The Kettering Incident (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - The Homecoming - full transcript

Dutch and Fergus figure out who killed Chloe. Meanwhile, Anna unravels the mystery of Jens Jorgenssen, as he takes her on a dark journey below Mother Sullivan's Ridge.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Keep it down, Anna.

There are other patients here.

Why are you doing this?

We tested your blood.

Your cells are changing.

They're mirroring themselves.

And you have brain lesions.

I saw the book
you keep your notes in.

Your mother
had fugue states, too.

I know.

There are others, too.

The boy. Kade.

I have to get out of here.

I think I know
who killed Chloe.

Anna, you're hallucinating.

The lesions are affecting
your judgement

about what is real
and what is not.

I've prescribed you
some more Respiradine.

I'm not taking it any more.


I have to find out
what's happening.

Someone or...

Something tried to kill me.

They ran me off the road.

What do you mean, something?

Don't worry,
you'll be safe here.

Get some sleep.


Who's there?




There's a hole here.

You can get out.

Dane, is that you?

Come on, Eliza.

Up here.


Come on.

I've got you.

I've been looking for you
all night.

What the hell is down there?

I saw something.

I think there are people
down there.

We gotta go.

Come on,
we gotta get out of here.

What are you doing
with a gun?

Protection. Come on.

The local Health Department
have closed

Shellac Oyster Farm
just one day

after the shutting down
of the local mill.

A spokesman
for the Health Department

refused to discuss how long
the oyster farm would be closed,

but there is no doubt it's
going to hurt the local industry.

All of this on the very day

that locals are preparing to farewell
Kettering teenager Chloe Holloway,

who was tragically murdered
a week ago.

While police have been busy
interviewing suspects...

I want to
stay with you.

Don't worry.

I'm going to fix everything.

Come on, Lize.

Ferry's about to leave.

She's not here.

What do you mean,
she's not here?

She managed to
find her way out.

You said she'd be secure.

It's dangerous for her.

She thinks you're hiding
something from her.

I think so, too.

She deserves
to know the truth,

however bad that may be.

Sleep well?

No, not particularly.

You have a conscience, then.

You didn't hear
what she was saying.

She thinks Jens is David Owen.

Anna's no crazier than
anyone else in this place.

Is that all of them?

There's about a half dozen still
missing from the 85 reported stolen.

Someone's gathering an army.

Looks like it.

They're burying Chloe today.

It's about time.

I've got Grayson in there
waiting for us.

Found an imprint on
one of the threat letters.

It's his signature.

You are a man of mystery,
Fergus, you know that?

Do I need a lawyer?


Did you write these
letters to Max Holloway?

Yes. I did.

Did you kill
Chloe Holloway?

No, I did not.

Well, these letters
suggest otherwise.

I was upset with Max.

He'd been getting too friendly
with the Greenies,

so I wrote 'em
to teach him a lesson.

And then Chloe was killed.

Took a lot of muscle to drag
her body from the Ridge,

then dump that dead weight
out of the car at the mill.

I didn't touch her.

Chloe could be
a pain in the arse,

but she's a good kid.

Max and Barb are friends,
for Christ's sake.

Eliza was Chloe's best friend.

You were at the party.

A few of us went up there.

For what purpose?

Just keeping an eye on them.

By "them" you mean
the environmentalists.

Well, you can call them that
if you like.

Then you trashed their camp
the next morning.

They've ruined
our fuckin' livelihoods!

Pissed you off, didn't it,

seeing Chloe up there
at the party,

thumbing it at her Dad,
at you blokes?


She's a kid.

She's a stupid,
rebellious kid.



Was a stupid, rebellious kid.

What time did you get home
from the party?

About midnight.

Anyone verify that?

- No.
- If wives are good for anything,

they're good for alibis.

Sharon'd be too pissed
even if we did live together.

All right, we'll need
to test DNA and fingerprints.

Interview terminated
at 9:15 a.m.

