The Kill Point (2007): Season 1, Episode 8 - The Devil's Zoo - full transcript

Captain Cali entered the bank for final negotiations, but calls the SWAT to move in. When they do, the hostages are found unhurt, the only corps is that of the Henry brother whom Wolf had to kill in a duel for leadership. Cali and the platoon have escaped in an ambulance and meet the unit's other team, but their leader, Deke, refuses to release Horst's wife as Wolf still feels honor-bound. Tonray discovers a bug, actually in Cali's shoe, so the police can surround them by surprise. A gun-fight ensues, from which only the smartest Henry brother escapes, who later cashes a fortune already wired to Canada. Wolf refuses to surrender and forces Horst to chase him and engage in a lethal gun-duel.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on The Kill Point...

This is a bank robbery.

Just follow simple instructions

and we can all walk out of here
safe and sound.

Fall back!

This is now a hostage situation.

Who is this?

Captain Horst Cali.

I'm Wolf. Mr. Wolf.

Platoon 1013, back in action.

Let's get our boys home.

Distraction plan’s in place.

We got exactly two hours
to get the hell out of here.

Go! Go! Go

Leon keeps keying his mic.

He's talking' to somebody.

It's time to move, Cap.

They're in a tunnel!
Put your weapons down now!

I'm gettin' 1013 out of here
because you can't do it.

We could transfer
the money from multiple accounts.

And then you route the money
through different branches

and and create, like, a smokescreen,

It may have taken us a couple of days

instead of five minutes,

but we finally robbed a bank, boys.

How much we lookin' at?

A little bit over six mil.

It's time for me to go.

No. Mike!

Damn it!

Damn it!

If I don't have my transpo
in one half of an hour,

I will throw one body out of the bank
every five minutes.

Don't tell them I esacped the pluff!

You are trying to save lives here.

They're people to you,

but they're animals,

waiting for the slaughter.

You're a coward, Henry.

I'm sorry, Albert.
He killed

We're going hot, people.
Shoot to take.

I became a negotiator
because I have a real propensity

for violence.

Your boy's been waiting
a long time to talk to you.

Can't you see they're
using you to get to me?

I'm using them.

The bug on the photograph
needs to be

within three feet
for us to hear him.

This is it.

That's right, this is it.

But we do it my way.

It's time to move.

We're out of options.

All right, let's go in.



Connie, they're gone.

Repeat: The H.T.S are gone.

We've got injured hostages.
Breach now.

Repeat: Breach now!

All teams, go!
Alpha front, Delta rear!

Move. Let's move!

- Go, Alpha team!
- Go, go, go!

All teams, go!
Now, now, now!

Baker, go! Echo, go!

Go! Go! Go!

Alpha team! Alpha team!

Move in!

This is Alpha Leader.
We have heavy smoke.

No H.T. Contact.

It's clear.

Petey, take that corner!

Approaching tellers area.

I found one! Alive!

Baker team to East hall.

Alpha team to West hall.

Baker team approaching rear corridor.

clearing vent access for Delta entry.

- Delta, copy.
- We're on the move.

Vent access is cleared.
Delta team is in.

I need status.
Give me status.

Alpha team. Lobby's clear.

Heavy smoke.
No sign of H.T.S.

Baker team.
No H.T. Contact.

Combin' the stairs!

Station one clear!

One hostage on the landing!

Cover him!

Let's clear this mezzanine!

Charlie team has entered main office.

Sweeping. Nothing yet.

- Cover that roof.
- Yes, sir!

Move out, move out!

- Rodney?
- clear!

Next one clear!

Main lobby area, clear.

What's the trouble?

Connie, this is Hawke.

Hallway clear.

We're entering the vault area.

We're in the West vault.

Checkin' the vault door.

Can you access the vault?

It's open. Making entry.

What's your status, Cap?

Coming out now.

Escorting injured hostages.

No sign of the H.T.S.

Hostages comin' out.

- Hold your fire.
- Okay, friendlies coming out.

Over to you, sir!

The line of sight
to the bank roof is clear.

Repeat: H.T.S not on the roof.

Police department!

Put down your weapons
and step forward!

Step forward and identify yourselves!

Let's go. Let's move! Let's move!

Do not move.
Do not move!

Check them!

Delta team now entering kitchen area.

Charlie team cleared and exiting
main manager's office.

Delta team.
Kitchen area cleared.

Now entering rest room.

This is Delta team.
We have two females alive.

Six hostages secured.
Minor injuries.

But no Horst and no H.T.S.

This shit doesn't make
a goddamn bit of sense.

