The InBESTigators (2019–…): Season 2, Episode 5 - The Case of the Rosemary Riddle - full transcript

Ezra's Nanna is visiting and keeps interrupting his detective work which upsets him. She unexpectedly gives the Inbestigators a case to crack, which does give something for Ezra to be thankful for.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[upbeat instrumental rock music playing]

[voice over]
The Case of the Rosemary Riddle.

The best part about having
a granny flat in your backyard,

is that you can have
a detective agency in it.

[Ava] Have you seen Otto?

We will find
Mr Henderson's cat in no time.

The worst part about having
a granny flat in your backyard,

is that you can have a granny in it.

So, we'll put these on every

-[vacuum cleaner whirs]
-telegraph pole on our street and...


Technically I have a nanna,
not a granny,

who stays in the flat when
she visits from Newcastle.

Which is what just happened.

Nanna! Nanna!

Oh! Oh, sorry, Ezra.

I got my headphones in. [Sighs]
This vacuum cleaner is so noisy!

Did you say something?

Nanna had been staying with
us for three whole weeks.

She'd really been cramping up my space.

But Ezra, it's her space.
It's her granny flat.

I'm not talking about the granny flat,
I'm talking about my house!

-[Ezra] If I was inside...
-[loud music starts playing]

Time for my soap opera!

[Ezra] Nanna was there.

[Ezra] If I was outside...

-[loud music starts playing]
-This is the perfect spot for my Zumba!

[Ezra] Nanna was there.

-[Ezra] Wherever I was...
-[Nanna] Bonjour, comment ca va?

Bonjour, comment ca va?

[Ezra] Nanna was right beside me.

It's my Learning French app.

It's nice that your Nanna
likes being with you.

I like being with her too.
Just not 24 hours a day.

Oh, it's good, you're awake.

Nanna! How long have
you been sitting there?!

It's my last day, I was so excited
to talk about our plans for today!

The problem was I that really
wanted my own plans for the day.

It's just that Mr Henderson
has lost his cat Otto,

and really wants me and the other
Inbestigators to find it for him.

Oh, of course you have
to do that for him.

-I have to go to the

market to get ingredients for
my special lamb roast tonight,

so, while I'm gone you can use
my little flat as your office again.

-Thank you, Nanna!
-[Nanna laughs]

So, she said you could use
the office and she would leave but...

She didn't! We tried to work while
she cleaned and dusted and

[both] Vacuumed.

Nanna, it's hard to talk and think
with the noisy vacuum cleaner.

Oh, Ezra I'm sorry! I was just trying to
get things cleaned before I leave tomorrow

but it can wait.

Look, I just go and feed the cat,
then I'll head off to the market.

How's that?

That was really nice of Nanna.

There was only one problem
with what she'd just said.

When did you get a cat?

We didn't.

If I was a little bit frustrated before,

I was about to get
a lot bit frustrated now.

Nanna what are you doing?!

I'm feeding your cat.

-We don't have a cat!
-What?! No?

Poppy said to me before
she left for dance camp,

make sure you feed Tibbles.

Tibbles is her goldfish!

Oh, my goodness,
then who's been feeding Tibbles?

I've been feeding Tibbles!

Oh dear, so I've been feeding...

[all] Otto!

Yes Mr Henderson. We have seen Otto.

Well the good news is that we
found Mr Henderson's cat.

The bad news is your Nanna is a thief.

I can't believe how silly I am!

I will take Otto back to
Mr Henderson to explain everything.

At least he's safe and sound, right?


[Ezra] Of course I was
glad that Otto was safe...

but I don't want this to sound terrible...

I'd been looking forward
to him being lost for a little while.

That does sound terrible.

I just mean because the detective agency
had been on pause while Nanna was staying,

I missed it.
I wanted to solve a mystery again.

I know how much you like
solving mysteries Ezra,

Sorry I spoil your fun.

How about we do something special and I
take you all to the market today with me?

The market is not special.

I go to the market every
weekend with my Mum.

Nobody likes going to the market.

-[Kyle] Salami!
-And so much cheese!

I want to go to every single stall.

Okay, apparently everybody
likes going to the market.

Except me.

Now, we need to get all the ingredients
for my special lamb roast tonight.

Ezra, hold my list for me, please.

I know it off by heart but don't
you lose it, you will need it.

That list is my secret code!

A secret code?
It was a shopping list not a treasure map.

Ooh, I love lamb roast!