You seen
Travis Kingston lately?

Travis Kingston?

No, why?

Just wondering.

I'd get a good lawyer
if I were you.

Is that you, Adam?

You don't need to do that.

It's no trouble.

They're pretty flowers.

The water's still off.

I'm thinking of moving on.


There's nothing here
for me any more.

You said yourself
Gillian's not coming back.

Oh, Renae, I didn't mean that.

I've probably been a fool
waiting all this time.

Travis filled a space,
and now he's gone.

Did it ever cross your mind,
about Travis?

What about him?

The way he's taken off.

You think Travis killed Chloe?

Travis left because of me,

not because
he killed somebody.

I know my grief
drives people away.

No one can understand
the pain.


It's Chloe's funeral today.

Roy should have stood by you
all those years ago.

That's the truth
of the matter.

He had his faults.

We all do.

You think I don't know
about you and Dutch?

What are you talking about?

Oh, God, Barb, it's obvious
every time he walks into the pub.

Everyone can see.

Chloe knew.

She told me.

Barb, none of us
are infallible.

Not even you.

But you're right,
it isn't the time.

It's Chloe's day today.

I would have had all
pink flowers for Gillian.

She was always
crazy mad for pink.

- What are you doing here?
- Where's Eliza? Is she here?

Yeah, she's in her room.


- Eliza.


What the hell are you doing?

It's a moth tattoo,
like Chloe's.

What the hell?

Is this Chloe's camera?

How long have you had this?

Eliza, where did you get it?

I found it.

Would somebody tell me
what's going on?

Found it where?

Eliza, stop it!

She's coming with me.

Feels like
there's a storm brewing, son.

Yeah, Pop.

I know.



Oh, shit.

Tell us where
you found the camera, Eliza.

I can't remember.

Have you had it all this time?


I can't remember.

Did you write those threatening
letters to Max Holloway?

- Fuck you.
- Eliza.

- Don't touch me.
- Hey, hey, settle, Lize.

Chloe made me.

Made you what?

Write the letters.

Where'd you go
after the party?

- Home.
- Can your mother verify that?

She locked the house.
I slept in the car.

Eliza, do you know
who killed Chloe?

Dane reckons you did.

Dane loved Chloe.
He's emotional.

She didn't deserve him.
What do you mean by that?

This is bullshit.

Eliza, come on.

- Come on.
- Let go of me!

- Hey, hey, Eliza, just relax.
- Calm down.


Calm down.

Take her home.

We want to talk
to both of you later.

You're all
going to hell.

Why did you let her go?

Anything on there?


Not yet.

I can bring Dane in
for formal questioning.

You're wasting your time.

because you threatened him.

He was going to make a statement
before you got to him.

He lied about his alibi,
just like you did.

Chloe dumped him,
so he's got motive.

He's not capable
of killing anyone.

Neither is Eliza.

What about you?


You heard.

I was fucking Barbara Holloway
the night of Chloe's death.


Ask her.

We were in a motel.

I'm not proud of it.

You're fucking kidding me,
aren't ya?



I gotta go.

What's going on?

Dominic's dead.


He was a scientist who was
in Antarctica with David Owen.

Who are they?

They're the men
that David Owen left behind.

The guy whose fingerprint
we found?

- Anna, he's dead.
- No, he's missing.

He's not dead.

It was the same thing
55 years earlier.

A place called Dyatlov Pass
in Russia.

This same energy was in Alaska
in 1967, Norway in 1991.

That's more of Dominic's base.



Where did you
get these photos?

Dominic left them for me.

He must have known
he was in trouble.

He told me about a signal.

He first heard it around
the time Gillian disappeared.

It came up from Antarctica
and then he heard it here.

What is it?

I think it's got something
to do with this sphere.

What's this?

I'm not sure but look at
the pattern on the side.

It's the same as the markings
on Kade and Chloe, and Mum.

Eliza has those markings.

- Eliza?
- Yeah, I saw them.