Start questioning every swatie
on first response.

Every hostage.

Someone has to have seen
what happened after he radioed us.

You all right?

Oh, my God.

Hello, Pittsburgh!

I gotta get laid.

Round up all the hostages
and get me detailed debriefs ASAP

on everything that happened
in the last 50 minutes.

Now! Now!

S.W.A.T. Just found a body inside.

Oh, God.

Henry Roman.

One of the brothers.

Slim was the last one
to see captain Cali.

Talk, Slim! What?

I entered with first response Alpha.

Captain Cali was with three hostages.

I helped him escort them
to an ambulance.

That's the last I saw him.

APB on every ambulance
that left the scene.

All right, there it is.

All right, relax, fellas.
Just a routine check.

What's the play, Sarge?

Let me take care of this guy, Sarge.

No. Wolf, let me
talk to 'em. I'm a cop.

If he steps out of the ambulance,
this guy's gonna know something's up.


Sarge, he's on his radio.

All right, move. Go ahead, move.
Don't be stupid.

Hold it.
Stay in the vehicle.

It's okay. Police officer.

Captain Cali. I was working
the hostage situation at Three Rivers Trust.

I have some injured hostages
in the ambulance.

I gotta get 'em to the hospital.
Okay? I'm sorry.

Let's go. Move.

Trust me. Police.

Let's get him in the ambulance.

We look good.
We look good.

Yeah, clear.
Nobody's followin'.

Yeah, I think we're gonna make it.

We almost there, baby.

Almost there.

- Whoo!
- Let's go!

Turn around.

Come on, Wolf.

We made a deal.

I got you out.
Now, take me to my wife.

Breaking news from Market Square
in downtown Pittsburgh,

where the bank siege turned hostage
situation may finally be over.

Moments ago, the s.W.A.T. Team
entered the smoke-filled bank

and rescued the hostages.

However, we still have no information
on the bank robbers.

So it looks like there's a happy ending
for the hostages and their families,

but for the police, FBI,

and other emergency crews
that have been standing by,

it seems that their day
may've just begun.

Stay tuned to news 14
for all the latest updates.

We've checked every inch.

There's no one in here.

It's completely clean.

How do I know, huh?

How do I know you really have her?

I need to speak to her, Wolf.
Come on.

Come on, Wolf,
give me proof of life.

Let me talk to her, goddamn it!

I just want to talk to my dad.

Okay, just please
let me talk to my dad

and let him know that I'm okay.

We'll get you in touch with him.

I-I-I just need to know that he's okay.

Then they gagged us.
And then they threw us in the vault.

That's it. That's all I know.

- What about Captain Cali?
- We never even saw Captain Cali.

At any time, did you see
Captain Cali in the bank?

- No. No.
- No.

I just told him. We never saw him.

No one saw anything.

I got nothing.

I didn't, either. But we got roadblocks
on all the major highways,

cops and FBI on all the bridges,
in the airports...


I should've known something was up.

Why would he help them?

I don't know.

But let's find him
so he can tell us that himself.

A city-wide search has begun

for Jake Mendez
and his band of criminals

as sources confirm that
the bank robbers turned hostage takers

were never found at the scene.

Pittsburgh police are asking
citizens to call

if they notice any suspicious activity,

as suspects are still believed
to be armed and dangerous.

You may experience delays at bridges,
highways, and airports,

as police have set up roadblocks

and increased security levels

Cover me!

On your right.


331 7 team. We got officer hit.

Hey, Deke, we're so close, man.

Yeah, they set up roadblocks.

Yeah, it's slowin' us down, man.
What's your E.T.A.?


Let me talk to my wife.

- Hey, captain, it's not gonna happen.
- Let me talk to my wife!

- It's not gonna happen.
- Why? It costs you nothing

- to give me proof of life.
- You got nothing to trade, Cap.

I don't need to trade anything.

It's proof of life!
Just let me hear her voice!

Put my son into the mix,
you changed the rules.

I didn't bring your son into anything.
He came along willingly.

Come on, Wolf,
it costs you nothing!

Just ask your friend
to ask her the name

of our unborn child.
Could you do that, please?

Deke, do me a favor. Just ask the wife
the name of the baby.


Come on, Cap.
Don't worry, man.

I gave you my word we're not gonna
hurt her, we're not gonna hurt her.

You hurt them, Wolf...

... I'll kill you.

Uh, once you finish your statements,
you're free to go.

We'll be contacting you
in the near future,

but in the meanwhile,

you're free to go home
and get some rest.

Some of your family
are outside command.

So that's it?

We could just go?

Yeah. You can go home now.