What are your secret ingredients, Nanna?
I mean, sorry, can we call you Nanna?

Call me Rosemary, that's my name.

The funny thing is,
it's also an ingredient on my list.

We need another Rosemary?

Rosemary is a herb.

One of those ones that's stink in
your hand but really yummy in a dish.

Exactly Ava!
Now, we've got meat, Rosemary...

What else, Ezra?

Rosemary. Thyme...

Time? How can time be in a recipe?

Not time as in clock-time,
thyme as in herb-time.

It's T.H.Y.M.E.

And very important, have to put
the rosemary on before the thyme.

Got that, Ezra?

This was literally
the worst day of my life.

Nothing could cheer me up.

And what's the last thing
on the list Ezra?

Jam donuts.

Okay, something could cheer me up.

Donuts! Finally, a word I've
heard of on the shopping list.

-I love jam donuts!
-Me too!

Can we get them now, Nanna?

I think we should get
the other ingredients first,

then we go to the donut truck.

because at twelve o'clock,
they pop out some fresh donuts,

if we all get there exactly at twelve,

we should be right on time
for steaming hot jam donuts.

Sound good Ezra?

I had to admit, steaming hot jam donuts
did sound worth waiting for.

Rosemary, Ezra's Nanna,
said we should start shopping,

but Kyle wanted to have
a cheese sample at the deli first.

Won't be a minute guys. Mm.

Kyle, you take one piece of cheese
to sample, not the whole plate.

We made Kyle put the cheese plate back,
but then when we turned around...

Ezra, where's your Nanna?

Nanna was gone!

-Where did she go?
-She was right here.

She must have just
popped to a nearby stall.

It was so weird.

Rosemary had been standing right with us,
and then she had vanished.

-Ezra was really worried.
-I wasn't really worried.

Something terrible must have happened!

Alright, I was really worried.

Nanna, who hadn't left
my side for three weeks,

had suddenly left my side completely.

I know!
We'll go to the Lost and Found desk.

I bet she's been found there.

-Good idea, let's go.
-[Maudie] Ezra, wait!

I don't think she's lost.

I think your Nanna is giving us a puzzle.

A puzzle?

Your Nanna said that this
shopping list was a secret code.

She told you not to lose it,
that you would need it, remember?

Oh, my goodness, Ezra, Maudie's right!

She knew you were upset that
you didn't have a mystery to solve

after we found Otto.
-So, she set you a mystery herself.

-I don't get it.
-Rosemary is on the shopping list.

I think that means we have to find not
rosemary the herb, but Rosemary the Nanna.

Of course, that's what Nanna was doing!

Suddenly I wasn't worried any more.

We started solving the puzzle.

There was only one problem.

I have no idea how to solve this puzzle.

We need to buy the items
on the shopping list.

The first thing on the list
was the meat for the roast,

so, we went to the butchers'
where my Mum goes.

But as we lined up, I remembered...

Oh wait!

How are we supposed to buy this?

We don't have any money!

Oh, that's easy, we'll tell them
we can't pay them now, but in...

six years,
I can get a part-time job here,

and they can take money out of my pay for
a few months until I've paid off the lamb.

That's very kind of you Kyle,
but I think we'll be okay.

G'day Ezra! Your Nanna said you'd
be stopping by to pick this up.

-She did?
-When was she here?

Ah... my lips are sealed.

Maudie was definitely right,
Nanna had set us a puzzle!

I couldn't believe she'd planned this.

We needed to get the next thing
on the list which were the herbs.

-Hi Sylvia.
-Hello Ezra.

Let me guess, you're looking
for some rosemary... and some thyme.

So, my Nanna's been in here?

Nanna? What Nanna?
I didn't even know you had a Nanna.

That is so weird.

She doesn't know your Nanna,

but she gave you exactly
the herbs we needed on the list.

Oh, I get it,
she's part of the puzzle, isn't she?

Is she? I'm very confused.

I could understand why Kyle was confused.

Nannas don't often go around
the market setting up mysteries

with shopkeepers
for their grandkids to solve.

It was so much fun!

We now had the three
items on the shopping list.

[Ezra] The meat,
the thyme and the rosemary.

Wait, I thought we were looking for
Rosemary the person not rosemary the herb.

We are!

Then why am I holding
this rosemary the herb,

which, by the way, Ava, you're right,
is very stinky in your hand.

Oh yeah... why do we have the herb
if we're looking for the Nanna?

That's obvious. Maudie, why is it obvious?

