The Killing (2011–2014): Season 4, Episode 6 - Eden - full transcript

Linden and Holder's partnership spirals out of control as they are confronted with the shocking truth behind the Stansbury murders.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Sergeant billings!

I found something!

That's a shell casing
from a rifle.

Keep looking
for stansbury!

You heard me!
Do it.

Let's go.

Caroline: Wonder where they put
the batteries in this thing.

I also hear it makes
a hell of a milkshake.

What's going on with you?



You've been jumping
out of your skin all morning.

And these last few weeks...

I don't know where you are.

What's happening?

Talk to me.



There's been an, uh...

...An incident.

And it's...

It's bad.

It's real bad.

And i'm gonna have to...

I'm gonna have to
make a choice.

Make a-a choice?
What are you talking about?

Between me or her.


What did you do, stephen?

I'm gonna mess up
our kid.

I'm just a piece of shit
like my dad.

No, you're not.

You're not!

You say that, but...

You don't know what you're
talking about 'cause...

...You don't know
what i did.

Whatever happened...

Doesn't matter.

Not now.

We're having a child.

There's nothing more
to say.

Hey, you guys!
How are we doing today?

Good. Great.

How's your
ph balance?

Uh, uh, it's a 6.

Ready to meet
your baby?

Absolutely. Yeah.
We're excited.

Right, babe?


This is the best part.

I mean, besides
actually having your baby.

You're gonna get
a real kick out of it.

Let's take a listen first.

What is that?

Your little girl's

It's a girl?

you two.

Come on, holder,
you dumb prick.


Deputy commissioner brandt's
ready to see you now.


detective linden.

Let me in! Let me in!
Let me...

What happened?

They tried to...
they tried to kill me.

They were chasing me,
and... and then...

And they...
they shot at me...

Who shot at you?
They shot at me.

A.J. And lincoln,
in the woods.

They told me to kill her!
They wanted me to kill her!

Kill who?
My mom! They're crazy.

They kept screaming,
"kill, kill, kill!"

Okay, kyle,
i need you to breathe.

I need you to calm down
and breathe.

They put that gun
in my room!

They knew where all the bodies
were on the floor.

And then she had the gun.
Colonel rayne had the gun.

They all did it together!
They did it together! Oh, god!

I don't want to remember!
I don't want to remember!

I don't want
to remember!

It's okay.
You don't have to, kyle.

You don't have to.
You're okay.

You're gonna be okay.

Nobody's gonna hurt you.
I promise.

nobody's gonna hurt you.

You're okay.
You're okay.

i want to go home!

I know. I know.


I want that search warrant
issued right now.

You call me as soon
as you get it from the judge,

Or i'm going to the d.A. Myself.

Where are you going?

I just have to go out
for a little while.

You're safe here on the island.
Nobody knows you're here.

Kyle: It's so green.

It's like
it's not even real.

Kyle: Like what eden
must have been like.

And that's the tree of life.

No one is going to
find you here, kyle.

Is that why you're here?

So no one will find you?

You should get some sleep.


I'm heading out now.

I can't find knopf, fielding,
or stansbury anywhere, ma'am.

I checked the barracks again
and all the classrooms.

Keep looking.
They probably left campus, ma'am.

I don't want to see your face
again until you find them.

Am i making myself clear,

Where were you?

What were you doing?

Answer me!

He knows.

He remembers everything!

That's not possible.
We tested him!

We tried to see if he'd
remember, and he did!

You know, lincoln was right
all along.

It was just a matter of time
before he remembered.

We should've killed him
as soon as he came back here.

You need to watch your tone
with me, cadet fielding.

Fuck that
cadet bullshit.

Don't talk to her
like that!

Why are you defending her?
She didn't care about us.

She never did.

She knew kyle would remember
and didn't give a fuck.

I say we do her.

Right here.

Right now.

Let's blow the bitch away.

What did you do to kyle?

Answer me!

You said if i trusted you,
everything would be okay.

But it's not.
None of this is okay!

How dare you talk to me
about trust?

You stole my vehicle
to go to that house.

You took a weapon there.

And then,
when it was all over,

You came to me
to fix what you did.

You said we were a family!

But you're a liar!
You just lied!

You only care about him!

I fixed it all...
for all of you!

What more do you want?

You would have gone to prison
if i hadn't...

It was all bullshit!

You used me.
You didn't care about me.

All you cared about
was him.

Now you fucking
tell me why!


I will do no such thing.

Who do you think
you're talking to?

Now you tell me

What you did
to cadet stansbury.


He got away.

Lincoln: You're glad?

He's going to the cops,

And he's gonna tell them

We're going to prison!

Not if we stick
to the plan.

Fuck you...

And fuck your plan.

let's get out of here.

Where are you going?

Don't you walk away
from me!

Sir, ma'am,
you're not permitted...

Get out of our way.

officer: Oh!


Where'd the shots come from?!
In there!

Get out of here!


Put the gun down!

Drop your weapon!
Drop your weapon!

Get on the ground!
Drop your weapon!

Man: Check 'em!

Man: They're gone.
Jesus christ.