It was a pleasure being a hostage
with you fine folks.

Time to bid you all adieu.

Back to our boring lives, huh?

You're my friend,
Dave Shelton.

You're my friend.

Look. Look. There they are.


Oh! Oh! Bernard! Oh!

So I guess I'll see you at work.

Guess so.

Bye, Tony.

Bye, Renee.

- Renee.
- Honey!

Son. You're all right.

What do we do after we get out, bro?

We stick together, or we gonna go
our separate ways?

I don't know, man.

All I know is, I'm concentrating
on gettin' out of the 'burg.

I know that, man.
I know that part. I mean after.

I don't know.

I guess we'll be
on our own for a while.

Life on the run.

That's the only way I see it.

Man, I haven't been
on my own in a long time.

A long time.

He punched me,
took me down.

No gun to his back at the time?


He seemed to be with them...


Okay, officer.

Finish up with the medics.

Stay close.

I don't understand this at all.

Lou. Chief.


You know, I was wrong
about you, Wolf.

I was wrong.


All this time, I thought you were
a decent person,

tryin' to hold onto your humanity.

I don't know what they did
to you over there,

but...You're not human.

You don't have any honor left.


I don't know what they did
to you over there, Wolf...

But you have no honor left.

You have no honor left.
You hear me?

What are you gonna do now, huh?

You gonna put a bullet in my back, huh?

What kind of soldier
are you, Wolf?

Shut him up, Sarge!

You're a piece of shit.

That's what you are.

You're not a soldier who has any honor.
You're a piece of shit.

Just shut him up!

Hey, Sarge, why don't we
just dump him out right here?

I mean, we don't need him anymore.

Go make sure the place is clear.

I don't see Deke, Sarge.

He's comin', man, he's comin'.

When are you guys gonna wake up
and stop taking orders from him, huh?

He get you in enough shit already?

Go ahead. Go ahead.

- I'll be right behind you.
- What about you?

- Your brother dying's not enough for you?
- Keep talkin', pal.

If you followed orders
in Fallujah, Wolf,

you could've let
these men die like heroes

instead of dying like a bunch of--

come on, man.

You okay?

You know, I won, Wolf.

I won.

I did what I said I was gonna do.
I got every hostage out of that bank.

What did you do? Huh?

You get your people out alive?

He get your people out alive?

Did he?

No, I didn't think so.

That's some kind of leader
you got here, boys.

Yeah, he's some kind of hero.

This your plan now?

That's a great plan.

You guys got a great chance
of gettin' out of here with him.

Pull over at Mckee's rocks
and stand here out in the open

so a chopper can fly overhead
and just watch us?


Hawke, we got a 20 on the H.T.S--

Mckee's rocks.

Man up.

You do reallize that every cop in the city
knows I'm with you right now?

You're not gettin' out of here, Wolf.

You're not gettin' out.
You can't drive.

You try to take the west end bridge,
they're gonna be waiting for you.

You go down
to the Allegheny docks

and try to take a boat,

they're gonna have
the waterways covered.

Sarge, you need to call Deke.
We need to get out of here.

You're not getting out.
I am your only way out.

Give me my wife back, Wolf,
and I will help you get out of here.

All right, let's do this.

I got a present for you.


My wife in that van?

That's right.

Hey, Deke!

What's up? What a sight
for sore eyes, baby.

What's up, man?

Oh, man, how are you doing?

- You okay?
- It's all good, baby.

These are some boys
I rode with on my first tour.

Helped me bag the wife.

Figured we might need some support
in case you got shaky again.

Forces have been depleted, Sarge.

So, what are they here for,
love or money?

Come on.

What do you think?

I don't know.

Let's just do this, man.

Let's do this. Come on.

You secured an out, right?

Yeah, ready to go.
Let's put it in the books.

Bring her out.
We'll just tie 'em up together. Right?

Change of plan, Sarge.

What does he mean,
''change of plan''?

Get back.

Change of plans?

Small one.


A lot of people sacrificed themselves
to set you free, Sarge,

and there's a lot
at stake here. You know?

- All right.
- Lot of money.

I mean, there's $6 million
waiting for us somewhere.

You know, this needs
to work, so, uh...

So I need insurance.

I mean, come on.
Come on, man.

What's better than having
a cop's wife as our shield?

Hey, Deke, Deke.

Stick to the plan, all right, Deke?
Come on.

We're almost home free.
Let's do this.

No, Sarge, we're not. And look,
I buck with you always, okay?

But you gotta trust me here.

- We need this woman--
- I trust you, man.

I trust you.
I just don't trust them.