It must be a clue.
Let's see, so far, we've got the rosemary.

The thyme and the meat.

Maudie had her very best thinking face on,

so, we knew she was about
to say something amazing.

What if the rosemary is not the rosemary,

and the thyme is not the thyme
and the meat is not the meat?

Or not.

What if all the words are clues?

Ezra, what did your Nanna say
to you about the recipe?

The rosemary has
to go on before the thyme.

And Kyle has the rosemary...

And Ava has the thyme...

but what if it's not thyme as in herb time
but time as in clock time.

And what if it's not meat
as in lamb but meet as in...

Meet up with someone!

Meet - Rosemary - on - Time!

Meet Rosemary on time!

We'd cracked the secret code!

Sort of.

We have to meet your Nanna on time.

-But how do we know what time?
-And also, when?

And also, I have no idea what
anybody's been talking about

for the last five minutes.

What's the last thing
on the shopping list?

-Jam donuts.
-Ooh, I know! Your Nanna said...

So, if we all get there exactly at twelve,
we should be right on time,

for steaming hot jam donuts.

We have to meet Rosemary
at the donut truck at twelve o'clock!

It's almost twelve now! Come on!

-You... you solved the last clue.

Well, it was about getting hot donuts,
of course, I did.

If only all our cases ended
with hot jam donuts.

Kyle would be a lot more focussed.

We ran through
the market to the donut truck,

and when we got there the line was huge.

[Ezra] She's not in the line.

That's because she's in the truck.

Well done, Ezra! You found me!

Why was my Nanna
inside the donut truck?

Well, when I told them what I was up to,

they said that solving this mystery
called for extra special donuts.

Nanna had made us
all hot jam donut letters.

[Ezra] They were so good.

I'm sorry I've been a bit of
a nuisance during my visit.

What? No!

Maybe a little bit.

I miss you when I'm back home.

I know.

Ezra, your Nanna is awesome.

She is.

She should move in with you.

Let's not get carried away.

[upbeat instrumental rock music playing]

[voice over]
The Case of the Robot Robbery.

-On school Dress Up days, Patrick...
-Speaking of Dress Up days,

What does a duck wear to a wedding?

A duxedo. Because it's a duck
and a tuxedo mixed together.

-We're reporting a case.
-I'm helping by adding some jokes.


Patrick O'Leary is not famous
for being great at Dress Up days.

On 'Happy Health Day',

everyone went to a lot of trouble
to dress up as fruits and vegetables,

but Patrick just wore a big brown
paper bag and came as a potato.

Then on 'Celebrate your History Day',

he wore the same paper bag,

and said he was celebrating
the history of Ireland by being a potato.

So on 'Science and Technology Day',

I expected to see Patrick in his
usual outfit as some kind of potato.

Patrick! Why aren't you a pot...?
Oh, I get it!

It's Science and Technology Day,
you're a genetically modified potato!

Speaking of potatoes,
why did the potato wedges cross the road?

To get to the other sides.

Because potato wedges are called sides
on a menu and it's like the chicken joke.

Okay, Patrick wasn't
a genetically modified potato.

Patrick wasn't any kind of potato.

I'm a robot.

This was officially
the worst costume ever.

Patrick was wearing a black stretchy
suit and he did not look like a robot.

He looked like the lady
on my Mum's Pilates app.

I'm kind of struggling to
see the robot part right now.

Me too. Because my costume was stolen.

Someone took your paper bag?

It wasn't a paper bag!

It was an actual, proper robot
costume that I spent weeks making.

Patrick always has the best
entries in the science fair,

so, I could believe that he made a robot.

-Speaking of robots...
-No. Patrick's costume sounded amazing.

It has tube arms made out of a clothes
dryer duct with spray painted silver boxes

and cake tins as panels and I had
a row of silver batteries I'd stuck on

with magnets that operated flashing
lights that I borrowed from my sister.

She's going to kill me
for losing her lights.

Wait, so you were wearing it?
Then how did someone steal it?

-I had to take it off.

I needed to go to the toilet.

Couldn't you leave some of the costume on?

Wearing a unitard was a really bad idea.

Patrick had left his robot costume outside
the boy's toilets when someone took it.

And he wanted us to find out who.

If I'm not allowed to do jokes am I at
least allowed to tell some of the story?

Of course. Go on.

We called an emergency
Inbestigators lunchtime meeting,

so we could ask Patrick things
about his missing robot,

like what was its favourite music,
heavy metal?