Apparently I had them
when I was young.

I don't remember.

Now I'm back
and my blood's changing.

Changing? How?

I think it has something to do
with all... fugues.

The humming sound.

I've been investigating
your father.

He took money in 1998.

I suspect it was from a
biotech company, Amber Arrow.

Toxic waste?

Yeah. I mean, what if this thing,
the sphere, came with it?

The dates match.

Chloe knew something, Dutch.

She knew
I didn't kill Gillian.

You need to see this.

- I found this in your car.
- What?

That's what killed Chloe.


Someone's setting me up.

Dad has a spare key.

They're burying Chloe today.

Your father will be there.

Stay away.

It's too dangerous.

So when do the cops
want to see her again?

When she wakes, I s'pose.

She couldn't have done this.

Chloe was going to leave her.

She had no one.

She's got us.

We weren't watching her,

Too busy watching ourselves.


Liza, you awake?


Who called it in?


How'd you know him?

Well, he...

I used to talk to him about
my father's disappearance.

You know, theory of the tides.

It's another mad thing that's
happened since Anna showed up.

Chloe, Wendy, the oysters.

I mean, it's not even
a mill town any more.

That's just been sold to

Some group called Amber Arrow.


It's a .253 casing.

From a stolen rifle, I reckon.


Forensics have called in
the results

on the paint chip and the tail
light glass we found in the piggery.

Belongs to a silver car,
possibly a sedan.

Hey, that could be Travis Kingston's
other company car.

Doesn't Eliza work for Travis?

She does.

Yeah, let's go check
with Renae first.

Make sure Eliza had access
to the car that night.

No one goes inside
until Forensics get here.

We've been waiting for you.


What are you doing here?

I heard they put you
in an asylum.

My father did, yeah.

Do you think you're mad?

No. Not any more.

I'm glad you came.

I know who you are.

You were a scientist,
in Antarctica in 1998.

I'm certainly no scientist.

Police have a partial fingerprint
belonging to a David Owen.

- It's found on Chloe's belt.
- Meaning?

Meaning if they took your fingerprint,
they'd have a match.

I know you killed Chloe.

- I didn't kill her.
- You're a liar.

She was already dead
when I found her.

I don't believe you.

She was at the back
of the old Sullivan house.

I moved her body
to protect people.

What people?

People like you and me.

I traced Amber Arrow's
chain of title.

It's registered as
a biotech company

but it's origins fall off the
radar as soon as you get to Denmark.

So what conclusion
have you come to?

It's a front.
Who are you working for?

What are you doing
with all this stuff?

Why do you have thiopentone?

This is Schedule 8.

It's a hallucinogen. You can't
administer this unless you're a doctor.

That's why I'm glad you came.

The lesions.

You know, people tell me
I was close to my father.

We were inseparable.

But I don't remember.

I don't remember anything
before that day in the forest.

It's a traumatic time point.

What about you, David?

What do you remember?

You used to care about people.

Used to care
about the environment.

You were a husband.
You had a son.


My name is Dr Colleen McKay.

Wait. Wait. Wait, please!

Who is she?

An extraordinary woman.

There's no scientific mind
quite like hers.

Let me speak to her, please.

You could be like her, Anna.
You could be an extraordinary doctor.

I don't want that any more.

- What do you want?
- I wanna know who I am.

- The truth?
- Yes.

You've seen it.

The twin moons,
shifting time...

-...the seeds have
dislocated everything.

Seeds? You mean the spheres?

What are they doing?

They bring new life.

A new order.

And by you coming with me,
it will tip the balance.

We have a plan.

We want you
to be a part of it.

Is that why
you killed Dominic?

'Cause he worked out
your plan?

Dominic's dead?

A bullet to the temple,
but I think you know that already.

No, but I know who killed him.


- They stole the rifles.
- Who did?

They're sick and contaminated.

They don't understand
that they're dangerous.

There are others.

How many?