Come on, Deke.

Listen to the Sarge, man.

Stop screwing around.
You're wasting time.

Deke, no hostages, man, okay?

Transport now.
Let's move on to that.

I hate to disappoint you, Sarge,

but I'm gonna have to
disobey that order.

I got no life
to go back to anymore.

This needs to work.

I need to get to that money now.

- Who is this guy? This is not Deke.
- It's me.

Should be you guys, too.
Come on, no big deal.

Let's just take the woman
and get out of here. I mean...

Why do you give a shit?

- It's unnecessary, Corporal.
- It is necessary.

I'm gonna give you
a direct order--

I think it is necessary...

...a direct order to release
the woman right now!

...and after everything I've done,
I think you should respect that!

Marshall, come on.
You're coming with me.

Let's go. Albert, come on, man.
You with me? Let's go.

Deke, Deke, I appreciate
what you did for us. I really do,

but we roll with Sarge.
We follow his lead.

Why do you think we left you
in the car, Deke?

You're dopey. Man.
You don't listen to orders.

We don't cross the line, son.

Hey, Deke, I love you
like a brother, man.

But I'm not gonna
let you take her.

Yeah, well, that ain't for you
to say anymore, Jake.

- Oh, it's not?
- No, it's not,

'cause it ain't your op anymore.

I'm saying this is the best play.

Decision final. Go.


What, are you gonna shoot me?


You're gonna shoot one of your men?

A fellow soldier?

Marshall, put that gun down.
Put it down!

Jake, I ain't lettin' her go.

I ain't lettin' her go, man.


Lucy! Lu--

stay down, hero.
Stay down.

Fall back, Jake!

Fall back!

My eyes have made a mark.

I am what I am.

Go! Go! Boys, back!

- Come on!
- No!


Wait! Whoa!
He's got my wife!

Go! I'll cover you!

Pull back! Pull back!

Let's go! Let's go!

All right.

Creeper, I want you
to take your guys

and go around this side.
Flush 'em out.

Petey, I want you
to take you and psycho,

and I want you
to flush 'em out here.

We're gonna push 'em
right down this column

if we find them.
Everybody, stay cool.

Don't do anything stupid.

Fall back!

I see you.

Petey, nothin'?

Come on,
he ran right through here.

Take that direction, Petey.

Creeper, you double back.

I'm out!
I'm out!

Sarge, go!
I got you covered!

Connie, hang in there.
Help's on the way.

Creeper, what do ya got?

Does anybody have anything?


Officer. Medics here?

Go. Take her.
Take her to a medic.

No, no, no. I have to do
one more thing.

No! No!

I have to do one more thing.
Go with him.

This is it, Wolf.

Got nowhere else to go.

How's your wife?

She's okay.


How the hell did you find us, Cap?

The photo...

In your chest pocket.


Yeah, I know how to play
the game, too, Wolf.

Do me a favor?
If my son falls into the system,

can you make sure he's treated fairly?
Can you do that?

I could do that.


Now, how about you
doin' me a favor also?

Put that weapon on the ground.

Cap, I can't go back in.

I just can't go back in, man.

You know, I wish
I had what you had.

I wish I had a life
worth fighting for like you do.

You got a lot to fight for, Wolf.

You got a son who loves you.

Come on.
Put the weapon down.

Even if I had a life like yours,

I ain't got no fight
left in me, man.

Do me a favor.
Come on.

This is about respect.

I respect you.
I want you to respect me back.

Stay where you are, Wolf!

You can do it, man.

Let me die with honor.

Put the weapon down
and stand still!

This can be either
by your hand or my hand.

Come on,
stay where you are!

Pull that trigger
before I pull it. Come on.

You can do it, man.
Pull the trigger! Come on, Cap!

Just one last trade.
Just me and you.

Do me the favor.
Come on, man! You can do it!

Come on, pull the trigger!

Did you feel anything?


It was a righteous kill.

Come on.

Are you almost done?

Bag that, please?

Here he is.

You okay?

Tough as nails.
How are you?

I'm all right.

I got the paperwork
covered on this one.

You two go home
and get some rest.

Will do.

All the H.T.S accounted for?

- All but one.
- Who?

Albert Roman.

I should've never let you
go in that bank.

Next time, I'm gonna wrestle
your ass to the ground.

I know.

Next time, we'll send Tonray in.

All right, pups.

You're all on clean-up duty now.

I got a bullet in my arm
I'd like to get out.

How'd it go?

Smooth as smooth.

I got the checks
and 500 grand in cash.

All right.

1013 forever, right?


1013 forever.