Stand down!
Stand down! Back out!

Drop your weapon,

Put the gun down,

Holder, i got this.

I killed the stansburys.

You have to arrest me.

Why shoot them if you're
so willing to confess?

Your alibi checked out.

We have the tapes
from the hotel.

You were never in that house
that night.

Why are you lying?

I'm not lying.
I'm confessing.

I'm a soldier.

And i know how to accept
the consequences of my actions.

That's how things work
in my world.

Who are you

You've been protecting him
from the beginning.

You cleaned up the car.

You did everything in your power
to keep us away from him.

Put the gun down,

Philip didn't give kyle
those soldiers. You did.

17 little soldiers.

One for each
of kyle's birthdays.

17 years ago,
you lost a child.

It was
your greatest loss.

But the baby didn't die,
did he?

It wasn't philip that you were
following all those years.

It wasn't him you wanted to see
when you sat outside that house,

When you went
on all those trips.

It was kyle.

Because he's your son.

Don't tell him.

He'll think
that i didn't want him.

He'll never understand.

I'm just not built
that way...

...To love a child.

It makes you open
to all the hurt in the world.

Philip, he just...
he never loved kyle.

i know that now.

But why didn't i see it?

Why didn't i see it?


For years, i watched him.

And there was always
this sadness, this...

I should have seen it.

But he came back to you.

I thought he'd died...
That night.

But he lived.

My son lived.

And i had a second chance
to know him, and he's...

And he's been hurt.

So you have to arrest me.

I'm the one who left.

I'm the one to blame,
not him.

It's me.

I'm his mother.

I know what it's like
to walk away...

...How hard it is
to stay.

I know.

Put down your weapon.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will
be used against you

In a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot afford
an attorney,

One will be provided
for you.

Do you understand
these rights?

Man: The administration building
has been cleared.

Hey, linden.


Let's go pick up kyle.

She confessed.

So? She lied.

I'm arresting her
for the murder

Of philip, linda, phoebe,
and nadine stansbury.

No, you're not.

You're arresting her
for those two kids

That are lying dead
in her office... that's it.

She didn't kill
the stansburys.

Don't you touch him.

You took
that shell casing.


It was never missing.
You took it.

It was your insurance
in case they ever found out.

You'd have proof
that i did it!

You and reddick were talking!
I saw you!

I sh... i should've...

Should've known
you would leave me, too.

Officer: Pull it back further.
All the way.

Check down there.

Officer #1: Clear!
Officer #2: Clear!



Officer: House is empty.
We got nothin'.

The back door
doesn't lock.

That's how we got in
that night.

You're not well. You don't know
what you're saying.

I remembered.

In your house.

I remembered everything.

You shouldn't be here.
Please, we should go.

But this is home,

The place you're supposed to
be safe, loved.

My dad hated me.

I saw it in his eyes
every day of my life.

And my mother, i didn't exist
to her, not to anyone.

Maybe it's me.
Maybe something's broken in me.

Maybe something's broken in me,
and everyone knows it.

They hated me...

My family, my school.

Everywhere i went,
everyone hated me.

You stop it, kyle!

They had no idea
what real hate was!

You want to be a soldier?!
You want to be a man?!

You have to learn to kill
the things you love,

You weak
piece of fucking shit.

Now fucking do it.

Kill, kill, kill!
Fucking kill her!

All: Kill! Kill! Kill!

Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!

Y-you want to do it?

Let's do it.

Let's kill somebody.

I was gonna show them
what real hate was.

Sometimes we do wrong things
to make it right,

And the world
doesn't understand,

Because how could they?

There are times when you have to
make impossible choices.

Do you believe that?

I wanted to die.

I should have that night.

There weren't any bullets left
in lincoln's gun,

So i went
and got my dad's gun.

You wanted to die, but a part
of you wanted to live, too.


Kyle, you don't have much time.
We have to go.

it hurts.
It hurts so much.

I need... i need...


I don't know. I don't know.
I don't know. I-i...

Just... just tell me.

I'll... i'll help you, if you
just tell me what you need.

To find a way out.

Help me.

Then tell me.

Tell me what you did.

And then it'll be okay.

Turn the light off, man.
She's gonna see us.

She's gonna
fucking see us.


What the hell
is going on?

What do you think you're
doing in here?! Get out!

Kyle, no! Aah!

Oh, no! No!

Fuckin'... fuck it!

Get the fuck out of here!

Stop! No!

No! No!

No! Please don't! No!

Kyle: I went from room to room
until they were silent...

And i was finally alone.

But i wasn't alone.

Did the monster go away?

C-close your eyes, baby bird.

Close your eyes, please.

I promise it won't hurt.

I'm sorry, baby bird.
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


Her eyes...


I couldn't stand to see it
in her eyes.

See what?

That i was the monster.

That it was me.

I killed james skinner.

I shot him twice.

Put him in the car
and drove it into the lake.

Holder had nothing
to do with it.


I offered him a deal.

With the baby coming,
figured he'd be the weak link.

I knew you wouldn't be.

Not you, sarah.