[giggles] Hey! That was a joke!

Thank you.

Kyle did not want to have
an emergency meeting.

I'm in the middle of soccer!

Someone has stolen
Patrick's robot costume.

I promised him that we'd find it
before the parade after lunch.

-How do you know it was stolen?
-I saw them.

You know who it was?

-Seriously guys, we're nine nil and...
-It was a mad professor.

Kyle had come as a mad professor.

Wait, what?

If you were in the boys' toilets,

how did you see the mad professor
take your robot outside?

I was washing my hands at the sink,

and I heard a noise which made me look up

and through the window
I saw a mad professor.

-and he had my costume under his arm.

I called out to stop him, but he ran away.

Did you chase after him?

I hadn't finished washing my hands.

Patrick is very hygienic. He's won the
Tidy Student award three terms in a row.

Also, I didn't think it would be hard
to track down the mad professor.

Don't look at me. Look at them.

And them...

There was a movie on at the cinema
called The Bad Mad Professor,

and every second kid in the school came
dressed as the bad mad professor,

which, as I told Kyle,

is technically dressing
as a movie character,

not as someone from science or technology.

The mad professor is totally
someone from science, Ezra!

Anyway, why are you mad with me, look
at Ava. She dressed as a gold rush lady!

Excuse me, Kyle! I'm Marie Curie!

She discovered radioactivity
and then she became radioactive,

and that's why she died because
everything about her was radioactive,

even this necklace.

Pretty sure you're not allowed
to wear a radioactive necklace, Ava.

Guys, stop arguing.

We need to help Patrick find out which
bad mad professor stole his robot.

Okay, Patrick,
can you tell us everything you remember

about what you saw through that window.

-Um... he had a bald cap...
-Are you sure it was a boy?

[Kyle] Seriously Maudie?

The mad professor is obviously a boy.
have you even seen the movie?

Have you even seen that half
the mad professors here are girls?

I don't think so.

Ava, will you be my partner in the parade?

Why does that boy sound like Pixie?

Maudie was right. The mad professor
could have been a boy or a girl,

and there were about
a million of them to choose from.

We needed Patrick
to remember something else.

You said that you heard a noise from
the bathroom that made you look up.

-Did the mad professor drop something?

Oh! I think they were the batteries
and magnets from my costume.

I'd taken them off with my sister's
lights before I went to the toilet,

because she would
yell at me if I broke them.

But you're not certain?

It's hard to be sure
but I think they were batteries.

Patrick had something
in common with the batteries.

-He was only half positive.

-Because batteries are...
-I get it.

The spilled batteries and
magnets didn't really help us.

We needed something else from Patrick.
And Kyle was determined to get it.

Think, Patrick, think!

There must be something you haven't
told us! We only have a few minutes left.

-Before the parade?
-For me to play soccer.

I've told you everything I can remember!

He looked like you all did,

the wig, the white coat,
the black pants, the red sneakers.

Red sneakers?

Patrick remembering red
sneakers was very important.

Because the bad mad professor
in the movie wears red shoes.

But hardly anyone at school
has sneakers that are red,

so, we had really narrowed things down.

You told us that when
you arrived at school,

you saw a bad mad
professor in the playground?

-Was he or she wearing red sneakers?

[Patrick] Yes!

That mad professor definitely was!

There are only two people
I know with red sneakers.

Duncan Kent in Grade six
and Mario in our class.

Yes. It must absolutely be one of those
two people with the red sneakers.

And it couldn't be anyone else because
she wouldn't steal anything ever.

Who wouldn't?

Pixie, I am so sorry but we
need to ask you some questions.

Pixie is Ava's best friend so Ava
felt bad that she was a suspect.

Which is why Kyle stepped in.

You're too close, Ava. I'll handle this.
Pixie, where were you early this morning?

-At home.
-After that.

-In the car with my Dad.
-After that.

At the bakery because we stopped to get a

-cheesy scroll.
-After that.

What Kyle means is did you see
Patrick in his costume this morning?


-Did you see him take it off?
-Ew, no, why would I?

Not his unitard, his other costume.

What other costume? I thought he came
as the lady from my Mum's Pilates app.

Pixie had no idea what
we were talking about.

Which is not unusual.

But it meant she had not
taken Patrick's robot costume.

We needed to talk to the other
two owners of the red sneakers.

What did the left sneaker
say to the right sneaker?

I don't want to be in this joke?

