters.

- I have proof that...
- He's sidetracking the debate.

That's how he makes sure

we won't discover his lack of vision.

- I have proof that...
- It's sad and undignified.

Call an ambulance.

Why didn't Meyer go in with you?

- He didn't think it was important.
- Did you give him an order?

No. The window was broken,
and he saw Frevert's flashlight.

- Frevert's flashlight?
- No. The perpetrator's.

We do agree that Frevert
wasn't there, right?

Frevert must have had information.
He tried to help us.

But he was afraid.

Maybe he saw something
he wasn't meant to see.

So even if Frevert wrote 'I'm sorry',
he didn't kill Mette and Nanna?


The question is
whether he did commit suicide.

The storage hotel was broken into.
The perpetrator beat us to it.

One of the boxes was open.
He must have taken the evidence.

You were meant to go to Sweden.

Did Meyer want the case to himself?

No. Or yes.

We had an argument.
It was nothing.

Did Meyer complain
to his superior about nothing?

He told his wife
you weren't yourself that evening.

And that there was nothing
to be achieved at the storage hotel.

He's not the only one
who's noticed you've lost control.

Sources at the station
say you suffer from tunnel vision.

You can't grasp reality.
Is that correct?

I'm not losing it.

I just have to find out

what the perpetrator
removed from that box.

Yes. If there was somebody there.

Apart from you and Jan Meyer.

Please come with me.

Come in and have a seat.

During your hunt at the storage hotel

Meyer pressed a hotkey

that he normally uses
to tape interrogations with.

Lund. Hello?
Can you hear me?


Meyer, the elevator.
He's taking the elevator down.

I'm at the elevator.

Can you hear me?
The elevator is empty.

- Lund, I'm coming up.
- I don't think he's up here.

- He's down there.
- I'm coming.

You haven't slept
for three days. It's dark.

You hear a sound and think
your phantom is in the building.

You drew your pistol.

The pistol you brought
into the building.

You run down the stairs.

This is the moment
you've been waiting for.

You throw open the door and shoot
as anyone else would have done.

There's a struggle for the pistol.

You grab it and fire it again.

To your dismay you realise
that you've shot Jan Meyer.

You call an ambulance.

In the 16 minutes before it arrives,

you fake a break- in.
Upstairs, too.

You place your pistol at Meyer's side.

There's no trace of anyone
but you and Meyer in the building.

And we questioned Meyer's wife,

who sat by his side
when he passed away.

She says that the last thing
Meyer said

was the name of Sara.

He said it several times.

It could be a declaration of love.

But it doesn't seem likely
considering your relationship.

Your preliminary hearing is tomorrow.
You know the procedure.

You have the right to one phone call.

This doesn't make sense.

- Hello?
- It's me. I need your help.

Search her flat.

Take her clothes and shoes
to forensics.

I need her CV.

You have 20 minutes
to get me everything on the case.

According to her record,
Lund has never fired her weapon.

As far as I know

you took her badge away
a few days ago but gave it back.

- Why?
- She linked two crimes.

You knew she was unbalanced.
Otherwise you wouldn't have done it.

I don't know her very well.
I took over the case because...

You can explain that later. You have
20 minutes to get the information.

You tried to commit suicide.
I was hurt and angry.

Then I ran into Dessau.
We went to a hotel and sat in the bar.

He said you were finished
and that I should switch sides.

I could tell something was wrong.
His phone ran off the hook.

He asked if I wanted to have
a nightcap in his room.

I said yes.

It turns out that it was Stokke
who kept calling.

He knew...

...that the flat was used for meetings
with Nanna Birk Larsen.

Dessau told him to relax.
That's why I contacted Stokke.

What happened in the room?

Nothing. I went home.

The night the crime was committed,
you were looking for me.

- Did you go to the flat?
- No.

And the next morning I went
to the conference centre without you.

Someone found a letter about
delivering a toilet and cancelled it.