He told me to go fuck myself
in the rear end.

I'm waiving my rights.

I don't want an attorney.

Everything i've said
is admissible in court.

I'll sign anything you want.

You can arrest me now.

Deputy commissioner.

Stay seated,
detective linden.

Darren: Sarah.
It's been a while.

How's your son?

Jack, right?

Uh, he's in high school now,
from what i recall...

What is this?

John tells me there's
a rumor going around

a lieutenant skinner.

According to this rumor,

He was the so-called
pied piper serial murderer.

Yes, he killed those girls.

It isn't a rumor.
It's true.

So i shot him.

I killed him.

I think you've made
a mistake, detective.

The coroner's
official report.

Lieutenant skinner's
cause of death

Was a self-inflicted
gunshot wound to the head.

It was ruled a suicide.

I'm sorry
for your loss.

You had a personal relationship
with lieutenant skinner,

From what i understand.

Add that to the stress
of this last case,

And i can understand
how his suicide

Must have been
quite a blow.

He didn't kill himself,
and you know it.


Put me in this chair.

I would gladly lock you up

For the rest
of your fucking days.

But imagine
the public response

If a cop,
a high-ranking detective,

Was the killer
of young children.

The damage
would be irreparable.

To whom?


Joe mills
killed those girls.

Joe mills didn't kill
those girls!

Skinner confessed!

You have this on tape?

What evidence do you have,


Will go to the press.

You have a history
of mental illness, sarah.

Always nice seeing you.

Always the one
with the conscience.

that's not enough.

What are you doing here?

you should have this.

It's your daughter's.

Look, i shouldn't have
said those things to you.

I'm sorry.

You had no right talking to me
that way.

I know.

I know.

I'm gonna be a dad.

Gonna have a little girl.

I just don't want
to fuck it up...

You know, being a dad.

Then don't.

w-where's your partner?

That's her name, right?

You still working

I-i got to go.

What's up, little b?

I want strawberry
and lemonade cupcakes, daddy,

But parker
can only have one

Because it's my birthday,
not hers.

That's right, little lady.

It's your birthday party,
not hers.

Don't you worry.
I got your back.

No vegan cupcakes, daddy.
They taste like ca-ca.

No, there's no vegan ca-ca
in sight. I swear.

I pinky swear.
Pinky swear.

Kalia, my

Give your pops
some lovin'.

Mwah. Mwah.

Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah.

You got to shave
mister flavor saver for my party

'cause it feels yucky.

You go on get
some book learnin'.

And i'm gonna pick you up from
your ma's on saturday, okay?

God, grant me the serenity

To accept the things
i cannot change, the courage...

Man: Amen.

...To change the things
i can,

And the wisdom
to know the difference.


Man: Whoo!

Okay, take 10, go smoke,

Do your toilette or whatnot
before group starts.

And bring your journals. 'cause
you got your assignment, right?

11th step... daily connection
with god as you define her.

All right, so quit gawking
and start writing.

Lookin' at you, jose.
You're up first.

Oh, snap!


and you shall receive.


Hi, holder.

What up, linden?

I, uh, heard
you got a new job.

I see you got a new scarf.

Yeah, ross dress for less,
3-for-1 rack.

Oh, snap.
Linden's got jokes?

You're lookin' good.

You too.
You look happy.

Happy, joyous, and free...
that's me.

I'm a daddy.

Got a little girl.

That's so great.
What's her name?


Ah, that's great.

It's the goddess
of life and death

In the hindustani

Oh, so you're a hindu now?
You know how we do.

When'd you come back?

I-i'm not back.

I'm just passing through.

I've been on the road a lot
the last few years.

Um, i was in chicago
for a while.

Jack's in college now.

He's almost as tall as you.

What? Damn.

Did you find him
on your travels

In the big wide world,

The bad guy?

There is no bad guy.

There's just...

I don't know. Life.

We tried, at least.

You got to give us credit
for tryin', right?

Yeah, we did.

Anyway, i just, um...

It's good to see you,

So, why are you here?

For real?


I never...

Had a real...

House to grow up in.

You know, a home.

I never...
Belonged anywhere.

And all my life, i was
looking for that...Thing.

You know?

Thinking that it was out there

And all i had to do
was find it.

But i think, maybe...

That home was us.

It was you and me together
in that stupid car...

...Riding around,
smoking cigarettes.

I think
that was everything.

I'm sorry.

I should've known that you were
one person who always stays.

You were my best friend.

Why don't you stay?



I think that this city is...

A city of the dead for me.


It's a matter of perception,
ain't it?

Close your eyes.


Just close your eyes.

You're so weird.

Just close your eyes.

Just give it a try.

Maybe you'll see
what's really there...

...What's standing
right in front of you.

It ain't ghosts, linden.

It ain't the dead.

I'm gonna get a ticket.
I should go...





though i never learned
to play

i won't forget

the secrets of the game
are all but dead

now i don't even want

to build on the layers

there's no need
to complicate

a simple phrase

hey, there, baby

we'll be fine

i'll always want your

peace of mind

i'll always look forward

to better days ahead