We need you to help us.

Why me?

Because you're one of us, Anna.

I need to speak to my father.

Don't you want to
know the truth?

Because it's only the truth
that's left now.



Door's unlocked.

Renae, you home?

I'll check the garage.



Bloody electricity,
that'll be next.

No water, no electricity.

All ready for the concert?

We've got a long drive.

Thanks, Renae, for taking her.

Are you sure?

I mean,
I'd take her myself, but...

- All set?
- Yep.

Now don't forget to smile.

Judges love a smile.

She'll be fine.

Come on.

You can sit
in the front with me.


The car's not in the garage.

What's that?

I saw this lipstick
on Chloe's camera.

It was sitting in the grass.

It was the last photo
taken that night.

Oh, shit.


It's the spare keys
to the Jag.

To Anna's car.

By the time you have read this,
I will be gone

and what I leave behind
is some of the pain

that others
have inflicted on me.

To all the parents
and their children.

To those who have
laughed at me...

...turned their back on me.

Kettering Hotel, Deb speaking.

Yeah, she was just here.

She's taken Matilda
to a concert.


I don't want you
to look at me with pity.

I want you to feel my pain.

I just rang the organizers.

There is no concert.

I'll call it in.

Deb, is there somewhere
we can talk?

Nobody knows what
it's like to lose a child.

The desperate helplessness,
the aching loss.

People look at you
like you're contagious

with some horrible disease
they don't want to catch.

But they don't really care.

Now you'll know
what it feels like.

Chloe had to pay the price
for you all.

My precious Gillian
was taken from me.

Perhaps it was punishment
for my sins,

but who can say
they live without sin?

Anna, it's me.

Please call me as soon as
you get this message.

I need to
talk to you urgently.

I'm sorry I let you down.

I need you to come home.


I love you.

I'm sorry, Barb.


- Hey, Macca.
- Good day, guys. How are we?

What the hell is that?

What do you reckon that is?

Buggered if I know.

And that bloody noise.

Oh, Adam, thank God you're here.
Where have you been?

Where have you been?


One of our cars left
about five minutes ago.

Yeah, great.

There's a sighting of a car
matching Renae's up near Bothwell.

They got three cars
out there already.

It's our job to wait here
in case Renae shows up.

I think Renae killed Chloe
to get back at Anna.

Let's let them bury their
daughter before we tell 'em, okay?

I'm going to go
and pay my respects.

Oh shit.

Why are you here?
Why aren't you looking for her?

Well, Deb, we've got
people looking for her.

What's going on?

Renae took her.

- She took Matilda.
- Took her? Where?

Barb, Max, we need to talk.
Let's go inside.

Get your hands off my wife.



You know who killed Chloe,
don't you?


Tell her.

It was Renae.


I'm so sorry.


- Fergus?
- What?

We need to go. Now.


Someone's reported hearing gunshots
coming from Mother Sullivan's Ridge.



Dutch, come on, let's go!


Anna, help me!

We gather here today to celebrate
the life of Chloe Holloway,

who has returned to her home,
with our Father in Heaven.

The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.

He leadeth me beside
the still waters.

He restoreth my soul.

He leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness for his namesake.

Yea, though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil.

For thou art with me.

Thy rod and thy staff
comfort me.

Thou preparest a table
before me

in the presence of my enemies.

Thou anointest my head
with oil.

My cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy will
follow me all the days of my life.

And I will dwell in the House
of the Lord forever.



I need blood.


It's all right.

going to be all right.

I was wrong.

Forgive me, Fergus.

The King's Lomatia.

Survived for 43,000 years
against the odds.

It survived
and allowed us to live.

We've reached a critical mass,
a threshold.

It's too late
to save humankind.

But we can change it.

You didn't just come here to find
out what happened to Gillian, Anna.

You came here to find out
what happened to you.

You made
the right decision, Anna.

Who's there?


Who's there?


What happened to you?

Oh, my God.