You said yourself that the company
must have blundered.

I haven't had anything to do
with the flat or the tape.

I would do a lot of things for you,
but I wouldn't cover up a murder.

If it looks that way,
then evidence has been planted.

By whom and why?

I'll figure it out myself.

I'd like you to go home
and stay there.

This is ridiculous.

Thank you. Bye.

Bremer had a stroke.

They say it isn't serious.

It's hard to tell
what's spin and what's real.

He'll be in the hospital
at least until tomorrow.

Tell me something.
What's all this about Dessau?

Do you have proof or just a feeling?

If you and Rie are having problems,
don't blame everything on her.

Don't you see the importance of this?

She could be responsible for several
deaths that could have been avoided.

And to what end?

To win an election.

- What do you plan on doing?
- I don't know.

It looks like Bremer and Salin
know a lot more than we do.

What happened in that flat?
Call Sarah Lund.

- I just tried calling her...
- Call someone else, for fuck's sake.

Make sure we have something
in our favour

when we have to fend off
Bremer's accusations.

DAY 19

- What do you have to say?
- My client moves for release.

She is willing to cooperate
within reason.

You don't have any proof.

Since the question of guilt
is undecided, she shouldn't be here.

- Let a judge decide that.
- The parties involved are questioned.

She won't commit new crimes.
And she has a son.

Not at the moment.
He lives with her ex-husband.

She's been under
great mental stress lately.

She was a hostage and has been
in two fatal shooting incidents.

She was close to one of the victims.

If you're trying to get her out
because she's nuts, forget it.

If you release her, she'll let you see
her psychological file.

What file?
There is no file.

Yes, there is.

There is reason to believe
she's suffering from paranoia

and anxiety attacks.

And she's possibly suicidal.

Did you write this?

I urged her to see a psychologist.

He confirmed

that she's predisposed
to depression...

...and shouldn't be alone in a cell.

This will be used in court.

Why would Lund say
she's of unsound mind?

Because she wants to get help.

And that will give you time
to reconsider your flimsy charges.

Isn't that true?

You're suspended.
Your charge is upheld

and your statement
is being investigated.

Hand over your passport.

Your residence is being searched.

Report immediately when requested.

I have to see the storage box.

Goodbye, Lund.

Give me a list of the contents.
Give me something.

You're discrediting
the whole department.

You know I didn't do it. You know
the perpetrator hasn't been found.

I know a colleague was killed.
I know your case doesn't look good.

A list of the contents.
That's all.

Bengt Rosling is waiting
for you outside the building.

Did you talk to the pathologists?

Yes. I got a copy of the report
on Leon Frevert.

He had a chipped tooth,
and his palate was injured.

The results will show

that the injuries were caused
by a gun barrel.

It's just a matter of time

before they find out
your file is a forgery.

I wrote it in Magnus' name.

And he's out of town,
but they might be able to contact him.

- Good luck.
- Thanks.

What's that?

A list of the contents
of the box at the storage hotel.

The perpetrator
must have known Mette Hauge.

But he removed whatever it was
that could link him to her.

If you can't find a link between them,
there's nothing you can do.

This is where Mette Hauge moved.
A houseshare for students.

I need to find her friends.

Find out who lived there 15 years ago.

Sarah, I...

I'm sorry that...


I'll call you.

- Hi, Vagn. Hi, Rudi.
- Hi.

Rudi and Leif have been here all day.
They haven't found anything.


Happy birthday!


...I had to tell them.
You do understand, don't you?

I have a present for you,
but you won't get it until tonight.

Anton, they looked
but didn't find anything.

- It's in that cupboard.
- That one there?

Maybe it was something else.
Maybe it was too dark.

Can I go upstairs now?

Anton, listen to me.

I know that moving is hard.

But you mustn't make up stories.
Do you understand?

Do you? It upsets your mother.
And it upsets me.

You can say whatever you want,
but don't lie about Nanna.


Was that necessary?