You're my sole mate. S-O-L-E.

We called Mario over.

can I please ask the questions again?

I've got this, I promise.

Fine but keep it short this time.

Mario, Patrick took his robot costume
off outside the toilet and you stole it.


Okay. Thanks for your time.

Not that short.

Ava went and found
the last pair of red sneakers,

which belonged
to Duncan in Patrick's class.

And this time Maudie did the questions.

-Duncan, let's start at the beginning.

What do you guys want?

Did you see Patrick arrive
at school this morning?


So, you didn't see him
dressed as anything else?


Because Patrick thinks
someone stole his costume.

-Well it wasn't me!

Yes really!
What would I want with a robot costume?

How do you know it was a robot
costume if you didn't see Patrick in it?

And that, Kyle,
is how you do an interrogation! Gotcha!


Everyone knows it was a robot costume.
He told the whole class he was making it.

Yeah... I actually did.

Probably should have
mentioned that, Patrick.

Sorry Maudie if I wrecked
your line of questioning.

We all got a bit excited yesterday
when Mr Barker said,

I am awarding fifty
house points to the best

science and technology costume in Grade
six, so have your game faces on, people!

Yes! I'm building a robot costume!
I am so going to win those points!

But just because Duncan knew about it,
doesn't mean he didn't take it.

But why would he take it if he already
had his own really good costume?

-I think we should get Mario back.
-You think Mario took it?

No, but he's fun to be with. I miss him.

[school bell rings]

The bell went for the end of lunch,

and we felt bad that
Patrick had to do the parade

as the lady in the Pilates
app and not a robot.

I can't believe I have to walk around
in front of the school in this unitard.

Maybe you can say you're a black hole!

Because your whole costume is black!
Couldn't he Maudie?


The boys' toilet is next
to the playground.

So, whoever picked up the robot
costume ran through here and...

And then what?

Come on!

Maudie was running away from the
classroom and into the out-of-bounds area.

She was dressed as an astronaut which
was why she was being astronaughty.

Do you want to write that one down?

We're at the exciting bit of the story
Ezra. This is no time for jokes.

We ran through the out-of-bounds gate.

Maudie, what are we doing here?

This is illegal, Maudie!
We'll get arrested!

Kyle is overstating it slightly but
we're not allowed to be in here!

This is out-of-bounds.

Exactly. So, if somebody wanted to hide a
robot costume so no one would find it,

this would be the perfect...


[Patrick] My costume!

There was Patrick's robot,
all neatly stacked under a bush.

It looks awesome, Patrick.
Is it all there?

Well the batteries and magnets
that he dropped are gone,

but that's okay,
I just won't have my flashing lights.

I wonder where they went.

Doesn't matter. I can't thank you enough,
guys! You are amazing.

You are amazing!

No need to thank us, you just get
us those house points, champ!

-You're not in his house Kyle.
-Oh. Bummer.

Maudie, who took the costume?

I'm sure it was Duncan.

I think he got annoyed when he saw
how many people were turned up

as the bad mad professor,

and then he saw how good
the robot costume was,

I think he got worried Patrick
would win the house points.

But we can't prove it.

Ava, can I borrow your pendant?

Maudie took Ava's
Marie Curie pendant necklace,

and ran over to where everyone
was lining up for the parade.

But she didn't line
up with the Grade fives.

-This is the Grade six line.
-I know.

Then get out of it!

What can we do for you, Miss Miller?

Hi Mr Barker. I was just interested
to know how Duncan was doing that.

-Making that pendant stick to his pocket.

-[Duncan] What is that?
-That's my Marie Curie pendant necklace.

How is it sticking there?!

Well, it's disappointing that you have
to ask on science and technology day,

but I suspect it's because you
have a magnet in your pocket?

Can you explain what's going on?

When the batteries and magnets weren't
with the rest of Patrick's costume,

-Maudie realised that...
-Duncan must have put them in his pocket

when he dropped them.
Then, luckily for us,

he forgot about them,
so, we had proof he took Patrick's robot.

Duncan got in so much
trouble from Mr Barker.

He has to pick up
rubbish for the whole term.

Patrick obviously won the house points
for having the best costume.

Patrick was so happy and grateful.

That he took us to the frozen
yoghurt shop to say thank you.

When we got there the door was closed,
we tapped on it and said "Knock Knock".

-Who's there?
-The Inbestigators.

The Inbestigators who?

We'll ask the questions around here!

[upbeat instrumental rock music playing]