- Theis, have you found a dog?
- No.

I have a friend who can't get rid
of some puppies.

The incident shocked me to the core.

I have no further comments.

The interruption was convenient.

Not really.
What are you driving at?

He had proof

that your office hindered
the murder investigation.

As far as I know,
no proof has been received.

But let me be perfectly clear.

I could never accept
such goings-on on my watch.

It's against everything
I believe and stand for.

And if I ever have proof

that something like that
had taken place

I assure you
that I would tell the world

and seriously consider
my future in politics.

I was told not to talk to you.

How are they?

The eldest is the only one
who can grasp it.

I didn't do what they claim I did.

- When we got there...
- Why couldn't you leave him alone?

- You said that the case was closed.
- But it isn't.

I heard that he said something
that sounded like Sara.

He never called me Sara.
He always called me Lund.

He was thinking of something else.

Something about the perpetrator.

Do you remember his exact words?

That's all he said. Sara.

- And then some numbers.
- What numbers?

I couldn't hear him.

What did it sound like?

- 84.
- 84?

Did he say anything else?

That's all he said.

I don't even know if he was aware
that I was there. OK?

- Hello?
- The national register was reluctant.

But I got two names from the time
Mette Hauge lived there.

A man and a woman.

The woman said
she'd never met Mette Hauge.

The man's last name is Paludan.
He still lives at the same address.

By the way, Magnus called me.

They know I lied about your file.

- The police are looking for you.
- Thanks.

We don't have time today.

The press are hounding us.
So I'd like to talk to Lund.

Several people want the same thing.

I need some answers.

If I could have pinned something
on you, I would have done so.

It's possible
that someone from your office

took the surveillance tape.

But I don't have any proof.

Whoever it was got cold feet
and sent the tape to us.

We've checked out Rie Skovgaard.

She sent a package
on the night we got the tape.

Her package was sent to parliament.

We believe someone was in the flat
after the perpetrator.

The perpetrator was only in the flat
for a short time.

No one has been there since.

And you're sure?

He wiped the blood
off both doors and the stairs.

If anyone had been there afterwards,
forensics would have detected it.

There is no longer any doubt.

I'm selling the flat.

Your things
will be sent to the town hall.

Bremer talked about proof.

He talks about many things.
Especially when he's on TV.

Let me see.

In half an hour you have a meeting
with Danish Industries.

- I'd like to go to the flat.
- There's nothing there.

- The election is in four days...
- I'd like to go to the flat.

What about Rie?

She has called several times.

- Set up a meeting with her tonight.
- OK.

You must have known her.

No. We shared a house.

Didn't you meet in the kitchen?

We were students and busy.
I told them this 15 years ago.

- Did you sleep with her?
- Pardon?

- Did you sleep with her?
- No!

Why do you ask?

I'd like to have your name
and department.

If you know something, now's the time.

I don't know anything.

Why is this so important
after all this time?

Only once or twice.

We had parties. We were young.
You know what it's like.

When they said she committed suicide,
I didn't believe it.

Why didn't you say so?

- She had just dumped her boyfriend.
- What boyfriend?

- I never met him. He was pushy.
- You could have said so.

Yes. The thing is

my wife was pregnant
with our first child, so...

- What was her boyfriend's name?
- They weren't together for long.

Maybe from grade school.

He gave her an ugly necklace
with a heart.

The kind of adolescent things
we used to wear.

I have to go now. Bye.

Does the name Sara
mean anything to you?

- Or the number 84?
- Nope.

- You must know where she is.
- No idea.

Put out a search for DCI Sarah Lund.

Most likely she's driving
Bengt Rosling's rental car.

- Hello?
- Lund.

The list of contents says
there was a photo album in the box.

What have you been up to?

Mette Hauge had a boyfriend
in grade school.

- Lund, report here immediately.
- Is the box nearby?

We have checked the photo album.

We've been through nine grades.
Get in here, now!

What about 10th grade?
She took 10th grade.

That picture is missing.

- What difference does it make?
- You have to find the photo.

Lund, they found Nanna's passport
in Leon Frevert's backyard.

- Do you understand?
- What?

He doesn't have an alibi.

His last customer that weekend
was Nanna Birk Larsen.

Five minutes later he left a message
at the movers'.

And Vagn Skaerbaek confirmed
that Frevert called in sick.

- Where was the passport?
- Get the hell in here.


They'll be here at seven,
and we have a roast to cook.

- It's just family, baby.
- Do you mind hoovering?

- Yes, I do.
- The place needs it.

- I'll pick up Anton instead.
- No, you have to cook the roast.

The most important thing
is to have a nice time. Right?

Is that funny?


- Were there enough snowballs?
- Yes.

- Did you hand out the invitations?
- Yes.

To the girls as well?

They're fixing up the basement
in the house. It'll be really nice.

Are you mad at Uncle Vagn
for telling us?

Since there wasn't a passport,
doesn't it make it better?

- Somebody took it.
- No, they didn't. Goodness, Anton.

It wasn't taken.
But you know sometimes...

You see things
that aren't really there.

Why do you think someone took it?

So you and Dad wouldn't get upset.

Who do you think took it?

You have reached HP Office Supplies.

Leave a message,
and we'll get back to you.

My name is Pernille Birk Larsen.
We were meant to do a move for you.

One of our employees cancelled it.

I hope you'll call me back

so we can clear up
any misunderstanding.

Please call me back. Thank you.

Excuse me.

- How did you get in here?
- I got a key at the town hall.

They said I could go in.

- It's fine.
- It's the cistern.

The drain is blocked
by all kinds of stuff.

- Do you mind signing for it?
- No problem.

I'm sorry about the delay.

But I could've done it
on that Saturday

if someone had let me in.

It's not the first time
I've come in vain.

Look at this.

A sponge and a dishcloth
and God knows what.

Talk to your cleaners.
They think it's a trash can.

Were you here that Saturday?

You bet. I didn't get the cancellation
until Monday.

I was stuck there with the toilet.
The cleaners wouldn't let me in.

Are you sure they were cleaners?

A bucket and broom were on the stairs

and there was someone here.

I heard them.

I shouted at them, but the dickheads
just closed the window.

- When exactly were you here?
- At 8:00 am. For your sake.

But now you have a new toilet.
It'll be in order in no time.


- Sorry to bother you.
- Now what?

I have a few questions
about Leon Frevert.

Make it fast.
I'm going to a birthday.

The message Leon Frevert
left on the machine...

Do you still have it?

Your colleague asked me
the same thing.

I deleted it.
I didn't know it was important.

What exactly did Frevert say?

It's been three weeks.

He said something about being sick
and not working that weekend.

- Did he say anything else?
- No. He pissed me off.

But luckily we had a customer
that cancelled.

And how did he sound?

Was he afraid?
Did he sound strange?

- Did he say why he...
- No. Nothing.

Did he mention Nanna?

I would've told you, wouldn't I?

Why did he call the company?

I have no idea.
But that's the phone you call

and otherwise it's redirected
to my phone.


So Frevert calls thinking
he's calling Theis and Pernille.

But instead he gets you.

No, my answering machine.

I told your colleague this.
I was at my uncle's.

The next morning I got the message
when I came to work.

Will that be all?

- I'd like to turn off the lights.
- Yes.

- Where did Frevert go to school?
- I don't even know his favourite food.

Did he ever talk
about Fuglegaards School?

Or anyone he knew from there?
Anyone who knew Mette Hauge?

Listen. We're sick and tired
of all your questions. OK?

We'd like to put it behind us.

All that stuff about Frevert.
And what he's done.

We don't want to know.

We do appreciate your efforts.
But we can't take it any more.

After what the family's been through,
it's no wonder we've had enough.

Is it?

Anything else?


So we agree that it's over now, right?